
power station Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

power station
Energiezentrale f techn.
power station
nuclear power station
nuclear power station
Blockkraftwerk n
block-unit power station
Erdwärmekraftwerk n
geothermal power station
Elektrizitätswerk n
power station, power plant
Elektrizitätswerk n
power station; power plant
Motoren-Leistungsprüfstand m
motor power testing station
Wärmekraftanlage f
thermoelectric power station
Nebenanlagengebäude n (eines Kraftwerks)
service building (of a power station)
Windkraftanlage f, Windkraftwerk n
Windkraftanlagen pl, Windkraftwerke pl
wind power station
wind power stations
Zwischenüberhitzen n (Dampfkraftwerk)
resuperheat; reheat (steam power station)
Speicherkraftwerk n
storage power plant, storage power station
Vorschaltkraftwerk n techn.
Vorschaltkraftwerke pl
topping power station
topping power stations
Talsperrenkraftwerk n; Sperrenkraftwerk n
Talsperrenkraftwerke pl; Sperrenkraftwerke pl
barrage power station
barrage power stations
Wärmekraftwerk n
Wärmekraftwerke pl
thermal power station
thermal power stations
Kernkraftwerk n, Atomkraftwerk n ugs.
Kernkraftwerke pl, Atomkraftwerke pl
nuclear power station
nuclear power stations
Stromkennzahl f; Stromkennziffer f; Kraft-Wärme-Verhältnis n (in einem Heizkraftwerk) techn.
power-to-heat ratio (in a thermal power station)
Kraftwerkstechnik f techn.
power plant engineering; power station engineering
Schaltstation f
Schaltstationen pl
power switching station
power switching stations
Grundkraftwerk n techn.
Grundkraftwerke pl
base-load power station
base-load power stations
Flusskraftwerk n
Flusskraftwerke pl
hydraulic power station
hydraulic power stations
Kraftwerksblock m
Kraftwerksblöcke pl
block-unit power station
block-unit power stations
Sammelschienenkraftwerk n mach.
Sammelschienenkraftwerke pl
range type power station
range type power stations
Blockkraftwerk n
Blockkraftwerke pl
block-unit power station
block-unit power stations
Kraftwerk n
Kraftwerke pl
power station; power plant
power stations; power plants
Kraftwerk n
Kraftwerke pl
power station, power plant
power stations, power plants
Solarwärmekraftwerk n
Solarwärmekraftwerke pl
solar thermal power station
solar thermal power stations
Luftspeicherkraftwerk n
Luftspeicherkraftwerke pl
compressed air power station
compressed air power stations
Müllkraftwerk n techn.
Müllkraftwerke pl
refuse fuelled power station
refuse fuelled power stations
Fernheizkraftwerk n
Fernheizkraftwerke pl
district heating power station
district heating power stations
Bezugskraftwerk n (eines Stromlieferanten)
(an electricity provider's) power supply station; electricity supply plant
Inbetriebnahme f; Inbetriebsetzung f (Anlage Kraftwerk Maschine) techn.
Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme
commissioning (plant power station machine)
installation and commissioning
Gezeitenkraftwerk n; Flutkraftwerk n
Gezeitenkraftwerke pl; Flutkraftwerke pl
tidal power plant; tidal power station
tidal power plants; tidal power stations
Gezeitenkraftwerk n
Gezeitenkraftwerke pl
tidal power plant, tidal power station
tidal power plants, tidal power stations
Abwärme f; Abhitze f
Kraftwerksabwärme f
waste heat; exhaust heat
power-station waste heat Br.; power-plant waste heat Am.
Speicherkraftwerk n
Speicherkraftwerke pl
storage power plant; storage power station
storage power plants; storage power stations
Kraftwerksblock m, Block m eines Kraftwerkes
Kraftwerksblöcke pl, Blöcke pl eines Kraftwerkes
power station unit, power plant unit, unit
power station units, power plant units, units
Kraftwerksblock m; Block m eines Kraftwerkes
Kraftwerksblöcke pl; Blöcke pl eines Kraftwerkes
power station unit; power plant unit; unit
power station units; power plant units; units
Grundlastkraftwerk n; Grundkraftwerk n techn.
Grundlastkraftwerke pl; Grundkraftwerke pl
base-load power station; baseload power plant
base-load power stations; baseload power plants
Wasserkraftwerk n
Wasserkraftwerke pl
hydroelectric power plant, hydropower station
hydroelectric power plants, hydropower stations
Notstromanlage f
Notstromanlagen pl
emergency power system; emergency power station
emergency power systems; emergency power stations
Notstromanlage f
Notstromanlagen pl
emergency power system, emergency power station
emergency power systems, emergency power stations
Kohlekraftwerk n
Kohlekraftwerke pl
coal-fired power plant; coal-fired power station
coal-fired power plants; coal-fired power stations
Erdwärmekraftwerk n
Erdwärmekraftwerke pl
geothermal power station; geothermal power plant
geothermal power stations; geothermal power plants
Inbetriebnahme f; Inbetriebsetzung f (Anlage, Kraftwerk, Maschine) techn.
Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme
Erstinbetriebnahme f
commissioning (plant, power station, machine)
installation and commissioning
initial commissioning
Heizkraftwerk n
Heizkraftwerke pl
(combined) heating and power station; thermal power station
heating and power stations; thermal power stations
Braunkohlekraftwerk n techn.
Braunkohlekraftwerke pl
lignite fuelled power station; brown coal power station
lignite fuelled power stations; brown coal power stations
Braunkohlekraftwerk n techn.
Braunkohlekraftwerke pl
lignite fuelled power station, brown coal power station
lignite fuelled power stations, brown coal power stations
Sonnenkraftwerk n; Solarkraftwerk n
Sonnenkraftwerke pl; Solarkraftwerke pl
Satelliten-Sonnenkraftwerk n
solar power station; solar power plant
solar power stations; solar power plants
satellite solar power station SSPS
Sonnenkraftwerk n; Solarkraftwerk n
Sonnenkraftwerke pl; Solarkraftwerke pl
Satelliten-Sonnenkraftwerk n
solar power station; solar power plant
solar power stations; solar power plants
satellite solar power station SSPS
Solarstromkraftwerk n; Photovoltaikkraftwerk n
Solarstromkraftwerke pl; Photovoltaikkraftwerke pl
photovoltaic solar power plant; photovoltaic power station
photovoltaic solar power plants; photovoltaic power stations
mit einem bestimmten Brennstoff befeuert, betrieben werden v (Industrieofen, Dampfmaschine, Kraftwerk usw.)
mit Kohle befeuert werden; mit Kohle betrieben werden
to be fuelled; to be fired by a specific power source (furnace, steam engine, power station etc.)
to be fuelled by coal; to be fired by coal
Windkraftanlage f; Windenergieanlage f; Windkraftwerk n envir.
Windkraftanlagen pl; Windenergieanlagen pl; Windkraftwerke pl
wind power station; wind (power) plant; wind turbine generator system WTGS
wind power stations; wind (power) plants; wind turbine generator systems
etw. in Betrieb nehmen v (langfristig betreiben) (Anlage Kraftwerk Verkehrsmittel)
in Betrieb nehmend
in Betrieb genommen
to put sth. into service; to commission sth. (plant power station public transport)
putting into service; commissioning
put into service; commissioned
Wasserkraftwerk n
Wasserkraftwerke pl
hydroelectric power plant; hydropower station; hydro-electric power station
hydroelectric power plants; hydropower stations; hydro-electric power stations
Kernkraftwerk n; Atomkraftwerk n ugs. techn.
Kernkraftwerke pl; Atomkraftwerke pl
ein Kernkraftwerk stilllegen
nuclear power station; nuclear power plant; atomic power station plant; nuclear opponents
nuclear power stations; nuclear power plants; atomic power stations plants
to shut down a nuclear power plant
Kohlekraftwerk n; Kohlenmeiler m Dt. ugs.
Kohlekraftwerke pl; Kohlenmeiler pl
Braunkohlekraftwerk n
coal-fired power station Br.; coal-fired power plant Am.
coal-fired power stations; coal-fired power plants
lignite fuelled power station Br.; brown coal power station Br.; brown coal power plant Am.
Blockheizkraftwerk n BHKW
Blockheizkraftwerke pl
communal heating power station; thermal power station; cogeneration unit; combined heat and power unit CHP
communal heating power stations; thermal power stations; cogeneration units; combined heat and power units
Blockheizkraftwerk n (BHKW)
Blockheizkraftwerke pl
communal heating
power station, thermal power station, cogeneration unit, combined heat and power unit (CHP)
communal heating
power stations, thermal power stations, cogeneration units, combined heat and power units
Blockheizkraftwerk n BHKW
Blockheizkraftwerke pl
communal heating power station; thermal power station; cogeneration unit; combined heat and power unit CHP
communal heating power stations; thermal power stations; cogeneration units; combined heat and power units
Kernkraftwerk n; Atomkraftwerk n ugs. techn.
Kernkraftwerke pl; Atomkraftwerke pl
ein Kernkraftwerk stilllegen
nuclear power station; nuclear power plant; atomic power station plant; nuclear opponents
nuclear power stations; nuclear power plants; atomic power stations plants
to decommission; to shut down a nuclear power plant
etw. in Betrieb nehmen v (langfristig betreiben) (Anlage, Kraftwerk, Verkehrsmittel)
in Betrieb nehmend
in Betrieb genommen
wieder in Betrieb nehmen
to put sth. into service; to place sth. in service; to commission sth. (plant, power station, public transport)
putting into service; placing in service; commissioning
put into service; placed in service; commissioned
to recommission
Windkraftgenerator m; Windgenerator m; Windmotor m; Windkraftmaschine f (Teil einer Windkraftanlage)
Windkraftgeneratoren pl; Windgeneratoren pl; Windmotoren pl; Windkraftmaschinen pl
wind-driven electric generator; wind-driven generator; wind generator; aerogenerator; wind motor; wind machine (part of a wind power station)
wind-driven electric generators; wind-driven generators; wind generators; aerogenerators; wind motors; wind machines
gegen etw. sprechen v (ein negativer Aspekt sein)
Es spricht nichts dagegen das zu tun.
Was spricht dagegen?
Es spricht absolut nichts dagegen ein Ausnahme vorzusehen.
Vielerlei Gründe sprechen gegen die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen.
Umweltfaktoren sprechen gegen den Bau des Kraftwerks.
to speak argue militate against sth.
There is no reason why this cannot shouldn't be done.
What can might be said against it?
There is absolutely no obstacle to an exception being made.
There are various facts that speak against opening negotiations.
Environmental factors militate against building the power station.
gegen etw. sprechen v (ein negativer Aspekt sein)
Es spricht nichts dagegen, das zu tun.
Was spricht dagegen?
Es spricht absolut nichts dagegen, ein Ausnahme vorzusehen.
Vielerlei Gründe sprechen gegen die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen.
Umweltfaktoren sprechen gegen den Bau des Kraftwerks.
to speak argue militate against sth.
There is no reason why this cannot shouldn't be done.
What can might be said against it?
There is absolutely no obstacle to an exception being made.
There are various facts that speak against opening negotiations.
Environmental factors militate against building the power station.
Windkraftanlage f WKA ; Windenergieanlage f WEA ; Windanlage f; Windkraftwerk n; Windkraftkonverter m obs. envir.
Windkraftanlagen pl; Windenergieanlagen pl; Windanlagen pl; Windkraftwerke pl; Windkraftkonverter pl
Windkraftanlage mit horizontaler Achse
Windkraftanlage mit vertikaler Achse
Windenergieanlage vor der Küste
wind power station; wind power plant; wind power unit WPU ; wind energy plant; wind plant; wind-turbine generator system WTGS ; wind turbine; wind energy conversion system obs.; wind energy converter obs.
wind power stations; wind power plants; wind power units; wind energy plants; wind plants; wind-turbine generator systems; wind turbines; wind energy conversion systems; wind energy converters
horizontal-axis wind turbine HAWT
vertical-axis wind turbine VAWT
offshore wind energy plant; offshore wind turbine
Kraftwerk n; Elektrizitätswerk n veraltet; E-Werk n veraltet; Stromwerk n veraltet; Werk n (in Zusammensetzungen) electr.
Kraftwerke pl; Elektrizitätswerke pl; E-Werke pl; Stromwerke pl; Werke pl
Brennstoffzellenkraftwerk n
Dampfkraftwerk n
Heizkraftwerk n
Großkraftwerk n
geothermisches Kraftwerk
Pumpspeicherkraftwerk n; Pumpspeicherwerk n
solarthermisches Kraftwerk
Speicherkraftwerk n
power station Br.; station Br. (in compounds); power plant Am.; plant Am. (in compounds); powerhouse Am. dated
power stations; stations; power plants; plants; powerhouses
fuel cell power station; fuel cell power plant
steam power station; steam power plant
thermal power station; thermal power plant
superpower station
geothermal power station; geothermal power plant
pumped-storage power station; pumped storage station; pumped-storage power plant; pumped-storage plant
solar thermal power station; solar thermal power plant
storage power station; storage power plant
Gas-und-Dampf-Kombikraftwerk n; Kombikraftwerk n
Gas-und-Dampf-Kombikraftwerke pl; Kombikraftwerke pl
Kombikraftwerk mit befeuertem Abhitzekessel
Kombikraftwerk mit Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung; Kombikraftwerk mit direkt befeuerter Gasturbine
Kombikraftwerk mit Druckwirbelschichtfeuerung
Kombikraftwerk mit geringer Zusatzfeuerung
Kombikraftwerk mit maximaler Zusatzfeuerung
Kombikraftwerk mit Zusatzfeuerung
Kombikraftwerk mit integrierter Kohlevergasung
Kombikraftwerk mit nicht befeuertem Abhitzekessel
combined cycle gas turbine plant; CCGT plant; CCGT power station Br. CCGT power plant Am.; combined cycle power plant CCPP Am.
combined cycle gas turbine plants; CCGT plants; CCGT power station CCGT power plants; combined cycle power plants
CCGT power plant with supplementary firing heating
pressurized pulverized coal combustion combined cycle plant; PPCC combined cycle power plant; direct coal-fired combined cycle power plant
pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle plant; PFBC combined cycle power plant; combined-cycle power plant with pressurized fluidized bed combustion
combined cycle plant with limited supplementary firing heating
maximally fully fired combined cycle plant
CCGT power plant with supplementary firing heating; combined-cycle plant with supplementary firing heating
integrated coal gasification combined cycle power plant IGCC ; coal-fired integrated gasification combined-cycle plant; combined cycle plant with coal gasification
CCGT power plant with no supplementary firing heating; combined-cycle power plant without additional firing heating

Deutsche Elektrizitätswerk Synonyme

Englische power station Synonyme

power station Definition

Horse power
() The power which a horse exerts.
Horse power
() A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers for doing work. It is the power required for the performance of work at the rate of 33,000 English units of work per minute
Horse power
() A machine worked by a horse, for driving other machinery
(n.) Same as Poor, the fish.
(n.) Ability to act, regarded as latent or inherent
(n.) Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted
(n.) Capacity of undergoing or suffering
(n.) The exercise of a faculty
(n.) The agent exercising an ability to act
(n.) A military or naval force
(n.) A large quantity
(n.) The rate at which mechanical energy is exerted or mechanical work performed, as by an engine or other machine, or an animal, working continuously
(n.) A mechanical agent
(n.) Applied force
(n.) A machine acted upon by an animal, and serving as a motor to drive other machinery
(n.) The product arising from the multiplication of a number into itself
(n.) Mental or moral ability to act
(n.) The degree to which a lens, mirror, or any optical instrument, magnifies
(n.) An authority enabling a person to dispose of an interest vested either in himself or in another person
(n.) Hence, vested authority to act in a given case
(n.) The act of standing
(n.) A state of standing or rest
(n.) The spot or place where anything stands, especially where a person or thing habitually stands, or is appointed to remain for a time
(n.) A regular stopping place in a stage road or route
(n.) The headquarters of the police force of any precinct.
(n.) The place at which an instrument is planted, or observations are made, as in surveying.
(n.) The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs
(n.) A place to which ships may resort, and where they may anchor safely.
(n.) A place or region to which a government ship or fleet is assigned for duty.
(n.) A place calculated for the rendezvous of troops, or for the distribution of them
(n.) An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accomodation of a pump, tank, etc.
(n.) Post assigned
(n.) Situation
(n.) State
(n.) The fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion.
(n.) A church in which the procession of the clergy halts on stated days to say stated prayers.
(n.) One of the places at which ecclesiastical processions pause for the performance of an act of devotion
(v. t.) To place
Water power
() The power of water employed to move machinery, etc.
Water power
() A fall of water which may be used to drive machinery

power station Bedeutung

accession rise to power the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne), Elizabeth's accession in
power dive a dive of an airplane that is accelerated both by gravity and by the power of the engine
power play (ice hockey) a play in which one team has a numerical advantage over the other as a result of penalties, the team was unable to capitalize on the power play
power play a play in which there is a concentration of players in one location on the field of play, they used a power play to return the kickoff
power walking a form of cardiopulmonary exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous swinging of the arms
power play
squeeze play squeeze
an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power, she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away
power trip (slang) a self-aggrandizing action undertaken simply for the pleasure of exercising control over other people
air base
air station
a base for military aircraft
beach wagon
station wagon
wagon estate car
beach waggon
station waggon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
booster booster amplifier
booster station
relay link
relay station
relay transmitter
an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal
broadcasting station
broadcast station
a station equipped to broadcast radio or television programs
bus terminal
bus depot
bus station
coach station
a terminal that serves bus passengers
dressing station
aid station
(military) a station located near a combat area for giving first aid to the wounded
electric meter
power meter
a meter for measuring the amount of electric power used
fire station
a station housing fire apparatus and firemen
first-aid station a station providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained
gasoline station
gas station
filling station
petrol station
a service station that sells gasoline
gear geartrain
power train
wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed, the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain
hammer power hammer a power tool for drilling rocks
observation tower
lookout station
a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings
naval installation
shore station
military installation servicing naval forces
observation station a station set up for making observations of something
a coin-operated telephone
point power point a wall socket
police station
police headquarters
station house
a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district, serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought
power brake a brake on an automobile that magnifies a small force applied to the brake pedal into a proportionately larger force applied to slow or stop the vehicle
power cord a cord to conduct power to an electrical appliance
power drill a power tool for drilling holes into hard materials
power line
power cable
cable used to distribute electricity
power loom a loom operated mechanically
power module module that provides power to operate other modules
power mower
motor mower
a lawn mower powered by a gasoline motor
power pack a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment
power saw
saw sawing machine
a power tool for cutting wood
power shovel
a machine for excavating
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
power steering
power-assisted steering
automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel
power system
power grid
a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region
power takeoff
a device that transfers power from an engine (as in a tractor or other motor vehicle) to another piece of equipment (as to a pump or jackhammer)
power tool a tool driven by a motor
public toilet
comfort station
public convenience
convenience public lavatory
toilet facility
wash room
a toilet that is available to the public
pump house
pumping station
a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operated
power pylon
a large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power lines, power pylons are a favorite target for terrorists
radio station station for the production and transmission of AM or FM radio broadcasts
railway station
railroad station
railroad terminal
train station
train depot
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
remote terminal
link-attached terminal
remote station
link-attached station
a terminal connected to a computer by a data link
sampling station
an observation station that is set up to make sample observations of something
service station a station where gasoline and oil are sold and facilities are available for repairing or maintaining automobiles
space station
space platform
space laboratory
a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research
station a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose, he started looking for a gas station, the train pulled into the station
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