
plan parallel Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

planparallel adj
planparallel; in parallelen Ebenen angeordnet adj math. techn.
planparallele Anordnung
plan-parallel; with parallel faces (postpositive)
plane-parallel configuration
plane-parallel lapping
working plan
floor plan
dem Plan folgend
according to plan
einem Plan folgen
pursue a plan
einen Plan aufgeben
abandon a plan
einen Plan ausdenken
devise a plan
einen Plan übernehmen
adopt a plan
einen Plan zerstören
axe a plan
production plan
flight plan
overall plan
investment plan
Lageplan, Grundstücksplan
plan of site
parallele Tätigkeiten, Abläufe
parallel operations
parallel operation
Plan für die Altersversorgung
pension plan
Plan unterstützen
support a plan
Plan vorschlagen
suggest a plan
planen, überlegen, Plan, Vorhaben
fulfillment of a plan
according to plan
incentive plan
parallel economy
installment plan
distribution plan
Absatzplan m econ.
Absatzpläne pl
sales plan, marketing plan
sales plans, marketing plans
auf Abzahlung kaufen
to buy on hire purchase, to buy on the instalment plan, to buy on the installment plan Am.
Aktienoptionsplan m fin.
Aktienoptionspläne pl
stock option plan
stock option plans
Aktienoptionsplan m, Aktienbezugsplan m fin.
Aktienoptionspläne pl, Aktienbezugspläne pl
stock purchase plan
stock purchase plans
Alternativplan m
Alternativpläne pl
alternative plan
alternative plans
Altersvorsorge f
pension plan
Arbeitsablaufplan m
Arbeitsablaufpläne pl
job schedule, operations plan
job schedules, operations plans
Arbeitsverteilungsplan m
Arbeitsverteilungspläne pl
job assignment plan
job assignment plans
Ausführungsplan m
Ausführungspläne pl
final plan
final plans
Ausweichplan m
Ausweichpläne pl
contingency plan
contingency plans
Barren m sport
am Barren turnen
(parallel) bars
to exercise on the bars
Bauleitplan m
Bauleitpläne pl
Aufstellung eines Bauleitplans
Entwurf eines Bauleitplans
urban land-use plan
urban land-use plans
preparation of a land-use plan
draft of a land-use plan
Bauplan m
Baupläne pl
construction plan, building plan
construction plans, building plans
Bebauungsplan m
Bebauungspläne pl
rechtskräftiger Bebauungsplan
(binding) land-use plan
land-use plans
legally binding land-use plan
Bebauungsplan m
Bebauungspläne pl
building plan, development plan, master plan
building plans, development plans, master plans
Bebauungsplangebiet n
area covered by a binding land-use plan
Behandlungsplan m med.
Behandlungspläne pl
treatment plan
treatment plans
Beschaffungsprogramm n econ.
procurement plan
Betriebsplan m
management plan
Bewehrungs- und Schalungsplan m constr.
Bewehrungs- und Schalungspläne pl
reinforcement and formwork plan
reinforcement and formwork plans
Bundesverkehrswegeplan m
Plan for Federal Traffic Routes
Byte n
Bytes pl
niederwertiges Byte
höherwertiges Byte
Bytes parallel (gleichzeitig) übertragen
Byteordnung: höherwertiges Byte zuerst, Motorola-Format comp.
Byteordnung: niederwertiges Byte zuerst, Intel-Format comp.
low byte
high byte
big-endian byte order
little-endian byte order
Dauersparauftrag m fin.
Dauersparaufträge pl
automatic deduction plan
automatic deduction plans
Deckenspiegel m arch.
reflected ceiling plan
Dividenden-Rollover-Plan m fin.
dividend rollover plan
Draufsicht f, Ansicht f
topview, top view, plan
Einsatzplan m
Einsatzpläne pl
plan of action
plans of action
Feder f techn.
Parallelschaltung f von Federn
Reihenschaltung f von Federn
kegelige Feder
springs in parallel
springs in series
quick-release hub conical spring
Finanzierungsplan m
Finanzierungspläne pl
financing plan, financial budget
financing plans, financial budgets
Flächenplan m
Flächenpläne pl
surface plan
surface plans
Flansch m techn.
Flansche pl
geneigter Flansch
paralleler Flansch
tapered flange
parallel flange
Flugplan m aviat.
Flugpläne pl
flight plan
flight plans
Flugplandaten pl aviat.
flight plan data
Forstverwaltungsplan m
forest stewardship plan
Frequenzplan m
Frequenzpläne pl
frequency plan
frequency plans
Fünfjahrplan m, Fünfjahresplan m
Fünfjahrpläne pl, Fünfjahrespläne pl
five-year plan
five-year plans
Fundamentplan m
Fundamentpläne pl
foundation plan
foundation plans
Gebäudezeichnung f
building plan
Gesamtkonzept n, Gesamtkonzeption f
ökologisches Gesamtkonzept
overall plan (idea, design), master plan
ecological master plan
Geschäftsverteilungsplan m
Geschäftsverteilungspläne pl
distribution-of-business plan
distribution-of-business plans
Gitterrostverlegeplan m
Gitterrostverlegepläne pl
grating plan
grating plans
Großraumbüro n, Bürogroßraum m, Großflächenbüro n
Großraumbüro mit Trennwänden
open-plan office
cube farm coll.
Grundriss m
ground plan, horizontal projection, layout
Hallenplan m
Hallenpläne pl
hall plan
hall plans
Kaufmiete f
hire purchase plan
Klemmenbelegungsplan m electr.
Klemmenbelegungspläne pl
plan of terminal connections
plans of terminal connections
Lageplan m
Lagepläne pl
site plan, key plan
site plans
Lageplan m
Lagepläne pl
position plan
position plans
Lagerplan m
Lagerpläne pl
storage plan
storage plans
Lateralplan m
Lateralpläne pl
lateral plan
lateral plans
Lehrplananforderungen pl
teaching plan demands
Luftverlegungsplan m mil.
Luftverlegungspläne pl
air movement plan
air movement plans
Montageplan m
Montagepläne pl
installation plan
installation plans
Netzplan m
Netzpläne pl
network plan
network plans
Parallel-Schnittstelle f
parallel interface
Parallel-Seriell-Umsetzung f
parallel-to-serial conversion
Parallelbetrieb m
parallel operation
Parallele f, Gegenstück n
Parallelen pl, Gegenstücke pl
Parallele f math.
Parallelflächner m
Parallelgesellschaften pl
parallel societies
Parallelimport m, Paralleleinfuhr f
Parallelimporte pl, Paralleleinfuhren pl
parallel import
parallel imports
Parallelregister n
parallel register
Parallelschaltung f
parallel connection
Parallelschnittstelle f, Interface parallel n
interface (parallel)
Parallelschraubstock m
parallel-jaw vise
Parallelschraubzwinge f
parallel screw clamp
Paralleltitel m
parallel title
Parallelumlauf m
parallel circulation
Parallelübertragungssignal n
parallel transfer register
Parallelwährung f
parallel currency
Plan m, Entwurf m
Planfeststellungsbehörde f
authority responsible for the plan approval
Planlosigkeit f
lack of plan, aimlessness
Produktionsqualifizierungsplan m
Produktionsqualifizierungspläne pl
production line qualification plan
production line qualification plans
Projektplan m
Projektpläne pl
project plan
project plans
Qualitätsmanagement-Plan m, QM-Plan m
quality management plan
Qualitätsplan m
Qualitätspläne pl
quality plan
quality plans
Rahmenplan m
Rahmenpläne pl
framework, outline plan
frameworks, outline plans
Rentenplan m
Rentenpläne pl
pension plan
pension plans
Restrukturierungsplan m
Restrukturierungspläne pl
restructuring plan
restructuring plans
Satz m math.
Satz des Pythagoras math.
Satz des Euklid math.
Satz von Steiner
proposition, theorem
Pythagorean theorem, Theorem of Pythagoras
Euclid's theorem
parallel axis theorem
Schalplan m constr.
Schalpläne pl
formwork plan
formwork plans
Schlachtplan m
Schlachtpläne pl
plan of action
plans of action
Schmierplan m techn.
Schmierpläne pl
lubrication plan
lubrication plans
Seriell-Parallel-Umsetzung f
serial-to-parallel conversion
Sitzordnung f
seating plan, seating arrangements
Spielplan m, Strategie f
game plan
Stichprobenplan m
Stichprobenpläne pl
sampling plan
sampling plans
Stufenplan m
Stufenpläne pl
step-by-step plan
step-by-step plans
Tischplan m
Tischpläne pl
seating plan
seating plans
Ãœbersichtsplan m
Übersichtspläne pl
lay-out plan
lay-out plans
Ãœbersichtsplan m
Übersichtspläne pl
general plan
general plans
Ãœbersichtsplan m
Übersichtspläne pl
floor plan
floor plans
Umrisszeichnung f
outline drawing, outline plan
Vorhaben n
project, plan
Zahlungsplan m
Zahlungspläne pl
instalment plan
instalment plans
Zukunftsplan m
Zukunftspläne pl
plan for the future
plans for the future
Zylinderkerbstift m
parallel grooved pin, grooved dowel pin
abhobeln, weghobeln v
abhobelnd, weghobelnd
abgehobelt, weggehobelt
hobelt ab, hobelt weg
hobelte ab, hobelte weg
to plane off, to plane away, to plan down
planing off, planing away, planing down
planed off, planed away, planed down
planes off, planes away, planes down
planed off, planed away, planed down
ausarbeiten v
to plan
ausgereift, gereift adj (Pläne, Wein)
ausgereifter Plan
mature plan
disponieren, vorausplanen
disponiert, plant
disponierte, plante
to plan ahead
gewinnen, siegen, erringen
gewinnend, siegend, erringend
gewonnen, gesiegt, errungen
sie gewinnt, er
sie siegt
sie gewann, ich
sie siegte
sie hat
hatte gewonnen, er
sie hat
hatte gesiegt
sie gewönne, ich
sie gewänne
jdn. für einen Plan gewinnen
mit einer Nasenlänge gewinnen
letztlich siegen über jdn.
ruhmreich siegen
knapp gewinnen
to win {won, won}
she wins
she won
she has
had won
she would win
to win sb. over to a plan
to win by a canvas
to win out over sb.
to win a famous victory, to win a glorious victory
to shade
(einer Sache) gleichen v
to parallel sth.
gleichlaufend adj
gleichlaufender Zugriff
unidirectional, uniflow
parallel access
hinarbeiten auf, intendieren, anvisieren
hinarbeiten, intendierend, anvisierend
hingearbeitet, intendiert, anvisiert
to aim at, to plan
aiming at, planning
aimed at, planned
individuell adj
individueller Förderplan
individual educational plan (IEP)
längerfristig adv
längerfristig planen
in the longer term
to plan for the longer term
nebenläufig adj
concurrent, parallel
parallel adj math.
nicht parallel
parallel zu
in parallel with, parallel to
parallel laufen zu, parallel verlaufen zu v
parallel laufend zu, parallel verlaufend zu
parallel gelaufen zu, parallel verlaufen zu
to run parallel to
running parallel to
run parallel to
parallel schalten v
parallel schaltend
parallel geschaltet
to connect in parallel
connecting in parallel
connected in parallel
parallele Rechnerstrukturen
parallel computer architecture
parallel-seriell adj
parallel-to-serial, parallel-serial
planen v
sie plant
sie plante
sie hat
hatte geplant
wie geplant
to plan
she plans
she planned
she has
had planned
as planned
planmäßig, plangemäß adj
according to plan
projektieren v
to project, to plan
projecting, planning
projected, planned
projects, plans
projected, planned
ein Vorhaben sausen lassen
not to bother to follow a plan
auf etw. sinnen, etw. planen
to plan, to plot sth.
synchroner Zähler
parallel counter
to change one's arrangements, to make new arrangements, to re-plan
vollziehen, bewerkstelligen, ausführen v
vollziehend, bewerkstelligend, ausführend
vollzogen, bewerkstelligt, ausgeführt
vollzieht, bewerkstelligt, führt aus
vollzog, bewerkstelligte, führte aus
einen Plan ausführen
to carry out
carrying out
carried out
carries out
carried out
to carry out a plan

Deutsche planparallel {adj} Synonyme

Englische plan-parallel Synonyme

plan parallel Definition

(a.) Extended in the same direction, and in all parts equally distant
(a.) Having the same direction or tendency
(a.) Continuing a resemblance through many particulars
(n.) A line which, throughout its whole extent, is equidistant from another line
(n.) Direction conformable to that of another line,
(n.) Conformity continued through many particulars or in all essential points
(n.) A comparison made
(n.) Anything equal to, or resembling, another in all essential particulars
(n.) One of the imaginary circles on the surface of the earth, parallel to the equator, marking the latitude
(n.) One of a series of long trenches constructed before a besieged fortress, by the besieging force, as a cover for troops supporting the attacking batteries. They are roughly parallel to the line of outer defenses of the fortress.
(n.) A character consisting of two parallel vertical lines (thus, ) used in the text to direct attention to a similarly marked note in the margin or at the foot of a page.
(v. t.) To place or set so as to be parallel
(v. t.) Fig.: To make to conform to something else in character, motive, aim, or the like.
(v. t.) To equal
(v. t.) To produce or adduce as a parallel.
(v. i.) To be parallel
(a.) A draught or form
(a.) A scheme devised
(a.) A method
(v. t.) To form a delineation of
(v. t.) To scheme
(a.) Having opposite surfaces exactly plane and parallel, as a piece of glass.

plan parallel Bedeutung

approach attack plan of attack ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation, his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons, an attack on inflation, his plan of attack was misguided
floor plan scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level, contrasts with elevation
ground plan a floor plan for the ground level of a building
parallel bars
gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden rods supported on uprights
parallel circuit
shunt circuit
a closed circuit in which the current divides into two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit
parallel interface
parallel port
an interface between a computer and a printer where the computer sends multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously
architectural plan
scale drawing of a structure, the plans for City Hall were on file
uneven parallel bars
uneven bars
a pair of parallel bars set at different heights, used in women's gymnastics
something having the property of being analogous to something else
design plan an arrangement scheme, the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult, it was an excellent design for living, a plan for seating guests
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished, they drew up a six-step plan, they discussed plans for a new bond issue
master plan a long-term outline of a project or government function, the zoning board adopted a master plan for the new development
plan of action a plan for actively doing something
battle plan plan for conducting a battle
travel plan
a proposed route of travel
game plan (sports) a plan for achieving an objective in some sport
game plan (figurative) a carefully thought out strategy for achieving an objective in war or politics or business or personal affairs, newscasters speculated about the President's game plan for an invasion
secret plan
a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal), they concocted a plot to discredit the governor, I saw through his little game from the start
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
Keogh plan a tax-deferred pension plan for employees of unincorporated businesses or for self-employed persons
employee savings plan a plan that allows employees to contribute to an investment pool managed the employer
stock purchase plan an organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock
employee stock ownership plan
a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company
Euclid's fifth axiom
parallel axiom
only one line can be drawn through a point parallel to another line
Parallel Lives a collection of biographies of famous pairs of Greeks and Romans written by Plutarch, used by Shakespeare in writing some of his plays
commission plan a municipal government that combines legislative and executive authority in the members of a commission
latitude line of latitude
parallel of latitude
an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
parallel-veined leaf a leaf whose veins run in parallel from the stem
Marshall Plan
European Recovery Program
a United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (-), named after George Marshall
installment plan
installment buying
time plan
a system for paying for goods by installments
hotel plan
meal plan
a plan and a room rate for providing a room and meals to guests at a hotel
American plan a hotel plan that includes three meals daily
modified American plan a hotel plan that includes breakfast and dinner (but not lunch)
Bermuda plan a hotel plan that provides a full breakfast daily
European plan
continental plan
a hotel plan that provides a continental breakfast daily
parallel processing
simultaneous processing by two or more processing units
parallel operation
simultaneous operation
the simultaneous execution of two or more operations
parallel (mathematics) one of a set of parallel geometric figures (parallel lines or planes), parallels never meet
make or place parallel to something, They paralleled the ditch to the highway
plan make plans for something, He is planning a trip with his family
plan be after have the will and intention to carry out some action, He plans to be in graduate school next year, The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion
project contrive design
make or work out a plan for, devise, They contrived to murder their boss, design a new sales strategy, plan an attack
make a design of, plan out in systematic, often graphic form, design a better mousetrap, plan the new wing of the museum
parallel-park park directly behind another vehicle
parallel be parallel to, Their roles are paralleled by ours
duplicate or match, The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse
parallel being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting, parallel lines never converge, concentric circles are parallel, dancers in two parallel rows
open-plan (of rooms or buildings) having large rooms with few dividing partitions
parallel of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations, parallel processing
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