
peace breaker Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Friedensbrecher m pol.
Friedensbrecher pl
industrial peace
labour peace
Frieden wiederherstellen
restore peace
justice of the peace
ruhiges Gewissen
peace of conscience
Seelenfrieden, Seelenruhe
peace of mind
Appretbrecher m textil.
finish breaker
Arbeitsfrieden m
industrial peace, peaceful industrial relations
Ausschalter m
Befriedung f
establishment of peace
Betonbrecher m constr.
Betonbrecher pl
concrete breaker
concrete breakers
Friedensdividende f fin.
peace dividend
Durchlaufbrecher m techn.
Durchlaufbrecher pl
feeder breaker
feeder breakers
Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter m, FI-Schalter electr.
residual-current circuit-breaker
Friede m, Ruhe f
Frieden m
Frieden schließen
seinen Frieden mit ... machen
Ruhe in Frieden!
Möge er in Frieden ruhen!
to make peace
to make one's peace with ...
Rest in peace (R.I.P., RIP)
May he rest in peace!
Friedensabkommen n, Friedensvertrag m pol.
Friedensabkommen pl, Friedensverträge pl
peace agreement, peace treaty
peace agreements, peace treaties
Friedensangebot n
Friedensangebote pl
peace offer, peace proposal
peace offers, peace proposals
Friedensbewegung f
peace movement
Friedensbruch m
Friedensbrüche pl
breach of the peace
breaches of the peace
Friedensgespräche pl, Friedensverhandlungen pl
peace talks
Friedenskonferenz f pol.
Friedenskonferenzen pl
peace conference
peace conferences
Friedensinitiative f, Friedensaktivisten pl
peace campaigners
Friedensnobelpreis m
Nobel Peace Prize
Friedenspfeife f
calumet, pipe of peace
Friedensrichter m, Friedensrichterin f
Friedensrichter pl, Friedensrichterinnen pl
justice of the peace, J.P.
justices of the peace
Friedensstärke f mil.
peace establishment
Friedenssymbol n
Friedenssymbolen pl
emblem of peace
emblems of peace
Friedenstaube f
Friedenstauben pl
dove of peace
doves of peace
Friedensverhandlung f pol.
Friedensverhandlungen pl
peace negotiation
peace negotiations
Friedenswille m
desire for peace
Gebet n
Gebete pl
beim Gebet sein
ein Gebet für den Frieden
sein Gebet verrichten
to be at prayer
a prayer for peace
to say one's prayer
Gemütlichkeit f
atmosphere of comfort, peace and acceptance
Grabesruhe f
peace of the grave
Gürtelreifen m
belted tyre, braced tread tyre, rigid breaker tyre (tire Am.)
Herzensbrecher m
Landfrieden m hist.
general peace
Landfriedensbruch m jur.
breach of the peace
Leistungsschalter m, Leistungsschutzschalter m electr.
circuit breaker, power circuit-breaker
Maschinenstürmer m, Maschinenstürmerin f, Luddit m hist.
Maschinenstürmer pl, Maschinenstürmerinnen pl, Ludditen pl
luddite, machine breaker, machine wrecker
luddites, machine breakers, machine wreckers
Motorschutzschalter m
motor protection circuit breaker, motor circuit-breaker
Nachtruhe f
jdn. in seiner Nachtruhe stören
die Nachtruhe einhalten
sleep, nighttime peace
to disturb sb.'s sleep
to keep the peace at night
Parlamentär m, Parlamentärin f
peace envoy, negotiator
Ruhestörung f
öffentliche Ruhestörung f jur.
jdn. wegen Ruhestörung (bei der Polizei) anzeigen
breach of the peace, disturbance of the peace
to report sb. (to the police) for disturbing of the peace
Scheinfriede m
hollow peace
Seelenfrieden m
peace of mind
Sonderfrieden m
separate peace
Stätte f
historische Stätte f
an historischer Stätte
eine Stätte des Friedens
historical site
on historical ground
a haven of peace
Streikbrecher m
Streikbrecher pl
strike breaker, strikebreaker
strike breakers, strikebreakers
Stromkreisunterbrecher m
circuit breaker
Trennschalter m
circuit breaker, isolating switch, disconnect switch
Unruhe stiften
to disturb the peace
Unterbrecher m, Trennschalter m
breaker, contact breaker
Unterbrecherkontakt m
breaker contact
Weltfrieden m
world peace
Zwischenbau m (Diagonal)
breaker (diagonal)
bitten v
um Frieden bitten
to sue
to sue for peace
friedfertig, friedlich, friedliebend, versöhnlich, einlenkend, verträglich adj
am friedfertigsten
peaceable, peace-loving, conflict avoidant
more peaceable
most peaceable
für prp, +Akkusativ
für den Frieden kämpfen
etw. für 20 Euro kaufen
für immer weggehen
für und wider
to fight for peace
to buy sth. for 20 Euro
to leave for good
for and against
schweigen, ruhig sein
Ich schwieg., Ich bleieb ruhig.
to hold one's peace
I held my peace.
Gürtelkantenlösung f
breaker edge looseness
Gürtellage f
breaker ply, bracing ply (radial)
Gürtelstreifen m
breaker strip
Stahlgürtelreifen m
steel belted tyre, steel breaker tyre
Ich möchte in Ruhe lesen.
I want to read in peace.
Ruhe ist die erste Bürgerpflicht.
Peace is the citizen's first obligation.
Friedensrichter m
JP : Justice of the Peace
breach of the peace
breaches of the peace
Unterbrecher, Trennschalter
circuit breaker
conclusion of peace
hollow peace
Ich möchte in Ruhe lesen
i want to read in peace
Frieden schliessen
make peace
Frieden, Stueck
peace negotiation
peace of mind
peace treaties
peace treaty
Friede und Ordnung wiederherstellen
restore peace and order
separate peace
strike breaker
Frieden schliessen
to make peace
treaty of peace
world peace
Friede und Ruhe
peace and quiet
Friedensvertrag von
peace of
(Ruhe und) Frieden
peace and quiet
Abbruchfirma f; Abbruchunternehmen n constr.
Abbruchfirmen pl; Abbruchunternehmen pl
demolition company; house breaker Br.; wrecking company Am.; housewrecker Am.; wrecker Am.
demolition companies; house breakers; wrecking companies; housewreckers; wreckers
Arbeitsfrieden m
industrial peace; peaceful industrial relations
Ausschalter m
Ausschalter pl
cut-off switch; cutoff switch; breaker
cut-off switches; cutoff switches; breakers
Autoschrottplatz m; Autoverwertungsplatz m; Autoverwertung f (in Eigennamen)
Autoschrottplätze pl; Autoverwertungsplätze pl; Autoverwertungen pl
car breaker's yard; automobile wreck yard; wrecker's yard; wrecking yard Austr. Can. NZ; car dismantling yard Br.; car dismantler's yard Br.; salvage yard Am.
car breaker's yards; automobile wreck yards; wrecker's yards; wrecking yards; car dismantling yards; car dismantler's yards; salvage yards
Backenbrecher m techn.
Backenbrecher pl
Ein-Kniehebelbrecher m
Doppel-Kniehebelbrecher m
jawcrusher; jaw crusher; jaw breaker
jawcrushers; jaw crushers; jaw breakers
single-toggle jaw crusher
double-toggle jaw crusher
Befriedung f (von etw.) pol.
pacification (of sth.); restoration of peace
Betonbrecher m; Aufreißhammer m; Abbruchhammer m constr.
Betonbrecher pl; Aufreißhämmer pl; Abbruchhämmer pl
concrete breaker
concrete breakers
Brandungsuntersuchung f
breaker zone investigations
Brechbacke f techn.
Brechbacken pl
breaker jaw; crusher jaw
breaker jaws; crusher jaws
Bubiköpfchen n; Bubikopf m (Soleirolia soleirolii) bot.
baby's tears; angel's tears; mind-your-own-business; peace-in-the-home
Eisbrecher m (Brücke) constr.
cut water; ice apron; ice guard; ice breaker
Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter m; FI-Schalter electr.
residual-current device RCD ; residual-current circuit-breaker
Fellkrempel f textil.
intermediate card; second breaker
Friede m; Frieden m; (äußere oder innere) Ruhe psych. soc.
Ruhe und Frieden
Unruhe stiften
seinen Frieden mit jdm. machen
Ich muss nachsehen ob es ihr gut geht einfach damit ich beruhigt bin.
Möge er in Frieden ruhen! (Begräbnisformel)
Ruhe in Frieden!; Ruhe sanft! (Grabinschrift)
peace and quiet
to disturb the peace
to make your peace with sb.
I need to check that she is all right just for my own peace of mind.
May he rest in peace! (funeral phrase)
Rest in peace R.I.P. (inscription on gravestones)
Frieden m; Friede m pol.
dauerhafter Frieden
Frieden schließen
Frieden wiederherstellen
Bedrohung des Friedens
Wahrung Erhaltung des Friedens
zur Aufrechterhaltung des Friedens und der Stabilität beitragen
die Friedensfühler ausstrecken
lasting enduring permanent peace
to make peace
to restore peace
threat to (the) peace
maintenance of peace; preservation of peace
to contribute to maintaining peace and stability
to put out peace feelers
Friedensabkommen n; Friedensvertrag m pol.
Friedensabkommen pl; Friedensverträge pl
peace agreement; peace treaty
peace agreements; peace treaties
Friedensaktivist m soc.
Friedensaktivisten pl
peace campaigner
peace campaigners
Friedensangebot n pol.
Friedensangebote pl
peace offer; peace proposal; proposal for peace; peace overture; overture of peace
peace offers; peace proposals; proposals for peace; peace overtures; overtures of peace
Friedensaussichten pl pol.
prospects of peace
Friedensbedingungen pl pol.
conditions of peace; peace terms
Friedensbemühungen pl pol.
peace efforts; efforts to achieve maintain peace
Friedensbewegung f soc.
peace movement
Friedensbrecher m pol.
Friedensbrecher pl
Friedensbruch m pol.
Friedensbrüche pl
breach of the peace; violation of the peace
breaches of the peace; violations of the peace
Friedensdenkmal n
Friedensdenkmale pl; Friedensdenkmäler pl
peace memorial
peace memorials
Friedensforschung f
peace research
Friedensgespräche pl pol.
peace talks
Friedenskonsolidierung f pol.
peace building
Friedensinitiative f pol.
Friedensinitiativen pl
peace initiative
peace initiatives
Friedenspfeife f
Friedenspfeifen pl
calumet; pipe of peace
calumets; pipes of peace
Friedensregelung f pol.
peace settlement; peace regulation
Friedensrichter m; Schiedsmann m Dt.; Beamter m mit richterlichen Befugnissen jur.
Untersuchungsrichter m
Berufsrichter m in größeren Städten
Polizeirichter m
justice of the peace JP; J.P. ; magistrate Br.
examining magistrate; committing magistrate; investigating magistrate
metropolitan magistrate Br.; stipendiary magistrate Br.
resident magistrate Nordirl.; police magistrate Am.
Friedensschluss m pol.
conclusion of peace
Friedensstörer m pol.
Friedensstörer pl
disturber of the peace
disturbers of the peace
Friedenssymbol n
Friedenssymbole pl
emblem of peace
emblems of peace
Friedensvorverhandlungen pl pol.
peace preliminaries
Friedensvölkerrecht n jur.
international law of peace
Friedensverhandlung f pol.
Friedensverhandlungen pl
Friedensverhandlungen aufnehmen wieder aufnehmen
peace negotiation; peace parley
peace negotiations; peace parleys
to take up resume peace negotiations
Friedenswille m pol.
will for peace
Gemütlichkeit f
atmosphere of comfort peace and acceptance
Grobbrecher m constr.
coarse crushing rolls; coarse crusher; boulder crusher; coarse breaker; stone breaker
Gürtellage f
breaker ply; bracing ply (radial)
Gürtelreifen m
Gürtelreifen mit Diagonalkarkasse
belted tyre; braced tread tyre; rigid breaker tyre (tire Am.)
bias belted tyre
Hammerbrecher m mach.
Hammerbrecher pl
hammer crusher; hammer breaker; swing-hammer crusher; hinged-hammer crusher; rotary hammer breaker
hammer crushers; hammer breakers; swing-hammer crushers; hinged-hammer crushers; rotary hammer breakers
Hochspannungsleistungsschalter m; Leistungsschalter m electr.
Hochspannungsleistungsschalter pl; Leistungsschalter pl
high-voltage circuit breaker; power circuit breaker
high-voltage circuit breakers; power circuit breakers
Hort m geh. (Zufluchtsort)
ein Ort des Friedens
refuge; shelter
a haven of peace; a sanctuary
Kegelbrecher m techn.
Kegelbrecher pl
cone crusher; cone breaker; gyrasphere crusher; conical head gyratory crusher; gyratory
cone crushers; cone breakers; gyrasphere crushers; conical head gyratory crushers; gyratories
Kohlenhauer m; Hauer m; Häuer m; Abkohler m min.
Kohlenhauer pl; Hauer pl; Häuer pl; Abkohler pl
hewer; breaker; coal getter
hewers; breakers; coal getters
Kreiselbrecher m techn.
Kreiselbrecher pl
gyratory crusher; gyratory breaker
gyratory crushers; gyratory breakers
Lastschalter m electr.
Lastschalter pl
power circuit breaker
power circuit breakers
Laufflächenkissen n; Laufflächenpolster m (für Reifen) auto
breaker cushion Br.; squeegee Am. (for tyres)
Leistungsschutzschalter m; Schutzschalter m (Ãœberstromschutz) electr.
Leistungsschutzschalter pl; Schutzschalter pl
circuit breaker
circuit breakers
Leitungsschutzschalter m; LS-Schalter m; Sicherungsautomat m electr.
Leitungsschutzschalter pl; LS-Schalter pl; Sicherungsautomaten pl
miniature circuit breaker
miniature circuit breakers
Maschinenstürmer m; Maschinenstürmerin f; Luddit m hist.
Maschinenstürmer pl; Maschinenstürmerinnen pl; Ludditen pl
luddite; machine breaker; machine wrecker
luddites; machine breakers; machine wreckers
Motorschutzschalter m
Motorschutzschalter pl
motor protection circuit breaker; motor circuit-breaker
motor protection circuit breakers; motor circuit-breakers

Deutsche Friedensstörer Synonyme

Englische peace-breaker Synonyme

peace breaker Definition

(n.) One who, or that which, breaks.
(n.) Specifically: A machine for breaking rocks, or for breaking coal at the mines
(n.) A small water cask.
(n.) A wave breaking into foam against the shore, or against a sand bank, or a rock or reef near the surface.
(n.) A peacemaker.
(v.) A state of quiet or tranquillity
(v.) Exemption from, or cessation of, war with public enemies.
(v.) Public quiet, order, and contentment in obedience to law.
(v.) Exemption from, or subjection of, agitating passions
(v.) Reconciliation
(v. t. & i.) To make or become quiet

peace breaker Bedeutung

peace initiative opening move in negotiating a peace treaty
a job or situation that is demanding and arduous and punishing, Vietnam was a ball-breaker
disorderly conduct
disorderly behavior
disturbance of the peace
breach of the peace
any act of molesting, interrupting, hindering, agitating, or arousing from a state of repose or otherwise depriving inhabitants of the peace and quiet to which they are entitled
peace march a protest march against (a particular) war and in favor of peace
c acid
back breaker
dose dot
loony toons
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
pane superman
window pane
street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
peace pipe
pipe of peace
a highly decorated ceremonial pipe of Amerindians, smoked on ceremonial occasions (especially as a token of peace)
circuit breaker
a device that trips like a switch and opens the circuit when overloaded
distributor point
breaker point
a contact in the distributor, as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs
peace advocacy any policy that advocates maintaining peaceful international relations
kiss of peace
(Roman Catholic Church) a greeting signifying Christian love for those assisting at the Eucharist
peace treaty
a treaty to cease hostilities, peace came on November th
Peace of Westphalia the peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War in
peace offering
olive branch
something offered to an adversary in the hope of obtaining peace
waves breaking on the shore
peace of mind
the absence of mental stress or anxiety
Peace Corps a civilian organization sponsored by the United States government, helps people in developing countries
North Dakota
Peace Garden State
a state of north central United States bordering on Canada
a demanding woman who destroys men's confidence
a quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone
someone who tries to bring peace
iconoclast image breaker a destroyer of images used in religious worship
justice of the peace a local magistrate with limited powers
law officer
peace officer
an officer of the law
someone who breaks a record
ship-breaker a contractor who buys old ships and breaks them up for scrap
stone breaker someone who breaks up stone
peace lily
spathe flower
any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental
peace process any social process undertaken by governments who want their citizens to believe they are trying to avoid armed hostilities
peace harmonious relations, freedom from disputes, the roommates lived in peace together
peace the state prevailing during the absence of war
peace public security the general security of public places, he was arrested for disturbing the peace
make peace end hostilities, The brothers who had been fighting over their inheritance finally made peace
at peace(p) at rest(p)
dead, he is deceased, our dear departed friend
peaceable peace-loving inclined or disposed to peace, they met in a peaceable spirit, peace-loving citizens
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Peace occurs between heterogeneous social groups and is characterized by a lack of conflict and freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace often involves compromise, and therefore is initiated with thoughtful listening and communication to enhance and create mutual understanding.

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