
mat Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fransenschildkröte f; Mata-Mata f (Chelus fimbriatus) zool.
mata mata; matamata
Matador m, Stierkämpfer m
Matadoren pl, Stierkämpfer pl
Matador m; Stierkämpfer m
Matadoren pl; Stierkämpfer pl
auf jdn. etw. losgehen v; auf jdn. etw. losstürmen v; jdn. angehen; attackieren v
losgehend; losstürmend; angehend; attackierend
losgegangen; losgestürmt; angegangen; attackiert
Der Stürmer attackierte den gegnerischen Torwart.
Der Stier ging auf den Matador los.
Die Fans stürmten auf die Bühne los.
to charge sb. sth.; to charge towards at sb. sth.
charging (towards at)
charged (towards at)
The striker charged the opposition goalkeeper.
The bull charged (at) the matador.
Fans charged the stage.
Stierkämpfer m; Torero m; Matador m
Stierkämpfer pl; Toreros pl; Matadoren pl
bullfighter; torero; matador
bullfighters; toreros; matadors
auf jdn. etw. losgehen v; auf jdn. etw. losstürmen v; jdn. angehen; attackieren v
losgehend; losstürmend; angehend; attackierend
losgegangen; losgestürmt; angegangen; attackiert
ein heranstürmender Elefant
Der Stürmer attackierte den gegnerischen Torwart.
Der Stier ging auf den Matador los.
Die Fans stürmten auf die Bühne los.
to charge sb. sth.; to charge towards at sb. sth.
charging (towards at)
charged (towards at)
a charging elephant
The striker charged the opposition goalkeeper.
The bull charged (at) the matador.
Fans charged the stage.
matal rectifier
passend machen mit
match with
Auftaktspiel n
opening match, opening game, opener
Auswärtsspiel n sport
away match, away game
Benefizspiel n
Benefizspiele pl
benefit match, charity match
benefit matches, charity matches
Boxkampf m
boxing match, boxing contest
Eröffnungsspiel n sport
Eröffnungsspiele pl
opening game, opening match
opening games, opening matches
Fußballspiel n sport
Fußballspiele pl
football match, soccer match Am.
football matches
Gegenstück n, Pendant n, dazu passende Sache f, dazu passende Person f
Gegenstücke pl, Pendants pl, dazu passende Sachen pl, dazu passende Personen pl
Geldheirat f
money match
Matchcode m, Kombinationsschlüssel m
match code
eine gute Partie
eine gute Partie machen übtr.
a well match
to marry well
Revanche f, Rückspiel n, Revanchepartie f
return game, return match
Revanche fordern
to challenge sb. to a return game (match)
Ringkampf m sport
Ringkämpfe pl
wrestling match
wrestling matches
Sparringkampf m sport
Sparringkämpfe pl
sparring match
sparring matches
Spielball m sport (Volleyball)
Spielbälle pl
match ball
match balls
Streichholz n, Zündholz n
Streichhölzer pl, Zündhölzer pl
bengalisches Hölzchen
match, matchstick
matches, matchsticks
Bengal match
Streichholzschachtel f, Zündholzschachtel f
Streichholzschachteln pl, Zündholzschachteln pl
matchbox, match-box
Wettgesang m mus.
Wettgesänge pl
singing match
singing matches
Wettkampf m, Spiel n, Kampf m sport
Wettkämpfe pl, Spiele pl, Kämpfe pl
Wortgefecht n, Wortgeplänkel n
sparring match
Zündschnur f, Lunte f
Zündschnüre pl, Lunten pl
slow match (wick)
slow matches
anpassen an
to match with
anzünden, entzünden, anmachen, anbrennen
anzündend, entzündend, anmachend, anbrennend
angezündet, entzündet, angemacht, angebrannt
ein Streichholz anzünden
eine Zigarette anzünden
nicht gezündet
to light {lit, lighted, lit, lighted}
lit, lighted
to light a match
to light a cigarette
ebenbürtig adj
jdm. ein ebenbürtiger Gegner sein
equal, coequal
to be sb.'s equal, to be a match for sb.
gleichkommen, ebenbürtig sein, sich messen mit
gleichkommend, ebenbürtig seiend, sich messend mit
gleichgekommen, ebenbürtig gewesen, sich gemessen mit
to match
übereinstimmen v (Muster)
to match, to go together
matching, going together
matched, gone together
to match
zusammenpassen, passen v
zusammenpassend, passend
zusammengepasst, gepasst
passt zusammen, passt
passte zusammen, passte
zusammenpassendes Paar
gut zusammenpassen
Das passt nicht zusammen.
to match
to be a good match
It doesn't match.
Darf ich Sie um ein Streichholz bitten?
May I trouble you for a match?
Die Farben passen nicht zusammen.
The colours do not match.
Er ist ihm nicht gewachsen.
He is no match for him.
Sie passen überhaupt nicht zusammen.
They're a bad match.
boxing match
passen nicht zusammen
do not match
football match
Er ist ihm nicht gewachsen.
he's no match for him.
er ist ihm nicht gewachsen
he is no match for him
ist ihr nicht gewachsen
is no match for her
ist ihm nicht gewachsen
is no match for him
anpassen, Gegenstueck, Wettkamp, Streichholz
match box
Matchcode, Kombinationsschluessel
match code
darf ich Sie um ein Streichholz bitten ?
may i trouble you for a match?
money match
singing match
slow match
Die Farben passen nicht zusammen
the colours do not match
gut zusammenpassen
to be a good match
ein Streichholz anzuenden
to light a match
to match
wrestling match

Deutsche Fransenschildkröte {f}; Mata-Mata {f} (Chelus fimbriatus) [zool.] Synonyme

Englische mata mata; matamata Synonyme

mat  achromatic  achromic  agora  air mattress  amphitheater  anemic  arena  ashen  ashy  athletic field  auditorium  background  barrier  bear garden  bedding  bled white  blind  bloodless  bolster  bowl  boxing ring  braid  brattice  buffer  buffer state  bulkhead  bull ring  bumper  cadaverous  campus  canvas  carpet  carpeting  chloranemic  circus  cloison  cockpit  coliseum  collision mat  colorless  colosseum  course  crop  cushion  dead  deaden  deadened  deadly pale  deathly pale  diaphragm  dim  dimmed  dingy  discolored  dissepiment  dividing line  dividing wall  division  doormat  drab  drop cloth  duckboards  dull  enlace  entwine  etiolated  exsanguinated  exsanguine  exsanguineous  faded  faint  fallow  fender  field  flat  fleece  floor  floorboards  flooring  forum  ghastly  gray  ground  ground cloth  ground-sheet  gym  gymnasium  haggard  hall  head  head of hair  hippodrome  hueless  hypochromic  innerspring mattress  interknit  interlace  interseptum  intertie  intertissue  intertwine  intertwist  interweave  intort  knit  lace  lackluster  leaden  lifeless  lists  locale  locks  loom  loop  lurid  lusterless  mane  marketplace  mattress  mealy  midriff  midsection  milieu  mop  muddy  muted  net  neutral  noose  open forum  pad  palaestra  pale  pale as death  pale-faced  pallet  pallid  panel  parade ground  paries  partition  party wall  pasty  pave  pavement  pillow  pit  place  plait  platform  pleach  precinct  prize ring  property line  public square  purlieu  raddle  range  ring  rug  sallow  scene  scene of action  scenery  separation  septulum  septum  setting  shag  shock  shock pad  sickly  site  sleeping bag  somber  sphere  splice  springs  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  tallow-faced  terrain  thatch  theater  tiling  tilting ground  tiltyard  tissue  tone down  toneless  tresses  twill  twine  twist  uncolored  underbed  underbedding  walk  wall  wan  washed-out  wattle  waxen  weak  weave  web  welcome m  
matador  Cain  apache  assassin  assassinator  banderillero  bloodletter  bloodshedder  bravo  burker  butcher  button man  cannibal  cutthroat  desperado  eradicator  executioner  exterminator  garroter  gorilla  gun  gunman  gunsel  hatchet man  head-hunter  hit man  homicidal maniac  homicide  killer  man-eater  man-killer  manslayer  massacrer  murderer  pesticide  picador  poison  poisoner  slaughterer  slayer  strangler  thug  toreador  torero  torpedo  trigger man  
match  Congreve  Congreve match  Olympic games  Olympics  a world-without-end bargain  accompany  accord  accumulate  adjust  admit of comparison  adversary  affiliation  agglomerate  aggregate  aggroup  agree  align  alliance  amass  amount to  analogize  analogue  answer to  antagonist  anti  ape  appear like  approach  approximate  arrange a match  assemble  assent  assimilate  assort with  balance  batch  be commensurable  be comparable  be consistent  be in phase  be in time  be like  be of one  be parallel  be redolent of  be uniform with  bear resemblance  bed  betrothal  blend  bond of matrimony  both  bout  brace  bracket  break even  bridebed  bring into analogy  bring into comparison  bring to mind  bring together  bulk  bump heads  bunch  bunch together  bunch up  ca  call to mind  call up  candidate  candle  check  chime  clump  cluster  coequal  coexist  coextend  cohabitation  cohere  coincide  collect  colligate  collimate  collineate  collocate  combination  combine  come close  come near  come to  come up to  compact  companion  compare  compare and contrast  compare to  compare with  compeer  compete with  competition  compile  complement  con  concours  concur  conform  conform with  confront  conglomerate  conjoin  conjugal bond  conjugal knot  conjugate  consist with  contemporize  contend  contest  contract  contrapose  contraposit  contrast  cooperate  coordinate  copy  corral  correlate  correspond  correspond to  correspondent  counter  counteract  counterfeit  counterpart  counterpose  couple  couple up  couplet  coverture  cumulate  dead ringer  decathlon  derby  dig up  distich  ditto  double  double harness  double-harness  double-header  double-team  doubles  doublet  dovetail  draw  draw a comparison  draw a parallel  draw together  dredge up  drive together  duad  duel  duet  duo  duplicate  dyad  effigy  electric light bulb  encounter  engagement  enlarge  equal  equate  equidistance  equipollent  equivalent  even  even off  event    
matched  adapted  allied  assembled  associated  balanced  banded together  biconjugate  biform  bifurcated  bigeminate  bijugate  bilateral  bipartisan  bipartite  bound  bracketed  collected  conformable  conjoined  conjugate  conjugated  connected  coordinated  copulate  coupled  dichotomous  double  duadic  dual  dualistic  duplex  duplicated  dyadic  fitted  gathered  hand-in-glove  hand-in-hand  harmonized  identical  incorporated  integrated  intimate  joined  knotted  leagued  linked  married  mated  merged  one  paired  partnered  similar  spliced  suited  tied  twain  twin  twinned  two  two-sided  undivided  united  unseparated  wedded  yoked  
matching  Olympic games  Olympics  allegory  analogous  analogy  balancing  bout  chromatic  cold  colorific  coloring  comparable  comparative anatomy  comparative degree  comparative grammar  comparative judgment  comparative linguistics  comparative literature  comparative method  compare  comparing  comparison  complementary  concours  confrontation  confrontment  contest  contrast  contrastiveness  cool  correlation  correspondent  corresponding  derby  dichromatic  distinction  distinctiveness  duplicate  encounter  engagement  equivalent  fight  game  games  glowing  go  gymkhana  harmonious  homologous  identical  joust  like  likening  many-colored  match  medley  meet  meeting  metaphor  monochromatic  monochrome  monochromic  motley  of a kind  of a piece  of a size  opposing  opposition  parallel  paralleling  parallelism  parti-colored  pigmentary  polychromatic  prismatic  proportion  rainbow  rally  relation  rencontre  simile  similitude  spectral  test  tilt  tinctorial  tingent  toning  tournament  tourney  trial  trope of comparison  twin  variegated  warm  weighing  
matchless  best  beyond compare  beyond comparison  champion  choice  easily first  elect  elite  facile princeps  for the best  greatest  handpicked  immortal  incomparable  inimitable  invincible  nulli secundus  only  optimal  optimum  original  paramount  peerless  picked  prime  prize  quintessential  second to none  select  sui generis  supreme  surpassing  unapproachable  unapproached  unbeatable  unequaled  unexampled  unexcelled  unique  unmatchable  unmatched  unparagoned  unparalleled  unpeered  unrivaled  unsurpassable  unsurpassed  very best  without equal  without parallel  
mate  OD  accompanier  accompanist  accompanyist  ace  acquaintance  ally  alter ego  amigo  analogon  analogue  associate  attendant  ball  be intimate  be made one  be spliced  become one  bedfellow  bedmate  better half  birthmate  boatswain  bosom buddy  bracket  breed  bride  brother  buddy  bunkie  bunkmate  butty  camarade  captain  chamberfellow  chap  chief engineer  chief mate  china  chum  classmate  close copy  close match  clubmate  co-worker  coequal  cognate  cohabit  cohort  colleague  comate  come together  commander  commit adultery  companion  companion piece  company  compeer  complement  comrade  concomitant  confidant  confrere  congenator  congener  conjugate  consociate  consort  contract matrimony  coordinate  copartner  copemate  copesmate  copulate  copy  correlate  correlative  correspondent  couchmate  counterpart  couple  couple up  cover  cradlemate  crony  crossbreed  cupmate  dead ringer  deck officer  diddle  ditto  double  double-harness  double-team  duplicate  effigy  equal  equipollent  equivalent  espouse  exact likeness  familiar  fellow  fellow student  fit together  fornicate  friend  frig  general partner  generate  get hitched  girl friend  gossip  have sex  have sexual relations  helpmate  helpmeet  hitch  hubby  husband  icon  idol  image  intermarry  interwed  intimate  jailmate  join  kindred spirit  lay  lie with  like  likeness  link up  living image  living picture  make it with  make love  make out  marry  master  match  messmate  miniature  mirroring  miscegenate  model  mount  naval officer  navigating officer  navigator  near duplicate  obverse  old crony  opposite number  pair  pair off  pal  parallel  pard  pardner  partner  patron  peer  pendant  pewmate  photograph  picture  pipes  playfellow  playmate  portrait  procreate  quartermaster  reciprocal  reflection  remarry  resemblance  rewed  rival  roommate  rubbing  sailing master  schoolfellow  schoolmate  screw  second mate  second self  secret partner  se  
mated  allied  assembled  associated  banded together  biconjugate  bigeminate  bijugate  bound  bracketed  collected  conjoined  conjugate  conjugated  connected  copulate  coupled  gathered  hand-in-glove  hand-in-hand  incorporated  integrated  intimate  joined  knotted  leagued  linked  married  matched  merged  one  paired  partnered  spliced  tied  undivided  united  unseparated  wedded  yoked  
material  Adamic  Circean  Formica  Masonite  Philistine  a propos  ab ovo  absolute  abundance  accumulation  actual  ad rem  adducible  admissible  air  amassment  animal  animalistic  apparatus  appertaining  applicable  applying  apposite  appreciable  appropriate  apropos  asphalt  atom  atomic particles  atoms  attestative  attestive  authentic  backlog  ballpoint pen  basal  based on  basic  beastlike  beastly  bedrock  being  belonging  bestial  bibliography  big  big-league  big-name  big-time  bigwig  bigwigged  blackboard  blacktop  bodily  body of knowledge  body of learning  brick  brutal  brute  brute matter  brutish  budget  building block  canvas  cardinal  carnal  carnal-minded  carpeting  central  certain  chalk  chemical element  circumstantial  clapboard  cloth  coarse  cobblestone  collection  commissariat  commissary  component  components  conclusive  concrete  consequential  considerable  constituent  constituents  constitutive  convincing  core  cork tile  cornucopia  corporal  corporeal  crayon  cumulation  cumulative  cyclopedia  damning  data  decisive  determinative  distillate  distillation  documentary  documentation  documented  documents  double-barreled  drapery  dump  earth  earthly  earthshaking  earthy  element  elemental  elementary  elementary particle  elementary unit  elements  elixir  encyclopedia  entity  equipment  eraser  essence  essential  etoffe  evidential  evidentiary  ex parte  eye-witness  fabric  facts  factual  fallen  felt  fiber glass  figures  final  fire  firsthand  flag  flagging  flagstone  fleshly  flooring  focal  founded on  fundamental  fundamental particle  gear  germane  gist  goods  grand  great  gross  grounded on  gut  habiliments  heap  hearsay  heart  heavyweight  high-powered  hoard  hyle  hylic  hypostasis  implicit  important  in point  incontrovertible  indicative  indispensable  indisputable  individual  information  ingredient  ink  inkhorn  inkstand  inkwell  inventory  invisible ink  invo  
materialism  Adam  Marxism  Philistinism  animalism  animality  atomism  beastliness  behaviorism  bestiality  brutality  brutishness  carnal nature  carnal-mindedness  carnality  coarseness  commonsense realism  dialectical materialism  earthiness  earthliness  earthly-mindedness  empiricism  epiphenomenalism  fallen nature  fallen state  flesh  fleshliness  grossness  historical materialism  hylomorphism  hylotheism  hylozoism  idealism  lapsed state  mechanism  mundaneness  natural realism  naturalism  new realism  nonspirituality  physicalism  physicism  positive philosophy  positivism  postlapsarian state  pragmaticism  pragmatism  realism  representative realism  secularism  substantialism  swinishness  temporality  the Old Adam  the beast  the flesh  the offending Adam  unspirituality  worldliness  worldly-mindedness  
materialistic  Adamic  Circean  Cyrenaic  Eleatic  Epicurean  Marxian  Marxist  Megarian  Philistine  Stoic  animal  animalistic  animist  animistic  atomistic  banausic  beastlike  beastly  bestial  bodily  breadwinning  brutal  brute  brutish  businesslike  carnal  carnal-minded  coarse  commercial  commonsense  cosmotheistic  earthly  earthy  eclectic  empirical  eudaemonistic  existential  expedient  fallen  fleshly  greedy  gross  hedonic  hedonist  hedonistic  humanist  humanistic  hylomorphous  hylotheistic  idealistic  instrumentalist  lapsed  material  materialist  mechanist  mechanistic  metaphysical  moneymaking  monistic  mundane  naturalist  naturalistic  nominalist  nonspiritual  orgiastic  panlogistical  pantheistic  physical  positivist  positivistic  postlapsarian  practical  pragmatic  pragmatist  profane  prosaic  rationalistic  realist  realistic  scholastic  secular  sensationalistic  sensual  swinish  syncretistic  temporal  terrestrial  theistic  transcendentalist  transcendentalistic  unspiritual  utilitarian  vitalistic  voluntarist  voluntaristic  workaday  workday  working  worldly  yuppy  
materiality  accent  air  applicability  application  appositeness  atom  atomic particles  bearing  being  body  brute matter  building block  chemical element  component  concern  concernment  concreteness  connection  consequence  consequentiality  consideration  constituent  density  durability  earth  element  elementary particle  elementary unit  emphasis  ens  entity  esse  essence  excellence  existence  fire  firmness  fundamental particle  germaneness  high order  high rank  hyle  hypostasis  import  importance  interest  life  mark  mass  material  material world  matter  merit  molecule  moment  monad  natural world  nature  note  occurrence  palpability  paramountcy  pertinence  physical world  plenum  ponderability  precedence  preeminence  presence  primacy  priority  reality  reference  regard  relatedness  relevance  respect  self-importance  significance  solidity  soundness  stability  steadiness  stoutness  strength  stress  stuff  sturdiness  subsistence  substance  substantiality  substantialness  substratum  superiority  supremacy  tangibility  the four elements  toughness  unit of being  value  water  weight  worth  
materialization  Christophany  Masan  Ouija  Satanophany  accident  angelophany  apparition  appearance  appearing  arising  astral  astral spirit  automatic writing  automatism  avatar  banshee  coming  coming into being  coming to be  coming-forth  concretization  constitution  contingency  contingent  control  corporealization  departed spirit  disclosure  disembodied spirit  dissemination  duppy  dybbuk  effectuation  eidolon  embodiment  emergence  epiphany  establishment  event  eventuality  eventuation  evidence  evincement  exposure  expression  form  formation  forthcoming  foundation  ghost  grateful dead  guide  hant  haunt  idolum  immateriality  inauguration  incarnation  inception  incidence  incorporation  incorporeal  incorporeal being  incorporeity  indication  installation  institution  issuance  larva  lemures  levitation  manes  manifestation  materializing  metempsychosis  occurrence  oni  opening  organization  personification  phantasm  phantasma  phantom  planchette  pneumatophany  poltergeist  poltergeistism  presence  presentation  proof  psychography  psychorrhagy  publication  realization  reembodiment  reification  reincarnation  revelation  revenant  rise  rising  setting-up  shade  shadow  shape  showing  showing forth  shrouded spirit  specter  spectral ghost  spirit  spirit manifestation  spirit rapping  spook  sprite  substantiation  table tipping  telekinesis  teleportation  telesthesia  theophany  trance speaking  transmigration  unfolding  unfoldment  unsubstantiality  vision  walking dead man  wandering soul  wraith  zombie  
materialize  affect  appear  approach  arise  be found  be realized  be revealed  become manifest  become visible  betoken  betray itself  body  body forth  brandish  breathe  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to notice  chance  come  come along  come forth  come forward  come in sight  come into being  come into existence  come on  come out  come to hand  come to light  come to pass  concretize  constitute  corporealize  corporify  crop out  crop up  dangle  demonstrate  develop  disclose  discover itself  display  divulge  dramatize  draw on  effect  effectuate  embody  emerge  enact  enter  entify  establish  evidence  evince  exhibit  expose to view  express  exteriorize  externalize  fade in  flaunt  flourish  form  found  give sign  give token  hang out  happen  have no secrets  heave in sight  highlight  hypostatize  illuminate  inaugurate  incarnate  incept  incorporate  indicate  install  institute  issue  issue forth  lend substance to  look forth  loom  make clear  make plain  manifest  mean  objectify  occur  open up  organize  outcrop  parade  peep out  perform  personalize  personify  pop up  present  present itself  produce  realize  rear its head  reembody  reify  reincarnate  represent  reveal  rise  roll out  see the light  set forth  set up  shape  shape up  show  show forth  show up  solidify  speak out  speak up  spotlight  spring  spring up  stream forth  strike the eye  substantialize  substantiate  substantify  take a stand  take form  take place  take shape  token  transmigrate  trot out  turn up  typify  unfold  wave  
materiel  abundance  accouterments  accumulation  amassment  apparatus  appliances  appointments  appurtenances  armament  backlog  budget  collection  commissariat  commissary  conveniences  cornucopia  cumulation  duffel  dump  equipage  equipment  facilities  facility  fittings  fixtures  furnishings  furniture  gear  habiliments  heap  hoard  impedimenta  installations  inventory  kit  larder  machinery  mass  material  material resources  materials  munition  munitions  outfit  paraphernalia  pile  plant  plenitude  plenty  plumbing  provisionment  provisions  rations  raw material  repertoire  repertory  rick  rig  rigging  stack  staple  stock  stock-in-trade  stockpile  store  stores  stuff  substances  supplies  supply  supply on hand  tackle  tackling  things  treasure  treasury  utensils  
maternal  adoring  affectionate  ancestorial  ancestral  caring  conjugal  demonstrative  devoted  doting  faithful  fatherlike  fatherly  filial  fond  grandfatherly  grandmotherly  grandparental  husbandly  kind  kindly  languishing  lovelorn  lovesick  lovesome  loving  maternalistic  melting  mother  motherlike  motherly  nurturing  parent  parental  paternal  patriarchal  romantic  sentimental  soft  tender  understanding  uxorious  warm  wifely  
maternity  affiliation  agnation  alliance  ancestry  blood  blood relationship  brotherhood  brothership  cognation  common ancestry  common descent  connection  consanguinity  cousinhood  cousinship  enation  fatherhood  filiation  fraternity  kindred  kinship  maternalness  matrilineage  matriliny  matrisib  matrocliny  motherhood  motherliness  mothership  parenthood  paternity  patrilineage  patriliny  patrisib  patrocliny  pregnancy  propinquity  relation  relationship  sibship  sisterhood  sistership  ties of blood  
mathematical  algebraic  analytic  arithmetical  close  constant  delicate  direct  even  exact  express  faithful  fine  geometric  inerrable  inerrant  infallible  micrometrically precise  microscopic  nice  numeric  pinpoint  precise  refined  religious  religiously exact  rigid  rigorous  scientific  scientifically exact  severe  square  strict  subtle  undeviating  unerring  
mathematics  Boolean algebra  Euclidean geometry  Fourier analysis  Lagrangian function  algebra  algebraic geometry  algorism  algorithm  analysis  analytic geometry  applied mathematics  arithmetic  associative algebra  binary arithmetic  calculus  circle geometry  descriptive geometry  differential calculus  division algebra  equivalent algebras  figures  game theory  geodesy  geometry  graphic algebra  group theory  higher algebra  higher arithmetic  higher mathematics  hyperbolic geometry  infinitesimal calculus  integral calculus  intuitional geometry  invariant subalgebra  inverse geometry  line geometry  linear algebra  math  mathematic  mathematical physics  matrix algebra  metageometry  modular arithmetic  n-tuple linear algebra  natural geometry  nilpotent algebra  number theory  numbers  plane trigonometry  political arithmetic  projective geometry  proper subalgebra  pure mathematics  quaternian algebra  reducible algebra  set theory  simple algebra  solid geometry  speculative geometry  spherical trigonometry  statistics  subalgebra  systems analysis  topology  trig  trigonometry  universal algebra  universal geometry  vector algebra  zero algebra  
matinee idol  Roscius  actor  actress  antagonist  bad guy  barnstormer  character  character actor  character man  character woman  child actor  cosset  darling  diseur  diseuse  dramatizer  favorite  feeder  foil  fondling  heavy  histrio  histrion  idol  ingenue  jewel  juvenile  mime  mimer  mimic  minion  monologist  mummer  pantomime  pantomimist  pet  playactor  player  preference  protean actor  reciter  soubrette  spoiled child  stage performer  stage player  stooge  straight man  stroller  strolling player  theatrical  thespian  trouper  utility man  villain  

mat Definition

mat Bedeutung

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A mat is a generic term for a piece of fabric material. It is used for many things, generally placed on a floor or other flat surface, which serves a range of purposes including: