
pulse Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Impuls m
Puls, pulsieren
Pulswahl f (Telefon)
pulse dial
Pulszahl f med.
pulse rate
pulse beat
Pulsfrequenz f; Pulszahl f med.
pulse rate
Pulswahl f telco.
pulse dial
Startschritt m
start pulse
Takt m, Taktsignal n
clock pulse
Takt, Taktsignal
clock pulse
start pulse
Takt m; Taktsignal n
clock pulse
Schallimpuls m techn.
sound pulse
Abtastimpuls m
strobe pulse
Bitimpuls m, Rechteckimpuls m
square pulse
Impulsuntersetzer m
pulse scaler
vibration damper
pulse damper
pulse scaler
Bitimpuls, Rechteckimpuls
square pulse
strobe pulse
Bitimpuls m; Rechteckimpuls m
square pulse
Impulsabstand m
pulse spacing
Richtimpuls m
setting pulse
Taktimpuls m
clocked pulse
clocked pulse
pulse spacing
setting pulse
Inhibit-Impuls m; Sperrimpuls m comp.
inhibit pulse
Impulsantwort f
pulse response
Pulsdruck m; Pulsdruckamplitude f med.
pulse pressure
Absolutzeitimpuls m
real-time pulse
Grundtakt m
basic pulse code
Impulsfolge f
pulse repetition
basic pulse code
pulse repetition
Ungleichimpuls m
inequality pulse
impulsgesteuert adj
den Puls beschleunigen
quicken the pulse
Bitimpuls m
rectangular pulse
Doppelpulslaser m
double pulse laser
Richtimpuls m (bezogen auf Grundstellung)
initialising pulse
Richtimpuls (bezogen auf Grundstellung)
initialising pulse
Pulsverhalten n med.
nature of the pulse
Durchhang m (eines Impulsdachs) electr.
sag (of a pulse top)
Verlängerungsglied n (Zeit)
pulse-stretching element
Verlaengerungsglied (Zeit)
pulse-stretching element
Schreibnachimpuls m comp.
post-write disturb pulse
Wählimpuls m telco.
Wählimpulse pl
dial pulse
dial pulses
Verkürzungsglied n (Zeit)
pulse-contracting element
Verkuerzungsglied (Zeit)
pulse-contracting element
Impulsgruppe f electr.
Impulsgruppen pl
pulse group
pulse groups
Pulszyklus m med.
Pulszyklen pl
pulse cycle
pulse cycles
to pulse
Freigabeimpuls m; Stellenschreibimpuls m comp.
Freigabeimpulse pl; Stellenschreibimpulse pl
enable pulse
enable pulses
Auftastimpuls m electr.
Auftastimpulse pl
gating pulse
gating pulses
Impulswahlverfahren n telco.
pulse dialing; dial pulse DP
Impulsgenerator m zur Steuerung des Farbschalters (TV)
sampling pulse generator (TV)
Taktgeber m TB ; Impulsgeber m für Synchronimpulse (TV)
sync pulse generator SPG (TV)
Auslöseimpuls m
Auslöseimpulse pl
trigger pulse
trigger pulses
Impulswahlverfahren n telco.
pulse dialing; dial pulse DP
Pulsdefizit n med.
pulse deficit; deficient pulse
Pulslosigkeit f; Aktrotie f; Akrotismus m med.
absence of the pulse; acrotism
Sperrimpuls m comp.
Sperrimpulse pl
disable pulse
disable pulses
Taktimpuls m
Taktimpulse pl
clocked pulse
clocked pulses
Taktgeber m TB ; Impulsgeber m für Synchronimpulse (TV)
sync pulse generator SPG (TV)
Hülsenfrucht f cook.
Hülsenfrüchte pl
pulse; legume
pulses; legumes
Abschaltimpuls m
Abschaltimpulse pl
turn-off pulse
turn-off pulses
Steuerimpuls m electr.
Steuerimpulse pl
enabling pulse
enabling pulses
Stromstoßübertrager m telco.
Stromstoßüberträger pl
pulse repeater
pulse repeaters
Abfrageimpulspaar n (Radar) techn.
interrogation pulse pair (radar)
Rückschlagimpuls m electr.
Rückschlagimpulse pl
kickback pulse
kickback pulses
Taktversorgung f comp.
clock pulse supply; clock supply
Impulsverteiler-Verstärker m (TV)
pulse distribution amplifier (TV)
Impulsverstärker m electr.
Impulsverstärker pl
pulse amplifier
pulse amplifiers
Sauerstoffsättigungsmessung f (beim arteriellen Blut); Oxymetrie f med.
Pulsoxymetrie f
oximetry; oxymetry
pulse oximetry
Abtastimpuls m (TV)
Abtastimpulse pl
blanking pulse (TV)
blanking pulses
verzögerter Rücklauf m (Schusswaffe) mil.
blowback shifted pulse BBSP (firearm)
Stromstoßsender m telco.
Stromstoßsender pl
pulse transmitter
pulse transmitters
Schwingungserregung f; Schwingungsimpuls m phys.
Schwingungserregungen pl; Schwingungsimpulse pl
oscillatory pulse
oscillatory pulses
Anwerfimpuls m telco.
Anwerfimpuls des Netzes
actuator pulse
network actuator pulse
Doppelpulslaser m
Doppelpulslaser pl
double pulse laser
double pulse lasers
Pulsverlangsamung f; Bradysphygmie f med.
slowing of the pulse rate; bradysphygmia
Pulswelle f med.
Pulswellen pl
deizackige Pulswelle
pulse wave
pulse waves
Impulsverteiler m; Impulsdiskriminator m telco.
Impulsverteiler pl; Impulsdiskriminatoren pl
pulse discriminator
pulse discriminators
taktgebunden adj comp.
clock-pulse-controlled; under clock control
PWM-Umrichter m electr.
Pulsweitenmodulation f (PWM)
PWM inverter
pulse-width modulation (PWM)
Taktimpulsfolge f comp.
Taktimpulsfolgen pl
clock-pulse sequence
clock-pulse sequences
Pulskontrolle f med. sport
Pulskontrollen pl
examination of the pulse
examinations of the pulse
Verlängerungsglied n (Zeit)
Verlängerungsglieder pl
pulse-stretching element
pulse-stretching elements
Schwingungsdämpfer m
pulse damper, vibration damper, anti-vibration damper
Schaltdiode f electr.
Schaltdioden pl
impulsgesteuerte Schaltdiode
switching diode
switching diodes
pulse snap diode
Schwingungsdämpfer m
pulse damper; vibration damper; anti-vibration damper
Markierungsimpuls m; Markierimpuls m (Radar)
Markierungsimpulse pl; Markierimpulse pl
strobe pulse; strobe (radar)
strobe pulses; strobes
Stoßtherapie f med.
pulse therapy; stoss therapy
cortisone pulse therapy
Pulsunregelmäßigkeit f med.
Pulsunregelmäßigkeiten pl
irregularity of the pulse
irregularities of the pulse
Spannungsspitze f; Impulsspitze f (kurzer Störimpuls) electr.
spike; glitch coll. (unwanted pulse of short duration)
Zeilensynchronisierimpuls m; Horizontal-Synchronimpuls m (TV) techn.
line sync(hronizing im)pulse; horizontal sync pulse (TV)
Auswerteimpulsgenerator m (Radar)
Auswerteimpulsgeneratoren pl
gating pulse generator (radar)
gating pulse generators
Verpuffungsstrahltriebwerk n
Verpuffungsstrahltriebwerke pl
pulse jet engine; pulsejet
pulse jet engines; pulsejets
Taktimpuls m (regelmäßig wiederholter Abtastimpuls) (Bildschirm, TV)
Taktimpulse pl
strobe pulse; strobe (screen, TV)
strobe pulses; strobes
Auswerteimpuls m electr.
Auswerteimpulse pl
gating pulse; strobing pulse
gating pulses; strobing pulses
Pulsschlag m
Pulsschläge pl
pulse, pulsation, pulse beat
pulses, pulsations, pulse beats
Impulsdauer f
pulse duration; impulse duration; pulse length; impulse lenght
Hülsenfrucht f
Hülsenfrüchte pl, Bohnen, Linsen, Erbsen zum Kochen
pulse, peas and beans, legume
pulses, beans, lentils, and peas
Hülsenfrucht f bot.
Hülsenfrüchte pl; Bohnen Linsen Erbsen zum Kochen
pulse; peas and beans; legume
pulses; beans lentils and peas
Ausblendimpuls m; Strobeimpuls m (beim Sampling) (Audio)
Ausblendimpulse pl; Strobeimpulse pl
strobe pulse; strobe (in sampling) (audio)
strobe pulses; strobes
Taktsignal n; Taktimpuls m; Systemtakt m comp.
Taktsignale pl; Taktimpulse pl; Systemtakte pl
clock signal; clock pulse; clock
clock signals; clock pulses; clocks
Puls m
jds. Puls fühlen, jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
to feel sb.'s pulse, to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse
Pulsfrequenz f; Pulsrate f; Puls m med.
einen hohen niedrigen Puls haben
pulse rate; pulse
to have a high low pulse rate; to have a high low pulse
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation ADPCM
pulse code modulation PCM
adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADPCM
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation (ADPCM)
pulse code modulation (PCM)
adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation ADPCM
pulse code modulation PCM
adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADPCM
schlagen v
Mein Herz schlägt schnell.
Sein Puls schlägt ganz unregelmäßig schwach.
to beat {beat; beaten}
My heart beats fast.
His pulse is very irregular weak.
rasen v
Geldstrafe wegen Rasens
Sein Puls raste.
Die Gedanken überschlugen sich in meinem Kopf.
to race
fine for racing
His pulse was racing.
My mind was racing.
Impulsgenerator m; Impulsgeber m electr.
Impulsgeneratoren pl; Impulsgeber pl
pulse generator PG ; pulsing device; pulser
pulse generators; pulsing devices; pulsers
Ladungsträger-Speicherzeit f; Ladungsverzug m (Halbleiter) electr.
carrier storage time; pulse storage time; storage time; retention time (semi-conductors)
Impulsgenerator m; Impulsgeber m electr.
Impulsgeneratoren pl; Impulsgeber pl
pulse generator PG ; pulsing device; pulser
pulse generators; pulsing devices; pulsers
pulsieren v
to pulsate; to pulse; to throb
pulsating; pulsing; throbbing
pulsated; pulsed; throbbed
Speicherschaltung f; Speicherglied n; Speicherelement n; Speicher-Flipflop n (speicherndes Schaltglied) electr.
impulsgesteuerter Flipflop
storage circuit; store circuit; storage element; memory flipflop
pulse-triggered flip-flop
Hellsteuerimpuls m; Aktivierungsimpuls m (Radar; TV) techn.
Hellsteuerimpulse pl; Aktivierungsimpulse pl
sensitizing pulse Br.; indicator gate Am. (radar, TV)
sensitizing pulses; indicator gates
immer wieder aussetzen; seine Tätigkeit unterbrechen v
immer wieder aussetzend; seine Tätigkeit unterbrechend
immer wieder ausgesetzt; seine Tätigkeit unterbrochen
fragmenthaftes Denken
Der Puls setzt periodisch aus.
to intermit
intermittent thinking
The pulse intermits at intervals.
Taktzeit f; Taktperiode f comp.
Taktzeiten pl; Taktperioden pl
clock pulse period; clock interval; timing period
clock pulse periods; clock intervals; timing periods
Impulsflanke f; Flanke f electr.
Impulsflanken pl; Flanken pl
abfallende fallende Flanke; Abfallflanke f; Impulshinterflanke f; Rückflanke f; hintere Flanke f (eines Impulses)
ansteigende steigende Flanke
impulse edge; edge
impulse edges; edges
trailing edge; back edge; falling edge (of a pulse)
rising edge
Impulsfolgefrequenz f IFF ; Pulsfrequenz f electr.
pulse repetition rate PRR ; pulse recurrence rate; pulse rate; pulse repetition frequency PRF ; pulse recurrence frequency
Impulsfolgefrequenz f IFF ; Pulsfrequenz f electr.
pulse repetition rate PRR ; pulse recurrence rate; pulse rate; pulse repetition frequency PRF ; pulse recurrence frequency
Taktfrequenz f; Taktrate f comp.
Taktfrequenzen pl; Taktraten pl
clock frequency; clock-pulse rate; clock rate; clock speed
clock frequencies; clock-pulse rates; clock rates; clock speeds
Bohren n mach.
drehendes Bohren
kerloses Bohren
schlagendes Bohren
Einzelpulsbohren n
Perkussionsbohren n
Trepanierbohren n
boring; drilling
drilling by rotation
full hole drilling
percussion drilling
single pulse drilling
percussion drilling
trepanning drilling
Bohren n techn.
drehendes Bohren
kernloses Bohren
schlagendes Bohren
Einzelpulsbohren n
Kugelschlagbohren n
Perkussionsbohren n
Trepanierbohren n
boring; drilling
drilling by rotation
full hole drilling
percussion drilling
single pulse drilling
pellet impact drilling
percussion drilling
trepanning drilling
Quittungssignal f; Quittungszeichen n; Quittierungszeichen n; Bestätigungszeichen n comp. telco.
Quittungssignäle pl; Quittungszeichen pl; Quittierungszeichen pl; Bestätigungszeichen pl
acknowledgement signal character Br.; acknowledgment signal character Am.; receipt signal; wink pulse; wink
acknowledgement signals characters; acknowledgment signals characters; receipt signals; wink pulses; winks
Quittungssignal n; Quittungszeichen n; Quittierungszeichen n; Bestätigungszeichen n comp. telco.
Quittungssignäle pl; Quittungszeichen pl; Quittierungszeichen pl; Bestätigungszeichen pl
acknowledgement signal character Br.; acknowledgment signal character Am.; receipt signal; wink pulse; wink
acknowledgement signals characters; acknowledgment signals characters; receipt signals; wink pulses; winks
das Ohr am Puls der Zeit haben; die aktuellen Entwicklungen verfolgen; sich auf dem Laufenden halten v
das Ohr nahe an den Bürgern haben; ganz nahe an den Bürgern dran sein
Nachdem ich jetzt fast 5 Jahre im Ausland lebe, bin ich nicht mehr auf dem Laufenden, was das Alltagsleben betrifft.
to have your finger on the pulse; to keep your finger on the pulse
to have your finger on the pulse of the citizens
Now that I've been out of the country for nearly 5 years, I no longer have my finger on the pulse of daily life.
Relais n electr.
Relais pl
Sperrelais n; selbsthaltendes Relais
zweistufiges Relais
Pendelschutzrelais n
Stromstoßrelais n; Stromstoßschalter m
Stützrelais n telco.
Verriegelungsrelais n
Abfall Abfallen eines Relais
Abfallspannung eines Relais
locking relay
double-acting relay; double-action relay
antisquegging relay
latching relay; time pulse relay; pulse relay
latching relay
interlock relay; latch relay
drop-out of a relay
drop-out voltage of a relay
Signal n electr. telco.
Signale pl
abgetastetes Signal
akustisches Signal
Echtzeitsignal n
gebündeltes Signal; muliplexiertes Signal; Mulitplexsignal
Impulssignal n
Schaltpultsignal n
verdecktes Signal mil.
zeitdiskretes Signal; diskretes Signal
zeitkontinuierliches Signal
Zubringersignal n
ein Signal quittieren; bestätigen
sampled signal
audible signal
real-time signal
multiplex signal
pulse signal
control panel signal
obscured signal
discrete-time signal; discrete signal
continuous-time signal
tributary signal; constituent signal
to acknowledge a signal
Relais n electr.
Relais pl
anzugsverzögertes verzögertes Relais; Relais mit verzögertem Anzug
Hilfsrelais n
Klappankerrelais n
Nachlaufrelais n
Pendelschutzrelais n
Sperrrelais n; Halterelais n; selbsthaltendes Relais
Stromstoßrelais n; Stromstoßschalter m
Stützrelais n telco.
Verriegelungsrelais n
Wischkontaktrelais n
Zusatzrelais n
zweistufiges Relais
Abfall Abfallen eines Relais
Abfallspannung eines Relais
Einstellwert eines Relais
time-delay relay
auxiliary relay
cutout blade relay
time delay relay
antisquegging relay
locking relay
latching relay; time pulse relay; pulse relay
latching relay
interlock relay; latch relay
wiping contact relay
additional relay
double-acting relay; double-action relay
drop-out; release of a relay
drop-out voltage of a relay
set point of a relay
Pulsschlag m; Puls m; Pulsation f; Sphymgus m med.
Pulsschläge pl; Pulsationen pl
alternierender Puls; wechselnder Puls
anakroter Puls
aussetzender Puls
Corrigan'scher Puls
zweischlägiger Puls; doppelschlägiger Puls
drahtartiger Puls; Drahtpuls m
einschlägiger Puls; monokroter Puls
dreischlägiger vierschlägiger Puls
epigastrischer Puls; epigastrische Pulsation
fadenförmiger Puls
gespannter Puls
gespannter und harter Puls
harter Puls
hüpfender Puls: schnellender Puls
jagender Puls
katakroter katadikroter katatrikroter Puls
paradoxer Puls; Kussmaul'scher Puls
langsamer Puls
monokroter dikroter trikroter Puls
mehrschlägiger polykroter Puls
nicht fühlbarer Puls
regelmäßiger unregelmäßiger Puls
schneller Puls; beschleunigter Puls; Pulsbeschleunigung
weicher Puls; nicht gespannter Puls
zweizipfliger Puls
jds. Puls fühlen; jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
pulse beat; pulse; pulsus; pulsation; sphygmus
pulse beats; pulses; pulsations
alternating pulse; alternans of the heart
anacrotic pulse
intermittent interrupted pulse; miosphygmia
cannon ball pulse; Corrigan's pulse
coupled pulse; bigeminat pulse
wiry pulse
monocrotic pulse
trigeminal quadrigeminal pulse
epigastric pulse; epigastric pulsation
shabby pulse; filiform pulse
tense pulse; cordy pulse
hard and cordy pulse; high-tension pulse
hard pulse
sharp pulse; jerky pulse
running pulse
catacrotic catadicrotic catatricrotic pulse
paradoxical pulse; Kussmaul's pulse
slow pulse
monocrotic dicrotic tricrotic pulse
polycrotic pulse
imperceptible pulse
regular irregular pulse
quick pulse; accelerated pulse; pulse acceleration
soft pulse; weak pulse; low-tension pulse; microsphygmy; microsphyxia
bisferious pulse
to feel sb.'s pulse; to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse
Pulsschlag m; Puls m; Pulsation f; Sphymgus m med.
Pulsschläge pl; Pulsationen pl
alternierender Puls; wechselnder Puls
anakroter Puls
aussetzender Puls; Miosphygmia
Corrigan'scher Puls
zweischlägiger Puls; doppelschlägiger Puls
drahtartiger Puls; Drahtpuls m
einschlägiger Puls; monokroter Puls
dreischlägiger vierschlägiger Puls
epigastrischer Puls; epigastrische Pulsation
fadenförmiger Puls
gespannter Puls
gespannter und harter Puls
harter Puls
hüpfender Puls: schnellender Puls
jagender Puls
katakroter katadikroter katatrikroter Puls
paradoxer Puls; Kussmaul'scher Puls
langsamer Puls
monokroter dikroter trikroter Puls
mehrschlägiger polykroter Puls
nicht fühlbarer Puls
regelmäßiger unregelmäßiger Puls
schneller Puls; beschleunigter Puls; Pulsbeschleunigung
weicher Puls; nicht gespannter Puls
zweizipfliger Puls
jds. Puls fühlen; jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
pulse beat; pulse; pulsus; pulsation; sphygmus
pulse beats; pulses; pulsations
alternating pulse; alternans of the heart
anacrotic pulse
intermittent interrupted pulse; miosphygmia
cannon ball pulse; Corrigan's pulse
coupled pulse; bigeminat pulse
wiry pulse
monocrotic pulse
trigeminal quadrigeminal pulse
epigastric pulse; epigastric pulsation
shabby pulse; filiform pulse
tense pulse; cordy pulse
hard and cordy pulse; high-tension pulse
hard pulse
sharp pulse; jerky pulse
running pulse
catacrotic catadicrotic catatricrotic pulse
paradoxical pulse; Kussmaul's pulse
slow pulse
monocrotic dicrotic tricrotic pulse
polycrotic pulse
imperceptible pulse
regular irregular pulse
quick pulse; accelerated pulse; pulse acceleration
soft pulse; weak pulse; low-tension pulse; microsphygmy; microsphyxia
bisferious pulse
to feel sb.'s pulse; to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse

Deutsche Puls Synonyme


Englische pulse Synonyme

pulse  algae  alternate  arrhythmia  arsis  autophyte  bar beat  be here again  bean  beat  beating  bicker  bout  bracken  brown algae  circle  circuit  climber  come again  come and go  come around  come round  come round again  come up again  conferva  confervoid  course  creeper  cycle  dance  diastole  diatom  downbeat  drum  drumming  echo pulse  fern  flap  flick  flicker  flip  flit  flitter  flop  flutter  fruits and vegetables  fucus  fungus  go pitapat  grapevine  green algae  gulfweed  gutter  hammering  heartbeat  heartthrob  herb  heterophyte  intermit  ivy  kelp  legume  lentil  liana  lichen  liverwort  mold  moss  mushroom  offbeat  oscillate  palpitate  palpitating  palpitation  pant  parasite  parasitic plant  pea  perthophyte  phytoplankton  pitapat  pitter-patter  planktonic algae  plant families  pounding  puffball  pulsate  pulsating  pulsation  pulsing  rat-a-tat  rataplan  reappear  recur  red algae  reoccur  repeat  resonate  return  reverberating  reverberation  revolution  revolve  rhythm  rockweed  roll around  rotate  rotation  round  rust  saprophyte  sargasso  sargassum  sea lentil  sea moss  sea wrack  seaweed  series  slat  smut  spell  splutter  sputter  staccato  succulent  systole  tempo  thesis  throb  throbbing  thrumming  thumping  tick  ticktock  toadstool  trigger pulse  turn  undulate  upbeat  vetch  vibrate  vibrating  vibration  vine  wave  waver  wheel  wheel around  wort  wrack  

pulse Definition

(n.) Leguminous plants, or their seeds, as beans, pease, etc.
(n.) The beating or throbbing of the heart or blood vessels, especially of the arteries.
(n.) Any measured or regular beat
(v. i.) To beat, as the arteries
(v. t.) To drive by a pulsation

pulse Bedeutung

pulse height analyzer
scientific instrument consisting of an electronic circuit that permits only voltage pulses of predetermined height to pass
pulse counter an electronic counter that counts the number of electric pulses
pulse generator a generator of single or multiple voltage pulses, usually adjustable for pulse rate
pulse timing circuit a circuit that times pulses
pulse modulation modulation that imposes a signal on a train of pulses
pulse-time modulation modulation of the time between successive pulses
pulsation heartbeat
the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart, he could feel the beat of her heart
pulse impulse
(electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients), the pulsations seemed to be coming from a star
pulse edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants (peas or beans or lentils etc.)
horse gram
horse grain
poor man's pulse
Macrotyloma uniflorum
Dolichos biflorus
twining herb of Old World tropics cultivated in India for food and fodder, sometimes placed in genus Dolichos
pulse rate
heart rate
the rate at which the heart beats, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
femoral pulse pulse of the femoral artery (felt in the groin)
radial pulse pulse of the radial artery (felt in the wrist)
produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses, pulse waves, a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube
throb pulse
expand and contract rhythmically, beat rhythmically, The baby's heart was pulsating again after the surgeon massaged it
pulse drive by or as if by pulsation, A soft breeze pulsed the air
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In medicine, a pulse represents the tactile arterial palpation of the cardiac cycle by trained fingertips. The pulse may be palpated in any place that allows an artery to be compressed near the surface of the body, such as at the neck , wrist , at the groin , behind the knee , near the ankle joint , and on foot . Pulse is equivalent to measuring the heart rate. The heart rate can also be measured by listening to the heart beat by auscultation, traditionally using a stethoscope and counting it for a minute. The radial pulse is commonly measured using three fingers. This has a reason: the finger closest to the heart is used to occlude the pulse pressure, the middle finger is used get a crude estimate of the blood pressure, and the finger most distal to the heart is used to nullify the effect of the ulnar pulse as the two arteries are connected via the palmar arches . The study of the pulse is known as sphygmology.

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