
multi form Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

vielgestaltig; vielförmig adj
amtliches Formblatt
official form
requisition form
application form
form of application
proposal form
Auftragsformblatt, Bestellformular
order form
form of expression
report form
order form
application form
application form
Bewerbungsformular, Antragsformular
application form
die Form der Akzeptierung eines Wechsels
the form of accepting a B
die Form, in der sie empfangen worden sind
the form in which they are received
ein Formblatt ausfüllen
fill in a form
ein Formblatt ausfüllen
make out a form
ein Hindernis bilden
form an obstacle
eine Freundschaft schließen
form a friendship
eine Gewohnheit herausbilden
form a habit
einschließlich des multimodalen Transports
including multi-modal operations
form of appearance
etwas beurteilen
form an opinion
Form der Benachrichtigung
form of advice
Form, Aufmachung eines Dokuments
form of a document
formaler Fehler
lack of form
Formblatt ausfüllen
fill in a form
Formblatt zur Kreditbeantragung
credit form
formen, bilden
defect of form
error in form
lack of form
matter of form
question of form
Fragebogen, Formular, Formblatt
in der Form
in the form
in Form von Geld
in monetary form
in übertragbarer Weise
in a transferable form
short form
nach einem Muster formen
form upon a pattern
nicht formgerecht
bad in form
in proper form
form of organization
receipt form
cheque form
tabular form
form of enterprise
proposal form
Versicherungsantrag, Antragsformular
application form
printed form
wegen eines Formfehlers
for want of form
form of payment
zusammengefasste Form
condensed form
Abstammungsurkunde f
Abstammungsurkunden pl
certificate of descent, full form birth certificate
certificates of descent, full form birth certificates
Abtretungsformular n
assignment form
Allzweck..., Mehrzweck..., Universal...
multi-purpose, all duty, all-purpose
Allzwecktuch n
Allzwecktücher pl
all-purpose tissue, multi-purpose cloth
all-purpose tissues, multi-purpose clothes
Anlagenbezeichnung f
mehrstellige Anlagenbezeichung
system designation
multi-digit system designation
Anmeldeformular n, Einschreibeformular n
registration form
Anmeldeformular n, Antragsformular n
application form
Antragsformular n
Antragsformulare pl
applications form
applications forms
Arbeitskampfmaßnahme f
form of industrial action
Arzneiform f
Arzneiformen pl
dosage form
dosage forms
Auftragsformular n
Auftragsformulare pl
order form
order forms
Ausdrucksform f
form of expression
Ausfüllen (eines Formulares)
completion (of a form)
Auskunftsformular n
information request form
Bandkatalog m
catalogue in book form
Beobachtungsnormalform f
observable canonical form
Berichtsform f
report form
Bestellformular n
Bestellformulare pl
leeres Bestellformular
Angaben auf einem Bestellformular
order form
order forms
order blank
details on an order form
Bestellschein m
Bestellscheine pl
order form
order forms
Bestellschein m
call card, request form
Bewerbungsformular n
Bewerbungsformulare pl
application form
application forms
Darreichungsform f
dosage form
Differentialform f math.
differential form
Durchschreibformular m
multipart form
Eckenregisterbrenner m techn.
Eckenregisterbrenner pl
multi-jet corner burner
multi-jet corner burners
Eidesformel f
form of oath
Einfachformular n
one-part form
Eingabemaske f
Eingabemasken pl
entry form, input mask
entry forms, input masks
Einkommensteuererklärung f
Formular zur Einkommensteuererklärung
income tax return
form of income tax return
Einzelformular n
Einzelformulare pl
cut form
cut forms
Endlosformular n
Endlosformulare pl
continuous form
continuous forms
Endlosformular n
endless form
Endlosformular n
tab form
Energieform f
Energieformen pl
form of energy
forms of energy
Erfassungsform f
acquisition form
Erscheinungsform f
Erscheinungsformen pl
outward form
outward forms
in der vorliegenden Fassung
in its present form
Flexionsform f gramm.
inflection form, inflexion form Br.
Form f
in aller Form
der Form halber, der Ordnung halber
in absoluter Hochform sein
in due form
as a matter of form
to be in formidable form
Formabweichung f
form deviation, shape deviation, form error
Formblatt n, Formular n, Vordruck m
Formblätter pl, Formulare pl, Vordrucke pl
blank, blank form
blanks, blank forms
Formfaktor m
Formfaktoren pl
form factor
form factors
Formfehler m
Formfehler pl
form error
form errors
Formschluss m mach.
form lock, positive form locking, form fit, positive-locking fit
Formular n, Formblatt n
Formulare pl, Formblätter pl
ein Formular ausfüllen
Füllen Sie das Formular in Großbuchstaben aus!
to fill in a form, to complete a form
Fill out the form in capital letters!
Formularanfang m
top of form
Formularvorschub m
form feed
in Fortsetzungen, Serien...
in Fortsetzungen veröffentlichen
in Fortsetzungen veröffentlicht
to serialize
published in serial form
Frageform m
interrogative form
Gattung f
art form, genre
Gefechtsverband m mil.
Gefechtsverbände pl
multinationaler Verband
gemischter Gefechtsverband
task force
task forces
multi-national force
battle group
Gesprächsform f
interlocutory form
Gestalt f, Ausformung f
Glanzform f
brilliant form
Großbaustein m, Mehrfachchip m electr.
multi chip
Grünspan m
Grünspan bilden
to form verdigris
Hessenberg-Form f math.
Hessenberg form
in Hochform, in Topform
in top form, in the pink of condition
Hochhaus n arch.
Hochhäuser pl
multi-storey building Br., multi-story building Am., high-rise building
multi-storey buildings, multi-story buildings, high-rise buildings
Höchstform f
top form
Inhalt m, Kern m, Substanz f, Wesentliche n
Inhalt und Form
im Wesentlichen
form and substance
in substance
Jalousieklappe f
multi-leaf damper, louver damper
Jordannormalform f math.
Jordan canonical form
Kabelbaum m
Kabelbäume pl
cable harness, wiring loom, loom harnessing, wire harness, wiring form
cable harnesses, wiring looms, loom harnessings
Klassenbeste m f , Klassenbester
Klassenbesten pl, Klassenbeste
Klassenbeste sein
best pupil (in the class)
best pupils
to be top of the class, to be top of the form Br.
Klassensprecher m, Klassensprecherin f
form prefect
koalieren, eine Koalitionsregierung bilden
koalierend, eine Koalitionsregierung bildend
koaliert, eine Koalitionsregierung gebildet
to form a coalition
forming a coalition
formed a coalition
Koaltitionsfreiheit f
freedom to form a coalition
Kombinationsglied n
multi-function unit
Kontoform f, Kontenblatt n
Kontoformen pl, Kontenblätter pl
account form
account forms
Kunstform f
Kunstformen pl
art form
art forms
Kurzform f
Kurzformen pl
short form, shortened form
short forms, shortened forms
Lebensform f
form of life
Leporellopapier n, Endlospapier n
fanfold paper, fanfold form
Mandantenfähigkeit f
multi-client capability
Mängelanzeige f auto
vehicle defect form
Medienwand f
multi-media wall
Mehradressrechner m comp.
Mehradressrechner pl
multi-address computer
multi-address computers
Mehrbenutzer m
Mehrbenutzerrechner m
multi user computer
Mehrbereichsöl n techn.
multi-purpose oil
Mehreinheitenschalter m
multi-cell switch
multi-, multiple
Mehrfachadressierung f
multi addressing
Mehrfachzugriff m
Mehrfachzugriffe pl
multi access
multi accesses
Mehrkörper-System n
multi-body system
Mehrkomponenten-Dosiergerät n
multi-component dosing unit
Mehrphasenstrom m
multi phase current
Mehrplatzsystem n, Mehrbenutzersystem n
Mehrplatzsysteme pl, Mehrbenutzersysteme pl
multi-user system
multi-user systems
Mehrplatzsystem n
Mehrplatzsysteme pl
multi position system, multi station system
multi position systems, multi station systems
Mehrprogrammbetrieb m
Mehrstoffbrenner m techn.
Mehrstoffbrenner pl
multi-fuel burner
multi-fuel burners
Mehrstoffsystem n
Mehrstoffsysteme pl
multi-component system
multi-component systems
Mehrstufengradient m
Mehrstufengradienten pl
multi-segment gradient
multi-segment gradients
multi way
Mehrwegeventil n techn.
Mehrwegeventile pl

Deutsche vielgestaltig; vielförmig {adj} Synonyme

polymorph  Âvielgestaltig  

Englische multi-form Synonyme

multi form Definition

(n.) A suffix used to denote in the form / shape of, resembling, etc.
(n.) The shape and structure of anything, as distinguished from the material of which it is composed
(n.) Constitution
(n.) Established method of expression or practice
(n.) Show without substance
(n.) Orderly arrangement
(n.) A shape
(n.) That by which shape is given or determined
(n.) A long seat
(n.) The seat or bed of a hare.
(n.) The type or other matter from which an impression is to be taken, arranged and secured in a chase.
(n.) The boundary line of a material object. In painting, more generally, the human body.
(n.) The particular shape or structure of a word or part of speech
(n.) The combination of planes included under a general crystallographic symbol. It is not necessarily a closed solid.
(n.) That assemblage or disposition of qualities which makes a conception, or that internal constitution which makes an existing thing to be what it is
(n.) Mode of acting or manifestation to the senses, or the intellect
(n.) The peculiar characteristics of an organism as a type of others
(n.) To give form or shape to
(n.) To give a particular shape to
(n.) To go to make up
(n.) To provide with a form, as a hare. See Form, n., 9.
(n.) To derive by grammatical rules, as by adding the proper suffixes and affixes.
(v. i.) To take a form, definite shape, or arrangement
(v. i.) To run to a form, as a hare.
(a.) Alt. of Kidney-shaped
() Alt. of Mult-
(v. t. & i.) To give a new form to

multi form Bedeutung

the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance, geometry is the mathematical science of shape
form genus an artificial taxonomic category established on the basis of morphological resemblance for organisms of obscure true relationships especially fossil forms
form a mold for setting concrete, they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation
a life-size dummy used to display clothes
shape cast
the visual appearance of something or someone, the delicate cast of his features
good form behavior that conforms to social conventions of the time, it is not good form to brag about winning
form a particular mode in which something is manifested, his resentment took the form of extreme hostility
form configuration
any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline), he could barely make out their shapes
form an ability to perform well, he was at the top of his form, the team was off form last night
life form the characteristic bodily form of a mature organism
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
form variety
a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality, sculpture is a form of art, what kinds of desserts are there?
art form (architecture) a form of artistic expression (such as writing or painting or architecture)
a perceptual structure, the composition presents problems for students of musical form, a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them
sonata form a musical form having sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation, characteristic of st movement of a sonata or symphony
word form
the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something, the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached
plural form
the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
singular form
the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
citation form
main entry word
entry word
the form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary
free morpheme
free form
a morpheme that can occur alone
bound morpheme
bound form
a morpheme that occurs only as part of a larger construction, eg an -s at the end of plural nouns
combining form a bound form used only in compounds, `hemato-' is a combining form in words like `hematology'
part of speech
form class
word class
one of the traditional categories of words intended to reflect their functions in a grammatical context
major form class any of the major parts of speech of traditional grammar
transitive verb
transitive verb form
a verb (or verb construction) that requires an object in order to be grammatical
doubly transitive verb
doubly transitive verb form
a transitive verb that takes both a direct and an indirect object
intransitive verb
intransitive verb form
a verb (or verb construction) that does not take an object
title title of respect
form of address
an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General', the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title
verse form
a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines
form a printed document with spaces in which to write, he filled out his tax form
application form a form to use when making an application
claim form a form to use when filing a claim
order form a form to use when placing an order
requisition requisition form an official form on which a request in made, first you have to fill out the requisition
tax form a form to use when paying your taxes
telegraph form a form to use when sending a telegram
form letter a letter that is printed in multiple copies and mailed to a list of recipients
form an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse, the essay was in the form of a dialogue, he first sketches the plot in outline form
wave form
wave shape
the shape of a wave illustrated graphically by plotting the values of the period quantity against time
form family (biology) an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
form genus (biology) an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
form variant
strain var.
(biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups, a new strain of microorganisms
form division an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
class form
a body of students who are taught together, early morning classes are always sleepy
political system
form of government
the members of a social organization who are in power
multi-billionaire a very rich person whose material wealth is valued at many billions of dollars
genus Rhizoctinia
form genus Rhizoctinia
form genus of imperfect fungi some species of which are now placed in genera Pellicularia and Corticium because their perfect stages have been found
imperative mood
jussive mood
imperative form
a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behavior
leaf shape
leaf form
any of the various shape that leaves of plants can assume
(physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system, matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary, the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system
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