
pine Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Foehre, Pinie
sich nach etwas sehnen, verlangen
pine for
pine tar
Nadelholzteer m; Kienteer m
pine tar
pine away
Kiefernholz n
pine wood
Pechkiefer f (Pinus rigida) bot.
pitch pine
pine apple
stone pine
Kiefernadel f
pine needle
Fichtenzeisig m ornith.
Pine Siskin
pine needle
Kiefernholz n agr.
pine timber
Föhre f, Pinie f
Föhren pl, Pinien pl
Kiefer f bot.
Kiefern pl
Kiefernwaldsänger m ornith.
Pine Warbler
Fichtennadelextrakt m
pine essence
Kiefer f; Föhre f Süddt. bot.
Kiefern pl; Föhren pl
Fichtenammer f (Emberiza leucocephalos) ornith.
pine bunting
Wollemie-Kiefer f; Wollemie f (Wollemia nobilis) bot.
Wollemi pine
Kiefernschwärmer m (Hyloicus pinastri) (Falter) zool.
pine hawkmoth
Hakengimpel m (Pinicola enucleator) ornith.
pine grosbeak
Gelb-Kiefer f; Gold-Kiefer f (Pinus ponderosa) bot.
ponderosa pine
Kieferntyrann m ornith.
Pine Flycatcher
dwarf pine tree
geschwefeltes amerikanisches Fichtenholzöl n
jarmor pine oil
Fichtennadelöl n
pine needle oil
Grannenkiefer f (Pinus aristata) bot.
bristlecone pine
dwarf pine trees
Kiefernholz n bot.
pine wood; pinewood
Pinienkern m cook.
Pinienkerne pl
pine nut
pine nuts
Pinienkern m; Pignole f Ös. cook.
Pinienkerne pl; Pignoli pl; Pignolie pl
pine nut
pine nuts
kiefernartig; kiefernähnlich; föhrenartig; föhrenähnlich adj bot.
pine-like; pinaceous
Waldkiefer f, Gemeine Kiefer f, Rotföhre f (Pinus sylvestris) bot.
Waldkiefern pl, Gemeine Kiefern pl, Rotföhren pl
Scots pine
Scots pines
to pine
Waldkiefer f; Gemeine Kiefer f; Rotföhre f (Pinus sylvestris) bot.
Waldkiefern pl; Gemeine Kiefern pl; Rotföhren pl
Scots pine
Scots pines
verschmachten v
to pine
sich abhärmen
to pine away (with grief)
gewöhnlicher Flachbärlapp m (Diphasiastrum Lycopodium complanatum) bot.
ground cedar; ground pine
Kiefernnadel f bot.
Kiefernnadeln pl
pine needle
pine needles
Kiefernnadelöl n
pine needle oil; piney oil
Taublatt n (Drosophyllum lusitanicum) bot.
Portuguese sundew; dewy pine
Fichtenholz-Zellstoff m
spruce (wood) pulp: pine pulp
Rothörnchen pl (Tamiasciurus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
pine squirrels (zoological genus)
Zwergkiefer f bot.
Zwergkiefern pl
dwarf pine tree
dwarf pine trees
Hakengimpel m ornith.
Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
Drehkiefer f bot. (Pinus contorta)
lodgepole pine, lodgepole, shore pine
Pinie f, Nusskiefer f bot.
Pinien pl, Nusskiefern pl
pine, stone pine
pines, stone pines
Fichtenammer f ornith.
Pine Bunting (Emberiza leucocephalos)
Drehkiefer f bot. (Pinus contorta)
lodgepole pine; lodgepole; shore pine
Pinie f; Nusskiefer f bot.
Pinien pl; Nusskiefern pl
pine; stone pine
pines; stone pines
sich zu Tode grämen
to die of a broken heart, to pine away
sich zu Tode grämen
to die of a broken heart; to pine away
Kiefernzapfen m bot.
Kiefernzapfen pl
pine cone, pinecone
pine cones, pinecones
Wühlmaus f zool.
Wühlmäuse pl
root vole, European pine vole, vole
Kiefernzapfen m; Kienapfel m bot.
Kiefernzapfen pl; Kienäpfel pl
pine cone; pinecone
pine cones; pinecones
Wühlmaus f; Schermaus f Süddt. zool.
Wühlmäuse pl; Schermäuse pl
root vole; European pine vole; vole
Kieferngewächse pl; Föhrengewächse pl (Pinaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
pinaceous plants; pine family (botanical family)
Pinienwald m
Pinienwälder pl
pine forest; pine wood
pine forests; pine woods
sich abhärmen v
sich abhärmend
sich abgehärmt
to pine away (with grief)
pining away
pined away
Baummarder m zool.
Baummarder pl
baum marten, pine marten
baum martens, pine martens
Baummarder m zool.
Baummarder pl
baum marten; pine marten
baum martens; pine martens
Bergkiefer f; Latschenkiefer f; Latsche f; Legföhre f; Legkiefer f; Krummholzkiefer f; Krüppelkiefer f bot.
Bergkiefern pl; Latschenkiefern pl; Latschen pl; Legföhren pl; Legkiefern pl; Krummholzkiefern pl; Krüppelkiefern pl
mountain pine; mugo pine
mountain pines; mugo pines
Douglasie f bot.
Douglasien pl
Oregon pine; Douglas fir
Oregon pines; Douglas firs
Zweig m; Ast m bot.
Zweige pl; Äste pl
Fichtenzweige pl
Verformung der Äste
pine branches
branch deformation
Kopfeibengewächse pl (Cephalotaxaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
plum yew family; cowtail pine family (botanical family)
sich verzehren (vor Kummer)
to pine away with, to be eaten up with, to be consumed with
Strobe f; Weymouth(s)kiefer f (Pinus strobus) bot.
Eastern Northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine
sich jdn. etw. herbeiwünschen v
to long for sb. sth.; to pine for sb. sth.; to yearn for sb. sth.
Cryptomeria f (Cryptomeria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
japanische chinesische Sicheltanne f; japanische Zeder f (Cyptomeria japonica)
peacock pine; Japanese (red) cedar; Japanese redwood
sich vor Kummer verzehren; sich abgrämen altertümlich selten; sich abhärmen veraltet v
sich vor Kummer verzehrend; sich abgrämend; sich abhärmend
sich vor Kummer verzehrt; sich abgegrämt; sich abgehärmt
to pine away with grief
pining away with grief
pined away with grief
Warzeneiben pl (Dacrycarpus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Neuseeländische Warzeneibe f (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides)
dacrycarpus pines (botanical genus)
white pine; New Zealand dacryberry; kahikatea
Tannenbaumantenne f; Dipolebene f techn.
Christmas-tree antenna; pine-tree antenna; fishbone antenna; billboard antenna array
Cryptomeria f (Cryptomeria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
japanische chinesische Sicheltanne f; japanische Zeder f (Cyptomeria japonica)
cryptomeria (botanical genus)
peacock pine; Japanese (red) cedar; Japanese redwood
Harzeiben pl (Dacrydium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Rimu-Harzeibe f (Dacrydium cupressinum)
dacrydium pines; red pines (botanical genus)
New Zealand red pine; rimu pine; rimu
Zirbelkiefer f bot.
Zirbelkiefern pl
Swiss stone pine, arolla pine, Swiss pine
Swiss stone pines, arolla pines, Swiss pines
Zirbelkiefer f bot.
Zirbelkiefern pl
Swiss stone pine; arolla pine; Swiss pine
Swiss stone pines; arolla pines; Swiss pines
Zeiller-Flachbärlapp m; Zeillers Flachbärlapp m (Diphasiastrum zeilleri Lycopodium zeilleri) bot.
Zeiller's clubmoss; Zeiller's ground-pine; Zeiller's running-pine; Zeiller's (hybrid) ground-cedar
Zeiller-Flachbärlapp m; Zeillers Flachbärlapp m (Diphasiastrum zeilleri Lycopodium zeilleri) bot.
Zeiller's clubmoss; Zeiller's ground-pine; Zeiller's running-pine; Zeiller's (hybrid) ground-cedar
Kasuarinen pl (Casuarina) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Schachtelhalmblättrige Kasuarine f; Kängurubaum m; Strandkeulenbaum m (Casuarina equisetifolia)
casuarinas; she-oaks (botanical genus)
Australian pine; beach she-oak; coastal she-oak; beefwood tree
Kopfeiben pl; Pflaumeneiben pl (Cephalotaxus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Chinesische Kopfeibe f; China-Kopfeibe f; Fortunes Kopfeibe f (Cephalotaxus fortunei)
plum yews; cowtail pines (botanical genus)
Chinese plum yew; Chinese cowtail pine; Fortune's plum yew
Gerbrinde f; Lohrinde f (natürliches Gerbmittel)
gemahlene Eichenrinde f; Eichenlohe f
gemahlene Fichtenrinde f; Fichtenlohe f
pulverförmiger Gerbrindenextrakt m
tanbark (natural tanning agent)
tanbark from oak; oak tan
tanbark from pine; pine tan
powdered tanbark
Blatteiben pl; Selleriefichten pl; Phyllokladien pl (Phyllocladus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Frauenhaar-Blatteibe f (Phyllocladus trichomanoides)
Tasmanische Blatteibe f (Phyllocladus aspleniifolius)
celery pines (botanical genus)
New Zealand celery pine; mountain celery pine; tanekaha
celery-top pine; celery-topped pine
Araukarien pl (Araucaria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Brasilianische Araukarie f; Brasilkiefer f; Kandelaberbaum m (Araucaria angustifolia)
Chilenische Araukarie f; Chilenische Schmucktanne f; Schuppentanne f; Affenschwanzbaum m (Araucaria araucana)
araucaria pines (botanical genus)
Brazilian pine; Parana pine; candelabra tree
Chilean pine; monkey puzzle tree; monkey tail tree
Papierzellstoff m; Zellstoff m (Fasermaterial zur Papierherstellung)
eingedickter Zellstoff
Fichtenholz-Zellstoff m
Zellstoff aus Lederabfällen
Zellstoff aus Holzabfällen
Zellstoff nach dem Chlorverfahren
papermaking pulp; paper pulp; pulp
slushed pulp; slush stock
spruce (wood) pulp; pine pulp
leather pulp
wood pulp
chlorine pulp
Kauribäume pl; Kaurifichten pl; Kaurikiefern pl (Agathis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Dammarabaum m; Dammarafichte f; Dammarakiefer f (Agathis dammara)
Neuseeländischer Kauribaum m; Neuseeländische Kaurifichte f; Neuseeländische Kaurikiefer f (Agathis australis)
kauri pines; kauri trees (botanical genus)
dammar tree; dammar pine; dammar kauri; Amboina pine
New Zealand kauri tree; New Zealand kauri pine
sich nach jdm. etw. verzehren geh. v
sich verzehrend
sich verzehrt
to pine for sb. sth.; to ache for sb. sth.; to eat your heart out for sb. sth.
pining; aching; eating your heart out
pined; ached; eaten your heart out
jdm. einer Sache nachtrauern v psych.
seiner ersten Liebe den alten Zeiten nachtrauern
to pine for sb. sth.; to be pining for sb. sth.; to hanker after sb. sth.; to be hankering after sb. sth.
to be pining for your first love for the old days
jdm. einer Sache nachtrauern v psych.
seiner ersten Liebe den alten Zeiten nachtrauern
to pine for sb. sth.; to be pining for sb. sth.; to hanker after sb. sth.; to be hankering after sb. sth.
to be pining for your first love for the old days
Harz n; Baumharz n
Harze pl; Baumharze pl
Kiefernharz n
Kienharz n
Harztasche f (Sperrholz)
resin; tree resin; sap; tree sap Am.
resins; tree resins; saps; tree saps
pine resin; pine sap Am.
common resin; black resin
pocket of resin (plywood)
Afrikanische Steineiben pl; Afrogelbhölzer pl (Afrocarpus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnliches Afrogelbholz n (Afrocarpus falcatus)
Schlankes Afrogelbholz n (Afrocarpus gracilior)
African fern pines; yellowwoods (botanical genus)
common yellowwood; bastard yellowwood; small-leaved yellowwood; outeniqua yellowwood
East African pine; East African yellowwood
Kienspan m hist.
Kienspäne pl
pitchwood torch; fatwood torch; pine knot torch; lighter knot; rich lighter Am.; fat lighter Am.
pitchwood torches; fatwood torches; pine knot torches; lighter knots; rich lighters; fat lighters
Kalmus m (Acorus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Indischer Kalmus; Arnzei-Kalmus (Acorus calamus)
sweet flags (botanical genus)
common sweet flag; calamus (root); beewort; gladdon; flag root; pine root; bitter pepper root; sea sedge; sweet root grass myrtle rush sedge; myrtle root flag grass sedge
Kalmus m (Acorus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Indischer Kalmus; Arznei-Kalmus (Acorus calamus)
sweet flags (botanical genus)
common sweet flag; calamus (root); beewort; gladdon; flag root; pine root; bitter pepper root; sea sedge; sweet root grass myrtle rush sedge; myrtle root flag grass sedge
sich nach jdm. einer Sache zurücksehnen; sich jdn. etw. zurückwünschen ugs. v psych.
sich nach einer Sache zurücksehnend; sich zurückwünschend
sich nach einer Sache zurückgesehnt; sich zurückgewünscht
Ich sehne mich nach der Zeit zurück, als wo …; Ich wünsche mir die Zeit zurück, als wo …
to long yearn pine ache for the return of sb. sth.; to wish back () sb. sth.
longing yearning pining aching for the return of; wishing back
longed yearned pined ached for the return of; wished back
I long yearn pine for the return of the days when where …; I wish back the days when where …
sich nach jdm. einer Sache zurücksehnen; sich jdn. etw. zurückwünschen ugs. v psych.
sich nach einer Sache zurücksehnend; sich zurückwünschend
sich nach einer Sache zurückgesehnt; sich zurückgewünscht
Ich sehne mich nach der Zeit zurück als wo ...; Ich wünsche mir die Zeit zurück als wo ...
to long yearn pine ache for the return of sb. sth.; to wish back () sb. sth.
longing yearning pining aching for the return of; wishing back
longed yearned pined ached for the return of; wished back
I long yearn pine for the return of the days when where ...; I wish back the days when where ...
Steinfruchteiben pl; Steineiben pl (Podocarpus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Breitblättrige Steineibe f (Podocarpus latifolius)
Großblättrige Steineibe f; Tempelsteineibe f; Buddhisteneibe f (Podocarpus macrophyllus)
Tasmanische Alpensteineibe f; Alpensteineibe f (Podocarpus lawrencei)
Totara-Steineibe f (Podocarpus totara)
podocarpus pines; Podocarpus yellowwood; podocarps (botanical genus)
broad-leaved yellowwood; true yellowwood; real yellowwood; South African yellowwood
big-leaved podocarp; yew plum-pine; Chinese yew-pine; Buddhist pine; Japanese yew; Japanese temple tree
alpine plum-pine; mountain plum-pine
totara pine; totara
Scheinzypressen pl (Chamaecyparis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Lawsons Scheinzypresse f (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)
Muschelzypresse; Hinoki-Scheinzypresse (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Nutka-Scheinzypresse f; Nutkazypresse f; Sitkazypresse f (Cupressus Chamaecyparis Xanthocyparis nootkatensis)
Sawara-Zypresse f; erbsenfrüchtige Scheinzypresse f (Chamaecyparis pisifera)
Feuerscheinzypresse f; Hinoki(schein)zypresse f; Hinokibaum f (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Zederzypresse f; weiße Scheinzypresse f (Chamaecyparis thyoides)
false cypresses; white cedars (botanical genus)
Lawson's (false) cypress; Lawson's cedar; ginger pine; Oregon cedar; Port Orford (white) cedar
Japanese cypress; Hinoki cypress; hinoki
Nootka cypress; Nootka cedar; Alaska (yellow) cedar
Sawara cypress
hinoki (false) cypress
Atlantic white cedar; Southern white cedar
Scheinzypressen pl (Chamaecyparis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Lawsons Scheinzypresse f (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)
Muschelzypresse; Hinoki-Scheinzypresse (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Nutka-Scheinzypresse f; Nutkazypresse f; Sitkazypresse f (Cupressus Chamaecyparis Xanthocyparis nootkatensis)
Sawara-Zypresse f; erbsenfrüchtige Scheinzypresse f (Chamaecyparis pisifera)
Feuerscheinzypresse f; Hinoki(schein)zypresse f; Hinokibaum m (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Zederzypresse f; weiße Scheinzypresse f (Chamaecyparis thyoides)
false cypresses; white cedars (botanical genus)
Lawson's (false) cypress; Lawson's cedar; ginger pine; Oregon cedar; Port Orford (white) cedar
Japanese cypress; Hinoki cypress; hinoki
Nootka cypress; Nootka cedar; Alaska (yellow) cedar
Sawara cypress
hinoki (false) cypress
Atlantic white cedar; Southern white cedar
Meerträubel n; Meerwegetritt m (Ephedra) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Brüchiges Meerträubel n; Zerbrechliches Meerträubchen n (Ephedra fragilis)
Chinesisches Meerträubel n; Chinesisches Meerträubchen n (Ephedra sinica)
Gewöhnliches Meerträubel n; Gemeines Meerträubel n; Zweijähriges Meerträubchen n (Ephedra vulgaris Ephedra distachya)
Großes Meerträubel n; Großes Meerträubchen n; Sizilianisches Meerträubchen n (Ephedra major)
Grünes Meerträubel n; Grünes Meerträubchen n; Grüner Mormonentee m (Ephedra viridis)
Mormonentee m (Ephedra nevadensis Ephedra antisyphilitica)
Schweizer Meerträubel n; Schweizerisches Meerträubel n; Schweizmeerträubel n; Schweizer Meerträubchen n (Ephedra distachya subsp. helvetica)
Turkmenisches Meerträubel n; Turkmenisches Meerträubchen n (Ephedra equisetina Ephedra nebrodensis)
joint-pine; joint-fir; seaside grape (botanical genus)
Mediterreanean slender joint-fir; slender joint-fir
Chinese joint-fir
sand cherry, sea grape, shrubby horsetail.
European joint-fir; large sea grape, Mediterranean sea grape
green joint-fir; mountain joint-fir; Brigham tea; Green mormon tea
gray ephedra; Nevada joint-fir; Mormon tea
Swiss sea grape
Mongolian ephedra
Zeisige pl (Carduelis) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Alpenbirkenzeisig m (Carduelis cabaret)
Andenzeisig m (Carduelis spinescens)
Bartzeisig m (Carduelis barbata)
Birkenzeisig m (Carduelis flammea)
Dickschnabelzeisig m (Carduelis crassirostris)
Erlenzeisig m (Carduelis spinus)
Fichtenzeisig m (Carduelis pinus)
Gelbbauchzeisig m (Carduelis xanthogastra)
Goldzeisig m (Carduelis tristis)
Guatemalazeisig m (Carduelis atriceps)
Haitizeisig m (Carduelis dominicensis)
Kapuzenzeisig m (Carduelis cucullata)
Kordillerenzeisig m (Carduelis uropygialis)
Magellanzeisig m (Carduelis magellanica)
Maskenzeisig m (Carduelis lawrencei)
Mexikanerzeisig m; Mexikozeisig m (Carduelis psaltria)
Olivzeisig m (Carduelis olivacea)
Polarbirkenzeisig m (Carduelis hornemanni)
Safranzeisig m (Carduelis siemiradzkii)
Schwarzbrustzeisig m (Carduelis notata)
Schwarzzeisig m (Carduelis atrata)
Taiga-Birkenzeisig m (Carduelis flammea flammea)
Yarrellzeisig m (Carduelis yarrellii)
siskins; linnets; goldfinches; greenfinches; redpolls (zoological genus)
lesser redpoll
andean siskin
black-chinned siskin
common redpoll
thick-billed siskin
Eurasian siskin
pine siskin
yellow-bellied siskin
American goldfinch
black-capped siskin
antillean siskin
red siskin
yellow-rumped siskin
hooded siskin
Lawrence's goldfinch
dark-backed goldfinch
olivaceous siskin
Arctic redpoll
saffron siskin
black-headed siskin
black siskin
mealy redpoll
yellow-faced siskin
sich nach etw. sehnen; etw. herbeisehnen; etw. ersehnen poet. v psych.
sich sehnend; herbeisehnend; ersehnend
sich gesehnt; herbeigesehnt; ersehnt
sehnt sich; sehnt sich herbei; ersehnt
sehnte sich; sehnte sich herbei; ersehnte
sich nach Hause sehnen
Wir sehnen uns alle nach Frieden.; Wie sehnen uns alle danach, in Frieden zu leben.
Ich sehne den Augenblick herbei, wo ich dich wiedersehe.
Ich möchte ihn sehr so gern kennenlernen.
to long for sth.; to yearn for sth.; to pine for sth.; to ache for sth.; to hanker for after sth. dated
longing for; yearning for; pining for; aching for; hankering for after
longed for; yearned for; pined for; ached for; hankered for after
longs for; yearns for; pines for; aches for; hankers for after
longed for; yearned for; pined for; ached for; hankered for after
to yearn for home
We all long yearn pine ache for peace.; We all long yearn to live in peace.
I'm longing for the time when I will see you again.
I am longing to meet him.
sich nach etw. sehnen; etw. herbeisehnen; etw. ersehnen poet. v psych.
sich sehnend; herbeisehnend; ersehnend
sich gesehnt; hergebeisehnt; ersehnt
sehnt sich; sehnt sich herbei; ersehnt
sehnte sich; sehnte sich herbei; ersehnte
sich nach Hause sehnen
Wir sehnen uns alle nach Frieden.; Wie sehnen uns alle danach in Frieden zu leben.
Ich sehne den Augenblick herbei wo ich dich wiedersehe.
Ich möchte ihn sehr so gern kennenlernen.
to long for sth.; to yearn for sth.; to pine for sth.; to ache for sth.; to hanker for after sth. (old-fashioned)
longing for; yearning for; pining for; aching for; hankering for after
longed for; yearned for; pined for; ached for; hankered for after
longs for; yearns for; pines for; aches for; hankers for after
longed for; yearned for; pined for; ached for; hankered for after
to yearn for home
We all long yearn pine ache for peace.; We all long yearn to live in peace.
I'm longing for the time when I will see you again.
I am longing to meet him.
Kiefern pl; Forlen pl Süddt.; Föhren pl Süddt. Ös. (Pinus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Einnadelige Kiefer f; Einblättrige Kiefer f; Nusskiefer f (Pinus monophylla)
Gemeine Kiefer f; Waldkiefer f; Weißkiefer f; Rotföhre f; Forche f (Pinus sylvestris)
Italienische Steinkiefer f; Mittelmeerkiefer f; Schirmkiefer f; Pinie f (Pinus pinea)
Bergkiefer f (Pinus mugo)
Latschenkiefer f; Latsche f; Legkiefer f; Legföhre f; Krummholzkiefer f; Krüppelkiefer f (Pinus mugo subsp. mugo)
Aufrechte Bergkiefer f; Hakenkiefer f; Spirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata)
Moor-Bergkiefer f; Moorspirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. rotundata)
Gelbkiefer f; Goldkiefer f; Ponderosa-Kiefer f (Pinus ponderosa)
Grannenkiefer f (Pinus aristata)
Japanische Zwergkiefer f; Zwergkiefer f (Pinus pumila)
Küstenkiefer f; Murraykiefer f; Drehkiefer f (Pinus contorta)
Pechkiefer f (Pinus rigida)
Weymouth(s)kiefer f; Strobe f (Pinus strobus)
Zirbelkiefer f; Zirbel f; Zirbe f; Zirm f; Arbe f; Arve f (Pinus cembra)
Aleppo-Kiefer f (Pinus halepensis)
Amerikanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus resinosa)
Chinesische Rotkiefer f (Pinus tabuliformis)
Emodi-Kiefer f (Pinus roxburghii)
Huangshan-Kiefer f (Pinus hwangshanensis)
Japanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus densiflora)
Japanische Schwarzkiefer f (Pinus thunbergii)
Kanarische Kiefer f; Kanarenkiefer f (Pinus canariensis)
Masson-Kiefer f (Pinus massoniana)
Merkus-Kiefer f (Pinus merkusii)
Okinawa-Kiefer f (Pinus luchuensis)
Östliche Mittelmeerkiefer f; Kalabrische Kiefer f; Türkische Kiefer f (Pinus brutia)
Philippinenkiefer f (Pinus kesiya)
Sandkiefer f (Pinus clausa)
Schlangenhaut-Kiefer f; Panzerkiefer f; Lorica-Kiefer f (Pinus heldreichii)
Schwarzkiefer f; Schwarzföhre f (Pinus nigra)
Seestrandkiefer f; Strandkiefer f; Seekiefer f; Meerkiefer f; Bordeaux-Kiefer f; Igelkiefer f; Sternkiefer f (Pinus pinaster)
Sikang-Kiefer f (Pinus densata)
Strauchkiefer f; Banks-Kiefer f (Pinus banksiana)
Taiwanesische Rotkiefer f; Taiwankiefer f (Pinus taiwanensis)
Tenasserim-Kiefer f (Pinus latteri)
Tropenkiefer f (Pinus tropicalis)
Virginia-Kiefer f; Jersey-Kiefer f (Pinus virginiana)
Yunnan-Kiefer f (Pinus yunnanensis)
pines (botanical genus)
single-leaf pinyon
Scots pine
stone pine; pine
dwarf mountain pine; scrub mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine; mountain pine
mugo mountain pine
uncinata mountain pine
rotundata mountain pine
Western yellow pine; blackjack pine; bullpine; ponderosa pine
Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
Japanese stone pine; Siberian dwarf pine; dwarf stone pine; creeping pine
lodgepole pine; lodgepole; shore pine; twisted pine
pitch pine
Eastern Northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine
Swiss stone pine; Swiss pine; arolla pine
Aleppo pine
red pine
Chinese red pine
chir pine
Huangshan pine
Japanese red pine
Japanese black pine, Japanese pine
Canary Island pine
Masson's pine; horsetail pine
Sumatran pine
Okinawa pine; Luchu pine
East Mediterranean pine; Calabrian pine; Turkish pine
Khasi pine
sandhill pine; sand pine
Bosnian pine
black pine
maritime pine; cluster pine
Sikang Pine
Jack pine; grey pine; scrub pine
Taiwan red pine; Formosan pine
Tenasserim pine
tropical pine
Virginia pine; Jersey pine
Yunnan Pine

Deutsche Foehre Pinie Synonyme

Englische pine Synonyme

pine  ache  ache for  agonize  be dying for  be hurting for  bleed  break  brood  brood over  cave in  clamor for  collapse  come apart  come unstuck  conk out  crave  crumble  cry for  decline  desiccate  diminish  disintegrate  dream  droop  drop  dry up  dwindle  fade  fade away  fail  faint  fizzle out  flag  fret  gape for  give out  give way  go downhill  go soft  go to pieces  grieve  hanker  hit the skids  hone for  hope for  hunger  itch for  languish  languish for  long for  lose strength  lust for  mope  mourn  pant for  peak  peg out  peter out  pine away  pine for  poop out  run down  sear  shrink  shrivel  sigh  sigh for  sink  sorrow  spoil for  take on  thirst  thirst for  waste  waste away  weaken  wear away  wear thin  weary for  wilt  wish for  wither  wither away  wizen  yearn  yearn for  yen for  yield  
pine barrens  afforestation  arboretum  boondocks  bush  bushveld  chase  climax forest  cloud forest  dendrology  forest  forest land  forest preserve  forestry  fringing forest  gallery forest  greenwood  hanger  index forest  jungle  jungles  national forest  palmetto barrens  park  park forest  primeval forest  protection forest  rain forest  reforestation  scrub  scrubland  selection forest  shrubland  silviculture  sprout forest  stand of timber  state forest  timber  timberland  tree veld  virgin forest  wildwood  wood  woodland  woods  
pine cone  ament  capitulum  catkin  complex cone  cone  conelet  conoid  cop  cornet  corymb  cyme  funnel  head  ice-cream cone  panicle  raceme  spadix  spike  spikelet  strobile  thyrse  umbel  verticillaster  

pine Definition

Lambert pine
() The gigantic sugar pine of California and Oregon (Pinus Lambertiana). It has the leaves in fives, and cones a foot long. The timber is soft, and like that of the white pine of the Eastern States.
(n.) Woe
(v.) To inflict pain upon
(v.) To grieve or mourn for.
(v. i.) To suffer
(v. i.) To languish
(v. i.) To languish with desire
(n.) Any tree of the coniferous genus Pinus. See Pinus.
(n.) The wood of the pine tree.
(n.) A pineapple.
(a.) Alt. of Pine-crowned
(a.) Clad or crowned with pine trees
Slash pine
() A kind of pine tree (Pinus Cubensis) found in Southern Florida and the West Indies

pine Bedeutung

pine siskin
pine finch
Spinus pinus
small finch of North American coniferous forests
pine grosbeak
Pinicola enucleator
large grosbeak of coniferous forests of Old and New Worlds
eastern fence lizard
pine lizard
Sceloporus undulatus
small active lizard of United States and north to British Columbia
pine snake any of several bull snakes of eastern and southeastern United States found chiefly in pine woods, now threatened
pine sawyer large beetle whose larvae bore holes in pine trees
pine leaf aphid
Pineus pinifoliae
a variety of adelgid
pine spittlebug North American insect that attacks pines
pine vole
pine mouse
Pitymys pinetorum
short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States
pine marten
Martes martes
dark brown marten of northern Eurasian coniferous forests
pine-tar rag baseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar, used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip
pine nut
pinon nut
edible seed of any of several nut pines especially some pinons of southwestern North America
Pine Bluff a town in southeast central Arkansas on the Arkansas River
Pine Tree State
a state in New England
family Pinaceae
pine family
a family of Pinaceae
pine tree
true pine
a coniferous tree
pine straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus Pinus
knotty pine pine lumber with many knots, used especially for paneling and furniture
white pine soft white wood of white pine trees
yellow pine hard yellowish wood of a yellow pine
nut pine any of several pinons bearing edible nutlike seeds
pinon pine
Mexican nut pine
Pinus cembroides
a small two-needled or three-needled pinon of Mexico and southern Texas
single-leaf pine
single-leaf pinyon
Pinus monophylla
pinon of southwestern United States having solitary needles and often many stems, important as a nut pine
bishop pine
bishop's pine
Pinus muricata
two-needled or three-needled pinon mostly of northwestern California coast
spruce pine
Pinus glabra
large two-needled pine of southeastern United States with light soft wood
black pine Pinus nigra large two-needled timber pine of southeastern Europe
pitch pine northern pitch pine
Pinus rigida
large three-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, closely related to the pond pine
pond pine
Pinus serotina
large three-needled pine of sandy swamps of southeastern United States, needles longer than those of the northern pitch pine
stone pine
umbrella pine European nut pine
Pinus pinea
medium-sized two-needled pine of southern Europe having a spreading crown, widely cultivated for its sweet seeds that resemble almonds
Swiss pine
Swiss stone pine
arolla pine
cembra nut tree
Pinus cembra
large five-needled European pine, yields cembra nuts and a resinous exudate
Swiss mountain pine
mountain pine dwarf mountain pine
mugho pine
mugo pine
Pinus mugo
low shrubby pine of central Europe with short bright green needles in bunches of two
ancient pine
Pinus longaeva
small slow-growing pine of western United States similar to the bristlecone pine, chocolate brown bark in plates and short needles in bunches of , crown conic but becoming rough and twisted, oldest plant in the world growing to years in cold semidesert mountain tops
white pine any of several five-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light grey bark when young, especially the eastern white pine
American white pine
eastern white pine
weymouth pine
Pinus strobus
tall-growing pine of eastern North America, bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature, valued as a timber tree
western white pine
silver pine mountain pine Pinus monticola
tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles, bark is grey-brown with rectangular plates when mature
southwestern white pine
Pinus strobiformis
medium-size pine of northwestern Mexico, bark is dark brown and furrowed when mature
limber pine
Pinus flexilis
western North American pine with long needles and very flexible limbs and dark-grey furrowed bark
whitebark pine
whitebarked pine
Pinus albicaulis
small pine of western North America, having smooth grey-white bark and soft brittle wood, similar to limber pine
yellow pine any of various pines having yellow wood
ponderosa pine
western yellow pine
bull pine
Pinus ponderosa
common and widely distributed tall timber pine of western North America having dark green needles in bunches of to and thick bark with dark brown plates when mature
Jeffrey pine
Jeffrey's pine
black pine Pinus jeffreyi
tall symmetrical pine of western North America having long blue-green needles in bunches of and elongated cones on spreading somewhat pendulous branches, sometimes classified as a variety of ponderosa pine
shore pine
lodgepole pine
spruce pine Pinus contorta
shrubby two-needled pine of coastal northwestern United States, red to yellow-brown bark fissured into small squares
Sierra lodgepole pine
Pinus contorta murrayana
tall subspecies of lodgepole pine
loblolly pine
frankincense pine
Pinus taeda
tall spreading three-needled pine of southeastern United States having reddish-brown fissured bark and a full bushy upper head
jack pine
Pinus banksiana
slender medium-sized two-needled pine of eastern North America, with yellow-green needles and scaly grey to red-brown fissured bark
swamp pine any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine
longleaf pine
pitch pine southern yellow pine
Georgia pine
Pinus palustris
large three-needled pine of southeastern United States having very long needles and gnarled twisted limbs, bark is red-brown deeply ridged, an important timber tree
shortleaf pine
short-leaf pine
shortleaf yellow pine
Pinus echinata
large pine of southern United States having short needles in bunches of - and red-brown bark when mature
red pine Canadian red pine
Pinus resinosa
pine of eastern North America having long needles in bunches of two and reddish bark
Scotch pine
Scots pine
Scotch fir
Pinus sylvestris
medium large two-needled pine of northern Europe and Asia having flaking red-brown bark
scrub pine
Virginia pine
Jersey pine
Pinus virginiana
common small shrubby pine of the eastern United States having straggling often twisted or branches and short needles in bunches of
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See Pinus classification for complete taxonomy to species level. See list of pines by region for list of species by geographic distribution.