
pilot Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Pilot, Lotse
Haupt n
Lotse, Pilot, steurn
Düsenpilot m
jet pilot
pilot test
Leierschwanzlakai m ornith.
Pilot Bird
pilot lamp
test pilot
pilot study
pilot batch
Teststudie, Versuchsstudie, Testuntersuchung
pilot study
pilot plant
Kunstflieger m
stunt pilot
pilot light
pilot valve
Richtstollen m min.
pilot drift
Fliegerstiefel pl
pilot boots
pilot scheme
Grindwale pl zool.
pilot whales
combat pilot
Testprojekt, Versuchsprojekt
pilot project
Fliegeroffizier m
pilot officer
Jagdflieger m mil.
fighter pilot
Lotsendienst m
pilot service
Versuchsprojekt n
pilot project
fighter pilot
pilot bearing
pilot officer
Steuerstrom m electr.
pilot current
Lotse m, Lotsin f naut.
Lotsen pl
Luftfahrzeugführer m mil.
Luftfahrzeugführer pl
Pilot m, Pilotin f, Flugzeugführer m, Flugzeugführerin f aviat.
Piloten pl, Pilotinnen pl, Flugzeugführer pl, Flugzeugführerinnen pl
Lotse m; Lotsin f naut.
Lotsen pl
pilot operation
Selbststeuergerät n
automatic pilot
automatic pilot
Versuchsproduktion, Probeproduktion
pilot production
Fluglehrer m
pilot instructor
pilot instructor
Durchstich m (Bahn)
pilot cut (railway)
Automatationsanlagen pl mach.
automatic pilot systems
Kontrolleuchte f
Kontrolleuchten pl
pilot lamp
pilot lamps
Testpilot m
Testpiloten pl
test pilot
test pilots
Testpilot m; Einflieger m aviat.
Testpiloten pl; Einflieger pl
test pilot
test pilots
Vorbohrung f
Vorbohrungen pl
pilot hole
pilot holes
Flugstunden pl (die ein Pilot absolviert hat) aviat.
(a pilot's) flying hours
(japanischer) Kamikazepilot m mil. hist.
kamikaze pilot; kamikaze
Pilotanlage f
Pilotanlagen pl
pilot plant
pilot plants
Steuerventil n
Steuerventile pl
pilot valve
pilot valves
Kunstflieger m; Kunstfliegerin f aviat.
Kunstflieger pl; Kunstfliegerinnen pl
stunt pilot
stunt pilots
indirekt angetriebener Steuerschalter m (Bahn)
pilot controller (railway)
Überführungspilot m; Flugzeugüberführungspilot m
Überführungspiloten pl; Flugzeugüberführungspiloten pl
ferry pilot
ferry pilots
Leitstudie f, Testuntersuchung f
Leitstudien pl, Testuntersuchungen pl
pilot study
pilot studies
Leitstudie f; Testuntersuchung f
Leitstudien pl; Testuntersuchungen pl
pilot study
pilot studies
Kampfflieger m mil.
Kampfflieger pl
combat pilot
combat pilots
Modellprojekt n, Modellversuch m
Modellprojekte pl, Modellversuche pl
pilot scheme
pilot schemes
Segelflieger m, Segelfliegerin f
Segelflieger pl, Segelfliegerinnen pl
glider pilot
glider pilots
Zündbrenner m
Zündbrenner pl
pilot burner
pilot burners
Kontrollbrenner m mach.
Kontrollbrenner pl
pilot burner
pilot burners
Segelflieger m; Segelfliegerin f
Segelflieger pl; Segelfliegerinnen pl
glider pilot
glider pilots
(ein Flugzeug) steuern; pilotieren; fliegen; lenken v aviat.
to pilot; to steer (a plane)
Pfarrer m, Pastor m, Priester m (beim Militär)
sky pilot Am. mil. slang
Pilotprojekt n
Pilotprojekte pl
pilot project
pilot projects
Jagdflieger m mil.
Jagdflieger pl
fighter pilot
fighter pilots
Pfarrer m; Pastor m; Priester m (beim Militär)
sky pilot Am. mil. slang
Pilotkontakt m electr.
Pilotkontakte pl
pilot contact
pilot contacts
Versuchsprojekt n
Versuchsprojekte pl
pilot project
pilot projects
Testballon m
Testballone pl; Testballons pl
pilot balloon
pilot balloons
Leitrechner m; Leitcomputer m comp.
Leitrechner pl; Leitcomputer pl
pilot computer
pilot computers
Vorsteuerung f (Wasserbau)
pilot control (water engineering)
Kunstflugpilot m
Kunstflugpiloten pl
aerobatic pilot
aerobatic pilots
Pilotsendung f
Pilotsendungen pl
pilot broadcast
pilot broadcasts
Messdraht m; Prüfader f; Hilfsader f (Kabel) electr.
Messdrähte pl; Prüfadern pl; Hilfsadern pl
pilot conductor
pilot conductors
Gleitschirmpilot m; Gleitflieger m; Paragleiter m sport
Gleitschirmpiloten pl; Gleitflieger pl; Paragleiter pl
paraglider pilot
paraglider pilots
Meisterschaltwalze f; Meisterwalze f electr.
Meisterschaltwalzen pl; Meisterwalzen pl
pilot controller
pilot controllers
Flugschein m, Pilotenschein m
pilot's licence, pilot's license Am.
Pilotfilm m
Pilotfilme pl
pilot film, pilot
pilot films, pilots
Pilotfilm m
Pilotfilme pl
pilot film; pilot
pilot films; pilots
Lotse m; Lotsin f (Bahnverkehr, Schifffahrt) transp.
Lotsen pl; Lotsinnen pl
pilot (rail traffic, shipping)
Pilotenpuppe f (Modellbau)
Pilotenpuppen pl
scale pilot (model making)
scale pilots
Nullserie f
pilot-run series, pilot lot, initial batch
Nullserie f
pilot-run series; pilot lot; initial batch
Zündflamme f; Dauerflamme f (Gasherd; Gasofen)
pilot light; pilot (gas stove; gas furnace)
Lotsendienst m; Lotsen n naut.
Lotsenzwang m
pilot service; pilotage
compulsory pilotage
Pilot m; Pilotin f; Flugzeugführer m; Flugzeugführerin f aviat.
Piloten pl; Pilotinnen pl; Flugzeugführer pl; Flugzeugführerinnen pl
pilot; airplane pilot
pilots; airplane pilots
Schienenräumer m
Schienenräumer pl
pilot; cowcatcher coll.
pilots; cowcatchers
Kleiner Schwertwal m; Unechter Schwertwal m; Falscher Schwertwal m (Pseudorca crassidens) zool.
false killer whale; false pilot whale; pseudorca
Kutter m naut.
Kutter pl
Fischkutter m
Lotsenkutter m
fishing cutter
pilot cutter
jdn. etw. führen; leiten übtr.
einen Gesetzesentwurf durch das Parlament bringen
to pilot sb.
to pilot a bill through Parliament
jdn. etw. führen; leiten v übtr.
einen Gesetzesentwurf durch das Parlament bringen
to pilot sb.
to pilot a bill through Parliament
Pilotenwetterbericht m aviat.
Pilotenwetterberichte pl
pilot weather report PIREP
pilot weather reports
Versuchsanlage f
Versuchsanlagen pl
pilot plant, test plant
pilot plants, test plants
Ruderhaus n; Steuerhaus n; Steuerbrücke f naut.
Ruderhäuser pl; Steuerhäuser pl; Steuerbrücken pl
wheelhouse; pilot house
wheelhouses; pilot houses
Lotsenboot n
Lotsenboote pl
pilot boat, pilot vessel
pilot boats, pilot vessels
Vorsteuerventil n techn.
Vorsteuerventile pl
pilot valve, relay valve
pilot valves, relay valves
Lotsenboot n
Lotsenboote pl
pilot boat; pilot vessel
pilot boats; pilot vessels
Vorsteuerventil n techn.
Vorsteuerventile pl
pilot valve; relay valve
pilot valves; relay valves
Pilotensitz m aviat.
Pilotensitze pl
pilot seat; pilot's seat
pilot seats; pilot's seats
entsperrbares Zwillings-Rückschlagventil n (Wasserbau)
pilot-controlled double-check valve (water engineering)
to pilot, to guide
piloting, guiding
piloted, guided
jdn. lotsen v auto naut. aviat.
jdn. durchlotsen
to pilot sb.
to pilot sb. through
Zwergschwertwal m (Feresa attenuata) zool.
pygmy killer whale; slender pilot whale; slender blackfish
vorgesteuert adj (Wasserbau)
vorgesteuertes Ventil
pilot-controlled (water engineering)
pilot-controlled valve
Flugschüler m; Flugschülerin f
Flugschüler pl; Flugschülerinnen pl
student pilot; trainee pilot
student pilots; trainee pilots
Durchstich m (Wasserbau)
Mäanderdurchstich m
Probedurchstich m
cut-off; cut (water engineering)
meander cut-off
pilot cut
Führungslager n techn.
Führungslager pl
pilot bearing, spigot bearing
pilot bearings, spigot bearings
Führungslager n techn.
Führungslager pl
pilot bearing; spigot bearing
pilot bearings; spigot bearings
Modellversuch m; Modellprojekt n; Pilotprojekt n adm.
Modellversuche pl; Modellprojekte pl; Pilotprojekte pl
pilot project; pilot scheme Br.
pilot projects; pilot schemes
Probelauf m
Probeläufe pl
trial run, pilot run, test run
trial runs, pilot runs, test runs
Probelauf m
Probeläufe pl
trial run; pilot run; test run
trial runs; pilot runs; test runs
ein Loch vorbohren v
to pilot-drill a hole; to rough-drill a hole; to drill a pilot hole
Versuchsanlage f; Versuchsbetrieb m; Pilotanlage f
Versuchsanlagen pl; Versuchsbetriebe pl; Pilotanlagen pl
experimental plant; pilot plant
experimental plants; pilot plants
Kopilot m; Copilot m; Kopilotin f; Copilotin f aviat.
Kopiloten pl; Copiloten pl; Kopilotinnen pl; Copilotinnen pl
copilot; co-pilot; first officer
copilots; co-pilots; first officers
Kleiner Schwertwal m, Unechter Schwertwal m, Falscher Schwertwal m zool.
false killer whale, false pilot whale, pseudorca (Pseudorca crassidens)
Steuerfrequenz f
Steuerfrequenzen pl
pilot frequency, control frequency
pilot frequencies, control frequencies
Flugschein m; Pilotenschein m
Flugscheine pl; Pilotenscheine pl
pilot's licence; pilot's license Am.
pilot's licences; pilot's licenses
Steuerfrequenz f
Steuerfrequenzen pl
pilot frequency; control frequency
pilot frequencies; control frequencies
Zwergschwertwal m zool.
pygmy killer whale, slender pilot whale, slender blackfish (Feresa attenuata)
Vorbohrung f (Bohrloch) min. geol.
predrilled hole; pilot hole; exploratory drill hole; advance bore hole; rathole
Kontrolllampenfeld n; Leuchtenfeld n techn.
Kontrolllampenfelder pl; Leuchtenfelder pl
indicator light panel; pilot lamp panel
indicator light panels; pilot lamp panels
Autopilot m; Steuerungsautomat m naut. aviat.
mit Autopilot fahren fliegen
automatic pilot; autopilot; gyro-pilot; automatic aircraft control
to be on autopilot
Ballon m
Ballone pl; Ballons pl
Registrierballon m
der Aufstieg eines Ballons
im Ballon fahren
pilot ballon; sounding balloon
the climb ascent of a balloon
to balloon
Pilotphase f
Pilotphasen pl
pilot stage; pilot period; experimental phase
pilot stages; pilot periods; experimental phases
Wortspiel n ling.
Er ist ein geübter Pilot der karrieremäßig richtig durchgestartet ist - das Wortspiel ist unbeabsichtigt.
play on words; pun
He is a skillful pilot whose career has - no pun intended - really taken off.
Wortspiel n ling.
Er ist ein geübter Pilot, der karrieremäßig richtig durchgestartet ist – das Wortspiel ist unbeabsichtigt.
play on words; pun
He is a skillful pilot whose career has – no pun intended – really taken off.
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal m, Schwarzwal m, Langflossen-Grindwal m zool.
long-finned pilot whale, Atlantic pilot whale, Caaing whale, pothead, blackfish (Globicephala melas)
Detektorapparat m; Detektorgerät n; Detektorempfänger m (Radio) hist.
Detektorapparate pl; Detektorgeräte pl; Detektorempfänger pl
Pilotempfänger m
demodulator receiver; detector (radio)
demodulator receivers; detectors
pilot receiver; pilot detector
Indischer Grindwal m, Schwarzwal m, Kurzflossengrindwal m zool.
short-finned pilot whale, shortfin pilot whale, pothead whale, pacific pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
Zündstrahlmotor m
Zündstrahlmotoren pl
pilot ignition engine; pilot injection engine; dual-fuel engine
pilot ignition engines; pilot injection engines
Erstauftrag m
Erstaufträge pl
first order, initial order, opening order, pilot order
first orders, initial orders, opening orders, pilot orders
Erstauftrag m
Erstaufträge pl
first order; initial order; opening order; pilot order
first orders; initial orders; opening orders; pilot orders
dummerweise adv
Dummerweise habe ich vergessen den Pilotfilm zur Serie aufzunehmen.
Dummerweise ging am Samstag Abend kein Zug.
Annoyingly I forgot to record the pilot episode.
Annoyingly there was no train on Saturday evening.
dummerweise; ärgerlicherweise adv
Dummerweise habe ich vergessen, den Pilotfilm zur Serie aufzunehmen.
Dummerweise ging am Samstag Abend kein Zug.
Annoyingly, I forgot to record the pilot episode.
Annoyingly, there was no train on Saturday evening.
Modellversuch m
Modellversuche pl
model study; pilot study; model test; scaled-down test
model studies; pilot studies; model tests; scaled-down tests
Versuchsanlage f
Versuchsanlagen pl
pilot plant; test plant; testing plant; experimental plant
pilot plants; test plants; testing plants; experimental plants
elektromotorische Kraft EMK electr.
angelegte EMK
gegenelektromotorische Kraft (Gegen-EMK)
electromotive force EMF
applied emf
counter electromotive force (cemf); back electromotive force (bemf)
EMF pilot control
elektromotorische Kraft (EMK) electr.
angelegte EMK
gegenelektromotorische Kraft (Gegen-EMK)
electromotive force (EMF)
applied emf
counter electromotive force (cemf), back electromotive force (bemf)
EMF pilot control
elektromotorische Kraft EMK electr.
angelegte EMK
gegenelektromotorische Kraft (Gegen-EMK)
electromotive force EMF
applied emf
counter electromotive force (cemf); back electromotive force (bemf)
EMF pilot control
Kontrollleuchte f; Kontrolllampe f; Kontrolllämpchen n; Kontrollanzeige f; Anzeigelampe f; Leuchtanzeige f; Kontrolllicht n ugs. techn.
Kontrollleuchten pl; Kontrolllampen pl; Kontrolllämpchen pl; Kontrollanzeigen pl; Anzeigelampen pl; Leuchtanzeigen pl; Kontrolllichter pl
indicator light; indicator lamp; pilot light; pilot lamp; telltale lamp
indicator lights; indicator lamps; pilot lights; pilot lamps; telltale lamps
anspringen; anlaufen; in Gang kommen v electr.
anspringend; anlaufend; in Gang kommend
angesprungen; angelaufen; in Gang gekommen
die Kontrollampen gingen an
to come online; to come to life
coming online; coming to life
come online; come to life
the indicator lights came online; the pilot lamps came to life
Autopilot m; Steuerungsautomat m naut. aviat.
Autopiloten pl; Steuerungsautomaten pl
mit Autopilot fahren fliegen
automatic pilot; autopilot; gyro-pilot; automatic aircraft control
automatic pilots; autopilots; gyro-pilots; automatic aircraft controls
to be on autopilot
Pfaffe m; Pope m; Prediger m pej. relig.
Pfaffen pl; Popen pl; Prediger pl
Holy Joe; Bible-basher; Bible-thumper; God-botherer; hot gospeller; sky pilot
Holy Joes; Bible-bashers; Bible-thumpers; God-botherers; hot gospellers; sky pilots
Vorbohrung f (Loch)
Vorbohrungen pl
predrilled hole; pilot hole; exploratory drill hole; advance bore hole; rathole
predrilled holes; pilot holes; exploratory drill holes; advance bore holes; ratholes
aufleuchten v (Lampe usw.) techn.
Wenn die Lampe nicht aufleuchtet, …
Das Kontrolllämpfchen leuchtete auf, ging aber wieder aus.
to light up; to illuminate (lamp etc.)
lighting up; illuminating
lit up; illuminated
If the bulb fails to illuminate …
The pilot light lit up but went out again.
Lotse m; Lotsin f; Fluglotse m; Fluglotsin f aviat.
Lotsen pl; Lotsinnen pl; Fluglotsen pl; Fluglotsinnen pl
Schiffslotse m
übergebender Lotse
air traffic controller; flight controller
air traffic controllers; flight controllers
marine pilot; maritime pilot; harbour pilot Br., harbor pilot Am.
transferring controller
Grindwale pl; Pilotwale pl (Globicephala) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal m; Schwarzwal m; Langflossen-Grindwal m (Globicephala melas)
Indischer Grindwal m; Schwarzwal m; Kurzflossengrindwal m (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
pilot whales (zoological genus)
long-finned pilot whale; Atlantic pilot whale; Caaing whale; pothead; blackfish
short-finned pilot whale; shortfin pilot whale; pothead whale; pacific pilot whale
Modellversuch m
Modellversuche pl
hydraulischer Modellversuch; physikalischer Modellversuch (Wasserbau)
model study; pilot study; model test; scaled-down test
model studies; pilot studies; model tests; scaled-down tests
physical hydraulic modelling; physical hydraulic model test; scale model study (water engineering)
etw. konzipieren; erstellen; entwerfen; entwickeln; erdenken geh. v
konzipierend; erstellend; entwerfend; entwickelnd; erdenkend
konzipiert; erstellt; entworfen; entwickelt; erdacht
konzipiert; erstellt; entwirft; entwickelt; erdenkt
konzipierte; erstellte; entwarf; entwickelte; erdachte
Das Gebäude war als Machtsymbol des britischen Reiches konzipiert.
Dieses Pilotprojekt entstand als Reaktion auf die zunehmende Alterung der Bevölkerung.
Die Künstlerin hat die Idee geboren, auf Styropor zu malen.
to conceive sth.; to devise sth.
conceiving; devising
conceived; devised
conceives; devises
conceived; devised
The building was conceived as a symbol of the power of the British Empire.
This pilot project was devised in response to the growing ageing of the population.
The artist conceived the idea of painting on styrofoam.

Deutsche Pilot Lotse Synonyme

Führer  ÂLotse  ÂPilot  
Flieger  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂFlugkapitän  ÂFlugzeugführer  ÂLuftfahrzeugführer  ÂPilot  
pilot  Gyropilot  aegis  aerialist  aeronaut  aeroplaner  aeroplanist  agent  air pilot  airman  
test pilot  aeronaut  aeroplaner  aeroplanist  air pilot  airplanist  analyst  analyzer  assayer  astronaut  

Englische pilot Synonyme

pilot  Gyropilot  aegis  aerialist  aeronaut  aeroplaner  aeroplanist  agent  air pilot  airman  airplanist  arm guard  astronaut  auto  automatic pilot  aviator  backstop  barnstorm  barnstormer  be responsible for  bellwether  birdman  boatheader  boatsteerer  buffer  bulwark  bumper  captain  carry on  carry out  carry through  charioteer  chart a course  cicerone  cloud seeder  commercial pilot  cond  conduct  conductor  conn  conner  contraceptive  control  copilot  copyright  courier  cowherd  cox  coxswain  crash helmet  crop-duster  cushion  cut-and-try  dashboard  deal with  dean  direct  docking pilot  dodger  doyen  dragoman  drive  driver  drover  empirical  engineer  escort  experimental  face mask  fender  finger guard  flier  fly  foot guard  functionary  fuse  goatherd  goggles  governor  guard  guardrail  guide  guidepost  guider  hand guard  handle  handler  handrail  hard hat  have the conn  helm  helmet  helmsman  herd  herdsman  heuristic  hit-or-miss  hold the reins  instructor  insulation  interlock  jet jockey  knee guard  knuckle guard  laminated glass  lead  leader  licensed pilot  life preserver  lifeline  lightning conductor  lightning rod  make go  manage  maneuver  manipulate  manipulator  mask  mercury  motor  mudguard  navigate  navigator  nose guard  operant  operate  operative  operator  pad  padding  palladium  patent  peel off  perform on  play  pointer  practice  preventive  probationary  probative  probatory  prophylactic  protective clothing  protective umbrella  proving  provisional  rainmaker  river pilot  route  run  runner  safeguard  safety  safety glass  safety plug  safety rail  safety shoes  safety switch  safety valve  sailing master  screen  seat belt  see  see to  shape a course  shepherd  shield  shin guard  show  solo  steer  steerer  steersman  stunt flier  stunt man  sun helmet  take care of  take the helm  tentative  test  test pilot  testing  tool  tour director  tour guide  trial  trial-and-error  trying  umbr  
pilotage  admission  admission fee  aeronautics  air service  airline  anchorage  aspect  astronautics  astronavigation  attitude  authority  aviation  azimuth  ballooning  bearing  bearings  blind flying  brokerage  carfare  celestial navigation  cellarage  charge  charges  chronometer  cloud-seeding  coastwise navigation  command  commercial aviation  conduct  consolan  contact flying  control  cover charge  cruising  dead reckoning  demand  direction  dockage  dues  entrance fee  exaction  exactment  exposure  fare  fee  fix  flight  flying  frontage  general aviation  gliding  governance  government  guidance  handling  helmsmanship  hire  husbandry  lay  lead  leading  license fee  lie  line of position  loran  management  managery  managing  manipulation  ordering  orientation  pilotry  pilotship  plane sailing  point-to-point navigation  portage  position  position line  radar  radio beacon  radio bearing  radio navigation  regulation  running  sailing  sailplaning  salvage  scot  scot and lot  set  sextant  shoran  shot  soaring  sofar  sonar  steerage  steering  storage  tables  the conn  the helm  the wheel  toll  towage  wharfage  winging  

pilot Definition

Branch pilot
() A pilot who has a branch or commission, as from Trinity House, England, for special navigation.
(n.) A handsomely banded, coral-reef fish, of Florida and the West Indies (Pomacentrus saxatilis)
(n.) One employed to steer a vessel
(n.) Specifically, a person duly qualified, and licensed by authority, to conduct vessels into and out of a port, or in certain waters, for a fixed rate of fees.
(n.) Figuratively: A guide
(n.) An instrument for detecting the compass error.
(n.) The cowcatcher of a locomotive.
(v. t.) To direct the course of, as of a ship, where navigation is dangerous.
(v. t.) Figuratively: To guide, as through dangers or difficulties.

pilot Bedeutung

pilot project
pilot program
activity planned as a test or trial, they funded a pilot project in six states
black rat snake
blacksnake pilot blacksnake
mountain blacksnake
Elaphe obsoleta
large harmless shiny black North American snake
pilot whale
black whale common blackfish
blackfish Globicephala melaena
small darkolored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States, the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
automatic pilot
robot pilot
a navigational device that automatically keeps ships or planes or spacecraft on a steady course
fender buffer cowcatcher
an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
Jacob's ladder
jack ladder
pilot ladder
(nautical) a hanging ladder of ropes or chains supporting wooden or metal rungs or steps
naval chart
navigational chart
pilot chart
a chart for a navigator showing the prevailing meteorological and hydrographic and navigational conditions
pilot balloon meteorological balloon used to observe air currents
pilot bit a small bit that drills a first hole to guide a larger drill
pilot boat a boat to carry pilots to and from large ships
pilot burner
pilot light pilot
small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
pilot cloth a thick blue cloth used to make overcoats and coats for sailors etc
pilot engine a locomotive that precedes a train to check the track
pilot light
pilot lamp
indicator lamp
indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in operation
automatic pilot
a cognitive state in which you act without self-awareness, she went about her chores on automatic pilot, too much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot, she talked and he dozed and my mind went on autopilot
pilot experiment a preliminary experiment whose outcome can lead to a more extensive experiment
something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies, this painting is a copy of the original
pilot program
pilot film
a program exemplifying a contemplated series, intended to attract sponsors
pilot biscuit
pilot bread
sea biscuit
ship biscuit
very hard unsalted biscuit or bread, a former ship's staple
stunt flier
stunt pilot
a pilot who travels around the country giving exhibits of stunt flying and parachuting
captain senior pilot the pilot in charge of an airship
combat pilot airplane pilot who fights in an action between two military forces
a relief pilot on an airplane
fighter pilot a military or naval pilot of fighter planes
military chaplain
padre Holy Joe
sky pilot
a chaplain in one of the military services
airplane pilot
someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
pilot a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor
test pilot a pilot hired to fly experimental airplanes through maneuvers designed to test them
act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance, Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?, Who was navigating the ship during the accident?
fly aviate
operate an airplane, The pilot flew to Cuba
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