
palm chin Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Palmomentalreflex m; palmomentaler Reflex med.
palm-chin reflex
palm off
Dattelpalme f bot.
Dattelpalmen pl
date tree, date palm
date trees, date palms
Doppelkinn n
double chin
Faustbecher m
palm cup
Handballenschalter m
Handballenschalter pl
palm switch
palm switches
Handfläche f
palm, palm of the hand
Kinn n anat.
fliehendes Kinn
es mit Fassung tragen
receding chin
to take it on the chin
Kinnbart m
chin beard
Kinnhaken m
jdm. einen Kinnhaken verpassen
hook to the chin
to sock sb. on the jaw
Kokospalme f bot.
Kokospalmen pl
coconut palm, coconut tree, coco
Kreuzgriff m
palm grip
Ohr n, Gehör n
Ohren pl
die Ohren spitzen
die Ohren steif halten
jdm. mit etw. in den Ohren liegen
ein offenes Ohr
ganz Ohr sein
wachsames Ohr, gutes Gehör
das Ohr beleidigen
Ich hoffe, meine Bitte trifft nicht auf taube Ohren.
to prick up one's ears
to keep one's chin up
to nag sb. about sth.
a sympathetic ear
to be all ears
sharp ear
to jar upon the ear
I hope that my plea will not fall on deaf ears.
Palme f bot.
Palmen pl
jdn. auf die Palme bringen übtr.
jdn. auf die Palme bringen übtr.
auf die Palme gehen übtr.
palm, palm tree
palms, palm trees
to drive sb. up the wall fig.
to get sb.'s shirt out fig.
to get one's knickers in a twist fig.
Palmfett n cook.
palm butter
Palmöl n
palm oil
Palmenwedel n, Palmenzweig m
Palmenwedel pl, Palmenzweige pl
palm branch
palm branchs
Palmsonntag m
Palm Sunday
Plausch m, Plauderei f, Klatsch m, Tratsch m
chin-wag, tittle-tattle
Versprechen n, Versprechung f, Zusage f
Versprechen pl, Versprechungen pl, Zusagen pl
sein Versprechen halten
ein Versprechen geben (halten, brechen)
jdm. große Versprechungen machen
jdn. mit Versprechungen abspeisen
to keep one's promise
to make (keep, break) a promise
to promise sb. the earth
to palm sb. off with promises
jdm. etw. andrehen ugs.
to palm sth. off on sb.
plauschen, plaudern, klatschen, tratschen
plauschend, plaudernd, klatschend, tratschend
geplauscht, geplaudert, geklatscht, getratscht
to chin-wag, to tittle-tattle
chin-wagging, tittle-tattling
chin-wagged, tittle-tattled
jdn. schmieren ugs., jdn. bestechen v
schmierend, bestechend
geschmiert, bestochen
to bung so. Br. slang, to grease sb.'s palm coll.
bunging, greasing palm
bunged, greased palm
in der Hand verschwinden lassen
to palm
Er trug den Sieg davon.
He bore the palm.
Er versuchte es mir anzudrehen.
He tried to palm it off on me.
Kopf hoch!
Chin up!
West Palm Beach (Stadt in USA)
West Palm Beach (city in USA)
Palmgeier m ornith.
Palm-nut Vulture
Palmenlori m ornith.
Palm Lorikeet
Arakakadu m ornith.
Palm Cockatoo
Bengalensegler m ornith.
Asian Palm Swift
Palmensegler m ornith.
African Palm Swift
Kubasegler m ornith.
Antillean Palm Swift
Gabelschwanzsegler m ornith.
Fork-tailed Palm Swift
Raphiabülbül m ornith.
Swamp Palm Bulbul
Palmenschwätzer m ornith.
Palm Chat
Morgenrötel m ornith.
Collared Palm Thrush
Graubruströtel m ornith.
Rufous-tailed Palm Thrush
Weißflankenschnäpper m ornith.
Chin Spot Batis
Kinnfleckschnäpper m ornith.
Paler Chin Spot Batis
Schwarzscheitel-Palmtangare f ornith.
Black-crowned Palm Tanager
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f ornith.
Grey-crowned Palm Tanager
Palmentangare f ornith.
Palm Tanager
Palmenwaldsänger m ornith.
Palm Warbler
Palmenweber m ornith.
Golden Palm Weaver
Palmenkrähe f ornith.
Palm Crow
chin beard
double chin
Er trug den Sieg davon
he bore the palm
Er versuchte es mir anzudrehen
he tried to palm it off on me
hook to the chin
palm tree
die Ohren steifhalten
to keep one's chin up
Amorphophallus-Pflanzen pl (Amorphophallus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Titanenwurz f; Titanwurz f (Amorphophallus titanum)
Teufelszunge f; Tränenbaum m; Stinkende Titanenwurz f (Amorphophallus konjac rivieri)
amorphophallus plants (botanical genus)
titan arum
umbrella arum; devil's tongue; snake palm; voodoo lily
Baum der Reisenden m (Ravenala madagascariensis) bot.
traveller's tree; traveller's palm
Birgus-Landeinsiedlerkrebse pl (Birgus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Palmendieb m (Birgus latro)
birgus hermit crabs (zoological genus)
palm thief; robber crab; coconut crab
Bismarckpalme f (Bismarckia nobilis) bot.
Bismarck palm
Carnaubapalme f (Copernicia prunifera) bot.
carnauba palm; carnaubeira palm
Handauflage f; Handablage f
Handauflagen pl; Handablagen pl
palm rest
palm rests
Handfläche f
Handflächen pl
palm; palm of the hand
palms; palms of the hand
Honigpalme f (Jubaea chilensis) bot.
Chilean wine palm
Kinn n anat.
Kinne pl
fliehendes Kinn
es mit Fassung tragen
receding chin
to take it on the chin
Kinnbart m
Kinnbärte pl
chin beard
chin beards
Kinnfalte f
Kinnfalten pl
cleft chin; dimple chin
cleft chins; dimple chins
Kinnhaken m
Kinnhaken pl
jdm. einen Kinnhaken verpassen
hook to the chin
hooks to the chin
to sock sb. on the jaw
Kinnriemen m (eines Helmes)
Kinnriemen pl
chin strap; chinstrap
chin straps; chinstraps
Klimmzug m sport
Klimmzüge pl
geistige Klimmzüge machen übtr.
pull-up; chin-up
pull-ups; chin-ups
to do intellectual acrobatics
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
Kreuzgriff m
Kreuzgriffe pl
palm grip
palm grips
Mangrovenpalme f; Atappalme f; Nipapalme f (Nypa fruticans) bot.
Mangrovenpalmen pl; Atappalmen pl; Nipapalmen pl
mangrove palm; nipa palm; nypa palm
mangrove palms; nipa palms; nypa palms
Nadelpalme f (Rhapidophyllum hystrix) bot.
needle palm
Ohr n anat.
Ohren pl; Lauscher pl humor.; Horcher pl humor.
die Ohren spitzen
die Ohren steif halten
jdm. mit etw. in den Ohren liegen
abstehende Ohren
ganz Ohr sein
das Ohr beleidigen
Ich hoffe meine Bitte trifft nicht auf taube Ohren.
Er hat immer ein offenes Ohr für seine Patienten.
to prick up one's ears
to keep one's chin up
to nag sb. about sth.
bat ears; protruding ears; jug ears coll.
to be all ears
to jar upon the ear
I hope that my plea will not fall on deaf ears.
He's always willing to lend a sympathetic ear to his patients.
Palme f bot.
Palmen pl
jdn. auf die Palme bringen übtr.
jdn. auf die Palme bringen übtr.
auf die Palme gehen übtr.
palm; palm tree
palms; palm trees
to drive sb. up the wall fig.
to get sb.'s shirt out fig.
to get one's knickers in a twist fig.
Palmomentalreflex m; palmomentaler Reflex med.
palm-chin reflex
Palmenwedel n; Palmenzweig m
Palmenwedel pl; Palmenzweige pl
palm branch
palm branches
Palmsaft m agr.
palm sap
Palmwedel m
Palmwedel pl
palm leaf
palm leaves
Palmwein m cook.
palm wine; toddy
Palmyrapalme f bot.
Palmyrapalmen pl
Holz der Palmyrapalme
palmyra palm
palmyra palms
palmyra wood
Plauderei f; Geplauder n; Schwätzchen n Dt.; Klönschnack Norddt; Schnack m Norddt; Plausch m Süddt. Ös.; Plauscherl n Ös.; Tratsch m Ös.; Schwatz m Schw.
chat; chit-chat; chin-wag Br.
(einen Körperteil etc.) zur Seite neigen; seitwärts verschieben v
den Kopf auf eine Seite legen
das Kinn zur Seite schieben; das Kinn verschieben
seitlich verzogener Buchrücken; schiefer Buchrücken
to cock (a body part etc.)
to cock your head to one side
to cock your chin
cocked book spine
Versprechen n; Versprechung f; Zusage f
Versprechen pl; Versprechungen pl; Zusagen pl
leere Versprechungen
sein Versprechen halten
ein Versprechen geben (halten; brechen)
jdm. große Versprechungen machen
jdn. mit Versprechungen abspeisen ugs.
vielversprechend sein (Sache)
empty promises
to keep one's promise
to make (keep; break) a promise
to promise sb. the earth
to palm sb. off with promises (palm off)
to hold great promise (matter)
Vogelgesicht n
(face with a) weak chin; bird-face; micrognathic face
Zwergpalme f (Chamaerops humilis) bot.
dwarf fan palm; Mediterranean dwarf palm; European fan palm
jdn. zu jd. anderem abschieben ugs.
to palm sb. off on sb. else (palm off)
jdm. etw. andrehen ugs.
to palm sth. off on sb.; to palm sb. off with sth.; to fob sth. off on sb. (palm off) (fob off)
plauschen; plaudern; klatschen; tratschen v
plauschend; plaudernd; klatschend; tratschend
geplauscht; geplaudert; geklatscht; getratscht
to chin-wag; to tittle-tattle
chin-wagging; tittle-tattling
chin-wagged; tittle-tattled
jdn. schmieren ugs.; jdn. bestechen v
schmierend; bestechend
geschmiert; bestochen
to bung sb. Br. slang; to grease sb.'s palm coll.
bunging; greasing palm
bunged; greased palm
Kopf hoch!
Chin up!; Keep your chin up!
West Palm Beach (Stadt in den USA) geogr.
West Palm Beach (city in the USA)
Handteller m anat.
palm (of the hand)
etw. als etw. verkaufen; etw. als etw. ausgeben
to palm sth. off as sth. coll.
Tangaren pl (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith
Abttangare f
Azurkopftangare f
Bangstangare f
Bischofstangare f
Blaubarttangare f
Blaubrusttangare f
Blauflecktangare f
Blauflügeltangare f
Blaukappentangare f
Blaurücken-Bergtangare f
Blauschultertangare f
Blauschwingen-Bergtangare f
Bluttangare f
Brasiltangare f
Brauenschopftangare f
Braunbauch-Bergtangare f
Braunbauchtangare f
Braunbrust-Würgertangare f
Braunflankentangare f
Braunohr-Bunttangare f
Brustfleckentangare f
Cabanistangare f
Carmioltangare f
Diademtangare f
Dreifarbentangare f
Drosseltangare f
Edwardstangare f
Elstertangare f
Feuerbürzeltangare f
Finkenbuschtangare f
Flammentangare f
Fleckentangare f
Flügelbindentangare f
Fuchstangare f
Furchentangare f
Gelbbauchtangare f
Gelbbrauentangare f
Gelbbürzeltangare f
Gelbkehl-Buschtangare f
Gelbkehltangare f
Gelbkopftangare f
Gelbrückentangare f
Gelbschenkeltangare f
Gelbschopftangare f
Gelbstirn-Würgertangare f
Gimpeltangare f
Glanzfleckentangare f
Goldbandtangare f
Goldbrusttangare f
Goldflügeltangare f
Goldkappentangare f
Goldohrtangare f
Goldringtangare f
Goldrücken-Bergtangare f
Goldscheiteltangare f
Goldschopftangare f
Goldtangare f
Graubrust-Buschtangare f
Graukehl-Buschtangare f
Graukopf-Buschtangare f
Graukopftangare f
Graurücken-Ameisentangare f
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f
Grünkappentangare f
Grünkehltangare f
Grünnackentangare f
Grüntangare f
Guiratangare f
Haarschopftangare f
Halsbandtangare f
Haubentangare f
Heinetangare f
Isabelltangare f
Jelskitangare f
Karminameisentangare f
Kieferntangare f
Krontangare f
Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare f
Maskentangare f
Mennigohr-Bergtangare f
Mennigtangare f
tanagers (zoological family)
yellow-winged tanager
blue-necked tanager
blue & gold tanager
blue-grey tanager
blue-whiskered tanager
gilt-edged tanager
glaucous tanager
black-headed tanager
red-necked tanager
hooded mountain tanager
black & gold tanager
blue-winged mountain tanager
flame-coloured tanager
brazilian tanager
scarlet-browed tanager
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
buff-bellied tanager
fulvous shrike-tanager
brown-flanked tanager
orange-eared tanager
puerto rican tanager
azure-rumped tanager
Carmioli's tanager
diademed tanager
green-headed tanager
spotted tanager
moss-backed tanager
magpie tanager
flame-rumped tanager
common bush tanager
crimson-collared tanager
speckled tanager
white-banded tanager
brown tanager
blue & yellow tanager
yellow-bellied tanager
lemon-browed tanager
yellow-backed tanager
yellow-throated bush tanager
yellow-throated tanager
saffron-crowned tanager
yellow-rumped tanager
blue-capped tanager
yellow-crested tanager
white-winged shrike-tanager
cinnamon tanager
spangle-cheeked tanager
yellow-scarfed tanager
green & gold tanager
rufous-winged tanager
rust & yellow tanager
golden-eared tanager
gold-ringed tanager
golden-backed mountain tanager
golden-crowned tanager
fulvous-crested tanager
golden tanager
dusky-bellied bush tanager
ash-throated bush tanager
grey-hooded bush tanager
grey-headed tanager
sooty ant-tanager
grey-crowned palm tanager
green-capped tanager
geen-throated tanager
green-naped tanager
bay-headed tanager
guira tanager
black-goggled tanager
yellow-collared tanager
flame-crested tanager
black-capped tanager
burnished-buff tanager
golden-collared tanager
red-crowned ant-tanager
western tanager
ruby-crowned tanager
short-billed bush tanager
masked crimson tanager
scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
vermilon tanager
Natterer's tanager
ochre-breasted tanager

Badestrand m; Strand m
Badestrände pl; Strände pl
Kiesstrand m
Kieselstrand m
Palmenstrand m
Sandstrand m
gravel beach
pebble beach; shingle beach
palm-fringed beach; palm-lined beach
sand beach; sandy beach
Birgus-Einsiedlerkrebse pl (Birgus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Palmendieb m; Kokosnussräuber m (Birgus latro)
birgus hermit crabs (zoological genus)
coconut crab; robber crab; palm thief
Handfläche f; Handinnenfläche f
Handflächen pl; Handinnenflächen pl
palm; palm of the hand
palms; palms of the hand
Handflächenabdruck m; Handabdruck m (Kriminaltechnik)
Handflächenabdrücke pl; Handabdrücke pl
unsichtbarer Handabdruck; latenter Handabdruck; Latenthandabdruck m; Handabdruckspur f
palm mark (left by an offender); palm print; palmprint (taken by police) (forensics)
palm marks; palm prints; palmprints
invisible palm mark; latent palm mark
Hut m mit Band; Haube f mit Band (das unter dem Kinn festgebunden wird)
Babyhaube f (mit Band)
Biedermeierhut m; Kiepenhut m; Kapotte f; Schute f hist.
bonnet (tied under the chin)
baby bonnet
poke bonnet
Kinn-Jugulum-Abstand m; Kinn-Sternum-Abstand m (Beweglichkeitstest) med.
chin-to-sternum distance CSD (mobility test)
Kinnschutz m
chin protector; chin guard; chin cup
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Brokkoli m; Broccoli m; Bröckelkohl m selten; Spargelkohl m selten (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Kopfkohl m (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rosenkohl m Dt. Schw.; Rosenköhlchen pl Dt.; Sprossenkohl m Ös.; Kohlsprossen pl Ös. (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
Blattkohl m
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
head cabbage; heading cabbage
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
Brussel sprout; Brussels sprout; Brussels sprouts; sprout Br.
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
collard greens; collards
Metroxylon-Palmen pl (Metroxylon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Echte Sagopalme f (Metroxylon sagu)
metroxylon palms (botanical genus)
true sago palm
Ölpalmen pl (Elaeis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanische Ölpalme f (Elaeis guineensis)
Amerikanische Ölpalme f (Elaeis guineensis)
oil palms (botanical genus)
African oil palm
American oil palm
Ohr n anat.
Ohren pl; Lauscher pl humor.; Horcher pl humor.
abstehende Ohren
an der Spitze des Ohrs
die Ohren spitzen
die Ohren steif halten
jdm. mit etw. in den Ohren liegen
ganz Ohr sein
das Ohr beleidigen
Ich hoffe, meine Bitte trifft nicht auf taube Ohren.
Er hat immer ein offenes Ohr für seine Patienten.
bat ears; protruding ears; jug ears coll.
at the tip of the ear
to prick up one's ears
to keep one's chin up
to nag sb. about sth.
to be all ears
to jar upon the ear
I hope that my plea will not fall on deaf ears.
He's always willing to lend a sympathetic ear to his patients.
Palme f bot.
Palmen pl
jdn. auf die Palme bringen übtr.
jdn. auf die Palme bringen übtr.
palm; palm tree
palms; palm trees
to drive sb. up the wall fig.
to get sb.'s shirt out fig.
Palmbutter f cook.
palm butter
Palmenherz n cook.
Palmenherzen pl
palm heart
palm hearts
Palmkernfett n; Palmfett n; Fett n von der Ölpalme cook.
palm kernel fat; palm fat
Palmkernöl n; Palmöl n cook.
palm kernel oil PKO ; palm oil
Palmlilien pl; Yuccas pl (Yucca) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Josua-Palmlilie f; Josuabaum m (Yucca brevifolia)
yuccas (botanical genus)
tree yucca; Joshua tree; palm tree yucca; yucca palm
Plauderei f; Geplauder n; Schwätzchen n Dt.; Klönschnack Norddt.; Schnack m Norddt.; Plausch m Süddt. Ös.; Pläuschchen n Süddt.; Plauscherl n Ös.; Tratsch m Ös.; Schwatz m Schw.
chat; chit-chat Br.; chitchat Am.; chin-wag Br.
Sagopalmfarne pl; Cycas-Palmfarne pl (Cycas) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Eingerollter Sagopalmfarn m (Cycas circinalis)
sago cycads (botanical genus)
queen sago; false sago; sago palm
(einen Körperteil usw.) zur Seite neigen; seitwärts verschieben v
den Kopf auf eine Seite legen
das Kinn zur Seite schieben; das Kinn verschieben
seitlich verzogener Buchrücken; schiefer Buchrücken
to cock (a body part etc.)
to cock your head to one side
to cock your chin
cocked book spine
Spur f; Abdruckspur f; Abdruck m
Spuren pl; Abdruckspuren pl; Abdrücke pl
Bissspur f; Bissabdruck m
Reifenabdruck m; Reifenspur f
die Bremsspuren Schleuderspuren der Reifen
Fingerabdruckspur f; Fingerspur f (Kriminaltechnik)
Handabdruckspur f (Kriminaltechnik)
Kratzspur f
Schuhabdruckspur f; Schuhspur f (Kriminaltechnik)
Staubabdruck m (Kriminaltechnik)
Das Glas hinterließ einen Wasserabdruck auf dem Holztisch.
mark (distinct shape left behind)
bite mark
tyre mark Br.; tire mark Am.
the skid marks of the tyres
finger mark (forensics)
palm mark (forensics)
scratch mark
footwear mark (forensics)
dust mark (forensics)
The glass left a water mark on the wooden table.
Versprechen n; Versprechung f; Zusage f
Versprechen pl; Versprechungen pl; Zusagen pl
leere Versprechungen
ein Versprechen geben (halten; brechen)
sein Versprechen halten
sein Versprechen auch einlösen, liefern ugs.
jdm. große Versprechungen machen
jdn. mit Versprechungen abspeisen ugs.
vielversprechend sein (Sache)
empty promises
to make (keep; break) a promise
to keep your promise
to deliver on your promise
to promise sb. the earth
to palm sb. off with promises (palm off)
to hold great promise (matter)
Wasserpalme f; Flaschenbaum m; Elefantenfuß m (Beaucarnea recurvata) bot.
ponytail palm; elephant's foot
jdn. zu jd. anderem abschieben v ugs.
to palm sb. off on sb. else (palm off)
jdm. etw. andrehen; jdm. etw. unterjubeln v ugs.
sich von jdm. etw. andrehen unterjubeln lassen
to palm sth. off on sb.; to palm sb. off with sth.; to fob sth. off on sb. (palm off) (fob off)
to allow sb. to palm sth. off on onto one
etw. in der Hand verschwinden lassen v
to palm sth.
Palmkern m bot.
palm kernel
prognathisch; vorspringend adj med. anat.
vorspringendes Kinn
prognathous chin
etw. als etw. verkaufen; etw. als etw. ausgeben v
to palm sth. off as sth. coll.
Palmgeier m; Geierseeadler m selten (Gypohierax angolensis) ornith.
palm-nut vulture; vulturine fish eagle rare
Tangaren pl (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Abttangare f
Azurkopftangare f
Bangstangare f
Bischofstangare f
Blaubarttangare f
Blaubrusttangare f
Blauflecktangare f
Blauflügeltangare f
Blaukappentangare f
Blaurücken-Bergtangare f
Blauschultertangare f
Blauschwingen-Bergtangare f
Bluttangare f
Brasiltangare f
Brauenschopftangare f
Braunbauch-Bergtangare f
Braunbauchtangare f
Braunbrust-Würgertangare f
Braunflankentangare f
Braunohr-Bunttangare f
Brustfleckentangare f
Cabanistangare f
Carmioltangare f
Diademtangare f
Dreifarbentangare f
Drosseltangare f
Edwardstangare f
Elstertangare f
Feuerbürzeltangare f
Finkenbuschtangare f
Flammentangare f
Fleckentangare f
Flügelbindentangare f
Fuchstangare f
Furchentangare f
Gelbbauchtangare f
Gelbbrauentangare f
Gelbbürzeltangare f
Gelbkehl-Buschtangare f
Gelbkehltangare f
Gelbkopftangare f
Gelbrückentangare f
Gelbschenkeltangare f
Gelbschopftangare f
Gelbstirn-Würgertangare f
Gimpeltangare f
Glanzfleckentangare f
Goldbandtangare f
Goldbrusttangare f
Goldflügeltangare f
Goldkappentangare f
Goldohrtangare f
Goldringtangare f
Goldrücken-Bergtangare f
Goldscheiteltangare f
Goldschopftangare f
Goldtangare f
Graubrust-Buschtangare f
Graukehl-Buschtangare f
Graukopf-Buschtangare f
Graukopftangare f
Graurücken-Ameisentangare f
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f
Grünkappentangare f
Grünkehltangare f
Grünnackentangare f
Grüntangare f
Guiratangare f
Haarschopftangare f
Halsbandtangare f
Haubentangare f
Heinetangare f
Isabelltangare f
Jelskitangare f
Karminameisentangare f
Kieferntangare f
Krontangare f
Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare f
Maskentangare f
Mennigohr-Bergtangare f
Mennigtangare f
Natterertangare f
Ockerbrusttangare f
Ockerschopftangare f
Olivmanteltangare f
Olivtangare f
Opalscheiteltangare f
Orangebrusttangare f
Orangekopftangare f
Palmentangare f
Palmertangare f
Papageitangare f
Parodihemispingus m
Passerinitangare f
Prachttangare f
Purpurmanteltangare f
Purpurmaskentangare f
Purpurtangare f
Rosenkehltangare f
Rostkappentangare f
Rostkopftangare f
Rotbauchtangare f
Rotbrusttangare f
Rothschildtangare f
Rotkappentangare f
Rotkehl-Ameisentangare f
Rotkehltangare f
Rotkopftangare f
Rotnackentangare f
Rotohr-Bunttangare f
Rotscheiteltangare f
Rotschultertangare f
Rotstirntangare f
Rotwangentangare f
Rubinkehltangare f
Rußgesichttangare f
Sayacatangare f
Scharlachbauchtangare f
Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare f
Scharlachkopftangare f
Scharlachtangare f
Schiefertangare f
Schleiertangare f
Schlichttangare f
tanagers (zoological family)
yellow-winged tanager
blue-necked tanager
blue & gold tanager
blue-grey tanager
blue-whiskered tanager
gilt-edged tanager
glaucous tanager
black-headed tanager
red-necked tanager
hooded mountain tanager
black & gold tanager
blue-winged mountain tanager
flame-coloured tanager
brazilian tanager
scarlet-browed tanager
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
buff-bellied tanager
fulvous shrike-tanager
brown-flanked tanager
orange-eared tanager
puerto rican tanager
azure-rumped tanager
Carmioli's tanager
diademed tanager
green-headed tanager
spotted tanager
moss-backed tanager
magpie tanager
flame-rumped tanager
common bush tanager
crimson-collared tanager
speckled tanager
white-banded tanager
brown tanager
blue & yellow tanager
yellow-bellied tanager
lemon-browed tanager
yellow-backed tanager
yellow-throated bush tanager
yellow-throated tanager
saffron-crowned tanager
yellow-rumped tanager
blue-capped tanager
yellow-crested tanager
white-winged shrike-tanager
cinnamon tanager
spangle-cheeked tanager
yellow-scarfed tanager
green & gold tanager
rufous-winged tanager
rust & yellow tanager
golden-eared tanager
gold-ringed tanager
golden-backed mountain tanager
golden-crowned tanager
fulvous-crested tanager
golden tanager
dusky-bellied bush tanager
ash-throated bush tanager
grey-hooded bush tanager
grey-headed tanager
sooty ant-tanager
grey-crowned palm tanager
green-capped tanager
green-throated tanager
green-naped tanager
bay-headed tanager
guira tanager
black-goggled tanager
yellow-collared tanager
flame-crested tanager
black-capped tanager
burnished-buff tanager
golden-collared tanager
red-crowned ant-tanager
western tanager
ruby-crowned tanager
short-billed bush tanager
masked crimson tanager
scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
vermilon tanager
Natterer's tanager
ochre-breasted tanager
rufous-crested tanager
olive-backed tanager
olive-green tanager
opal-crowned tanager
brassy-breasted tanager
orange-headed tanager
palm tanager
grey & gold tanager
grass-green tanager
Parodi's tanager
scarlet-rumped tanager
chestnut-backed tanager
purplish-mantled tanager
golden-masked tanager
silver-beaked tanager
rose-throated tanager
rufous-headed tanager
fulvous-headed tanager
opal-rumped tanager
scarlet-throated tanager
golden-chested tanager
lesser antillean tanager
red-throated ant-tanager
rufous-throated tanager
red-headed tanager
golden-naped tanager
glistening-green tanager
scrub tanager
red-shouldered tanager
flame-faced tanager
rufoud-cheeked tanager
cherry-throated tanager
dusky-faced tanager
sayaca tanager
crimson-backed tanager
crested ant-tanager
red-hooded tanager
scarlet tanager
slaty tanager
black-faced tanager
plain-coloured tanager
golden-chevroned tanager
swallow ta

palm chin Definition

(n.) The lower extremity of the face below the mouth
(n.) The exterior or under surface embraced between the branches of the lower jaw bone, in birds.
Chin cough
() Whooping cough.
Coco palm
() See Cocoa.
Cocoa palm
() A palm tree producing the cocoanut (Cocos nucifera). It grows in nearly all tropical countries, attaining a height of sixty or eighty feet. The trunk is without branches, and has a tuft of leaves at the top, each being fifteen or twenty feet in length, and at the base of these the nuts hang in clusters
Doom palm
() A species of palm tree (Hyphaene Thebaica), highly valued for the fibrous pulp of its fruit, which has the flavor of gingerbread, and is largely eaten in Egypt and Abyssinia.
Doum palm
() See Doom palm.
Fan palm
() Any palm tree having fan-shaped or radiate leaves
Grugru palm
() A West Indian name for several kinds of palm. See Macaw tree, under Macaw.
Ita palm
() A magnificent species of palm (Mauritia flexuosa), growing near the Orinoco. The natives eat its fruit and buds, drink its sap, and make thread and cord from its fiber.
Jagua palm
() A great Brazilian palm (Maximiliana regia), having immense spathes which are used for baskets and tubs.
Jupati palm
() A great Brazilian palm tree (Raphia taedigera), used by the natives for many purposes.
(n.) The inner and somewhat concave part of the hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist.
(n.) A lineal measure equal either to the breadth of the hand or to its length from the wrist to the ends of the fingers
(n.) A metallic disk, attached to a strap, and worn the palm of the hand, -- used to push the needle through the canvas, in sewing sails, etc.
(n.) The broad flattened part of an antler, as of a full-grown fallow deer
(n.) The flat inner face of an anchor fluke.
(n.) Any endogenous tree of the order Palmae or Palmaceae
(n.) A branch or leaf of the palm, anciently borne or worn as a symbol of victory or rejoicing.
(n.) Any symbol or token of superiority, success, or triumph
(v. t.) To handle.
(v. t.) To manipulate with, or conceal in, the palm of the hand
(v. t.) To impose by fraud, as by sleight of hand
Palm Sunday
() The Sunday next before Easter

palm chin Bedeutung

an arm exercise performed by pulling yourself up on a horizontal bar until your chin is level with the bar
banded palm civet
Hemigalus hardwickii
an East Indian civet
palm cat
palm civet
spotted or striped arboreal civet of southeast Asia and East Indies
chin rest a rest on which a violinist can place the chin
chin strap a strap attached to a hat, passes under the chin and holds the hat in place
the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
the protruding part of the lower jaw
double chin
a fold of fatty tissue under the chin
palm reading
telling fortunes by lines on the palm of the hand
laurel wreath
an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
Kamarupan languages spoken in western Burma and Bangladesh and easternmost India
d chitchat
chit chat
small talk
chin wag
chin wagging
causerie b
light informal conversation for social occasions
idle talk
chin music
idle or foolish and irrelevant talk
palm oil oil from nuts of oil palms especially the African oil palm
Palm Beach a resort town in southeast Florida on an island on the Atlantic coast
West Palm Beach a town in southeast Florida on the mainland opposite Palm Beach, founded as a commercial center for Palm Beach
sago palm Cycas revoluta dwarf palmlike cycad of Japan that yields sago
false sago
fern palm
Cycas circinalis
southeastern Indian cycad with palmlike foliage
devil's tongue
snake palm
umbrella arum
Amorphophallus rivieri
foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix
governor's plum
governor plum
Madagascar plum
batoko palm
Flacourtia indica
small shrubby tree of Madagascar cultivated in tropical regions as a hedge plant and for its deep red acid fruits resembling small plums
Adam's needle
Adam's needle-and-thread
spoonleaf yucca
needle palm
Yucca filamentosa
yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages
family Palmae
family Palmaceae
family Arecaceae
palm family
chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines usually having a tall columnar trunk bearing a crown of very large leaves, coextensive with the order Palmales
palm tree
any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves
sago palm any of various tropical Asian palm trees the trunks of which yield sago
feather palm palm having pinnate or featherlike leaves
fan palm palm having palmate or fan-shaped leaves
coyol palm
Acrocomia vinifera
tropical American palm having edible nuts and yielding a useful fiber
grugru palm
Acrocomia aculeata
tropical American feather palm having a swollen spiny trunk and edible nuts
betel palm
Areca catechu
southeastern Asian palm bearing betel nuts (scarlet or orange single-seeded fruit with a fibrous husk)
sugar palm
gomuti palm
Arenga pinnata
Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with fibers, yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith yields sago
piassava palm
pissaba palm
Bahia piassava
bahia coquilla
Attalea funifera
Brazilian palm yielding fibers used in making ropes, mats, and brushes
palmyra palm
toddy palm
wine palm lontar
longar palm
Borassus flabellifer
tall fan palm of Africa and India and Malaysia yielding a hard wood and sweet sap that is a source of palm wine and sugar, leaves used for thatching and weaving
rattan rattan palm
Calamus rotang
climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for malacca canes
fishtail palm attractive East Indian palm having distinctive bipinnate foliage
wine palm jaggery palm
kitul tree
toddy palm Caryota urens
fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula, sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago
wax palm Ceroxylon andicola
Ceroxylon alpinum
palm of the Andes yielding a resinous wax which is mixed with tallow to make candles
coconut coconut palm
coco palm
cocoa palm
coconut tree
Cocos nucifera
tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits, widely planted throughout the tropics
carnauba palm
wax palm Copernicia prunifera
Copernicia cerifera
Brazilian fan palm having an edible root, source of a useful leaf fiber and a brittle yellowish wax
caranda palm
wax palm Copernicia australis
Copernicia alba
South American palm yielding a wax similar to carnauba wax
corozo palm
any of several tropical American palms bearing corozo nuts
gebang palm
Corypha utan
Corypha gebanga
large-leaved palm of Malay to Philippines and northern Australia, leaves used for thatching or plaiting into containers
latanier palm
fan palms of the southern United States and the Caribbean region
talipot palm
Corypha umbraculifera
tall palm of southern India and Sri Lanka with gigantic leaves used as umbrellas and fans or cut into strips for writing paper
oil palm pinnate-leaved palms of the genus Elaeis having dense clusters of crowded flowers and bright red fruit and yielding high quality palm oils
African oil palm
Elaeis guineensis
oil palm of Africa
American oil palm
Elaeis oleifera
palm of Central and South America
palm nut
palm kernel
seed of any oil palm
cabbage palm Euterpe oleracea Brazilian palm of genus Euterpe whose leaf buds are eaten like cabbage when young
cabbage palm cabbage tree Livistona australis Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
true sago palm
Metroxylon sagu
Malaysian palm whose pithy trunk yields sago--a starch used as a food thickener and fabric stiffener, Malaya to Fiji
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