
my Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Klarinos pl (Myadestes) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
myadestes (zoological genus)
Myalgie f, Muskelschmerz m med.
myalgia, muscle pain
Muskelschmerzen pl; Muskelschmerz m; Myalgie f med.
muscle pain; myalgia
Muskelkaterkrankheit f; Bornholmer Krankheit f; Sylvest'sches Syndrom n; Pleurodynie f (Myositis epidemica) med.
devil's grip; Bornholm disease; pleurodynia; epidemic myalgia
Myanmar (Burma) geogr.
Myanmar (Birma) (mm)
Yangon, Rangun, Rangoon (Hauptstadt von Myanmar, Burma)
Yangon, Rangoon (capital of Myanmar, Birma)
Myanmar n (Birma) MM (Kfz: BUR ) geogr.
Myanmar (Burma)
Rangun (Stadt in Myanmar) geogr.
Rangoon (city in Myanmar)
Naypyidaw (Hauptstadt von Myanmar) geogr.
Naypyidaw (capital of Myanmar)
Myanmar n (Birma) MM (Kfz: BUR ) geogr.
Myanmar (Burma)
Myasthenie f, krankhafte Muskelschwäche f med.
myasthenia, muscle weakness
Myasthenie f; krankhafte Muskelschwäche f med.
myasthenia; muscle weakness
Pilzgeflecht n; Myzel n; Myzelium n myc.
Pilzgeflechte pl
Pilzfaden m biol.
Pilzfäden pl
mycelial thread; hypha
mycelial threads; hyphae
mykenisch adj hist.
mykenische Kultur
Mycenaean civilization
Pilzvergiftung f; Pilzintoxikation f; Myzetismus m; Mykotoxikose f med.
mushroom poisoning; mycetism; mycotoxicosis
pilzartig; pilzähnlich; fugoid; myzetoid adj myc. med.
fungoid; mycetoid
Myzetom n (Pilzinfektion von Weichteilen mit Geschwulstbildung) med.
aktinomykotisches Myzetom
eumykotisches Myzetom
Nicolle'sches weißes Myzetom
mycetoma; madura foot; maduromycosis
actinomycotic mycetoma; actinomycetoma
eumycotic mycetoma; eumycetoma
Nicolle's white mycetoma
Schleimpilze pl; Myxomyceten pl biol.
slime fungi; slime moulds; myxmycetes; mycetozoa
Schleimpilze pl; Myxomyceten pl myc.
slime fungi; slime moulds; myxmycetes; mycetozoa
Mykobakterie f biol.
mykologisch adj
Pilzkundler m; Pilzkundlerin f; Mykologe m; Mykologin f
Pilzkundler pl; Pilzkundlerinnen pl; Mykologen pl; Mykologinnen pl
Pilzkunde f
Pilzkunde f biol.
Pilzkunde f; Mykologie f myc.
mycology; study of fungi
Mykoplasma f biochem.
Mykoplasmen pl
Mykorrhiza f
Mykorrhizen pl biochem.
Pilz-Wurzelsymbiose f; Pilzwurzel f; Mykorrhiza myc.
Mykorrhizen pl; Mykorrhizae pl
Ektomykorrhiza f
Endomykorrhiza f
mycorrhizal association; mycorrhiza
mycorrhizas; mycorrhizae
Arbuskel pl (baumförmig verzweigte Hyphen von Mykorrhizapilzen) myc.
arbuscules (tree-like branched hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi)
Pilzinfektion f med.
Pilzinfektionen pl
mycotic infection, mycosis
mycotic infections, mycoses
Pilzinfektion f med.
Pilzinfektionen pl
mycotic infection; mycosis
mycotic infections; mycoses
Pilzinfektion f; Pilzbefall m med.
Pilzinfektionen pl; Pilzbefälle pl
fungal infection; mycotic infection; mycosis
fungal infections; mycotic infections; mycoses
Pilzkrankheit f; Pilzerkrankung f; Mykose f (durch Pilze verursachte Krankheit) med.
Pilzkrankheiten pl; Pilzerkrankungen pl; Mykosen pl
Nagelpilz m
Mykose in der Schwangerschaft und beim Neugeborenen
fungal disease; mycotic disease; mycosis
fungal diseases; mycotic diseases; mycoses
nail fungus
Candidiasis in pregnancy and newborn
Mykose f, durch Pilze verursachte Krankheit med.
Mykose f; durch Pilze verursachte Krankheit med.
Mykose in der Schwangerschaft und beim Neugeborenen
Candidiasis in pregnancy and newborn
Blastomykose f; Sprosspilzerkrankung f med.
europäische Blastomykose; Kryptokokkose; Torulosis
nordamerikanische Blastomykose; Gilchrist'sche Krankheit
pulmonare Sprosspilzerkrankung; pulmonare Blastomykose; Lungenblastomykose
südamerikanische Blastomykose; Parakokzidioidomykose (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis)
Keloidblastomykose f (Blastomycosis queloidana)
verrucous mycotic dermatitis; blastomycosis
European blastomycosis; cryptococcosis; Busse-Buschke's disease; torulosis
North American blastomycosis; Gilchrist's disease; Gilchrist's mycosis
pulmonary blastomycosis
South American blastomycosis; Brazilian blastomycosis; Lutz-Splendore-Almeida disease; paracoccidioidomycosis
keloid blastomycosis; lobomycosis; Lobo's disease
pilzwachstumshemmend; pilzhemmend; mykostatisch adj pharm.
fungistatic; mycostatic
Pilzwachstumshemmung f; Pilzhemmung f; Mykostase f pharm.
fungistatis; mycostatis
mykotisch adj, durch Pilze hervorgerufen med.
mycotic, caused by a fungus
mykotisch adj; durch Pilze hervorgerufen med.
mycotic; caused by a fungus
Hornhautentzündung f; Keratitis f med.
bandförmige Hornhautentzündung
eitrige Hornhautentzundung
neuroparalytische Hornhautentzündung
tiefe Hornhautentzündung
Hornhautentzündung durch fehlenden Lidschluss
Hornhautentzündung durch einen Pilz; Pilzkeratitis
Hornhautentzündung infolge von Bestrahlung; Strahlenkeratitis
inflammation of the cornea; keratitis; keratoiditis
band keratitis; keratopathy
purulent keratitis
neuroparalytic keratitis; neurotrophic keratitis
deep keratitis
lagophthalmic keratitis
mycotic keratitis
actinic keratitis
Pilzgift n pharm.
Nimmersatte pl (Mycteria) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Buntstorch m (Mycteria leucocephala)
Milchstorch m (Mycteria cinerea)
Nimmersatt m (Mycteria ibis)
Waldstorch m (Mycteria americana)
mycteria storks (zoological genus)
painted stork
milky stork
yellow-billed stork
wood stork
Nimmersatte pl (Mycteria) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Indischer Nimmersatt m; Buntstorch m (Mycteria leucocephala)
Malaien-Nimmersatt m; Milchstorch m (Mycteria cinerea)
Afrikanischer Nimmersatt m; Nimmersatt m (Mycteria ibis)
Amerikanischer Nimmersatt m; Waldstorch m (Mycteria americana)
mycteria storks (zoological genus)
painted wood stork; painted stork
milky wood stork; milky stork; southern painted stork
yellow-billed wood stork; yellow-billed stork
American wood stork; wood stork; American wood ibis; wood ibis
Pupillenerweiterung f, Mydriasis f med.
pupil dilation, pupillary dilation, mydriasis
Pupillenerweiterung f; Mydriasis f med.
pupil dilation; pupillary dilation; mydriasis
Mydriatikum n, pupillenerweiternde Substanz f med.
Mydriatikum n; pupillenerweiternde Substanz f med.
myelenzephal adj med.
myelencephalic; myelencephalous
Myelenzephalitis f med.
inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord; myelencephalitis
Nachhirn n; Myelenzephalon n; verlängertes Rückenmark n; Medulla oblongata n anat.
marrow brain; myelencephalon
Markscheide f (eines Nervs) anat.
mit Markscheiden (versehen)
ohne Markscheiden
medullary sheath; myelin sheath (of a nerve)
medullated; myelinic
non-medullated; amyelinic
Nervenfaser f anat.
Nervenfasern pl
markscheidenlose Nervenfaser
nerve fiber, nerve fibre
nerve fibers, nerve fibres
non-myelinated nerve fiber
Nervenfaser f anat.
Nervenfasern pl
markscheidenlose Nervenfaser
nerve fiber; nerve fibre
nerve fibers; nerve fibres
non-myelinated nerve fiber
Nervenfaser f anat.
Nervenfasern pl
adrenerge Nervenfaser
cholinerge Nervenfaser
markscheidenlose Nervenfaser; marklose Nervenfaser
motorische Nervenfaser
präganglionäre Nervenfaser
sensorische Nervenfaser
sympathische Nervenfaser
nerve fibre Br.; neurofibre Br.; nerve fiber Am.; neurofiber Am.; neurofibril
nerve fibres; neurofibres; nerve fibers; neurofibers; neurofibrils
adrenergic nerve fibre
cholinergic nerve fibre
non-medullated nerve fibre; non-myelinated nerve fibre; Remak's fibre
motor nerve fibre
preganglionic nerve fibre
sensory nerve fibre
sympathetic nerve fibre
Myelinisation f; Markbildung f; Markscheidenbildung f
myelinization eAm.; myelinisation Br.
Markscheidenbildung f; Markbildung f; Myelinisation f med.
myelinization; myelinisation Br.
Myelinisation f, Markbildung f, Markscheidenbildung f
Rückenmarksentzündung f med.
Strahlenmyelitis f med.
radiation myelitis
Destruktion f von BWK11 im Sinne eines osteoclastischen Plasmozytombefalls (CT-Befund) med.
destruction of T11 consistent with osteoclastic activity in multiple myelmoma (CT report)
Syndrom n med. soc.
Syndrome pl
myelodysplastisches Syndrom MDS ; Myelodysplasie f
Wernicke-Korsakow-Syndrom n
myelodysplastic syndrome
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome WKS
Knochenmarksarkom n med.
myelogenic sarcoma; myelosarcoma
Leukämie f; Weißblütigkeit f; (Erkrankung der weißen Blutzellen) med.
akute Leukämie
chronische myeloische Leukämie
leukaemia; leukemia Am.
acute leukemia
chronic myelogenous leukemia; chronic myeloid leukemia CML
Knochenmarkleukämie f med.
myeloid leukaemia

Deutsche Klarinos {pl} (Myadestes) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] Synonyme

Art  ÂGattung  ÂKlasse  ÂMenge  
Gattung  ÂGenus  (fachsprachlich)  ÂGeschlecht  
Art  ÂGattung  ÂGenre  ÂSorte  ÂSpezies  ÂTyp  ÂWesen  
Gattung  Genus (fachsprachlich)  Geschlecht  

Englische myadestes Synonyme

mycology  algology  aquiculture  botany  bryology  dendrology  fungology  hydroponics  paleobotany  phycology  physiological botany  phytobiology  phytochemistry  phytoecology  phytogeography  phytography  phytology  phytomorphology  phytonomy  phytopaleontology  phytopathology  phytotaxonomy  phytoteratology  phytotomy  phytotopography  plant anatomy  plant pathology  plant physiology  pomology  structural botany  systematic botany  
myelitis  adenoiditis  adrenitis  appendicitis  arteritis  arthritis deformans  arthritis fungosa  arthritis pauperum  atrophic arthritis  atrophic inflammation  blennorrhagic arthritis  brain fever  bronchitis  bunion  bursitis  capillaritis  carditis  catarrh  catarrhal inflammation  cerebellitis  cerebral meningitis  cerebritis  cerebrospinal meningitis  chronic infectious arthritis  chronic inflammation  cirrhotic inflammation  climactic arthritis  clitoritis  colitis  collagen disease  conjunctivitis  cystitis  degenerative arthritis  diffuse inflammation  encephalitis  endocarditis  enteritis  equine encephalomyelitis  exudative inflammation  fibroid inflammation  focal inflammation  gastritis  gingivitis  glossitis  gonococcal arthritis  gonorrheal arthritis  gonorrheal rheumatism  gout  gouty arthritis  hemophilic arthritis  hepatitis  hyperplastic inflammation  hypertrophic arthritis  hypertrophic inflammation  infectional arthritis  infectious hepatitis  inflammation  irritable bowel syndrome  laryngitis  lumbago  lumbar rheumatism  mastoiditis  meningitis  menopausal arthritis  metastatic inflammation  metritis  milk leg  mucous colitis  mumps meningitis  necrotic inflammation  nephritis  neuritis  obliterative inflammation  ophthalitis  ophthalmia  orchitis  osseous rheumatism  osteitis  osteoarthritis  osteomyelitis  otitis  ovaritis  paradental pyorrhea  penitis  pericarditis  periodontitis  peritonitis  pharyngitis  phlebitis  podagra  proliferative arthritis  prostatitis  pyonephritis  pyorrhea  pyorrhea alveolaris  reactive inflammation  rheumatism  rheumatiz  rheumatoid arthritis  rhinitis  sclerosing inflammation  seroplastic inflammation  serous inflammation  serum hepatitis  simple inflammation  sinusitis  spastic colon  specific inflammation  subacute rheumatism  suppurative arthritis  suppurative inflammation  syphilitic arthritis  tennis elbow  testitis  thrombophlebitis  tonsilitis  torticollis  toxic inflammation  traumatic inflammation  tu  
myriad  G  M  a billion  a crore  a lakh  a million  a myriad  a nonillion  a quadrillion  a thousand  a zillion  abundance  affluence  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  avalanche  billion  bonanza  bountifulness  bountiousness  bumper crop  chiliad  chiliagon  chiliahedron  chiliarch  chiliarchia  considerable  copiousness  ever so many  extravagance  exuberance  fertility  flood  flow  foison  full many  full measure  fullness  generosity  generousness  grand  great abundance  great plenty  gush  heaped-up  jillion  kilo  kilocycle  kilogram  kilohertz  kiloliter  kilometer  lakh  landslide  lavishness  liberality  liberalness  lots  luxuriance  many  maximum  millennium  millepede  milligram  milliliter  million  more than enough  much  multifarious  multifold  multiple  multitudinal  multitudinous  myriads  no few  not a few  numerous  numerousness  one hundred thousand  opulence  opulency  outpouring  overflow  plenitude  plenteousness  plentifulness  plenty  prevalence  prodigality  productiveness  profuseness  profusion  quantities  quite some  repleteness  repletion  rich harvest  rich vein  richness  riot  riotousness  scads  shower  spate  stream  substantiality  substantialness  superabundance  teemingness  ten thousand  thou  thousand  very many  wealth  yard  zillion  
myrmidon  adherent  assistant  creature  dependent  disciple  dummy  employee  feudatory  figurehead  flunky  follower  gillie  girl Friday  goon  hanger-on  henchman  hired hand  hired man  hireling  homager  inferior  jackal  lackey  liege  liege man  man  man Friday  mercenary  minion  pensioner  peon  puppet  retainer  right-hand man  satellite  serf  slave  stooge  subordinate  sycophant  thug  underling  understrapper  vassal  votary  worker  yeoman  
myrrh  ambergris  ambrosia  aromatic  aromatic gum  aromatic water  attar  attar of roses  balm  balm of Gilead  balsam  bay oil  bergamot oil  champaca oil  civet  essence  essential oil  extract  fixative  heliotrope  jasmine oil  lavender oil  musk  myrcia oil  parfum  perfume  perfumery  rose oil  scent  volatile oil  
mysterious  able  abstruse  ambiguous  amphibological  amphibolous  anagogic  arcane  awe-inspiring  awesome  awful  awing  baffling  beclouded  bewildering  bizarre  blind  bothering  buried  cabalic  cabalistic  censored  classified  close  closed  clouded  concealed  confounding  confusing  covered  covert  cryptic  curious  dark  discomposing  disconcerting  dismaying  distracting  disturbing  eclipsed  eerie  embarrassing  enigmatic  enwrapped in mystery  equivocal  equivocatory  esoteric  extramundane  extraterrestrial  fey  furtive  hermetic  hid  hidden  hush-hush  hypernormal  hyperphysical  impenetrable  in a cloud  in a fog  in eclipse  in purdah  in the wings  incalculable  incognizable  incommunicado  incomprehensible  indefinable  inexplicable  inextricable  inscrutable  insoluble  insolvable  intricate  ironic  latent  metaphysic  multivocal  mystic  mystical  mystifying  numinous  obfuscated  obscure  obscured  occult  otherworldly  perplexing  perturbing  polysemantic  polysemous  preterhuman  preternatural  preternormal  pretersensual  problematic  psychic  puzzling  recondite  restricted  sealed  secluded  secluse  secret  sequestered  smothered  spiritual  stifled  strange  superhuman  supernatural  supernormal  superphysical  supersensible  supersensual  suppressed  supramundane  supranatural  theosophical  theosophist  top secret  transcendental  transmundane  ulterior  unaccountable  unapparent  unapprehended  unascertained  unbeknown  unbreatheable  uncanny  uncertain  uncharted  unclassified  unclear  undefinable  under an eclipse  under cover  under house arrest  under security  under wraps  underground  undisclosable  undisclosed  undiscoverable  undiscovered  undivulgable  undivulged  unearthly  unexplainable  unexplained  unexplored  unexposed  unfamiliar  unfathomable  unfathomed  ungraspable  unguessed  unheard  unheard-of  unhuman  unidentified  unintelligible  uninterpretable  uninvestigated  unknowable  unknown  unperceived  unplumb  
mysteriously  awe-inspiringly  awesomely  awfully  awingly  bizarrely  eerily  enigmatically  fancifully  fantastically  grotesquely  inexplicably  monstrously  mystically  numinously  outlandishly  peculiarly  quaintly  queerly  singularly  strangely  supernaturally  unaccountably  uncannily  undefinably  unexplainably  weirdly  
mystery  Chinese puzzle  Grand Guignol  Marchen  Passion play  Tom show  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  ambiguity  ambiguousness  anagoge  anagogics  anthroposophy  antimasque  apologue  arcanum  art  audience success  awesomeness  baffle  bafflement  baffling problem  ballet  bedtime story  beguilingness  bewilderment  bomb  bother  brain twister  brain-teaser  broadcast drama  burlesque show  business  cabala  cabalism  career  career building  careerism  ceremonial  ceremony  charade  classified information  cliff hanger  closet drama  comedy drama  confidence  confidential communication  confoundment  confusion  conundrum  craft  critical success  crossword puzzle  crux  dark horse  daytime serial  detective novel  detective story  dialogue  dilemma  discomposure  disconcert  disconcertedness  disconcertion  disconcertment  disturbance  documentary drama  drama  dramalogue  dramatic play  dramatic series  duodrama  duologue  duty  eeriness  elfdom  embarrassment  enchantingness  enigma  enigmatic question  enigmaticalness  enticingness  epic theater  esoterica  esotericism  esoterics  esoterism  esotery  experimental theater  extraordinariness  extravaganza  fable  fabliau  faerie  failure  fairy tale  fantasy  fascination  fiction  fix  floorer  flop  folk story  folktale  form  form of worship  formality  formula  formulary  frontier  frontiers of knowledge  function  game  gasser  gest  ghost story  giveaway  glamorousness  guarded secret  handicraft  happening  hermetics  hit  hit show  hocus-pocus  holy rite  horse opera  improvisational drama  indefinability  indefiniteness  inexplicability  inextricability  inscrutability  insolvability  institution  jam  jigsaw puzzle  knot  knotty point  legend  legitimate drama  lifework  line  line of business  line of work  liturgy  love story  marvelousness  masque  matter of ignorance  melodrama  metier  mind-boggler  minstrel show  miracle  miracle play  miraculousness  mission  mode  
mystery play  Grand Guignol  Passion play  Tom show  antimasque  audience success  ballet  bomb  broadcast drama  burlesque show  charade  cliff hanger  closet drama  comedy drama  critical success  daytime serial  dialogue  documentary drama  drama  dramalogue  dramatic play  dramatic series  duodrama  duologue  epic theater  experimental theater  extravaganza  failure  flop  gasser  giveaway  happening  hit  hit show  improvisational drama  legitimate drama  masque  melodrama  minstrel show  miracle  miracle play  monodrama  monologue  morality  morality play  music drama  musical revue  mystery  opera  pageant  panel show  pantomime  pastoral  pastoral drama  piece  play  playlet  problem play  psychodrama  quiz show  radio drama  review  revue  sensational play  serial  show  sitcom  situation comedy  sketch  skit  soap  soap opera  sociodrama  spectacle  stage play  stage show  straight drama  success  suspense drama  tableau  tableau vivant  talk show  teleplay  television drama  television play  theater of cruelty  total theater  variety show  vaudeville  vaudeville show  vehicle  word-of-mouth success  work  
mystery story  Marchen  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  apologue  bedtime story  detective story  fable  fabliau  fairy tale  fantasy  fiction  folk story  folktale  gest  ghost story  horse opera  legend  love story  mystery  myth  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  parable  romance  science fiction  shocker  space fiction  space opera  suspense story  thriller  whodunit  work of fiction  
mystic  adept  allegorical  anthroposophist  arcane  cabalist  cabalistic  esoteric  imaginary  impenetrable  inscrutable  magian  magical  mahatma  mystagogue  necromantic  numinous  occult  quixotic  recondite  sorcerous  supernaturalist  symbolical  theosophist  transcendentalist  unaccountable  unguessed  unknowable  visionary  witchy  wizardly  yogi  yogin  yogist  
mystical  absolute  abysmal  allegorical  anagogic  arcane  between the lines  cabalic  cabalistic  cabbalistic  categorical  clandestine  concealed  covert  cryptic  deep  delitescent  divine  dormant  enwrapped in mystery  epiphanic  esoteric  furtive  hibernating  hidden  hole-and-corner  holy  hugger-mugger  hush-hush  indefinable  ineffable  inexplicable  inextricable  insoluble  insolvable  latent  lurking  metaphysic  miraculous  muffled  mysterious  mystic  obfuscated  obscured  occult  possible  potential  preternatural  private  profound  sacred  secret  sleeping  sneak  spiritual  stealthy  submerged  supernatural  supranatural  symbolical  theosophical  theosophist  ultimate  unaccountable  undefinable  under the surface  underlying  unexplainable  uninterpretable  unmanifested  unrevealed  unsolvable  veiled  virtual  
mysticism  afflatus  anagoge  anagogics  anthroposophy  apocalypse  cabala  cabalism  direct communication  divine inspiration  divine revelation  epiphany  esotericism  esoterics  esoterism  esotery  hocus-pocus  inspiration  mumbo jumbo  mystery  mystical experience  mystification  occultism  prophecy  revelation  symbolics  symbolism  theophania  theophany  theopneustia  theopneusty  yoga  yogeeism  yogism  
mystification  Chinese puzzle  amorphousness  anagoge  anagogics  anthroposophy  apparent soundness  burial  burying  cabala  cabalism  casuistry  circularity  closed  clouding  college of Laputa  concealedness  concealment  corruption  covering  covering up  covertness  dark  darkening  darkness  deception  disingenuousness  distortion  equivocalness  equivocation  esotericism  esoterics  esoterism  esotery  evasive reasoning  fallaciousness  fallacy  fog  fogginess  fuzziness  hiddenness  hiding  hocus-pocus  indeterminateness  indistinctness  insincerity  interment  invisibility  jesuitism  jesuitry  masking  misapplication  misdirection  misguidance  misinformation  misinstruction  misknowledge  misleading  mist  misteaching  mistiness  mumbo jumbo  murk  murkiness  mystery  mysticism  obfuscation  obscurantism  obscuration  obscurement  obscurity  occultation  occultism  opacity  oversubtlety  perplexity  perversion  philosophism  plausibility  plausibleness  putting away  rationalization  screening  secrecy  secretion  shapelessness  sophism  sophistical reasoning  sophistication  sophistry  special pleading  speciosity  specious reasoning  speciousness  subterfuge  subtlety  symbolics  symbolism  unclarity  unclearness  uncommunicativeness  unplainness  vagueness  vicious circle  vicious reasoning  why  yoga  yogeeism  yogism  
mystified  addled  at a loss  at a nonplus  at a stand  at a standstill  at an impasse  baffled  bamboozled  beat  bewildered  buffaloed  confounded  dazed  floored  fuddled  in a dilemma  in suspense  licked  muddled  nonplussed  on tenterhooks  perplexed  puzzled  stuck  stumped  thrown  
mystify  addle  amaze  around the bush  baffle  bamboozle  beat  beat about  beg the question  bewilder  bicker  boggle  buffalo  cavil  choplogic  complicate  confound  confuse  corrupt  daze  dodge  equivocate  evade  evade the issue  fence  floor  flummox  fool  fuddle  garble  get  hedge  hoax  humbug  jumble  keep in suspense  lick  make unintelligible  maze  misadvise  misdirect  miseducate  misguide  misinform  misinstruct  mislead  misteach  mix up  muddle  nitpick  nonplus  obfuscate  obscure  palter  parry  perplex  pervert  pick nits  prevaricate  pussyfoot  puzzle  quibble  scramble  shadow  shift  shuffle  shy  sidestep  split hairs  stick  stump  tergiversate  throw  
mystifying  baffling  bewildering  bothering  confounding  confusing  dark  discomposing  disconcerting  dismaying  distracting  disturbing  embarrassing  enigmatic  intricate  mysterious  perplexing  perturbing  problematic  puzzling  upsetting  
mystique  assumption  attitude  aura  blaze of glory  brilliance  brilliancy  charisma  climate of opinion  common belief  community sentiment  conceit  concept  conception  conclusion  consensus gentium  consideration  cult  cultism  envelope  estimate  estimation  ethos  eye  feeling  general belief  glamour  glory  halo  idea  illustriousness  impression  inscrutability  ism  judgment  lights  luster  magic  mind  mystery  nimbus  notion  numinousness  observation  opinion  personal judgment  point of view  popular belief  position  posture  presumption  preternaturalism  prevailing belief  public belief  public opinion  radiance  reaction  resplendence  resplendency  sentiment  sight  splendor  stance  strangeness  supernaturalism  theory  thinking  thought  view  way of thinking  
myth  Marchen  Mishnah  Spiritus Mundi  Sunna  Talmud  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  ancient wisdom  apologue  apparition  archetypal myth  archetypal pattern  bedtime story  brainchild  bubble  canard  chimera  cock-and-bull story  common law  concoction  creation  custom  delirium  detective story  eidolon  epic  extravaganza  fable  fabliau  fabrication  fairy tale  falsehood  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fib  fiction  figment  folk motif  folk story  folklore  folktale  forgery  gest  ghost story  hallucination  history  horse opera  idle fancy  illusion  imagery  imagination  imagining  immemorial usage  insubstantial image  invention  legend  lie  lore  love story  maggot  make-believe  mystery  mystery story  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  parable  phantasm  phantom  prevarication  racial memory  romance  saga  science fiction  shocker  sick fancy  space fiction  space opera  story  suspense story  tall tale  thick-coming fancies  thriller  tradition  traditionalism  traditionality  trip  untruth  vapor  vision  whim  whimsy  whodunit  whopper  wildest dreams  work of fiction  
mythical  acclaimed  allegoric  allegorical  celebrated  chimerical  concocted  cooked-up  created  distinguished  exceptional  extraordinary  fabled  fabricated  fabulous  famed  famous  fancied  fanciful  fantasied  fantastic  far-famed  far-heard  fictional  fictitious  fictive  figmental  forged  hatched  honored  imaginary  indescribable  ineffable  invented  legendary  made-up  make-believe  manufactured  marked  marvelous  much acclaimed  mythic  mythicized  mythified  mythological  mythopoeic  mythopoetic  nonactual  nonfactual  nonrealistic  notable  noted  noteworthy  notorious  of mark  of note  parabolic  phenomenal  popular  portentous  prodigious  put-up  remarkable  renowned  romantic  romanticized  storied  stupefying  stupendous  supposititious  symbolic  talked-about  talked-of  traditional  trumped-up  unexampled  unparalleled  unprecedented  unreal  unspeakable  untrue  visionary  well-known  wonderful  

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