
pick up Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

picken, stochern, pflücken
abpfluecken, aufpicken
erholen, aufklauben
pick up
Straßenbekanntschaft f
picken, zupfen, rupfen, (Frucht) pflücken
to pick
to pick
lesen, mitnehmen
pick up
pick up
to pick
vom Boden aufheben
pick up
pick up
pick up
Keilhacke f
pick axe
pick axe
pick out
Anspechzeit f
pick time
pick time
Ansprechzeit f
pick time
Munddusche f
water pick
to pick up
lernen, sich aneignen, aufschnappen
to pick up
schikanieren, drangsalieren
to pick on
to pick up
to pick up
to pick up
lernen; sich aneignen; aufschnappen
to pick up
Abschermeißel m für Blechenden techn.
shear pick
Abholtag m
pick-up day
Brummeinkopplung f electr.
hum pick up
entdecken, ausmachen
to pick out
to pick out
Schmutzbuchstabe m; Spieß m print
black; pick
Abholtermin m
pick-up date
Mikado n
bunt gemischt, bunt zusammengewürfelt
pick 'n' mix
Spitzhacke f
pick, pickaxe
pick-up method
pick to pieces
auf jdm. herumhacken
to pick on sb.
sich wieder fangen, wieder Mut finden
pick up courage
Abholen n
pickup, pick-up
Abholservice m
pick-up service
Schotterflug m (Bahn)
ballast pick-up
Störgeräusche pl aus dem Rahmen auto
chassis pick-up
Magnetsucher m
magnetic pick-up
besser werden, schneller werden
to pick up (speed)
in der Nase bohren, popeln
to pick one's nose
wählerisch sein
to pick and choose
in der Nase bohren; popeln
to pick one's nose
in der Nase bohren; popeln v
to pick one's nose
etw. lernen; sich aneignen; aufschnappen v
to pick up () sth.
wählerisch sein v
to pick and choose
Information sammeln
pick up information
jds. Bekanntschaft machen
to pick up with sb.
Streit anfangen mit
pick a quarrel with
jds. Bekanntschaft machen v
to pick up with sb.
Einlegeautomat m techn.
geistigen Diebstahl an jdm. begehen
to pick sb.'s brains
sich erholen, zunehmen (Preise, Aktien)
to pick up, to rally
etw. durchgehen v
to pick over () sth.
etw. auslesen v (z. B. Linsen)
to pick over () sth.
etw. bemäkeln
to pick holes in sth.
im Essen herumstochern
to pick at one's food
sich das Beste (aus von etw.) heraussuchen herauspicken
to cherry-pick (sth.)
etw. bemäkeln v
to pick holes in sth.
sich das Beste (aus von etw.) heraussuchen herauspicken; sich (nur) die Rosinen aus etw. herauspicken v
to cherry-pick (sth.)
Streit anfangen mit
to pick a quarrel with
Pickelbildung f (Walzwerk) techn.
pick-up (rolling mill)
Sagen Sie ihm, er möchte uns abholen.
Tell him to pick us up.
Schmutzfaden m textil.
soiled end; soiled pick
Sagen Sie ihm er möchte uns abholen.
Tell him to pick us up.
Fahrt f, Fahrgeschwindigkeit f
Fahrt aufnehmen
to pick up speed
Fahrt f; Fahrgeschwindigkeit f
Fahrt aufnehmen
to pick up speed
Schlägel m; Schlegel m (Hammer des Bergmanns) min.
Schlägel und Eisen
hammer and pick
Haue f min.
adz(e); hack; pick; bill
abpflücken, pflücken, aufpicken
abpflückend, pflückend, aufpickend
abgepflückt, gepflückt, aufgepickt
to pick
Ich komme dich abholen.
I'll come and pick you up.
Zerstäuberrohr n
Zerstäuberrohre pl
pick-up tub
pick-up tubs
abpflücken; pflücken; aufpicken v
abpflückend; pflückend; aufpickend
abgepflückt; gepflückt; aufgepickt
to pick
picken; zupfen; rupfen v
pickend; zupfend; rupfend
gepickt; gezupft; gerupft
to pick
Futterrüben-Sammellader m auto
swede mangel pick-up loader
herauspicken v
to pick out; to cherry-pick
Anfahrtspunkte pl; Einstiegstellen pl (Busreise) transp.
pick-up points (coach tour)
Abholbereich m
Abholbereiche pl
pick-up area
pick-up areas
Abholdatum n
pickup date; date of pick-up
Sondenspule f; Suchspule f electr.
Sondenspulen pl; Suchspulen pl
pick-up coil
pick-up coils
die Scherben aufsammeln übtr.; etw. wieder in den Griff bekommen
to pick up the pieces fig.
mit jdm. ein Hühnchen rupfen übtr.
to pick a bone with sb. fig.
Wahl f
Such dir etwas aus.
pick coll.
Take your pick.
Abholauftrag m
Abholaufträge pl
pick-up order
pick-up orders
Ich habe ein Hühnchen mit Ihnen zu rupfen.
I have a bone to pick with you.
Tonarm m
Tonarme pl
tone arm, pick-up arm
tone arms
Tonarm m
Tonarme pl
tone arm; pick-up arm
tone arms
die Rechnung bezahlen; die Rechnung übernehmen
to pick up the tab coll. eAm.
wieder aufstehen v (auch übtr.)
to pick yourself up (also fig.)
Plektrum n
flatpick, pick, plectrum, plectron
Zahnstocher m
Zahnstocher pl
toothpick, tooth pick
eine Melodie (auf der Gitarre) improvisieren
to pick out a tune (on the guitar)
Ich hole dich morgen früh ab.
I'll pick you up tomorrow morning.
(einzelner) Einschuss m; Eintrag m textil.
weft; filling pick; group of picks
Plektrum n
flatpick; pick; plectrum; plectron
auf Touren kommen; schneller werden v auto
to pick up speed; to pick up steam
Schussfäden pl; Einschuss m; Schuss m; Eintrag m (Gewebsfäden, die zu den Kettfäden im Webstuhl quer liegen) textil.
weft; filling pick; group of picks
eine Melodie (auf der Gitarre) improvisieren v
to pick out a tune (on the guitar)
eine bunte Mischung (Süßigkeiten)
pick 'n' mix, pick-and-mix (sweets)
Tonabnehmer m
Tonabnehmer pl
pick-up, pickup
pick-ups, pickups
auflesen, mitnehmen
auflesend, mitnehmend
aufgelesen, mitgenommen
to pick-up
picking up
picked up
eine bunte Mischung (Süßigkeiten)
pick 'n' mix; pick-and-mix (sweets)
schikanieren; drangsalieren v
schikanierend; drangsalierend
schikaniert; drangsaliert
to pick on
picking on
picked on
eine bunte Mischung f (Süßigkeiten)
pick 'n' mix; pick-and-mix (sweets)
etw. abklatschen v (Textildruck) textil.
to pick-off sth. (textile printing)
Aufnahme f (von Messdaten) chem. techn.
pick up; logging (of measuring data)
entdecken; ausmachen v
entdeckend; ausmachend
entdeckt; ausgemacht
to pick out
picking out
picked out
die Rechnung (für etw.) bezahlen; die Rechnung (für etw.) übernehmen v
to pick up the bill (for sth.) coll.
Einem Bettler kann man nichts aus der Tasche ziehen.
A beggar may sing before a pick-pocket.
sich einen Weg (aus durch etw.) suchen
to pick one's way (out of through sth.)
Ansprechzeit f (eines Relais) electr.
pick-up time; operate time (of a relay)
sich einen Weg (aus durch etw.) suchen v
to pick one's way (out of through sth.)
Streit m, Zank m
Streit anfangen mit
to start (pick) a quarrel with
Anzugstrom m (Relais) electr.
pick-up current; pull-in current (relay)
Durchschuss m textil
weft insertion; weft; abb (filling pick)
sortieren v min.
to separate; to dress; to clean; to pick
(genau) überprüfen, durchsehen v
überprüfend, durchsehend
überprüft, durchgesehen
to pick over
picking over
picked over
Einschussfaden m; Schussfaden m textil.
den Einschussfaden ausziehen
shot; shoot; pick
to pull out the shoot
(genau) überprüfen; durchsehen v
überprüfend; durchsehend
überprüft; durchgesehen
to pick over
picking over
picked over
Mitglieder einer Gruppe (einzeln) abknallen v ugs. mil.
to pick off members of a group (one by one)
Autostrich m
kerb-crawling area Br.; pick-up area Am.
Beeren abbeeren v (vom Strauch pflücken) agr.
to pick off; to pick berries (from the bunch)
Schild n (Tafel mit Aufschrift)
Schilder pl
Abholschild m
sign (displayed notice)
pick-up sign
sich verbessern; zunehmen; sich steigern
Der Umsatz hat sich seit Januar wieder gesteigert.
to pick up
Sales have picked up since January.
zunehmen; stärker werden; sich steigern
Sei vorsichtig der Wind weht jetzt stärker.
to pick up
Be careful the wind has picked up.
Hufkratzer m; Hufräumer m (Werkzeug zur Hufpflege) agr.
Hufkratzer pl; Hufräumer pl
hoof pick (implement for hoof care)
hoof picks
sich verbessern v; besser werden v; zunehmen v; sich steigern v
Der Umsatz hat sich seit Januar wieder gesteigert.
to pick up
Sales have picked up since January.
zunehmen; stärker werden v; sich steigern v
Sei vorsichtig, der Wind weht jetzt stärker.
to pick up
Be careful, the wind has picked up.
Muntermacher m
Kaffee ist ein guter Muntermacher.
pick-me-up, pickup
Coffee is a good pick-me-up.
Muntermacher m
Kaffee ist ein guter Muntermacher.
pick-me-up; pickup
Coffee is a good pick-me-up.
to force the pace, to pick up the pace, to gear up
beschleunigen v
to force the pace; to pick up the pace; to gear up
scheiden v min.
Erze scheiden
to sort; to buck; to select; to pick
to cop ores
Aufschaltstrom m electr. (Bahn)
pick-up current; current before notching (railway)
Mikado n (Geschicklichkeitsspiel)
spillikins; pick-up sticks (game of physical skill)
Abholschein m
pick-up slip; collection voucher; collection ticket
Pickel m, Eispickel m
Pickel pl, Eispickel pl
pick, pickaxe, ice-pick
picks, pickaxes, ice-picks
Keilhaue f; Keilhacke f min.
Keilhauen pl; Keilhacken pl
wedge pick; jadding pick
wedge picks; jadding picks
Restsumme f fin.
für die Restsumme aufkommen v
amount remaining; balance
to take pick up the slack

Deutsche picken stochern pflücken Synonyme

abbrocken  Âabpflücken  Âabzupfen  Âpflücken  
pulen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âstochern  Âwühlen  

Englische pick Synonyme

pick up  accumulate  acquire  advance  amass  ameliorate  amend  animate  annex  apprehend  arrest  assemble  book  boost  brace  brace up  brighten  bring  bring back  bring together  brisk  brisken  buck up  buoy up  bust  call for  capture  chalk up  chase after  cheer  chirk up  collar  collect  come along  come on  compass  continue  convalesce  cull  descry  detain  detect  develop  dig up  discern  distinguish  drag up  draw up  dredge  dredge up  elevate  encourage  enliven  espy  exhilarate  fetch  fetch and carry  fillip  fish up  fortify  fresh up  freshen  freshen up  gain  gain ground  gain strength  galvanize  garner  gather  gather in  gather up  get  get ahead  get along  get better  get in  get together  give a lift  gladden  glean  go after  go ahead  go and get  go fetch  go for  go forward  go get  go to get  grab  graduate  grow better  grub  grub up  haul up  have  hearten  hoist  home on  identify  improve  infuse life into  inspire  inspirit  invigorate  jazz up  land  liven  look up  make an arrest  make headway  make out  make progress  make strides  map  master  meliorate  mend  nab  net  notice  obtain  perceive  perk up  pick  pinch  pinpoint  pique  pluck  pluck up  procure  progress  provoke  pull in  put under arrest  quicken  raise  rake up  rally  reanimate  rear  receive  recognize  recommence  recreate  recruit  recuperate  refresh  refreshen  regale  reinvigorate  rejoice  rejoice the heart  renew  reopen  resuscitate  retrieve  revive  revivify  round up  run after  run in  scan  scare up  scrape together  scrape up  secure  see  seize  sense  set up  shag  shape up  sharpen  show improvement  skyrocket  sleep it off  spot  spy  stimulate  sweep  take captive  take in  take into custody  take off  take prisoner  take up  trigger  tune in  turn the corner  uphold  uplift  upraise  uprear  vitalize  vivify  whet  

pick up Definition

(v.) To throw
(v.) To peck at, as a bird with its beak
(v.) To separate or open by means of a sharp point or points
(v.) To open (a lock) as by a wire.
(v.) To pull apart or away, especially with the fingers
(v.) To remove something from with a pointed instrument, with the fingers, or with the teeth
(v.) To choose
(v.) To take up
(v.) To trim.
(v. i.) To eat slowly, sparingly, or by morsels
(v. i.) To do anything nicely or carefully, or by attending to small things
(v. i.) To steal
(n.) A sharp-pointed tool for picking
(n.) A heavy iron tool, curved and sometimes pointed at both ends, wielded by means of a wooden handle inserted in the middle, -- used by quarrymen, roadmakers, etc.
(n.) A pike or spike
(n.) Choice
(n.) That which would be picked or chosen first
(n.) A particle of ink or paper imbedded in the hollow of a letter, filling up its face, and occasioning a spot on a printed sheet.
(n.) That which is picked in, as with a pointed pencil, to correct an unevenness in a picture.
(n.) The blow which drives the shuttle, -- the rate of speed of a loom being reckoned as so many picks per minute
(n.) One who seeks out faults.

pick up Bedeutung

the act of choosing or selecting, your choice of colors was unfortunate, you can take your pick
pick a basketball maneuver, obstructing an opponent with one's body, he was called for setting an illegal pick
pick-off a baseball play in which a base runner is caught off base and tagged out
a tonic or restorative (especially a drink of liquor)
guitar pick a plectrum used to pluck a guitar
ice pick
pick consisting of a steel rod with a sharp point, used for breaking up blocks of ice
a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends, they used picks and sledges to break the rocks
pick a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material, he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks
pick plectrum
a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument
pickup pick-me-up anything with restorative powers, she needed the pickup that coffee always gave her
the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
the person or thing chosen or selected, he was my pick for mayor
the best people or things in a group, the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War
the quantity of a crop that is harvested, he sent the first picking of berries to the market, it was the biggest peach pick in years
Niemann-Pick disease a disorder of lipid metabolism that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait
Pick's disease a progressive form of presenile dementia found most often in middle-aged and elderly women and characterized by degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes with loss of intellectual ability and transitory aphasia
perk up
pick up
gain vigor
gain or regain energy, I picked up after a nap
clean pick remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits, Clean the turkey
pick remove in small bits, pick meat from a bone
turn around
pick up
improve significantly, go from bad to good, Her performance in school picked up
pick up lift out or reflect from a background, The scarf picks up the color of the skirt, His eyes picked up his smile
learn hear
get word
get wind pick up
find out
get a line
discover see
get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally, I learned that she has two grown-up children, I see that you have been promoted
take select
pick out
pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives, Take any one of these cards, Choose a good husband for your daughter, She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her
pick select carefully from a group, She finally picked her successor, He picked his way carefully
hand-pick pick personally and very carefully, the director hand-picked his new team
sieve out
pick over
separate or remove, The customer picked over the selection
knock criticize
pick apart
find fault with, express criticism of, point out real or perceived flaws, The paper criticized the new movie, Don't knock the food--it's free
blame find fault a pick harass with constant criticism, Don't always pick on your little brother
pick at
express a negative opinion of, She disparaged her student's efforts
take a dare
pick up the gauntlet
be dared to do something and attempt it
pick at
peck at
eat like a bird, The anorexic girl just picks at her food
pick up
eat by pecking at, like a bird
nibble pick
eat intermittently, take small bites of, He pieced at the sandwich all morning, She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles
pick up take up by hand, He picked up the book and started to read
nail apprehend
pick up
take into custody, the police nabbed the suspected criminals
peck pick
hit lightly with a picking motion
pick pluck cull look for and gather, pick mushrooms, pick flowers
pick break up attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example, Pick open the ice
pluck plunk
pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion, he plucked the strings of his mandolin
pull off
pick off
pull or pull out sharply, pluck the flowers off the bush
pick at
pluck at
pull at
pluck or pull at with the fingers, She picked nervously at the buttons of her blouse
pick provoke, pick a fight or a quarrel
lift up
pick up
fill with high spirits, fill with optimism, Music can uplift your spirits
pick up give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift, We picked up a hitchhiker on the highway
pick up lift up
gather up
take and lift upward
pick up receive register (perceptual input), pick up a signal
catch pick up perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily, I caught the aroma of coffee, He caught the allusion in her glance, ears open to catch every sound, The dog picked up the scent, Catch a glimpse
spot recognize recognise distinguish
pick out
make out
tell apart
detect with the senses, The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards, I can't make out the faces in this photograph
pick up buy casually or spontaneously, I picked up some food for a snack
pay for something, pick up the tab, pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages, foot the bill
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Pick may refer to: