
noble Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

stattlich; prächtig adj
adlig, adelig, von Adel, erlaucht, edel adj
adlig, edel, grosszuegig
stattlich, prächtig adj
Edelgas n
noble gas
noble gas
edle Tat
noble deed
noble metal
Nobelbekassine f ornith.
Noble Snipe
edle Taten
noble deeds
Edelmetall n
noble metal
noble minded
edelmütig; edeldenkend adj
edel; vornehm adj
edelmütig, edeldenkend adj
edel, vornehm adj
edle Gesinnung f
noble sentinents
Alfons der Edle hist.
Alfonso the Noble
Adelsschicht f
nobility; noble class
Edelfäule f des Weins (durch Botrytis cinerea) bot. cook.
noble mold; noble rot
Adelsgeschlecht n, Adelsfamilie f
nobility, noble family
nobel, erhaben, großzügig, großmütig adj
nobler, erhabener, großzügiger, großmütiger, großherziger
am nobelsten, am erhabensten, am großzügigsten, am großmütigsten, am großherzigsten
nobel; erhaben; großzügig; großmütig adj
nobler; erhabener; großzügiger; großmütiger; großherziger
am nobelsten; am erhabensten; am großzügigsten; am großmütigsten; am großherzigsten
Edelopal m min.
precious opal; noble opal
Edelgas-Spaltprodukte pl
fission product noble gas
Edelmetall n chem.
Edelmetalle pl
noble metal
noble metals
Nobel'sche Faltungsoperation f med.
Noble's plication operation
edel; vornehm adj (Weingeschmack) cook.
noble; distinguished (wine taste)
adlig; adelig; von Adel; erlaucht; edel adj
adlig sein
to have a title; to be titled
Erbfolge f (in einer Adelsfamilie) soc.
line of succession (in a noble family)
Edelmetallkatalysator m auto
Edelmetallkatalysatoren pl
noble metal catalyst
noble metal catalysts
seltene Erden pl; Seltenerden pl chem.
Seltenerdmetall n; Metall aus der Gruppe der seltenen Erden
rare earths; noble earths
rare earth metal
Edelgas n chem.
Edelgase pl
noble gas; rare gas
noble gases; rare gases
Edelfisch m; Gourmetfisch m zool. cook.
fine fish; noble fish; game fish; gourmet fish
Edelgaskonfiguration f chem.
rare-gas configuration; noble-gas configuration
'Die beiden edlen Vettern' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'The Two Noble Kinsmen' (by Shakespeare work title)
'Die beiden edlen Vettern' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'The Two Noble Kinsmen' (by Shakespeare work title)
Hosenbandorden m; Orden des blauen Hosenbandes
Order of the Garter; The Most Noble Order of the Garter
Jagdwesen n; Jagen n; Jagd f
auf die Jagd gehen
Hohe Jagd hist.
to go hunting; to go shooting
noble hunting
Edelzellstoff m; Alpha-Zellstoff m (Papierherstellung)
noble cellulose; alpha pulp; idssolving pulp (papermaking)
Adelsgeschlecht n; Adelsfamilie f soc.
Adelsgeschlechter pl; Adelsfamilien pl
noble dynasty; noble family
noble dynasties; noble families
Adlige m f; Adliger
Adligen pl; Adlige
noble; noble man; noble woman
nobles; noble men; noble women
Adlige m f , Adliger
Adligen pl, Adlige
noble, noble man, noble woman
nobles, noble men, noble women
Adlige m,f; Adliger; Adelige m,f
Adligen pl; Adlige; Adeligen pl
noble; noble man; noble woman
nobles; noble men; noble women
Distelorden m; Orden von der Distel adm.
Order of the Thistle; The Most Noble Order of the Thistle Sc.
Pinna-Steckmuscheln pl (Pinna) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Edle Steckmuschel f; Große Steckmuschel f (Pinna nobilis)
pinna pen shells (zoological genus)
noble pen shell; fan mussel
Edelgasdiode f electr.
Edelgasdioden pl
noble gas diode; rare gas diode
noble gas diodes; rare gas diodes
edle Gesinnung f; vornehme Denkungsart f; Edelmut m geh.
high-mindedness; noble-mindedness; nobility of mind; noble sentiments
Hochwild n hist.
beasts of venery; beasts of the chase (game reserved for noble hunting)
Haus Hohenzollern n hist.
the House of Hohenzollern (one of the most prominent German noble lines)
Größe f; Vornehmheit f psych.
Charaktergröße f
Edelmut m; vornehme Denkungsart f
Seelengröße f
nobility of character
nobility of mind; noble-mindedness
nobility of soul
Edelgasschale f (Kerntechnik)
Edelgasschalen pl
noble gas shell; rare gas shell (nuclear engineering)
noble gas shells; rare gas shells
das Jagdwesen n; das Jagen n; die Jagd f; die Jägerei f; das Weidwerk n geh.; das Waidwerk n Jägersprache
Ausdauerjagd f
auf die Jagd gehen; jagen gehen
Hohe Jagd hist.
hunting; shooting; the chase
persistence hunting
to go hunting; to go shooting; to gun Am.
noble hunting
Metall n
Metalle pl
edles Metall
gediegenes Metall
unedles Metall
vorangereicherte Metalle
noble metal
pure metal; native metal
ignoble metal; base metal; alloy
semi-processed metals
Geburt f (Abstammung; Herkunft) soc.
der Geburt nach
von niedriger Geburt sein
von hoher Geburt sein
Sie ist geborene Schweizerin.
birth (ancestry, origin)
by birth
to be of low humble birth; to be humbly born
to be noble birth
She is Swiss by birth.
Metall n
Metalle pl
Alkalimetall n
edles Metall
gediegenes Metall
unedles Metall
vorangereicherte Metalle
alkali metal; alkaline metal
noble metal
pure metal; native metal
ignoble metal; alloy
semi-processed metals
Kernspaltungsprodukt n; radioaktives Spaltungsprodukt n; Spaltungsprodukt n; Kernspaltprodukt n; Spaltprodukt n (Kerntechnik) phys.
Kernspaltungsprodukte pl; radioaktive Spaltungsprodukte pl; Spaltungsprodukte pl; Kernspaltprodukte pl; Spaltprodukte pl
Edelgas-Spaltprodukt n
nuclear fission product; radioactive fission product; fission product (nuclear engineering)
nuclear fission products; radioactive fission products; fission products
noble-gas fission product
Erbe m; Erbin f (in einem Adelsgeschlecht) pol. soc.
Thronerbe m; Kronprinz m (in einem Herrscherhaus)
Thronerbin f; Kronprinzessin f (in einem Herrscherhaus)
Erbprinz m (in Fürstenhäusern)
Erbprinzessin f (in Fürstenhäusern)
voraussichtlicher Thronerbe (in einem Herrscherhaus)
voraussichtliche Thronerbin (in einem Herrscherhaus)
voraussichtlicher Erbe eines Adelstitels (in Fürstenhäusern)
voraussichtliche Erbin eines Adelstitels (in Fürstenhäusern)
Erbe Erbin aus einer Seitenlinie
heir; heiress (in a noble dynasty)
heir to the throne; heir apparent (in a ruling house)
heiress to the throne; heiress apparent (in a ruling house)
heir apparent (in princely houses)
heiress apparent (in princely houses)
heir presumtive (in a ruling house)
heiress presumtive (in a ruling house)
heir presumtive (in princely houses)
heiress presumtive (in princely houses)
heir heiress collateral
Jagdwild n; Wild n
Auerwild n
Damwild n
Flugwild n
Freiwild n
Großwild n
Haarwild n
Haarraubwild n
Hochwild n hist.
Kahlwild n
Kleinwild n
Niederwild n hist.
Raubwild n
Rehwild n
Rotwild n
Schalenwild n
Schwarzwild n
Zuchtwild n
(bei der Treibjagd) aufgescheuchtes Wild; hochgemachtes Wild
verfolgtes Wild
Wild abnicken; abfangen Jägersprache (mit einem Stich ins Genick töten)
game animals; game
wood grouse
fallow deer
winged game
unprotected game
big game
furred game; mammalian game
ground game
beasts of venery; beasts of the chase (game reserved for noble hunting)
female game animals; calves without antlers
small game
beasts of the warren
predator game
roe deer
red deer
hoofed game
wild boars
farmed game
quarry; chase
to kill game by stabbing it in the neck
Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
Tannenbäume pl; Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
fir trees; firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir

Deutsche stattlich; prächtig {adj} Synonyme

belastbar  Âfest  Âhaltbar  Âkräftig  Ârobust  Âstabil  Âstark  Âstattlich  Âzäh  
glorreich  Âprächtig  
auffällig  Âprächtig  Âschillernd  
fantastisch  Âgroßartig  Âherrlich  Âhimmlisch  Âphantastisch  Âprächtig  
brillant  Âfamos  Âgenial  Âglänzend  Âprächtig  Âwunderbar  Âwundervoll  
üppig  Âbombastisch  Âopulent  Âprachtvoll  Âprahlerisch  Âprächtig  Âverschwenderisch  
ansehnlich  Âaußerordentlich  Âüppig  Âbeachtenswert  Âbeachtlich  Âbedeutend  Âbeträchtlich  Âbombastisch  (umgangssprachlich)  Âerheblich  Âerklecklich  Âfulminant  Âgroß  Âpompös  Âstattlich  Âunglaublich  Âveritabel  

Englische noble Synonyme

noble  Babylonian  Brahman  Christian  Corinthian  acclaimed  admirable  advantageous  archduke  aristocrat  aristocratic  armiger  august  auspicious  awe-inspiring  awful  barbaric  baron  baronet  baronial  beneficial  benevolent  big  bighearted  blameless  blue blood  blue-blooded  bon  bonny  braw  bueno  capital  celebrated  changeless  chivalrous  clean  cogent  commendable  conspicuous  constant  count  courtly  creditable  daimio  decent  deluxe  dignified  distinguished  ducal  duke  earl  elaborate  elegant  elevated  eminent  erect  esquire  esteemed  estimable  ethical  exalted  excellent  exceptional  expedient  exquisite  extraordinary  extravagant  fair  faithful  famous  fancy  favorable  fine  full of integrity  generous  genteel  gentle  gentleman  gentlemanlike  gentlemanly  gentlewoman  glorious  godlike  good  goodly  grand  grand duke  grandee  grandiose  grave  great  great of heart  greathearted  handsome  healthy  held in esteem  helpful  heroic  hidalgo  high  high-class  high-minded  high-principled  high-ranking  highly esteemed  highly regarded  highly reputed  highly respectable  honest  honorable  honored  idealistic  illustrious  immaculate  immutable  imposing  impressive  in favor  in good odor  in high favor  incommutable  inconvertible  incorruptible  indefeasible  inert  inspiring  insusceptible of change  intransmutable  invariable  inviolate  irreproachable  irretrievable  irreversible  irrevocable  just  kind  kinglike  kingly  knightly  lace-curtain  lady  ladylike  laird  landgrave  largehearted  lasting  laudable  lauded  law-abiding  law-loving  law-revering  liberal  lofty  lord  lordling  lordly  loyal  luxurious  magisterial  magnanimous  magnate  magnificent  magnifico  majestic  manly  margrave  marked  marquis  memorable  meritorious  moral  moralistic  moving  nice  noble-minded  nobleman  noblewoman  none  nonreturnable  nonreversible  notable  noted  noteworthy  of gentle blood  of mark  of rank  openhanded  opt  
noble minded  big  bighearted  chivalrous  elevated  exalted  generous  great  great of heart  greathearted  handsome  heroic  high  high-minded  idealistic  knightly  largehearted  liberal  lofty  magnanimous  noble  openhanded  princely  sublime  
nobleman  Brahman  archduke  aristocrat  armiger  baron  baronet  blue blood  count  daimio  duke  earl  esquire  gentleman  grand duke  grandee  hidalgo  lace-curtain  laird  landgrave  lord  lordling  magnate  magnifico  margrave  marquis  noble  optimate  palsgrave  patrician  peer  seigneur  seignior  silk-stocking  squire  swell  thoroughbred  upper-cruster  viscount  waldgrave  

noble Definition

George noble
() A gold noble of the time of Henry VIII. See Noble, n.
(superl.) Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc.
(superl.) Grand
(superl.) Of exalted rank
(n.) A person of rank above a commoner
(n.) An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s. 8 d. sterling, or about $1.61.
(n.) A European fish
(v. t.) To make noble
(a.) Having a noble mind

noble Bedeutung

idealism noble-mindedness b a
elevated ideals or conduct, the quality of believing that ideals should be pursued
danseur noble
a male ballet dancer who is the partner of a ballerina
a titled peer of the realm
noble cane sugarcanes representing the highest development of the species, characterized by large juicy stalks with soft rinds and high sugar content
noble gas
inert gas
any of the chemically inert gaseous elements of the helium group in the periodic table
noble metal any metal that is resistant to corrosion or oxidation
impressive in appearance, a baronial mansion, an imposing residence, a noble tree, severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses, stately columns
noble having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character, a noble spirit, noble deeds
b exalted
noble-minded b
of high moral or intellectual value, elevated in nature or style, an exalted ideal, argue in terms of high-flown ideals- Oliver Franks, a noble and lofty concept, a grand purpose
noble of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times, of noble birth
noble inert especially toward oxygen, a noble gas such as helium or neon, noble metals include gold and silver and platinum
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A noble is a member of the nobility.

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