
nitrogen Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Stickstoff m chem.
Stickstoffgewinn m biol.
nitrogen gain
Stickstoffeintrag m envir.
nitrogen input
Gaspulslaser m; Stickstofflaser m
nitrogen laser
Stickstoffkreislauf m; Stickstoffzyklus m envir.
nitrogen cycle
stickstoffbindend adj biol.
Stickstoffzufuhr f; Stickstoffversorgung f; Stickstoffantransport m
nitrogen supply
Stickstoffhaushalt m; Stickstoffbudget n envir.
nitrogen budget
Stickstoffbilanz f
nitrogen balance
Stickstoffentfernung f techn.
nitrogen removal
Stickstofffüllung f
nitrogen filling
Stickstofflost m; Stickstoffyperit n med. mil.
nitrogen mustard
Stickstoffspezies f biochem.
nitrogen species
Stickstoffnarkose f
nitrogen narcosis
Stickstoffarmut f
nitrogen scarcity
Stickstoffnarkose f med.
nitrogen narcosis
Stickstoffperoxid n NO3 chem.
nitrogen trioxide
Stickstoffperoxid n NO3 chem.
nitrogen trioxide
unter Stickstoffmangel leidend adj biol.
mangelnde Stickstoffausscheidung f; Stickstoffretention f med.
nitrogen retention
Stickstoffanreicherung f
nitrogen enrichment
Stickstofftrichlorid n chem.
nitrogen trichloride
Stickstoffverlust m (Boden)
nitrogen loss (soil)
Stickstoffverfügbarkeit f
nitrogen availability
Stickstoffbestimmung f chem.
nitrogen determination
Stickstoffdüngung f agr.
nitrogen fertilization
Stickstoffversorgung f (Boden)
nitrogen status (soil)
Stickstoffoxidemission f envir.
nitrogen oxide emission
stickstoffarm; mit niedrigem geringem Stickstoffgehalt adj
low-nitrogen; nitrogen-poor
Stickstoff-Äquivalentdruck m
equivalent nitrogen pressure
Stickstoffmobilisierung f (Boden)
nitrogen mobilization (soil)
stickstoffliebend adj biol.
nitrogen-loving; nitrophilous
stickstofflegiert adj (Metallurgie)
nitrogen-alloyed (metallurgy)
reaktive Stickstoffspezies pl biochem.
reactive nitrogen species RNS
Hydrazin n (Stickstoffverbindung) chem.
hydrazine (nitrogen compound)
Stickstoffvorrat m; Stickstoffpool m
nitrogen stock; nitrogen pool
stickstofffrei; stickstofflos adj
nitrogen-free; non-nitrogenous
Blaugas n; Cyanogen n; Cyangas n phys.
cyanogen; carburet of nitrogen
Stickstoffernährung f biol.
nitrogen nutrition; N nutrition
Stickstoffbelastung f envir.
nitrogen load; nitrogen loading
stickstoffhaltig; stickstoffhältig Ös. adj; Stickstoff… chem.
nitrogen-containing; nitrogenous
Stickstoffdioxid n; Stickstoff(IV)-oxid n NO2 chem.
nitrogen dioxide; liquid dioxide
Stickstoffdioxid n; Stickstoff(IV)-oxid n NO2 chem.
nitrogen dioxide; liquid dioxide
Stickstoffquelle f
Stickstoffquellen pl
nitrogen source
nitrogen sources
Stickstoffbrücke f
Stickstoffbrücken pl
nitrogen bridge
nitrogen bridges
Stickstoffoxid n; Stickoxid n NOx chem.
Stickstoffoxide pl; Stickoxide pl
nitrogen oxide NOx
nitrogen oxides
Salpetrigsäureanhydrid n; Stickstofftrioxid n chem.
nitrous anhydride; nitrogen trioxide
Stickstoffoxid n; Stickoxid n NOx chem.
Stickstoffoxide pl; Stickoxide pl
nitrogen oxide NOx
nitrogen oxides
Stickstoffgleichgewicht n
nitrogen balance; nitrogen equilibrium
Stickstoffmangel m biol.
nitrogen deficiency; nitrogen shortage
Stickstoffleitung f
Stickstoffleitungen pl
nitrogen pipeline
nitrogen pipelines
Stickstoffbakterien pl; stickstoffbindende stickstoffsammelnde Bakterien pl; Stickstoffmehrer pl; Nitrifikanten pl biol.
nitrobacteria; nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Stickstoffeliminierung f med.
elimination of nitrogen; denitrogenation
stickstoffhaltig adj; Stickstoff... chem.
nitrogen-containing; nitrogenous; azotic
Stickstoffgehalt m
nitrogen content; N content; nitrogen level
stickstoffhaltige organische Base f; Nucleobase f biochem.
nitrogen-containing organic base; nucleobase
Kohlenstoff-Stickstoff-Verhältnis n chem.
carbon-to-nitrogen ratio; C N ratio; C:N ratio
Kohlenstoff-Stickstoff-Kreislauf m; Kohlenstoff-Stickstoff-Zyklus m; Bethe-Zyklus m; Bethe-Weizäcker-Zyklus m; CN-Zyklus phys.
carbon-nitrogen cycle; carbon cycle; Bethe cycle
Stickstoffsammler m bot.
nitrogen-gathering plant; nitrogen-storing plant
Stickstofffabrik f
Stickstofffabriken pl
nitrogen fixation works
nitrogen fixation works
Stickstofffabrik f
Stickstofffabriken pl
nitrogen fixation works
nitrogen fixation workses
Stickstoffbedarf m biol.
nitrogen demand; demand for nitrogen; nitrogen needs
Stickstoffmonoxid n; Stickstoff(II)-oxid n NO chem.
nitric oxide; dinitrogen oxide; nitrogen(II) oxide NO
Stickstoffmonoxid n; Stickstoff(II)-Oxid n NO chem.
nitric oxide; dinitrogen oxide; nitrogen(II) oxide NO
stickstoffreich adj
nitrogen-rich; rich in nitrogen; high-nitrogen; highly nitrogenous
biogeochemisch adj chem. envir. geogr.
biogeochemischer Zyklus (von Stickstoff, Phosphor usw.)
biogeochemical cycle (of nitrogen, phosphorus etc.)
biogeochemisch adj
biogeochemischer Zyklus (von Stickstoff Phosphor etc.)
biogeochemical cycle (of nitrogen phosphorus etc.)
Stickstoff(V)-Oxid n; Distickstoffpentoxid n N2O5 chem.
nitrogen(V) oxide; nitrogen dinitrogen pentoxide; nitrogen acid anhydride
Stickstoff(V)-Oxid n; Distickstoffpentoxid n N2O5 chem.
nitrogen(V) oxide; nitrogen dinitrogen pentoxide; nitrogen acid anhydride
Salpetersäureanhydrid n; Distickstoffpentoxid n (N2O2) chem.
nitrogen acid anhydride; dinitrogen pentoxide; nitrogen pentoxide; nitrogen(V)oxide
Lachgas n; Distickstoffoxid n; Distickstoff-Monoxid n; Stickstoff(I)-Oxid (N2O) chem. pharm.
laughing gas; nitrous oxide; dinitrogen oxide; nitrogen monoxide; nitrogen(I) oxide
Stickstoffdüngemittel n; Stickstoffdünger m agr.
Stickstoffdüngemittel pl; Stickstoffdünger pl
nitrogen fertilizer; nitrogenous fertilizer
nitrogen fertilizers; nitrogenous fertilizers
Stickstoff m N chem.
atmosphärischer Stickstoff; Stickstoff der Luft
verfügbarer Stickstoff
elementarer Stickstoff
gebundener Stickstoff
molekularer Stickstoff
nitrogen; azote obs.
atmospheric nitrogen
available nitrogen
elemental nitrogen
bound nitrogen
molecular nitrogen; dinitrogen
Stickstoff m N chem.
atmosphärischer Stickstoff; Stickstoff der Luft
verfügbarer Stickstoff
elementarer Stickstoff
gebundener Stickstoff
molekularer Stickstoff
nitrogen; azote obs.
atmospheric nitrogen
available nitrogen
elemental nitrogen
bound nitrogen
molecular nitrogen; dinitrogen
etw. mit etw. beaufschlagen v techn.
etw. mit Druck Luft Medium beaufschlagen
etw. mit Stickstoff beaufschlagen
to apply sth. to sth.; to subject sth. to sth.
to apply pressure air fluid to sth.
to subject sth. to nitrogen; to pressurize sth. with nitrogen
Stickstoffbindung f; Stickstoffgewinnung f aus der Luft biol. techn.
symbiotische symbiontische Stickstoffbindung
Haber-Bosch-Verfahren zur Stickstoffgewinnung
Kalkstickstoffverfahren zur Stickstoffgewinnung
nitrogen fixation; N fixation; fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
symbiotic N fixation
Haber-Bosch nitrogen fixation process
cyanamide nitrogen fixation process
Kabel n electr.
Kabel pl
abgeschirmtes Kabel; geschirmtes Kabel
armiertes Kabel
bewegliches Kabel
dreipoliges Kabel
festverlegtes Kabel
gemischtadriges Kabel; gemischtpaariges Kabel
kautschuk-isoliertes Kabel
PVC-isoliertes Kabel
stickstoffgefülltes Kabel; Stickstoffkabel n
vieladrig ummanteltes Kabel
vieradriges Kabel
Kabel ohne Geflecht
Kabel bespulen; mit Spulen versehen telco.
shielded cable; screened cable
armoured cable Br.; armored cable Am.
mobile cable
three-pole cable
fixed installed cable
composite cable
rubber insulated cable
PVC insulated cable
nitrogen-filled cable
multicore jacketed cables
quad cable
no-braiding cable
to coil-load cables; to load cables with coils
Reaktor m techn.
Reaktoren pl
Natururanreaktor m
Siedereaktor m
schneller Reaktor
einen Reaktor hochfahren
einen Reaktor herunterfahren
angereicherter Reaktor
berylliummoderierter Reaktor
chemischer Reaktor
gasgekühlter Reaktor
katalytischer Reaktor
kernchemischer Reaktor; Chemiereaktor m
stickstoffgekühlter Reaktor
Bestrahlungsversuch m im Reaktor
Reaktor mit geteiltem Kühlmittelfluss
natural-uranium-fuelled reactor
boiling reactor
fast neutron reactor; fast reactor
to start up a reactor
to shut down a reactor
enriched reactor
beryllium-moderated reactor
chemical reactor
gas-cooled reactor
catalytic reactor
chemonuclear reactor
nitrogen-cooled reactor
in-pile test
split flow reactor
Betäubung f; Narkose f; Anästhesie f med.
ambulante Narkose
halboffene Narkose
Inhalationsnarkose f
Injektionsnarkose f; intravenöse Narkose
intratracheale Nakose
orotracheale Narkose
Reithosenanästhesie f
rektale Narkose
Stickstoffnarkose f
Vollnarkose f; Allgemeinanästhesie f
unter Vollnarkose
eine Betäubung eine Narkose durchführen; Anästhesie durchführen; anästhesieren
unter Narkose stehen
durch die Narkose bedingt; narkosebedingt
aus der Narkose aufwachen
narcosis; anaesthesia Br.; anesthesia Am.
outpatient anaesthesia
semi-open anaesthesia
inhalation anaesthesia
intravenous anaesthesia; phlebanaesthesia; phlebonarcosis
intratracheal anaesthesia; endotracheal anaesthesia
orotracheal anaesthesia
saddle block anaesthesia; saddle anaesthesia
rectal anaesthesia
nitrogen narcosis
general anaesthesia
under a general anaesthetic
to give anaesthesia anesthesia; to administer anaesthesia anesthesia
to be under anaesthesia
induced by anaesthesia
to recover from anaesthetic
Kabel n comp. electr. telco.
Kabel pl
abgeschirmtes Kabel; geschirmtes Kabel
armiertes Kabel
Datenkabel n comp.
dreipoliges Kabel
festverlegtes Kabel
gemischtadriges Kabel; gemischtpaariges Kabel
Hochspannungskabel n; Starkstromkabel n
Installationskabel n
kautschuk-isoliertes Kabel
PVC-isoliertes Kabel
stickstoffgefülltes Kabel; Stickstoffkabel n
Stromkabel n
Verbundkabel n
vieladrig ummanteltes Kabel
vieradriges Kabel
Kabel für Mobilgeräte
Kabel ohne Geflecht
Abmanteln eines Kabels
Kabel bespulen; mit Spulen versehen telco.
ein Kabel abisolieren abmanteln freilegen
shielded cable; screened cable
armoured cable Br.; armored cable Am.
data cable
three-pole cable
fixed installed cable
mixed-core cable
high-voltage power cable; high-voltage cable; HV cable
house wiring cable
rubber insulated cable
PVC insulated cable
nitrogen-filled cable
power cable; electrical cable; electricity cable Br.
compound cable; composite cable; combination cable; hybrid cable
multicore jacketed cables
quad cable
mobile cable
no-braiding cable
stripping of a cable
to coil-load cables; to load cables with coils
to strip skin bare a cable

nitrogen Definition

(n.) A colorless nonmetallic element, tasteless and odorless, comprising four fifths of the atmosphere by volume. It is chemically very inert in the free state, and as such is incapable of supporting life (hence the name azote still used by French chemists)

nitrogen Bedeutung

nitrogen narcosis confused or stuporous state caused by high levels of dissolved nitrogen in the blood, deep-sea divers can suffer nitrogen narcosis from breathing air under high pressure
nitrogen cycle the circulation of nitrogen, nitrates from the soil are absorbed by plants which are eaten by animals that die and decay returning the nitrogen back to the soil
nitrogen fixation the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by soil bacteria and its release for plant use on the death of the bacteria
nitrogen balance the balance between the amount of nitrogen taken in (to the soil or the body) and the amount given off (lost or excreted)
atomic number
a common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas, constitutes percent of the atmosphere by volume, a constituent of all living tissues
nitrogen oxide any of several oxides of nitrogen formed by the action of nitric acid on oxidizable materials, present in car exhausts
nitrogen dioxide a highly poisonous brown gas (NO)
liquid nitrogen nitrogen in a liquid state
nitrogen mustard a toxic compound resembling mustard gas in structure, important in cancer treatment
nitrogen trichloride
a yellow pungent volatile oil (trade name Agene) formerly used for bleaching and aging flour
nitrogen-fixing contributing to the process of nitrogen fixation
of or relating to or containing nitrogen
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Nitrogen is a chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7. It was first discovered and isolated by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772. Although Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Henry Cavendish had independently done so at about the same time, Rutherford is generally accorded the credit because his work was published first. The name nitrogen was suggested by Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal in 1790, when it was found that nitrogen was present in nitric acid and nitrates; this name derives from the Greek roots ?????? "nitre" and -?????? "to form". Antoine Lavoisier suggested instead the name azote, from the Greek ???????? "no life", as it is an asphyxiant gas; his name is instead used in many languages, such as French, Russian, and Turkish, and appears in the English names of some nitrogen compounds such as hydrazine, azides and azo compounds.