
poison Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Gift, vergiften
to poison
Giftsumach m bot.
poison ivy
Übernahme einer Firma verhindernde Maßnahmen
poison pill
poison fang
Pfeilgift n pharm.
arrow poison
Pfeilgift n
arrow poison
Kontaktgift n
contact poison
Fraßgift n envir.
stomach poison
Neutronengift n; Reaktorgift n
nuclear poison
Gift n
Gifte pl
Leichengift n
cadaveric poison
Leichengift n
ptomaine (poison)
Rattengift n
rat poison, ratsbane
Bienengift n
bee poison; bee venom
Pflanzengift n
vegetable poison; phytotoxin
Giftdrüse f
Giftdrüsen pl
poison gland
poison glands
Giftbecher m
Giftbecher pl
cup of poison
cups of poison
Kontaktgift n
Kontaktgifte pl
contact poison
contact poisons
Narkosegift n pharm.
Narkosegifte pl
narcotic poison
narcotic poisons
Giftgehalt m chem. pharm.
poison level; toxic level; toxicity
Gifttoleranz f med. pharm.
poison tolerance; poison habituation
schrecklicher Pfeilgiftfrosch m; schrecklicher Giftfrosch Blattsteiger m; goldener Giftfrosch Blattsteiger m (Phyllobates terribilis) zool.
golden dart frog; golden poison frog
Giftgasangriff m mil.
Giftgasangriffe pl
poison gas attack
poison gas attacks
Giftmischer m; Giftmischerin f
Giftmischer pl; Giftmischerinnen pl
preparer of poison
preparers of poison
Rattengift n; Mäusegift n; Rattenvertilgungsmittel n; Mäusevertilgungsmittel n; Nagetierbekämpfungsmittel n; Rodentizid n
rat poison; rodenticide; ratsbane obs.
Atemgift n biochem.
Atemgifte pl
respiratory poison
respiratory poisons
Hundspetersilie f (Aethusa cynapium) bot.
fool's parsley; fool's cicely; poison parsley
Dem einen ist's Speise, dem andern Gift. Sprw.
One man's meat is another man's poison. prov.
Dem einen ist's Speise dem andern Gift. Sprw.
One man's meat is another man's poison. prov.
Wasserschierlinge pl (Cicuta) (botanische Gattung) bot.
water hemlocks; poison parsnips (botanical genus)
Giftgas n
Giftgase pl
poison gas, toxic gas
poison gases, toxic gases
Giftzahn m
Giftzähne pl
Giftzähne entfernen
poison fang; fang
poison fangs; fangs
to defang
Giftzahn m
Giftzähne pl
Giftzähne entfernen
poison fang, fang
poison fangs, fangs
to defang
vergiften v
to poison
Giftschrank m
Giftschränke pl
poison cabinet; poison cupboard
poison cabinets; poison cupboards
Giftgas n
Giftgase pl
Giftgas einsetzen
poison gas; toxic gas
poison gases; toxic gases
to use poison gas
Katalysatorengift n; Katalytgift n; Kontaktgift n chem.
Katalysatorengifte pl; Katalytgifte pl; Kontaktgifte pl
catalytic poision; catalyst poison
catalytic poisions; catalyst poisons
Zellgift n; zellschädigender Stoff m; Zytotoxin n biol. pharm.
Zellgifte pl; zellschädigende Stoffe pl; Zytotoxine pl
cell poison; cytocide agent; cytotoxin
cell poisons; cytocide agents; cytotoxins
Gift n
Gifte pl
jdm. Gift geben
Gift auslegen
Da kannst du Gift darauf nehmen! ugs.
to poison sb.
to put poison down
You can bet your life on it. coll.
Bakteriengift n; Bakterientoxin n biochem.
Bakteriengifte pl; Bakterientoxine pl
bacterial poison; bacterial toxin; bacteriotoxin
bacterial poisons; bacterial toxins; bacteriotoxins
Brechnusspflanzen pl; Brechnüsse pl (Strychnos) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Brechnussbaum m; Gewöhnliche Brechnuss f; Krähenaugenbaum m; Strychninbaum m (Strychnos nux vomica)
nux vomica plants; poison nut trees (botanical genus)
common nux-vomica tree; common poison nut tree; strychnine tree
hassen; nicht mögen v
er sie hasst
ich er sie hasste
er sie hat hatte gehasst
Ich hasse dich!
etw. wie die Pest hassen
to hate
he she hates
I he she hated
he she has had hated
I hate you!
to hate sth. like poison
Krankheitsverursacher m; Krankheitsauslöser m; krankmachender Umweltfaktor m; Pathogen n geh. (Krankheitserreger, natürliches Gift, Strahlung) envir. med.
Krankheitsverursacher pl; Krankheitsauslöser pl; krankmachende Umweltfaktoren pl; Pathogene pl
Kariesauslöser m
disease producer; pathogen (pathogenic agent; natural poison, radiation)
disease producers; pathogens
caries pathogen
Schierlinge pl (Conium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gefleckter Schierling (Conium maculatum)
hemlocks (botanical genus)
spotted hemlock; poison hemlock Br.; poison parsley; devil's bread Ir.; herb bennet; beaver poision
vergiften v
mit etw. vergiftet sein
to poison; to contaminate
poisoning; contaminating
poisoned; contaminated
poisons; contaminates
poisoned; contaminated
to be poisened with sth.
Brief m, Schreiben n
Briefe pl
offener Brief
eigenhändiger Brief
einen Brief schreiben
Briefe austragen
obszöner, verleumderischer Brief
blauer Brief ugs., Kündigungsschreiben n, Kündigungsmitteilung f
Brief einer Frau an ihren Mann oder Freund, mit dem sie die Liebesbeziehung beendet
Brief eines Mannes an seine Frau oder Freundin, mit dem er die Liebesbeziehung beendet
open letter
autograph letter
to write a letter
to deliver letters
poison-pen letter
pink slip coll.
Dear John letter
Dear Jane letter
hassen; nicht mögen v
er sie hasst
ich er sie hasste
er sie hat hatte gehasst
Ich hasse dich!
etw. wie die Pest hassen
Ich hasse dich!
Ich hasse es das, wenn so etwas passiert.
to hate
he she hates
I he she hated
he she has had hated
I hate you!
to hate sth. like poison
I hate you. I H8 U
I hate it when that happens. HIWTH
Gift n
Gifte pl
starkes Gift
stark narkotisches Gift
systemisches Gift
jdm. Gift geben
Gift nehmen
Gift auslegen
Da kannst du Gift darauf nehmen! ugs.
strong poison
acro-narcotic poison; acro-narcotic agent
systemic poison
to poison sb.
to take poison
to put poison down
You can bet your life on it. coll.
jdn. vergiften v
mit etw. vergiftet sein
etw. wieder vergiften
to poison; to contaminate; to intoxicate sb.
poisoning; contaminating; intoxicating
poisoned; contaminated; intoxicated
poisons; contaminates; intoxicates
poisoned; contaminated; intoxicated
to be poisened with sth.
to recontaminate sth.
Brief m; Schreiben n
Briefe pl
offener Brief
eigenhändiger Brief
einen Brief schreiben
einen Brief senden
Briefe austragen
nicht persönlich adressiertes Schreiben adm.
obszöner verleumderischer Brief
hasserfüllte Briefe
den blauer Brief bekommen ugs. (Kündigungsschreiben)
open letter
autograph letter
to write a letter
to send a letter
to deliver letters
'to whom it may concern' letter
poison-pen letter
hate mail
to get be given your card Br.; to get be given the pink slip Am. (letter of dismissal)
natürliches Gift n; biogenes Gift n; Toxin n pharm.
natürliches Gifte pl; biogenes Gifte pl; Toxine pl
Bakteriengift n; Bakterientoxin n
Nervengift n; Neurotoxin n; neurotoxische Substanz f
Nierengift n; Nephrotoxin n; nephrotoxische Substanz f
natural poison; biogenic poison; toxin
natural poisons; biogenic poisons; toxins
bacterial poison; bacterial toxin; bacteriotoxin
nerve poison; nerve agent; nervous system toxin; neurotoxin; neurotoxic substance
kidney poison; nephrotoxin; nephrotoxic substance
Jatrophapflanzen pl (Jatropha) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Amerikanischer Purgirnussbaum m; Purgiernussbaum m; Purgierstrauch m; Kugelstrauch m; Schwarzer Brechnussbaum m (Jatropha curcas)
Flaschenpflanze f; Pagodenpflanze f (Jatropha podagrica)
Purgierstrauch m; Purgiernuss f (Jatropha curcas)
nettlespurges (botanical genus)
physic nut tree; purging nut tree; poison nut tree; Barbados nut tree; bubble bush
goutystalk nettlespurge; bottleplant shrub; gout plant; Buddha belly plant; Guatemalan rhubarb
physic-nut tree; physic nut; purging nut; Barbados nut
Brief m; Schreiben n
Briefe pl
Informationsschreiben n
offener Brief
eigenhändiger Brief
einen Brief schreiben
einen Brief senden
Briefe austragen
nicht persönlich adressiertes Schreiben adm.
obszöner, verleumderischer Brief
hasserfüllte Briefe
den blauen Brief bekommen ugs. (Kündigungsschreiben)
information letter
open letter
autograph letter
to write a letter
to send a letter
to deliver letters
'to whom it may concern' letter
poison-pen letter
hate mail
to get be given your card Br.; to receive your marching orders Br.; to get be given the pink slip Am.; to receive your walking papers Am. (letter of dismissal)
Sumache pl; Schmacke pl (Rhus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Duftender Essigbaum m; Duftessigbaum m; Duftender Sumach m; Duftsumach m; Wohlriechender Sumach m (Rhus aromatica)
Essigbaum m; Hirschkolbensumach m; Kolbensumach m (Rhus typhina)
Eichenblättriger Giftsumach m; Behaarter Giftsumach m; Giftsumach m; Gifteiche f (Rhus toxicodendron Toxicodendron pubescens)
Gallensumach m; Chinesischer Essigbaum m (Rhus chinensis)
Gerbersumach m; Gerberbaum m; Gerberstrauch m; Gewürzsumach m; Sizilianischer Sumach m; Färberbaum m (Rhus coriaria)
Kahler Essigbaum m; Kahler Scharlachsumach m; Scharlachsumach m; Glatter Sumach m (Rhus glabra)
Kletternder Giftsumach m; Giftiger Efeu m; Giftefeu m (Rhus radicans)
Lackbaum m; Lacksumach m (Rhus verniciflua)
Orientalischer Lackbaum m; Lackbaum m; Lacksumach m; Firnissumach m (Rhus verniciflua)
Talgsumach m (Rhus succedanea)
Stinksumach m (Rhus trilobata)
Kalifornische Gifteiche f; Westliche Gifteiche f; Gifteiche f (Rhus diversiloba)
sumachs; sumacs (botanical genus)
fragrant sumac; aromatic sumac
vinegar tree; staghorn sumac
Atlantic poison oak; eastern poison oak
nutgall tree; Chinese gall; Chinese sumac
tanner's sumach; elm-leaved sumach; Sicilian sumac
smooth sumac; scarlet sumac; red sumac
eastern poison ivy; poison ivy
Chinese lacquer tree
Chinese lacquer tree; Japanese varnish tree
Japanese wax tree; wax tree
skunkbush sumac; skunkbush; stinking sumac; ill-scented sumac; three-leaf sumac
Pacific poison oak
Immunität f; Unempfindlichkeit f gegenüber Krankheitserregern med.
aktive Immunität
angeborene Immunität
antibakterielle Immunität
antitoxische Immunität
antivirale Immunität
bleibende Immunität
Blutimmunität f
erhöhte Immunität
erworbene Immunität
Giftimmunität f
herabgesetzte Immunität
Herdenimmunität f
humorale Immunität
konstitutionelle Immunität
lokale Immunität
partielle Immunität
passive Immunität
typenspezifische Immunität
unspezifische Immunität
zellständige Immunität; zellübertragene Immunität
Zellimmunität f; zelluläre Immunität
immunity; resistance to pathogens
active immunity
innate immunity; native immunity; congenital resistance
antibacterial immunity
antitoxic immunity
antiviral immunity
permanent immunity
blood immunity
acquired immunity
immunity to poison; immunity against toxin
herd immunity
humoral immunity
constitutional immunity
local immunity
partial immunity
passive immunity; sero-immunity; orrho-immunity
type-specific immunity
non-specific immunity
cell-mediated immunity
cell immunity; cellular immunity

Deutsche Gift Synonyme

Gift  ÂGiftstoff  ÂToxikum  
Gift  Giftstoff  Toxikum  
gift of gab  articulateness  big mouth  candor  command of language  command of words  communicativeness  conversableness  effective style  effusion  
gift  Christmas present  ability  accomplishment  accord  acquirement  acuity  acuteness  administer  adroitness  

Englische poison Synonyme

poison  Cain  DDD  DDT  Paris green  abomination  abuse  acaricide  activate  adulterate  adulteration  afflict  aggrieve  alloy  annihilate  anthelmintic  antibiotic  antimony  antiseptic  apache  arsenic  arsenic trioxide  assassin  assassinator  atrocity  bad  bane  befoul  befoulment  bereave of life  beryllium  bewitch  bichloride of mercury  blight  bloodletter  bloodshedder  bravo  bug bomb  burker  butcher  button man  cadmium  cancer  canker  cannibal  carbamate insecticide  carbolic acid  carbon monoxide  carbon tetrachloride  carry away  carry off  charge  cheapen  chemosterilant  chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide  chlorine  chloroform  coarsen  communicability  condemn  confound  contact poison  contagion  contagiousness  contaminate  contamination  corrupt  corruption  crucify  crying evil  curse  cut down  cut off  cutthroat  cyanide  damage  deadliness  debase  debauch  defile  defilement  deflower  defoliant  degenerate  degrade  demoralize  denature  deprave  deprive of life  desecrate  desperado  despoil  despoliation  destroy  destruction  destructiveness  detriment  devalue  disadvantage  disinfectant  dispatch  dispose of  disserve  distort  distress  do a mischief  do away with  do evil  do for  do ill  do to death  do wrong  do wrong by  doom  embalming fluid  empoison  end  envenom  eradicant  eradicator  evil  execute  executioner  exterminate  exterminator  finish  finish off  formaldehyde  fumigant  fungicide  garroter  germicide  get into trouble  gorilla  grievance  gun  gunman  gunsel  harass  harm  hatchet man  havoc  head-hunter  herbicide  hex  hit man  homicidal maniac  homicide  hurt  hydrocyanic acid  hyoscyamine  ill  immolate  impair  infect  infection  infectiousness  infectivity  injure  injury  insect powder  insecticide  irradiate  jinx  kill  killer  launch into eternity  lead  liquidate  lynch  make away with  malignancy  maltreat  man-eater  man-killer  manslayer  martyr  martyrize  massacrer  matador  menace  mephitic  
poisoned  activated  autoluminescent  bad  cankered  charged  contaminated  diseased  gangrened  gangrenous  hot  infected  irradiated  morbid  mortified  pathological  peccant  radiferous  radioactivated  radioactive  radioluminescent  septic  sphacelated  tainted  ulcerated  ulcerous  
poisoner  Cain  apache  assassin  assassinator  bloodletter  bloodshedder  bravo  burker  butcher  button man  cannibal  cutthroat  desperado  eradicator  executioner  exterminator  garroter  gorilla  gun  gunman  gunsel  hatchet man  head-hunter  hit man  homicidal maniac  homicide  killer  man-eater  man-killer  manslayer  massacrer  matador  murderer  pesticide  poison  slaughterer  slayer  strangler  thug  torpedo  trigger man  
poisoning  adulteration  autointoxication  bane  befouling  beheading  blood  blood poisoning  bloodletting  bloodshed  braining  burning  capital punishment  contamination  corruption  crucifixion  dealing death  decapitation  decollation  defenestration  defilement  destruction  destruction of life  dispatch  electrocution  envenoming  ergotism  euthanasia  execution  extermination  festering  flow of blood  food poisoning  fouling  fusillade  garrote  gassing  gore  hanging  hemlock  immolation  infection  intoxication  judicial murder  kill  killing  lapidation  martyrdom  martyrization  mercy killing  milk sickness  misuse  necktie party  perversion  pollution  prostitution  ptomaine poisoning  pyemia  ritual killing  ritual murder  sacrifice  sepsis  septic poisoning  septicemia  septicopyemia  shooting  slaughter  slaying  stoning  strangling  strangulation  suppuration  taking of life  the ax  the block  the chair  the gallows  the gas chamber  the guillotine  the hot seat  the rope  toxemia  venenation  vitiation  
poisonous  bad  baleful  baneful  barfy  brackish  catching  cloying  communicable  contagious  corroding  corrosive  corrupting  corruptive  counterproductive  damaging  dangerous  deadly  defamatory  deleterious  destructive  detrimental  diabolical  disadvantageous  disserviceable  distressing  envenomed  evil  fatal  fetid  foul  fulsome  harmful  high  hurtful  icky  infectious  infective  injurious  lethal  maggoty  malefic  malevolent  malicious  malign  malignant  mawkish  mephitic  miasmal  miasmatic  miasmic  mischievous  mortal  nasty  nauseant  nauseating  nauseous  noisome  noxious  offensive  ominous  overripe  pernicious  pestiferous  pestilent  pestilential  poison  prejudicial  rancid  rank  rebarbative  rotten  scatheful  septic  sickening  slanderous  spoiled  stinking  toxic  toxicant  toxiferous  venenate  veneniferous  venenous  venomous  vicious  vile  virulent  vomity  weevily  yucky  

poison Definition

(n.) Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism, is capable of producing a morbid, noxious, or deadly effect upon it
(n.) That which taints or destroys moral purity or health
(n.) To put poison upon or into
(n.) To injure or kill by poison
(n.) To taint
(v. i.) To act as, or convey, a poison.

poison Bedeutung

poison pill the target company defends itself by making its stock less attractive to an acquirer
South American poison toad a South American toad
poison anything that harms or destroys, the poison of fascism
darling pea
poison bush
either of two Australian plants of the genus Swainsona that are poisonous to sheep
winter sweet poison arrow plant
Acocanthera oblongifolia
Acocanthera spectabilis
medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits
bushman's poison
ordeal tree
Acocanthera oppositifolia
Acocanthera venenata
evergreen shrub or tree of South Africa
fly poison
Amianthum muscaetoxicum
Amianthum muscitoxicum
all parts of plant are highly toxic, bulb pounded and used as a fly poison, sometimes placed in subfamily Melanthiaceae
poison camas
Zigadenus nuttalli
a common perennial death camas, Tennessee to Kansas to Texas
poison bush poison pea gastrolobium any of various Australian evergreen shrubs of the genus Gastrolobium having whorled compound leaves poisonous to livestock and showy yellow to deep reddish-orange flowers followed by two-seeded pods
poison ash
poison dogwood
poison sumac
Toxicodendron vernix
Rhus vernix
smooth American swamp shrub with pinnate leaves and greenish flowers followed by greenish white berries, yields an irritating oil
poison ivy
poison mercury
poison oak Toxicodendron radicans
Rhus radicans
climbing plant common in eastern and central United States with ternate leaves and greenish flowers followed by white berries, yields an irritating oil that causes a rash on contact
western poison oak
Toxicodendron diversilobum
Rhus diversiloba
poisonous shrub of the Pacific coast of North America that causes a rash on contact
eastern poison oak
Toxicodendron quercifolium
Rhus quercifolia
Rhus toxicodenedron
poisonous shrub of southeastern United States causing a rash on contact
black nightshade
common nightshade
Solanum nigrum
Eurasian herb naturalized in America having white flowers and poisonous hairy foliage and bearing black berries that are sometimes poisonous but sometimes edible
hemlock poison hemlock
poison parsley
California fern
Nebraska fern
winter fern
Conium maculatum
large branching biennial herb native to Eurasia and Africa and adventive in North America having large fernlike leaves and white flowers, usually found in damp habitats, all parts extremely poisonous
poison milkweed
horsetail milkweed
Asclepias subverticillata
milkweed of southwestern United States and Mexico, poisonous to livestock
poison ivy dermatitis resulting from contact with the poison ivy plant, my poison ivy is drying up
poison oak dermatitis resulting from contact with a poison oak plant
poison sumac dermatitis resulting from contact with a poison sumac plant
poison gas a gas that is poisonous to breath or contact, used in chemical warfare
poisonous substance
any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism
poison administer poison to, She poisoned her husband but he did not die
add poison to, Her husband poisoned her drink in order to kill her
poison kill with poison, She poisoned her husband
poison kill by its poison, This mushrooms can poison
poison spoil as if by poison, poison someone's mind, poison the atmosphere in the office
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In biology, poisons are substances that cause disturbances in organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when an organism absorbs a sufficient quantity.

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