
plea Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Vorwand m; Ausrede f
Vorwand m, Ausrede f
Vorwand, Ausrede, Bitte, Gesuch, Befuerwortung
Einspruch m
Einsprüche pl
Begnadigungsgesuch n
plea for reprieve
plea for annulment
Plädoyer n jur.
pleading; final speech; plea
schikanös adj (weil irrelevant)
ein schikanöser Einwand (Zivilprozess) jur.
a frivolous plea
Plädoyer n jur.
pleading, final speech, plea
Gesuch n; Vorbringen f adm.
Gesuche pl
Begnadigungsgesuch n
plea for reprieve
Schuldbekenntnis n jur.
confession of guilt; plea of guilt
Einwand m der Wahrung berechtigter Interessen
plea of justification and privilege
Begnadigungsgesuch n
Begnadigungsgesuche pl
plea for reprieve
pleas for reprieve
Verteidigungsvorbringen f des Beschuldigten (im Zivilprozess) jur.
plea of the defendant (in civil proceedings)
Schuldbekenntnis n; Schuldgeständnis n (im Strafverfahren) jur.
plea of guilty; guilty plea (in criminal proceedings)
Appell m; Bitte f; Flehen n; Gesuch n; Befürwortung f
zu etw. aufrufen
jds. Bitten nachkommen
to make a plea for sth.
to be responsive to sb.'s pleas
Appell m; Bitte f
zu etw. aufrufen
jds. Bitten nachkommen
to make a plea for sth.
to be responsive to sb.'s pleas
Antrag m auf Sachabweisung jur.
plea to dismiss the action suit on the merits; plea in bar Am.
Appell m, Bitte f, Gesuch n, Befürwortung f
zu etw. aufrufen
jds. Bitten nachkommen
to make a plea for sth.
to be responsive to sb.'s pleas
Vergleich m im Strafverfahren; strafprozessualer Vergleich m (zwischen Staatsanwaltschaft und Verteidigung) jur.
plea agreement; plea bargain; plea deal (between Prosecution and Defense)
strafprozessuale Absprache f jur.
plea bargaining; plea copping Am.; sentence bargaining; charge bargaining
(ein Gebet; ein Flehen) erhören v
Das war wie ein Geschenk des Himmels.
to answer (a prayer; a plea)
That answered our prayers.
(ein Gebet; ein Flehen) erhören
Das war wie ein Geschenk des Himmels.
to answer (a prayer; a plea)
That answered our prayers.
Geständnis n; Schuldgeständnis n jur.
Geständnisse pl; Schuldgeständnisse pl
guilty plea; plea of guilty; admission of guilt
guilty pleas; pleas of guilty; admissions of guilt
Verteidigung f; Einlassung f des Angeklagten (im Strafprozess) jur.
rügelose Einlassung Dt.
plea of the defendant (in criminal proceedings)
failure to plead lack of jurisdiction (prior to pleading on the merits)
Gnadengesuch n
Gnadengesuche pl
petition for mercy; petition for pardon; plea petition for clemency
petitions for mercy; petitions for pardon; pleas petitions for clemency
Aktivlegitimation f (Zivilprozess) jur.
Einrede der mangelnden Aktivlegitimation
plaintiff's competence in respect of the subject-matter of the claim (civil action)
defense plea denying that the plaintiff is the holder of the claim
Klageberechtigung f; Klagebefugnis f; Klagerecht n; Prozessführungsbefugnis f; Klagsberechtigung f Ös.; Klagsbefugnis f Ös.; Klagsrecht n Ös. jur.
Einrede der mangelnden Prozessführungsbefugnis
Der Kläger muss sein Klagerecht begründen.
right of action; right to sue; standing to sue Am.
defence plea that the plaintiff has no right of action
The plaintiff must establish his right of action.
Gnadengesuch n jur.
Gnadengesuche pl
ein Gnadengesuch einreichen; um Begnadigung ansuchen
petition for (a) pardon; petition for mercy; plea petition for clemency
petitions for pardon; petitions for mercy; pleas petitions for clemency
to petition for a pardon
Ohr n, Gehör n
Ohren pl
die Ohren spitzen
die Ohren steif halten
jdm. mit etw. in den Ohren liegen
ein offenes Ohr
ganz Ohr sein
wachsames Ohr, gutes Gehör
das Ohr beleidigen
Ich hoffe, meine Bitte trifft nicht auf taube Ohren.
to prick up one's ears
to keep one's chin up
to nag sb. about sth.
a sympathetic ear
to be all ears
sharp ear
to jar upon the ear
I hope that my plea will not fall on deaf ears.
rechtskräftig entschiedene Sache f jur.
formelle Rechtskraft
materielle Rechtskraft
subjective Rechtskraft
Einrede der Rechtskraft
Rechtskraft erlangen; in Rechtskraft erwachsen Schw.
Der Streitgegenstand ist schon rechtskräftig entschieden.
res judicata
formal res judicata; unappealability
substantial res judicata; force of a final judgement
moral res judicata
plea of res judicata; defence of res judicata
to become res judicata
The issue in dispute is res judicata.
Ohr n anat.
Ohren pl; Lauscher pl humor.; Horcher pl humor.
die Ohren spitzen
die Ohren steif halten
jdm. mit etw. in den Ohren liegen
abstehende Ohren
ganz Ohr sein
das Ohr beleidigen
Ich hoffe meine Bitte trifft nicht auf taube Ohren.
Er hat immer ein offenes Ohr für seine Patienten.
to prick up one's ears
to keep one's chin up
to nag sb. about sth.
bat ears; protruding ears; jug ears coll.
to be all ears
to jar upon the ear
I hope that my plea will not fall on deaf ears.
He's always willing to lend a sympathetic ear to his patients.
Ohr n anat.
Ohren pl; Lauscher pl humor.; Horcher pl humor.
abstehende Ohren
an der Spitze des Ohrs
die Ohren spitzen
die Ohren steif halten
jdm. mit etw. in den Ohren liegen
ganz Ohr sein
das Ohr beleidigen
Ich hoffe, meine Bitte trifft nicht auf taube Ohren.
Er hat immer ein offenes Ohr für seine Patienten.
bat ears; protruding ears; jug ears coll.
at the tip of the ear
to prick up one's ears
to keep one's chin up
to nag sb. about sth.
to be all ears
to jar upon the ear
I hope that my plea will not fall on deaf ears.
He's always willing to lend a sympathetic ear to his patients.
Hinterlassenschaft f; Verlassenschaft Ös.; Nachlass m (eines Verstorbenen) jur.
beweglicher Nachlass
unbeweglicher Nachlass
Anteil an der Hinterlassenschaft
Einrede der Dürftigkeit des Nachlasses
den Nachlass abwickeln
den Nachlass sichern
eine verschuldete Hinterlassenschaft; ein verschuldeter Nachlass
Der Nachlass fällt an die gesetzlichen Erben.
property left (by a deceased Br. decedent Am.); estate (of a deceased Br. decedent Am.)
personal estate (of a deceased decedent)
immovable part of a deceased person's estate
share in the (deceased person's) estate; portion of the (decedent's) estate Am.
plea of insufficienty of the deceased's decedent's estate
to wind up the deceased's estate Br.; to settle the decedent's estate Am.
to preserve the deceased's decedent's estate
a deceased's decedent's estate encumbered with debts
The deceased's decedent's estate goes to the statutory heirs.
Einspruch m; Einwand m; Einwendung f; Einrede f; Widerspruch m Dt.; Einsprache f Schw.; Appelation f Schw. (gegen etw.) adm. jur.
Einsprüche pl; Einwände pl; Einwendungen pl; Einreden pl; Widersprüche pl; Einsprachen pl; Appelationen pl
berechtigter Einwand; begründete Einrede
aufschiebende Einrede; dilatorische Einrede
dauernde Einrede; peremptorische Einrede
prozesshindernde Einrede
rechtsverhindernde Einwendung
rechtvernichtende Einwendung
Einspruch wegen mangelnder Neuheit (Patent)
Einspruch gegen einen Zeugen
Einwendungen gegen Ansprüche aus Besitz
Einwendungen gegen einen neuen Gläubiger
Einwendungen aus der Nichtigkeit der Ehe
Widerspruch gegen die Richtigkeit des Grundbuchs
Widerspruch des Mieters gegen die Kündigung
Einrede der Arglist
Einreden des Bürgen
Einrede des höheren Befehls
Einrede des Mehrverkehrs (Vaterschaftsklage)
Einrede des nichterfüllten Vertrags
Einrede der Unzurechnungsfähigkeit
Einrede der Unzuständigkeit (des Gerichts)
Einrede der Verjährung
Einrede der Vorausklage
Einrede der Vorveröffentlichung (Patent)
Einspruch einlegen Dt. erheben Ös.; einen Einwand erheben; eine Einwendung entgegensetzen; eine Einrede vorbringen geltend machen
die Einrede der Verjährung geltend machen; sich auf Verjährung berufen
einer Verjährungseinrede entgegenstehen
auf die Einrede der Vorausklage verzichten
Einwendungen schriftlich niederlegen und begründen
einen Einwand beseitigen; einem Einwand begegnen
eine Einrede zurückweisen
eine Einwendung als unberechtigt zurückweisen
Es wurde kein Einspruch Einwand erhoben.
Eine Einrede steht entgegen.
schriftlich Widerspruch einlegen Dt. Einspruch erheben Ös.
Einwände und Anregungen
jds. Einwände übergehen
objection (to sth.); protest (against sth.); defence Br. defense Am. (to sth.); plea (of as to sth.); exception Sc. Am. (to sth.)
objections; protests; defences defenses; pleas; exceptions
good defence
dilatory defence dilatory plea
peremptory defence; peremptory plea; plea in bar Am.
legal objection to an action; preliminary objection; demurrer to action Am.
plea by way of traverse
plea by way of confession and avoidance
objection for want of novelty (patent)
objection to a witness
defences against claims arising from possession
defences against a new creditor
defences based upon the voidness of the marriage
objection to incorrect entry in the Land Register
objections by the tenant to the (notice of) termination of the tenancy lease
defence of fraud; exceptio doli
defences of the surety
plea of superior orders
defence of multiple access several lovers; exceptio plurium (paternity action)
defence of non-performance of the contract
plea of insanity
objection to jurisdiction; defence of jack of jurisdiction; plea as to jurisdiction
defence of the statute of limitations; plea of lapse of time
defence of failure to pursue remedies; defence of lack of (prior) judicial prosecution; beneficium excussionis
plea of prior publication
to raise a objection a plea; to put forward plea a defence; to put in a plea; to take exception; to veto
to plead the statute of limitations Br.; to plead the defense of limitation Am.
to defeat the defence of the statute of limitations
to waive the defence of failure to pursue remedies
to set out state one's objections in writing giving reasons stating the reasons
to meet an objection
to reject a defence; to reject a plea.
to dismiss an objection as unjustified unfounded
No objection was raised.
There is a defence.
to file an objection
objections and suggestions
to ignore sb.'s objections
Einspruch m; Einwand m; Einwendung f; Einrede f; Widerspruch m Dt.; Einsprache f Schw.; Appellation f Schw. (gegen etw.) adm. jur.
Einsprüche pl; Einwände pl; Einwendungen pl; Einreden pl; Widersprüche pl; Einsprachen pl; Appellationen pl
berechtigter Einwand; begründete Einrede
aufschiebende Einrede; dilatorische Einrede
dauernde Einrede; peremptorische Einrede
prozesshindernde Einrede
rechtsverhindernde Einwendung
rechtvernichtende Einwendung
Einspruch wegen mangelnder Neuheit (Patent)
Einspruch gegen einen Zeugen
Einwendungen gegen Ansprüche aus Besitz
Einwendungen gegen einen neuen Gläubiger
Einwendungen aus der Nichtigkeit der Ehe
Widerspruch gegen die Richtigkeit des Grundbuchs
Widerspruch des Mieters gegen die Kündigung
Einrede der Arglist
Einreden des Bürgen
Einrede des höheren Befehls
Einrede des Mehrverkehrs (Vaterschaftsklage)
Einrede des nichterfüllten Vertrags
Einrede der Unzurechnungsfähigkeit
Einrede der Unzuständigkeit (des Gerichts)
Einrede der Verjährung
Einrede der Vorausklage
Einrede der Vorveröffentlichung (Patent)
Einspruch einlegen Dt. erheben Ös.; einen Einwand erheben; eine Einwendung entgegensetzen; eine Einrede vorbringen geltend machen
die Einrede der Verjährung geltend machen; sich auf Verjährung berufen
einer Verjährungseinrede entgegenstehen
auf die Einrede der Vorausklage verzichten
Einwendungen schriftlich niederlegen und begründen
einen Einwand beseitigen; einem Einwand begegnen
eine Einrede zurückweisen
eine Einwendung als unberechtigt zurückweisen
Es wurde kein Einspruch Einwand erhoben.
Eine Einrede steht entgegen.
schriftlich Widerspruch einlegen Dt. Einspruch erheben Ös.
Einwände und Anregungen
jds. Einwände übergehen
einen Widerspruch schriftlich oder zur Niederschrift einlegen Dt.; einen Einspruch schriftlich einbringen oder mündlich protokollieren lassen Ös.
objection (to sth.); protest (against sth.); defence Br. defense Am. (to sth.); plea (of as to sth.); exception Sc. Am. (to sth.)
objections; protests; defences defenses; pleas; exceptions
good defence
dilatory defence, dilatory plea
peremptory defence; peremptory plea; plea in bar Am.
legal objection to an action; preliminary objection
plea by way of traverse
plea by way of confession and avoidance
objection for want of novelty (patent)
objection to a witness
defences against claims arising from possession
defences against a new creditor
defences based upon the voidness of the marriage
objection to incorrect entry in the Land Register
objections by the tenant to the (notice of) termination of the tenancy lease
defence of fraud; exceptio doli
defences of the surety
plea of superior orders
defence of multiple access several lovers; exceptio plurium (paternity action)
defence of non-performance of the contract
plea of insanity
objection to jurisdiction; defence of jack of jurisdiction; plea as to jurisdiction
defence of the statute of limitations; plea of lapse of time
defence of failure to pursue remedies; defence of lack of (prior) judicial prosecution; beneficium excussionis
plea of prior publication
to raise a objection a plea; to put forward plea a defence; to put in a plea; to take exception; to veto
to plead the statute of limitations Br.; to plead the defense of limitation Am.
to defeat the defence of the statute of limitations
to waive the defence of failure to pursue remedies
to set out state one's objections in writing, giving reasons stating the reasons
to meet an objection
to reject a defence; to reject a plea.
to dismiss an objection as unjustified unfounded
No objection was raised.
There is a defence.
to file an objection
objections and suggestions
to ignore sb.'s objections
to lodge an objection in writing or orally on the record

Deutsche Verteidigung Synonyme

Abwehr  ÂDefensive  ÂVerteidigung  
Apologie  ÂRechtfertigung  ÂVerteidigung  ÂVerteidigungsrede  

Englische plea Synonyme

plea  adjuration  alibi  answer  apology  appeal  application  argument  argumentum  beseechment  bid  call  case  clamor  cons  consideration  counterstatement  cry  defence  defense  demurrer  denial  elenchus  entreaty  exception  excuse  explanation  extenuation  ignoratio elenchi  imploration  imploring  imprecation  invocation  invocatory plea  justification  mitigation  objection  obsecration  obtestation  out  overture  palliation  petition  plaidoyer  pleading  pleadings  prayer  pretext  pros  pros and cons  reason  rebuttal  refutation  reply  request  response  right  riposte  rogation  solicitation  special demurrer  special pleading  statement of defense  suit  supplication  talking point  vindication  
pleach  braid  enlace  entwine  interknit  interlace  intertie  intertissue  intertwine  intertwist  interweave  intort  knit  lace  loom  loop  mat  net  noose  plait  raddle  splice  tissue  twill  twine  twist  wattle  weave  web  wreathe  
plead  adduce  adjure  advance  advocate  affirm  allege  appeal  appeal to  apply to  argue  argufy  array  ask  ask for  assert  aver  avow  bandy words  beg  beseech  bicker  blandish  brace  bring forward  bring on  bring to bear  cajole  call for help  call on  call upon  cavil  choplogic  clamor for  coax  conduct pleadings  conjure  contend  contest  crave  cross swords  cry for  cry on  cry to  cut and thrust  declare  demand  deploy  discept  dispute  entreat  exhort  give and take  hassle  have it out  high-pressure  impetrate  implead  implore  importune  imprecate  insist  insist upon  invoke  jawbone  join issue  kneel to  lobby  lock horns  logomachize  maintain  make a plea  marshal  moot  nag  obtest  offer  petition  pettifog  plead for  plead with  polemicize  polemize  pray  present  press  pressure  produce  push  put forward  quibble  rally  recommend  request  rest  run to  say  seek  soft-soap  solicit  spar  supplicate  swear  sweet-talk  take sides  thrash out  try conclusions  urge  wheedle  work on  wrangle  
plead guilty  acknowledge  admit  admit everything  allow  apologize  avow  beg pardon  come clean  concede  confess  cop a plea  do penance  grant  let on  open up  out with it  own  own up  reform  repent  spill  spill it  spit it out  tell all  tell the truth  think better of  
pleader  abettor  actuator  advocate  agent  alter ego  alternate  amicus curiae  animator  apologete  apologist  apologizer  attorney  attorney-at-law  backup  backup man  barrister  barrister-at-law  cajoler  champion  coax  coaxer  counsel  counselor  counselor-at-law  defender  deputy  dummy  encourager  energizer  executive officer  exponent  figurehead  firer  friend at court  gadfly  galvanizer  impeller  inducer  inspirer  intercessor  justifier  lawyer  legal adviser  legal counselor  legal expert  legal practitioner  legalist  lieutenant  locum  locum tenens  mouthpiece  mover  moving spirit  paranymph  persuader  pinch hitter  prime mover  proctor  procurator  prompter  proponent  proxy  representative  sea lawyer  second in command  secondary  self-styled lawyer  solicitor  spark  spark plug  sparker  stand-in  stimulator  substitute  successful advocate  surrogate  tempter  understudy  utility man  vicar  vicar general  vice  vicegerent  vindicator  wheedler  whitewasher  
pleading  adjuratory  answer  appealing  argument  argumentum  bar  begging  beseeching  case  cons  consideration  counsel  counterstatement  defense  demurrer  denial  elenchus  entreating  exception  ignoratio elenchi  imploring  legal profession  objection  plaidoyer  plea  pleadings  precative  precatory  pros  pros and cons  reason  rebuttal  refutation  reply  representation  response  riposte  special demurrer  special pleading  statement of defense  talking point  
pleasance  affability  agreeability  agreeableness  amenity  amiability  amicability  bliss  blissfulness  common  commons  compatibility  complaisance  congeniality  cordiality  enjoyableness  felicitousness  geniality  goodliness  goodness  graciousness  gratefulness  harmoniousness  mellifluousness  mellowness  niceness  paradise  park  pleasantness  pleasantry  pleasingness  pleasurability  pleasurableness  pleasure  pleasure garden  pleasure ground  pleasurefulness  public park  rapport  sweetness  sweetness and light  welcomeness  
pleasant  achingly sweet  advantageous  affable  agreeable  agreeable-sounding  alluring  amiable  amicable  appealing  approachable  appropriate  ariose  arioso  attractive  auspicious  balmy  beaming  beneficial  benevolent  blissful  blithe  blithesome  bon  bonny  braw  bright  bright and fair  bright and sunny  brotherly  bueno  canorous  cantabile  capital  catchy  charming  cheerful  cheering  cheery  clear  cloudless  cogent  commendable  companionable  compatible  complaisant  congenial  convivial  cordial  courteous  cultivated  cultured  debonair  delectable  delicious  delightful  desirable  dulcet  elated  elegant  en rapport  engaging  enjoyable  estimable  eupeptic  euphonic  euphonious  euphonous  euphoric  exalted  excellent  exhilarated  expedient  fair  fair and pleasant  famous  favorable  felicific  felicitous  fine  fine-toned  fitting  flushed  fraternal  friendlike  friendly  genial  genteel  glad  gladsome  glowing  golden  golden-tongued  golden-voiced  good  goodly  gracious  grand  grateful  gratifying  gregarious  happy  harmonious  healthy  heart-warming  helpful  high  honeyed  hopeful  hospitable  in good spirits  in high spirits  inviting  irrepressible  joyful  joyous  kind  laudable  laughing  likable  likeable  lovely  melic  mellifluent  mellifluous  mellisonant  mellow  melodic  melodious  music-flowing  music-like  musical  neighborlike  neighborly  nice  noble  of good cheer  open  optimistic  outgoing  palatable  peaceable  pleasant-sounding  pleasing  pleasurable  pleasure-giving  pleasureful  polished  polite  pretty  profitable  radiant  rainless  regal  rewarding  riant  rich  rosy  royal  sanguine  sanguineous  satisfying  savory  silver-toned  silver-tongued  silver-voiced  silvery  simpatico  singable  sisterly  skillful  smiling  sociable  songful  songlike  sonorous  sound  sparkling  splendid  suave  suitable  sunny  sweet  sweet-flowing  sweet-sounding  sympathique  toothsome  tunable  tuneful  undarkened  unhostil  
pleasantly  affably  agreeably  airily  amiably  amicably  ardently  arm in arm  blissfully  blithely  cheerfully  cheerily  congenially  cordially  enjoyably  fair  familiarly  favorably  friendliwise  friendly  genially  gladly  graciously  gratifyingly  hand in hand  happily  heartily  hopefully  intimately  irrepressibly  jauntily  joyfully  kindly  lightly  optimistically  pleasingly  pleasurably  satisfyingly  smilingly  warmly  with good cheer  with open arms  
pleasantness  advantageousness  agreeability  agreeableness  amiability  auspiciousness  beneficialness  benevolence  benignity  blitheness  blithesomeness  brightness  cheer  cheerfulness  cheeriness  cheery vein  class  cogency  cordiality  desert  enjoyableness  eupeptic mien  excellence  expedience  fairness  favorableness  fineness  first-rateness  geniality  gladness  gladsomeness  good cheer  goodliness  goodness  grace  gratefulness  happiness  healthiness  helpfulness  hopefulness  kindness  merit  niceness  optimism  pleasance  profitableness  quality  radiance  rewardingness  rosy expectation  sanguine humor  sanguineness  skillfulness  soundness  sunniness  superiority  sweetness and light  usefulness  validity  value  virtue  virtuousness  wholeness  winsomeness  worth  
pleasantry  Atticism  affability  agile wit  agreeability  agreeableness  amenity  amiability  amicability  aphorism  apothegm  badinage  banter  black humor  bliss  blissfulness  bon mot  boutade  bright idea  bright thought  brilliance  brilliant idea  burlesque  caricature  chaff  cleverness  comedy  compatibility  complaisance  conceit  congeniality  cordiality  crack  dry wit  enjoyableness  epigram  esprit  exchange  facetiae  facetiousness  farce  felicitousness  flash of wit  flight of wit  fooling  fooling around  funniness  geniality  gibe  give-and-take  good-natured banter  goodliness  goodness  graciousness  happy thought  harmless teasing  harmoniousness  humor  humorousness  irony  jape  jest  jive  jocoseness  jocularity  joke  joking  josh  joshing  keen-wittedness  keenness  kidding  kidding around  lampoon  mellifluousness  mellowness  mot  nasty crack  niceness  nimble wit  nimble-wittedness  parody  persiflage  play of wit  pleasance  pleasantness  pleasingness  pleasurability  pleasurableness  pleasure  pleasurefulness  pretty wit  pungency  quick wit  quick-wittedness  quip  quips and cranks  raillery  rallying  rapport  ready wit  repartee  retort  ridicule  riposte  sally  salt  saltiness  sarcasm  satire  savor of wit  scintillation  sharpness  slapstick  slapstick humor  smart crack  smart saying  smartness  snappy comeback  sport  squib  stroke of wit  subtle wit  sweetness  travesty  turn of thought  twit  visual humor  welcomeness  wisecrack  wit  witticism  wittiness  
please  I beg you  amuse  be good enough  cater to  cheer  choose  choose rather  coddle  content  cosset  delectate  delight  desire  divert  do  elect  entertain  favor  give pleasure  give way to  gladden  go over big  gratify  happify  have a bias  have preference  have rather  have the goodness  hit the spot  honor before  humor  if you please  indulge  interest  lean towards  like  like better  make a hit  mollycoddle  oblige  opt  overjoy  pamper  pleasure  pray  pray do  prefer  prefer to  prithee  rather  regale  rejoice  satisfy  see fit  set before  spoil  suit  think best  think fit  think proper  tickle  titillate  want  will  will you  wish  yield to  
pleased  accepting  at ease  charmed  chuffed  comfortable  composed  content  contented  cozy  delighted  easy  easygoing  eupeptic  euphoric  exhilarated  favorably impressed with  glad  gladsome  gratified  happy  in clover  in seventh heaven  intrigued  of good comfort  on cloud nine  pleased as Punch  pleased with  reconciled  resigned  sans souci  satisfied  sold on  taken with  thrilled  tickled  tickled pink  tickled to death  uncomplaining  unrepining  without care  
pleasing  Attic  Junoesque  acceptable  adorable  aesthetic  affable  agreeable  ambrosial  amiable  amicable  amply endowed  appetizing  artistic  attractive  becoming  blissful  bonny  braw  built  built for comfort  buxom  callipygian  callipygous  chaste  cheerful  choice  classic  coddling  comely  compatible  complaisant  congenial  cordial  cosseting  curvaceous  curvy  dainty  darling  delectable  delicate  delicious  delightful  desirable  dulcet  easy  elegant  en rapport  enchanting  enjoyable  enviable  excellent  exciting  exquisite  facile  fair  fair and pleasant  favorable  favoring  felicific  felicitous  fine  flowing  fluent  genial  goddess-like  good  good to eat  good-looking  good-mannered  good-tasting  goodly  graceful  gracious  grateful  gratification  gratifying  gustable  gusty  harmonious  heart-warming  honeyed  humoring  in good taste  indulgence  juicy  likable  likely  lovable  lovely to behold  luscious  lush  mellifluous  mellow  mollycoddling  mouth-watering  nectareous  nectarous  nice  obliging  of choice  of gourmet quality  of quality  overindulgence  overpermissiveness  palatable  pampering  permissiveness  personable  pleasant  pleasurable  pleasure-giving  pleasureful  pneumatic  presentable  provocative  pure  quiet  restrained  rewarding  sapid  satisfactory  satisfying  savorous  savory  scrumptious  seductive  shapely  sightly  simple  slender  smooth  spoiling  stacked  statuesque  subdued  succulent  suitable  sweet  taking  tantalizing  tasteful  tasty  tempting  to be desired  toothsome  tripping  unaffected  understated  unobjectionable  unobtrusive  welcome  well-built  well-chosen  well-favored  well-formed  well-made  well-proportioned  well-shaped  well-stacked  winning  worth having  yummy  
pleasurable  affable  agreeable  amiable  amicable  blissful  cheerful  compatible  complaisant  congenial  cordial  desirable  dulcet  en rapport  enjoyable  fair  fair and pleasant  favorable  felicific  felicitous  fine  genial  good  goodly  gracious  grateful  gratifying  harmonious  heart-warming  honeyed  likable  mellifluous  mellow  nice  pleasant  pleasing  pleasure-giving  pleasureful  rewarding  satisfying  sweet  welcome  
pleasure  affability  agreeability  agreeableness  alternate choice  alternative  amenity  amiability  amicability  amusement  animus  appetence  appetency  appetite  ardor  behest  bidding  bliss  blissfulness  choice  comfort  command  commandment  compatibility  complaisance  conation  conatus  concupiscence  congeniality  contentment  cordiality  curiosity  decision  delectate  delectation  delight  desideration  desire  determination  dictate  dictation  direct order  discretion  disposition  diversion  divertisement  divertissement  drive  eagerness  enjoyableness  enjoyment  entertainment  fancy  fantasy  felicitousness  felicity  free choice  free will  fruition  geniality  gladden  goodliness  goodness  graciousness  gratification  gratify  happify  happiness  harmoniousness  hest  hope  horme  imperative  inclination  intellectual curiosity  intention  joy  joyance  kick  libido  liking  lust  lust for learning  mellifluousness  mellowness  mind  mirth  need  niceness  objective  option  optionality  order  passe-temps  passion  pastime  pleasance  pleasingness  pleasurability  pleasurableness  pleasure principle  pleasurefulness  possible choice  preference  rapport  recreation  regalement  relaxation  relish  resolution  satisfaction  say-so  sexual desire  solace  special order  sweetness  thirst for knowledge  thrill  urge  velleity  volition  want  wanting  welcomeness  will  will and pleasure  will power  wish  wish fulfillment  word  word of command  
pleasure principle  Cyrenaic hedonism  Cyrenaicism  anima  appetite  appetitiveness  ardor  coconscious  collective unconscious  concupiscence  conscience  conscious self  curiosity  death instinct  desideration  desire  drive  eagerness  ego  ego ideal  ego-id conflict  epicureanism  epicurism  ethical hedonism  ethical self  eudaemonism  fancy  fantasy  foreconscious  hedonic calculus  hedonics  hedonism  hope  horme  id  intellectual curiosity  libidinal energy  libido  lust for learning  luxuriousness  luxury  mind  motive force  need  passion  persona  personality  pleasure  pleasure-loving  pleasure-seeking  preconscious  primitive self  psyche  psychic apparatus  psychological hedonism  racial unconscious  self  sensualism  sensuality  sensualness  sexual desire  subconscious  subconscious mind  subliminal  subliminal self  submerged mind  superego  sybaritism  thirst for knowledge  unchastity  unconscious  unconscious mind  urge  vital impulse  voluptuousness  want  wanting  will  will and pleasure  wish  wish fulfillment  
pleasure seeker  Cyrenaic  Heliogabalus  Sardanapalus  bon vivant  carouser  carpet knight  contestant  cutup  epicure  epicurean  frisker  frolicker  funmaker  gamboler  gourmand  gourmet  hedonist  merrymaker  playboy  player  pleasurer  pleasurist  reveler  rollicker  sensualist  sensuist  skylarker  swine  sybarite  voluptuary  
pleasure seeking  Cyrenaic  Cyrenaic hedonism  Cyrenaicism  appetite  appetitive  appetitiveness  bent on pleasure  epicurean  epicureanism  epicurism  ethical hedonism  eudaemonic  fun-loving  hedonic  hedonic calculus  hedonics  hedonism  hedonistic  luxurious  luxuriousness  luxury  luxury-loving  pleasure principle  pleasure-bent  pleasure-loving  psychological hedonism  sensual  sensualism  sensuality  sensualness  sybaritic  sybaritism  unchaste  unchastity  voluptuous  voluptuousness  
pleasureless  anguished  anxious  bored  cheerless  depressed  discontented  disgusted  grim  humorless  in bad humor  infestive  joyless  mirthless  miserable  nauseated  nauseous  out of humor  out of sorts  prey to malaise  repelled  revolted  sad  sickened  sorry  sorryish  suffering angst  uncheerful  uncheery  uneasy  unfulfilled  ungratified  unhappy  unjoyful  unmirthful  unquiet  unsatisfied  unsmiling  wretched  


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In legal terms, a plea is simply an answer to a claim made by someone in a criminal case under common law using the adversarial system. Colloquially, a plea has come to mean the assertion by a defendant at arraignment, or otherwise in response to a criminal charge, whether that person pleaded guilty, not guilty, no contest or Alford plea.