
met Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Metadaten pl
meta data
Meta-Modell n
Metasprache f
meta language, metalanguage
sättigungsgleichgewichtig adj
meta language
meta stable
Meta-Analyse f
Meta-Analysen pl
Meta-Modell n
Meta-Modelle pl
Metanilsäure f chem.
metanilic acid; meta-aminobenzene-sulphonic acid
Metasprache f
meta language; metalanguage
meta-Ebene f
Metakommunikation f
meta-communication (metacommunication) (meta communication)
Metasprache f ling. phil.
Metasprachen pl
metalanguage (meta-language) (meta language)
Metabasit m min.
Grundumsatz m med.
basal metabolic rate
Stoffwechselkrankheit f med.
Stoffwechselkrankheiten pl
metabolic disorder
metabolic disorders
Stoffwechselpigment n
Stoffwechselpigmente pl
metabolic pigment
metabolic pigments
Stoffwechselpsychose f med.
metabolic psychosis
Stoffwechselweg m
Stoffwechselwege pl
metabolic pathway
metabolic pathways
metabolisch adj
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown diegradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Metabolit m; Abbauprodukt n beim Stoffwechsel biochem.
Metaboliten pl; Abbauprodukte pl beim Stoffwechsel
metabolite; metabolic product
metabolites; metabolic products
Stoffwechselkrankheit f; Stoffwechselstörung f med.
Stoffwechselkrankheiten pl; Stoffwechselstörungen pl
angeborene Stoffwechselkrankheiten
metabolic disorder
metabolic disorders
inborn errors of metabolism
metabolisch adj; Stoffwechsel ... biol.
Abfallprodukt des Stoffwechsels
metabolic waste product
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown degradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Gesamtumsatz m (des Körpers an Energie) med.
total metabolic rate; overall metabolic rate
Metabolie f; Stoffwechselmetamorphose f zool.
metabolic metamorphosis
Metabolit m; Stoffwechselzwischenprodukt n; Abbauprodukt n beim Stoffwechsel biochem.
Metabolite pl; Stoffwechselzwischenprodukte pl; Abbauprodukte pl beim Stoffwechsel
metabolite; metabolic product
metabolites; metabolic products
Rapoport-Luebering-Zyklus m; Phosphoglyceratzyklus m; 2,3-BPG-Zyklus m (Stoffwechselweg) biochem.
Rapoport-Luebering cycle; Rapoport-Luebering shunt (metabolic pathway)
Stoffwechselentgleisung f med.
metabolic imbalance
Stoffwechsel-Intermediat n biochem.
metabolic intermediate
Stoffwechselweg m biochem.
metabolic pathway
Umweltkunde f; Ă–kologie f envir.
angewandte Ă–kologie
aquatische Ă–kologie
chemische Ă–kologie
Humanökologie f
industrielle Ă–kologie
Meeresökologie f
terrestrische Ă–kologie
Verhaltensökologie f
Ă–kologie der Erde
Ă–kologie der Ă–kosysteme
Ă–kologie der Pflanzen
metabolische Theorie der Ă–kologie
ecology; ecoscience
applied ecology
aquatic ecology
chemical ecology
human ecology
industrial ecology
marine ecology
terrestrial ecology
behavioural Br. behavioral Am. ecology
global ecology
ecosystem(s) ecology
plant ecology; vegetation ecology
metabolic theory of ecology
metabolisch adj; Stoffwechsel … biol.
Abfallprodukt des Stoffwechsels
metabolic waste product
metabolisch adv
Metabolisierung f; Verstoffwechslung f biol.
metabolization eAm.; metabolisation Br.
etw. verstoffwechseln; im Stoffwechsel umsetzen; metabolisieren v biochem.
verstoffwechselnd; im Stoffwechsel umsetzend; metabolisierend
verstoffwechselt; im Stoffwechsel umgesetzt; metabolisiert
to metabolize sth.; to metabolise sth. Br.
metabolizing; metabolising
metabolized; metabolised
Ruhestoffwechsel m, Grundstoffwechsel m biol.
basal metabolism
Stoffwechsel m, Metabolismus m biol.
Metabolismus m arch.
Ruhestoffwechsel m; Grundstoffwechsel m; Grundumsatz m biol.
basal metabolism
Stoffwechsel m; Metabolismus m biol.
Energiestoffwechsel m
energy metabolism
Wasserhaushalt m med.
water metabolism
sauerstoffabhängig; luftabhängig; aerob adj biol.
aerober Stoffwechsel
von Luftsauerstoff absolut abhängig
aerobic; aerobiotic; areophile
aerobic metabolism
obligately aerobic
Ernährungsdynamik f; Trophodynamik f; Dynamik f des regionalen Nahrungsnetzes; energetisch-stoffliche Vernetzung f envir.
trophodynamics; dynamics of nutrition; dynamics of metabolism; dynamics of the food web in a region; food web dynamics
Pyrimidinstoffwechsel m biochem.
pyrimidine metabolism
SchilddrĂĽsenhormonstoffwechsel m med.
thyroid hormone metabolism
Störung f (Beeinträchtigung der Funktionsweise)
Störungen pl
Störung des Zellstoffwechsels
Gleichgewichtsstörung f
ionosphärische Störung; Ionosphärenstörung f
Richtkraftstörung f
Synchronisationsstörung f
Die meisten Störungen können durch Verstellen der Antenne leicht ausgeregelt werden.
Änderungen können ohne Störung des Gesamtsystems vorgenommen werden.
Der Empfänger arbeitet mit Radiofrequenzen und verursacht daher bei anderen elektronischen Geräten nur minimale Signalstörungen.
disturbance (disruption of normal functioning)
disturbance of cellular metabolism
disturbance of equilibrium
ionospheric disturbance
disturbance of the directional force
disturbance of synchronism
Most disturbances can easily be corrected by adjusting the antenna.
Changes can be made without disturbance to the overall system.
The receiver works on radio frequencies and hence causes minimum disturbance to the signals of other electronic devices.
Stoffwechsel m; Metabolismus m biol.
Energiestoffwechsel m
Fettstoffwechsel m
energy metabolism
fat metabolism; lipid metabolism; lipometabolism
Zellstoffwechsel m biol.
cell metabolism; cellular metabolism
sauerstoffabhängig; luftabhängig; aerob adj biol.
aerober Stoffwechsel
von Luftsauerstoff absolut abhängig
obligat aerob; absolut sauerstoffabhängig
aerobic; aerobiotic; areophile
aerobic metabolism
obligately aerobic
obligate aerobic
Metabolist m; Metabolistin f arch.
Metabolisten pl; Metabolistinnen pl
Metabolit m (Substanz beim Stoffwechsel) biochem.
Wurzelausscheidungen pl bot.
root metabolites
Metabolisierung f, Verstoffwechslung f biol.
wandelt um
wandelte um
to metabolize
metabolisierbar adj
Mittelhandknochen m anat.
metacarpal (bone)
metakarpal adj
die Mittelhand(knochen) betreffend
metacarpal {adj}
metacarpal {adj}
Mittelhandknochen m anat.
Mittelhandknochen pl
metacarpal bone
metacarpal bones
metakarpal; die Mittelhand(knochen) betreffend adj anat.

Deutsche Metadaten {pl} Synonyme

Englische meta data Synonyme

metabolism  assimilation  avatar  basal metabolism  catabolism  catalysis  consubstantiation  displacement  heterotopia  metagenesis  metamorphism  metamorphosis  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  mutant  mutated form  mutation  permutation  reincarnation  sport  transanimation  transfiguration  transfigurement  transformation  transformism  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmogrification  transmutation  transposition  transubstantiation  
metal  Dutch foil  achievement  alerion  aluminum  aluminum foil  americium  animal charge  annulet  argent  armorial bearings  armory  arms  asphalt  azure  bandeau  bar  bar sinister  barium  baton  bearings  bend  bend sinister  beryllium  billet  bismuth  blacktop  blazon  blazonry  bordure  broad arrow  bullion  cadency mark  cadmium  calcium  canton  carpet  causeway  cement  cerium  cesium  chaplet  charge  chevron  chief  chrome  chromium  coat of arms  cobalt  cobblestone  cockatrice  concrete  copper  coronet  crescent  crest  cross  cross moline  crown  device  difference  differencing  dysprosium  eagle  earth metals  erbium  ermine  ermines  erminites  erminois  escutcheon  europium  falcon  fess  fess point  field  file  flag  flanch  fleur-de-lis  floor  fret  fur  fusil  gadolinium  gallium  garland  germanium  gold  gold dust  gold foil  gold leaf  griffin  gules  gyron  hatchment  helmet  heraldic device  holmium  honor point  impalement  impaling  indium  inescutcheon  iridium  iron  label  lanthanum  lead  lead foil  lion  lithium  lozenge  lutetium  magnesia  magnesium  manganese  mantling  marshaling  martlet  mascle  mercury  metal foil  metal leaf  metalleity  metallic  metallicity  metallics  metallike  metalline  metalloid  metalware  metalwork  molybdenum  motto  mullet  native metals  neodymium  nickel  niobium  noble metals  nombril point  octofoil  or  ordinary  organometallic  orle  osmium  pale  palladium  paly  pave  pean  pebble  pheon  phosphorus  platinum  polonium  potassium  praseodymium  precious metals  promethium  protactinium  purpure  quarter  quartering  radium  rare metals  rhenium  rose  rubidium  ruthenium  sable  saltire  samarium  scandium  scutcheon  semimetal  shield  silver  silver foil  sodium  spread eagle  strontium  subordinary  tantalum  tar  technetium  tenne  terbium  thallium  thulium  tin  tincture  tinfoil  titanium  torse  tressure  tungsten  unicorn  uranium  vair  vanadium  vert  wolfram  wreath  yale  
metallic  brassy  brazen  choked  coarse  cracked  croaking  croaky  dry  gruff  guttural  harsh  harsh-sounding  hoarse  husky  metal  metallike  metalline  metalloid  organometallic  ragged  raucid  raucous  rough  roupy  rude  squawking  squawky  stertorous  strangled  thick  throaty  tinny  
metalworks  blacksmith shop  bleachworks  bloomery  bottling works  brassworks  copperworks  dye works  forge  foundry  furnace  gasworks  glassworks  ironworks  paper works  printworks  saltworks  scrapworks  smelter  smithery  smithy  soapworks  starchworks  steel mill  steelworks  stithy  tileworks  tryworks  tubeworks  waterworks  wireworks  works  
metamorphic  able to adapt  adaptable  adjustable  allotropic  alterable  alterative  anabolic  catabolic  catalytic  changeable  checkered  diversiform  ever-changing  flexible  fluid  heteromorphic  heteromorphous  impermanent  kaleidoscopic  malleable  manifold  many-sided  metabolic  metamorphotic  metastatic  mobile  modifiable  movable  multifarious  multifold  multiform  multiphase  multiple  multiplex  mutable  nonuniform  permutable  plastic  polymorphic  polymorphous  protean  proteiform  resilient  rubbery  supple  transient  transitory  variable  
metamorphosis  avatar  catabolism  catalysis  consubstantiation  displacement  heterotopia  metabolism  metagenesis  metamorphism  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  mutant  mutated form  mutation  permutation  reincarnation  sport  transanimation  transfiguration  transfigurement  transformation  transformism  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmogrification  transmutation  transposition  transubstantiation  
metaphor  accordance  agent  agreement  alikeness  allegory  alliance  alliteration  allusion  alternate  alternative  anacoluthon  anadiplosis  analogue  analogy  anaphora  anastrophe  antiphrasis  antithesis  antonomasia  aping  apophasis  aporia  aposiopesis  apostrophe  approach  approximation  assimilation  backup  balancing  catachresis  change  changeling  chiasmus  circumlocution  climax  closeness  community  comparability  comparative anatomy  comparative degree  comparative grammar  comparative judgment  comparative linguistics  comparative literature  comparative method  compare  comparing  comparison  conformity  confrontation  confrontment  contrast  contrastiveness  conversion  copy  copying  correlation  correspondence  counterfeit  deputy  distinction  distinctiveness  double  dummy  ecphonesis  emphasis  equal  equivalent  ersatz  exchange  exclamation  fake  figure of speech  fill-in  gemination  ghost  ghostwriter  hypallage  hyperbaton  hyperbole  identity  image  imagery  imitation  inversion  irony  likeness  likening  litotes  locum tenens  makeshift  malapropism  matching  meiosis  metonymy  mimicking  nearness  next best thing  onomatopoeia  opposing  opposition  oxymoron  parallelism  paregmenon  parenthesis  parity  periphrasis  personification  personnel  phony  pinch hitter  pleonasm  preterition  prolepsis  proportion  proxy  reference  regression  relation  relief  repetition  replacement  representative  resemblance  reserves  ringer  sameness  sarcasm  second string  secondary  semblance  sign  similarity  simile  similitude  simulation  spares  spoonerism  stand-in  sub  substituent  substitute  substitution  succedaneum  superseder  supplanter  surrogate  syllepsis  symbol  symbolism  symploce  synecdoche  third string  token  trope  trope of comparison  understudy  utility player  vicar  vice-president  vice-regent  weighing  zeugma  
metaphorical  allegoric  allegorical  allusive  anagogic  associational  connotational  connotative  definable  demonstrative  denominative  denotational  denotative  designative  diagnostic  emblematic  evidential  exhibitive  expressive  extended  extensional  figural  figurative  figured  flowery  full of meaning  full of point  full of substance  identifying  ideographic  idiosyncratic  implicative  indicating  indicative  indicatory  individual  intelligible  intensional  interpretable  mannered  meaning  meaningful  meaty  naming  ornamented  pathognomonic  peculiar  pithy  pointed  pregnant  readable  referential  representative  semantic  semiotic  sententious  signalizing  significant  significative  signifying  substantial  suggestive  symbolic  symbolistic  symbological  symptomatic  symptomatologic  transferred  trolatitious  tropological  typical  
metaphysical  Cyrenaic  Eleatic  Epicurean  Megarian  Stoic  anagogic  animist  animistic  atomistic  bodiless  cabalic  cabalistic  cosmotheistic  discarnate  eclectic  empirical  esoteric  eudaemonistic  existential  hedonic  hedonist  hedonistic  humanist  humanistic  idealistic  incorporeal  instrumentalist  insubstantial  materialistic  mechanistic  metaphysic  monistic  mysterious  mystic  naturalistic  nominalist  nonmaterial  nonphysical  numinous  occult  panlogistical  pantheistic  positivist  positivistic  pragmatic  pragmatist  preternatural  rationalistic  realist  realistic  scholastic  sensationalistic  spiritual  superhuman  superior  supermundane  supernatural  supramundane  supranatural  syncretistic  theistic  theosophical  theosophist  transcendent  transcendental  transcendentalist  transcendentalistic  unearthly  unfleshly  unphysical  utilitarian  vitalistic  voluntarist  voluntaristic  
metaphysics  aesthetics  axiology  casuistry  cosmology  epistemology  ethics  existentialism  first philosophy  gnosiology  hyperphysics  logic  mental philosophy  moral philosophy  ontology  phenomenology  philosophastry  philosophic doctrine  philosophic system  philosophic theory  philosophical inquiry  philosophical speculation  philosophy  school of philosophy  school of thought  science of being  sophistry  the first philosophy  theory of beauty  theory of knowledge  value theory  
metastasis  anastrophe  avatar  catabolism  catalysis  chiasmus  communication  conduction  consubstantiation  contagion  convection  delivery  deportation  diapedesis  diffusion  displacement  dissemination  export  exportation  expulsion  extradition  heterotopia  hypallage  hyperbaton  hysteron proteron  import  importation  interchange  metabolism  metagenesis  metamorphism  metamorphosis  metathesis  metempsychosis  migration  mutant  mutated form  mutation  mutual transfer  osmosis  palindrome  parenthesis  passage  passing over  perfusion  permutation  reincarnation  sport  spread  spreading  synchysis  tmesis  transanimation  transduction  transfer  transfer of property  transference  transfiguration  transfigurement  transformation  transformism  transfusion  transit  transition  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmigration of souls  transmission  transmittal  transmittance  transmogrification  transmutation  transplacement  transplantation  transposal  transposition  transubstantiation  travel  
mete  accord  administer  afford  allocate  allot  allow  apportion  appraise  appreciate  assay  assess  assign  award  bestow  bestow on  calculate  calibrate  caliper  check a parameter  communicate  compute  confer  deal  deal out  dial  disburse  dish out  dispense  disperse  dispose  distribute  divide  dole  dole out  donate  estimate  evaluate  extend  fathom  fork out  gauge  gift  gift with  give  give freely  give out  graduate  grant  hand out  heap  help to  impart  issue  lavish  let have  measure  measure out  mensurate  mete out  meter  offer  pace  parcel out  pass around  pass out  pay out  plumb  portion out  pour  present  prize  probe  proffer  quantify  quantize  rain  rate  render  serve  share out  shell out  shower  size  size up  slip  snow  sound  span  spoon out  step  survey  take a reading  tender  triangulate  valuate  value  vouchsafe  weigh  yield  
meteor  aerolite  asteroids  aurora particles  blackout  bolide  chondrite  cosmic dust  cosmic particles  cosmic ray bombardment  fireball  intergalactic matter  meteor crater  meteor dust  meteor dust impacts  meteor shower  meteor swarm  meteor trail  meteor train  meteoric shower  meteorite  meteoroid  meteorolite  meteors  micrometeorite  micrometeoroid  radiant  radiant point  radiation  shooting star  siderite  siderolite  space bullets  tektite  the bends  weightlessness  
meteoric  Cynthian  ablaze  aflame  anagalactic  asteroidal  astral  astrologic  astrologistic  astrologous  astronomic  astrophysical  blazing  brief  brilliant  brisk  burning  celestial  circumplanetary  cislunar  cometary  dazzling  empyreal  empyrean  ephemeral  equinoctial  evanescent  extragalactic  flaming  flaring  flashing  flashy  fleet  fleeting  flickering  fulgurant  fulgurating  galactic  heavenly  heliacal  impermanent  intercosmic  interplanetary  intersidereal  interstellar  lunar  lunary  lunate  lunular  lunulate  meteoritic  momentary  nebular  nebulose  nebulous  overnight  planetal  planetarian  planetary  planetesimal  quick  semilunar  sensational  short  short and sweet  short-lived  short-term  short-termed  sidereal  solar  spectacular  speedy  sphery  star-spangled  star-studded  starry  stellar  stellary  swift  temporary  terrestrial  transient  transitory  uranic  zodiacal  
meteorologist  aerial photographer  aerographer  aerologist  aircrew  aircrewman  avigator  belly gunner  bombardier  crew  crew chief  flight attendant  flight crew  gunner  hostess  machine gunner  microclimatologist  navigator  steward  stewardess  weather bureau  weather forecast  weather forecaster  weather prophet  weather report  weather scientist  weather ship  weather station  weather-reporting network  weatherman  weatherologist  
meteorology  aerial photography  aeroballistics  aerodynamics  aerogeology  aerography  aerology  aeromechanics  aeromedicine  aerometry  aeronautical meteorology  aerophotography  aerophysics  aeroscopy  aerospace research  aerostatics  anemology  aviation technology  avionics  barometry  climatography  climatology  forecasting  hydrostatics  kinematics  kinetics  long-range forecasting  microclimatology  nephology  photometry  pneumatics  rocketry  supersonics  weatherology  
meter  Alexandrine  Stabreim  VOM  VTVM  accent  accentuation  alliterative meter  alternation  ammeter  ampere-hour meter  amphibrach  amphimacer  anacrusis  anapest  antispast  appraise  appraiser  appreciate  arsis  assay  assayer  assess  assessor  bacchius  beat  cadence  cadency  caesura  calculate  calibrate  caliper  cartographer  catalexis  check a parameter  chloriamb  chloriambus  chorographer  colon  compute  coulometer  count-rate meter  counterpoint  cretic  cyclicalness  dactyl  dactylic hexameter  diaeresis  dial  dimeter  dipody  divide  dochmiac  duodial  dynamometer  elegiac  elegiac couplet  elegiac pentameter  emphasis  epitrite  estimate  estimator  evaluate  evaluator  expansion ammeter  faradmeter  fathom  feminine caesura  foot  galvanometer  gauge  gauger  geodesist  graduate  heptameter  heptapody  heroic couplet  hexameter  hexapody  hysteresis meter  iamb  iambic  iambic pentameter  ictus  illuminometer  instrument  interferometer  intermittence  intermittency  ionic  ionization gauge  jingle  land surveyor  lilt  magnetometer  masculine caesura  measure  measurer  megohmmeter  mensurate  mete  metrical accent  metrical foot  metrical group  metrical pattern  metrical unit  metrics  metron  mhometer  milliammeter  molossus  mora  movement  moving-coil meter  number  numbers  oceanographer  ohmmeter  oscillation  pH meter  pace  paeon  pendulum motion  pentameter  pentapody  period  periodicalness  periodicity  piston motion  plumb  potentiometer  prize  probe  proceleusmatic  prosodic pattern  prosody  pulsation  pyrrhic  quantify  quantitative meter  quantity  quantize  rate  reappearance  recurrence  regular wave motion  reoccurrence  return  rhyme  rhythm  rhythmic pattern  scanning  scansion  seasonality  size  size up  sound  span  spondee  sprung rhythm  step  stress  survey  surveyor  swing  syllabic meter  syzygy  take a reading  telemeter  tetrameter  tetrapody  tetraseme  thermoammeter  thermocouple  thermoelectrometer  thesis  
methadone  Amytal  Amytal pill  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  alcohol  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  anodyne  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue velvet  calmative  chloral hydrate  codeine  codeine cough syrup  depressant  depressor  dolly  downer  goofball  hard stuff  heroin  hop  horse  hypnotic  junk  knockout drops  laudanum  liquor  lotus  meperidine  morphia  morphine  narcotic  opiate  opium  pacifier  pain killer  paregoric  pen yan  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  purple heart  quietener  rainbow  red  scag  secobarbital sodium  sedative  shit  sleep-inducer  sleeper  sleeping draught  sleeping pill  smack  sodium thiopental  somnifacient  soother  soothing syrup  soporific  tar  tranquilizer  turps  white stuff  yellow  yellow jacket  
methane  alcohol  benzine  briquette  burnable  butane  carbon  charcoal  coal  coke  combustible  dope  ethane  ethanol  fireball  firing  flammable  flammable material  fuel  fuel additive  fuel dope  gas  gas carbon  gasoline  heptane  hexane  inflammable  inflammable material  isooctane  jet fuel  kerosene  methanol  natural gas  octane  oil  paraffin  peat  pentane  propane  propellant  rocket fuel  turf  
Methedrine  Benzedrine  Benzedrine pill  C  Dexamyl  Dexamyl pill  Dexedrine  Dexedrine pill  amphetamine  amphetamine sulfate  cocaine  coke  crystal  dextroamphetamine sulfate  football  heart  jolly bean  methamphetamine hydrochloride  pep pill  purple heart  snow  speed  stimulant  upper  

met Definition

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