
mid season Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Jahreszeit, Saison
Saison, Jahreszeit
to season
außerhalb der Saison
off season
außerhalb der Saison
Grippezeit f; Zeit der Grippewelle med.
flu season
flaue Geschäftszeit
dull season
busy season
peak season
post season
Nachsaison f
peak season
Regenzeit f
rainy season
close season
rainy season
end of season
Adventszeit f
advent season
Sommersaison f
summer season
Wintersaison f
winter season
Paarungszeit f zool.
mating season
advent season
zur Unzeit
out of season
season ticket
Adventszeit f; Adventzeit f Ös.
Advent season
Jagdzeit f
hunting season
Ruhezeit f
dormant season
hunting season
zur rechten Zeit
in good season
tourist season
Einmachzeit f
canning season
Ruhezeit f bot.
dormant season
Heizperiode f
heating season
Badesaison f
bathing season
Radsportsaison f
cycling season
Brutzeit f
nesting season
Laichzeit f zool.
spawning season
Bausaison f
building season
Preis außerhalb der Saison
off-season price
Spielzeit f (Theater)
Spielzeiten pl
Spargelsaison f
asparagus season
Winterpause f sport
mid-season break
Fangzeit f zool. naut.
season of fishing
Ãœbergangszeit f textil.
in-between season
end-of-season sale
zur Unzeit
out of good season
end of season sale
die ungünstig verlaufende Saison
the adverse season
Hopfenernte f agr.
hop-picking season
für Festtagsanlässe (nachgestellt)
season-themed {adj}
Höhepunkt der Saison
height of the season
Saisonschwankungen unterliegen
vary with the season
Dauerkarteninhaber m; Inhaber m von Dauerkarten
season ticket holder
Hauptreisezeit f
(peak) tourist season
da die Saison zu Ende ist
the season being over
für die kommende Saison
for the coming season
Advent m; Adventszeit f; Adventzeit f Ös. relig.
Advent; Advent season
ganzjährig adj
all-season, year-round
Ãœbergangskleidung f textil.
in-between season wear
ganzjährig adj
all-season; year-round
Staffel f (einer TV-Serie)
season (of a TV series)
Staffel f (einer TV-Serie)
season (of a TV serial)
Hauptsaison f
high season, busy season
Hochsaison f
peak season, high season
Hauptsaison f
high season; busy season
Hochsaison f
peak season; high season
ehe die Saison zu Ende geht
before the season is over
Fastenzeit f, Fasten n
Lenting season, Lent, fast
Schonzeit f (Jagd)
close season, fence season
Sommerloch n, Saure-Gurken-Zeit f ugs.
silly season, summer recess
Sommerloch n; Saure-Gurken-Zeit f ugs.
silly season; summer recess
Unzeit f
zur Unzeit
out of season
da die Saison zu Ende geht
the season being near its end
Dauerkarte f
Dauerkarten pl
season ticket
season tickets
Nebensaison f, Nachsaison f
außerhalb der Saison, in der Nebensaison
in the off-season
Saisonkarte f
Saisonkarten pl
season ticket
season tickets
Urlaubszeit f
holiday period, holiday season
Nebensaison f; Nachsaison f
außerhalb der Saison; in der Nebensaison
in the off-season
Urlaubszeit f
holiday period; holiday season
Reisezeit f
Reisezeiten pl
tourist season
tourist seasons
Wachstumsperiode f, Vegetationsperiode f bot.
growing season, period of growth
Berichtsaison n fin.
reporting season; earning season
da die Saison nocht nicht begonnen hat
the season not having started yet
Mit den besten Wünschen zum Fest
With the compliments of the season
Schonzeit f (Jagd)
close season for game; fence season
Reisezeit f transp.
Hauptreisezeit f
tourist season
peak tourist season
jdn. zu Freiwild machen übtr.; jdn. zum Abschuss freigeben übtr. v
to declare open season on sb. fig.
Saatzeit f agr.
sowing season; sowing time; seed time
für Anfang der Sommersaison
for the beginning of the summer season
Weihnachtsgrüße pl
Christmas greetings, season's greetings
Weihnachtsgrüße pl
Christmas greetings; season's greetings
ablagern; austrocknen v (durch Lagern) (Holz)
ablagernd; austrocknend
abgelagert; ausgetrocknet
to season (wood)
zum geeigneten passenden gegebenen Zeitpunkt; zu gegebener Zeit; zur rechten Zeit; wenn der Zeitpunkt die Zeit gekommen ist adv
in due course; in due time; in due season
Jahresnetzkarte f; Jahreskarte f; Generalabonnement n Schw. transp. adm.
Jahresnetzkarten pl; Jahreskarten pl; Generalabonnements pl
yearly season ticket
yearly season tickets
ungestört adj soc.
eine ungestörte Brutzeit
an undisturbed breeding season
Dauerkarte f (Veranstaltungsreihe) art sport
Dauerkarten pl
season ticket (event series)
season tickets
Lieblingsjahreszeit f
favourite season Br.; favorite season Am.
närrisch adj
närrische Zeit f
silly, crazy, mad, scatterbrained
silly season
närrisch adj
närrische Zeit f
silly; crazy; mad; scatterbrained
silly season
da sich die Saison hinzieht
the season this year lasting longer than expected
(jährliche) Brutzeit f; Brutperiode f (einer Art) zool.
Brutzeiten pl; Brutperioden pl
breeding season (of a species)
breeding seasons
würzen, abschmecken v cook.
würzend, abschmeckend
gewürzt, abgeschmeckt
würzt, schmeckt ab
würzte, schmeckte ab
to season
Jagdzeit f; Jagdsaison f
hunting season; shooting season; open season for game
Brunst f, Brunft f, Brunstzeit f, Brunftzeit f, Paarungszeit f zool.
in der Brunst sein, in der Brunft sein
mating season, rut, rutting season, heat
to be rutting
Vorsaison f
start of the season, preseason, early part of the season
Brunst f; Brunft f; Brunstzeit f; Brunftzeit f; Paarungszeit f zool.
in der Brunst sein; in der Brunft sein
mating season; rut; rutting season; heat
to be rutting
Vorsaison f
start of the season; preseason; early part of the season
Erntezeit f; Erntesaison f agr.
zur Erntezeit
harvest time; harvest season; harvest
at harvest (time)
urlaubsbedingt adv
owing to the holiday season period Br.; due to vacation Am.
Hochwassersaison f; Hochwasserperiode f meteo.
high water season; flood season; high water period; flood period
ablagern; austrocknen v (durch Lagern) (Holz)
ablagernd; austrocknend
abgelagert; ausgetrocknet
gut abgelagertes Brennholz
to season (wood)
well-seasoned firewood
Blütezeit f
flowering time, flowering season, blossom, blossoming, inflorescence
Blütezeit f
flowering time; flowering season; blossom; blossoming; inflorescence
Wachstumsperiode f; Vegetationsperiode f bot.
Wachstumsperioden pl; Vegetationsperioden pl
growing season; period of growth
growing seasons; periods of growth
Wachstumsperiode f; Vegetationsperiode f; Vegetationszeit f bot.
Wachstumsperioden pl; Vegetationsperioden pl; Vegetationszeiten pl
growing season; period of growth
growing seasons; periods of growth
Zeitkarte f
Zeitkarten pl
commutation ticket, season ticket
commutation tickets, season tickets
Regenzeit f
rainy season; wet season Am.; pluvial phase; pluvial period; rainy period
Dauerkarte f; Zeitkarte f; Abonnementfahrkarte f transp.
Dauerkarten pl; Zeitkarten pl; Abonnementfahrkarten pl
season ticket; commutation ticket Am.
season tickets; commutation tickets
Dauerkarte f; Abonnementfahrkarte f transp.
Dauerkarten pl; Abonnementfahrkarten pl
season ticket; commutation ticket Am.
season tickets; commutation tickets
Weihnachtszeit f, Weihnachtstage pl
Christmas time, Christmastime, Yuletide, Christmas season, Christmastide, Noel
Weihnachtszeit f; Weihnachtstage pl
Christmas time; Christmastime; Yuletide; Christmas season; Christmastide; Noel
Weihnachtszeit f
Christmas time; Christmastime; Yuletide; Christmas season; Christmastide; Noel
Jahreszeit f, Saison f
Jahreszeiten pl
je nach der Jahreszeit
season, time of year
according to the season, depending on the season
Wochenkarte f
Wochenkarten pl
weekly season ticket, week-long ticket
weekly season tickets, week-long tickets
Wochenkarte f
Wochenkarten pl
weekly season ticket; week-long ticket
weekly season tickets; week-long tickets
anlaufen; sich anlassen v (Ding)
anlaufend; sich anlassend
angelaufen; sich angelassen
Die Saison lief schlecht an.
to start off (thing)
starting off
started off
This season started off badly.
Ausklang m
zum Ausklang des Festes
zum Ausklang der Saison
einen heiteren Ausklang haben
conclusion, close, end
to close the festival
to end the season
to end brightly
Ausklang m
zum Ausklang des Festes
zum Ausklang der Saison
einen heiteren Ausklang finden; heiter ausklingen
conclusion; close; end
to close the festival
to end the season
to end brightly
anlaufen; sich anlassen v (Ding)
anlaufend; sich anlassend
angelaufen; sich angelassen
Die Saison lief schlecht an.
to start off (of a thing)
starting off
started off
This season started off badly.
Monatskarte f
Monatskarten pl
monthly season ticket, ticket for one month
monthly season tickets, tickets for one month
Monatskarte f
Monatskarten pl
monthly season ticket; ticket for one month
monthly season tickets; tickets for one month
Jahreszeit f
Jahreszeiten pl
je nach Jahreszeit
für die Jahreszeit ungewöhnlich
season; time of year
according to the season; depending on the season
Saison f
zu Saisonbeginn
außerhalb der Saison
Es ist Erdbeerensaison.
at the beginning of the season
in during the off-season
Strawbwerries are in season.
von etw. verfolgt sein übtr.
ein Sportler der die ganze Saison vom Pech Verletzungspech verfolgt ist übtr.
to be dogged by sth. fig.
an athlete who has been dogged by bad luck injury all season fig.
von etw. verfolgt sein v übtr.
ein Sportler, der die ganze Saison vom Pech Verletzungspech verfolgt ist übtr.
to be dogged by sth. fig.
an athlete who has been dogged by bad luck injury all season fig.
Urlaubszeit f
während in der Urlaubszeit
holiday season Br.; vacation season Am.
during the holiday season; during the vacation season
Jacke f textil.
Jacken pl
Stoffjacke f
Wendejacke f
Winterjacke f
wetterfeste Jacke
Jacke für jede Jahreszeit
cloth jacket
reversible jacket
winter jacket
all-weather jacket
all-season jacket
für etw. grünes Licht geben; etw. absegnen v adm.
Es gibt grünes Licht für eine fünfte Spielzeit. art
to give the green light for sth.; to green-light sth. Am.
A fifth season of the show has been green-lit.
Ziegel m; Ziegelstein m; Mauerziegel m; Backstein m (veraltet) constr.
Ziegel pl; Ziegelsteine pl; Mauerziegel pl; Backsteine pl
Ziegel im Klosterformat (Großformat)
Ziegeln sommern
Ziegeln wintern
large medieval bricks
to season mature bricks in summer
to season mature bricks in winter
Jagdzeit f; Jagdsaison f
Die Jagdzeit beginnt.; Die Jagd geht auf.
hunting season; shooting season; open season for game
The hunting season begins.; The shooting season begins.
Saison f
Fischfangzeit f; Fischfangsaison f; Fangsaison f
zu Saisonbeginn
außerhalb der Saison
Es ist Erdbeerensaison.
fishing season
at the beginning of the season
in during the off-season
Strawberries are in season.
Jahreskarte f
Jahreskarten pl
annual ticket, annual season-ticket, ticket for one year
annual tickets, annual season-tickets, tickets for one year
Jahreskarte f
Jahreskarten pl
annual ticket; annual season-ticket; ticket for one year
annual tickets; annual season-tickets; tickets for one year
Speisen würzen v cook.
Speisen mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken
to season dishes
to season dishes to taste with salt and pepper
unwiderruflich; endgültig adv
Diese Zeiten sind unwiderruflich endgültig vorbei.
Die Fremdenverkehrssaison hat unwiderruflich endgültig begonnen.
irreversibly; well and truly
These days are irreversibly well and truly over.
The tourist season is irreversibly well and truly under way.
Ausverkauf m; Rausverkauf m (Werbung); Schlussverkauf m; Abverkauf m Ös. econ.
Ausverkäufe pl; Schlussverkäufe pl
etw. im Ausverkauf Abverkauf Ös. kaufen
Saisonschlussverkauf m
Sommerschlussverkauf m SSV
Winterschlussverkauf m WSV
clearance sale; sales
clearance sales
to buy sth. in at the sales
end-of-season sales
summer sale; summer sales
winter sale; winter sales
Ausverkauf m; Rausverkauf m (Werbung); Schlussverkauf m; Abverkauf m Ös. econ.
Ausverkäufe pl; Schlussverkäufe pl
etw. im Ausverkauf Abverkauf Ös. kaufen
Saisonschlussverkauf m
Sommerschlussverkauf m SSV
Winterschlussverkauf m WSV
clearance sale; sales
clearance sales
to buy sth. in at the sales
end-of-season sales
summer sale; summer sales
winter sale; winter sales
Ziegel m; Ziegelstein m; Mauerziegel m; Backstein m veraltet constr.
Ziegel pl; Ziegelsteine pl; Mauerziegel pl; Backsteine pl
Plankonvexziegel m hist.
Ziegel im Klosterformat (Großformat)
Ziegel im Verband verlegen v
Ziegel sommern
Ziegel wintern
hog-back brick
large medieval bricks
to engage bricks together
to season mature bricks in summer
to season mature bricks in winter
Beständigkeit f; Konstanz f (bei etw.)
eine gleichbleibende Qualität von Dienstleistungen
beständigere konstantere Leistungen erbringen
die ganze Saison über mit großer Beständigkeit spielen
consistency (of sth. in doing sth.)
consistency in the quality of service
to show greater consistency of performance
to play with great consistency all season

Deutsche Jahreszeit Synonyme

Jahreszeit  ÂSaison  
Sommer  Âwarme  Jahreszeit  
Jahreszeit  Saison  

Englische season Synonyme

mid season Definition

(n.) One of the divisions of the year, marked by alternations in the length of day and night, or by distinct conditions of temperature, moisture, etc., caused mainly by the relative position of the earth with respect to the sun. In the north temperate zone, four seasons, namely, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, are generally recognized. Some parts of the world have three seasons, -- the dry, the rainy, and the cold
(n.) Hence, a period of time, especially as regards its fitness for anything contemplated or done
(n.) A period of time not very long
(n.) That which gives relish
(v. t.) To render suitable or appropriate
(v. t.) To fit for any use by time or habit
(v. t.) Hence, to prepare by drying or hardening, or removal of natural juices
(v. t.) To fit for taste
(v. t.) Hence, to fit for enjoyment
(v. t.) To qualify by admixture
(v. t.) To imbue
(v. t.) To copulate with
(v. i.) To become mature
(v. i.) To become dry and hard, by the escape of the natural juices, or by being penetrated with other substance
(v. i.) To give token

mid season Bedeutung

commutation ticket
season ticket
a ticket good for several trips or to attend a season of entertainments, sold at a reduced rate
silly season a time usually late summer characterized by exaggerated news stories about frivolous matters for want of real news
time of year
one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions, the regular sequence of the seasons
growing season the season during which a crop grows best
holiday season a time when many people take holidays
high season
peak season
the season when travel is most active and rates are highest, they traveled to Europe in high season
off-season the season when travel is least active and rates are lowest
rainy season one of the two seasons in tropical climates
dry season one of the two seasons in tropical climates
season a recurrent time marked by major holidays, it was the Christmas season
season a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field, he celebrated his th season with the ballet company, she always looked forward to the avocado season
baseball season the season when baseball is played
triplerown season a season of baseball during which a player wins the triple crown
basketball season the season when basketball is played
exhibition season the time before the regular games begin when football or baseball teams play practice games
fishing season the season during which it is legal to catch fish
football season the season when football is played
hockey season the season when hockey is played
hunting season the season during which it is legal to kill a particular species
social season the season for major social events
theatrical season the season when new plays are produced
season mollify
make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else, moderate, she tempered her criticism
make fit, This trip will season even the hardiest traveller
lend flavor to, Season the chicken breast after roasting it
in due course
in due season
in good time
in due time
when the time comes
at the appropriate time, we'll get to this question in due course
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