
pro government Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Staatsregierung f pol.
Landesregierung, Regierung
government bond
government bond
Autonomie f, Selbstverwaltung f
Geschäftsführer m der Regierungspartei
government whip
Autonomie f; Selbstverwaltung f
government loan
Autonomie, Selbstverwaltung
self government
Kommunalverwaltung (Br.)
local government
staatlicher Zuschuss
government grant
government owned
Kommunalverwaltung f
local government
Weltregierung f
world government
government loans
Staatspapier n
government stocks
staatlich finanziert adj
government stocks
federal government
Bundesregierung f
Federal Government
Bundesregierung f pol.
Federal Government
Regierungssitz m
seat of government
Staatsanzeiger m
government gazette
Staatseinkünfte pl
government revenue
Volksherrschaft f
popular government
form of government
government gazette
government revenue
government subsidy
popular government
öffentlicher Bediensteter
government employee
government property
Regierungsviertel n
government district
Bezirksregierung f
district government
Minderheitsregierung f
minority government
Regierungsbeamte m f , Regierungsbeamter
government official
Beschäftigter im öffentlichen Dienst
government employee
Gebührengesetz n jur.
Government Fees Act
von der Regierung ausgegeben, Staatseigentum
government issue GI
Reichsregierung f hist.
imperial government
Behördendienste pl adm.
government services
forms of government
Regierungsbeamte, Regierungsbeamter
government official
military government
government security
Amtsdruckschriften pl
government documents
Koalitionsregierung f
coalition government
Regierungswechsel m pol.
change of government
Staatsapparat m pol.
government machinery
Einparteienregierung f pol.
one-party government
Koalitionsregierung f pol.
coalition government
coalition government
government subsidies
Dienststelle der Regierung, Ministerium
government department
government department
government securities
von der Regierung kontrolliert, gelenkt
government controlled
von der Regierung ausgegeben Staatseigentum
government issue GI
Ministerium n adm. pol.
government department
von der Regierung ausgegeben, Staatseigentum
GI : government issue
provisorische Regierung
provisional government
staatliche Aufsicht
government supervision
Interimsregierung f
provisional government
Regierungschef m, Regierungschefin f pol.
head of the government
öffentliches Beschaffungswesen n adm.
government procurement
provisional government
Regierungsausgaben pl
government expenditures
Regierung f, Landesregierung f
Regierungen pl, Landesregierungen pl
autoritäre Regierung f pol.
authoritarian government
Regierung f
Gov., Govt. : government
federal government budget
von der Regierung geschaffene Einrichtungen
government-run facilities
Regierungsbildung f pol.
formation of a government
Herunterfahren n der US-Bundesverwaltung (wegen fehlender budgetärer Deckung) pol.
government shutdown Am.
regierungskritisch adj pol.
critical of the government
Staatseinkünfte pl; Staatseinnahmen pl
government revenue; revenue
gesichert; gestützt adj
staatlich gestützt; mit staatlicher Unterstützung
Stadtregierung f
city government; town government
government control of the economy
Gemeinde f; Kommune f Dt. (Gebietskörperschaft) pol.
local government; local authority
Staatsversagen n pol.
government failure; state failure
amtlicher Börsenmakler m; Börsesensal m Ös. fin. hist.
government-appointed stock broker
Regierungsentwurf m pol.
Regierungsentwürfe pl
government bill
government bills
Regierungsvorlage f pol.
Regierungsvorlagen pl
government bill
government bills
Staatsanleihe f
Staatsanleihen pl
government loan
government loans
Staatsorgan n
Staatsorgane pl
government body
government bodies
öffentlich Bediensteter m; Staatsangestellter m; Angestellter im öffentlichen Dienst; Vertragsbediensteter m Ös. adm.
public servant; government employee
amerikanischer Soldat
GI : Government Issue Am. slang
ukrainisch adj geogr.
die ukrainische Regierung
the Ukrainian government
Landesregierung f pol.
Landesregierungen pl
state government
state governments
Marionettenregierung f pol.
Marionettenregierungen pl
puppet government
puppet governments
Regierungsamt n; Regierungsstelle f
Regierungsämter pl; Regierungsstellen pl
government office
government offices
Behördenorganisation f adm.
the organisation of government services
Zentralregierung f pol.
Zentralregierungen pl
central government
central governments
Regierungsform f
Regierungsformen pl
form of government
forms of government
Staatsform f
Staatsformen pl
form of government
forms of government
Sturz m; Fall m; Untergang m
der Sturz der Regierung
the downfall of the government
Zentralbanknoten pl
central bank notes; government bank notes
Regierung zahlt Prämien an Exporteure
our government pays bounties to exporters
Zentralbanknoten pl
central bank notes, government bank notes
Staatszuschuss m
Staatszuschüsse pl
government subsidy
government subsidies
Rasterfahndung f
cross-referencing of government databases
Kommunalregierung f pol.
Kommunalregierungen pl
communal government
communal governments
Regierungsmehrheit f pol.
government majority; government's majority
Militärregierung f
Militärregierungen pl
military government
military governments
Regierungsbeamte m f; Regierungsbeamter
Regierungsbeamten pl; Regierungsbeamte
government official
government officials
Regierungsgegner m
Regierungsgegner pl
government opponent
government opponents
Regierungsbeamte m,f; Regierungsbeamter
Regierungsbeamten pl; Regierungsbeamte
government official
government officials
Regierungsgebäude n
Regierungsgebäude pl
government building
government buildings
Regime n (autoritäre Regierung) pej. pol.
Regime pl; Regimes pl selten
regime (autoritarian government)
Bezirksregierung f
Bezirksregierungen pl
district government
district governments
Staatsausgaben pl; staatliche Ausgaben pl fin.
government spending; government expenditure
Kommunalwahl n, Kommunalwahlen pl pol.
local elections, local government elections
staatlich adj
staatliche Mittel
state ..., government ...
government funds
Staatsausgaben pl
national expenditure; government expenditure
staatlich adj
staatliche Mittel
state ...; government ...
government funds
Machtwechsel m pol.
Machtwechsel pl
change of government
changes of government
Regierungssprecher m
government spokesperson, government spokesman
Staatsbedienstetengesetz n; Vertragsbedienstetengesetz n Ös. VBG jur.
Public Servants Act; Government Employees Act
Regierungssprecher m
government spokesperson; government spokesman
Regierungschef m; Regierungschefin f pol.
Regierungschefs pl; Regierungschefinnen pl
head of the government
heads of governments
Herbeirufung f eines Mitgliedes der Bundesregierung pol.
summoning of a member of the Federal Government
Interimsregierung f
Interimsregierungen pl
provisional government
provisional governments
Regierungsstelle f
Regierungsstellen pl
government department
governmental authorities
öffentlicher Haushalt m pol. fin.
Landeshaushalt m
government budget
regional budget; state budget
Postenschacher m pej. pol.
allocation of government positions along party lines
sozialliberal adj pol.
sozialliberale Regierungskoalition
social-liberal government coalition
Versorgungsanstalt f des Bundes und der Länder
Federal and State Government Employees Retirement Fund
Regierungserklärung f pol.
Regierungserklärung f zur Lage der Nation (USA)
government statement
State of the Union message Am.
Geldtopf m; Geldsäckel n fin.
Rententopf m Dt. Schw.; Pensionstopf m Ös.
Staatssäckel n; Staatskasse f
financial coffers
pension coffers
government coffers
Sanitätsdienst m adm. med.
medical service of government institutions and companies
Regierungsebene f
auf Regierungsebene
government level; governmental leve
at government level
Staatsquote f
ratio of government expenditures to gross national product
Anleihe f, Obligation f, Bond m, Schuldverschreibung f
Anleihen pl, Obligationen pl, Bonds pl, Schuldverschreibungen pl
Staatsanleihe f
Obligationen mit verzögerter Verzinsung
bond, bond issue
government bond
deferred bonds
Gegenfinanzierung f (von Staatsausgaben Steuersenkungen) fin.
matching public funding (of government expenditure tax cuts)
Zeugniswirkung haben v Ös. adm.
to be liable to a charge under section 14 Government Fees Act
regierungsfeindlich adj pol.
regierungsfeindliches Vorgehen
anti-government; anti-governmental
anti-governmental action
Gebietsreform f adm.
Gebietsreformen pl
local government restructuring
local government restructurings
Gemeinderatswahl f; Gemeinderatswahlen pl; Gemeindewahl f; Gemeindewahlen pl Dt. Schw.; Kommunalwahl f; Kommunalwahlen pl pol.
local elections; local government elections; municipal elections
Kommunalwahl f; Kommunalwahlen pl pol.
local elections; local government elections; municipal elections
Rüge f; Verweis m: Missbilligung f
der Regierung das Misstrauen aussprechen (Parlament)
to pass a vote of censure on the government (Parliament)
Sie fordern den Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie.
They want the government to back out of the nuclear energy program.
Staatshaftung f jur.
government liability; liability of public authorities and officials
(genaue) Prüfung f; Untersuchung f; Musterung f
(genaue) Prüfungen pl; Untersuchungen pl; Musterungen pl
auf den Prüfstand
Kontrolle der Regierung
under scrutiny
scrutiny of the government
Interims...; Übergangs...; geschäftsführend adj
Interimstrainer sport
Ãœbergangsregierung f; Interimsregierung f pol.
caretaker coach; caretaker manager
caretaker government
der Bund m pol.
Bund und Länder pol.
the federal government; the Federation
federal and state governments
Regierungsprogramm n pol.
government programme Br.; government program Am.; government agenda
Autonomie f; Selbstverwaltung f; Selbstregierung f pol.
akademische Selbstverwaltung
regionale Selbstverwaltung
autonomy; self-government
academic self-government
regional autonomy

pro government Definition

(n.) The act of governing
(n.) The mode of governing
(n.) The right or power of governing
(n.) The person or persons authorized to administer the laws
(n.) The body politic governed by one authority
(n.) Management of the limbs or body.
(n.) The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case.
(n.) The act of governing one's self, or the state of being governed by one's self
(n.) Hence, government of a community, state, or nation by the joint action of the mass of people constituting such a civil body

pro government Bedeutung

government activity
the act of governing, exercising authority, regulations for the governing of state prisons, he had considerable experience of government
government building a building that houses a branch of government
government office an office where government employees work
government (government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed, tyrannical government
political science
the study of government of states and other political units
the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit, the government reduced taxes, the matter was referred to higher authorities
federal government a government with strong central powers
government-in-exile a temporary government moved to or formed in a foreign land by exiles who hope to rule when their country is liberated
local government the government of a local area
military government
government by the military and an army
government department a department of government
local department
department of local government
a permanent department created to perform the work of a local government
federal department
federal office
department of the federal government
a department of the federal government of the United States
Government Accounting Office
United States Government Accounting Office
an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
puppet government
puppet state
pupet regime
a government that is appointed by and whose affairs are directed by an outside authority that may impose hardships on those governed
municipal government the government of a municipality
state government the government of a state in the United States
federal agency
government agency
office authority
an administrative unit of government, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Census Bureau, Office of Management and Budget, Tennessee Valley Authority
United States government
United States
U.S. government
US Government
the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States
United States Government Printing Office
US Government Printing Office
Government Printing Office
an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government
government officials
people elected or appointed to administer a government
political system
form of government
the members of a social organization who are in power
government agent a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government
FBI agent
government man
a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
minister government minister a person appointed to a high office in the government, Minister of Finance
government income
government revenue
income available to the government
government bond a bond that is an IOU of the United States Treasury, considered the safest security in the investment world
government security
agency security
a security issued by United States government agencies or the Farm Credit System
issue military issue
government issue
supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government
note government note
bank bill
banker's bill
bank note
Federal Reserve note
a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank), he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes
government of a political unit by its own people
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