
par Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fallschirmjäger m, Luftlandesoldat m mil.
Fallschirmjäger pl, Luftlandesoldaten pl
paratrooper, Para Br.
paratroopers, Paras
in (the) para position
Parastirnvogel m ornith.
Para Oropendola
Fallschirmjäger m; Luftlandesoldat m mil.
Fallschirmjäger pl; Luftlandesoldaten pl
paratrooper; Para Br.
paratroopers; Paras
Parafarbstoff m
para dye
parafiskalisch adj fin.
para-fiscal; quasi-fiscal
paranoid adj psych.
unter Verfolgungswahn leiden
paranoid; paranoidal; para coll.
to be paranoid
paraständig adj chem.
in (the) para position
Paragestein n geol.
Kautschukbaum m; Parakautschukbaum m (Hevea brasiliensis) bot.
caoutchouc tree; Para rubber tree; rubber tree
Paraurethraldrüse f; Skene'sche Drüse f (Glandula paraurethralis) anat.
para-urethral gland; Skene's gland
paraurethral; neben der Harnröhre (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
Paraurethraldrüsengang m (Ductus paraurethralis)
para-urethral duct
Rio Paraíba m (Fluss) geogr.
Paraíba (river)
Gleichnis n, Parabel f
Gleichnisse pl
Parabel m (Gleichnis)
Gleichnis, Parabel
Gleichnis n (bes. Bibel)
Gleichnisse pl
das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn
parable (esp. Bible)
the parable of the prodigal son
Parabel f (gleichnishafte Erzählung) lit.
parable (narrative illustrating a lesson)
Parabel f; Gleichnis n (gleichnishafte Erzählung) lit.
Parabeln pl; Gleichnisse pl
die berühmte Ringparabel in „Nathan der Weise“ von Lessing
das biblische Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn
parable (narrative illustrating a lesson)
the famous Ring Parable in 'Nathan the Wise' by Lessing
the biblical parable of the prodigal son
Fluchtgeschwindigkeit f (aus dem Schwerefeld) (Raumfahrt) phys.
Fluchtgeschwindigkeit erreichen
escape speed velocity; parabloic speed velocity (astronautics)
to achieve escape velocity; to escape
Parabel f math.
Scheitelpunkt m der Parabel math.
vertex of the parabola
Parabel f math.
Parabeln pl
Scheitelpunkt m der Parabel
vertex of the parabola
parabelförmig adj
Bogen m; Mauerbogen n; Gewölbebogen m; Fensterbogen n arch. constr.
Bögen pl; Mauerbögen pl; Gewölbebögen pl; Fensterbögen pl
Dreigelenkfachwerkbogen m
Fachwerkbogen m
Parabolbogen m (Gaudi)
Tudorbogen m (Spitzbogen aus vier Kreisbögen)
flacher gedrückter Bogen
schiefer Bogen; einseitiger Bogen
trussed arch with three hinges
trussed arch
parabolic arch (Gaudi)
Tudor arch. (four-centered arch)
skene arch
skew arch
Parabelbogen m
Parabelbögen pl
parabolic arc
parabolic arcs
Gewölbe n (gewölbte Gebäudedecke) arch.
Gewölbe pl
abgeflachtes Gewölbe; gedrücktes Gewölbe
achtteiliges Gewölbe
dreiteiliges Gewölbe
einfaches Gewölbe
ellipsoidisches Gewölbe
Fächergewölbe n; Strahlengewölbe n
Gegengewölbe n; verkehrtes Gewölbe
gerades Gewölbe
Gewölbe mit schmalen Zwischenrippen
gewundenes Gewölbe
gotisches Gewölbe
halb geschlossenes Gewölbe
konisches Gewölbe
konoidisches Gewölbe
offenes Gewölbe
parabolisches Gewölbe
Scheingewölbe n
scheitgerechtes Gewölbe; scheitrechtes Gewölbe
schiefwinkeliges Gewölbe
schräges Gewölbe
sechsteiliges Gewölbe
selbsttragendes Gewölbe
Steingewölbe n
überhobenes Gewölbe; überhöhtes Gewölbe
unterschrägtes Gewölbe; halbhoch gekreuztes Gewölbe
verankertes Gewölbe
vierteiliges Gewölbe
viertelteiliges Gewölbe
walzenförmiges Gewölbe; zylindrisches Gewölbe
zusammengesetztes Gewölbe
vault (arched ceiling)
surbased vault
octopartite vault
tripartite vault
simple vault
ellipsoid vault
fan-tracery vault
direct vault
lierne vault
helical vault
pointed Gothic vault
half open vault
conical vault
conoidal vault
vault on pillars
parabolic vault
blind vault
straight vault; jack vault
skew-arched vault
rampant vault
sexpartite vault
self-supporting vault
stone vault
surmounted vault
unterpitch vault; Welsh groin
grappled vault
quadripartite vault
cylindrical vault
compound vault
Regression f statist.
Regression zur Mitte (hin)
Regression erster Art
Regression zweiter Art
einfache Regression
lineare Regression
mehrfache Regression
Mehrfachregression; multiple Regression
multiple lineare Regression
nichtlineare Regression
orthogonale Regression
parabolische Regression
Polynom-Regression f
Zeitreihenregression f
Zielregression f
regression to towards the mean
first-kind regression
second-kind regression
Cox regression
single regression; simple regression
linear regression; rectilinear regression
multiple regression
multiple regression
multiple linear regression
non-linear regression
orthogonal regression
parabolic regression
polynomial regression
time-series regression
goal regression
parabolisch adv
Paraboloid n math.
Parabuteo-Bussarde pl (Parabuteo) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Weißbürzelbussard m (Parabuteo leucorrhous)
Wüstenbussard m (Parabuteo unicinctus)
parabuteo hawks (zoological genus)
white-rumped hawk, rufous-thighed hawk
bay-winged hawk; dusky hawk; Harris' hawk
Hörstörung f med.
Hörstörungen pl
hearing disorder; defective hearing; auditory dysfunction; paracousia; parac(o)usis
hearing disorders; auditory dysfunctions
parazökal; neben dem Blinddarm (liegend gelegen) adj
Milchkasein n
(gefälltes) Kasein n; (gefällter) Käsestoff m biochem.
casein Br.; paracasein Am.
paracelsisch adj phil. hist.
Parazentese f, Trommelfellschnitt m med.
Parazentese f; Trommelfellschnitt m med.
Schlüssel m (zu für etw.)
Schlüssel pl
berührungsloser Schlüssel auto
parazentrischer Schlüssel
Berliner Schlüssel; Schließzwangschlüssel m hist.
Schlüsselrohr n; Tülle f
Ich kann dir einen Ersatzschlüssel zum Lager für das Lager borgen.
key (to sth.)
proximity key
paracentric key
Berlin key
nozzle of a the key
I can lend you a spare key to the store.
parazentrisch adj
Schlüssel m (zu für etw.)
Schlüssel pl
berührungsloser Schlüssel auto
parazentrischer Schlüssel
Berliner Schlüssel; Schließzwangschlüssel m hist.
Buntbartschlüssel m; Bartschlüssel m
Vollschlüssel f
Schlüsselrohr n; Tülle f
den Schlüssel abziehen; herausziehen
Ich kann dir einen Ersatzschlüssel zum Lager für das Lager borgen.
key (to sth.)
proximity key
paracentric key
Berlin key
mortice key
key with a solid shank
nozzle of a the key
to pull off the key
I can lend you a spare key to the store.
Paracetamol (Schmerzmittel)
Paracetamol n
paracetamol (INN); acetaminophen (USAN)
Paracheirodon-Salmler pl (Paracheirodon) (zoologische Gattung)
Neonsalmler m; Neonfisch m; Neontetra m (Paracheirodon innesi)
Roter Neon m; Kardinaltetra m (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
paracheirodon tetras (zoological genus)
neon tetra
red neon tetra; cardinal tetra
4-Chlorphenol n chem.
Bremsfallschirm m
Bremsfallschirme pl
brake parachute, drogue parachute, landing parachute
brake parachutes, drogue parachutes, landing parachutes
Fallschirm m
Fallschirme pl
den Fallschirm öffnen
parachute, chute coll.
parachutes, chutes
to deploy the parachute
Fallschirmabsprung m
Fallschirmabsprünge pl
parachute jump
parachute jumps
Fallschirmjägertruppe f mil.
parachute regiment
Fallschirmsprungoperation f mil.
Fallschirmsprungoperationen pl
eine Fallschirmsprungoperation durchführen f mil.
parachute assault, airborne operation, airdrop
parachute assaults, airborne operations, airdrops
to conduct a parachute assault, to conduct an airborne operation, to conduct an airdrop
Gurtwerk n (eines Fallschirmes)
harness (of parachute)
Landebremsschirm m
drag parachute
Landefall m nach vorne mil. (Fallschirmsprung)
front parachute landing fall
Lastenausziehschirm m mil.
Lastenausziehschirme pl
cargo extraction parachute
cargo extraction parachutes
Lastenfallschirm m mil.
Lastenfallschirme pl
cargo parachute
cargo parachutes
parachute jump
Bremsfallschirm m; Bremsschirm m (Luft- und Raumfahrt) aviat.
Bremsfallschirme pl; Bremsschirme pl
brake parachute; drag parachute; landing parachute; drogue (aerospace)
brake parachutes; drag parachutes; landing parachutes; drogues
Fallschirm m aviat.
Fallschirme pl
Bremsfallschirm m
die Glocke des Fallschirms
den Fallschirm öffnen
wenn sich der Fallschirm nicht öffnet
seinen Fallschirm nicht öffnen können
parachute; chute coll.
parachutes; chutes
drogue parachute
the skirt of the parachute
to deploy the parachute
when the parachute fails to open
to be unable to get your parachute (to) open
Fallschirmabsprung m; Fallschirmsprung m aviat.
Fallschirmabsprünge pl; Fallschirmsprünge pl
parachute jump
parachute jumps

Deutsche Fallschirmjäger {m} Luftlandesoldat {m} [mil.] / Fallschirmjäger {pl} Luftlandesoldaten {pl} Synonyme

Englische paratrooper Para Synonyme

par  alike  asking price  at par  au pair  average  balance  bearish prices  bid price  book value  bullish prices  call price  center  closing price  coequality  coextension  commensurate  correspondence  decline  drawn  equal  equality  equalized  equation  equilibrium  equipoise  equipollence  equiponderance  equity  equivalence  equivalency  even  even stephen  evenness  face value  fifty-fifty  fixed price  flash price  flurry  flutter  generality  golden mean  half-and-half  happy medium  high  identity  issue par  issue price  juste-milieu  justice  knotted  level  levelness  like  likeness  low  market price  market value  mean  median  mediocrity  medium  middle  middle course  middle ground  middle point  middle position  middle state  middle-of-the-road  midpoint  nip and tuck  nominal value  norm  normal  offering price  on a footing  on a level  on a par  on even ground  opening price  par value  parallelism  parity  poise  price  proportion  proportionate  put price  quits  quotation  quoted price  rally  rule  run  sameness  settling price  square  stalemated  standard  stated value  swings  symmetry  tied  via media  
par value  account  asking price  bearish prices  bid price  book value  bullish prices  call price  closing price  conversion factor  decline  face  face value  fixed price  flash price  flurry  flutter  high  issue par  issue price  low  market price  market value  net worth  nominal value  offering price  opening price  par  parity  pennyworth  price  put price  quotation  quoted price  rally  rate  settling price  stated value  swings  value  value received  worth  
parable  Marchen  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  apologue  bedtime story  comparison  detective story  fable  fabliau  fairy tale  fantasy  fiction  folk story  folktale  gest  ghost story  horse opera  legend  lesson  love story  mystery  mystery story  myth  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  romance  science fiction  shocker  similitude  space fiction  space opera  suspense story  thriller  whodunit  work of fiction  
parabola  arc  bow  catacaustic  catenary  caustic  circle  conchoid  crook  curl  curve  diacaustic  ellipse  festoon  hook  hyperbola  lituus  sinus  tracery  
parabolic  allegoric  bell-like  bell-shaped  campaniform  campanular  campanulate  ellipsoid  elliptic  fabulous  fictional  legendary  mythic  mythological  mythopoeic  mythopoetic  romantic  romanticized  saucer-shaped  
parachute  Mae West  bail out  breeches buoy  brolly  buoy  cascade  cataract  chute  collapse  come down  cork jacket  crash  descend  dip down  dive  down  drogue chute  drop  drop down  drop off  ejection capsule  ejection seat  ejector seat  fall  fall down  fall off  go down  go downhill  gravitate  harness  jump  life belt  life buoy  life jacket  life net  life preserver  life raft  life ring  life vest  lifeboat  lifeline  lose altitude  nose-dive  pack  parachute jump  pitch  plop  plummet  plump  plunge  plunk  pounce  pounce on  pounce upon  pour down  precipitate  rain  rubber dinghy  safety belt  shroud lines  skin-dive  sky dive  sky-dive  sound  stoop  swoop  swoop down  take a header  trend downward  umbrella  vent  water wings  
parachute jump  belly buster  belly flop  belly whopper  brolly  cannonball  chute  crash dive  dive  drogue chute  drop  fall  gainer  harness  header  jackknife  nose dive  pack  parachute  pitch  plunge  pounce  power dive  running dive  shroud lines  sky dive  stationary dive  stoop  swan dive  swoop  umbrella  vent  
parade  advertise  affect  air  airing  alameda  amble  array  backpack  beaten path  beaten track  berm  betoken  bicycle path  blazon  blazon forth  boardwalk  boast  brag  brandish  bravura  breathe  bridle path  brilliancy  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to notice  caravan  catwalk  cavalcade  column  constitutional  cortege  cosmorama  cyclorama  dangle  daring  dash  declare  defile  demonstrate  demonstration  develop  diorama  disclose  display  disport  divulge  dramatics  dramatize  dress parade  eclat  emblazon  embody  enact  entourage  esplanade  etalage  evidence  evince  exhibit  exhibition  exhibitionism  expose  expose to view  exposition  express  false front  fanfare  fanfaronade  fastwalk  figure  file  file off  flair  flash  flaunt  flaunting  flourish  flyover  foot pavement  footpath  footslog  footway  forced march  funeral  garden path  gasconade  georama  give sign  give token  go on parade  goose-step  groove  highlight  hike  hiking trail  histrionics  hold up  illuminate  incarnate  indicate  jaunt  light show  line  make clear  make plain  mall  manifest  manifestation  march  march past  materialize  mean  motorcade  mule train  mush  myriorama  pack train  pageant  pageantry  panoply  panorama  pass in review  path  pathway  perambulate  perform  peripatetic journey  peripateticism  phantasmagoria  pomp  prado  present  presentation  procession  proclaim  produce  promenade  psychedelic show  public walk  publish  put forth  put forward  ramble  represent  representation  reveal  review  roll out  run  runway  rut  saunter  schlep  set forth  sham  shifting scene  shine  show  show forth  show off  showing-off  sidewalk  sight  skimmington  spectacle  splash  splurge  sport  spotlight  stage show  staginess  stream  stretch  stretch the legs  string  stroll  strut  tableau  tableau vivant  take a stretch  take a walk  theatrics  token  towing path  towpath  track  trail  train  traipse  tramp  trot out  
parade ground  agora  amphitheater  arena  athletic field  auditorium  background  bear garden  bowl  boxing ring  bull ring  campus  canvas  circus  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  course  field  floor  forum  ground  gym  gymnasium  hall  hippodrome  lists  locale  marketplace  mat  milieu  open forum  palaestra  pit  place  platform  precinct  prize ring  public square  purlieu  range  ring  scene  scene of action  scenery  setting  site  sphere  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  terrain  theater  tilting ground  tiltyard  walk  wrestling ring  
paradiddle  barrage  beat  beating  drum  drum music  drumbeat  drumfire  drumming  flutter  palpitation  patter  pitapat  pitter-patter  pound  pounding  pulsation  rat-a-tat  rat-tat  rat-tat-tat  rataplan  rattattoo  roll  rub-a-dub  ruff  ruffle  spatter  splutter  sputter  staccato  tat-tat  tattoo  throb  throbbing  thrum  thumping  tom-tom  
paradigm  IC analysis  accidence  affix  affixation  allomorph  antetype  antitype  archetype  beau ideal  biotype  bound morpheme  classic example  conjugation  criterion  cutting  declension  derivation  difference of form  enclitic  epitome  example  exemplar  formative  free form  fugleman  fugler  genotype  ideal  imitatee  immediate constituent analysis  infix  infixation  inflection  lead  mirror  model  morph  morpheme  morphemic analysis  morphemics  morphology  morphophonemics  original  pattern  precedent  prefix  prefixation  proclitic  prototype  radical  representative  root  rule  standard  stem  suffix  suffixation  theme  type  type species  type specimen  urtext  word-formation  
paradisal  Arcadian  Edenic  Elysian  Olympian  beatific  beatified  blessed  celestial  ethereal  extramundane  extraterrestrial  from on high  glorified  heavenly  ideal  idealized  in glory  millennial  otherworldly  paradisaic  paradisiac  paradisic  supernal  transcendental  transmundane  unearthly  unworldly  utopian  
paradise  Agapemone  Arcadia  Avalon  Big Rock-Candy Mountain  Canaan  Celestial City  City of God  Civitas Dei  Cloudcuckooland  Cockaigne  Eden  Eldorado  Elysium  Erewhon  Garden of Eden  Goshen  Happy Valley  Indian reservation  Japanese garden  Land of Beulah  Land of Youth  Laputa  Never-Never-land  Neverland  New Atlantis  New Jerusalem  Pandemonium  Quivira  Shangri-la  Utopia  Valhalla  Zion  alpine garden  arboretum  arcadia  archives  auditorium  balcony  bank  beatification  beatitude  bed  bewitchment  bird sanctuary  blessedness  bliss  blissfulness  bog garden  border  botanical garden  box  box seat  cheer  cheerfulness  cloud nine  cloudland  common  commons  delectation  delight  dreamland  dress circle  dry garden  dystopia  ecstasy  ecstatics  elation  elysium  empyrean  enchantment  exaltation  exhilaration  exuberance  faerie  fairyland  fauteuil  felicity  flower bed  flower garden  forest preserve  gaiety  gallery  game reserve  garden  garden spot  gladness  glee  grape ranch  grapery  happiness  happy hunting ground  heaven  heavenly kingdom  herbarium  high spirits  hortus siccus  intoxication  jardin  joy  joyance  joyfulness  kakotopia  kingdom come  kitchen garden  land of dreams  land of enchantment  land of faerie  land of plenty  land of promise  library  loge  lotus land  market garden  millennium  museum  national forest  national park  nigger heaven  nirvana  orchestra  orchestra circle  ornamental garden  overhappiness  overjoyfulness  park  parquet  parquet circle  parterre  peanut gallery  pinetum  pit  pleasance  pleasure garden  pleasure ground  preserve  promised land  proscenium boxes  public park  rapture  ravishment  reservation  reserve  rock garden  roof garden  sanctuary  seventh heaven  shrubbery  stall  standing room  state forest  store  sunken garden  sunshine  tea garden  theatre stall  transport  truck garden  unalloyed happiness  utopia  vegetable garden  victory garden  vinery  vineyard  wilderness preserve  wi  
Paradise  Beulah  Beulah Land  Heaven  Land of Beulah  a better place  afterlife  afterworld  better world  destiny  eternal home  eternity  fate  future state  glory  happy hunting ground  heaven above  heavenly kingdom  high heaven  home  kingdom come  kingdom of God  kingdom of glory  kingdom of heaven  life after death  life to come  next world  otherworld  postexistence  presence of God  realm of light  the Promised Land  the beyond  the good hereafter  the grave  the great beyond  the great hereafter  the happy land  the hereafter  the unknown  the world above  what bodes  what is fated  world to come  
paradisiac  Elysian  Olympian  beatific  beatified  blessed  blissful  celestial  divine  empyreal  empyrean  ethereal  extramundane  extraterrestrial  from on high  glorified  heavenly  in glory  otherworldly  paradisaic  paradisal  paradisial  paradisian  paradisic  saintly  sublime  supernal  transcendental  transmundane  unearthly  unworldly  
paradox  Gordian knot  absurdity  ambiguity  ambivalence  antinomy  asymmetry  contradiction  crux  dilemma  disproportion  disproportionateness  enigma  equivocality  equivocation  heresy  heterodoxy  heterogeneity  hopelessness  impossibility  impossible  impossibleness  incoherence  incommensurability  incompatibility  inconceivability  incongruity  inconsistency  inconsonance  irony  irreconcilability  knot  knotty point  mystery  no chance  node  nodus  nonconformability  nonconformity  nonplus  oxymoron  perplexity  pons asinorum  poser  problem  puzzle  quandary  self-contradiction  teaser  the impossible  unconformability  unconformity  unimaginability  unorthodoxy  unthinkability  vexed question  what cannot be  what cannot happen  
paradoxical  abnormal  absurd  ambiguous  ambivalent  anomalous  antinomic  baffling  barred  bewildering  closed-out  conflicting  confusing  contradictory  contrary to reason  disproportionate  enigmatic  equivocal  excluded  hopeless  illogical  impossible  improbable  incoherent  incommensurable  incommensurate  incompatible  incomprehensible  inconceivable  incongruous  inconsequent  inconsistent  inconsonant  ironic  irreconcilable  logically impossible  mysterious  not possible  out of proportion  oxymoronic  perplexing  preposterous  problematic  prohibited  puzzling  ridiculous  ruled-out  self-contradictory  unimaginable  unthinkable  
paraffin  alcohol  avgas  benzine  briquette  burnable  butane  carbon  charcoal  coal  coal oil  coke  combustible  crude  crude oil  dope  electricity  ethane  ethanol  ethyl  ethyl gas  fireball  firing  flammable  flammable material  fossil oil  fuel  fuel additive  fuel dope  gas  gas carbon  gasoline  heptane  hexane  high-octane gas  high-test  illuminant  illuminating gas  inflammable  inflammable material  isooctane  jet fuel  kerosene  lead-free gas  light source  low-lead gas  luminant  methane  methanol  motor oil  natural gas  octane  oil  peat  pentane  petrol  petroleum  premium gas  propane  propellant  regular  rock oil  rocket fuel  turf  
paragon  A per se  Miss America  ace  acme  apotheosis  archetype  assimilate  bathing beauty  beau ideal  beaut  beauty  beauty contest winner  beauty queen  belle  best type  boss  bunny  champ  champion  charmer  chief  choice  chosen  classic  commander  compare  cover girl  crackerjack  cream  criterion  cynosure  dazzler  dean  dream  ego ideal  elect  elite  enchantress  epitome  exemplar  fat  flower  fugleman  gem  genius  good example  great beauty  head  hero  higher-up  ideal  jewel  knockout  lady fair  last word  laureate  leader  liken  looker  love  lovely  man of men  master  masterpiece  masterwork  match  mirror  model  nonesuch  nonpareil  optimum  parallel  pattern  pattern of perfection  peach  phoenix  pick  pinup  pinup girl  prime  principal  prize  prodigy  prototype  pussycat  queen  quintessence  raving beauty  reigning beauty  ruler  select  senior  sex kitten  shining example  slick chick  standard  star  stunner  superior  superlative  superman  superstar  the best  the best ever  the greatest  the most  the tops  the very best  top dog  tops  trump  ultimate  very model  virtuoso  
paragraph  adjectival phrase  article  back matter  book  causerie  chapter  clause  column  conceive  construction  couch  couch in terms  descant  discourse  discussion  disquisition  dissertation  embody in words  essay  etude  examination  excursus  exposition  express  expression  fascicle  feature  first approach  folio  formularize  formulate  frame  front matter  gathering  give expression to  give words to  headed group  homily  idiom  idiotism  installment  introductory study  livraison  locution  lucubration  manner of speaking  memoir  monograph  morceau  note  noun phrase  number  outline  page  pandect  paper  part  passage  peculiar expression  period  phrasal idiom  phrase  piece  preliminary study  present  prolegomenon  put  put in words  research paper  rhetorize  screed  section  sentence  serial  set out  set phrase  sheet  signature  sketch  special article  standard phrase  state  study  style  survey  syntactic structure  term  term paper  text  theme  thesis  tract  tractate  treatise  treatment  turn of expression  turn of phrase  usage  utterance  verb complex  verb phrase  verbalism  verse  volume  way of speaking  word  word-group  

par Definition

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