
out of band Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Band, Kapelle
Bereich, Bandbreite
Bande f, Schar f, Trupp m, Kolonne f
Bauchbinde f (Papier)
Frequenzbereich m
Band, Reifen, Bande, Trupp, Kolonne
Bande f; Schar f; Trupp m; Kolonne f
Bandabstand m
band gap
band gap
band saw
Jazzband f, Jazzkapelle f
jazz band
Streifenbreite f
band size
band size
wave band
rock band
Jazzband f; Jazzkapelle f
jazz band
Spannband n (Spannbandlagerung)
taut band
Blaskapelle f
brass band
Tanzorchester m
dance band
band width
brass band
dance band
music band
watch band
Banderolenpapier n adm.
band stock
Bauchbinde f
belly band
Sicherheitsband n electr.
guard band
Wellenlängenbereich m des Lichts phys.
light band
Zufallsstreubereich m statist.
error band
Bandantenne f
band aerial
Schmalband n (Niederfrequenz)
narrow band
Uferameisenschnäpper m ornith.
band aerial
band widths
Schmalband (Niederfrequenz)
narrow band
Gummiband n
rubber band
Welligkeitsbereich m (beim Tschebyschew-Filter) electr.
ripple band
Band n
Bänder pl
Band f, Musikgruppe f, Musikkapelle f, Kapelle f
Bands pl, Musikgruppen pl, Musikkapellen pl, Kapellen pl
Flipperstreifen m
flipper band
Ring m, Reifen m, Streifen m, Leiste f
Ringe pl, Reifen pl, Streifen pl, Leisten pl
Valenzband n
valence band
elastic band
Band f; Musikgruppe f; Musikkapelle f; Kapelle f
Bands pl; Musikgruppen pl; Musikkapellen pl; Kapellen pl
Ring m; Reifen m; Streifen m; Leiste f
Ringe pl; Reifen pl; Streifen pl; Leisten pl
Diamantband n
diamond band
Magenband n med.
gastric band
conveyer band
Posaunenchor m mus.
trombone band
Währungsband n econ. pol.
currency band
(marschierende) Blaskapelle f mus.
marching band
Musikkorps n mil.
military band
Breitband-ISDN n
wide-band ISDN
Langwellenbereich n
long-wave band
frequency band
Leitungsband n electr.
conduction band
Breitbandstahl m techn.
wide band steel
Banderdungsschelle f electr.
strip earth band
Weltempfänger m
multi-band radio
Schwanzbandmöwe f ornith.
Band-tailed Gull
Bindenkauz m ornith.
Band-bellied Owl
band pass filter
sich zusammentun v
to band together
band wagon effect
Combo f mus.
combo, small band
Spannband n
band clamp, strap
Dornensegler m ornith.
Band-rumped Swift
Combo f mus.
combo; small band
Proportionalband n
proportional band
CB-Funk CB
Citizens' Band CB
Felgenband n
rim tape, rim band
Layardhuhn n ornith.
Band Is Scrub Fowl
Mandarinsumpfhuhn n ornith.
Band-bellied Crake
Bandtaube f ornith.
Band-tailed Pigeon
Band-interne Signalgebung
in-band signalling
Felgenband n
rim tape; rim band
Bandbreite f techn.
Bandbreite f
band width
Mittenfrequenz f
mid-band frequency
Weißschwanz-Ameisenschlüpfer m ornith.
Band-tailed Antwren
Schwanzbindenpipra ornith.
Band-tailed Manakin
CB : CB-Funk
CB : Citizens' Band
CB-Funk CB
Citizens' Band CB
Schwanzbindenpipra m ornith.
band-tailed manakin
Bandsäge f, Bandsägemaschine f techn.
Bandsägen pl, Bandsägemaschinen pl
band saw
band saws
Spiegelnachtschwalbe f ornith.
Band-winged Nightjar
Bandsäge f; Bandsägemaschine f techn.
Bandsägen pl; Bandsägemaschinen pl
band saw
band saws
Bigband f mus.
Bigbands pl
big band
big bands
Bindenschwanz-Nachtschwalbe f ornith.
Band-tailed Nighthawk
Weißschulter-Ameisenwürger m ornith.
Band-tailed Antshrike
Spiegelcatamenie f ornith.
Band-tailed Seedeater
Bindenschwanzeremit m ornith.
Band-tailed Barbthroat
Buntschwanz-Schmuckvogel m ornith.
Band-tailed Fruiteater
Breitschnabel-Stirnvogel m ornith.
Band-tailed Oropendola
Band-externe-Signalgebung (NT)
out-of-band signalling
Haarband n
Haarbänder pl
steilflankiger Frequenzbandbegrenzer m; Durchlassfilter m mit steilen Fronten electr. telco.
band-pass hard limiter
Abdeckband n
cover band, masking tape
Tanzkapelle f
Tanzkapellen pl
dance band
dance bands
Uhrarmband n
Uhrarmbänder pl
watch band
watch bands
Dornschlüpfer m ornith.
Band-tailed Earthcreeper
Schwarzfleckenämmerling m ornith.
Band-tailed Sierra Finch
Abdeckband n
cover band; masking tape
Blaskapelle f mus.
Blaskapellen pl
brass band
brass bands
Tanzorchester m
Tanzorchester pl
dance band
dance bands
Bandbremse f techn.
Bandbremsen pl
band brake
band brakes
Bandmesser n techn.
Bandmesser pl
band knife
band knives
Frequenzband n
wave band, frequency band
Frequenzband n
wave band; frequency band
zusammenbinden v v
to band
Bandmitglied n
Bandmitglieder pl
band member
band members
Klaubeband n; Klaubband n min.
picking belt; picking band
Karibentaube f ornith.
Jamaican Band-tailed Pigeon
Automatikpapierbandfilter m n techn.
automatic paper band filter
Buchbinde f; Bauchbinde f; Streifband n; Reklamestreifen m print
Buchbinden pl; Bauchbinden pl; Streifbände pl; Reklamestreifen pl
blurb; band
blurbs; bands
Seenotwelle f telco.
wave band for distress calls
Fehlerbandbreite f; Fehlerband n techn.
error band width; error band
Spielmannszug m mus.
Spielmannszüge pl
marching band
marching bands
Posaunenchor m mus.
Posaunenchöre pl
trombone band
trombone bands
Jetzt wird es ernst.
The band begins to play. fig.
Haupt…; Star…
die Hauptband
the headlining band
durchgelassener Frequenzbereich m; Durchlassbereich m; Durchlassband n (eines Bandpassfilters) electr. telco.
band-pass (of a band-pass filter)
Banderdungsschelle f electr.
Banderdungsschellen pl
strip earth band
strip earth bands
Bandpassfilter m; Bandpass m electr. (Audio)
Bandpassfilter pl; Bandpässe pl
band-pass filter
band-pass filters
Rundumetikette f
Rundumetiketten pl
wrap-around band
wrap-around bands
Weltempfänger m
Weltempfänger pl
multi-band radio
multi-band radios
Proportionalitätsbereich m; P-Bereich m
proportional band; proportioning band
Leadsänger m (einer Popgruppe) mus.
lead singer; frontman (of a pop band)
Ãœbertragungsfrequenzband n telco.
transmission band; communication band
Gummiband n
Gummibänder pl
elastic band
elastic bands, elastics
Gummiband n
Gummibänder pl
elastic band
elastic bands; elastics
Bremsbandkolben m auto
Bremsbandkolben pl
brake band piston
brake band pistons
Armbinde f
Armbinden pl
armband, arm band
armbands, arm bands
Armbinde f
Armbinden pl
armband; arm band
armbands; arm bands
Spannband n
Spannbänder pl
band clamp; strap
band clamps; straps
Stahlbandförderer m techn.
Stahlbandförderer pl
steel band conveyor
steel band conveyors
Bergemittel n min.
dirt bed; dirt band; (stone) band; parting
Bandsäge f; Bandsägemaschine f techn.
Bandsägen pl; Bandsägemaschinen pl
Tischlerbandsäge f Norddt. Mitteldt. Ös.; Schreinerbandsäge f Westdt. Süddt. Schw.
band saw
band saws
wood-cutting band saw
groß; bekannt; gefeiert adj soc.
Ich glaube diese Band wird noch einmal groß herauskommen.
I think this band is going to be huge.
groß; bekannt; gefeiert adj soc.
Ich glaube, diese Band wird noch einmal groß herauskommen.
I think this band is going to be huge.
Pflaster n (Wund-)
(sticking-) plaster Br., band-aid tm Am.
Stuttgarter Gürtel m (Brustprothetik) med.
(implant) stabilizer band (breast prosthetics)
Schwungrad n
Schwungräder pl
fly wheel, band wheel
fly wheels, band wheels
Schwungrad n
Schwungräder pl
fly wheel; band wheel
fly wheels; band wheels
Bandbehandlung f techn. agr.
Bandbehandlung f
Bandbehandlung f
web treatment
strip handling
band treatment
Montageband n (Wulstspreizung)
mounting (fitting) band, mounting (fitting) band

Deutsche Band Kapelle Synonyme

Band  ÂKapelle  ÂMusikgruppe  ÂMusikkapelle  
Band  ÂKassette  ÂTonband  
Band  Âschmaler  Streifen  
Band  ÂFließband  ÂMontageband  ÂMontagestraße  
am  laufenden  Band  produzieren  (umgangssprachlich)  Âausstoßen  
Band  ÂBd.  ÂBuch  ÂLektüre  ÂSchinken  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchmöker  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂTitel  
Band  Bd.  Buch  Lektüre  Schinken (umgangssprachlich)  Schmöker (umgangssprachlich)  Titel  
Band  Fließband  Montageband  Montagestraße  
Band  Kapelle  Musikgruppe  Musikkapelle  
Band  Kassette  Tonband  
Band  schmaler Streifen  
am laufenden Band produzieren (umgangssprachlich)  ausstoßen  
Band Aid  Ace bandage  adhesive tape  application  band  bandage  bandaging  binder  brace  cast  
band shell  L  R  acting area  apron  apron stage  backstage  bandstand  board  bridge  
band together  accompany  act in concert  act together  affiliate  ally  amalgamate  associate  associate with  assort with  
band  Ace bandage  Band-Aid  Bund  German band  Mystik tape  Philharmonic  Rochdale cooperative  Scotch tape  accouple  
frequency band  amateur band  amplitude  antinode  band  channel  citizens band  crest  de Broglie wave  diffraction  
jazz band  German band  Philharmonic  band  big band  brass  brass band  brass choir  brass quintet  brass section  
rubber band  Lastex  baleen  battledore  chewing gum  elastic  elastomer  gum  gum elastic  handball  
steel band  German band  Philharmonic  band  big band  brass  brass band  brass choir  brass quintet  brass section  

Englische band Synonyme

out of band Definition

(v. t.) A fillet, strap, or any narrow ligament with which a thing is encircled, or fastened, or by which a number of things are tied, bound together, or confined
(v. t.) A continuous tablet, stripe, or series of ornaments, as of carved foliage, of color, or of brickwork, etc.
(v. t.) In Gothic architecture, the molding, or suite of moldings, which encircles the pillars and small shafts.
(v. t.) That which serves as the means of union or connection between persons
(v. t.) A linen collar or ruff worn in the 16th and 17th centuries.
(v. t.) Two strips of linen hanging from the neck in front as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dress.
(v. t.) A narrow strip of cloth or other material on any article of dress, to bind, strengthen, ornament, or complete it.
(v. t.) A company of persons united in any common design, especially a body of armed men.
(v. t.) A number of musicians who play together upon portable musical instruments, especially those making a loud sound, as certain wind instruments (trumpets, clarinets, etc.), and drums, or cymbals.
(v. t.) A space between elevated lines or ribs, as of the fruits of umbelliferous plants.
(v. t.) A stripe, streak, or other mark transverse to the axis of the body.
(v. t.) A belt or strap.
(v. t.) A bond
(v. t.) Pledge
(v. t.) To bind or tie with a band.
(v. t.) To mark with a band.
(v. t.) To unite in a troop, company, or confederacy.
(v. i.) To confederate for some common purpose
(v. t.) To bandy
() imp. of Bind.
Band fish
() A small red fish of the genus Cepola
(n.) A piece of canvas sewed across a sail to strengthen it in the part where the eyelet holes for reefing are made.

out of band Bedeutung

band aid
quick fix
hurried repair
band-tailed pigeon
band-tail pigeon
Columba fasciata
wild pigeon of western North America, often mistaken for the now extinct passenger pigeon
arm band
a band worn around the arm for decoration
band a thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body)
band banding
an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
band a restraint put around something to hold it together
band ring a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)
band a thin flat strip or loop of flexible material that goes around or over something else, typically to hold it together or as a decoration
band a driving belt in machinery
Band Aid trade name for an adhesive bandage to cover small cuts or blisters
band saw
an endless saw consisting of a toothed metal band that is driven around two wheels
brake band a band that can be tightened around a shaft to stop its rotation
cigar band a narrow paper band around a cigar
jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger, she had rings on every finger, he noted that she wore a wedding band
rubber band
elastic band
a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together
wedding ring
wedding band
a ring (usually plain gold) given to the bride (and sometimes one is also given to the groom) at the wedding
weed mourning band a black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning
wrist band
a band or bracelet worn around the wrist
a stripe or stripes of contrasting color, chromosomes exhibit characteristic bands, the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps
a cord-like tissue connecting two larger parts of an anatomical structure
vocal cord
vocal fold
vocal band
plica vocalis
either of two pairs of folds of mucous membrane projecting into the larynx
band a range of frequencies between two limits
frequency band
a band of adjacent radio frequencies (e.g., assigned for transmitting radio or television signals)
Asbat al-Ansar
Band of Partisans
an extremist Palestinian Sunni group active in Lebanon in the early s that advocates Salafism, responsible for murders and bombings, seeks to overthrow the Lebanese government and control Palestinian refugee camps, funded by al-Qaeda
set circle
band lot
an unofficial association of people or groups, the smart set goes there, they were an angry lot
band instrumentalists not including string players
marching band a band that marches (as in a parade) and plays music at the same time
brass band a group of musicians playing only brass and percussion instruments
concert band
military band
a group of musicians playing brass and woodwind and percussion instruments
jug band a musical group that uses jugs and washboards and kazoos and other improvised instruments
dance band
band dance orchestra
a group of musicians playing popular music for dancing
big band a large dance or jazz band usually featuring improvised solos by lead musicians
jazz band
jazz group
a small band of jazz musicians
rock group
rock band
a band of musicians who play rock'n'roll music
steel band a band that plays instruments made from the heads of oil drums (Caribbean Islands)
absorption band a dark band in the spectrum of white light that has been transmitted through a substance that exhibits absorption at selective wavelengths
attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify, ring birds, band the geese to observe their migratory patterns
band bind or tie together, as with a band
band oneself
league together
attach oneself to a group
band together
form a group or unite, The groups banded together
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