
milk sister Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Milchschwester f soc.
Milchschwestern pl
milk shop
H-Milch f
UHT milk, long-life milk
Halbschwester f
Kokosmilch f cook.
coconut milk
Kondensmilch f
evaporated milk, condensated milk
Kuhmilch f
cow's milk
Magermilch f
skim milk
Magermilchkonzentrat n cook.
concentrated skim milk
Magermilchpulver n
nonfat dry milk
Markenmilch m
accredited milk
Milch f
dicke Milch
Kuhsaft f ugs.
sour milk
moo juice Am. coll.
Milch geben v
Milch gebend
Milch gegeben
to milk
Milcheiweiß n
milk protein
Milchglas n
opaque glass, milk glass
Milchkaffee m, Melange f Ös.
coffee with milk, white coffee
Milchkanne f
milk can
Milchkrug m
milk jug
Milchpulver n
powdered milk, milk powder
Milchtüte f
Milchtüten pl
milk carton
milk cartons
Milchzahn m anat.
Milchzähne pl
milk tooth, primary tooth
milk teeth, primary teeth
Muttermilch f
mother's milk, breast-milk
Operationsschwester f, OP-Schwester f
Operationsschwestern pl, OP-Schwestern pl
theatre sister Br., operating-room nurse Am.
theatre sisters, operating-room nurses
Rohmilchkäse m cook.
raw milk cheese
Sauermilch f
curdled milk
Schafskäse m cook.
sheep's milk cheese, sheep feta, feta cheese
Schwägerin f
Schwägerinnen pl
Schwester f
Schwestern pl
Schwesterchen n, Schwesterlein n, kleine Schwester f
sister, sis
kid sister, little sister, baby sister
Schwesterfirma f
Schwesterfirmen pl
sister company
sister companies
Schwesternschiff n
Schwesternschiffe pl
sister ship
sister ships
Trockenmilch f cook.
dried milk
Vanillemilch f
vanilla milk
Vollmilch f cook.
unskimmed milk, full-cream milk
whole milk
Vollmilchschokolade f cook.
whole milk chocolate
Vormilch f, Kolostrum n, Kolostralmilch f, Biestmilch f, Beestmilch f, Erstmilch f wenige Tage nach Geburt
colostrum, beestings, first milk
Zwillingsschwester f
Zwillingsschwestern pl
twin sister
twin sisters
melken v
gemolken, gemelkt
sie melkt, er
sie milkt
sie melkte, ich
sie molk
sie hat
hatte gemolken, er
sie hat
hatte gemelkt
sie melkte
melke!, milk!
to milk
she milks
she milked
she has
had milked
she would milk
wegen prp, +Genitiv, + Dativ ugs.
wegen des schlechten Wetters, des schlechten Wetters wegen
wegen des Regens
wegen Krankheit geschlossen
nur wegen euch
wegen seiner Schwester
von Berufs wegen
because of, due to, owing to, on account of
because of the bad weather
owing to the rain
closed due to illness
all because of you
on account of his sister
for professional reasons
Brüderchen und Schwesterchen
Brother and Sister
accredited milk
coffee with milk
curdled milk
evaporated milk
milk glass
milk teeth
milk tooth
powdered milk
sister companies
sister company
sister in law
sister ship
sister ships
twin sister
unskimmed milk
das Milchkännchen umkippen
upset the milk-jug
eine Schale Milch
a bowl of milk
etwas Milch
some milk
mag seine Schwester
fond of his sister
Adoptivschwester m
Adoptivschwestern pl
adopted sister
adopted sisters
jdn. wie ein Blitz treffen v (als Frau Mann plötzlich faszinieren) soc.
Gleich bei unserer ersten Begegnung hat es mich wie einen Blitz getroffen hat es mich erwischt.
She completely swept him off his feet.
Meine Schwester hat sich Hals über Kopf in einen älteren Mann verliebt.
Sie wartet auf einen Helden der ihr Herz im Sturm erobert.
to sweep sb. off their feet
The first time I met him her I was swept off my feet.
Er war von ihr völlig überwältigt.
My sister has been swept off her feet by an older man.
She's waiting for some hero to come and sweep her off her feet.
Bubble Tea m; Pearl Tea m (Teemischgetränk mit Stärkekügelchen) cook.
bubble tea; pearl (milk) tea; boba (milk) tea (tea mix drink with starch pearls)
Flasche f
Flaschen pl
eine Flasche Milch
a bottle of milk
Haltbarmilch f; H-Milch f cook.
UHT milk; long-life milk
Handkäse m; Harzkäse m; Harzer Käse m; Harzer Roller m; Mainzer Käse m; Quargel m Ös.; Olmützer Quargel m Ös. (Rohmilchkäse) cook.
hand-formed pungent soft cheese made from raw milk; Harz cheese
ein Haus suchen (zwecks Kaufs Miete) v
Meine Schwester sucht derzeit ein Haus.
Wie geht's (Dir Euch) mit der Haussuche?
to house-hunt
My sister is house-hunting.
How's the house-hunting going?
Heumilch f agr.
pasture milk
Himbeermilch f cook.
raspberry milk
Kalkmilch f; Kalkbrühe f constr.
lime-milk; milk of lime
Kalkmilch-Grießabscheider m (Zuckerherstellung)
milk of lime grit separator (sugar production)
Kalkmilchscheidung f; Nassscheidung f (Zuckerherstellung)
defecation with milk of lime (sugar production)
Kalkung f (Zuckerherstellung)
nasse Kalkung
lime treatment; lime defecation (sugar production)
milk-of-lime defecation
Kälberhälfte f (Teilstück vom Kalb) cook.
side of milk-veal (veal cut)
Kautschukmilch f; Latex m
Latizes pl
geblähter Latex
caoutchouc milk; rubber latex
latices; latexes
blown latex foam
Kefir m (vergorenes Milchgetränk) cook.
kefir; keefir; kephir (fermented milk drink)
Klonmilch f ugs.
milk from cloned animals
Kondensmilch f; Dosenmilch f; Büchsenmilch f (veraltet) cook.
gezuckerte Kondensmilch
condensated milk; evaporated milk
sweetened condensed milk
Kühlschrank m; Eisschrank m (veraltend); Eiskasten m Ös.
Kühlschränke pl; Eisschränke pl; Eiskästen pl
Stell die Milch bitte in den Kühlschrank!
Großraumkühlschrank m
refrigerator; fridge Br.; freezer; icebox Am. (old-fashioned)
refrigerators; fridges; freezers; iceboxes
Please put the milk in the refrigerator.
full-size refrigerator
Kuhmilchallergie f med.
cow's milk allergy
Lassi n (indisches Milchmischgetränk) cook.
lassi (Indian milk mix drink)
Magermilchpulver n MMP
skim milk powder; skimmed milk powder SMP ; nonfat dry milk
Mariendistel f; Christi Krone f; Donnerdistel f; Fieberdistel f; Frauendistel f; Heilandsdistel f; Marienkörner pl; Stechkörner pl (Silybum marianum) bot.
milk thistle; Marian Thistle
Milch f agr. cook.
fettarme Milch; teilentrahmte Milch
dicke Milch
Haut auf der Milch
Kuhsaft f ugs.
semi-skimmed milk
sour milk
skin on the milk
moo juice Am. coll.
Milchannahmewaage f
Milchannahmewaagen pl
milk weigher
milk weighers
Milchaufschäumer m cook.
Milchaufschäumer pl
milk frother
milk frothers
Milchbecher m cook.
Milchbecher pl
milk cup
milk cups
Milchbruder m soc.
Milchbrüder pl
Milchfettrefraktometer n techn.
Milchfettrefraktometer pl
milk fat refractometer
milk fat refractometers
Milchglas n
opaque glass; milk glass
Milchkühler m agr.
Milchkühler pl
milk cooler
milk coolers
Milchkaffee m; Melange f Ös.
coffee with milk; white coffee
Milchkanne f agr.
Milchkannen pl
milk churn Br.; milk can Am.
milk churns; milk cans
Milchkinder pl soc.
Milchkrug m
Milchkrüge pl
milk jug
milk jugs
Milchlagertank m agr.
Milchlagertanks pl
milk storage tank
milk storage tanks
Milchleitung f
Milchleitungen pl
milk pipeline
milk pipelines
Milchmischgetränk n cook.
milk mix drink
Milchproduktion f; Laktation f (bei Säugetieren) biol.
production of milk; secretion of milk; lactation (in mammals)
Milchpulver n; Trockenmilch f cook.
milk powder; powdered milk; desiccated milk
Milchschaum m cook.
milk froth
Milchschwester f soc.
Milchschwestern pl
Milchtasse f (ohne Untertasse); Milchpott m Norddt. Ostdt.; Milchbecher m Norddt. Westdt.; Milchhaferl n Bayr. Ös.; Milchhäferl n Ös. cook
Milchtassen pl; Milchpötte pl; Milchbecher pl; Milchhaferlen pl; Milchhäferlen pl
milk mug
milk mugs
Milchtrinkersyndrom n; Milch-Alkali-Syndrom n med.
milk drinker's syndrome; Burnett's syndrome; milk-alkali syndrome (of hypercalcaemia)
Milchunverträglichkeit f med.
milk intolerance
Milchverwandtschaft f soc.
milk kinship
Milchwächter m cook.
milk watcher; milk saver; milk guard; pot watcher; pot minder; boil-over preventer
Milchwaage f; Milchspindel f; Milchgütemesser m; Galaktometer n; Lactometer n; Lactodensimeter n techn.
milk poise; milk gauge
Milchzähler m; Milchmengenmesser m agr.
Milchzähler pl; Milchmengenmesser pl
milk meter
milk meters
Milchzahn m anat.
Milchzähne pl
milk tooth; primary tooth
milk teeth; primary teeth
Milchzucker m; Laktose f; Lactose f
milk sugar; lactose; lactobiose
Nachwuchs m; Sprössling m humor; Sprösslinge pl humor. soc.
Meine Schwester kam voriges Wochenende mit ihrem zahlreichen Nachwuchs zu Besuch.
Eltern erwarten oft zu viel von ihren Sprösslingen.
offspring; progeny
My sister came to visit us last weekend with her numerous offspring progeny.
Parents often expect too much from their offspring.
Operationsschwester f; OP-Schwester f
Operationsschwestern pl; OP-Schwestern pl
theatre sister Br.; operating-room nurse Am.
theatre sisters; operating-room nurses
Patenstadt f
Patenstädte pl
sister town; sister city
sister towns; sister cities
Rest m; Rückstand m chem. med. techn.
Reste pl; Rückstände pl
Medikamentenrückstände in Milch und Fleisch
drug residues in milk and meat
Säuglingsanfangsnahrung f; Säuglingsnahrung f cook.
infant formula; formula milk
Sauermilch f; saure Milch f; Dickmilch f; dicke Milch f; Setzmilch f Norddt.; gestockte Milch f Süddt.; gestöckelte Milch f Süddt.; gestandene Milch f Südwestdt. cook.
sour(ed) milk; curdled milk; clabber Am.
Schafskäse m; Schafkäse m Ös.; Feta m; Brimsen m Ös. cook.
sheep's milk cheese; sheep feta; feta cheese
Schaumkrone f (Milch Bier)
ein Glas Bier mit einer dicken Schaumkrone
head of froth (on the top) (milk beer)
a glass of beer with thick froth on top
Schokomilch m; Schokoladenmilch f cook.
chocolate milk
Schwägerin f soc.
Schwägerinnen pl
Schwester f soc.
Schwestern pl
Schwesterchen n; Schwesterherz n (Anrede)
ältere Schwester; große Schwester
jds. kleine jüngere Schwester
Schwesterherz kannst du mir da helfen?
sis (term of address)
big sister
sb.'s kid sister; little sister
Sis can you help me with this?
Schwippschwager m soc.
husband's wife's brother's sister's brother-in-law
Schwippschwägerin f soc.
husband's wife's brother's sister's sister-in-law
Sternapfelbaum m (Chrysophyllum cainito) bot.
star apple tree; milk fruit tree; golden leaf tree
Tragant m (Astragalus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
milk-vetches (botanical genus) fig.
Vanillemilch f cook.
vanilla milk
Verpackung f; Transportverpackung f; Schutzverpackung f; Schutz m transp.
Verpackung in Kartons
Verpackung in Papier
Karton- oder Plastikverpackung für Milch oder Säfte
einschließlich Verpackung
Verpackung zum Selbstkostenpreis
Verpackung zu Ihren Kosten
übliche Verpackung
Die Vase muss gut eingepackt werden.
board packing; cartoning
paper packing
tetrahedral plastic or paper packing for milk or juice
packing included
packing at cost
packing will be charged
customary packing
Use plenty of packing for the vase.
Vollmilch f cook.
unskimmed milk; full-cream milk
Vormilch f; Kolostrum n; Kolostralmilch f; Biestmilch f; Beestmilch f; Erstmilch f wenige Tage nach Geburt
colostrum; beestings; first milk
jdn. abholen (von einem Ort) v
die Menschen dort abholen wo sie stehen übtr.
Meine Schwester kommt dich abholen.
Sag mir Bescheid um welche Zeit du kommst und ich hole dich von der Endstation ab.
Werden wir bei unserer Ankunft vom Flughafen abgeholt?
to (come and) meet sb. (in a place)
to meet people where they are fig.
My sister will come and meet you.
Let me know what time you are coming and I will meet you at the terminus.
Will we be met at the airport on arrival?
(Flüssigkeit) abzapfen (von) v
Blut abzapfen
jdm. Blut abzapfen
Strom abzapfen die Stromleitung anzapfen
to draw off; to tap (liquid) (from)
drawing off; tapping
drawn off; tapped
to draw blood
to take some blood from sb.
to tap milk the wire
jdn. etw. ausnehmen (von etw.); ausschließen (von etw.); außen vor lassen (bei etw.); nicht miteinbeziehen (bei etw.) v
ausnehmend; ausschließend; außen vor lassend; nicht miteinbeziehend
ausgenommen; ausgeschlossen; außen vor gelassen; nicht miteinbezogen
In manchen arabischen Ländern sind Frauen immer noch vom Wahlrecht ausgeschlossen.
Versuche Salzgebäck aus deiner Ernährung zu streichen.
Lass doch deine Schwester mitspielen.
Gewisse Wörter sollten aus höflichen Gesprächen verbannt werden.
to exclude sb. sth. (from sth.)
In some Arab countries women are still excluded from the right to vote.
Try excluding savoury biscuits from your diet.
Don't exclude your sister from the game.
Certain words should be excluded from polite conversation.
jdn. beleidigen; kränken v
beleidigend; kränkend
beleidigt; gekränkt
beleidigt; kränkt
beleidigte; kränkte
Niemand beleidigt ungestraft meine Schwester.
Ich hoffe Paul ist nicht beleidigt wenn ich nicht komme.
Ich finde es beleidigend wenn sich jemand nur bedankt weil er es für seine Pflicht hält.
Du beleidigst meine Intelligenz! humor.
to insult sb.
Nobody insults my sister and gets away with it!
I hope Paul won't be insulted if I don't come.
I feel insulted if people thank me because they feel it is their duty.
You are insulting my intelligence!
etw. in den Hintergrund drängen rücken; aus dem Blickfeld verdrängen übtr.
Er stand immer im Schatten seiner älteren Schwester.
Die Abtreibungsdebatte hat die Wirtschaftslage als Wahlkampfthema verdrängt in den Hintergrund gerückt.
to overshadow sth.; to eclipse sth.
He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.
The abortion debate has eclipsed the economy as an election issue.
ebenso gern; ebensogern alt adv
Meine Schwester mag ich ebenso gern wie meinen Bruder.
just as much; equally well; likewise
I like my sister just as much as my brother.
(sich) jdn. engagieren holen (für etw. um etw. zu tun)
Ich habe meine Schwester engagiert damit sie uns zum Konzert fährt führt Ös. Schw..
Er hat sich drei seiner Freunde geholt damit sie ihm beim Umzug helfen.
to recruit sb. (to do sth.)
I recruited my sister to drive us to the concert.
He recruited three of his friends to help him move.
sich fertigmachen v (für etw.)
sich fertigmachend
sich fertiggemacht
Sie rief ihre Schwester an während ich duschte und mich fertig machte.
to get ready (for sth.)
getting ready
got ready
She phoned her sister whilst I showered and got ready.
sich auf etw. freuen v
sich freuend
sich gefreut
Ich freue mich schon aufs Wochenende.
Ich freue mich Dich bald wieder zu sehen.
Meine Schwester sagt sie freut sich schon darauf dich kennenzulernen.
Ich freue mich (darauf) bald von Ihnen zu hören. (Briefschluss)
Ich freue mich auf Ihre nächste E-Mail.
Ich freue mich sehr auf ein baldiges Treffen mit Ihnen.; Ich freue mich sehr Sie bald zu treffen.
to look forward to sth.
looking forward
looked forward
I'm really looking forward to the weekend.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
My sister says she's looking forward to meeting you.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. (letter closing line)
I'm looking forward to your next email.
I very much look forward to meeting you soon.
garstig; ungezogen adj (zu jdm.)
am garstigsten
Sei nicht so garstig zu deiner Schwester.
nasty (to sb.)
Don't be so nasty to your sister.
geschwisterlich adj (wie Geschwister) soc.
like brother and sister (postpositive); sibling-like (formal)
helfen; nützen; guttun; wohltun; gesund sein v
helfend; nützend; guttuend; wohltuend; gesund seiend
geholfen; genützt; gutgetan; wohlgetan; gesund gewesen
Milchtrinken wird dir guttun.
Was hast du davon?
to do good
doing good
done good
Drinking milk will do you good.
What good will that do you?
ich ppron ~mir ~mich
ich bin
Ich bin's.
meine Schwester und ich
ich und meine Freunde
Ich nicht!
Immer ich!
Warum ich?
ich selbst
Warum muss immer ich die ganze Arbeit machen?
'Wer ist da'. 'Ich'
'Komm her' 'Wer? Ich?'
'Wer war das?' 'Ich nicht'
'Ich habe Hunger.' 'Ich auch.'
I; me (used after 'to be'; 'than' or 'as' without a verb and coll. instead of I)
I am; I'm
It's That's me.
My sister and I; my sister and me coll.
I and my friends; me and my friends coll.
Not me!; Not I!
Always me!
Why me?
I myself
Why am I always the one who has to do the work?; Why is it always me who has to do the work? coll.
'Who's there?' 'I am.' 'It's me.' coll.
'Come here!' 'Who? Me?'
'Who did it?' 'Not me!'
'I'm hungry.' 'Me too.'
kippen; umschlagen v (sauer werden) (Getränke) cook.
Der Wein die Milch ist schon gekippt.
to turn; to turn sour; to go off Br. (drinks)
The wine the milk has already turned (sour) gone off.
melken v
gemolken; gemelkt
er sie melkt; er sie milkt
ich er sie melkte; ich er sie molk
er sie hat hatte gemolken; er sie hat hatte gemelkt
ich er sie melkte
melke!; milk!
ein Nutztier melken v agr.
to milk
he she milks
I he she milked
he she has had milked
I he she would milk
to milk a domestic animal
milchähnliche Getränke pl cook.
milk-like drinks
mütterlicherseits adj soc.
Halbbruder mütterlicherseits
Halbschwester mütterlicherseits
uterine brother
uterine sister

Deutsche Milchschwester {f} [soc.] / Milchschwestern {pl} Synonyme

Englische milk-sister Synonyme

milk sister Definition

(n.) A sister by one parent only.
(n.) A white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for the nourishment of their young, consisting of minute globules of fat suspended in a solution of casein, albumin, milk sugar, and inorganic salts.
(n.) A kind of juice or sap, usually white in color, found in certain plants
(n.) An emulsion made by bruising seeds
(n.) The ripe, undischarged spat of an oyster.
(v. t.) To draw or press milk from the breasts or udder of, by the hand or mouth
(v. t.) To draw from the breasts or udder
(v. t.) To draw anything from, as if by milking
(v. i.) To draw or to yield milk.
(a.) White-livered
Milk vetch
() A leguminous herb (Astragalus glycyphyllos) of Europe and Asia, supposed to increase the secretion of milk in goats.
(n.) A female who has the same parents with another person, or who has one of them only. In the latter case, she is more definitely called a half sister. The correlative of brother.
(n.) A woman who is closely allied to, or assocciated with, another person, as in the sdame faith, society, order, or community.
(n.) One of the same kind, or of the same condition
(v. t.) To be sister to
(n.) The sister of one's husband or wife
(n.) Any kind of spurge (Euphorbia)

milk sister Bedeutung

milk snake
house snake
milk adder
checkered adder
Lampropeltis triangulum
nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot, southeastern ones have red stripes like coral snakes
dairy cattle
dairy cow
milch cow
milk cow
cattle that are reared for their milk
milk bar snack bar that sells milk drinks and light refreshments (such as ice cream)
milk can large can for transporting milk
milk float a van (typically powered by electricity) with an open side that is used to deliver milk to houses
milk of magnesia purgative consisting of a milky white liquid suspension of magnesium hydroxide, used as a laxative and (in smaller doses) as an antacid
milk wagon
wagon for delivering milk
sister ship a ship that is one of two or more similar ships built at the same time
primary tooth
deciduous tooth
baby tooth
milk tooth
one of the first temporary teeth of a young mammal (one ofin children)
milk produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young
mother's milk milk secreted by a woman who has recently given birth
milk chocolate chocolate made from chocolate liquor with sugar and cocoa butter and powdered milk solids and vanilla and (usually) lecithin, the most common form of chocolate for eating, used in chocolate candy and baking and coatings
ice milk similar to ice cream but made of milk
coconut milk
coconut water
clear to whitish fluid from within a fresh coconut
coconut milk coconut cream white liquid obtained from compressing fresh coconut meat
milk a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings
milk any of several nutritive milklike liquids
sour milk milk that has turned sour
soya milk
soybean milk
a milk substitute containing soybean flour and water, used in some infant formulas and in making tofu
pasteurized milk milk that has been exposed briefly to high temperatures to destroy microorganisms and prevent fermentation
cows' milk milk obtained from dairy cows
yak's milk the milk of a yak
goats' milk the milk of a goat
acidophilus milk milk fermented by bacteria, used to treat gastrointestinal disorders
raw milk unpasteurized milk
scalded milk milk heated almost to boiling
homogenized milk milk with the fat particles broken up and dispersed uniformly so the cream will not rise
certified milk milk from dairies regulated by an authorized medical milk commission
powdered milk
dry milk
dried milk
milk powder
dehydrated milk
nonfat dry milk dehydrated skimmed milk
evaporated milk milk concentrated by evaporation
condensed milk sweetened evaporated milk
skim milk
skimmed milk
milk from which the cream has been skimmed
semi-skimmed milk milk from which some of the cream has been removed
whole milk milk from which no constituent (such as fat) has been removed
low-fat milk milk from which some of the cream has been removed
chocolate milk milk flavored with chocolate syrup
milk shake
frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream
malted milk powder made of dried milk and malted cereals
malt malted milk
a milkshake made with malt powder
milk punch a punch made of spirits and milk and sugar and spices
Milk River
a river that rises in the Rockies in northwestern Montana and flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River
weird sister
(Norse mythology) any of the three goddesses of destiny, identified with Anglo-Saxon Wyrd, similar to Greek Moirae and Roman Parcae
baby babe sister (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women
big sister an older sister
foster sister
your foster sister is a female who is not a daughter of your parents but who is raised by your parents
little sister a younger sister
sister a female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group, none of her sisters would betray her
Sister (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address), the Sisters taught her to love God
a female person who has the same parents as another person, my sister married a musician
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