
middle Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Mitte, Mittel..
mittleres Alter
middle age
mittleres Lebensalter
middle age
von mittlerem Alter
Mittelalter n hist.
Middle Ages
middle ages
middle size
mittleren Alters
mittlerer Preis
middle price
mittlerer Preis, Durchschnittspreis
middle price
von mittlerer Größe
mittelständisch adj
middle class
Mittelrhein m geogr.
Middle Rhine
Mittelniederländisch n ling.
Middle Dutch
mittelniederländisch adj ling.
Middle Dutch
mittlerer Kurs
middle course
mitten (drin); in der Mitte
in the middle
Mittelfranzösisch n ling.
Middle French
mittelfranzösisch adj ling.
Middle French
middle classes
Bürgertum n
middle classes
Mittelstürmer m, Mittelstürmerin f sport
middle forward
middle classes
Middle Eastern
Mittelstürmer m; Mittelstürmerin f sport
middle forward
Mittelalter n MA hist.
Middle Ages MA
Mittellauf m; Flussmittellauf m geogr.
middle reaches
Mitte April
middle of April
Mitte f, mittlerer Teil
Mitten pl
Spätmittelalter n hist.
Late Middle Ages
MA : Mittelalter
MA : Middle Ages
mitten in
in the middle of
Mitte f; mittlerer Teil
Mitten pl
Mittelalter n MA hist.
Middle Ages MA
mittlere Führungsebene
middle management
Frühmittelalter n hist.
Early Middle Ages
Mittelniederdeutsch n ling.
Middle Low German
mittelniederdeutsch adj mnd. ling.
Middle Low German
Mittelhochdeutsch n
Middle High German
gemäßigt, moderat adj
mittelhochdeutsch adj
Middle High German
Kronenmitte f
middle of the crown
unterer Mittelstand
lower middle classes
Mittelohr n, Tympanum n anat.
middle ear, tympanum
Tourist der Mittelschicht
middle-class tourist
Gyrus frontalis medius m anat.
middle frontal gyrus
Mittelohr n; Tympanum n anat.
middle ear; tympanum
Mittelweg m übtr.; Kompromiss m
middle ground fig.
Mitte Juni
in the middle of June
Gyrus temporalis medius m anat.
middle temporal gyrus
Bildungsbürgertum n soc.
educated middle-class
mittelgroß adj
medium size, middle size
mittelklassig adj
mittelklassig adj
middle class
mittendrin adv
right in the middle of it
Mittelspecht m (Dendrocopos medius) ornith.
middle spotted woodpecker
Mesolithikum n, Mittelsteinzeit f hist.
mesolithic, middle stone age
Mittelstand m
middle class, middle classes
Nahost m, Naher Osten geogr.
(the) Middle East, Near East
Mesolithikum n; Mittelsteinzeit f hist.
mesolithic; middle stone age
mittlere; mittlerer; mittleres adj; Mittel...; Mitten...
mittleren Alters sein
to be of middle age
mittlere; mittlerer; mittleres adj; Mittel…; Mitten…
mittleren Alters sein
to be of middle age
Bronzezeit f hist.
mittlere Bronzezeit
Bronze Age
middle Bronze Age
Mittelfinger m
Mittelfinger pl
middle finger
middle fingers
Orient m
der Vordere Orient
East, Orient
the Middle East
Mittelfinger m anat.
Mittelfinger pl
middle finger
middle fingers
Orient m; Morgenland n poet.
der Vordere Orient
Orient; East
the Middle East
Heizfadenmitte f (Elektronenröhre) electr.
heater middle HM (electron tube)
gemäßigt; moderat adj (Ansicht; Meinung)
middle-of-the-road (view; opinion)
kleinbürgerlich adj
lower middle-class, petty bourgeois
mittlere, mittlerer, mittleres adj, Mittel..., Mitten...
mitten in der Nacht
in the middle of the night
kleinbürgerlich adj
lower middle-class; petty bourgeois
kleinbürgerlich adj soc.
lower middle-class; petty bourgeois
Nahost m; Naher Osten geogr.
(the) Middle East; Near East hist.
Mittelkarbon n geol.
Middle Carboniferous (series; epoch)
Hochmittelalter n hist.
High Middle Ages, high-medieval period
Mittelstufe f (Schule)
middle school Br., junior high Am.
Hochmittelalter n hist.
High Middle Ages; high-medieval period
Mittelstufe f (Schule)
middle school Br.; junior high Am.
wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen übtr.
in the middle of nowhere, in the sticks
wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen übtr.
in the middle of nowhere; in the sticks
im mittleren Dienst
in the middle grade of the civil service
Mittellauf m (eines Flusses) geogr.
middle course; middle reach (of a river)
Paukenhöhle f anat.
tympanic cavity, cavity in the middle ear
Mittelstrecke f
medium distance; medium haul; middle haul
Mittelteil m; Mittelstück n
Mittelteile pl; Mittelstücke pl
middle part; waist
middle parts; waists
Paukenhöhle f anat.
tympanic cavity; cavity in the middle ear
mittelgroß adj
medium size; middle-size; of medium height
mitten in
mitten in etw. sein
in the middle of
to be in the throes of sth.
Mittelspecht m ornith.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius)
Mittelstück n (Blasinstrument) mus.
Mittelstücke pl
middle joint (wind instrument)
middle joints
Mittelständler m, Mittelständlerin f
middle-class person, member of the middle class
Mittelständler m; Mittelständlerin f
middle-class person; member of the middle class
Mittelfranken (Bezirk in Bayern) geogr.
Middle Franconia (district in Bavaria Germany)
August m
Mitte August
in the middle of August; in mid August
Mittelfranken (Bezirk in Bayern) geogr.
Middle Franconia (district in Bavaria, Germany)
Mittelstreckenläufer m, Mittelstreckenläuferin f sport
Mittelstreckenläufer pl, Mittelstreckenläuferinnen pl
middle-distance runner
middle-distance runners
Mittelstreckenläufer m; Mittelstreckenläuferin f sport
Mittelstreckenläufer pl; Mittelstreckenläuferinnen pl
middle-distance runner
middle-distance runners
großbürgerlich adj soc.
upper middle-class; upper class; grand bourgeois
Mittelpfette f constr.
center purlin, intermediate purlin, middle purlin
Orientalist m, Orientalistin f
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
Mittelpfette f constr.
center purlin; intermediate purlin; middle purlin
Mittelstand m; Mittelschicht f
gehobene Mittelschicht f
middle class; middle classes
upper middle class
Aga m (Titel im muslimischen Nahen Osten) adm. hist.
aga; agha (title in Muslim Middle East countries)
Mittelstand m; Mittelschicht f; Mittelklasse f soc.
gehobene Mittelschicht f
middle class; middle classes
upper middle class
Aalen n geol.
Aalenian (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch)
wo sich die Füchse gute Nacht sagen; wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen; (irgendwo) im Nirgendwo; in der Pampa ugs. übtr.
in the middle of nowhere; out in the sticks coll.
Management n, Leitung f
mittleres Management
strategisches Management
middle management
strategic management
inmitten prp; +Gen. (umgeben von mitten in)
in the middle; in the midst (of); amid; amidst poet.
inmitten prp; +Gen. (umgeben von, mitten in)
in the middle; in the midst (of); amid; amidst poet.
genau; voll ugs. adv
genau in die Mitte; voll auf die Zwölf
smack-bang; smack-dab coll.
smack-dab in the middle
Xenodochium n (frühmittelalterliches Hospiz) hist.
xenodochium; xenodochy (hospice in the early Middle Ages)
Affenreizen n (Kinderspiel)
Monkey in the Middle; Piggy in the Middle (children's game)
Mittelohrentzündung f med.
inflammation of the middle ear, infection in one's middle ear
Mittelohrentzündung f med.
inflammation of the middle ear; infection in one's middle ear
Nibelungenlied n (mittelhochdeutsches Heldenepos) lit.
The Song of the Nibelungs (heroic epic in Middle High German)
Mittelweg m
der goldene Mittelweg
goldener Mittelweg
einen Mittelweg finden; die goldene Mitte finden; einen Kompromiss finden

the golden mean
happy medium
to find a middle way fig.
Rückwärtsentwicklung f; Rückfall m (in einen früheren Zustand) pej.
ein Rückfall ins Mittelalter
regression (to a former state)
a regression to the Middle Ages
Orient m; Morgenland n poet.
der Vordere Orient
die drei Weisen aus dem Morgenland
Orient; East
the Middle East
the three Wise Men from the East
Nahost m; Naher Osten geogr.
nahöstlich adj; des Nahen Ostens
(the) Middle East; Near East hist.
Middle-Eastern; Mideastern
Konstellation f; Gesamtlage f pol.
die derzeitige politische Konstellation im Nahen Osten
the present political conjuncture in the Middle East
Schläfenlappenfurche f; Schläfenfurche f anat.
mittlere Schläfenlappenfurche
untere Schläfenlappenfurche
temporal sulcus
middle temporal sulcus
inferior temporal sulcus
Tochterkloster n; Tochtergründung f; Filialgründung f; Filialniederlassung f; Filiation f geh. (eines Zisterzienserklosters im Mittelalter) relig. hist.
filiation (of a Cistercian monastery or convent in the Middle Ages)
Machtfaktor m; graue Eminenz f; jemand der die politischen Fäden zieht pol.
die Rolle der USA als Machtfaktor im Nahen Osten
power broker; powerbroker Am.
the US's role as a power broker in the Middle East
mittendurch adv; mitten durch; mitten hindurch
mitten durch die Stadt
mitten durch die Menge
(right) through the middle
right through the town
through the middle of the crowd
Straße f (in der Stadt)
Straßen pl
auf der Straße
auf offener Straße
on the road, in (on Am.) the street
in the middle of the street
in die Jahre kommen
to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth fig.
Vorname m; Rufname m
Vornamen pl; Rufnamen pl
zweiter Vorname; Zwischenname m
first name; firstname; given name
first names; firstnames; given names
middle name
in die Jahre kommen v
to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth fig.
Wasserstoffatom n phys.
Wasserstoffatome pl
endständiges Wasserstoffatom
mittelständiges Wasserstoffatom
hydrogen atom
hydrogen atoms
hydrogen atom on the ends
hydrogen atom in the middle
Straße f Str. (in der Stadt)
Straßen pl
auf der Straße
auf offener Straße
street St
on the road; in (on Am.) the street
in the middle of the street
Tausendundeine Nacht (Sammlung orientalischer Erzählungen) lit.
One Thousand and One Nights; The Arabian Nights (collection of Middle Eastern folk tales)
Ordovizium n geol.
Mittleres Ordovizium
Oberes Ordovizium
Unteres Ordovizium
Ordovician (system; period; age)
Middle Ordovician
Upper Ordovician
Lower Ordovician
Straße f Str. (in der Stadt)
Straßen pl
auf der Straße
auf offener Straße
street St
on the road; in (on Am.) the street
in the middle of the street
Mittelohrreflexmessung f; Stapediusreflexmessung f med.
middle-ear-muscles reflex measurement; MEM reflex measurement; stapedius reflex measurement
Vertiefung f (zur Aufnahme von Flüssigkeiten)
In die Mitte des Mehls eine Vertiefung drücken und die Milch und die Eier hineingeben. cook.
well (to hold liquids)
Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the milk and the eggs.
Mittelstreckenlauf m sport
Mittelstreckenläufe pl
middle-distance race, middle-distance running
middle-distance races, middle-distance runnings
Mittelstreckenlauf m sport
Mittelstreckenläufe pl
middle-distance race; middle-distance running
middle-distance races; middle-distance runnings
Orientalist m; Orientalistin f
Orientalisten pl; Orientalistinnen pl
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
Schläfenvene f anat.
Schläfenvenen pl
mittlere Schläfenvene
oberflächliche Schläfenvene
tiefe Schläfenvene
temporal vein
temporal veins
middle temporal vein
superficial temporal vein
deep temporal vein
Mittelzentrum n
Mittelzentren pl
middle-order centre; middle-order center (medium-sized town)
middle-order centres; middle-order centers
Politiker m, Politikerin f
Politiker pl
Politiker der Mitte
ein ehrgeiziger, aufstrebender Politiker
Politiker von Rang
middle-of-the-road politician
a thrusting politician
distinguished politician
Politiker m; Politikerin f
Politiker pl
Politiker der Mitte
ein ehrgeiziger aufstrebender Politiker
Politiker von Rang
middle-of-the-road politician
a thrusting politician
distinguished politician
Hochsommer m meteo.
im Hochsommer
high summer; midsummer; the middle of the summer
in high summer; in midsummer; in the middle of the summer
Führungsebene f
mittlere Führungsebene; die mittleren Führungskräfte; mittleres Management
auf der mittleren Führungsebene
auf der Führungsebene
management level; managerial level
middle management
at middle management level
at the managerial level
Mittelohrreflex m; Stapediusreflex m; akustischer Reflex m med.
middle-ear-muscles reflex; MEM reflex; stapedius reflex; attenuation reflex; auditory reflex; acoustic reflex

Deutsche mittlerer Synonyme


Englische middle Synonyme

middle  active  active voice  amidships  arbitrational  arbitrative  average  axial  axis  balance  bisect  center  center of action  center of gravity  center on  center round  centermost  central  centralize  centralized  centric  centroid  centroidal  centrosymmetric  centrum  coming between  concentrated  core  dead center  double  epicenter  equatorial  equidistant  fold  generality  geocentric  going between  golden mean  halfway  happy medium  heart  hub  intercessional  intercessory  intercurrent  interior  interjacent  interlocutory  intermedial  intermediary  intermediate  intermediatory  intervenient  intervening  interventional  juste-milieu  kernel  key  marrow  mean  medial  median  mediating  mediative  mediatorial  mediatory  medio-passive  mediocre  mediocrity  mediterranean  medium  medulla  mesial  mesne  metacenter  mezzo  mid  middle course  middle ground  middle point  middle position  middle state  middle voice  middle-of-the-road  middlemost  middling  midland  midmost  midpoint  midriff  midships  midst  midway  nave  navel  norm  normal  nub  nuclear  nucleus  omphalic  omphalos  pacificatory  par  passive  passive voice  pith  pivot  pivotal  reflexive  rule  run  stomach  storm center  umbilical  umbilicus  via media  voice  waist  
Middle America  bourgeoisie  burgherdom  fourth-rater  mediocrity  middle class  middle order  middle orders  no prize  nobody special  nonentity  nothing special  second-rater  silent majority  small beer  small potatoes  suburbia  third-rater  tinhorn  
Middle American  Babbitt  Philistine  anal character  bourgeois  burgher  compulsive character  conformer  conformist  conventionalist  formalist  methodologist  middle-class type  model child  organization man  parrot  pedant  perfectionist  plastic person  precisian  precisianist  sheep  square  teenybopper  trimmer  yes-man  
middle class  Middle America  bourgeoisie  burgherdom  common people  common run  common sort  commonage  commonality  commonalty  commoners  commons  fourth-rater  laborers  linendrapers  lower classes  lower middle class  lower orders  lumpen proletariat  mediocrity  middle order  middle orders  no prize  nobody special  nonentity  nothing special  ordinary people  peasantry  plain folks  plain people  proletariat  rank and file  second-rater  shopkeepers  silent majority  small beer  small potatoes  small tradesmen  suburbia  the lower cut  the other half  the third estate  third-rater  tinhorn  toilers  toiling class  upper middle class  vulgus  working class  working people  
Middle East  Africa  America  Antipodes  Asia  Asia Major  Asia Minor  Australasia  East  Eastern Hemisphere  Eurasia  Europe  Far East  Levant  Near East  New World  Occident  Oceania  Old World  Orient  West  Western Hemisphere  continent  down under  eastland  landmass  the old country  
middle ground  average  balance  center  compromise  fence  generality  golden mean  half measures  half-and-half measures  halfway measures  happy medium  juste-milieu  mean  median  mediocrity  medium  middle  middle course  middle point  middle position  middle state  middle way  middle-of-the-road  midpoint  moderateness  moderation  neutral ground  norm  normal  par  rule  run  via media  
middle of the road  average  balance  center  compromise  fence  generality  golden mean  half measures  half-and-half measures  halfway measures  happy medium  juste-milieu  mean  median  mediocrity  medium  middle  middle course  middle ground  middle point  middle position  middle state  middle way  middle-of-the-road  midpoint  moderantism  moderate position  moderateness  moderation  moderatism  neutral ground  norm  normal  par  rule  run  third force  via media  
middle school  Gymnasium  Latin school  Realgymnasium  Realschule  academy  grammar school  high  high school  intermediate school  junior high  junior high school  prep school  preparatory school  public school  secondary school  seminary  senior high  senior high school  
Middle West  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  eastland  northland  the Coast  westland  wild West  
middlebrow  Babbitt  boeotian  boob  dabbler  dilettante  dunce  fool  greenhorn  greeny  ignoramus  illiterate  illiterati  know-nothing  lowbrow  no scholar  puddinghead  tenderfoot  unintelligentsia  
middleman  agent  arbitrator  broker  chandler  connection  contact  dealer  deputy  distributor  entrepreneur  front  front man  go-between  importer  interagent  interceder  intercessor  intermediary  intermediate  intermediate agent  intermediator  intermedium  internuncio  interpleader  intervener  interventionist  interventor  jobber  liaison  link  marketer  mediary  mediator  medium  merchandiser  merchant  monger  mouthpiece  negotiant  negotiator  negotiatress  negotiatrix  ombudsman  regrater  retail dealer  retail merchant  retailer  shopkeeper  spokesman  spokeswoman  storekeeper  tie  trader  tradesman  tradeswoman  trafficker  wholesaler  
middlemost  amidships  average  axial  center  centermost  central  centralized  centric  centroidal  centrosymmetric  concentrated  core  equatorial  equidistant  geocentric  halfway  interior  intermediary  intermediate  key  mean  medial  median  mediocre  mediterranean  medium  mesial  mezzo  mid  middle  middling  midland  midmost  midships  midway  nuclear  omphalic  pivotal  umbilical  
middleweight  Chinese boxer  bantamweight  black belt  boxer  brown belt  bruiser  catchweight  featherweight  fighter  fisticuffer  flyweight  heavyweight  karate expert  light heavyweight  lightweight  palooka  prizefighter  pug  pugilist  savate expert  sparrer  welterweight  

middle Definition

(a.) Equally distant from the extreme either of a number of things or of one thing
(a.) Intermediate
(a.) The point or part equally distant from the extremities or exterior limits, as of a line, a surface, or a solid
(a.) the waist.
() Of or pertaining to the Middle Ages
(a.) Being about the middle of the ordinary age of man
(n.) The world, considered as lying between heaven and hell.
(n.) That part of a picture between the foreground and the background.

middle Bedeutung

lister plow
lister plough
middle buster
moldboard plow with a double moldboard designed to move dirt to either side of a central furrow
middle ear
tympanic cavity
the main cavity of the ear, between the eardrum and the inner ear
middle cerebral artery one of two branches of the internal carotid artery, divides into three branches
middle meningeal artery branch of the maxillary artery, its branches supply meninges
middle cerebral vein
vena cerebri media
either of two cerebral veins
deep middle cerebral vein accompanies the middle cerebral artery deep in the Sylvian fissure, empties into the basal vein
superficial middle cerebral vein a large vein along the line of the Sylvian fissure to the cavernous sinus
middle temporal vein arises near the eye, joins the superficial temporal veins to form the retromandibular vein
middle thyroid vein a vein on each side that drains the lateral part of the thyroid and empties into the internal jugular vein
midriff midsection
the middle area of the human torso (usually in front), young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable
middle finger the second finger, between the index finger and the ring finger
middle an intermediate part or section, A whole is that which has beginning, middle, and end- Aristotle
middle distance the part of a scene between the foreground and the background
middle name a name between your first name and your surname
middle term the term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion
middle C the note designated by the first ledger line below the treble staff, . hertz
Middle English English from about to
Middle High German High German from to
Middle Low German Low German from to
Middle Irish Irish Gaelic from to
Medieval Greek
Middle Greek
Byzantine Greek
the Greek language from about to AD
middle class
the social class between the lower and upper classes
secondary school
middle school
a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college, usually grades to
center centre middle
an area that is approximately central within some larger region, it is in the center of town, they ran forward into the heart of the struggle, they were in the eye of the storm
middle west
midwestern United States
the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America)
Middle East
Near East
the area around the eastern Mediterranean, from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran, the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam, had continuous economic and political turmoil in the th century, the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization
middle of the roader
a person who takes a position in the political center
middle-aged man a man who is roughly between and years old
conductive hearing loss
conduction deafness
middle-ear deafness
hearing loss due to problems with the bones of the middle ear
middle age the time of life between youth and old age (e.g., betweenandyears of age)
Middle Paleolithic the time period of Neanderthal man, ended about , years BC
Middle Ages
Dark Ages
the period of history between classical antiquity and the Italian Renaissance
middle time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period, the middle of the war, rain during the middle of April
graveyard watch
middle watch
night watch
a watch during the night (as from midnight to a.m.)
middle put in the middle
middle-clas occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower classes and the wealthy
lower-middle-class occupying the lower part of the middle socioeconomic range in a society
upper-middle-class occupying the upper part of the middle socioeconomic range in a society
middle(a) midway
equally distant from the extremes
middle between an earlier and a later period of time, in the middle years, in his middle thirties
middle of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages, Middle English is the English language from about to , Middle Gaelic
middle Atlantic
of a region of the United States generally including Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and usually New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, mid-Atlantic states
being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series, adolescence is an awkward in-between age, in a mediate position, the middle point on a line
middle-of-the-road not extreme, especially in political views
middle-aged being roughly between and years old
supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither liberal nor conservative
middle-level intermediate in rank or position, middle-level management
Middle Eastern of or relating to or located in the Middle East
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