
mouse port Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Mausanschluss m, Maus-Port m comp.
mouse port
Mausanschluss m; Maus-Port m comp.
Mausanschlüsse pl; Maus-Ports pl
mouse port
mouse ports
port of departure
port of call
benannter Bestimmungshafen
named port of destination
benannter Verschiffungshafen
named port of shipment
Bestimmungshafen, Entladehafen
port of destination
dem Hafenbrauch entsprechend
in the manner customary at the port
der benannte Abflughafen
the named air-port of departure
der Verschiffungshafen
the port of shipment
port of discharge
Freihafen, zollfreier Hafen
free port
für den vereinbarten Bestimmungshafen
for the agreed port of destination
port authority
port dues
port risks
custom of the particular port
port of registry
im Entladungshafen
at the port of discharge
port of importation
Importhafen (US)
port of entry
in dem benannten Hafen
in the named port
canal port
lading port
port of shipment
Absaugöffnung f
Absaugöffnungen pl
exhaust port
exhaust ports
Ankunftshafen m
Ankunftshäfen pl
port of destination
ports of destination
Anschluss m
mit zwei Anschlüssen
Ausfalltor n
sally port
Backbord n, Backbordseite f
backbord, backbords adv
port, port side
on the port side
Bestimmungshafen m
mit Bestimmungshafen ...
port of destination
bound for ...
Binnenhafen m
Binnenhäfen pl
inland port
inland ports
Brenneröffnung f, Brennerloch n
Brenneröffnungen pl, Brennerlöcher pl
burner port
burner ports
Einfriedung f (einer Gemeinde oder eines Hafens)
precincts (of a community or a port)
Einfuhrhafen m econ.
Einfuhrhäfen pl
port of entry
ports of entry
Einstichstelle f med.
Einstichstellen pl
injection port
injection ports
Entladehafen m
Entladehäfen pl
port of discharge
ports of discharge
Fischereihafen m
Fischereihäfen pl
fishing port
fishing ports
Hafen m
Häfen pl
Hausmaus f zool.
Hausmäuse pl
house mouse
house mice
Heimathafen pl
Heimathäfen pl
home port, port of registry, native port
home ports, ports of registry, native ports
gewöhnliches Hornkraut (Cerastium fontanum) bot.
mouse-ear chickweed
Katz-und-Maus-Spiel n übtr.
game of cat-and-mouse fig.
mit jdm. Katz und Maus spielen übtr.
to play a cat-and-mouse game with sb.
Maus f zool.
Mäuse pl
Maus f comp.
Mäuse pl
optische Maus
schnurlose Maus
mice, mouses
optical mouse
cordless mouse
Mausanschluss m, Maus-Port m comp.
mouse port
Mausklick m comp.
Mausklicks pl
mouse click
mouse clicks
Mausmatte f, Mauspad n
mouse pad, mouse mat
Mausrad n comp.
Mausräder pl
mouse wheel
mouse wheels
Maustaste f comp.
Maustasten pl
mouse button
mouse buttons
Mausunterlage f, Mauspad n comp.
Mausunterlagen pl, Mauspads pl
mouse pad
mouse pads
Mauszeiger m
Mauszeiger pl
mouse pointer
mouse pointers
Mehrwegeventil n techn.
Mehrwegeventile pl
Öffnung f
aperture, port
Port m comp.
Portwein m
port wine
Rechnerausgang m
computer port
Schlitz m
Schutzhafen m
Schutzhäfen pl
shelter, shelter harbour, port of refuge
shelters, shelter harbours, ports of refuge
Umschlaghafen m
Umschlaghäfen pl
port of transshipment
ports of transshipment
Zwergmaus f (Micromys minutus)
Zwergmäuse pl
harvest mouse
harvest mice
arm wie eine Kirchenmaus übtr.
poor as a church mouse
backbords adj
on the port beam
in den Hafen einlaufen
to run into port
mucksmäuschenstill, mäuschenstill adj ugs.
quiet as a mouse, utterly silent, dead quiet, stock-still
portieren v comp.
to port
Feldmaus f zool.
Feldmäuse pl
field vole, field mouse
field voles, field mice
Spitzmaus f zool.
Spitzmäuse pl
shrew, shrew mouse
shrews, shrew mice
Port-au-Prince (Hauptstadt von Haiti)
Port-au-Prince (capital of Haiti)
Port Elizabeth (Stadt in Südafrika)
Port Elizabeth (city in South Africa)
Port Louis (Hauptstadt von Mauritius)
Port Louis (capital of Mauritius)
Port Moresby (Hauptstadt von Papua-Neuguinea)
Port Moresby (capital of Papua New Guinea)
Port-of-Spain (Hauptstadt von Trinidad und Tobago)
Port-of-Spain (capital of Trinidad and Tobago)
Port-Vila (Hauptstadt von Vanuatu)
Port-Vila (capital of Vanuatu)
Ringsittich m ornith.
Port Lincoln Parrot
Grau-Distelschwanzschlüpfer m ornith.
Mouse-coloured Thistletail
Silberwollrücken m ornith.
Mouse-coloured Antshrike
Maustapaculo ornith.
Mouse-coloured Tapaculo
Maustyrann m ornith.
Mouse-brown Shrike Tyrant
Brauenfliegenstecher m ornith.
Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet
Braunrücken-Waldhuscher m ornith.
Lowland Mouse Warbler
Schwarzrücken-Waldhuscher m ornith.
Mid-mountain Mouse Warbler
Braunbauch-Waldhuscher m ornith.
Mountain Mouse Warbler
Graubeutelmeise f ornith.
Mouse-coloured Tit
Graunektarvogel m ornith.
Mouse-coloured Sunbird
Hafengebühr f
P.D. : port dues
free port
inland port
mouse pl: mice
naval port
port of embarkation
port of transshipment
port wine
reach port
shrew mouse
mit zwei Anschluessen
mouse (irr.)
main port
einen Hafen anlaufen
to call at a port
soll am .. ankommen
the ship is due to arrive at your port on ..
soll am .. ankommen
the ship is expected to arrive at your port on ..
soll am .. ankommen
the ship is scheduled to arrive at your port on ..
Abgangshafen m; Abfahrtshafen m transp. naut.
Abgangshäfen pl; Abfahrtshäfen pl
port of departure
ports of departure
Anlaufhafen m naut.
port of call
Anschluss m; Port m (Ein- und Ausgabekanal für Netzwerkverbindungen) comp.
Anschlüsse pl; Ports pl
port (software)
Anschlussbuchse f (am Gerät) comp.
Anschlussbuchsen pl
Eingabe Ausgabe-Port m; Ein- Ausgabe-Port m; E A-Port m
mit zwei Anschlüssen
port (hardware)
input output port; I O port
Ausgangshafen m transp. naut.
Ausgangshäfen pl
port of exit
ports of exit
Backbord n m; Backbordseite f (linker Schiffsteil linke Flugzeugseite) naut. aviat.
backbord; backbords adv
port; port-side (left side of a ship aircraft)
on the port side
Bestimmungshafen m; Ankunftshafen m transp. naut.
Bestimmungshäfen pl; Ankunftshäfen pl
mit Bestimmungshafen ...
port of destination
ports of destination
bound for ...
Bestrahlungsfeld n med.
Bestrahlungsfelder pl
irradiation field; irradiation port
irradiation fields; irradiation ports
Brenneröffnung f; Brennerloch n
Brenneröffnungen pl; Brennerlöcher pl
burner port
burner ports
Dosierventil n mit Einstelldüse (Brenner) techn.
adjustable-port proportioning valve
Einfuhrhafen m; Eingangshafen m; Zollhafen m; Zollabfertigungshafen m adm. naut.
Einfuhrhäfen pl; Eingangshäfen pl; Zollhäfen pl; Zollabfertigungshäfen pl
port of entry
ports of entry
Einlasskanal m; Einlaßkanal m alt techn.
Einlasskanäle pl; Einlaßkanäle pl
inlet duct; intake port; receiving canal
inlet ducts; intake ports; receiving canals
Einlassöffnung f
Einlassöffnungen pl
inlet port
inlet ports
Einlaufen n in Häfen naut.
port entry
Entladehafen m transp. naut.
Entladehäfen pl
port of discharge
ports of discharge
Feldmäuse pl (Microtus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Wiesenmühlmaus f (Microtus pennsylvanicus)
Präriewühlmaus f (Microtus ochrogaster)
meadow voles (zoological genus)
meadow mouse; field mouse
prairie vole
Feuermal n; Portweinfleck m med. med.
port-wine stain; naevus flammeus
Geschützpforte f mil.
Geschützpforten pl
gun port
gun ports
Hafenanlage f; Hafen m naut.
Hafenanlagen pl; Häfen pl
Hafengebühren pl naut. adm.
port dues P.D. ; port charges
Hafenkonnossement n econ.
port bill of lading; port B L
Hafenordnung f naut. adm.
port regulations; harbour regulations
Hafenstaat m pol.
Hafenstaaten pl
port state
port states
Hafenstaatkontrolle f pol.
port state control PSC
Handgelenkauflage f; Gelenkauflage f (für Maus Tastatur) comp.
Handgelenkauflagen pl; Gelenkauflagen pl
wrist rest (for mouse; keyboard)
wrist rests
Heimathafen m naut.
Heimathäfen pl
home port; native port
home ports; native ports
Hirschferkel pl; Zwergböckchen pl (Tragulidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
mouse deer; chevrotains (zoological family)
Hornkräuter pl (Cerastium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnliches Hornkraut (Cerastium fontanum)
mouse-ear chickweeds (botanical genus)
mouse-ear chickweed
Inlandshafen m econ.
Inlandshäfen pl
domestic port
domestic ports
Koker m (Öffnung für den Ruderschaft im Heck) naut.
port for the rudder post
Kopplungsöffnung f (Luft- und Raumfahrt) aviat.
Kopplungsöffnungen pl
docking port (aerospace)
docking ports
Maus f zool.
Mäuse pl
Mäuserich m
weiße Mäuse sehen übtr.
male mouse
to see pink elephants fig.
Maus f; Computermaus f comp.
Mäuse pl; Computermäuse pl
optische Maus
schnurlose Maus
Tastenmaus f
etw. mit der Maus anklicken
Klicken Sie mit der Maus auf das Startmenü.
mouse; computer mouse; clicker coll.
mice; mouses; clickers
optical mouse
cordless mouse
haptic mouse
to mouse-click sth.
Using the mouse click the start menu.
Mäuse fangen; Mäuse jagen v zool.
to mouse
mit der Maus über etw. fahren (auf einer grafischen Benutzeroberfläche) v comp.
to mouse over sth. (in a graphical user interface)
Mäuseeinheit f M.E. pharm.
Mäuseeinheiten pl
mouse unit
mouse units
Mausanschluss m; Maus-Port m comp.
Mausanschlüsse pl; Maus-Ports pl
mouse port
mouse ports
Mausgeste f comp.
Mausgesten pl
mouse gesture; pointing device gesture
mouse gestures; pointing device gestures
Mausklick m comp.
Mausklicks pl
mit einem Mausklick; mit einem Klick
etw. per Mausklick anwählen
mouse click
mouse clicks
in a mouse click; in a click
to select sth. by mouse-clicking
Mausmatte f; Mauspad n
mouse pad; mouse mat
Mausnasenbeutler pl (Microperoryctes) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
New Guinean mouse bandicoots; striped bandicoots (zoological genus)
Maustaste f comp.
Maustasten pl
mit der rechten linken Maustaste auf etw. klicken
mouse button
mouse buttons
to do a right left mouse click on sth.
Mausunterlage f; Mauspad n comp.
Mausunterlagen pl; Mauspads pl
mouse pad
mouse pads

Deutsche Mausanschluss {m} Maus-Port {m} [comp.] Synonyme

Maus  ÂMouse  
Hafen  ÂPort  (fachsprachlich)  
Hauptstadt  von  Mauritius  ÂPort  Louis  
Hauptstadt  von  Papua-Neuguinea  ÂPort  Moresby  
Kind  und  Kegel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMann  und  Maus  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSack  und  Pack  (umgangssprachlich)  
Maus  Mouse  
port  Gospel side  action  actions  activity  acts  address  aerodrome  affectation  air  

Englische mouse port Synonyme

mouse port Definition

(n.) One half of a shutter made in two parts for closing a porthole.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of small rodents belonging to the genus Mus and various related genera of the family Muridae. The common house mouse (Mus musculus) is found in nearly all countries. The American white-footed, or deer, mouse (Hesperomys leucopus) sometimes lives in houses. See Dormouse, Meadow mouse, under Meadow, and Harvest mouse, under Harvest.
(n.) A knob made on a rope with spun yarn or parceling to prevent a running eye from slipping.
(n.) Same as 2d Mousing, 2.
(n.) A familiar term of endearment.
(n.) A dark-colored swelling caused by a blow.
(n.) A match used in firing guns or blasting.
(v. i.) To watch for and catch mice.
(v. i.) To watch for or pursue anything in a sly manner
(v. t.) To tear, as a cat devours a mouse.
(v. t.) To furnish with a mouse
(n.) The forget-me-not (Myosotis palustris) and other species of the same genus.
(n.) A European species of hawkweed (Hieracium Pilosella).
(n.) A dark red or purple astringent wine made in Portugal. It contains a large percentage of alcohol.
(v.) A place where ships may ride secure from storms
(v.) In law and commercial usage, a harbor where vessels are admitted to discharge and receive cargoes, from whence they depart and where they finish their voyages.
(n.) A passageway
(n.) An opening in the side of a vessel
(n.) A passageway in a machine, through which a fluid, as steam, water, etc., may pass, as from a valve to the interior of the cylinder of a steam engine
(v. t.) To carry
(v. t.) To throw, as a musket, diagonally across the body, with the lock in front, the right hand grasping the small of the stock, and the barrel sloping upward and crossing the point of the left shoulder
(n.) The manner in which a person bears himself
(n.) The larboard or left side of a ship (looking from the stern toward the bow)
(v. t.) To turn or put to the left or larboard side of a ship
(n.) One of the dwellers in the Cistercian convent of Port Royal des Champs, near Paris, when it was the home of the Jansenists in the 17th century, among them being Arnauld, Pascal, and other famous scholars. Cf. Jansenist.
Sea mouse
() A dorsibranchiate annelid, belonging to Aphrodite and allied genera, having long, slender, hairlike setae on the sides.
Sea mouse
() The dunlin.
Water mouse
() Any one of several species of mice belonging to the genus Hydromys, native of Australia and Tasmania. Their hind legs are strong and their toes partially webbed. They live on the borders of streams, and swim well. They are remarkable as being the only rodents found in Australia.

mouse port Bedeutung

mouse click
depression of a button on a computer mouse, a click on the right button for example
cat and mouse
cat and rat
a game for children in which the players form a circle and join hands, they raise their hands to let a player inside the circle or lower their hands to bar a second player who is chasing the first
port-access coronary bypass surgery heart surgery in which a coronary bypass is performed by the use of small instruments and tiny cameras threaded through small incisions while the heart is stopped and blood is pumped through a heart-lung machine
Port Arthur a battle in the Chino-Japanese War (), Japanese captured the port and fortifications from the Chinese
flying mouse tiny flying phalanger
pouched mouse
marsupial mouse
marsupial rat
any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats
sea mouse any of several large worms having a broad flattened body with a mat of coarse hairs covering the back
mouse-eared bat a carnivorous bat with ears like a mouse
mouse hare
rock rabbit coney cony
small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America
mouse any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails
house mouse
Mus musculus
brownish-grey Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide
harvest mouse Micromyx minutus small reddish-brown Eurasian mouse inhabiting e.g. cornfields
field mouse fieldmouse any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
nude mouse a mouse with a genetic defect that prevents them from growing hair and also prevents them from immunologically rejecting human cells and tissues, widely used in preclinical trials
European wood mouse
Apodemus sylvaticus
nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
kangaroo mouse leaping rodent of Australian desert areas
New World mouse a variety of rodent
American harvest mouse
harvest mouse
any of several small greyish New World mice inhabiting e.g. grain fields
wood mouse any of various New World woodland mice
white-footed mouse
vesper mouse
Peromyscus leucopus
American woodland mouse with white feet and underparts
deer mouse
Peromyscus maniculatus
brownish New World mouse, most widely distributed member of the genus
cactus mouse
Peromyscus eremicus
burrowing mouse of desert areas of southwestern United States
cotton mouse
Peromyscus gossypinus
large dark mouse of southeastern United States
pygmy mouse
Baiomys taylori
very small dark greyish brown mouse resembling a house mouse, of Texas and Mexico
grasshopper mouse insectivorous mouse of western North America
field mouse
any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows
pine vole
pine mouse
Pitymys pinetorum
short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States
meadow vole
meadow mouse
Microtus pennsylvaticus
widely distributed in grasslands of northern United States and Canada
red-backed mouse
redback vole
any of several voles of mountainous regions of Eurasia and America
pocket mouse any of various small nocturnal burrowing desert rodents with cheek pouches and long hind legs and tail
silky pocket mouse
Perognathus flavus
small pale yellowish soft-furred rodent of southwestern United States and Mexico
plains pocket mouse
Perognathus flavescens
small rodent of open areas of United States plains states
hispid pocket mouse
Perognathus hispidus
large stiff-haired rodent of shortgrass prairies of United States
Mexican pocket mouse
Liomys irroratus
large pocket mouse of Mexico
kangaroo mouse
dwarf pocket rat
small silky-haired pouched rodent, similar to but smaller than kangaroo rats
jumping mouse any of several primitive mouselike rodents with long hind legs and no cheek pouches, of woodlands of Eurasia and North America
meadow jumping mouse
Zapus hudsonius
widely distributed in northeastern and central United States and Canada
hazel mouse
Muscardinus avellanarius
a variety of dormouse
mouse deer
very small hornless deer-like ruminant of tropical Asia and west Africa
church mouse a fictional mouse created by Lewis Carroll
Mickey Mouse a fictional mouse created in animated film strips by Walt Disney
Minnie Mouse the partner of Mickey Mouse
Mighty Mouse a fictional mouse endowed with great strength and courage
car port
garage for one or two cars consisting of a flat roof supported on poles
interface port (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals)
the left side of a ship or aircraft to someone who is aboard and facing the bow or nose
computer mouse
a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad, on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad, a mouse takes much more room than a trackball
mouse button a push button on the mouse
mouse-tooth forceps a type of forceps
mouse mat
a small portable pad that provides traction for the ball of a computer mouse
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30 known species

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