
mass Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Masse, Menge
sich (in großer Zahl) versammeln v
to mass
Nettomasse f chem.
net mass
Massensteuer f fin.
mass tax
Luftmasse f meteo.
air mass
Massenstrom m phys.
mass flow
Landmasse f geogr.
land mass
Körpermasse pl
body mass
Hochamt n; Hochmesse f; Hohe Messe f relig.
High Mass
Gebirgskörper m min.
rock mass
Ruhemasse f
rest mass
Prüfmasse f techn.
proof mass
mass media
Gesamtmasse f
total mass
Molmasse f chem.
molar mass
zur Messe gehen
go to mass
Rorate-Messe f relig.
Rorate mass
Masse f; Paste f; Gemisch n chem. pharm.
paste; mass
Massenverhaftung f
mass arrest
Muskelmasse f med.
muscle mass
Abendmesse f, Abendgottesdienst m relig.
evening mass
grafische Massenberechnung f constr.
mass diagram
Massenanteil m
mass portion
Massenausgleich m techn.
mass balance
Massendichte f
mass density
Massengesellschaft f soc.
mass society
Massenkultur f
mass culture
Massentourismus m
mass tourism
Massenbilanz f; Stoffbilanz f chem.
mass balance
Massenversammlung f
mass meeting
Massivumformung f
mass forming
Abendmesse f; Abendgottesdienst m relig.
evening mass
mass tourism
Stoffhaushalt m
mass balance
Verpackungsmaß n
packing mass
mass storage
mass industry
Massenfragment n
mass fragment
Fettmasse f
fat mass; fat
Luftmassenstrom m techn.
air mass flow
Isotopenmasse f chem.
isotopic mass
Massenspektrum n
mass spectrum
Massenwahn m; Massenhysterie f psych.
mass hysteria
Massenverpflegung f
mass catering
Menge f
Mengen pl
zur Messe gehen
to go to mass
Massendokumente pl
Massendurchsatz m
mass flow rate
Christmesse f; Christmette f relig.
Christmas Mass
mass dismissals
Massenproduktion, Massenfertigung
mass production
Massenabfertigung f
mass processing
unausgewuchtete Masse f; Unwucht f
unbalanced mass
Massenaussterben n biol.
mass extinction
Massenverarbeitung f
mass processing
Massenerzeugung f, Massenfabrikation f, Massenfertigung f
mass production
Drehmasse f phys. techn.
rotational mass
Körpermassenzahl f; Body-Mass-Index m BMI
body mass index
Körpermassenzahl f; Body-Mass-Index m BMI
body mass index
Kindermesse f relig.
children's mass
Massenwiderstand m
mass resistance
serienmäßig herstellen
to mass-produce
Massenauflage, Massenverbreitung
mass circulation
Protonenruhemasse f phys.
proton rest mass
Massenwerbung, geballte Werbung
mass advertising
Massenauflage f
mass circulation
Massenvernichtung f mil.
mass destruction
mass unemployment
Neutronenruhemasse f phys.
neutron rest mass
Massenvertrieb m econ.
mass distribution
Massenverteilung f
mass distribution
Doppelsummenkurve f
double mass curve
Massenarbeitslosigkeit f
mass unemployment
Massenspektrometrie f
mass spectrometry
massenspektrometrisch adj chem.
mass communication
massenspektrometrisch adj
Zwei-Massen-Schwungrad n
dual mass flywheel
Elektronenruhemasse f phys.
electron rest mass
Massenkommunikation f
mass communication
in Serie hergestellt werden, serienmäßig hergestellt werden, seriell hergestellt werden
to be mass-produced
in Serie hergestellt werden; serienmäßig hergestellt werden; seriell hergestellt werden v
to be mass-produced
in Serie hergestellt werden; serienmäßig hergestellt werden; seriell hergestellt werden
to be mass-produced
Massenkundgebung f
rally, mass meeting
Massenkonsumgüter pl econ.
mass consumer goods
Schmelze f (Metall)
melting, molten mass
Requiem n; Totenmesse f
requiem; requiem mass
mass-produced article
Requiem n, Totenmesse f
requiem, requiem mass
Massenflucht f, massenhaftes Verlassen, Exodus m, panische Flucht f
mass exodus, stampede
Beschimpfungen pl; Schmähungen pl geh. ling. soc.
invective mass noun
Massenflucht f; Exodus m soc.
mass exodus; stampede
sich dem Massentourismus öffnen
open up to mass tourism
Breitensport m
mass sport, mass sports
(Muskelmasse) aufbauen v sport
to bulk up (muscle mass)
Massenveranstaltung f soc.
Massenveranstaltungen pl
mass event
mass events
Massengrab n
mass grave, common grave
Massenverbindungstechnik f
mass termination methods
Massengrab m
Massengräber pl
mass grave
mass graves
Massenmedium n
Massenmedien pl
mass medium
mass media
Konzelebration f (der Messe) relig.
concelebration (of Mass)
exklusive Neuigkeit f; Exklusivbericht m (eines Massenmediums)
scoop (of a mass medium)
Massendurchfluss m; Massenfluss m; Massenstrom m phys.
mass flow rate; mass flow
Massenverfolgung f (von jdm.) pol.
mass persecution (of sb.)
Hauptmasse f
bulk; main mass; majority
Grundmasse f; Matrix f
ground mass; matrix; base
Massenpunkt m
Massenpunkte pl
point mass
point masses
Massenmord m
Massenmorde pl
mass murder
mass murders
sich ansammeln; sich anhäufen v
sich ansammelnd; sich anhäufend
sich angesammelt; sich angehäuft
to mass
sich zusammenballen v (Wolken) meteo.
sich zusammenballend
sich zusammengeballt
to mass
Massenverhaftung f pol.
Massenverhaftungen pl
mass arrest
mass arrests
Massenspeicher m
bulk storage; mass storage
Massenbedarfsgüter pl econ.
commodities in mass demand
Massenwirkung f
Massenwirkungen pl
mass impact
mass impacts
Massenspeicher m
bulk storage, mass storage
sich zusammenballen (Wolken) meteo.
sich zusammenballend
sich zusammengeballt
to mass
sich ansammeln, sich anhäufen v
sich ansammelnd, sich anhäufend
sich angesammelt, sich angehäuft
to mass
Massenvernichtungsmittel pl
means of mass extermination
Massenanteil m
Massenanteile pl
mass portion
mass portions
Schmelze f (geschmolzene Masse)
molten material; molten mass
Massenprotest m
Massenproteste pl
mass protest
mass protests
Messe f relig.
Messen pl
zur Messe gehen
to go to Mass
Massenvernichtung f
mass extermination; holocaust
Massenvernichtung f
mass extermination, holocaust
Stofftransport m phys.
mass transport; mass transfer
planetengroßes Objekt n; Objekt n mit planetenähnlicher Masse; Planemo m astron.
planetar-mass object; planemo
Massenmörder m, Massenmörderin f
Massenmörder pl, Massenmörderinnen pl
mass murderer
mass murderers
Massenbewegung f pol.
Massenbewegungen pl
mass movement
mass movements
Trauungsmesse f; Brautmesse f; Brautamt n (katholische Kirche) relig.
nuptial Mass (Catholic Church)
Massenfragment n
Massenfragmente pl
mass fragment
mass fragments
Massenpsychose f
Massenpsychosen pl
mass hysteria
mass hysterias
Massenmörder m; Massenmörderin f
Massenmörder pl; Massenmörderinnen pl
mass murderer
mass murderers
Christmette f relig.
Christmetten pl
Midnight Mass
Midnight Masses
Freiluftmesse f relig.
Freiluftmessen pl
open air mass
open air masses
Massenausgleich m techn.
mass balance; mass compensation
Gewichtsnummerierung f; Titer m (von Fasern) textil.
linear mass density (of fibres)
Wassermasse f
mass of water; torrent of water
Massenhinrichtung f; Massenexekution f
Massenhinrichtungen pl; Massenexekutionen pl
mass execution
mass executions
binieren v (zweimal am Tag die Messe lesen) relig.
to binate (say Mass twice a day)
Reihenuntersuchung f med.
Reihenuntersuchungen pl
mass screening
mass screenings
Massenproduktion f
mass-production; large production
Massenproduktion f
mass-production, large production
Massenentlassung f
Massenentlassungen pl
mass dismissal
mass dismissalss

Deutsche Masse Menge Synonyme

Heer  ÂMasse  ÂMenge  ÂSchwarm  ÂUnzahl  ÂVielzahl  
molare  Masse  ÂMolmasse  
Haufen  ÂKlumpen  ÂMasse  
Brei  Âbreiige  Masse  ÂPampe  (derb)  
breite  Masse  ÂFußvolk  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂVolk  
Auflauf  ÂMasse  ÂMenschenmasse  ÂMenschenmenge  ÂMeute  ÂPulk  
Anzahl  ÂMenge  ÂQuantität  
Art  ÂGattung  ÂKlasse  ÂMenge  
Ãœberfluss  ÂFülle  ÂMenge  
Komplex  ÂMenge  von  Gebäuden  
hunderte  von  ...  Âjede  Menge  ...  
eine  Menge  Âsehr  viel  
Gedränge  ÂMenge  ÂMenschenmasse  ÂMenschenmenge  
Gruppe  ÂHaufen  ÂMenge  ÂPartie  ÂPosten  
Haufen  ÂMenge  ÂSatz  ÂStapel  ÂStoß  
Absolutbetrag  (fachsprachlich)  ÂBetrag  ÂMenge  ÂSumme  
ein  wenig  Âkleine  Menge  Âklitzekleines  bisschen  
Kennziffer  ÂMenge  ÂNr.  ÂNummer  ÂVielheit  ÂZahl  ÂZiffer  
diverse  Âetliche  Âjede  Menge  Âmehrere  Âverschiedene  Âviele  Âzahlreiche  Âzig  (umgangssprachlich)  
üppig  Âen  masse  Âim  Ãœberfluss  Âin  Hülle  und  Fülle  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmassenhaft  Âreich  Âreichhaltig  Âreichlich  Âunbegrenzt  Âviel  Âwie  Sand  am  Meer  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzahlreich  
ausgeprägt  Âbeträchtlich  Âdeutlich  Âeine  gehörige  Portion  (umgangssprachlich)  Âenorm  Âerheblich  Âimmens  Âjede  Menge  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsehr  Âviel  Âweit  Âwesentlich  Âziemlich  
Maße  Metrik  
breite Masse  Fußvolk (umgangssprachlich)  Volk  
eine Menge  sehr viel  
molare Masse  Molmasse  
en masse  across the board  all  all at once  all in all  all put together  altogether  as a body  as a whole  at large  

Englische mass Synonyme

Mass  Agnus Dei  Alleluia  Anamnesis  Blessing  Canon  Collect  Communion  Consecration  Credo  Dismissal  Dry Mass  Epistle  Eucharistic rites  Fraction  Gloria  Gospel  Gradual  Introit  Kyrie  Kyrie Eleison  Lady Mass  Last Gospel  Lavabo  Low Mass  Missa  Missa bassa  Missa cantata  Missa legata  Missa media  Missa praesanctificatorum  Missa privata  Missa publica  Missa sicca  Offertory  Paternoster  Pax  Post-Communion  Preface  Requiem Mass  Rosary  Rosary Mass  Sanctus  Secreta  Tersanctus  Tract  bedtime prayer  camp meeting  church  church service  compline  devotions  dirge  divine service  duty  evening devotions  evensong  exercises  lauds  liturgy  matins  meeting  morning devotions  night song  none  nones  novena  office  praise meeting  prayer  prayer meeting  prayers  prime  prime song  public worship  requiem  revival  revival meeting  service  sext  tent meeting  the Divine Liturgy  the Liturgy  tierce  undersong  vesper  vespers  vigils  watch meeting  watch night  watch-night service  
mass  G  G suit  Negro spiritual  a mass of  a world of  abundance  accouple  accumulate  accumulation  acervation  acres  adhere  agglomerate  agglomeration  agglutinate  aggregate  aggregation  aggroup  amass  amassment  amount  amplitude  anthem  apogeotropism  area  army  articulate  assemblage  assemble  associate  assortment  backlog  bag  bags  band  bank  barrel  barrels  batch  best part  better part  bevy  bigness  block  bodily size  body  bond  bottle  box  bracket  breadth  breccia  bridge  bridge over  bring together  budget  bulk  bunch  bunch together  bunch up  bundle  burden  bushel  cake  caliber  can  canaille  cantata  canticle  carat  cement  centigram  chain  chorale  chunk  church music  clap together  clasp  cleave  clinch  cling  cling to  clod  clot  cloud  clump  cluster  clutter  coagulate  coarseness  cohere  cohue  collect  collection  colligate  collocate  combine  come together  commissariat  commissary  compare  compile  comprise  concatenate  concrete  concreteness  concretion  congeal  congeries  conglobation  conglobulate  conglomerate  conglomeration  congregate  conjoin  conjugate  connect  convene  converge  copiousness  copulate  core  cornucopia  corpulence  corpus  corral  countlessness  couple  cover  coverage  covey  crate  crowd  crush  cumulate  cumulation  date  decagram  decigram  deluge  density  depth  diameter  dig up  dimension  dimensions  distance through  doxology  dram  dram avoirdupois  draw together  dredge up  dregs  drive together  dump  durability  dyne  embrace  encompass  enormousness  essence  expanse  expansion  extension  extent  fatness  fill  firmness  flight  flock  flock together  flocks  flood  flow together  force  forgather  freeze to  freight  fuse  galaxy  gang around  gang up  gather  gather around  gather in  gather together  gathering  gauge  generality  geotropism  get in  get together  girth  gist  glomeration  glue  gob  gospel  gospel music  grain  gram  grasp  gravamen  gravitation    
massacre  annihilate  annihilating  annihilation  assassination  assault  attack  battering  bloodbath  bloodshed  bump off  butcher  butchering  butchery  carnage  commit carnage  commit genocide  commit mass murder  decimate  decimation  depopulate  destroy  disorderliness  eliminate  eradicate  execute  execution  exterminate  extermination  final solution  forcible seizure  genocide  holocaust  kill  killing  laying waste  liquidate  liquidation  looting  mass destruction  mass murder  mow down  murder  murder wholesale  murdering  obliterate  obstreperousness  onslaught  pillaging  pogrom  race extermination  race-murder  rape  riot  rioting  sacking  saturnalia of blood  slaughter  slaughtering  slay  slay en masse  slaying  sowing with salt  unruliness  violation  wholesale murder  wipe out  
massage  bandage  bathe  care for  caress  cure  cushion  diagnose  doctor  ease  facial  facial massage  feel up  fiddle  finagle  fluff  flux  fondle  frictionize  gentle  give care to  handle  heal  knead  kneading  laxate  limber  limber up  loosen  manipulate  manipulation  mash  massaging  massotherapy  mellow  milden  minister to  mollify  nose  nurse  nuzzle  operate on  palpate  pet  physic  plaster  plump  poultice  pulp  purge  relax  remedy  rub  rub against  rub down  rub noses  rubdown  shake up  smash  soften  soften up  splint  squash  strap  stroke  stroking  subdue  supple  tenderize  tone down  treat  tune down  vibrator  whirlpool bath  
masses  cog  commonality  commonalty  creature  flunky  follower  hoi polloi  ignobile vulgus  inferior  junior  lightweight  lower class  lower orders  many-headed multitude  mobile vulgus  pawn  second fiddle  secondary  subaltern  subordinate  the common herd  the crowd  the great unnumbered  the great unwashed  the herd  the hoi polloi  the horde  the majority  the many  the masses  the mob  the multitude  third stringer  underling  understrapper  yes-man  
massive  Brobdingnagian  Cyclopean  Gargantuan  adamantine  amplitudinous  astronomical  awesome  awkward  big  boundless  broad-bodied  bulky  bullnecked  burdensome  close  close-knit  close-textured  close-woven  clumsy  coarse  colossal  compact  compacted  compressed  concentrated  concrete  condensed  congested  consolidated  corpulent  cosmic  cracking  crammed  crammed full  crass  crowded  cumbersome  cumbrous  dense  durable  elephantine  enduring  enormous  extensive  fantastic  fat  firm  full  full-bodied  galactic  gargantuan  gigantic  gluey  grand  gross  hard  heavy  heavyset  heavyweight  hefty  huge  hulking  hulky  humongous  immeasurable  immense  impenetrable  impermeable  incumbent  infinite  jam-packed  jammed  jumbo  king-size  large  lasting  leaden  lubberly  lumbering  lumpish  lumpy  mammoth  massy  mighty  monster  monstrous  monumental  mortal  mountainous  nonporous  onerous  oppressive  outsize  overgrown  oversized  overweight  packed  ponderous  prodigious  rugged  serried  sizable  solid  sound  spacious  stable  steady  stout  strong  stupendous  sturdy  substantial  superincumbent  thick  thick-bodied  thick-growing  thickset  three-dimensional  titanic  tough  towering  tremendous  unwieldy  unyielding  vast  viscid  viscose  viscous  voluminous  walloping  weighty  well-built  well-constructed  well-founded  well-grounded  well-made  whopping  

mass Definition

(n.) The sacrifice in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or the consecration and oblation of the host.
(n.) The portions of the Mass usually set to music, considered as a musical composition
(v. i.) To celebrate Mass.
(n.) A quantity of matter cohering together so as to make one body, or an aggregation of particles or things which collectively make one body or quantity, usually of considerable size
(n.) A medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump, of consistency suitable for making pills
(n.) A large quantity
(n.) Bulk
(n.) The principal part
(n.) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume.
(v. t.) To form or collect into a mass

mass Bedeutung

slaughter massacre
mass murder
the savage and excessive killing of many people
mass spectroscopy the use of spectroscopy to determine the masses of small electrically charged particles
mass production the production of large quantities of a standardized article (often using assembly line techniques)
Mass (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist
High Mass a solemn and elaborate Mass with music
Low Mass a Mass recited without music
mass spectrograph a mass spectrometer that produces a graphical representation of the mass spectrum
mass spectrometer
spectroscope for obtaining a mass spectrum by deflecting ions into a thin slit and measuring the ion current with an electrometer
rapid transit
mass rapid transit
an urban public transit system using underground or elevated trains
weapon of mass destruction
a weapon that kills or injures civilian as well as military personnel (nuclear and chemical and biological weapons)
mass the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
critical mass the minimum mass of fissionable material that can sustain a chain reaction
rest mass (physics) the mass of a body as measured when the body is at rest relative to an observer, an inherent property of the body
relativistic mass (physics) the mass of a body in motion relative to the observer: it is equal to the rest mass multiplied by a factor that is greater than and that increases as the magnitude of the velocity increases
gravitational mass (physics) the mass of a body as measured by its gravitational attraction for other bodies
inertial mass (physics) the mass of a body as determined by the second law of motion from the acceleration of the body when it is subjected to a force that is not due to gravity
atomic mass
atomic weight
relative atomic mass
(chemistry) the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units
mass energy (physics) the mass of a body regarded relativistically as energy
molecular weight
relative molecular mass
(chemistry) the sum of the relative atomic masses of the constituent atoms of a molecule
mass volume
the property of something that is great in magnitude, it is cheaper to buy it in bulk, he received a mass of correspondence, the volume of exports
critical mass the minimum amount (of something) required to start or maintain a venture, the battle for the computer market has now reached critical mass, there is now a critical mass of successful women to take the lead, they sold the business because it lacked critical mass
mass culture the culture that is widely disseminated via the mass media
law of mass action (chemistry) the law that states the following principle: the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the molecular concentrations of the reacting substances
mass-energy equivalence (physics) the principle that a measured quantity of mass is equivalent (according to relativity theory) to a measured quantity of energy
mass-action principle
mass action
(neurology) the principle that the cortex of the brain operates as a coordinated system with large masses of neural tissue involved in all complex functioning
conservation of mass
conservation of matter
law of conservation of mass
law of conservation of matter
a fundamental principle of classical physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system
medium mass medium (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public
mass noun a noun that does not form plurals
Mass card (Roman Catholic Church) a card sent to a bereaved family that says the sender has arranged for a Mass to be said in memory of the deceased
body mass index
a measure of someone's weight in relation to height, to calculate one's BMI, multiply one's weight in pounds and divide that by the square of one's height in inches, overweight is a BMI greater than , obese is a BMI greater than
Mass a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian Eucharistic rite, the priest said Mass
Mass a musical setting for a Mass, they played a Mass composed by Beethoven
mass an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)
multitude masses
mass hoi polloi
people the great unwashed
the common people generally, separate the warriors from the mass, power to the people
mass meeting
a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm
center of mass
centre of mass
point representing the mean position of the matter in a body
ice mass a large mass of ice
land mass
a large continuous extent of land
mass a body of matter without definite shape, a huge ice mass
mass murderer a person who is responsible for the deaths of many victims in a single incident
mass defect
mass deficiency
the amount by which the mass of an atomic nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its constituent particles
mass spectrum a distribution of ions as shown by a mass spectrograph or a mass spectrometer
mass unit a unit of measurement for mass
atomic mass unit unit of mass for expressing masses of atoms or molecules
mass number
nucleon number
the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus
b batch
good deal
great deal
hatful heap
pot quite a little
tidy sum
wad v b a
(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent, a batch of letters, a deal of trouble, a lot of money, he made a mint on the stock market, see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos, it must have cost plenty, a slew of journalists, a wad of money
mass hysteria
epidemic hysertia
a condition in which a large group of people exhibit the same state of violent mental agitation
air mass a large body of air with uniform characteristics horizontally
mass-produce produce on a large scale
mass join together into a mass or collect or form a mass, Crowds were massing outside the palace
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Mass is both a property of a physical body and a measure of its resistance to acceleration when a net force is applied. It also determines the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction to other bodies. The basic SI unit of mass is the kilogram .