
principle Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Prinzip, Grundsatz
Prinzip, Richtlinie
Grundsatz, Ursache
im Prinzip, grundsätzlich
in principle
prinzipiell adv; aus Prinzip
on principle
Verkettungsprinzip n telco.
link principle
Belegenheitsgrundsatz m; Belegenheitsprinzip n jur.
situs principle
Leitprinzip n, leitendes Prinzip
ruling principle
Wirkprinzip n
active principle
principle of law
Führerprinzip n
leader principle
guiding principle
Richtschnur f übtr.
guiding principle
Grundsatz m der periodenmäßigen Erfassung von Erträgen und Aufwendungen econ. adm.
accrual principle
das Hauptprinzip, das Prinzip
the main principle
ultimate principle
rotation principle
Majoritätsprinzip n
majority principle
grundsaetzlich zustimmen
agree in principle
Vier-Augen-Prinzip n; Vieraugenprinzip n
Prinzip der Auswahl, Auswahlprinzip
principle of choice
Additionsprinzip n math.
summation principle
Ausschlussprinzip n
exclusion principle
Kollegialprinzip n adm.
collegial principle
Vollkostenprinzip n econ.
full-cost principle
Ordnungsprinzip n
regulating principle
grundsätzlich adv
as a basic principle
as a basic principle
Funktionsschema n
functional principle
Ähnlichkeitsprinzip n phys.
similarity principle
Mündlichkeitsgrundsatz m
principle of orality
Prinzip n des gesunden Mittelmaßes phil.
Goldilocks principle
performance principle
Gleichheitsgrundsatz m
principle of equality
Leistungsprinzip n
achievement principle
Ich bin prinzipiell einverstanden.
I agree in principle.
achievement principle
Legalitätsprinzip n
principle of legality
acceleration principle
agreement in principle
Prinzip der Entschädigung
principle of indemnity
Akzelerationsprinzip n
acceleration principle
Kausalprinzip n, Kausalitätsprinzip n
principle of causality
principle of causality
Grundsatz m; Ursache f
Grundsätze pl
Kausalprinzip n; Kausalitätsprinzip n
principle of causality
Schlüssel-Schloss-Prinzip n med.
lock-and-key principle
Wirkungsprinzip n
principle of operation
Aktualitätsprinzip n
principle of actualism
Funktionsprinzip n
principle of operation
principle of efficiency
Kostendeckungsprinzip n
cost covering principle
Verursacherprinzip n (Umweltschutz)
polluter pays principle
Vorsorgeprinzip n
precautionary principle
Extremalprinzip n phys.
extreme-value principle
von einem Grundsatz abweichen
deviate from a principle
Baukastenprinzip n techn.
modular design principle
Grundsatz der steuerlichen Leistungsfähigkeit
ability to pay principle
Ordnungsprinzip n
principle of arrangement
Zufallsprinzip n math.
principle of contingency
prinzipiell, grundsätzlich adv
as a matter of principle
as a matter of principle
Grundsatz m der steuerlichen Leistungsfähigkeit
ability to pay principle
Korrespondenzprinzip n
correspondence principle
prinzipiell; grundsätzlich adv
as a matter of principle
Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz m (Deutschland) jur.
principle of specificity
Subsidiaritätsprinzip n pol.
principle of subsidiarity
Aktienanpassungsprinzip n
stock adjustment principle
Grundsatz m der Nichtschädigung; Grundsatz m der Schadensvermeidung; Primum-non-nuocere-Prinzip n med.
non-maleficience principle
Diffusorprinzip n techn.
coke-bottle principle Am.
Ordnungsprinzip n
principle of classification
Teilstreckenverfahren n
store-and-forward principle
store-and-forward principle
Arbeitssatz m
principle of work and energy
Diskriminierungsverbot n
non-discrimination principle
Impulssatz m
principle of linear momentum
Schwerpunktsatz m
principle of linear momentum
Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz m
principle of proportionality
Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatz m pol.
principle of equal treatment
Drehimpulssatz m, Drallsatz m phys.
principle of angular momentum
Momentensatz m
principle of angular momentum
Drehimpulssatz m; Momentensatz m; Drallsatz m phys.
principle of angular momentum
Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz m (Deutschland) jur.
principle of (legal) certainty
anthropisch adj
anthropisches Prinzip
anthropic principle
Arbeit f phys.
Prinzip der virtuellen Arbeit
principle of virtual work
es beruht auf denselben Grundsätzen
it is based on the same principle
Prinzip der friedlichen Koexistenz
principle of peaceful coexistence
Kapitaldeckungsverfahren n
funding method, funding principle
Kapitaldeckungsverfahren n
funding method; funding principle
Hebelgesetz n
lever rule, principle of the lever
Grundsatz m, Ursache f
Grundsätze pl
mit hohen Grundsätzen
Offizialmaxime f; Offizialprinzip n jur.
principle of ex-officio prosecution
Schuldprinzip n jur.
principle of fault; fault principle
Energieerhaltungssatz m phys.
principle of conservation of energy
Panoptikum n; Panopticon n (Bauprinzip) arch. hist.
panopticon (construction principle)
Weltrechtsgrundsatz m; Weltrechtsprinzip n jur.
principle of universal jurisdiction
Konstruktionsprinzip n
Konstruktionsprinzipien pl
design principle
design principles
Leitprinzip n; leitendes Prinzip
Leitprinzipien pl
ruling principle
ruling principles
Wirkprinzip n
Wirkprinzipien pl
active principle
active principles
Funktionsnachweis m techn.
proof of concept; proof of principle
Leitsatz m, Leitprinzip n
Leitsätze pl, Leitprinzipien pl
guiding principle
guiding principles
Leitsatz m; Leitprinzip n
Leitsätze pl; Leitprinzipien pl
guiding principle
guiding principles
Prinzip Halte es möglichst einfach!
KISS : Keep It Simple, Stupid principle
Hebelgesetz n phys.
lever principle; principle of the lever
Wellenreiterprinzip n (Kerntechnik)
surfing principle (nuclear engineering)
Locard'sches Prinzip n; Locard'sche Regel f (Kriminaltechnik)
Locard's exchange principle (forensics)
Machbarkeitsnachweis m
proof of concept; proof of principle POC
Handicap-Prinzip n (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
handicap principle (evolutionary biology)
Ausschlussprinzip n
Ausschlussprinzipien pl
exclusion principle
exclusion principles
Machbarkeitsnachweis m
proof of concept; proof of principle POC
Wertermittlungsgrundsatz m; Wertermittlungsprinzip n
Wertermittlungsgrundsätze pl; Wertermittlungsprinzipien pl
valuation principle
valuation principles
Satz m von Cavalieri; Prinzip n von Cavalieri; Cavalieri'sches Prinzip n math.
Cavalieri's theorem; Cavalieri's principle
Aufbauprinzip n
Aufbauprinzipien pl
structural principle
structural principles
Funktionsprinzip n
Funktionsprinzipien pl
functional principle
functional principles
Querstromprinzip n
Querstromprinzipien pl
cross-flow principle
cross-flow principles
Anklagegrundsatz m jur.
principle of indictment; accusatorial system
Strukturprinzip n
Strukturprinzipien pl
structural principle
structural principles
Grundsatzfrage f
Grundsatzfragen pl
question of principle
questions of principle
Grundprinzip n
Grundprinzipien pl
fundamental principle
fundamental principles
Leistungsprinzip n
Leistungsprinzipien pl
achievement principle
achievement principles
Messprinzip n
Messprinzip n
measuring principle
principle of measurement
Ausschluss m der Gewährleistung; Mängelausschluss m; Grundsatz 'Augen auf Kauf ist Kauf' m econ. jur.
caveat emptor; 'let the buyer beware' principle
Ausschluss m der Gewährleistung; Mängelausschluss m; Grundsatz 'Augen auf, Kauf ist Kauf' m econ. jur.
caveat emptor; 'let the buyer beware' principle
Bauprinzip n arch.
Bauprinzipien pl
construction principle
construction principles
Verrückung f
Prinzip der virtuellen Verrückungen
principle of virtual displacements
Quellenprinzip n fin.
principle of levying taxes by deduction at source
Tokamak m (Kerntechnik)
Tokamak-Prinzip n
tokamak (nuclear engineering)
tokamak principle
Arbeit f phys.
mechanische Arbeit
Prinzip der virtuellen Arbeit
mechanical work
principle of virtual work
Extremalprinzip n math.
extremum principle; integral variational principle
Ãœberlagerungsprinzip n; Superpositionsprinzip n phys.
principle of superposition; superposition principle
Grundsatzurteil n jur.
leading decision, judgement establishing a principle
Leitvorstellung f
vision; general outline; guiding idea; key principle
Ockhams Rasiermesser n; Prinzip n der Parsimonie; Sparsamkeitsprinzip n
Occam's razor; Ockham's razor; principle of parsimony
Plenargerichtsbarkeit f
Grundsatz der Plenargerichtsbarkeit
plenary jurisdiction
principle of plenary jurisdiction
im Gegenstrom arbeiten (Bauteil) v techn.
to work on the countercurrent principle (component part)
Grundbegriff m
Grundbegriffe pl
basic idea; basic principle
basic ideas; basic principles
Risikoprinzip n (Gesundheits- und Umweltpolitik) pol. envir.
risk analysis principle (public health and environment policy)
Vorsorgeprinzip n (Gesundheits- und Umweltpolitik) pol. envir.
precautionary principle (public health and environment policy)
zustimmen (zu, mit), akzeptieren, einstimmen
zustimmend, akzeptierend, einstimmend
zugestimmt, akzeptiert, eingestimmt
grundsätzlich zustimmen
to agree (to, with)
to agree in principle
tumorinduzierendes Prinzip n biochem.
tumour-inducing principle Br., tumor-inducing principle Am.
Rechtsgrundsatz m
Rechtsgrundsätze pl
allgemeine Rechtsgrundsätze
principle of law
principles of law
general principles of law
Zerrüttungsgrundsatz m; Zerrüttungsprinzip n jur.
principle of broken marriage; principle of irreconciliability Am.
Grundsatzurteil n jur.
Grundsatzurteile pl
leading decision; judgement establishing a principle
leading decisions
Leitsatz m; Leitprinzip n; Handlungsmaxime f; Richtschnur f übtr.
Leitsätze pl; Leitprinzipien pl; Handlungsmaxima pl
Richtschnur unseres Handelns
guiding principle
guiding principles
guiding principle of our actions
Nein n
mit Ja oder Nein stimmen
aus Prinzip Nein sagen
to vote yes or no; to vote aye or nay Am.
to say no on principle
grundsätzlich adv
Grundsätzlich gilt, dass …
as a basic principle; in principle
The general rule principle is that …
grundsätzlich adv
Grundsätzlich gilt dass ...
as a basic principle; in principle
The general rule principle is that ...
Fremdvergleichsgrundsatz m econ.
fremdvergleichskonform adj
arm's length principle ALP
in accordance with the arm's length principle

Deutsche Prinzip Grundsatz Synonyme

Grundregel  ÂGrundsatz  ÂLebensregel  ÂLeitfaden  ÂMaxime  ÂPrinzip  
Doktrin  ÂGrundsatz  
Grundsatz  ÂNorm  ÂRegel  ÂTyp  
Axiom  ÂGrundsatz  von  allgemeiner  Geltung  
Credo  Âgeglaubter  Grundsatz  ÂGlaubensbekenntnis  ÂKredo  
Arbeitsweise  ÂFunktionsweise  ÂPrinzip  
aus  Prinzip  Ânaturgemäß  Âprinzipbedingt  
grundsätzlich  Âim  Grunde  Âim  Prinzip  Âin  der  Regel  Âprinzipiell  
Kausalitätsprinzip  ÂKausalprinzip  ÂUrsache-Wirkung-Prinzip  
leitendes  Prinzip  ÂLeitlinie  ÂLeitprinzip  ÂLeitsatz  
gegenseitige  Begünstigung  ÂPrinzip  der  Gegenseitigkeit  ÂReziprozität  ÂWechselseitigkeit  
Kausalität  ÂKausalordnung  (fachsprachlich)  ÂKausalzusammenhang  ÂUrsache-Wirkung-Prinzip  ÂUrsächlichkeit  
überhaupt  Âeigentlich  Âförmlich  Âgewissermaßen  Âgleichsam  Âim  Prinzip  Âpraktisch  Âquasi  Âsozusagen  
80/20-Regel  ÂPareto-Prinzip  ÂPareto-Verteilung  
an  sich  (umgangssprachlich)  Âan  und  für  sich  Âeigentlich  Âim  Prinzip  
aus Prinzip  naturgemäß  prinzipbedingt  
leitendes Prinzip  Leitlinie  Leitprinzip  Leitsatz  

Englische principle Synonyme

principle  Procrustean law  a belief  a priori truth  activity  ambition  antecedents  article of faith  aspiration  at bottom  attitude  axiom  base  basement  basically  basis  bearing wall  bed  bedding  bedrock  belief  brocard  call  calling  campaign  canon  causation  cause  cause and effect  center  code  commandment  commitment  conscience  consideration  convention  core  credo  creed  criterion  crusade  determinant  determinative  dictate  dictum  doctrine  dogma  drive  element  elements  elixir  essence  essential  essentially  ethic  etiology  factor  faith  floor  flooring  flower  focus  fond  footing  form  formality  formula  formulary  foundation  fundament  fundamental  fundamentally  fundamentals  general principle  gist  given  goal  golden rule  grammar  gravamen  great cause  ground  grounds  groundwork  guide  guideline  guiding light  guiding principle  guiding star  hardpan  heart  honesty  hypostasis  idea  ideal  ideally  imperative  in essence  in theory  inner essence  inspiration  integrity  intention  interest  issue  kernel  law  law of nature  lifework  lodestar  mainspring  marrow  mass movement  matter  maxim  meat  mitzvah  model  moral  morality  morals  motive  movement  norm  norma  notion  nub  nucleus  nuts and bolts  occasion  order of nature  ordinance  pavement  philosophy  pith  point of view  postulate  precept  prescribed form  prescription  principium  principles  probity  proposition  quid  quiddity  quintessence  radical  reason  reason for being  regulation  riprap  rock bottom  rubric  rudiment  rudiments  rule  sake  sap  score  seat  self-evident truth  sentiment  set form  settled principle  sill  solid ground  solid rock  soul  source  spirit  spring  standard  standing order  stereobate  stimulus  stuff  stylobate  substance  substratum  substruction  substructure  teaching  tenet  terra firma  the nitty-gritty  theorem  theoretically  truism  truth  ulterior motive  underbuilding  undercarriage  undergirdi  
principled  Christian  blameless  clean  correct  creditable  decent  erect  estimable  ethical  fair  full of integrity  good  high-minded  high-principled  highly respectable  honest  honorable  immaculate  inviolate  irreproachable  just  law-abiding  law-loving  law-revering  manly  moral  moralistic  noble  proper  pure  reputable  respectable  right  right-minded  righteous  scrupulous  spotless  stainless  sterling  true-dealing  true-devoted  true-disposing  true-souled  true-spirited  truehearted  unblemished  uncorrupt  uncorrupted  undefiled  unimpeachable  unspotted  unstained  unsullied  untarnished  upright  uprighteous  upstanding  virtuous  worthy  yeomanly  
principles  Ten Commandments  Zeitgeist  alphabet  assured probity  axiology  basics  behavioral norm  blamelessness  business ethics  character  cleanness  code  code of ethics  code of morals  course  creed  decalogue  decency  elements  erectness  estimableness  ethic  ethical system  ethics  ethos  fairness  first principles  first steps  good character  goodness  grammar  guiding principles  high ideals  high principles  high-mindedness  honesty  honor  honorableness  hornbook  immaculacy  induction  integrity  irreproachability  irreproachableness  justice  justness  legal ethics  line  medical ethics  moral climate  moral code  moral excellence  moral principles  moral strength  morals  new morality  nobility  norm  normative system  outlines  plan of action  platform  policy  polity  position paper  primer  principia  probity  procedure  professional ethics  pureness  purity  rectitude  reputability  respectability  righteousness  rudiments  social ethics  stainlessness  standards  unimpeachability  unimpeachableness  unspottedness  uprightness  upstandingness  value system  virtue  virtuousness  worthiness  

principle Definition

(n.) Beginning
(n.) A source, or origin
(n.) An original faculty or endowment.
(n.) A fundamental truth
(n.) A settled rule of action
(n.) Any original inherent constituent which characterizes a substance, or gives it its essential properties, and which can usually be separated by analysis
(v. t.) To equip with principles

principle Bedeutung

(law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature), the rationale for capital punishment, the principles of internalombustion engines
working principle
working rule
a rule that is adequate to permit work to be done
fundamental principle
basic principle
principles from which other truths can be derived, first you must learn the fundamentals, let's get down to basics
pleasure principle
pleasure-pain principle
pleasure-unpleasure principle
(psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the id, the principle that an infant seeks gratification and fails to distinguish fantasy from reality
reality principle (psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the ego, the principle that as a child grows it becomes aware of the real environment and the need to accommodate to it
principle a basic truth or law or assumption, the principles of democracy
first rudiment
first principle
the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural), he mastered only the rudiments of geometry
principle rule a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system, the principle of the conservation of mass, the principle of jet propulsion, the right-hand rule for inductive fields
Archimedes' principle
law of Archimedes
(hydrostatics) the apparent loss in weight of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid
Gestalt law of organization
Gestalt principle of organization
a principle of Gestalt psychology that identifies factors leading to particular forms of perceptual organization
Le Chatelier's principle
Le Chatelier's law
Le Chatelier principle
Le Chatelier-Braun principle
the principle that if any change is imposed on a system that is in equilibrium then the system tends to adjust to a new equilibrium counteracting the change
Pauli exclusion principle
exclusion principle
no two electrons or protons or neutrons in a given system can be in states characterized by the same set of quantum numbers
principle rule a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct, their principles of composition characterized all their works
principle a rule or standard especially of good behavior, a man of principle, he will not violate his principles
accounting principle
accounting standard
a principle that governs current accounting practice and that is used as a reference to determine the appropriate treatment of complex transactions
moral principle
value orientation
the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group, the Puritan ethic, a person with old-fashioned values
legal principle
judicial principle
judicial doctrine
(law) a principle underlying the formulation of jurisprudence
principle of relativity (physics) a universal law that states that the laws of mechanics are not affected by a uniform rectilinear motion of the system of coordinates to which they are referred
Occam's Razor
Ockham's Razor
principle of parsimony
law of parsimony
the principle that entities should not be multiplied needlessly, the simplest of two competing theories is to be preferred
principle of equivalence (physics) the principle that an observer has no way of distinguishing whether his laboratory is in a uniform gravitational field or is in an accelerated frame of reference
principle of liquid displacement (hydrostatics) the volume of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid
principle of superposition
Huygens' principle of superposition
the displacement of any point due to the superposition of wave systems is equal to the sum of the displacements of the individual waves at that point, the principle of superposition is the basis of the wave theory of light
principle of superposition superposition principle superposition (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest
mass-action principle
mass action
(neurology) the principle that the cortex of the brain operates as a coordinated system with large masses of neural tissue involved in all complex functioning
localization of function
localisation of function
localization principle
localisation principle
(physiology) the principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body
uncertainty principle
indeterminacy principle
(quantum theory) the theory that it is impossible to measure both energy and time (or position and momentum) completely accurately at the same time
rule of personal conduct
moral principle the principle that conduct should be moral
vital principle
life principle
a hypothetical force to which the functions and qualities peculiar to living things are sometimes ascribed
bitter principle any one of several hundred compounds having a bitter taste, not admitting of chemical classification
in principle
in theory in essence
with regard to fundamentals although not concerning details, in principle, we agree
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