
plate supply Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Anodenspannung f
Abnahme des Angebots
decrease in supply
Änderung des Angebots
change in supply
Angebot an ArbeitskrÀften
labour supply
Angebot an ArbeitskrÀften
manpower supply
Angebot an ArbeitskrÀften
supply of labour
Angebot und Nachfrage
supply and demand
Angebot, Lieferung, Versorgung, Vorrat
shift in supply
supply curve
angebotsorientierte Wirtschaftstheorie
supply-side economics
Angebotsseite des Arbeitsmarktes
supply side of the labour market
shift in supply
Arbeitsangebot, Angebot an ArbeitskrÀften
labour supply
labour supply
manpower supply
supply of labour
labour supply curve
excess supply of labour
ausreichende Versorgung
full supply
BedĂŒrfnis befriedigen
supply a want
beschrÀnkte Lieferung
restricted supply
Beweis erbringen
supply evidence
dem KĂ€ufer etwas besorgen
supply the buyer with sth.
die Ware liefern
supply the goods
elastisches Angebot
elastic supply
ElastizitÀt des Angebots
elasticity of supply
ElastizitÀt des ArbeitskrÀfteangebots
elasticity of labour supply
electrical supply store
fĂŒr die Lieferung eines GerĂ€ts
for the supply of one unit
gekoppeltes Angebot
joint supply
supply of money
money supply
money supply
aggregate supply
overall supply
total supply
GeschĂ€ft fĂŒr Haushaltswaren, HaushaltsgerĂ€te
household supply store
Gesetz von Angebot und Nachfrage
law of supply and demand
plate glass insurance
gold supply
Koeffizient der AngebotselastizitÀt
coefficient of elasticity of supply
supply agreement
supply contract
goods in short supply
Nachfrage und Angebot
demand and supply
Nachfrage decken
supply a demand
source of supply
reichlicher Vorrat
ample supply
Teller, Platte, plattieren
excess supply
Überangebot an ArbeitskrĂ€ften
excess supply of labour
Unausgewogenheit von Angebot und Nachfrage
imbalance of supply and demand
unbeschrÀnkte Lieferung
unrestricted supply
unelastisches Angebot
inelastic supply
VerÀnderung des Angebots
movement in supply
Verschiebung des Angebots
shift in supply
supply bottleneck
channel of supply
Vorrat an Öl
supply of oil
water supply
wenn Sie knapp an Ware sind
when you are in short supply
Werkzeugausgabe, Werkzeuganlieferung
supply of jigs and tools
Ableitblech n, Leitblech n
deflector, discharge plate, diverter
Ableitung f der Steuerspannungsversorgung electr.
control voltage supply discharge
Ablenkplatte f
deflection plate
Abströmlochblech n techn.
Abströmlochbleche pl
perforated sheet metal plate for air discharge
perforated sheet metal plates for air discharge
Achshalter m techn.
Achshalter pl
axle keep plate, axle retainer, axle bracket
axle keep plates, axle retainers, axle brackets
ÄtzgaszufĂŒhrung f
etch gas supply
Analogquelle f
analog supply
Angebot n und Nachfrage f
supply and demand
Angebotskurve f
supply curve
Ankerplatte f
Ankerplatten pl
anchor plate
anchor plates
Anlaufblech n techn.
Anlaufbleche pl
approach plate
approach plates
Anodenspannung f
Anschlagplatte f
Anschlagplatten pl
stop plate
stop plates
Anschlussblech n
Anschlussbleche pl
joint plate, joining plate
joint plates, joining plates
Anschlussleitung f
Anschlussleitungen pl
access line, flex, power supply cord
access lines, power supply cords
Anschlussplatte f
Anschlussplatten pl
connecting plate
connecting plates
Anschlussspannung f electr.
supply voltage
Antidröhnblech n
noise suppression plate
Anweisungsschild n
Anweisungsschilder pl
instruction plate
instruction plates
Anzahlung f fin.
Anzahlungen pl
geleistete Anzahlungen
erhaltene Anzahlungen
erhaltene Anzahlungen auf VerkaufsvertrÀge
keine Anzahlung
advances to supply
advances from demand
advances on sales contracts
nothing down
ArbeitskrÀfteangebotskurve f
labour supply curve
ArbeitskrĂ€fteĂŒberangebot n
excess supply of labour
AufhÀngeblech n
suspension plate
Auflagerplatte f techn.
Auflagerplatten pl
bearing plate
bearing plates
Auflageteller m techn.
Auflageteller pl
support plate
support plates
Aufnahmeplatte f
feeder plate
Aufspannplatte f
fixing plate, clamping plate, mounting plate
Aufspannplatte f
bolster plate, adapter plate, carrier plate, clip
Ausgleichsblech n techn.
Ausgleichsbleche pl
balance plate
balance plates
Ausgleichsplatte f
compensating plate
Ausrichtplatte f
Ausrichtplatten pl
joggling plate
joggling plates
Autokennzeichen n, Kfz-Kennzeichen n, Nummernschild n, Autonummer f
Autokennzeichen pl, Kfz-Kennzeichen pl, Nummernschilder pl, Autonummern pl
number plate, registration plate Br., license plate Am.
number plates, registration plates, license plates
Basisplatte f
Basisplatten pl
ground plate
ground plates
Bedarf m
den Bedarf decken
den Bedarf decken von
bei Bedarf
bei dringendem Bedarf
Dinge des tÀglichen Bedarfs
einem Bedarf abhelfen
to supply the need
to satisfy the needs of
if needed, when required, as required, on request
in cases of urgent need
everyday necessities, basic necessities
to meet a need
Befestigungsplatte f
Befestigungsplatten pl
connection plate, mounting plate
connection plates, mounting plates
Bereitschaftsparallelbetrieb m electr.
continuous battery power supply
Bereitstellung f, Beistellung f
provision, supply
Bereitstellungszinsen pl fin.
supply rates, provision rates, commitment interest
Betriebsspannung f, Arbeitsspannung f electr.
operating voltage, supply voltage, working voltage
Betriebsstromversorgung f
auxiliary power supply
Bezugsquelle f, Lieferquelle f
source of supply
Bindeblech n
Bindebleche pl
batten plate, tie plate
batten plates, tie plates
(grobes) Blech n (ĂŒber 5 mm)
Bleche pl
Blech 6mm dick
Blech auf Dopplung schallen
plate 6mm thick
plate is to be sounded on lamination
Blechdicke f
thickness of plate
Blechschere f
plate shears
BlechtrÀger m
BlechtrÀger pl
plate girder
plate girders
Bodenblech n
floor panel, floor plate, bottom plate
Bordwand f
plate, side plate
Bremsankerplatte f techn.
Bremsankerplatten pl
backing plate
backing plates
Brennerbefestigungsplatte f mach.
Brennerbefestigungsplatten pl
burner mounting plate
burner mounting plates
Brennervorlauf m (Rohr im Brenner) mach.
burner fuel supply barrel
Brennervorlaufleitung f mach.
Brennervorlaufleitungen pl
burner fuel supply line
burner fuel supply lines
Brennervorlaufmenge f mach.
burner fuel supply flow
BrennstoffzufĂŒhrung f
fuel feed, fuel supply
BĂŒrobedarf m
office supply
Dampfzuleitung f
steam supply line
Deckblech n techn.
Deckbleche pl
cap plate
cap plates
Deckenlasche f
Deckenlaschen pl
ceiling plate
ceiling plates
Deckplatte f, Abdeckplatte f, Deckblech n, Abdeckblech n, Abschlussblech n
Deckplatten pl, Abdeckplatten pl, Deckbleche pl, Abdeckbleche pl, Abschlussbleche pl
rĂŒckseitigte Abdeckplatte
cover plate
cover plates
Dessertteller m
dessert plate
Distanzblech n
distance plate
Distanzplatte f techn.
Distanzplatten pl
spacer plate
spacer plates
Diversifikation f, Diversifizierung f, VervielfÀltigung f des Angebotes econ.
diversification, diversification of supply, diversification of sources of supply
Druckgasversorgung f
compressed gas supply
Druckluftanschluss m
DruckluftanschlĂŒsse pl
compressed air supply
compressed air supplies
Druckplatte f
Druckplatten pl
printing plate
printing plates
Druckplatte f
Druckplatten pl
pressure plate
pressure plates
Durchblutung f
blood flow, circulation, blood supply, perfusion
Eckblech n techn.
Eckbleche pl
corner plate
corner plates
Einbaublech n
sheet-metal plate
Einblastemperatur f comp.
supply air temperature
Einspeiseleitung f electr.
Einspeiseleitungen pl
power supply
power supplies
Einzelfilterversorgung f
individual filter supply
Endbindeblech n techn.
Endbindebleche pl
end tie plate
end tie plates
Energieversorgung f
energy supply, power supply
Energieversorgungsunternehmen n
power supply company
Essteller m, Eßteller m alt
Essteller pl, Eßteller pl alt
dinner plate
dinner plates
Fabrik-Schild n
manufacturer's plate
FernwÀrmeversorgung f
district heating supply
Flexoplatte f
flexo plate
Fremddampfzufuhr f techn.
auxiliary steam supply
Fremdeinspeisung f
third party supply
Frischluftzufuhr f
fresh air supply
FĂŒhrungsplatte f
FĂŒhrungsplatten pl
steering plate
steering plates
Fundamentplatte f constr.
Fundamentplatten pl
foundation plate, plinth plate, bed plate
foundation plates, plinth plates, bed plates
Fußplatte f
Fußplatten pl
base plate
base plates
Futterblech n (TrÀger) techn.
Futterbleche pl
filler plate
filler plates

Deutsche Anodenspannung {f} Synonyme

Englische plate-supply Synonyme

plate supply Definition

Cuttoo plate
() A hood over the end of a wagon wheel hub to keep dirt away from the axle.
(n.) A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in comparison with the other dimensions
(n.) Metallic armor composed of broad pieces.
(n.) Domestic vessels and utensils, as flagons, dishes, cups, etc., wrought in gold or silver.
(n.) Metallic ware which is plated, in distinction from that which is genuine silver or gold.
(n.) A small, shallow, and usually circular, vessel of metal or wood, or of earth glazed and baked, from which food is eaten at table.
(n.) A piece of money, usually silver money.
(n.) A piece of metal on which anything is engraved for the purpose of being printed
(n.) A page of stereotype, electrotype, or the like, for printing from
(n.) That part of an artificial set of teeth which fits to the mouth, and holds the teeth in place. It may be of gold, platinum, silver, rubber, celluloid, etc.
(n.) A horizontal timber laid upon a wall, or upon corbels projecting from a wall, and supporting the ends of other timbers
(n.) A roundel of silver or tinctured argent.
(n.) A sheet of glass, porcelain, metal, etc., with a coating that is sensitive to light.
(n.) A prize giving to the winner in a contest.
(v. t.) To cover or overlay with gold, silver, or other metals, either by a mechanical process, as hammering, or by a chemical process, as electrotyping.
(v. t.) To cover or overlay with plates of metal
(v. t.) To adorn with plated metal
(v. t.) To beat into thin, flat pieces, or laminae.
(v. t.) To calender
(a.) Having flat, or leaflike, gills, as the bivalve mollusks.
(v. t.) To fill up, or keep full
(v. t.) To serve instead of
(v. t.) To fill temporarily
(v. t.) To give
(n.) The act of supplying
(n.) That which supplies a want
(n.) Auxiliary troops or reenforcements.
(n.) The food, and the like, which meets the daily necessities of an army or other large body of men
(n.) An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures
(n.) A person who fills a place for a time
(a.) Serving to contain, deliver, or regulate a supply of anything
Water plate
() A plate heated by hot water contained in a double bottom or jacket.
Water supply
() A supply of water

plate supply Bedeutung

spin the plate
spin the platter
a game in which something round (as a plate) is spun on edge and the name of a player is called, the named player must catch the spinning object before it falls or pay a forfeit
provision supply
the activity of supplying or providing something
a locomotor organ consisting of a row of strong cilia whose bases are fused
armor plate
armour plate
armor plating
plate armor
plate armour
specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire
bite plate
a removable dental appliance that is worn in the palate for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
building supply store
building supply house
a store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures
cover plate covering consisting of a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle
dental plate
a dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth
dessert plate a small plate on which dessert can be served
dinner plate a plate from which a diner eats during the main course of a meal
fashion plate a plate illustrating the latest fashion in dress
finger plate
escutcheon scutcheon
a flat protective covering (on a door or wall etc) to prevent soiling by dirty fingers
gold plate a thin plating of gold on something
gold plate tableware that is plated with gold
gusset gusset plate a metal plate used to strengthen a joist
home plate
home base home plate
(baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands, it must be touched by a base runner in order to score, he ruled that the runner failed to touch home
hot plate
a portable electric appliance for heating or cooking or keeping food warm
license plate
a plate mounted on the front and back of car and bearing the car's registration number
L-plate a square plate bearing the letter L that is attached to both ends of a car to indicate that the driver is a learner
paper plate a disposable plate made of cardboard
plate dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten
plate scale shell a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
plate a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic
plate collection plate a shallow receptacle for collection in church
plate structural member consisting of a horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchorage
plate a full-page illustration (usually on slick paper)
plate photographic plate a flat sheet of metal or glass on which a photographic image can be recorded
plate the positively charged electrode in a vacuum tube
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
plate iron a plate of iron
plate rack a rack for holding plates to dry after they have been washed
plate rail rail or narrow shelf fixed to a wall to display plates
quarter plate a photographic plate measuring . inches by . inches
rider plate a horizontal beam (or plate) connected to the top of a ship's vertical keel or to the keelson
salad plate
salad bowl
a plate or bowl for individual servings of salad
silver plate a thin layer of silver deposited on something
silver plate tableware that is plated with silver
soup plate a deep plate with a wide rim
steel plate a plate of steel
supply chamber a mechanical device for holding something and supplying it as needed
supply closet a closet for storing supplies
supply ship
ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
tin plate
a thin sheet of metal (iron or steel) coated with tin to prevent rusting, used especially for cans, pots, and tins
wall plate plate (a timber along the top of a wall) to support the ends of joists, etc., and distribute the load
water system
water supply
a facility that provides a source of water, the town debated the purification of the water supply, first you have to cut off the water
motor end plate
the flattened end of a motor neuron that transmits neural impulses to a muscle
plate any flat platelike body structure or part
plate tectonics
plate tectonic theory
the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
supply-side economics the school of economic theory that stresses the costs of production as a means of stimulating the economy, advocates policies that raise capital and labor output by increasing the incentive to produce
plate a main course served on a plate, a vegetable plate, the blue plate special
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Plate may refer to a range of objects, which have in common being thin and flat relative to their surroundings or context:

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