
must Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Oberlippenbart m
moustache, mustache
Schnurrbart m
Schnurrbärte pl
moustache, mustache
Bartbinde f
Bartbinden pl
moustache bandage; mustache bandage Am.
moustache bandages; mustache bandages
Oberlippenbart m; Schnurrbart m; Schnauzbart m; Schnauzer m ugs.; Schnäuzer m ugs.; Schnauz m Schw. ugs.
Oberlippenbärte pl; Schnurrbärte pl; Schnauzbärte pl; Schnauzer pl; Schnäuzer pl; Schnauze pl
moustache Br.; mustache Am.
moustaches; mustaches
Oberlippenbart m adm.; Schnurrbart m; Schnauzbart m; Schnauzer m ugs.; Schnäuzer m Westdt. ugs.; Schnorres m Pfalz ugs.; Schnauz m Schw. ugs.
Oberlippenbärte pl; Schnurrbärte pl; Schnauzbärte pl; Schnauzer pl; Schnäuzer pl; Schnorres pl; Schnauzer pl
moustache Br.; mustache Am.
moustaches; mustaches
schnurrbärtig adj
moustached, mustached
schnurrbärtig adj
mustached; mustachioed; moustached
Mustang m zool.
Klecks m, Tropfen m, Klümpchen
ein Klecks Senf
glob, blob
a blob of mustard
Senf m, Mostrich m
seinen Senf dazugeben übtr.
seinen Senf dazugeben übtr.
to put one's oar in fig.
to put in one's two cents fig.
Senfgas n
mustard gas
Senfgurke f cook.
gherkin pickled with mustard seed
Senfkorn n cook.
Senfkörner pl
mustard seed
mustard seeds
Senfpflaster n
mustard plaster
Senfsoße f, Senfsauce f cook.
mustard sauce
Senftopf m
Senftöpfe pl
mustard pot
mustard pots
es bringen
to cut the mustard coll.
Ackersenf m bot.
charlock, wild mustard, field mustard (Sinapsis arvensis)
mustard plaster
mustard pot
Brillenschoten pl; Brillenschötchen pl (Biscutella) (botanische Gattung) bot.
buckler mustard (botanical genus)
Finkensame m; Ackernüsschen n (Neslia paniculata) bot.
ball mustard
Graukohl m; Grausenf m (Hirschfeldia incana) bot.
shortpod mustard hoary mustard; Mediterranean mustard; buchanweed
Klecks m; Tropfen m; Klümpchen n; Klacks m Schw.
ein Klecks Senf
ein Klecks Butter
glob; blob; knob Br.
a blob of mustard
a knob of butter Br.
Kreuzblütengewächse pl; Kreuzblütler pl (Brassicaceae Cruciferae) (botanische Familie) bot.
mustard flowers; mustards; crucifers; cabbage family (botanical family)
Runzeliger Rapsdotter m; Runzeliger Windsbock m (Rapistrum rugosum) bot.
annual bastard cabbage; common giant mustard; turnipweed
Senf m; Mostrich m cook.
seinen Senf dazugeben übtr.
seinen Senf dazugeben übtr.
to put one's oar in fig.
to put one's two pennyworth in Br.; to put in one's two cents Am. fig.
Senf m (Sinapis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Ackersenf (Sinapis arvensis)
Weißer Senf (Sinapis alba)
mustards (botanical genus)
field mustard; wild mustard; charlock
white mustard
Senfgurke f cook.
Senfgurken pl
pickled cucumber with mustard seed
pickled cucumbers with mustard seeds
Senföl n biochem.
mustard oil
Senfsoße f; Senfsauce f cook.
mustard sauce
Stickstofflost m; Stickstoffyperit n med. mil.
nitrogen mustard
Vogelschrot m; Vogeldunst m; Dunst m (feiner Schrot) mil.
(fine) bird shot; dust shot; mustard seed Am.
Wendich m; Kalepine f (Calepina irregularis) bot.
white ball-mustard
Zackenschötchen pl (Bunias) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Orientalisches Zackenschötchen; Glattes Zackenschötchen; Türkische Rauke (Bunias orientalis)
warty cabbages (botanical genus)
Turkish warty cabbage; Turkish rocket; hill mustard
Zahnbürstenbaum m; Senfbaum m; Arakbaum m; Salzbusch m (Salvadora persica indica Galenia asiatica) bot.
toothbrush tree; mustard tree; arak tree; meswak tree
es bringen; es packen (Person); es auf die Reihe bringen kriegen (Person) v ugs. (gut genug sein)
Das bringt's nicht.
Mein altes Betriebssystem bringt's einfach nicht mehr.
to cut the mustard; to cut it coll.
This isn't going to cut it.
My old operating system just doesn't can't cut the mustard any more.
Graukohl m; Grausenf m (Hirschfeldia incana) bot.
shortpod mustard, hoary mustard; Mediterranean mustard; buchanweed
Klecks m; Tropfen m; Klümpchen n; Klacks m Schw.
Kleckse pl; Tropfen pl; Klümpchen pl; Klackse pl
ein Klecks Senf
ein Klecks Butter
glob; blob; knob Br.
globs; blobs; knobs
a blob of mustard
a knob of butter Br.
Rübsamen m; Rübsen m; Rübsaat f (Brassica rapa) bot.
field mustard; bird rape; keblock; colza
Senf m; Mostrich m cook.
Estragonsenf m
seinen Senf dazugeben übtr.
tarragon mustard
to put one's two pennyworth in Br.; to put in one's two cents Am. fig.
Senföl n bot.
mustard oil
Senfpulver n cook.
mustard powder
Senftube f cook.
Senftuben pl
mustard tube
mustard tubes
scharfe Würze f; Schärfe f cook.
die Schärfe des Senfs
pepperiness; hotness
the hotness of the mustard
Zahnbürstenbaum m; Senfbaum m; Arakbaum m; Salzbusch m (Salvadora persica indica Galenia asiatica) bot.
toothbrush tree; mustard tree; arak tree; meswak tree
Ackerkohl m (Conringia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
hare's ear mustards (botanical genus)
Knoblauchsrauken pl (Alliaria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
garlic mustards (botanical genus)
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Brokkoli m; Broccoli m; Bröckelkohl m selten; Spargelkohl m selten (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Kopfkohl m (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rosenkohl m Dt. Schw.; Rosenköhlchen pl Dt.; Sprossenkohl m Ös.; Kohlsprossen pl Ös. (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
Blattkohl m
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
head cabbage; heading cabbage
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
Brussel sprout; Brussels sprout; Brussels sprouts; sprout Br.
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
collard greens; collards
Mustela-Marder pl (Mustela) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Europäischer Iltis m; Waldiltis m; Stänker m (Mustela putorius)
Europäischer Nerz m; Sumpfotter m (Mustela lutreola)
Hermelin m; Großes Wiesel m; Kurzschwanzwiesel m (Mustela erminea)
Langschwanzwiesel n (Mustela frenata)
Mauswiesel n; Zwergwiesel n; Hermännchen n (Mustela nivalis)
Sibirisches Wiesel n; Feuerwiesel n; Sibirischer Nerz m (Mustela sibirica)
Steppeniltis m (Mustela eversmanii)
mustela mustelids (zoological genus)
European polecat; forest polecat; black polecat; common ferret; fitch
European mink; Eurasian mink; Russian mink
stoat; short-tailed weasel; weasel Ir.
big stoat; long-tailed weasel; bridled weasel
least weasel; weasel Br.
Siberian weasel
steppe polecat; masked polecat; white polecat
Marder pl (Mustelidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
mustelids (otters badgers weasels martens minks and wolverines) (zoological family)
Marder pl (Mustelidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
mustelids (otters, badgers, weasels, martens, minks and wolverines) (zoological family)
(zum Appell) antreten, antreten lassen mil.
to muster
aufbieten, aufbringen v
aufbietend, aufbringend
aufgeboten, aufgebracht
to muster
versammeln, zusammenrufen
versammelnd, zusammenrufend
versammelt, zusammengerufen
to muster
Streitmacht f geh. mil.
Streitmächte pl
eine Streitmacht von fast 90.000 Mann
eine riesige Streitmacht aufbieten
a force of nearly 90 000 men
to muster a huge force
(zum Appell) antreten; antreten lassen v mil.
to muster
aufbieten; aufbringen v
aufbietend; aufbringend
aufgeboten; aufgebracht
to muster
geboren adj geb.
Ich wurde 1964 geboren.
Goethe wurde am 28. August 1749 geboren.
tot geboren
geborene geb.
Christiane von Goethe geborene Vulpius
Ann Sample geborene geb. Muster
John Doe geborener geb. Herr
geboren geb. am 10.1.2000
born b.
I was born in 1964.
Goethe was born on the 28th of August on August 28 1749.
nee; née
Christiane von Goethe née Vulpius
Ann Sample née Muster
John Doe né Herr
born on 10.1.2000
versammeln; zusammenrufen
versammelnd; zusammenrufend
versammelt; zusammengerufen
to muster
den Anforderungen genügen
die Qualiätsprüfung bestehen
to pass muster
to pass muster
den Anforderungen genügen; die Qualiitätsprüfung bestehen v
to pass muster

Deutsche Oberlippenbart {m} Synonyme

Oberlippenbart  ÂRespektbalken  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchnauzbart  ÂSchnauzer  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchnurrbart  
Oberlippenbart  Respektbalken (umgangssprachlich)  Schnauzbart  Schnauzer (umgangssprachlich)  Schnurrbart  

Englische moustache mustache Synonyme

must  absolute  allegiance  assigned task  bare necessities  be forced  be in for  be necessary  be obliged  binding  blast  blight  bounden duty  burden  burning  business  call for  call of duty  cancer  canker  cannot do otherwise  cannot help but  charge  commitment  committal  compulsory  conclusive  condition  de rigueur  decisive  deference  demand  demand for  demi-sec  desideration  desideratum  devoir  devotion  dictated  domestic wine  dry rot  duties and responsibilities  duty  entailed  essential  essentials  estral  estrous  estrual  ethics  extra sec  fealty  fetidity  fetidness  final  foulness  frowst  frowstiness  frowziness  fungus  funkiness  fustiness  hard-and-fast  have  have got to  have need to  have to  homage  hot  imperative  imperious  imported wine  imposed  in heat  in must  in rut  indispensable  irrevocable  light wine  line of duty  loyalty  malodorousness  mandated  mandatory  mildew  mission  mold  moldiness  moth  moth and rust  must item  mustiness  musty  necessaries  necessary  necessities  necessity  need  need for  need to  needs must  new wine  noisomeness  nonvintage wine  obligation  obligatory  occasion  odorousness  offensiveness  onus  ought  ought to  peremptory  pest  pink wine  place  prerequirement  prerequisite  prescript  prescriptive  putridness  rancidity  rancidness  rankness  reastiness  red wine  repulsiveness  required  requirement  requisite  requisition  respect  right  rose wine  rot  rottenness  rust  rutting  ruttish  rutty  sec  self-imposed duty  should  sine qua non  smelliness  smooth wine  smut  sparkling wine  still wine  stinkingness  stuffiness  sweet wine  the necessary  the needful  thin wine  ultimate  vin  vino  vintage wine  want  white wine  wine  without appeal  worm  
muster  accumulate  agenda  agglomerate  aggregate  aggregation  aggroup  amass  assemblage  assemble  assembly  batch  beadroll  beat the drums  bid come  bring together  bugle call  bulk  bunch  bunch together  bunch up  cadastre  calendar  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call to arms  call together  call up  call-up  canvass  catchword  census  census report  checklist  checkroll  cite  clarion  clarion call  clot  clump  cluster  collect  collection  colligate  colligation  collocate  collocation  combination  combine  come together  commandeer  company  compare  comparison  compile  compulsory military service  concourse  concurrence  confluence  conflux  congeries  conglomerate  congregate  congregation  congress  conjure  conjure up  conscript  conscription  convene  convention  converge  convergence  convocation  convoke  copulate  corral  corralling  couple  crowd  cumulate  data-gathering  date  demand  detach  detach for service  dig up  docket  draft  draft call  drafting  dramatis personae  draw together  dredge up  drive together  enlist  enlistment  enroll  enrollment  evoke  exhortation  flock together  flow together  forgather  fuse  gang around  gang up  gather  gather around  gather in  gather together  gathering  get in  get together  go for broke  group  gung ho  head count  herd together  hive  honor roll  horde  huddle  impress  impressment  indent  induct  induction  ingathering  inventory  invoke  join  join up  junction  jury list  jury panel  juxtapose  juxtaposition  league  levy  lineup  link  list  lump together  make the grade  make up  marshal  mass  match  measure up  meet  meeting  merge  mill  mobilization  mobilize  muster in  muster roll  muster up  nose count  order of business  order up  page  pair  partner  pass muster  poll  preconize  press  program  property roll  put together  questionnaire  raise  rake up  rally  rally around  rallying cry  rebel yell  recall  recruit  recruiting  recr  
muster out  break up  deactivate  debrief  demob  demobilize  detach  disband  discharge  disintegrate  dismiss  disorganize  disperse  dissolve  go separate ways  let go  part  part company  release  scatter  separate  split up  
muster roll  agenda  beadroll  cadastre  calendar  census  census report  checklist  checkroll  docket  dramatis personae  head count  honor roll  jury list  jury panel  lineup  muster  nose count  order of business  poll  program  property roll  questionnaire  returns  roll  roll call  roster  rota  scroll  tax roll  
muster up  bid come  breed  bring about  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call together  call up  cause  cite  conjure  conjure up  convene  convoke  demand  elicit  engender  evoke  get up  hatch  indent  induce  inspire  invoke  muster  occasion  order up  page  preconize  produce  prompt  provoke  recall  requisition  send after  send for  serve  subpoena  summon  summon forth  summon up  summons  work up  
mustiness  banality  banalness  cliche  commonness  commonplaceness  corniness  familiarness  fetidity  fetidness  foulness  frowst  frowstiness  frowziness  funkiness  fustiness  hackneyedness  malodorousness  mildew  moldiness  must  noisomeness  odorousness  offensiveness  platitudinousness  putridness  rancidity  rancidness  rankness  reastiness  repulsiveness  rottenness  smelliness  squareness  staleness  stinkingness  stuffiness  triteness  unoriginality  
musty  ancient  antediluvian  antiquated  archaic  back-number  bad  bad-smelling  banal  bewhiskered  blasted  blighted  blown  bromidic  burning  bygone  cliched  common  commonplace  corny  crumbling  cut-and-dried  damp  decayed  despoiled  dilapidated  dirty  dusty  estral  estrous  estrual  fade  familiar  fecal  fetid  filthy  flyblown  foul  frowsty  frowsy  frowy  frowzy  fulsome  funky  fusty  gamy  gone to seed  graveolent  hackney  hackneyed  high  hoary  hot  ill-smelling  in heat  in must  in rut  maggoty  malodorous  mephitic  miasmal  miasmic  mildewed  mildewy  moldering  moldy  moss-grown  moth-eaten  mouldy  must  nidorous  noisome  noxious  obsolete  odorous  offensive  old hat  old-fashioned  olid  out of date  passe  platitudinous  putrid  rancid  rank  ravaged  reasty  reasy  reechy  reeking  reeky  repulsive  rotten  ruined  ruinous  rusty  rutting  ruttish  rutty  set  shopworn  smellful  smelling  smelly  smutted  smutty  sour  spoilt  squalid  square  stale  stenchy  stereotyped  stinking  stock  strong  stuffy  sulfurous  threadbare  time-scarred  timeworn  tired  trite  truistic  unoriginal  vile  warmed-over  weevily  well-known  well-worn  worm-eaten  wormy  worn  worn out  worn thin  

must Definition

must Bedeutung

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110 Bewertungen 5


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Must is freshly pressed fruit juice that contains the skins, seeds, and stems of the fruit. The solid portion of the must is called pomace; it typically makes up 7?23% of the total weight of the must. Making must is the first step in winemaking. Because of its high glucose content, typically between 10 and 15%, must is also used as a sweetener in a variety of cuisines. Unlike commercially sold grape juice, which is filtered and pasteurized, must is thick with particulate matter, opaque, and comes in various shades of brown andor purple.

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