
periodic Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

periodisch adj
periodische Zahlungen, regelmäßige Zahlungen
periodic payments
Periodensystem n der Elemente (PSE) chem.
Periodic Table of the Elements
Periodensystem n der Elemente PSE chem.
Periodic Table of the Elements
Periodensystem n der Elemente PSE chem.
Periodic Table of the Elements
Berichterstattung f
periodische Berichterstattung
reporting, reportage
periodic reporting
Berichterstattung f
periodische Berichterstattung
reporting; reportage
periodic reporting
Aussetzbetrieb m AB electr.
intermittent operation; intermittent duty; periodic duty
Aussetzbetrieb m AB electr.
intermittent operation; intermittent duty; periodic duty
Zeitfehler pl; Zeitschwankungen pl (beim Abtasten Ãœbertragen periodischer Signale) comp. electr. telco.
timing jitter; jitter in the timing (of periodic signals)
Obergrenze f; Höchstsatz m fin.
Obergrenzen pl; Höchstsätze pl
Hypothek f mit Zinsobergrenze
generelle Obergrenze
periodisch festgelegte Obergrenze (für Hypothekenzinsänderungen)
capped rate mortgage
aggregate cap
periodic cap Am.
Deckelung f; Obergrenze f; Höchstsatz m fin.
Deckelungen pl; Obergrenzen pl; Höchstsätze pl
Hypothek f mit Zinsobergrenze
generelle Obergrenze
periodisch festgelegte Obergrenze (für Hypothekenzinsänderungen)
capped rate mortgage
aggregate cap
periodic cap Am.
Gelegenheitsparasit m biol.
Gelegenheitsparasiten pl
occasional parasite; incidental parasite; periodic parasite
occasional parasites; incidental parasites; periodic parasites
Lähmung f; Paralyse f med.
einseitige Lähmung
familiäre periodische Paralyse
krampfartige Lähmung
zerebrale Lähmung
Spätlähmung f
paralysis; palsy
paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia
familial periodic paralysis
spastic paralysis
cerebral palsy
late paralysis
Schmarotzer m; Parasit m biol.
Schmarotzer pl; Parasiten pl
fakultativer Parasit (nicht auf einen Wirt angewiesen)
obligatorischer Parasit (auf einen Wirt angewiesen)
Gelegenheitsparasit m
von Schmarotzern befallen sein
facultative parasite
obligate parasite
occasional parasite; incidental parasite; periodic parasite
to be infested with parasites
Fieber n; Febris f; Pyrexie f med.
hohes Fieber; starkes Fieber; Hyperpyrexie f
leichtes Fieber; erhöhte Temperatur
in Schüben auftretendes Fieber
regelmäßig wiederkehrendes Fieber
unklares Fieber
vorübergehendes Fieber
wechselndes Fieber
Fieber mit Bläschenausschlag
Fieber mit Blutharnen
Fieber mit Eiterbildung
Fieber mit Hämoglobinausscheidung
Fieber mit Hautausschlag
Fieber haben
leichtes Fieber haben; erhöhte Temperatur haben
Fieber messen
bei jdm. Fieber messen
das Fieber niedrig halten
das Fieber senken
im Fieber phantasieren; im Fieberwahn sein
während des Fiebers; im Fieberzustand
Haben Sie Fieber?
fever; pyrexy; pyrexia; phlegmonosis
excessive high fever; sthenic fever; hyperpyretic temperature; hyperpyrexia
feverish febrile pyretic temperature; temperature; adynamic fever; eupyrexia; febricula
polyleptic fever
periodic fever
fever of unknown undetermined origin
transitory fever
intermittent fever
vesicular fever
haematuric fever
suppurative fever
haemoglobinuric fever
eruptive fever; exanthematous fever
to be in fever; to be feversih; to be febrile (fevery)
to have a temperature; to run a temperature
to take (the) temperature; to register temperature
to take sb.'s temperature
to keep the fever down
to bring the fever down
to be delirious with fever
in (the) fever; intrafebrile
Do you have a fever temperature?
Atmung f; Atmen n med.
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikuläre Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflächliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere äußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
künstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
Brustkorbatmung f; thorakale Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmäßige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikuläre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration
Atmung f; Atmen n med.
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung; Tachypnoe; Schnellatmung f
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikuläre Atmung
Brustkorbatmung f; thorakale Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflächliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere äußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
künstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
Schonatmung f
Schnappatmung f
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmäßige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikuläre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea Br.; tachypnea Am.; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
(rapid) shallow breathing
agonal respiration; gasping (for air)
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration

Deutsche periodisch {adj} Synonyme

konjunkturell  Âperiodisch  
periodisch  Âregelmäßig  Âturnusmäßig  Âwiederholend  Âwiederkehrend  Âzyklisch  
(sich)  jähren  Â(sich)  periodisch  wiederholend  Âiterativ  Âwiederholend  Âzyklisch  
periodisch  wiederkehrend  Âregelmäßig  wiederkehrend  Âständig  wiederkehrend  
(sich) periodisch wiederholend  iterativ  wiederholend  zyklisch  
periodisch wiederkehrend  regelmäßig wiederkehrend  ständig wiederkehrend  
periodisch  regelmäßig  turnusmäßig  wiederholend  wiederkehrend  zyklisch  

Englische periodic Synonyme

periodic  alternate  articulated  beating  catenated  ceaseless  circling  concatenated  connected  constant  continual  continued  continuing  continuous  cyclic  cyclical  direct  editorial  endless  episodic  epochal  even  ever-recurring  every other  featureless  fluctuant  fluctuating  fluctuational  frequent  gapless  harmonic  haunting  immediate  incessant  interminable  intermittent  isochronal  isochronous  iterative  joined  jointless  journalese  journalistic  libratory  linked  magazinish  magaziny  measured  metronomic  monotonous  never-ending  newspaperish  newspapery  nonstop  nutational  occasional  on-again-off-again  oscillating  oscillatory  pendular  pendulous  perennial  periodical  pulsing  reappearing  reciprocal  recurrent  recurring  regular  repeated  repetitive  reportorial  resonant  returning  revenant  rhythmic  rotary  round-the-clock  running  seamless  seasonal  serial  serried  smooth  sporadic  stable  steady  straight  thematic  thick-coming  twenty-four-hour  ubiquitous  unbroken  unceasing  undifferentiated  undulant  undulatory  unending  uniform  unintermitted  unintermittent  unintermitting  uninterrupted  unrelieved  unremitting  unstopped  vacillating  vacillatory  vibratile  vibrating  vibratory  wavelike  wavering  wheeling  
periodical  airing  almanac  alternate  annual  bandying  bimonthly  biweekly  book  broadcast  broadcasting  bruiting  bruiting about  circulation  daily  daybook  diary  diffusion  display  dissemination  ephemeris  evulgation  fortnightly  gazette  hebdomadal  isochronal  issuance  issue  journal  magazine  monthly  newsletter  newsmagazine  newspaper  organ  paper  pictorial  printing  promulgation  propagation  publication  publishing  quarterly  recurring  renew  review  serial  slick magazine  spread  spreading  spreading abroad  telecasting  trade magazine  ventilation  weekly  yearbook  
periodicity  Indian file  alternation  annual period  array  articulation  bank  baseball season  basketball season  beat  buzz  catena  catenation  chain  chain reaction  chaining  cold season  concatenation  concert season  connection  consecution  continuum  course  cycle  cyclicalness  descent  drone  dry season  endless belt  endless round  file  filiation  fluctuation  football season  frequency  frequency band  frequency spectrum  gamut  gradation  harmonic motion  hum  intermittence  intermittency  libration  line  lineage  meter  monotone  nexus  nutation  off season  oscillation  pendulation  pendulum  pendulum motion  period  periodicalness  piston motion  plenum  powder train  progression  pulsation  queue  rainy season  range  rank  reappearance  recurrence  regular wave motion  reoccurrence  resonance  resonance frequency  reticulation  return  rhythm  rotation  round  routine  row  run  scale  season  seasonableness  seasonality  sequence  series  single file  social season  spectrum  string  succession  swath  the season  thread  tier  time of year  train  undulation  vacillation  vibrancy  vibratility  vibration  wavering  windrow  

periodic Definition

(a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, the highest oxygen acid (HIO/) of iodine.
(a.) Alt. of Periodical

periodic Bedeutung

periodic breathing
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
abnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate
periodic law
Mendeleev's law
(chemistry) the principle that chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers
periodic sentence a complex sentence in which the main clause comes last and is preceded by the subordinate clause
periodic event
recurrent event
an event that recurs at intervals
periodic motion
periodic movement
motion that recurs over and over and the period of time required for each recurrence remains the same
periodic table (chemistry) a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements according to atomic number as based on the periodic law
giant hives
periodic edema
Quincke's edema
recurrent large circumscribed areas of subcutaneous edema, onset is sudden and it disappears within hours, seen mainly in young women, often as an allergic reaction to food or drugs
periodic apnea of the newborn irregular breathing of newborns, periods of rapid breathing followed by apnea, believed to be associated with sudden infant death syndrome
periodic acid any acid of iodine that contains oxygen
recurring or reappearing from time to time, periodic feelings of anxiety
happening or recurring at regular intervals, the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust
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