
plane Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

S-FlÀche f min.
mit dem Flugzeug
by plane
auf gleicher Ebene
jet plane
ship plane
Platanenbaum m bot.
plane tree
Zahnschlussebene f med.
bite plane
Brennebene f
focal plane
Messtisch m
plane crash
KluftflÀche f geol.
joint plane
Frachtflugzeug n; Frachtmaschine f; Transportflugzeug n aviat.
cargo plane
Mittelebene f
centre plane
Grundhobel m mach.
router plane
SchrÀgaufzug m (Tagebau) min.
engine plane
Gierebene f aviat. naut.
yawing plane
charter plane
Tangentialebene f math.
tangent plane
Abrichthobel m techn.
surface plane
charter plane
pursuit plane
Gauß'sche Zahlenebene f; komplexe Ebene f math.
complex plane
Trennebene f
parting plane
Drehebene f math.
rotation plane
to go by plane
Sagittalebene f
sagittal plane
Sagittalebene f anat.
sagittal plane
Zahlenebene m math.
(number) plane
Jagdflugzeug n mil.
fighter (plane)
LuftaustrittsflÀche f
flow exit plane
Schlichthobel m techn.
smoothing plane
Schnittebene f math.
sectional plane
Bezugsebene f
reference plane
BezugsflÀche f
reference plane
passenger plane
transport plane
polarisiert eben; polarisiert linear adj
kombiniertes Luft- und Raumfahrzeug n aviat.
aerospace plane
Beobachtungsflugzeug n aviat. mil.
observation plane
Hobelmaul n mach.
mouth (of a plane)
im Anstieg
on the upward plane
Bodenangriffsflugzeug n mil.
ground attack plane
Schlitzverschluss (Foto)
focal-plane shutter
Fallebene f phys.
plane of gravitation
Schnittebene f im Linienriss (Schiff) naut.
buttock plane (ship)
AchsenflÀchenschieferung f geol.
axial-plane cleavage
Kufenflugzeug n aviat.
Kufenflugzeuge pl
ski plane
ski planes
flach, eben adj
ebene FlÀchen
plane surfaces
eben; ebenflĂ€chig; flach; flĂ€chenbĂŒndig adj math. techn.
ebene FlÀchen
plane surfaces
vertical take off plane
Gleitebene f
slide plane; slip plane
Falzhobel m fĂŒr gewölbte FlĂ€chen (Tischlerei)
thumb plane (carpentry)
Bordflugzeug n
Bordflugzeuge pl
ship plane
ship planes
Gehrungshobel m
miter plane, mitre plane
Holzhobel m
Holzhobel pl
wood plane
wood planes
Kurzraubank f; Kurzrauhbank f mach.
KurzraubÀnke pl; KurzrauhbÀnke pl
jack plane
jack planes
Schrupphobel m (16 Zoll-Langhobel) mach.
Schrupphobel pl
jack plane
jack planes
Achsenebene f
axial plane; optic plane
LĂ€ngsmittelebene f auto
longitudinal median plane
AnschlussflĂ€che f, AnschlußflĂ€che f
AnschlussflĂ€chen pl, AnschlußflĂ€chen pl
joint plane
joint planes
Einlassebene f
Einlassebenen pl
inlet plane
inlet planes
Passagierflugzeug n
großes Passagierflugzeug
passenger plane
rechtzeitig fĂŒr das Flugzeug
in time to catch the plane
AnschlussflĂ€che f; AnschlußflĂ€che f
AnschlussflĂ€chen pl; AnschlußflĂ€chen pl
joint plane
joint planes
Backenhobel m techn.
Backenhobel pl
fence plane
fence planes
Bankhobel m mach.
Bankhobel pl
bench plane
bench planes
Bildebene f (Optik)
Bildebenen pl
image plane
image planes
Hirnholzhobel m mach.
Hirnholzhobel pl
block plane
block planes
Kehlhobel m mach.
Kehlhobel pl
round plane
round planes
Maurerhobel m constr.
Maurerhobel pl
mason plane
mason planes
Planimetrie f; Geometrie der Ebene
planimetry; plane geometry
Stahlhobel m
Stahlhobel pl
steel plane
steel planes
Blatt n
fault surface; fault plane
Flugzeugabsturz m, FlugzeugunglĂŒck n aviat.
FlugzeugabstĂŒrze pl, FlugzeugunglĂŒcke pl
plane crash
plane crashes
gleiten v
to plane
Flugzeugabsturz m; FlugzeugunglĂŒck n aviat.
FlugzeugabstĂŒrze pl; FlugzeugunglĂŒcke pl
plane crash
plane crashes
Dienstmodellierungsebene f telco.
global functional plane GFP
HalbierungsflÀche f (Geometrie) math.
bisectional plane; bisector
Rundstabhobel m mach.
Rundstabhobel pl
hollow plane
hollow planes
(ein Flugzeug) steuern; pilotieren; fliegen; lenken v aviat.
to pilot; to steer (a plane)
Raketenflugzeug n mil.
Raketenflugzeuge pl
Frontalebene f; Koronalebene f med.
frontal plane; coronal plane
Dienstmodellierungsebene f telco.
global functional plane GFP
Kauebene f (der ZĂ€hne) med.
occlusal plane (of the teeth)
Metallauflage f (Hobeleisen) (Tischlerei)
frog (plane iron) (carpentry)
Planparallelplatte f (Optik)
plane-parallel plate (optics)
Arbeitsebene f
Arbeitsebenen pl
working plane
working planes
Charterflugzeug n, Chartermaschine f
Charterflugzeuge pl, Chartermaschinen pl
charter plane
charter planes
Niveau n, Ebene f, Stufe f
auf der gleichen Ebene (wie)
on the same plane (as)
Fugbank f mach.
FugbÀnke pl
jointer plane
jointer planes
Niveau n; Ebene f; Stufe f
auf der gleichen Ebene (wie)
on the same plane (as)
Raubank f; Rauhbank f mach.
RaubÀnke pl; RauhbÀnke pl
jointer plane
jointer planes
Schiffhobel m mach.
Schiffhobel pl
compass plane
compass planes
Tangentialebene f math.
Tangentialebenen pl
tangent plane
tangent planes
Ziehklingenhobel m mach.
Ziehklingenhobel pl
scraper plane
scraper planes
ScheitelflÀche f
ScheitelflÀchen pl
crestal plane
crestal planes
Flugstunde f (Reisedauer) transp.
Flugstunden pl
hour by plane
hours by plane
SchieferungsflÀche f geol.
foliation plane; cleavage plane
Lotebene f (Photogrammetrie)
vertical plane (photogrammetry)
Beobachtungsflugzeug n aviat.
Beobachtungsflugzeuge pl
observer plane
observer planes
Drehebene f math.
Drehebenen pl
rotation plane
rotation planes
Eckensimshobel m mach.
Eckensimshobel pl
bullnose plane
bullnose planes
Grathobel m mach.
Grathobel pl
dovetail plane
dovetail planes
Profilhobel m mach.
Profilhobel pl
moulding plane
moulding planes
Sportflugzeug n aviat.
Sportflugzeuge pl
sporting plane
sporting planes
Zahnhobel m mach.
Zahnhobel pl
toothing plane
toothing planes
Sportflugzeug n; Sportflieger m aviat.
Sportflugzeuge pl; Sportflieger pl
sporting plane
sporting planes
DĂŒsenflugzeug n, DĂŒsenflieger m aviat.
DĂŒsenflugzeuge pl, DĂŒsenflieger pl
jet, jet plane
jets, jet planes
Hobel m
Hobel pl
plane, carpenter's plane
DĂŒsenflugzeug n; DĂŒsenflieger m aviat.
DĂŒsenflugzeuge pl; DĂŒsenflieger pl
jet; jet plane
jets; jet planes
MĂŒndungswaagrechte f; Schussebene f mil.
plane of fire; plane of departure
komplanar; komplan; koplanar; auf derselben Ebene liegend adj math.
coplanar; being in the same plane
Das Flugzeug steigt auf 10 km Höhe.
The plane climbs to 32808,4 feet.
Bezugsebene f; BezugsflÀche f
Bezugsebenen pl; BezugsflÀchen pl
reference plane
reference planes
Gleitebene f (Kristall) min.
glide plane; slip plane; slip face
Hauptebene f
Hauptebenen pl
principal plane
principal planes
Putzhobel m mach.
Putzhobel pl
smoothing plane
smoothing planes
Schnittebene f math.
Schnittebenen pl
sectional plane
sectional planes
Stirnholzhobel m techn.
Stirnholzhobel pl
low angle plane
low angle planes
Biegeebene f
Biegeebenen pl
plane of bending
planes of bending
Ă€ußere Begrenzung f math.
perimeter (of a closed plane figure)
Einlasseckenhobel m mach.
Einlasseckenhobel pl
butt hinge plane
butt hinge planes
Schichtebene f geol.
Schichtebenen pl
plane of bedding
planes of bedding
Querebene f
Querebenen pl
transverse plane
transverse planes
Kurventrieb m techn.
plane-motion direct-contact mechanism
Doppelhobel m mach.
Doppelhobel pl
double iron plane
double iron planes
Gesichtsebene f phys.
Gesichtsebenen pl
collimation plane
collimation planes
Kombinationshobel m mach.
Kombinationshobel pl
combination plane
combination planes
Symmetrieebene f
Symmetrieebenen pl
plane of symmetry
planes of symmetry
Wangenhobel m mach.
Wangenhobel pl
side rabbet plane
side rabbet planes
Falzhobel m fĂŒr Fenster; halber Spundhobel m (Tischlerei)
fillister plane; fillister (carpentry)
Doppeldecker m aviat.
Doppeldecker pl
bi-plane, biplane
bi-planes, biplanes
Platane f bot.
Platanen pl
plane, plane-tree
planes, plane-trees
Doppeldecker m aviat.
Doppeldecker pl
bi-plane; biplane
bi-planes; biplanes
AblösungsflÀche f; Spaltebene f (Kristall) min.
cleavage face; cleavage plane (crystal)
Bugruder n naut.
bow rudder (ship); bow plane (submarine)
Geometrie f der Ebene; ebene Geometrie f; Planimetrie f math.
plane geometry; planimetrics; planimetry
TrĂŒmmer pl; TrĂŒmmerteile pl; BruchstĂŒcke pl (Reste von etwas Zerstörtem)
die TrĂŒmmer des abgestĂŒrzten Flugzeugs
the debris of the crashed plane
mit einem Charter-Flugzeug
please forward the goods by charter plane
Schlichthobel m mach.
kurzer Schlichthobel
langer Schlichthobel
smoothing plane
jack plane
fore plane
FlÀchenmessung f math.
measurement of plane surfaces; planimetry
Projektionsebene f
Projektionsebenen pl
plane of projection
planes of projection
Schlitzverschluss m photo.
SchlitzverschlĂŒsse pl
focal-plane shutter
focal-plane shutters
Abplatthobel m mach.
Abplatthobel pl
panel raising plane
panel raising planes
Bodenangriffsflugzeug n mil.
Bodenangriffsflugzeuge pl
ground attack plane
ground attack planes
Plattbank f mach.
PlattbÀnke pl
panel raising plane
panel raising planes
Regressionsebene f statist.
regression plane surface; regression plane

Deutsche Flugzeug Synonyme

(mit  dem  Flugzeug)  fliegen  Âjetten  
chartern  Âmieten  (Schiff  oder  Flugzeug)  
Flieger  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂFlugmaschine  ÂFlugzeug  ÂKiste  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLuftfahrzeug  ÂMaschine  (umgangssprachlich)  
(mit dem Flugzeug) fliegen  jetten  

Englische plane Synonyme

plane  aeroplane  aircraft  airliner  airplane  alabaster  amount  aspire  avion  beading plane  become airborne  bench plane  billiard table  block plane  bowling alley  bowling green  caliber  capping plane  claw skyward  compass  core-box plane  cut  dab  dado plane  dead flat  dead level  degree  dovetail plane  downy  drag  dress  dub  earth  edge plane  equalize  esplanade  even  extent  flat  flatland  flatten  flattened  float  floor  flush  fly  fly aloft  flying machine  fore plane  gain altitude  glabrate  glabrescent  glabrous  glass  glide  grade  grease  grooving plane  ground  hang  harrow  heavier-than-air craft  height  homaloid  homaloidal  horizontal  horizontal axis  horizontal fault  horizontal line  horizontal parallax  horizontal plane  horizontal projection  hover  ice  interval  ivory  jack plane  jet plane  jointer  kite  lay  leap  leave the ground  ledge  leiotrichous  level  level line  level plane  lubricate  mahogany  marble  mark  mean sea level  measure  mow  notch  nuance  oil  parterre  pas  peg  period  pitch  plain  planer  planing machine  planish  plaster  plateau  platform  point  poise  prairie  proportion  rabbet plane  range  ratio  reach  reed plane  regular  remove  rolled  round  routing plane  rung  sash plane  satin  scale  scope  scraper plane  scrub plane  sea level  sea of grass  shade  shadow  shave  ship  silk  skate  skid  skim  slide  slip  smooth  smooth down  smooth out  smooth-shaven  smooth-textured  smoothed out  smoothen  smoothened  soar  space  spire  squashed  squashed flat  stair  standard  step  steppe  stint  suave  table  tabloid  tabular  take off  tennis court  terrace  thumb plane  tread  trenching plane  trodden  trodden flat  trying plane  unbroken  uniform  uninterrupted  unrough  unroughened  unruffled  velvet  water level  zoom  
planet  Earth  Jupiter  Mars  Mercury  Neptune  Pluto  Saturn  Uranus  Venus  asteroid  globe  inferior planet  major planet  minor planet  planetoid  secondary planet  solar system  superior planet  terrestrial planet  wanderer  world  
planetarium  Cassegrainian telescope  Newtonian telescope  OAO  OSO  astronomical observatory  astronomical telescope  coelostat  coronagraph  coronograph  heliostat  observatory  orrery  radar telescope  radio observatory  radio telescope  reflector  refractor  spectrograph  spectroheliograph  spectrohelioscope  spectroscope  telescope  
planetary  Antaean  Cynthian  aberrant  aberrative  all-comprehending  all-comprehensive  all-covering  all-embracing  all-encompassing  all-filling  all-including  all-inclusive  all-pervading  allover  anagalactic  asteroidal  astral  astrologic  astrologistic  astrologous  astronomic  astrophysical  catholic  celestial  circuitous  circumplanetary  cislunar  colossal  cosmic  cosmopolitan  country-wide  cyclopean  departing  desultory  deviant  deviating  deviative  deviatory  devious  digressive  discursive  ecumenic  ecumenical  elephantine  empyreal  empyrean  enormous  equinoctial  errant  erratic  excursive  extragalactic  galactic  gigantic  global  heaven-wide  heavenly  heliacal  immense  indirect  intercosmic  international  interplanetary  intersidereal  interstellar  jumbo  labyrinthine  lunar  lunary  lunate  lunular  lunulate  mazy  meandering  meteoric  meteoritic  monumental  national  nebular  nebulose  nebulous  nondenominational  nonsectarian  out-of-the-way  planetal  planetarian  planetesimal  rambling  roving  semilunar  serpentine  shifting  sidereal  snaky  solar  sphery  star-spangled  star-studded  starry  stellar  stellary  stray  swerving  terrestrial  total  turning  twisting  undirected  universal  uranic  vagrant  veering  wandering  winding  world-wide  worldwide  zigzag  zodiacal  

plane Definition

Banding plane
() A plane used for cutting out grooves and inlaying strings and bands in straight and circular work.
Capping plane
() A plane used for working the upper surface of staircase rails.
(a.) Convex on one side, and flat on the other
(n.) Any tree of the genus Platanus.
(a.) Without elevations or depressions
(a.) A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface
(a.) An ideal surface, conceived as coinciding with, or containing, some designated astronomical line, circle, or other curve
(a.) A block or plate having a perfectly flat surface, used as a standard of flatness
(a.) A tool for smoothing boards or other surfaces of wood, for forming moldings, etc. It consists of a smooth-soled stock, usually of wood, from the under side or face of which projects slightly the steel cutting edge of a chisel, called the iron, which inclines backward, with an apperture in front for the escape of shavings
(a.) To make smooth
(a.) To efface or remove.
(a.) Figuratively, to make plain or smooth.
(a.) Having opposite surfaces exactly plane and parallel, as a piece of glass.
Plane table
() See under Plane, a.
Plane tree
() Same as 1st Plane.
Scabbard plane
() See Scaleboard plane, under Scaleboard.

plane Bedeutung

plane r
an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets, the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane
beading plane a plane with a concave blade for making moulding with beadwork
block plane a small plane used on end grains of wood
bullnosed plane
a small carpenter's plane with the cutting edge near the front
chamfer plane a plane that makes a beveled edge
circular plane
compass plane
a plane with a flexible face that can plane concave or convex surfaces
combination plane a woodworking plane that has interchangeable cutters of various shapes
dado plane a plane for making a dado groove
double-propeller plane
a propeller plane with an engine that drives two propellers in opposite directions (for stability)
dovetail plane a woodworking plane designed to make the grooves for dovetail joints
pontoon plane
a seaplane equipped with pontoons for landing or taking off from water
fore plane a carpenter's plane intermediate between a jack plane and a jointer plane
inclined plane a simple machine for elevating objects, consists of plane surface that makes an acute angle with the horizontal
jack plane a carpenter's plane for rough finishing
jet plane
jet-propelled plane
an airplane powered by one or more jet engines
jointer plane
jointing plane
long plane
a long carpenter's plane used to shape the edges of boards so they will fit together
match plane
tonguing and grooving plane
a plane having cutters designed to make the tongues and grooves on the edges of matchboards
multiengine airplane
multiengine plane
a plane with two or more engines
openside plane
rabbet plane
a woodworking plane designed to cut rabbets
carpenter's plane
woodworking plane
a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood, the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work
plane planer
planing machine
a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
plane seat a seat on a commercial airliner
plane table surveying instrument consisting of a drawing board and a ruler that are mounted on a tripod, used to sight and map topographical details
propeller plane an airplane that is driven by a propeller
turbo-propeller plane
an airplane with an external propeller that is driven by a turbojet engine
reconnaissance plane a military airplane used to gain information about an enemy
router plane a woodworking plane with a narrow cutting head that will make grooves with smooth bottoms
scrub plane a narrow woodworking plane used to cut away excess stock
single prop
single-propeller plane
a propeller plane with a single propeller
ski-plane an airplane equipped with skis so it can land on a snowfield
smooth plane
smoothing plane
a small plane for finish work
tanker plane an airplane constructed to transport chemicals that can be dropped in order to fight a forest fire
military plane
an aircraft designed and used for combat
plane geometry the geometry of -dimensional figures
plane ticket
airplane ticket
a ticket good for a trip on an airplane
plane section
(geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid
family Platanaceae
plane-tree family
coextensive with the genus Platanus: plane trees
plane tree
any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits
London plane
Platanus acerifolia
very large fast-growing tree much planted as a street tree
American sycamore
American plane
Platanus occidentalis
very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central North America to Mexico
oriental plane
Platanus orientalis
large tree of southeastern Europe to Asia Minor
(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape, we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane, any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane
Cartesian plane a plane in which all points can be described in Cartesian coordinates
facet plane the plane of a facet of an object (as of a cube)
orbital plane (astronomy) the plane on which a body is orbiting
picture plane the plane that is in the foreground of a drawing or painting, coextensive with but different from the objective surface of the work
tangent plane the plane that contains all the lines tangent to a specific point on a surface
plane figure
two-dimensional figure
a two-dimensional shape
plane angle an angle formed by two straight lines (in the same plane)
plane a level of existence or development, he lived on a worldly plane
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