
police Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Ordnungsrecht n
police law
police spy
police car
Polizeiabsperrband n
police tape
Wachkörper m
police corps
Ortspolizei f
local police
police state
police spies
police power
Wasserschutzpolizei f
water police
Polizeikontrolle f
police check
Polizeigewalt f
police power
Polizeifunk m
police radio
Fremdenpolizei f
aliens police
Geheimpolizei f
secret police
secret police
police patrol
by the police
police officer
Polizeitaktik f
police tactics
Polizeibeamter, Polizeibeamtin
police officer
police station
traffic police
police officer
Bahnpolizei f
railway police
Revier n, Polizeiwache f
police station
police station
Hafenpolizei f
harbour police
Polizeiausbildung f
police training
Sicherheitspolizei f
security police
police function
Polizeigewalt f (übermäßige körperliche Gewaltausübung) pej.
police violence
Autobahnpolizei f
motorway police
Grenzschutz m, Grenzpolizei f
frontier police
security police
Alpingendarm m
mountain police
rufe die Polizei
call the police
Feldjäger m mil.
military police
Polizeieinsatz m
police operation
police inspector
Hilfspolizei f
auxiliary police
Polizeischutz m
police protection
Polizeimeister m; Polizeimeisterin f
(police) sergeant
Polizeiaufgebot n
police detachment
Polizeimission m (EU)
police mission (EU)
Polizeipräsidium n
police headquarters
Tonfa m; Mehrzweckschlagstock m; Mehrzweckeinsatzstock m MES adm.
tonfa; police tonfa
Flughafenpolizeieinheit f
airport police unit
Tonfa m; Mehrzweckschlagstock m; Mehrzweckeinsatzstock m MES adm.
tonfa; police tonfa
Militärpolizei f
military police (MP)
von der Polizei gesucht
wanted by the police
polizeilich adj
police, by the police
Polizist, Wachtmeister
PC : police constable
polizeilich adj
police; by the police
Polizist m; Wachtmeister m
police constable PC
Polizeiwachtmeister m (Dienstgrad)
Police Sergeant (rank)
PD : Police Department
Europäisches Polizeiamt
European Police Office
Er ist bei der Polizei.
He is a police officer.
Bereitschaftspolizei f
riot police, task force
Polizeihund m
Polizeihunde pl
police dog
police dogs
unter Polizeiaufsicht
under police supervision
Polizeimütze f
Polizeimützen pl
police cap
police caps
Polizeieinheit f
Polizeieinheiten pl
police unit
police units
Kriminaldienst m (Polizei) adm.
detective service (police)
Bundespolizei f (in Deutschland)
Federal Police (in Germany)
Polizeistaat m
Polizeistaaten pl
police state
police states
Ãœberwachungsstaat m
Ãœberwachungsstaaten pl
police state
police states
Polizeistaat m pol.
Polizeistaaten pl
police state
police states
Landespolizeivizepräsident m
Regional Police Deputy Chief
Gestapo f, Geheime Staatspolizei hist.
Gestapo, Secret State Police
Gestapo f; Geheime Staatspolizei hist.
Gestapo; Secret State Police
Einsatzfahrzeug n für Straßenkämpfe (Polizei)
riot-control vehicle (police)
Polizeistreife f
police patrol, patrolman Am.
Polizeistreife f
Polizeistreifen pl
police patrol
police patrols
Polizeibericht m; Polizeiprotokoll n
Polizeiberichte pl; Polizeiprotokolle pl
police report
police reports
Neuling m; Frischling m humor.; Frischgefangener m humor. (bes. Polizei, Militär)
rookie (esp. police, military)
Polizeibericht m
Polizeiberichte pl
police report
police reports
Spurensicherung f (Polizeieinheit)
forensic experts (police unit)
polizeilich überwacht werden v
to be under police surveillance
polizeilich überwacht werden
to be under police surveillance
Polizeibeamte m f , Polizeibeamter
Polizeibeamten pl, Polizeibeamte
police officer
police officers
Finanzpolizei f
revenue police; financial police
Stadtpolizei f
metropolitan police; metro police
Stadtpolizei f
metropolitan police, metro police
Polizeirevier n
Polizeireviere pl
police district
police districts
Polizeireporter m; Polizeireporterin f
Polizeireporter pl; Polizeireporterinnen pl
police reporter
police reporters
Polizeispitzel m, Spitzel m, Informant m
Polizeispitzel pl, Spitzel pl, Informanten pl
Polizeiprotokoll n
police blotter Am.; charge sheet
Volkspolizei f (der DDR)
Volkspolizei; People's Police (GDR)
Verkehrspolizei f
traffic police; traffic enforcement
Verkehrspolizei f
traffic police, traffic enforcement
Polizeikommissar m, Kommissar m
Polizeikommissare pl, Kommissare pl
police inspector
police inspectors
Polizeiprotokoll n
Polizeiprotokolle pl
police statement
police statements
Polizeikommissar m; Kommissar m
Polizeikommissare pl; Kommissare pl
police inspector
police inspectors
Polizeieinsatz m
Polizeieinsätze pl
police operation
police operations
Martinshorn n
(police, ambulance, fire-engine) siren
Polizeiverhandler m
Polizeiverhandler pl
police negotiator
police negotiators
Polizeipräsident m
Chief Constable, Chief of Police Am.
Bereitschaftspolizei f
riot police; special patrol group Br.
Gendarmerie f
(French) police; gendarmerie; gendarmery
Gendarmerie f
(French) police, gendarmerie, gendarmery
Abteilung Spurensicherung f; Spurensicherung f SpuSi Dt. ugs. (polizeiliche Abteilung)
evidence recovery unit ERU (police unit)
Polizeigewerkschaft f
Polizeigewerkschaften pl
police trade union
police trade unions
Polizeipräsidium n
Polizeipräsidien pl
police headquarters
police headquarters
Polizeifahrzeug n auto
Polizeifahrzeuge pl
(marked) police vehicle
police vehicles
(Londoner) Polizei
Metropolitan Police (Service) (abbr.: Met)
Polizeiarbeit f
bürgernahe Polizeiarbeit
police work; policing
community policing
Polizeiwagen n; Polizeiauto n
Polizeiwagen pl; Polizeiautos pl
police car; unit Am.
police cars; units
Bulle m (Polizist) slang oft pej.
copper (police officer) slang often pej.
polizeitaktisch adj
in the field of police tactics (postpositive)
Auflösung f einer Versammlung (Polizeiaktion)
breaking-up of an assembly (police operation)
jdn. erwischen; jdn. schnappen v (Polizei)
erwischend; schnappend
erwischt; geschnappt
to cop sb. coll. (police)
jdn. der Polizei den Behörden übergeben v
to turn sb. in to the police to the authorities
kriminalpsychologischer Dienst m (bei der Polizei)
Behavioural Science Service (within the police)
Einsatzwagen m (Polizei)
Einsatzwagen m (Notarzt)
Einsatzwagen m (Feuerwehr)
police car; squad car
fire engine
Observierungsgruppe f; Observationsgruppe f (der Polizei)
Observierungsgruppen pl; Observationsgruppen pl
(police) surveillance team
surveillance teams
überwachen, kontrollieren v
überwachend, kontrollierend
überwacht, kontrolliert
überwacht, kontrolliert
überwachte, kontrollierte
to police
Bürgerpolizist m
Bürgerpolizisten pl
community police officer
community police officers
Polizeipräsident m
Chief Constable; Chief of Police Am.; Police chief
Razzia f, Polizeirazzia f
raid, police raid, round-up, crackdown, bust coll.
Die Polizei bittet um sachdienliche Hinweise.
The police are looking for any relevant information.
Einsatzzentrale f (Polizei, Militär)
Einsatzzentralen pl
operations room (police, military)
operations rooms
(polizeilicher) Erkennungsdienst m
(police) identification service; identification section
Polizeidienststelle f, Polizeirevier n, Polizeiwache f
Polizeidienststellen pl, Polizeireviere pl, Polizeiwachen pl
mobile Polizeiwache f
police station
police stations
mobile police station
Überprüfung f (einer Person Sache hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung oder Unbedenklichkeit)
(polizeiliche) Sicherheitsüberprüfung von Bewerbern
vetting of a person matter
police vetting of candidates
Militärpolizei f mil.
Militärpolizei der US-Luftwaffe
military police MP
U.S. Air Force Security Forces Am.
Polizeibefugnisgesetz n; Polizeiaufgabengesetz n Bayr.; Sicherheitspolizeigesetz n Ös. jur.
Police Powers and Responsibilities Act; Police Powers Act
Sternabzeichen n; Stern m (sternförmige Dienstplakette)
Sternabzeichen pl; Sterne pl
Polizeistern m
helmet plate; crest
helmet plates; crests
police crest
Dienstbuch n (einer Polizeidienststelle)
police blotter Am. (record of events at a police station)
Militärpolizei f mil.
Militärpolizei der US-Luftwaffe
military police MP
U.S. Air Force Security Forces Am.
Spitzel m
Spitzel pl
informer, nark, police spy
informers, narks, police spies
Eindringhilfe f (für Polizei und Militär)
Eindringhilfen pl
penetration aid (for police and military)
penetration aids
Barett n; Béret n Schw. mil.
Barette pl; Bérete pl
military beret; police beret
military berets; police berets
Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation IKPO ; Interpol IP f
International Criminal Police Organization ICPO ; Interpol IP
Polizeibehörde f
nordirische Polizeibehörde f
Police Department PD
Police Service of Northern Ireland PSNI
Zusammenstoß m; tätliche Auseinandersetzung f; Handgreiflichkeiten pl
Es kam zu Zusammenstößen zwischen Demonstranten und der Polizei.
Scuffles broke out between police and demonstrators.
Strafregister n
Eintrag im Strafregister
criminal records, criminal record
entry in the police records
Strafregister n
Eintrag im Strafregister
criminal records; criminal record
entry in the police records
Mannschaftswagen m
Mannschaftswagen pl
personnel carrier, police van
personnel carriers, police vans
Mannschaftswagen m
Mannschaftswagen pl
personnel carrier; police van
personnel carriers; police vans
schnelle Eingreiftruppe f (Polizei; Militär) mil.
rapid reaction force; rapid response team RRT (military, police)
Dienstmarke f; Marke f; Dienstplakette f adm.
Dienstmarken pl; Marken pl; Dienstplaketten pl
Polizeimarke f
badge of office; badge
badges of office; badges
police badge
Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation IKPO ; Interpol IP f
International Criminal Police Organization ICPO ; Interpol IP
Polizeihund m; Polizeidiensthund m
Polizeihunde pl; Polizeidiensthunde pl
police dog; police working dog
police dogs; police working dogs
Ãœberwachungsstaat m
Ãœberwachungsstaaten pl
Orwellscher Ãœberwachungsstaat
surveillance state
police states
Orwellian surveillance state
Staatsluftfahrzeuge pl; staatliche Luftfahrzeuge pl (im Militär- Zoll- und Polizeidienst) adm.
state aircraft (involved in military customs and police services)
unbeschriebenes Blatt n (Person, die noch nie polizeilich in Erscheinung getreten ist) übtr.
cleanskin (of a person who has never come to the notice of police)
Staatsluftfahrzeuge pl; staatliche Luftfahrzeuge pl (im Militär-, Zoll- und Polizeidienst) adm.
state aircraft (involved in military, customs and police services)

Deutsche Polizei Synonyme

Kontaktmann  ÂPolizei-Informant  ÂPolizeispitzel  ÂSchnüffler  ÂSpitzel  ÂV-Mann  ÂVerbindungsfrau  ÂVerbindungsmann  
Bullerei  (derb)  ÂFreund  und  Helfer  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHerren  in  Grün  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂOrdnungshüter  ÂPolente  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPolizei  

Englische police Synonyme

police  Cheka  FBI  Gestapo  Interpol  MP  MVD  Mounties  NKVD  OGPU  RCMP  SP  Scotland Yard  administer  arm  armor  bless  bull  champion  clean up  clear the decks  clear up  cloak  compass about  constabulary  control  cop  copper  copyright  county police  cover  cushion  defend  enforce  ensure  fence  fend  fix up  fuzz  groom  guarantee  guard  harbor  haven  heat  highway patrol  insure  keep  keep from harm  keep guard  keep vigil  keep watch  law enforcement agency  make safe  man  military police  monitor  mount guard  neaten  nestle  observe  officer  oversee  patent  patrol  peace officer  police force  police officer  police up  political police  posse  protect  provincial police  put in trim  register  regulate  ride shotgun for  riot police  safeguard  screen  secret police  secure  security force  shelter  shield  shore patrol  shroud  special police  spruce  spruce up  stand guard  stand sentinel  state police  straighten up  supervise  tactical police  the cops  the fuzz  tidy  tidy up  trig up  trim  trim up  troopers  underwrite  vigilance committee  vigilantes  watch  
police officer  bobby  bull  constable  cop  copper  flatfoot  fuzz  gendarme  heat  man  officer  patrolman  peace officer  peeler  pig  police  police constable  policeman  policewoman  
police state  absolute monarchy  aristocracy  autarchy  autocracy  autonomy  coalition government  colonialism  commonwealth  constitutional government  constitutional monarchy  democracy  dictatorship  dominion rule  duarchy  duumvirate  dyarchy  federal government  federation  feudal system  garrison state  gerontocracy  heteronomy  hierarchy  hierocracy  home rule  limited monarchy  martial law  meritocracy  militarism  military government  mob rule  mobocracy  monarchy  neocolonialism  ochlocracy  oligarchy  pantisocracy  patriarchate  patriarchy  pure democracy  regency  representative democracy  representative government  republic  self-determination  self-government  social democracy  stratocracy  technocracy  thearchy  theocracy  totalitarian government  totalitarian regime  triarchy  triumvirate  tyranny  welfare state  
police whistle  Klaxon  Mayday  Roman candle  SOS  aid to navigation  air-raid alarm  alarm  alarm bell  alarm clock  alarm signal  alarum  alert  all clear  amber light  balefire  beacon  beacon fire  bell  bell buoy  blinker  blinking light  blue peter  buoy  burglar alarm  buzzer  caution light  crostarie  fiery cross  fire alarm  fire bell  fire flag  five-minute gun  flare  flashing light  fog bell  fog signal  fog whistle  foghorn  gale warning  glance  go light  gong buoy  green light  heliograph  high sign  hooter  horn  hue and cry  hurricane warning  international alphabet flag  international numeral pennant  kick  leer  lighthouse  marker beacon  nod  note of alarm  nudge  occulting light  parachute flare  pilot flag  poke  quarantine flag  radio beacon  red flag  red light  rocket  sailing aid  semaphore  semaphore flag  semaphore telegraph  sign  signal  signal beacon  signal bell  signal fire  signal flag  signal gong  signal gun  signal lamp  signal light  signal mast  signal of distress  signal post  signal rocket  signal shot  signal siren  signal tower  siren  small-craft warning  spar buoy  still alarm  stop light  storm cone  storm flag  storm warning  the nod  the wink  tocsin  touch  traffic light  traffic signal  two-minute gun  upside-down flag  watch fire  whistle  white flag  wigwag  wigwag flag  wink  yellow flag  
policeman  Dogberry  G-man  John Law  MP  bailiff  beadle  beagle  bluebottle  bluecoat  bobby  bound bailiff  bull  captain  catchpole  chief of police  commissioner  constable  cop  copper  deputy  deputy sheriff  detective  fed  federal  flatfoot  flic  fuzz  gendarme  government man  gumshoe  heat  inspector  lictor  lieutenant  mace-bearer  man  marshal  mounted policeman  nab  narc  officer  paddy  patrolman  peace officer  peeler  pig  police  police captain  police commissioner  police constable  police inspector  police matron  police officer  police sergeant  policewoman  portreeve  reeve  roundsman  sergeant  sergeant at arms  sheriff  superintendent  tipstaff  tipstaves  trap  trooper  

police Definition

(n.) A judicial and executive system, for the government of a city, town, or district, for the preservation of rights, order, cleanliness, health, etc., and for the enforcement of the laws and prevention of crime
(n.) That which concerns the order of the community
(n.) The organized body of civil officers in a city, town, or district, whose particular duties are the preservation of good order, the prevention and detection of crime, and the enforcement of the laws.
(n.) Military police, the body of soldiers detailed to preserve civil order and attend to sanitary arrangements in a camp or garrison.
(n.) The cleaning of a camp or garrison, or the state / a camp as to cleanliness.
(v. t.) To keep in order by police.
(v. t.) To make clean

police Bedeutung

police work
police investigation
the investigation of criminal activities
police action a local military action without declaration of war, against violators of international peace and order
German shepherd
German shepherd dog
German police dog
breed of large shepherd dogs used in police work and as a guide for the blind
police dog any dog trained to assist police especially in tracking
cruiser police cruiser
patrol car
police car
prowl car
squad car
a car in which policemen cruise the streets, equipped with radiotelephonic communications to headquarters
police boat a boat used by harbor police
police station
police headquarters
station house
a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district, serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought
police van
police wagon
paddy wagon
patrol wagon
wagon black Maria
van used by police to transport prisoners
day book
police blotter
rap sheet
charge sheet
the daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station
police squad
a small squad of policemen trained to deal with a particular kind of crime
police department the department of local government concerned with enforcing the law and preventing crime
police force
the force of policemen and officers, the law came looking for him
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
the federal police force of Canada
military police
a military corps that enforces discipline and guards prisoners
secret police a police force that operates in secrecy (usually against persons suspected of treason or sedition)
police academy an academy for training police officers
police court a court that has power to prosecute for minor offenses and to bind over for trial in a superior court anyone accused of serious offenses
police state a country that maintains repressive control over the people by means of police (especially secret police)
police precinct a precinct in which law enforcement is the responsibility of particular police force
captain police captain
police chief
a policeman in charge of a precinct
constable police constable a police officer of the lowest rank
investigator tec
police detective
a police officer who investigates crimes
kitchen police
an enlisted person who is assigned to assist the cooks
police lieutenant
an officer in a police force
police commissioner a civil commissioner appointed to supervise the duties and discipline of the police
police officer
a member of a police force, it was an accident, officer
police matron
a woman policeman
police sergeant
a lawman with the rank of sergeant
maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol
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A police force is a constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder. Their powers include the legitimized use of force. The term is most commonly associated with police services of a sovereign state that are authorized to exercise the police power of that state within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility. Police forces are often defined as being separate from military or other organizations involved in the defense of the state against foreign aggressors; however, gendarmerie are military units charged with civil policing.

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