
primary Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

ursprünglich, hauptsächlich, erstklassig
ursprünglich, Anfangs...
Primärausdruck m math.
ursprünglich; Anfangs...
ursprünglich; Anfangs…
Primärluft f
primary air
Primärrecht n jur.
primary law
Primärschlüssel m comp.
primary key
primary data
Hauptschuld f
primary debt
Primärdatei f comp.
primary file
Primärdaten pl comp.
primary data
primary file
Primärseite f techn.
primary side
Primärstadium n
primary stage
primär adj
primary, main
Eichdruck m
primary print
Haupt...; Primär... sci. techn.
main; primary
Primärseil n
primary cable
Haupt…; Primär… sci. techn.
main; primary
primary colour
primary market
primärer Wirtschaftssektor
primary sector
Primärbestattung f
primary burial
Primärenergie f
primary energy
Primärwald m bot.
primary forest
Urquell m
primary source
Urstoff m
primary matter
primary matter
primary school
primary school
Primärenergie f; Rohenergie f
primary energy
Primärsaugrohr n techn.
primary barrel
direkter Boykott
primary boycott
primary product
primary deposit
Vorbrecher m
primary crusher
primary storage
Primärkarbid n
primary carbide
Primärspannung f electr.
primary voltage
Grundstoffindustrie f
primary industry
Grundschulbildung, Grundschulwesen
primary education
primary objective
Primarschulwesen, Primarausbildung
primary education
Grundschulbildung f; Grundschulwesen n; Primärschulwesen n; Primärausbildung f
primary education
Hauptwohnung f
primary residence
primary industries
Brennerluft f (Primärluft) mach.
burner primary air
beleglose Datenerfassung
primary data entry
Basisimpfung f med.
primary vaccination
Arbeitsmarkt für qualifizierte Kräfte
primary labour market
das Hauptziel ist
the primary object is
pre-primary education
Primärenergieträger m
primary energy carrier
Assembler-Primärprogramm n comp.
assembler primary program
Assembler Primaerprogramm
assembler primary program
Lichtstandard m; Lichtstärkennormal n
primary luminous standard
Vorverdichtungsverhältnis n auto
primary compression ratio
Primärschlüssel m comp.
Primärschlüssel pl
primary key
primary keys
Primärmultiplexanschluss m PMxAs telco.
primary rate interface PRI
Vorklärbecken n
primary sedimentation basin
L-Kluft f geol.
primary flat joint; L-joint
Hauptwurzel f bot.
Hauptwurzeln pl
primary root
primary roots
Primärmultiplexanschluss m PMxAs telco.
primary rate interface PRI
Primärspule f
Primärspulen pl
primary coil
primary coils
Hauptprozess m
main process; primary process
Primärantrieb m
Primärantriebe pl
primary drive
primary drives
Primärstadium n
Primärstadien pl
primary stage
primary stages
Urgestein n
prehistoric rock, primary rocks
Urgestein n
prehistoric rock; primary rocks
Edukt n geol.
original material; primary rock
Elementarschule f
Elementarschulen pl
primary school
primary schools
Grundierung f, Grundanstrich m
primer, primary coat, prime coat
Primärmedium n
Primärmedien pl
primary medium
primary mediums
Primärkolben m techn.
Primärkolben pl
primary piston
primary pistons
Primärwald m bot.
Primärwälder pl
primary forest
primary forests
Leitkultur f soc.
dominant culture; primary culture
übergeordnet adj
supervisory, primary, higher-level
Primäranzeige f comp. electr.
Primäranzeigen pl
primary display
primary displays
Primärstromkreis m electr.
Primärstromkreise pl
primary circuit
primary circuits
Primärwicklung f electr.
Primärwicklungen pl
primary winding
primary windings
übergeordnet adj
supervisory; primary; higher-level
Vormaterialien pl
primary materials; input materials
Neuemission f fin.
Neuemissionen pl
primary offering
primary offerings
Transportluft f; Trägerluft f; Tragluft f (Kohlenstaub) mach.
primary air; carrier air; transport air
Zeugnis über die ärztliche Staatsprüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde Ös. stud. adm.
primary medical qualification PMQ Br.
Grundausbildung f school.
fliegerische Grundausbildung aviat.
basic training
primary flying training
Grundausbildung f school
fliegerische Grundausbildung aviat.
basic training
primary flying training
Vorzwirnen n; Vordrehen n (Spinnen) textil.
pretwisting; primary twisting (spinning)
Zeugnis über die ärztliche Staatsprüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde Ös. stud. adm.
primary medical qualification PMQ Br.
Selbstkosten pl econ.
prime costs, primary costs, original costs
Basisimpfung f med.
Basisimpfungen pl
primary vaccination
primary vaccinations
Selbstkosten pl econ.
prime costs; primary costs; original costs
Vorschulerziehung f
preschool education; pre-primary education
Reinaluminium n; Hüttenaluminium n
high-grade aluminium; primary aluminium pig
Grundfarbe f
ground colour; primary colour; primitive colour
Krebs m med. ugs.
Krebs bei unbekanntem Primärtumor
cancer of unknown primary origin CUP
medizinische Versorgung f; Gesundheitsversorgung f med.
primäre Gesundheitsversorgung
medical care; health care
primary health care
Hauptspeicher m
central memory, general storage, primary storage
Primärdrosselklappe f techn.
Primärdrosselklappen pl
primary throttle plate
primary throttle plates
Schießarbeit f min.
blasting; shot firing; shooting; primary blasting
Vorrollerhebel m (Papierherstellung) techn.
Vorrollerhebel pl
reel primary arm (papermaking)
reel primary arms
vorrangig; essenziell; zentral adj
von zentraler größter Bedeutung sein
prime; primary
to be of prime primary importance
Hauptzweck m
Hauptzweck m
Hauptzweck m
main purpose
primary purpose
principal purpose
Hydratwasser n (Kristall)
water adsorbed in primary hydration sites (crystal)
Aufprall m; Einschlag m; Aufschlag m
Aufpralle pl; Einschläge pl; Aufschläge pl
primärer Einschlag
sekundärer Einschlag
primary impact
secondary impact
Milchzahn m anat.
Milchzähne pl
milk tooth, primary tooth
milk teeth, primary teeth
Milchzahn m anat.
Milchzähne pl
milk tooth; primary tooth
milk teeth; primary teeth
Datenerfassung f
beleglose Datenerfassung
Datenerfassung f vom Urbeleg
data entry
primary data entry
secondary data entry
Schnittstellenanforderung f
primäre Schnittstellenanforderungen
interface requirement
primary interface requirements
Hauptwert m
Hauptwerte pl
main value; primary value
main values; primary values
Primärsprengstoff m; Initialsprengstoff m; Zündsprengstoff m; Zündstoff m mil.
Primärsprengstoffe pl; Initialsprengstoffe pl; Zündsprengstoffe pl; Zündstoffe pl
primary explosive; primer
primary explosives; primers
Säure f chem.
Säuren pl
einwertige Säure
mehrwertige Säure; mehrbasige Säure
primary acid
polyvalent acid; polyacid
Antriebswelle f (Gegenstück zur Abtriebswelle) techn.
Antriebswellen pl
input shaft; primary shaft
input shafts; primary shafts
Krankheitsgewinn m (Gewinn aus dem Status eines Kranken) psych.
primärer Krankheitsgewinn; innerer Krankheitsgewinn
sekundärer Krankheitsgewinn; äußerer Krankheitsgewinn
morbid gain
primary morbid gain
secondary morbid gain
Vorbohrung f
primary drilling; preliminary drilling; predrilling; preboring
Hauptmarkt m
Hauptmarkt m
Hauptmarkt m
Hauptmarkt m
main market
central market
primary market
principal market
Mühlengebläse n mach.
Mühlengebläse pl
Mühlengebläse vor Mühle
Mühlengebläse hinter Mühle
mill fan
mill fans
primary air fan (PA fan)
mill exhauster fan
Hauptzentrum n
main centre; primary centre Br.; main center; primary center Am.
Vorwahl f pol.
Vorwahlen pl
preliminary election, primary Am.
preliminary elections, primaries
Vorwahl f pol.
Vorwahlen pl
preliminary election; primary Am.
preliminary elections; primaries
Milchzahn m anat.
Milchzähne pl; erste Zähne ugs.
milk tooth; primary tooth
milk teeth; primary teeth; primary dentition
Luftröhrenzweig m; Bronchus m anat.
Luftröhrenzweige pl; Bronchien pl
linker rechter Hauptbronchus
left right main bronchus; left right primary bronchus
Krebsleiden n; Krebs m ugs. med.
Krebs bei unbekanntem Primärtumor
ein Krebsleiden haben
cancer of unknown primary origin CUP
to be suffering from cancer
Vorläufer m geogr. phys.
erster Vorläufer
zweiter Vorläufer
foreshock (seismics)
primary wave
secondary wave; equivolumnar wave; S-wave
Akkumulation f
Akkumulation des Kapitals
ursprüngliche Akkumulation
capital accumulation
primary accumulation, original accumulation
Akkumulation f
Akkumulation des Kapitals
ursprüngliche Akkumulation
capital accumulation
primary accumulation; original accumulation
(manuelle) Dateneingabe f; Datenerfassung f comp.
beleglose Datenerfassung
Datenerfassung f vom Urbeleg
data input; data entry; entry of data
primary data entry
secondary data entry
Grundstoff m; Rohstoff m (als Handelsware) econ.
metallischer Rohstoff
Lebensmittelrohstoff m
Rohstoffpreise pl
primary commodity; commodity
hard commodity
soft commodity
commodity prices
Bremsbacke f (bei Trommelbremsen) auto
Bremsbacken pl
auflaufende Backe; Auflaufbacke
brake shoe; shoe (in drum brakes)
brake shoes; shoes
primary shoe; leading show
Grundbedeutung f (eines Wortes) ling.
Grundbedeutungen pl
primary meaning; original meaning (of a word)
primary meanings; original meanings
Grundschüler m; Grundschülerin f school
primary school pupil Br.; elementary school pupil Am.; grade school pupil Am.
Knochenkern m (Centrum ossificationis) med.
primärer sekundärer Knochenkern
ossification centre Br. center Am.
primary secondary ossification centre center
Primärlagerstätte f min.
Primärlagerstätten pl
primary deposit; primary mineral deposit
primary deposits; primary mineral deposits
Mundhöhle f (Cavum oris) anat.
primäre Mundhöhle
sekundäre definitive Mundhöhle
oral cavity (often wrongly: buccal cavity)
primary oral cavity
secondary oral cavity
Mundhöhle f (Cavum oris) anat.
primäre Mundhöhle
sekundäre definitive Mundhöhle
oral cavity; (often wrongly: buccal cavity)
primary oral cavity
secondary oral cavity
Glaukom n; grüner Star med.
Weitwinkelglaukom; primäres Offenwinkelglaukom POWG
glaucoma; green star; green cataract
wide-angle glaucoma; primary open-angle glaucoma POAG
Grundschule f
Grundschulen pl
primary school, elementary (grade) school Am.
primary schools, elementary (grade) schools
Wirtschaftssektor m econ.
Wirtschaftssektoren pl
primärer Wirtschaftssektor
sekundärer Wirtschaftssektor (verarbeitender industrieller Sektor)
economic sector
economic sectors
primary sector
secondary sector (manufacturing sector)
Wirtschaftssektor m; Wirtschaftsbereich m econ.
Wirtschaftssektoren pl; Wirtschaftsbereiche pl
primärer Wirtschaftssektor
sekundärer Wirtschaftssektor (verarbeitender industrieller Sektor)
economic sector
economic sectors
primary sector
secondary sector (manufacturing sector)
Hauptbronchus m anat.
Hauptbronchien pl
linker rechter Hauptbronchus
main bronchus; primary bronchus
main bronchi; primary bronchi
left right main stem bronchus
handeln; agieren; fungieren (als jd.) v
handelnd; agierend; fungierend
gehandelt; agiert; fungiert
handelt; agiert; fungiert
handelte; agierte; fungierte
in jds. Auftrag Vertretung handeln
durch Organe handeln
to act (as sb.)
to act for sb.
to act through primary agents
handeln, wirken, agieren, funktionieren v
handelnd, wirkend, agierend, funktionierend
gehandelt, gewirkt, agiert, funktioniert
handelt, wirkt, agiert, funktioniert
handelte, wirkte, agierte, funktionierte
handeln für wen es angeht
durch Organe handeln
to act
to act for whom it may concern
to act through primary agents
Geschlechtsmerkmal n anat.
Geschlechtsmerkmale pl
primäres sekundäres Geschlechtsmerkmal
sex character; sex characteristic
sex characters; sex characteristics
primary secondary sex character
Heilung f (von Krankheiten, Wunden, Brüchen) med.
Primärheilung f; Perprimam-Heilung f; Heilung per primam intentionem
Sekundärheilung f; Persecundam-Heilung f (Sanatio per secundam intentionem)
healing (of diseases, wounds, fractures)
primary healing; per primam healing
second intention healing
Ganztagsschule f
Ganztagsschulen pl
all-day schooling, all-day school, primary schools' wrap-around care
all-day schoolings, all-day schools
Ganztagsschule f school
Ganztagsschulen pl
all-day schooling; all-day school; primary schools' wrap-around care
all-day schoolings; all-day schools
Luftröhrenzweig m; Bronchus m anat.
Luftröhrenzweige pl; Bronchien pl
linker rechter Hauptbronchus
in einem Bronchus (befindlich) adj
left right main bronchus; left right primary bronchus
intrabronchial; endobronchial

Deutsche ursprünglich hauptsächlich erstklassig Synonyme

erstklassig  Âherausragend  Âhervorragend  
aussagekräftig  Âbedeutsam  Âhauptsächlich  Âsignifikant  Âwesentlich  Âwichtig  
atavistisch  Âsteinzeitlich  Âuralt  Âursprünglich  
erst  einmal  Âhauptsächlich  Âvor  allem  Âvoralledem  Âvordringlich  Âvorerst  
überwiegend  Âgrößtenteils  Âhauptsächlich  Âin  der  Hauptsache  Âprimär  Âschwerpunktmäßig  Âvorrangig  
jungfräulich  Âunangetastet  Âunberührt  Âunverändert  Âursprünglich  
authentisch  Âecht  Âgenuin  Âoriginal  Âunverändert  Âunverfälscht  Âursprünglich  
anfangs  Âanfänglich  Âeingangs  Âerst  einmal  Âoriginär  Âursprünglich  Âvon  Anfang  an  Âvon  Beginn  an  Âzu  Anfang  Âzu  Beginn  Âzuerst  
erstklassig  herausragend  hervorragend  

Englische primary Synonyme

primary  Maxwell triangle  Munsell scale  ab ovo  abecedarian  aboriginal  all-absorbing  antenatal  anterior  arch  austere  autochthonous  banner  bare  basal  basic  basilar  beginning  bottom  budding  by-election  capital  cardinal  caucus  central  champion  chaste  chief  chromatic circle  chromatic spectrum  chromaticity diagram  closed primary  color circle  color cycle  color index  color mixture curve  color solid  color spectrum  color system  color triangle  complementary color  congressional election  constituent  constitutive  contested election  controlling  creative  crowning  crucial  demitint  direct  direct primary  dominant  earliest  election  elemental  elementary  embryonic  essential  fetal  first  firsthand  focal  fore  forehand  foremost  formative  forward  foundational  front  frontal  full color  fundamental  fundamental colors  general election  generative  genetic  germinal  gestatory  great  gut  half tint  halftone  head  headmost  hegemonic  highest  homely  homespun  homogeneous  hue cycle  immediate  in embryo  in its infancy  in ovo  in the bud  inaugural  inceptive  inchoate  inchoative  incipient  incunabular  indivisible  infant  infantile  initial  initiative  initiatory  introductory  inventive  irreducible  leading  magisterial  maiden  main  mandatory primary  master  material  mere  metamer  monochrome  monolithic  nascent  natal  nonpartisan primary  of a piece  of the essence  open primary  optional primary  original  overriding  overruling  paramount  partisan election  parturient  pioneer  plain  postnatal  predominant  preeminent  preference primary  pregnant  premier  prenatal  preponderant  presidential election  presidential preference primary  presidential primary  prevailing  primal  primary color  primary election  prime  primeval  primitive  primogenial  primordial  principal  pristine  procreative  protogenic  prototypal  pure  pure and simple  pure color  radical  ranking  referendum  rudimental  rudimenta  

primary Definition

(a.) First in order of time or development or in intention
(a.) First in order, as being preparatory to something higher
(a.) First in dignity or importance
(a.) Earliest formed
(a.) Illustrating, possessing, or characterized by, some quality or property in the first degree
(n.) That which stands first in order, rank, or importance
(n.) A primary meeting
(n.) One of the large feathers on the distal joint of a bird's wing. See Plumage, and Illust. of Bird.
(n.) A primary planet

primary Bedeutung

primary election
a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen
direct primary a primary where voters directly select the candidates who will run for office
closed primary a primary in which only registered members of a particular political party can vote, closed primaries strengthen party unity
open primary a primary in which any registered voter can vote (but must vote for candidates of only one party)
primary care the medical care received on first contact with the medical system (before being referred elsewhere)
primary censorship armed forces censorship performed by personnel of a military unit on the personal communications of persons assigned to that unit
primary health care health care that is provided by a health care professional in the first contact of a patient with the health care system
primary feather
primary quill
one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing
primary coil
primary winding
coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit, current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil
voltaic cell
galvanic cell
primary cell
an electric cell that generates an electromotive force by an irreversible conversion of chemical to electrical energy, cannot be recharged
primary color
primary colour
any of three colors from which all others can be obtained by mixing
primary color for pigments
primary colour for pigments
any of three pigments from which all colors can be obtained by mixing, the primary colors for pigments are red, blue, and yellow
primary color for light
primary colour for light
any of three primary colors of light from which all colors can be obtained by additive mixing, the primary colors for light are red, blue, and green
primary subtractive color for light
primary subtractive colour for light
any of the three colors that give the primary colors for light after subtraction from white light, the primary subtractive colors for light are magenta, cyan, and yellow
primary sex characteristic
primary sexual characteristic
primary sex character
the genetically determined sex characteristics bound up with reproduction (genitals and organs of reproduction)
primary dentition dentition of deciduous teeth
primary tooth
deciduous tooth
baby tooth
milk tooth
one of the first temporary teeth of a young mammal (one ofin children)
grade school
grammar school
elementary school
primary school
a school for young children, usually the first or grades
primary (astronomy) a celestial body (especially a star) relative to other objects in orbit around it
health professional
primary care provider
health care provider
a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
primary care physician the physician who provides primary care, the primary care physician acts as a gatekeeper to the medical system
primary syphilis the first stage, characterized by a chancre at the site of infection
atypical pneumonia
primary atypical pneumonia
mycoplasmal pneumonia
an acute respiratory disease marked by high fever and coughing, caused by mycoplasma, primarily affecting children and young adults
primary amenorrhea delay of menarche beyond age
primary dysmenorrhea painful menstruation that is intrinsic to menstruation and not the result of a disease
solid solution
primary solid solution
a homogeneous solid that can exist over a range of component chemicals, a constituent of alloys that is formed when atoms of an element are incorporated into the crystals of a metal
primary not derived from or reducible to something else, basic, a primary instinct
of primary importance
chief(a) main(a)
most important element, the chief aim of living, the main doors were of solid glass, the principal rivers of America, the principal example, policemen were primary targets, the master bedroom, a master switch
primary of first rank or importance or value, direct and immediate rather than secondary, primary goals, a primary effect, primary sources, a primary interest
of or being the essential or basic part, an elementary need for love and nurturing
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Primary may refer to: