
mushroom Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

sprunghaft ansteigen v
to mushroom
Pilzdach n arch.
mushroom roof
Pilzlederkoralle f (Sarcophyton spp.) zool.
mushroom coral
Pilztaste f techn.
mushroom button
Austernseitling m, Austernpilz m biol.
oyster mushroom
Scheide f; Volva f (Speisepilz) myc.
volva (mushroom)
Scheibenanemone f (Discosoma spp.) zool.
mushroom (polyp)
Shiitake-Pilz m; Shii-Take-Pilz m (Lentinula edodes) bot.
shiitake mushroom
Zuchtchampignon m
cultivated mushroom
Noppenanemone f (Rhodactis spp.; Ricordea spp.) zool.
hairy mushroom polyp
Noppenanemone f (Rhodactis spp., Ricordea spp.) zool.
hairy mushroom polyp
Champignon m
Champignons pl
Fingerkoralle f (Lobophytum spp.) zool.
finger mushroom coral
Pilzcremesuppe f cook.
cream of mushroom soup
Sporenpulverabdruck m (eines Pilzes) biol.
spore print (of a mushroom)
Sporenpulverabdruck m (eines Pilzes) myc.
spore print (of a mushroom)
Pilz-Spinat-Strudel m cook.
mushroom and spinach strudel
Champignon m cook.
Champignons pl
(common) mushroom
Pilze Schwämme Bayr. Ös. Schw. Schwammerl Bayr. Ös. suchen v
Pilze Schwämme Bayr. Ös. Schw. suchen gehen
to mushroom
to go mushrooming
Pilze Schwämme Bayr. Ös. Schw. Schwammerl Bayr. Ös. suchen v
Pilze Schwämme Bayr. Ös. Schw. suchen gehen
to mushroom
to go mushrooming
Rauchpilz m
Rauchpilze pl
mushroom cloud
mushroom clouds
Atompilz m
Atompilze pl
mushroom cloud
mushroom clouds
Austernseitling m; Austernpilz m myc.
Austernseitlinge pl; Austernpilze pl
oyster mushroom
oyster mushrooms
Austernseitling m; Austernpilz m biol.
Austernseitlinge pl; Austernpilze pl
oyster mushroom
oyster mushrooms
Wiesenchampignon m bot. cook.
Wiesenchampignons pl
meadow mushroom
meadow mushrooms
Speisepilz m cook.
Speisepilze pl
edible mushroom
edible mushrooms
Schirmpilz m myc.
Schirmpilze pl
parasol mushroom
parasol mushrooms
Schirmpilz m biol.
Schirmpilze pl
parasol mushroom
parasol mushrooms
Pilzdecke f myc.
mushroom slab; mushroomed floor slab
Pilzdecke f
mushroom slab; mushroomed floor slab
Kartoffelsuppe f; Erdäpfelsuppe f Bayr. Ös.; Härdäpfelsuppe f Schw. cook.
Kartoffelsuppe mit Pilzen; Erdäpfelsuppe mit Schwammerln Ös. cook.
potato soup
potatoe and mushroom soup
Pilzvergiftung f med.
Pilzvergiftungen pl
mushroom poisoning
mushroom poisonings
Pilzlederkoralle f (Sarcophyton spp.) zool.
mushroom coral; toadstool (leather) coral
Pilzvergiftung f; Pilzintoxikation f; Myzetismus m; Mykotoxikose f med.
mushroom poisoning; mycetism; mycotoxicosis
Knollenblätterpilz m (tödlicher Giftpilz) biol.
destroying angel (deadly poisonous mushroom)
Fingerlederkoralle f (Lobophytum spp.) zool.
Fingerlederkorallen pl
finger mushroom coral
finger mushroom corals
aufpilzen v (Geschoss) mil.
to mushroom (bullet)
Auffangpilz m
Auffangpilze pl
mushroom-type collector
mushroom-type collectors
Raslinge pl; Schwärzlinge pl (Lyophyllum) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Büscheliger Rasling m; Brauner Rasling (Lyophyllum decastes, syn. Lyophyllum aggregatum) myc.
lyophyllum (genus of fungi)
fried chicken mushroom
Pilzlehrwanderung f
Pilzlehrwanderungen pl
(expertly) guided mushroom foray
guided mushroom forays
Pilzkorallen pl (Fungiidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
mushroom corals; plate corals; disc corals (zoological family)
Pilzsammler m; Pilzesammler m; Schwammerlsucher m Bayr. Ös.
Pilzsammler pl; Pilzesammler pl; Schwammerlsucher pl
mushroom picker; mushroom hunter
mushroom pickers; mushroom hunters
Giftpilz m biol.
Giftpilze pl
tödlicher Giftpilz
toadstool; poisonous mushroom
deadly poisonous mushroom
Giftpilz m biol.
Giftpilze pl
tödlicher Giftpilz
toadstool, poisonous mushroom
deadly poisonous mushroom
Stoppelpilze pl (Hydnum) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Semmel-Stoppelpilz m; Semmelgelbe Stacheling m (Hydnum repandum)
hydnum (genus of fungi)
sweet tooth; wood hedgehog; hedgehog mushroom
(essbarer) Pilz m; Schwamm m Bayr. Ös. Schw.; Schwammerl m Bayr.; Schwammerl n Ös. biol. cook.
Pilze pl
wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen übtr.
to mushroom (up)
to spring up like mushrooms fig.
Maronenröhrling m; Braunkappe f; Marone f ugs. (Pilz) bot.
Maronenröhrlinge pl; Braunkappen pl; Maronen pl
Bay Bolete; Cep; Penny Bun coll. (mushroom)
Bay Boletes; Ceps; Penny Buns
(essbarer) Pilz m; Schwamm m Bayr. Ös. Schw.; Schwammerl m Bayr.; Schwammerl n Ös. myc. cook.
Pilze pl
Wildpilz m
wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen übtr.
wild mushroom
to mushroom (up)
to spring up like mushrooms fig.
Pilz m, Schwammerl n, Schwamm m Ös. (essbar)
Pilze pl
Pilze suchen
wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen übtr.
to go mushrooming
to mushroom (up)
to spring up like mushrooms fig.
Giftlorcheln pl (Gyromitra) (biologische Gattung) biol.
Frühjahrs-Giftlorchel f; Frühjahrslorchel f; Frühlorchel f (Gyromitra esculenta)
Bischofsmütze f (Gyromitra infula)
gyromitra mushrooms (biological genus)
brain mushroom; turban fungus
hooded false morel; elfin saddle
zu etw. anwachsen; sich zu etw. auswachsen v
Das Geschäft wuchs zu einer Industrie an.
Der Fall wuchs sich zu einem handfesten Skandal aus.
to mushroom into sth.
The business mushroomed into an industry.
The case mushroomed into a major scandal.
Igelstachelbart m; Affenkopfpilz m; Löwenmähne f; Yamabusitake f; Pom-Pom-Blanc m (Hericium erinaceus) bot.
bearded hedgehog mushroom; lion's mane mushroom; bearded tooth mushroom fungus; Satyr's beard; pom pom mushroom
Giftpilz m myc.
Giftpilze pl
tödlicher Giftpilz
toadstool; poisonous fungus; poisonous mushroom
toadstools; poisonous fungi; poisonous mushrooms
deadly poisonous mushroom
Morcheln pl (Morchella) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Käppchenmorchel f; Glockenmorchel f; Halbfreie Morchel f (Morchella semilibera Morchella gigas)
Speisemorchel f; Rundmorchel f (Morchella esculenta)
morels (genus of fungi)
false morel; half-free morel; semifree morel
common morel; yellow morel; true morel; morel mushroom; sponge morel
Champignons pl; Egerlinge pl; Angerlinge pl (Agaricus) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Zuchtchampignon m; Kulturchampignon m; Weißer Champignon m; Zweisporiger Egerling m (Agaricus bisporus)
Brauner Champignon m; Brauner Egerling m; Steinpilzchampignon m; Steinchampignon m (Agaricus bisporus var. hortensis)
mushrooms (genus of fungi)
common mushroom; champignon mushroom; cultivated mushroom; button mushroom; table mushroom
brown mushroom; brown mushroom; chestnut mushroom; cremini mushroom; crimini mushroom
Geschoss n; Geschoß Ös. mil.
Geschosse pl
Bleimantelgeschoss n
Hochgeschwindigkeitsgeschoss n
kleinkalibriges Geschoss
leitwerkstabilisiertes Geschoss
Leuchtgeschosse pl; Leuchtmunition f
Panzerabwehrsprenggeschoss n
Panzergeschoss n
Raketenstartgeschoss n
Splittergeschoss n
Sprenggeschoss n
Teilmantelgeschoss n; Deformationsgeschoss n; Dumdum-Geschoss n
unterkalibriges Geschoss; Unterkalibergeschoss
verirrtes Geschoss
Wachsgeschoss n
Abgang m eines Geschosses
projectile; bullet (small-calibre); shell (large-calibre)
projectiles; bullets; shells
lead-coated projectile; lead-covered projectile rare
high-velocity projectile
small-calibre projectile
fin-stabilized projectile
illuminating projectiles; star shells
high-explosive anti-tank projectile; HEAT projectile
tank shell
rocket-assisted projectile RAPS
fragmentation shell
explosive projectile; high-explosive shell
expanding bullet; mushroom bullet; dumdum bullet; dumdum
sub-calibre shell
stray projectile
paraffine bullet; wax bullet
discharge of a projectile

Deutsche Pilz Synonyme

Pilz  ÂSchwammerl  (bayr.)  
durch  Pilze  verursachte  Krankheit  ÂMykose  (fachsprachlich)  ÂPilz  (umgangssprachlich)  
Pilz  Schwammerl (bayr.)  

Englische mushroom Synonyme

mushroom  Ectocarpales  Phaeophyceae  algae  autophyte  ball  balloon  bead  bean  blossom  blow up  bracken  brew  brown algae  burgeon  burst  climber  conferva  confervoid  conglobulate  creeper  detonate  develop  diatom  fern  flourish  fruits and vegetables  fucus  fungi  fungus  gather  germinate  globe  go off  grapevine  green algae  grow  grow up  gulfweed  herb  heterophyte  hypertrophy  increase  ivy  kelp  legume  lentil  liana  lichen  liverwort  mature  mold  molds  moss  newly-rich  nouveau-riche  outgrow  overdevelop  overgrow  overtop  parasite  parasitic plant  parvenu  pea  perthophyte  phytoplankton  planktonic algae  plant families  procreate  puffball  pullulate  pulse  red algae  reproduce  rockweed  rust  saprophyte  sargasso  sargassum  sea lentil  sea moss  sea wrack  seaweed  shoot up  smut  snowball  sphere  spherify  spring up  sprout  sprout up  succulent  thallogens  thrive  toadstool  tower  upshoot  upspear  upspring  upsprout  upstart  vegetate  vetch  vine  wax  wort  wrack  
mushroom cloud  A-blast  A-bomb shelter  Cloudcuckooland  H-blast  Mach front  airborne radioactivity  alto-cumulus  alto-stratus  anvil cloud  atom blast  banner cloud  billowy cloud  blast wave  cap cloud  cirro-cumulus  cirro-fillum  cirro-nebula  cirro-stratus  cirro-velum  cirrus  cirrus cloud  cirrus haze  cirrus stripe  cloud  cloud band  cloud bank  cloud drift  cloud mass  cloud street  cloudland  cloudling  cloudscape  cocktail  cottony cloud  cumulo-cirro-stratus  cumulo-cirrus  cumulo-nimbus  cumulo-stratus  cumulus  cumulus cloud  curl cloud  dust cloud  fallout  fallout shelter  fission particles  flash burn  fleecy cloud  fractocumulus  ground zero  high fog  hydrogen blast  mackerel sky  mammatocumulus  nimbus  nimbus cloud  radioactive dust  rain cloud  scud  snail cloud  squall cloud  storm cloud  strato-cumulus  stratus  stratus cloud  thundercloud  thunderhead  water carrier  woolpack  

mushroom Definition

(n.) An edible fungus (Agaricus campestris), having a white stalk which bears a convex or oven flattish expanded portion called the pileus. This is whitish and silky or somewhat scaly above, and bears on the under side radiating gills which are at first flesh-colored, but gradually become brown. The plant grows in rich pastures and is proverbial for rapidity of growth and shortness of duration. It has a pleasant smell, and is largely used as food. It is also cultivated from spawn.
(n.) Any large fungus, especially one of the genus Agaricus
(n.) One who rises suddenly from a low condition in life
(a.) Of or pertaining to mushrooms
(a.) Resembling mushrooms in rapidity of growth and shortness of duration
(a.) Having a cylindrical body with a convex head of larger diameter

mushroom Bedeutung

mushroom coral flattened disk-shaped stony coral (usually solitary and unattached)
mushroom anchor an anchor used for semipermanent moorings, has a bowl-shaped head that will dig in however it falls
mushroom fleshy body of any of numerous edible fungi
stuffed mushroom mushrooms stuffed with any of numerous mixtures of e.g. meats or nuts or seafood or spinach
marchand de vin
mushroom wine sauce
brown sauce with mushrooms and red wine or Madeira
mushroom sauce brown sauce and sauteed mushrooms
mushroom cloud
mushroom-shaped cloud
a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb)
mescal button
sacred mushroom
magic mushroom
the button-shaped top of the mescal cactus, a source of psilocybin
mushroom pimple any of various fungi of the family Hypocreaceae
orange mushroom pimple a variety of mushroom pimple
green mushroom pimple a variety of mushroom pimple
mushroom any of various fleshy fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota consisting of a cap at the end of a stem arising from an underground mycelium
mushroom mushrooms and related fleshy fungi (including toadstools, puffballs, morels, coral fungi, etc.)
mushroom common name for an edible agaric (contrasting with the inedible toadstool)
horse mushroom
Agaricus arvensis
coarse edible mushroom with a hollow stem and a broad white cap
meadow mushroom
field mushroom
Agaricus campestris
common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil, the cultivated mushroom of commerce
shiitake mushroom
Chinese black mushroom
golden oak mushroom
Oriental black mushroom
Lentinus edodes
edible east Asian mushroom having a golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible stipe
blushing mushroom
Amanita rubescens
yellowish edible agaric that usually turns red when touched
slime mushroom a mushroom of the genus Amanita
white slime mushroom a type of slime mushroom
Fischer's slime mushroom a type of slime mushroom
inky cap
inkyap mushroom
Coprinus atramentarius
having a cap that melts into an inky fluid after spores have matured
shaggy cap
shaggymane mushroom
Coprinus comatus
common edible mushroom having an elongated shaggy white cap and black spores
fairying mushroom
Marasmius oreades
mushroom that grows in a fairy ring
oyster mushroom
oyster fungus
oyster agaric
Pleurotus ostreatus
edible agaric with a soft greyish cap growing in shelving masses on dead wood
viscid mushroom
Pholiota nameko
one of the most important fungi cultivated in Japan
parasol mushroom
Lepiota procera
edible long-stalked mushroom with white flesh and gills and spores, found in open woodlands in autumn
sandy mushroom
Tricholoma populinum
an edible agaric that fruits in great clusters (especially in sandy soil under cottonwood trees)
genus Pluteus
roof mushroom
a large genus of fungi belonging to the family Pluteaceae, the shape of the cap resembles a roof, often abundant early in the summer
Pluteus magnus
sawdust mushroom
an edible agaric found in piles of hardwood sawdust, the caps are black and coarsely wrinkled
deer mushroom
Pluteus cervinus
a small edible agaric with a slender stalk, usually found on rotting hardwoods
straw mushroom
Chinese mushroom
Volvariella volvacea
small tropical and subtropical edible mushroom having a white cap and long stem, an expensive delicacy in China and other Asian countries where it is grown commercially
winter mushroom
Flammulina velutipes
an edible agaric that is available in early spring or late fall when few other mushrooms are, has a viscid smooth orange to brown cap and a velvety stalk that turns black in maturity and pallid gills, often occur in clusters
common morel
Morchella esculenta
sponge mushroom
sponge morel
an edible and choice morel with a globular to elongate head with an irregular pattern of pits and ridges
Helvella crispa
miter mushroom
a helvella with a saddle-shaped fertile part and creamy color, the stalk is fluted and pitted
Gyromitra esculenta
brain mushroom
beefsteak morel
a poisonous gyromitra, the surface of the fertile body is smooth at first and becomes progressively undulating and wrinkled (but never truly pitted), color varies from dull yellow to brown
pore fungus
pore mushroom
woody pore fungi, any fungus of the family Polyporaceae or family Boletaceae having the spore-bearing surface within tubes or pores, the fruiting bodies are usually woody at maturity and persistent
snow mushroom
Tremella fuciformis
popular in China and Japan and Taiwan, gelatinous mushrooms, most are dried
honey mushroom
honey fungus
Armillariella mellea
a honeyolored edible mushroom commonly associated with the roots of trees in late summer and fall, do not eat raw
mushroom poisoning toxic condition caused by eating certain species of mushrooms (especially Amanita species)
mushroom grow and spread fast, The problem mushroomed
mushroom pick or gather mushrooms, We went mushrooming in the Fall
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A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source.

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