
not Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

wohlgemerkt adv; bitte beachten
nota bene N.B. (please note; take notice)
wohlgemerkt adv; bitte beachten
nota bene N.B. (please note; take notice)
Honoratioren pl, wichtige Persönlichkeiten
notabilities, dignitaries, prominent people
Honoratioren pl; wichtige Persönlichkeiten
notabilities; dignitaries; prominent people
wichtige Persoenlichkeit
beachtlich, beträchtlich, auffallend, merklich adj
bemerkenswert, bedeutend, beachtenswert (wegen) adj
notable (for)
namhaft adj
am namhaftesten
more notable
most notable
more notable
most notable
bedeutend; namhaft; wichtig (wegen etw.) adj
ein namhafter Autor
mit einer wichtigen Ausnahme
für etw. bekannt sein
Die Gärten sind für ihre Sammlung seltener Pflanzen bekannt.
notable (for sth.)
a notable author
with one notable exception
to be notable for sth.
The gardens are notable for their collection of rare plants.
bemerkenswert; beachtenswert; auffallend; eindrucksvoll adj
Es fällt auf dass ...
Auffällig ist dass ...
nicht bemerkenswert; unauffällig; unbeachtlich
remarkable; notable; striking
It is notable that ...
It is striking to note that ...
bemerkenswert; beachtenswert; auffallend; eindrucksvoll adj
das auffälligste Beispiel seiner Kunst
Es fällt auf, dass …
Auffällig ist, dass …
Hervorzuheben sind hier …
remarkable; notable; striking
the most striking example of his art
It is notable that …
It is striking to note that …
Notable amongst these are …
Prominenz f
beachtenswert adv
bemerkenswert adv
vor allem; insbesondere; ganz besonders; vornehmlich geh. adv
most notably
besonders adv
notably {adv}
erheblich adv
notably {adv}
deutlich; merklich; erheblich; bemerkenswert; auffallend; frappant; signifikant geh. adv
ein deutlich höheres Risiko; ein deutlich erhöhtes Risiko geh.
sich in den beiden Gruppen deutlich signifikant unterscheiden
durch Abwesenheit glänzen (Person)
Was im Wahlkampf auffallend fehlte, war …
Es wurde im vergangenen Jahr deutlich verbessert.
Das Auto ist in einem für sein Alter bemerkenswert gutem Zustand.
Die beiden Berichte ähneln sich frappant.
Das war kein allzu erfolgreiches Vorhaben.
remarkably; significantly; notably formal
a remarkably significantly higher risk
to differ significantly between the two groups
to be notably absent (of a person)
What was notably noticeably absent in the election campaign was …
It has been significantly notably improved over the past year.
The car is in remarkably good condition for its age.
The two reports are remarkably similar.
This has not been a notably successful project.
insbesondere insb. ; besonders bes. ; und in besonderer Weise; und hier vor allem; namentlich geh.; vornehmlich geh.; in Sonderheit Dt. geh. selten adv.
insbesondere im Hinblick auf
insbesondere wenn man berücksichtigt, dass …
Namentlich hat der Bevollmächtige folgende Befugnisse.
particularly; in particular; especially esp. ; (most) notably formal
particularly with regard to
particularly considering that …; in particular if account is taken of the fact that …
In particular, the attorney shall have the following powers.
notarial protest certificate
notariell adj
Notariatsakt m (Beurkundung durch einen Notar) jur.
Notariatsakte pl
Mit Notariatsakt vom 5. November wurde das Aktienkapital erhöht.
notarial act
notarial acts
By notarial act of 5 November the share capital was increased.
Notariatsgebühren pl
notarial fees
Notariatskosten pl
notarial charges
Notariatsstempel m
Notariatsstempel pl
notarial seal
notarial seals
Notariatsurkunde f
Notariatsurkunden pl
notarial deed; notarial document
notarial deeds; notarial documents
notariell adj
notarielle Beurkundung f
notarielle Niederschrift f
notarization; notarisation Br.
notarial record; notarial recording
Notariatsakt m (Beurkundung durch einen Notar) jur.
Notariatsakte pl
Mit Notariatsakt vom 5. November wurde das Aktienkapital erhöht.
notarial act
notarial acts
By notarial act of 5 November, the share capital was increased.
Urkundenrolle f jur.
Urkundenrollen pl
notarial register; roll of deeds
notarial registes; rolls of deeds
notariell beglaubigt
notarially certified
Notar m, Notarin f
Notare pl, Notarinnen pl
Notar m mit eingeschränkten Befugnissen (nur Beglaubigung von Unterschriften)
civil law notary, notary
civil law notaries, notary
notary public
Notar m; Notarin f
Notare pl; Notarinnen pl
beurkundender Notar
beglaubigender Notar
zum Notar bestellt werden
etw. vor einem Notar unterzeichnen
einen Notar von der Liste streichen
civil law notary; notary
civil law notaries; notary
recording notary
attesting notary
to be appointed as a civil-law notary
to sign sth. before a notary
to strike a notary off the roll Br.
Notariatskammer f
Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries
Notariatsordnung f jur.
Public Notaries Act
Beglaubigung f
Beglaubigungen pl
notarization eAm.; notarisation Br.
notarizations eAm.; notarisations Br.
etw. notariell beglaubigen v jur.
notariell beglaubigend
notariell beglaubigt
beglaubigt notariell
beglaubigte notariell
Ausfertigung mit notariell beglaubigter Unterschrift
to notarise sth. Br.; to notarize sth. Am.
notarising; notarizing
notarised; notarized
notarises; notarizes
notarised; notarized
notarized copy
Beglaubigung f
Beglaubigungen pl
to notarize
notary public
Notarassessor m; Notariatsassessor m; Notar(iats)substitut m Ös.
deputy civil-law notary
Notar m mit eingeschränkten Befugnissen (nur Beglaubigung von Unterschriften)
notary public
Notar-Anderkonto n
notary trust account Br.
Notariat n
Notariate pl
notary's office
notary's offices
Notariatsverweser m
Notariatsverweser pl
administrator of a notary's office
administrators of a notary's office
Notaritatsgehilfe m
Notaritatsgehilfen pl
notary's assistant Br.
notary's assistants
Notaritatsgehilfe m
Notariatsgehilfen pl
notary's assistant Br.
notary's assistants
Siegler m hist.
sealer of documents; notary Am.
schriftliche Vollmacht f; Vollmachtsurkunde f jur.
schriftliche Vollmachten pl; Vollmachtsurkunden pl
notarielle Vollmacht
laut Vollmacht
letter of attorney; proxy
letters of attorney
letter of attorney drawn up before a notary
as per letter of attorney
amtlicher Kurs
official notation
das Datum dieses Vermerks
the date of this notation
ein zugefügter Vermerk
a superimposed notation
Vermerk der Verladung
notation of loading
Bezeichnung f
Bezeichnungen pl

Deutsche wohlgemerkt {adv}; bitte beachten Synonyme

bitte  Âbitte  schön  Âbitte  sehr  
notabene  Âwohlgemerkt  
beachten  Âbefolgen  Âbeherzigen  
achten  Âbeachten  Âberücksichtigen  Âdenken  (an)  
anmerken  (gegenüber)  Âbeachten  Âbemerken  Âmerken  
beachten  Âberücksichtigen  Âeinplanen  Âim  Gedächtnis  behalten  
b.  w.  Âbitte  wenden  
übergehen  Âübersehen  Âhinwegsetzen  Âignorieren  Ânicht  beachten  
auf  Anfrage  Âauf  Bitte  Âauf  Wunsch  
Bitte  um  Verzeihung  ÂEntschuldigung  
Bitte  sehr  ÂGern  geschehen  
Bitte  ÂBittgesuch  ÂGesuch  ÂPetition  
Antrag  ÂBitte  ÂDesiderat  ÂDesideratum  ÂErsuchen  ÂGesuch  ÂNachfrage  ÂWunsch  
Appell  ÂAufforderung  ÂAufgebot  ÂAufruf  ÂBefürwortung  ÂBitte  ÂGesuch  ÂProklamation  
(etwas)  im  Auge  behalten  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbeachten  Âbeobachten  Âbewachen  Âein  Auge  auf  etwas  werfen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhüten  Âzuschauen  Âzusehen  
Bitte sehr  Gern geschehen  
Bitte um Verzeihung  Entschuldigung  
Bitte  Bittgesuch  Gesuch  Petition  
beachten  befolgen  beherzigen  
beachten  berücksichtigen  im Gedächtnis behalten  
besonders beachten  inspizieren  unter die Lupe nehmen (umgangssprachlich)  
bitte  bitte schön  bitte sehr  

Englische nota bene N.B. Synonyme

not a bit  at no hand  by no means  in no case  in no respect  in no wise  nary one  never  never a one  nohow  none  not a hint  not a jot  not a lick  not a mite  not a one  not a particle  not a scrap  not a smitch  not a speck  not a suspicion  not a trace  not a whit  not an iota  not any  not at all  not much  not nearly  noway  noways  nowhere near  nowise  on no account  under no circumstances  
not accept  abjure  assert the contrary  be skeptical  belie  brook no  contest  contradict  contravene  controvert  counter  cross  deny  disaffirm  disallow  disavow  disbelieve  disclaim  disown  disprove  dispute  forswear  gainsay  impugn  join issue upon  not admit  not allow  not bear  not bear with  not brook  not condone  not countenance  not endure  not fall for  not go for  not have  not hear of  not stand for  not stomach  not suffer  not swallow  not tolerate  nullify  oppose  recant  refuse to admit  refuse to believe  refute  reject  renounce  repudiate  resist believing  retract  revoke  take back  take issue with  
not admit  abjure  assert the contrary  belie  contest  contradict  contravene  controvert  counter  cross  deny  disaffirm  disallow  disavow  disbelieve  disclaim  discredit  disown  disprove  dispute  forswear  gag on  gainsay  impugn  join issue upon  misbelieve  negate  not accept  not believe  not buy  not swallow  nullify  oppose  recant  refuse to admit  refuse to credit  refute  reject  renounce  repudiate  retract  revoke  take back  take issue with  unbelieve  
not all there  abnormal  arrested  babbling  backward  bereft of reason  blithering  brainsick  burbling  crackbrained  cracked  crazed  crazy  cretinistic  cretinous  daft  deluded  demented  deprived of reason  deranged  disoriented  distraught  dithering  driveling  drooling  flighty  half-baked  half-witted  hallucinated  idiotic  imbecile  imbecilic  insane  irrational  loco  lunatic  mad  maddened  manic  maundering  mazed  mental  mentally defective  mentally deficient  mentally handicapped  mentally retarded  meshuggah  mongoloid  moon-struck  moronic  non compos  non compos mentis  not right  odd  of unsound mind  off  psycho  queer  reasonless  retarded  senseless  sick  simple  simpleminded  simpletonian  slobbering  stark-mad  stark-staring mad  strange  subnormal  tetched  touched  unbalanced  unhinged  unsane  unsettled  unsound  wandering  witless  
not at all  God forbid  at no hand  at no time  au contraire  by no means  far from it  from scratch  in no case  in no respect  in no way  in no wise  never  never on earth  nevermore  no  no matter what  nohow  none  not a bit  not a jot  not a speck  not a whit  not an iota  not ever  not much  not nearly  noway  noways  nowhere near  nowise  on no account  on no condition  on no occasion  quite the contrary  to the contrary  under no circumstances  
not bad  OK  acceptable  adequate  admissible  all right  better than nothing  decent  fair  fairish  good enough  goodish  moderate  not amiss  not half bad  not so bad  okay  passable  presentable  pretty good  respectable  satisfactory  sufficient  tidy  tolerable  unexceptionable  unobjectionable  workmanlike  
not budge  balk  be a sideliner  be still  be unflappable  coast  delay  die hard  do nothing  drift  get home free  hang fire  hibernate  hold fast  hold out  hold up  idle  lie dormant  not stir  persevere  remain firm  rest  ride it out  sit back  sit it out  stagnate  stand fast  stand firm  stand out  stand pat  stay put  stick it out  stickle  take no denial  vegetate  wait and see  watch and wait  weather  weather the storm  
not buy  be unmoved  be unwilling  beg off  decline  decline to accept  deny  disagree  disallow  disbelieve  disclaim  discredit  dissent  gag on  hold out against  misbelieve  negate  negative  not admit  not believe  not consent  not hear of  not swallow  not think of  refuse  refuse consent  refuse to admit  refuse to credit  reject  repudiate  resist entreaty  resist persuasion  say nay  say no  stand aloof  turn down  unbelieve  vote nay  vote negatively  
not care for  abhor  be caught napping  be hostile to  be neglectful  be negligent  default  disapprove of  disfavor  dislike  disregard  disrelish  fail  gloss over  hate  ignore  lapse  let go  let ride  let slide  let slip  loathe  lose sight of  lose track of  mislike  neglect  nod  not get involved  not heed  not think  overlook  pass over  sleep  take for granted  
not comparable  base  deficient  imperfect  inadequate  incommensurable  incommensurate  incomparable  incompetent  insufficient  little  maladroit  mean  mediocre  not comparable to  not in it  out of it  petty  shabby  small  trivial  unskillful  
not compare  be found wanting  be inferior  bear no resemblance  come short  differ  fail  fall short  follow  have nothing on  not approach  not come near  not compare with  not hack it  not look like  not make it  not measure up  play second fiddle  rank under  serve  subserve  want  
not cricket  Bohemian  beat  below the belt  breakaway  far out  foul  free and easy  fringy  heretical  heterodox  hippie  informal  kinky  maverick  not done  not fair  not kosher  offbeat  original  unconventional  unfair  unfashionable  unorthodox  unsporting  unsportsmanlike  unsportsmanly  way out  
not done  Bohemian  aberrant  abnormal  abominable  atrocious  beat  breakaway  criminal  delinquent  deviant  disgraceful  evil  fallen  far out  free and easy  fringy  hardly the thing  heretical  heterodox  hippie  ignominious  illegal  improper  inappropriate  incorrect  indecorous  infamous  informal  kinky  maverick  not cricket  not kosher  not the thing  off-base  off-color  offbeat  original  out-of-line  rare  sacrilegious  saignant  scandalous  shameful  shameless  sinful  sodden  terrible  unconventional  undercooked  underdone  undue  unfashionable  unfit  unfitting  unlawful  unorthodox  unrighteous  unseemly  unsuitable  way out  wicked  wrong  wrongful  
not easy  Herculean  abstruse  adverse  antagonistic  arduous  brutal  complex  conflicting  contrary  counter  counteractive  critical  delicate  demanding  detrimental  difficile  difficult  exacting  formidable  hairy  hard  hard-earned  hard-fought  harmful  hostile  in opposition  inimical  intricate  jawbreaking  knotted  knotty  laborious  mean  miserable  no picnic  operose  opposed  opposing  opposite  rigorous  rough  rugged  set with thorns  severe  sinister  spiny  steep  strenuous  stressful  thorny  ticklish  toilsome  tough  tricky  troublesome  troublous  trying  unfavorable  untoward  uphill  wicked  wretched  
not guilty  angelic  blameless  childlike  clear  dovelike  faultless  guiltless  in the clear  incorrupt  innocent  lamblike  offenseless  prelapsarian  pristine  reproachless  sans reproche  sinless  uncorrupted  undefiled  unfallen  unlapsed  untouched by evil  with clean hands  without reproach  
not hesitate  acquiesce  agree  be agreeable to  be dying to  be eager  be game  be open to  be ready  be spoiling for  be willing  carry through  collaborate  consent  cooperate  face out  go along with  incline  lean  look kindly upon  not hesitate to  not look back  plunge into  stick at nothing  stop at nothing  think little of  think nothing of  would as leave  would as lief  
not in the mood  at odds  averse  cursory  differing  disagreeing  disinclined  disobedient  forced  fractious  indisposed  indocile  involuntary  mutinous  opposed  perfunctory  recalcitrant  refractory  resistant  sulky  sullen  unconsenting  unwilling  
not kosher  Bohemian  amoral  beat  breakaway  conscienceless  corrupt  corrupted  criminal  crooked  dark  devious  dishonest  dishonorable  doubtful  dubious  evasive  far out  felonious  fishy  fraudulent  free and easy  fringy  heretical  heterodox  hippie  ill-got  ill-gotten  immoral  indirect  informal  insidious  kinky  maverick  not cricket  not done  offbeat  original  questionable  rotten  shady  shameless  shifty  sinister  slippery  suspicious  tricky  unconscienced  unconscientious  unconscionable  unconventional  underhand  underhanded  unethical  unfashionable  unorthodox  unprincipled  unsavory  unscrupulous  unstraightforward  way out  without remorse  without shame  
not listen  be blind to  be caught out  be inattentive  be unwary  blink at  break the law  care naught for  connive at  defy  disobey  disregard  flout  give no heed  go counter to  hear nothing  ignore  let pass  make light of  miss  not attend  not conform  not heed  not keep  not mind  not notice  not observe  overlook  pass by  pass over  pay no attention  pay no mind  refuse to cooperate  scoff at  see nothing  set at defiance  set at naught  set naught by  slight  think little of  transgress  violate  wink at  
not mind  break the law  care naught for  care nothing for  defy  disobey  disregard  flout  go counter to  ignore  not care  not conform  not heed  not keep  not listen  not observe  refuse to cooperate  scoff at  set at defiance  set at naught  set naught by  shrug off  transgress  violate  

not Definition

not Bedeutung

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"Not" is the general declarative form of "no", indicating a negation of a related statement which it usually precedes; see yes and no.