
present Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

gegenwärtig, vorlegen
präsentieren, vorstellen
Gegenwart f
vorhanden adj
anwesend, Geschenk, Praesent, praesentieren, schenken, vo
gegewärtig, jetzig
ein Geschenk
a present
augenblicklich, gegenwärtig
at present
im Augenblick
at present
be present
anwesend bei
present at
wieder vorlegen
re present
to present
to present
modern, heutig
die Gegenwart
the present
anwesend adj (bei)
present (at)
been present
gegenwärtiger Wert, Barwert
present value
present value
jetziger Wert
present value
present value
anwesend sein; vorhanden sein; enthalten sein v
to be present
Gegenwartswert m; Zeitwert m (zum Berechnungszeitpunkt abgezinster, später fälliger Betrag) fin.
present value
anwesend sein, vorhanden sein, enthalten sein
to be present
anwesend sein; vorhanden sein; enthalten sein
to be present
Gegenwartswert m; Zeitwert m (zum Berechnungszeitpunkt abgezinster später fälliger Betrag) fin.
present value
wieder vorlegen
to re-present
Präsentiert das Gewehr! mil.
Present arms!
ich war anwesend
I was present
Gegengeschenk n
return present
return present
eine Ware präsentieren
present a good
Abschiedsgeschenk n
leaving present
heutzutage adv
the present day
the present day
for the present
wedding present
dir vorliegende Klausel
the present term
ein Geschenk annehmen
accept a present
vorliegender Vertrag
present contract
gegenwärtig; aktuell; momentan; jetzig; nunmehrig geh.; augenblicklich; laufend adj
current; present
derzeitig adj (jetzig)
present; current
derzeitig adj (jetzig)
present, current
sein gegenwärtiger Ruhm
its present fame
ein Geschenk erhalten
receive a present
Nettobarwert m fin.
net present value
Weihnachtsgeschenk n
Christmas present
bislang, bis jetzt
up to the present
bislang; bis jetzt
up to the present
sich anbieten v (Gelegenheit)
to present itself
to made a present
to make a present
bis jetzt
up to the present
to makes a present
in der vorliegenden Fassung
in its present form
gegenwärtig, derzeitig, augenblicklich adj
at the present time
at the present time
to making a present
value at the present
Gegenwartsorientierung f
etw. beiwohnen v
to be present at sth.
einen Antrag einreichen
present an application
gemäß der vorliegenden Klausel
under the present term
in der gegenwärtigen Version
in the present version
zum Akzept vorlegen
present for acceptance
zur Akzeptierung vorlegen
present for acceptance
die Anwesenden eingeschlossen
counting those present
bis zum heutigen Tag
down to the present day
bis heute
down to the present day
jdn. mit etw. konfrontieren v
to present sb. with sth.
jdn. mit etw. konfrontieren
to present so. with sth.
die Dokumente übergeben
to present the documents
Mitbringsel n (Geschenk)
small present, small gift
der gegenwärtige Preisanstieg
the present rise in price
Jetztzeit f
present time; recent epoch
Gegenwart f
das Hier und Jetzt
the here and now
Istzustand m; Ist-Zustand m; Iststand m
actual state; present state
die Tratte nochmals vorlegen
present the draft once more
an die gegenwärtigen Umstände
to the present circumstances
bei der Versammlung anwesend
to be present at the meeting
die gegenwärtige Geschäftslage
he present state of business
eigene Wechsel zur Annahme vorlegen
present a bill for acceptance
vorliegend adj
im vorliegenden Fall; in vorliegendem Fall
in the present case
to present, to make a present
beschenken v
to present; to make a present
vorliegend adj
im vorliegenden Fall, in vorliegendem Fall
in the present case
Dauer der gegenwärtigen Beschäftigung
duration of present employment
Gegenwartswert m
Gegenwartswerte pl
present value
present values
die Tratte zum dritten Mal vorlegen
present the draft a third time
Geburtstagsgeschenk n
birthday present, birthday gift
gegenwärtig; derzeitig; augenblicklich adj
at the present time; at present
die gegenwärtige Lage des Marktes
the present state of the market
die Tratte ein zweites Mal vorlegen
present the draft a second time
was sind Ihre heutigen Preise für
what are your present prices for
Gegengeschenk n
Gegengeschenke pl
return present
return presents
früher; ehemalig; einstig adj
Sklaverei – einst und jetzt
slavery – past and present
Das ist vorläufig alles.
That will be all for the present.
Bitte entschuldigen Sie mich bei ...
Please present my apologies to ...
sein; seine pron (einem Mann gehörend)
Mein Vater vergaß sein Geschenk.
My father forgot his present.
schenken, überreichen, übergeben
schenkend, überreichend, übergebend
geschenkt, überreicht, übergeben
to present
die Tratte zum Akzept vorlegen
to present the draft for acceptance
von aktueller Bedeutung
of relevance to the present situation
zur Zeit geht kein Geschäft
there is no business doing at present
vorstellig werden v (bei jdm. an einem Ort) adm.
to present oneself (to sb. at a place)
Weihnachtsgeschenk n
Weihnachtsgeschenke pl
Christmas present
Christmas presents
Nettobarwert m fin.
Nettobarwerte pl
net present value
net present values
aus dem gegenwärtigen Vertrag
in connection with the present contract
Verlobungsgeschenk n
Verlobungsgeschenke pl
engagement present
engagement presents
Was du heute kannst besorgen das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. Sprw.
There's no time like the present. prov.
Referat n school.
ein Referat halten (über)
to read give present a paper (on)
Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. Sprw.
There's no time like the present. prov.
Zur Zeit übe ich eine andere Tätigkeit aus.
At present I have a different occupation.
was kostet der Artikel jetzt
what is the present price of this article
sich darbieten v
sich darbietend
sich dargeboten
to present itself
sich darbieten v
to present itself
gegenwärtig, aktuell, momentan, jetzig, augenblicklich, laufend adj
nicht mehr aktuell sein
current, present
to be no longer current
Empfehlungsschreiben n
sein Empfehlungsschreiben vorlegen
to present one's credentials
bitte dem Kassier vorlegen
will you present this cheque to the cashier
Bauvorlageberechtigung f
authorization to present building documents
Gegenwartsproblem m
Gegenwartsprobleme pl
present time problem
present time problems
Barwertfaktor m fin.
Barwertfaktoren pl
present-value factor
present-value factors
zur Zeit z.Z., z.Zt.
at present, for the time being, at the time of
zur Zeit z.Z. z.Zt.
at present for the time being at the time of
z.Z., z.Zt. : zur Zeit
at present, for the time being, at the time of
Instabilität f
die Instabilität des derzeitigen Regimes
the shakiness of the present regime
geschlossen; gemeinsam; gemeinschaftlich adj soc.
eine geschlossene Front gegen etw. bilden
to present a united front against sth.
Gesetzeslage f
angesichts der Gesetzeslage
legal situation
as the law stands (at present)
Partizip n; Mittelwort n ling.
Partizip Präsens
Partizip Perfekt
present participle
past participle
Partizip n, Mittelwort n gramm.
Partizip Präsens
Partizip Perfekt
present participle
past participle
Ephesos (antike griech. Stadt in der heutigen Türkei) geogr.
Ephesus (ancient Greek city in present-day Turkey)
Spurenmenge m chem.
in Spurenmengen in Spuren vorhanden sein
trace amount
to occur be present in trace amounts
Kapitalwertmethode f (bei der Investitionsrechnung) fin.
present-value method (in a pre-investment analysis)
Rentenbarwert m (Rentenberechnung) fin. math.
present value of annuity (calculation of annuities)
Barwertanwartschaft f (Versicherungswesen)
present value of an expectancy (insurance business)
Blickwinkel m
aus heutigem Blickwinkel, aus heutiger Sicht
vantage point
from the vantage point of the present
Kapitalwert m fin.
Berechnungen des Netto-Kapitalwerts
capital value
calculations of the net present value
Autor m; Autorin f; Verfasser m; Verfasserin f
Autoren pl; Autorinnen pl; Verfasser pl; Verfasserinnen pl
der Autor der vorliegenden gegenständlichen Ös. Arbeit Abhandlung
author; writer
authors; writers
the present author
Autor m, Autorin f, Verfasser m, Verfasserin f
Autoren pl, Autorinnen pl, Verfasser pl, Verfasserinnen pl
der Autor des hier vorliegenden Werkes adj
author, writer
authors, writers
the present author
Beschäftigung f; Berufstätigkeit f; Tätigkeit f adm.
Zur Zeit übe ich eine andere Tätigkeit aus.
At present I have a different occupation.

Deutsche gegenwärtig vorlegen Synonyme

unterbreiten  Âvorlegen  
aufweisen  Âaufzeigen  Âbeweisen  Âdarlegen  Âdemonstrieren  Âveranschaulichen  Âvorlegen  
bestehend  Âdort  Âexistent  Âgegenwärtig  Âseiend  Âvorhanden  
anwesend  Âbefindlich  Âdabei  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdisponibel  Âgegenwärtig  Âpräsent  Âverfügbar  Âvorhanden  Âvorrätig  Âzugegen  
dieser  Tage  Âgegenwärtig  Âheute  Âheutzutage  Âin  diesen  Tagen  Âinzwischen  Âjetzt  Âmittlerweile  Âmomentan  Ânun  Ânunmehr  
aktuell  Âaugenblicklich  Âderzeit  Âderzeitig  Âgegenwärtig  Âgerade  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgrade  (umgangssprachlich)  Âjetzig  Âjetzt  Âmomentan  Ânun  Âzur  Zeit  Âzurzeit  

Englische present Synonyme

present  Christmas present  accessible  accommodate  accord  acquaint  actual  adduce  adjacent  administer  advance  affect  afford  affront  aid  aim  aim at  allege  allot  allow  allowance  alms  announce  aorist  array  articulate  as is  at hand  at present  attendant  available  award  baksheesh  be a gas  be a hit  being  bend  benevolence  bestow  bestow on  betoken  bill  birthday present  bomb  bonus  boon  bounty  box  brandish  brave  breast  breathe  bring before  bring forth  bring forward  bring in  bring into view  bring on  bring out  bring to bear  bring to notice  bring up  cadeau  challenge  chime  chorus  chronology  close  closest  clothe  come out with  communicate  compliment  conceive  confer  confront  confront with  contemporaneous  contemporary  continuity  contribute  contribution  convey  couch  couch in terms  current  dangle  dare  deal  deal out  defy  deliver  demonstrate  deploy  determine  develop  devote  direct  directionize  disclose  dish out  dispense  display  distribute  divulge  do the honors  dole  dole out  donate  donation  dramatize  duration  durative  duree  embody  embody in words  emcee  emit  enact  encounter  endow  endowment  enunciate  envisage  evidence  evince  exhibit  existent  existing  expose to view  express  extant  extend  face  face with  fail  fairing  favor  feature  file  fill  fill up  find  fix  fix on  flaunt  fling off  flop  flourish  fork out  formularize  formulate  frame  freeload  fresh  front  fund  furnish  future  future perfect  gift  gift with  give  give a knockdown  give an introduction  give away  give expression  give expression to  give freely  give out  give out with  give sign  give token  give tongue  give utterance  give voice  give words to  grant  gratuity  hand  hand out  hand over  hand-out  handsel  headline  heap  help to  here and now  highlight  historical present  hold forth  hold on  hold out  illuminate  immanent  immediate  impart  imperfect  in being  in effect  
present day  a la mode  actual  advanced  as is  avant-garde  being  contemporaneous  contemporary  current  existent  existing  extant  far out  fashionable  forward-looking  fresh  immanent  immediate  in  instant  latest  mod  modern  modernistic  modernized  modish  new  newfashioned  now  present  present-age  present-time  progressive  running  streamlined  that be  that is  topical  twentieth-century  ultra-ultra  ultramodern  up-to-date  up-to-datish  up-to-the-minute  way out  
presentable  Junoesque  OK  acceptable  adequate  admissible  agreeable  all right  allowable  amply endowed  becoming  bequeathable  bestowable  better than nothing  bonny  braw  built  built for comfort  buxom  callipygian  callipygous  comely  communicable  curvaceous  curvy  decent  decorous  devisable  fair  fairish  fit  fitting  giveable  goddess-like  good enough  good-looking  goodish  goodly  impartable  likely  lovely to behold  moderate  not amiss  not bad  not half bad  not so bad  okay  passable  personable  pleasing  pneumatic  polite  pretty good  proper  respectable  satisfactory  shapely  sightly  slender  stacked  statuesque  sufficient  suitable  tidy  tolerable  unexceptionable  unobjectionable  up to scratch  up to snuff  well-bred  well-built  well-favored  well-formed  well-made  well-mannered  well-proportioned  well-shaped  well-stacked  workmanlike  
presentation  Christmas present  accommodation  accordance  account  acquaintance  acquaintedness  advance  announcement  apostolic orders  apparition  appearance  appearing  appointment  approach  arising  asking price  avatar  award  awarding  benefit  bestowal  bestowment  bid  bill  birthday present  blue book  box  briefing  bulletin  cadeau  calling  canonization  close acquaintance  coming  coming into being  coming out  coming-forth  coming-out party  communication  communique  concession  conferment  conferral  conferring  consecration  contribution  cosmorama  cyclorama  data  datum  debut  deliverance  delivery  demonstration  diorama  directory  disclosure  dispatch  display  donation  election  emergence  enactment  endowment  enlightenment  entertainment  epiphany  evidence  exhibit  exhibition  exposition  exposure  facts  factual information  fairing  familiarization  farewell performance  feeler  flesh show  forthcoming  furnishment  gen  general information  georama  gift  gifting  giving  grant  granting  guidebook  handout  handsel  hard information  holy orders  image  impartation  impartment  incarnation  incidental information  induction  info  information  installation  institution  instruction  intelligence  introduction  investiture  invitation  issuance  knockdown  knowledge  launch  liberality  light  light show  major orders  manifestation  materialization  materializing  mention  message  minor orders  myriorama  nomination  notice  notification  oblation  occurrence  offer  offering  opening  ordainment  orders  ordination  ostentation  overture  pageant  pageantry  panorama  parade  peace offering  performance  phantasmagoria  pomp  preferment  preliminary approach  premiere  present  presenting  presentment  production  proffer  projection  promotional material  proof  provision  psychedelic show  publication  publicity  reading in  realization  release  report  representation  retrospective  revelation  rise  rising  shifting scene  
presentiment  actuarial prediction  advance notice  affect  affection  apocalypse  apprehensiveness  clairvoyance  discomposing  discomposure  disquietude  disturbance  emotion  emotional charge  emotional shade  experience  feeling  feeling tone  foreboding  forecast  forecasting  forefeeling  foreknowing  foreknowledge  foreseeability  foreshowing  foresight  foretelling  forewarning  forewisdom  funny feeling  guesswork  gut reaction  heartthrob  hunch  impression  improbability  intimation  intuition  intuitive impression  misgiving  omen  passion  perturbation  plenty of notice  portent  preapprehension  precautioning  precognition  prediction  prefiguration  prefigurement  prefiguring  premonition  prenotice  prenotification  prenotion  presage  presaging  prescience  preshowing  presignifying  prewarning  probability  profound sense  prognosis  prognostication  promise  prophecy  prophesying  prospectus  reaction  response  sensation  sense  sentiment  soothsay  speculation  statistical prediction  suspicion  undercurrent  vague feeling  vague idea  vaticination  
presently  after a while  anon  at present  before long  betimes  by and by  directly  ere long  in a jiffy  in a moment  in a while  in due course  in due time  now  nowadays  shortly  soon  today  
presentment  accommodation  accordance  alphabet  arraignment  art  award  awarding  bail  benefit  bestowal  bestowment  bill  blueprint  charactering  characterization  charge  chart  choreography  communication  concession  conferment  conferral  contribution  conventional representation  dance notation  debut  delineation  deliverance  delivery  demonstration  depiction  depictment  description  diagram  display  donation  drama  drawing  enactment  endowment  entertainment  exemplification  exhibit  exhibition  exposition  exposure  farewell performance  figuration  flesh show  furnishment  gifting  giving  grant  granting  hieroglyphic  iconography  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  impartation  impartment  impeachment  indictment  information  investiture  letter  liberality  limning  logogram  logograph  map  musical notation  notation  offer  opening  ostentation  performance  pictogram  picture  picturization  plan  portraiture  portrayal  prefigurement  premiere  presentation  printing  production  projection  provision  realization  rendering  rendition  representation  retrospective  schema  score  script  show  showing  stage presentation  subscription  supplying  surrender  swan song  syllabary  symbol  tablature  theatrical performance  true bill  tryout  unfolding  unfoldment  unveiling  varnishing day  vernissage  vouchsafement  writing  

present Definition

(a.) Being at hand, within reach or call, within certain contemplated limits
(a.) Now existing, or in process
(a.) Not delayed
(a.) Ready
(a.) Favorably attentive
(a.) Present time
(a.) Present letters or instrument, as a deed of conveyance, a lease, letter of attorney, or other writing
(a.) A present tense, or the form of the verb denoting the present tense.
(a.) To bring or introduce into the presence of some one, especially of a superior
(a.) To exhibit or offer to view or notice
(a.) To pass over, esp. in a ceremonious manner
(a.) To make a gift of
(a.) Hence: To endow
(a.) To present
(a.) To nominate to an ecclesiastical benefice
(a.) To nominate for support at a public school or other institution .
(a.) To lay before a public body, or an official, for consideration, as before a legislature, a court of judicature, a corporation, etc.
(a.) To lay before a court as an object of inquiry
(a.) To bring an indictment against .
(a.) To aim, point, or direct, as a weapon
(v. i.) To appear at the mouth of the uterus so as to be perceptible to the finger in vaginal examination
(n.) Anything presented or given
(n.) The position of a soldier in presenting arms
(v. t.) To present again

present Bedeutung

present tense
a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking
historical present the use of the present tense to describe past actions or states
present participle a participle expressing present action, in English is formed by adding -ing
present something presented as a gift, his tie was a present from his wife
birthday present
birthday gift
a present given in celebration of a person's birthday
Christmas present
Christmas gift
a present given at Christmas time
wedding present
wedding gift
a present given to someone getting married
present progressive
present progressive tense
a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance
present perfect
present perfect tense
a perfective tense used to express action completed in the present, `I have finished' is an example of the present perfect
clear and present danger a standard for judging when freedom of speech can be abridged, no one has a right to shout `fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire because such an action would pose a clear and present danger to public safety
the period of time that is happening now, any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech, that is enough for the present, he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow
here and now
present moment
at this time, the disappointments of the here and now, she is studying at the moment
modern times
present times
modern world
contemporary world
the circumstances and ideas of the present age, in modern times like these
represent b lay out
bring forward and present to the mind, We presented the arguments to him, We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason
salute present recognize with a gesture prescribed by a military regulation, assume a prescribed position, When the officers show up, the soldiers have to salute
present acquaint
cause to come to know personally, permit me to acquaint you with my son, introduce the new neighbors to the community
present formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.
deliver (a speech, oration, or idea), The commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students
confront face present present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize, We confronted him with the evidence, He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions, An enormous dilemma faces us
portray present represent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpture, The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting
represent b
perform (a play), especially on a stage, we are going to stage `Othello'
show demo
give an exhibition of to an interested audience, She shows her dogs frequently, We will demo the new software in Washington
give gift
give as a present, make a gift of, What will you give her for her birthday?
give, especially as an honor or reward, bestow honors and prizes at graduation
present submit hand over formally
introduce, This poses an interesting question
belonging to the present time, contemporary leaders
present(a) temporal sense, intermediate between past and future, now existing or happening or in consideration, the present leader, articles for present use, the present topic, the present system, present observations
present being or existing in a specified place, the murderer is present in this room, present at the wedding, present at the creation
ever-present being always present
now at present at the present moment, goods now on sale, the now-aging dictator, they are now abroad, he is busy at present writing a new novel, it could happen any time now
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The present is the time that is associated with the events perceived directly and in the first time, not as a recollection or a speculation . It is a period of time between the past and the future, and can vary in meaning from being an instant to a day or longer. In radiocarbon dating, the "present" is defined as AD 1950.