
radiation Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Abstrahlung f phys.
Strahlung f
Verströmen n
Strahlendosis f
radiation dose
Wärmestrahlung f
heat radiation
heat radiation
Weichstrahlung f techn.
soft radiation
Gammastrahlung f phys.
gamma radiation
Gasraum m (Feuerung) mach.
radiation space
Sonneneinstrahlung f, Sonnenstrahlung f
solar radiation
Strahlenmessgerät n
radiation gauge
gamma radiation
radiation gauge
Erdstrahlen pl
earth radiation
Globalstrahlung f
solar radiation
strahlensicher adj techn.
Strahlungsfrost m meteo.
radiation frost
radiation damage
radiation losses
Strahlenwerte pl phys.
radiation levels
personenbezogener Strahlenschutz m; Personenstrahlenschutz m phys.
radiation safety
Gefährdung durch Strahlen, Strahlenrisiken
radiation hazards
radioaktive Strahlung
nuclear radiation
radiation hazards
Bestrahlungsfolge f; Bestrahlungskomplikation f med.
radiation sequela
Kernstrahlung f phys.
nuclear radiation
Strahlenanämie f med.
radiation anaemia
bestrahlt adj
strahlenbedingt adj med.
strahlenbehandelt adj med.
strahlenbelastet adj med.
Strahlenkrankheit f med.
radiation sickness
Strahlungsdruck m
radiation pressure
Infrarotstrahlung f
infrared radiation
Strahlenerythem n med.
radiation erythema
Strahlenmedizin f med.
radiation medicine
Strahlenmyelitis f med.
radiation myelitis
Strahlensyndrom n med.
radiation syndrome
Strahlenzytologie f med.
radiation cytology
Niedrigstrahlung f
low-level radiation
Strahlenkrebs m med.
radiation carcinoma
Strahlenvergiftung f; Strahlenintoxikation f med.
radiation poisoning
Strahlungseinrichtung f; Strahlungseinrichtungen pl
radiation equipment
Dauerstrahlung f
persistent radiation
Strahlenschutz m
radiation protection
radiation protection
Dauerstrahlung f phys.
persistent radiation
Strahlenkastration f med.
radiation castration
strahlensterilisiert adj med.
allgemeiner Strahlenschutz m; Stahlenschutz m phys.
radiation protection
Strahlungsstreuung f phys.
radiation scattering
Strahlungsgröße f
radiation measurement
Korpuskularstrahlung f phys.
particulate radiation
Strahlenretinopathie f med.
radiation retinopathy
Ultravioletstrahlung f
ultraviolet radiation
nuclear radiation risk
Ausstrahlung f
Ausstrahlungen pl
Radarkuppel f, Radom n, wetterfeste Verkleidung einer Antennenanlage
radiation dome, radome
Radarkuppel f; Radom n; wetterfeste Verkleidung einer Antennenanlage
radiation dome; radome
Ausbreitung f in neue Lebensräume (einer Tierart) biol.
radiation (of a species)
Strahlenschutzgesetz n jur.
Radiation Protection Act
Strahlungshaushalt m der Erde
earth's radiation budget
Beauftragter m für allgemeinen Strahlenschutz; Strahlenschutzbeauftragter m
radiation safety officer
Fluoreszenzröntgenstrahlung f; Röntgenfluoreszenzstrahlung f charakteristische Strahlung; charakteristische Röntgenstrahlung f phys.
fluorescence X-radiation
strahlungsfest adj
radiation-hardened {adj}
Globalstrahlung f envir. geogr.
global (solar) radiation
verstrahlt; strahlenverseucht adj techn.
contaminated by radiation
Gasraum m; Strahlraum m (Feuerungsanlage)
radiation space (furnace)
strahlungsfest adj
radiation-resistant {adj}
Röntgenstrahlung f phys.
X-rays, roentgen radiation
strahlenverseucht adj
contaminateed by radiation
Plancksches Strahlungsgesetz n phys.
Planck's radiation formula
Röntgenstrahlung f phys.
X-rays; roentgen radiation
Strahlenschutzhandbuch n; Strahlenschutzleitfaden m
radiation-protection guide
Strahlenschutzhandschuhe pl
radiation protection gloves
langwellige Sonnenstrahlung f
long-wave (solar) radiation
Strahlenmessverfahren n phys.
radiation counting procedure
Gesamtsonnenstrahlung GSS f
global solar radiation G.S.R.
Kernstrahlungsspektroskopie f
nuclear radiation spectroscopy
Radiation f biol.
adaptive Radiation
adaptive radiation
Kernstrahlungsspektroskopie f phys.
nuclear radiation spectroscopy
Gesamtsonnenstrahlung GSS f
global solar radiation G.S.R.
Strahlenschutzrichtlinien pl adm.
radiation protection guidelines
Strahlenschutzüberwachung f
radiation protection monitoring
Strahlenschleuse f
Strahlenschleusen pl
radiation trap
radiation traps
Strahlungsenergie f
radiant energy; radiation energy
Rekombinationsstrahlung f (Plasma) phys.
recombination radiation (plasma)
Strahlungsverlust n
Strahlungsverluste pl
radiation loss
radiation losses
Strahlennekrose f med.
radiation necrosis; radionecrosis
Strahlungsverlust m
Strahlungsverluste pl
radiation loss
radiation losses
Strahlenkater m med.
radiation sickness; X-ray sickness
Strahlenmessgerät n
Strahlenmessgeräte pl
radiation gauge
radiation gauges
UV-Strahlung f
ultraviolet radiation; UV radiation
Synchrotron n phys.
Synchrotronstrahlung f
synchrotron radiation
Ultraviolettstrahlung f; UV-Strahlung f
ultraviolet radiation; UV radiation
korpuskular adj; Korpuskular… phys.
Teilchenstrahlung f; Korpuskularstrahlung f
corpuscular radiation
Direktstrahlung f phys.
direct radiation; direct irradiance
Strahlungsschaden m
Strahlungsschäden pl
radiation damage
radiation damages
Bestrahlungsserie f med.
irradiation series; radiation series
Strahlenopfer n
Strahlenopfer pl
radiation victim
radiation victims
Strahlenschaden m phys. chem.
Strahlenschäden pl
radiation damage
radiation damages
Strahlungsschaden m phys. chem.
Strahlungsschäden pl
radiation damage
radiation damages
Kirchhoffsches Strahlungsgesetz n; Kirchhoff'sches Strahlungsgesetz n phys.
Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation
Eigenstrahlung f phys.
intrinsic radiation; normal radiation
Diffusstrahlung f phys.
diffuse radiation; diffuse irradiance
Bestrahlungschimäre f med.
irradiation chimera; radiation chimera
Bremsstrahlung f
bremsstrahlung; slowing-down radiation
Strahlenschutz n phys.
radiation safety; radiation protection
Strahlungscharakteristik f
Strahlungscharakteristiken pl
radiation pattern
radiation patterns
strahlengeschädigt adj biol.
radiation-damage; damaged by radiation
Strahlungsbild n; Strahlungscharakteristik f
Strahlungsbilder pl; Strahlungscharakteristiken pl
radiation pattern
radiation patterns
Bestrahlungskrankheit f med.
radiation sickness; radiation poisoning
Strahlungspegel m phys.
level of radioactivity; radiation level
Strahlenunfall m
Strahlenunfälle pl
radiation accident
radiation accidents
Strahlungsintensität f; Strahlungsstärke f phys.
intensity of radiation; radiant intensity
Dosimetrie f; Strahlendosismessung f phys. med.
dosimetry; measurement of radiation doses
Strahlungspyrometer n techn.
Strahlungspyrometer pl
radiation pyrometer
radiation pyrometers
Palliativbestrahlung f med.
Palliativbestrahlungen pl
palliative radiation
palliative radiations
Abstrahlwinkel m techn.
Abstrahlwinkel m
angle of radiation
angle of reflected beam
höchstzulässige Dosis f; Meldedosis f (Strahlenschutz) phys.
maximum permissible dose (radiation protection)
Hörstrahlung f (im ZNS) anat.
auditory acoustic radiation; geniculotemporal tract
Strahlenkatarakt m med.
radiation (ir)radiation cataract; cyclotron cataract
strahlungsresistent adj biol. phys.
strahlungsresistente Population
radiation-resistant population
Strahlendermatitis f; Strahlendermitis f med.
radiation dermatitis; radiodermatitis; roentgenoderma
Radiation f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
adaptive Radiation
radiation (evolutionary biology)
adaptive radiation
Atmosphärenoberrand m phys. meteo.
Strahlung am Atmosphärenoberrand
top of the atmosphere
top-of-the-atmosphere radiation
Strahlenbelastung f biol. med.
höchstzulässige Strahlenbelastung
radiation exposure
maximum permissible exposure MPE
strahlungsbedingt adj med.
strahlungsbedingte somatische Mutationen
radiation-induced somatic mutations
Strahlenschutzschürze f
Strahlenschutzschürzen pl
radiation protection apron
radiation protection aprons
Strahlenspürgerät n
Strahlenspürgeräte pl
radiation detection device
radiation detection devices
Strahlenempfindlichkeit f biol.
radiation sensitivity; radiosensitivity; radiosensibility
Strahlenschutzschirm m techn.
Strahlenschutzschirme pl
radiation protection screen
radiation protection screens
Strahlenschutzschild m
Strahlenschutzschilde pl
radiation protection shield
radiation protection shields
Störstrahler m
Störstrahler pl
interfering radiation source
interfering radiation sources
Sonnenbestrahlung f; Sonneneinstrahlung f; Insolation f
insolation; heliation; solarization; incoming solar radiation
Abstrahlungswinkel m; Abstrahlwinkel m (eines Antennenmasts) telco.
Abstrahlungswinkel pl; Abstrahlwinkel pl
angle of radiation (of an antenna mast)
angles of radiation
Strahlungsintensität f; Strahlungsstärke f phys.
intensity of radiation; radiation intensity; radiant intensity
Laser, Laserlicht
LASER : light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Strahlenempfindlichkeit f biol.
genetische Strahlenempfindlichkeit
radiation sensitivity; radiosensitivity
genetic radiosensitivity
Mikrowellenverstärker m
microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (MASER)
Mikrowellenverstärker m; Maser m
maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation)
Wärmestrahlung f
heat radiation; radiation of heat; heat radiance; thermal radiation
Wärmestrahlung f; thermale Strahlung f phys.
heat radiation; radiation of heat; heat radiance; thermal radiation
Reif m; Raureif m; Raufrost m meteo.
hoar frost; hoar; white frost; radiation frost; pruina; rime poet.
Strahlungsthermometer n; Pyrometer n (berührungslose Temperaturmessung) techn.
Strahlungsthermometer pl; Pyrometer pl
radiation thermometer; pyrometer
radiation thermometers; pyrometers
Strahlenschutz m (Material)
radiation protection shielding; protection against radiation (material)
entwicklungsgeschichtliche Auffächerung f (einer Abstammungslinie) biol.
Auffächerung einer Art zur Anpassung an veränderte Umweltbedingungen
evolutionary radiation (of a lineage)
adaptive radiation of a species
sich verzögern v
sich verzögernd
sich verzögert
verzögerte Strahlenwirkung
to be delayed
being delayed
been delayed
delayed radiation effect

Deutsche Strahlung Synonyme

Brillianz  ÂFunkeln  ÂGlanz  ÂLeuchten  ÂStrahlung  
Infrarotlicht  ÂInfrarotstrahlung  ÂIR-Strahlung  ÂUltrarotstrahlung  ÂWärmestrahlung  

Englische radiation Synonyme

radiation  X ray  actinic ray  actinism  arc lighting  asteroids  atomic beam  atomic ray  attenuation  aurora particles  beam  beam of light  black and white  blackout  broadcast  broadcasting  chiaroscuro  circumfusion  contrast  cosmic particles  cosmic ray bombardment  decorative lighting  diffraction  diffusion  dilution  direct lighting  dispensation  dispersal  dispersion  dissemination  dissipation  distribution  divergence  electric lighting  emanation  emission  enlightenment  evaporation  expansion  festoon lighting  floodlighting  fluorescent lighting  fragmentation  gamma ray  gaslighting  gleam  glow lighting  highlight  highlights  illumination  incandescent lighting  indirect lighting  infrared ray  intergalactic matter  invisible radiation  irradiance  irradiancy  irradiation  leam  light  light and shade  light source  lighting  luminous energy  meteor dust impacts  meteors  overhead lighting  patch  pencil  peppering  photon  photosensitivity  propagation  publication  radiance  radiancy  radiant energy  radiorays  radius  ray  ray of light  ribbon  ribbon of light  scattering  scatterment  shedding  shotgun pattern  sidelight  solar rays  sowing  space bullets  spattering  splay  spoke  spot lighting  spread  spreading  sprinkling  stage lighting  streak  stream  stream of light  streamer  strewing  strip lighting  the bends  tonality  ultraviolet ray  violet ray  visible radiation  volatilization  weightlessness  
radiation physics  Newtonian physics  X-ray photometry  X-ray spectrometry  acoustics  aerophysics  applied physics  astrophysics  atom-tagging  basic conductor physics  biophysics  chemical physics  cryogenics  crystallography  curiescopy  cytophysics  electron physics  electronics  electrophysics  fluoroscopy  geophysics  macrophysics  mathematical physics  mechanics  medicophysics  microphysics  natural philosophy  natural science  nuclear physics  optics  orthodiagraphy  philosophy  photofluorography  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  psychophysics  radiobiology  radiochemistry  radiography  radiological physics  radiology  radiometallography  radiometry  radionics  radiopathology  radioscopy  radiotechnology  radiotherapy  roentgenography  roentgenology  roentgenoscopy  solar physics  solid-state physics  spectroradiometry  statics  stereophysics  theoretical physics  thermodynamics  tracer investigation  zoophysics  
radiation sickness  Minamata disease  altitude sickness  anoxemia  anoxia  anoxic anoxia  anthrax  black lung  caisson disease  chilblain  decompression sickness  frostbite  immersion foot  itai  jet lag  lead poisoning  mercury poisoning  motion sickness  pneumoconiosis  radionecrosis  red-out  sunstroke  the bends  trench foot  

radiation Definition

(n.) The act of radiating, or the state of being radiated
(n.) The shooting forth of anything from a point or surface, like the diverging rays of light

radiation Bedeutung

radiation therapy
radiation actinotherapy
(medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
radiation the act of spreading outward from a central source
radiation pyrometer a pyrometer for estimating the temperature of distant sources of heat, radiation is focussed on a thermojunction connected in circuit with a galvanometer
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
optic radiation
radiatio optica
a nerve pathway from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex
radiation a radial arrangement of nerve fibers connecting different parts of the brain
Planck's radiation law (physics) an equation that expresses the distribution of energy in the radiated spectrum of an ideal black body
radiation pattern
radiation diagram
graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle
background radiation radiation coming from sources other than those being observed
radiation the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats
adaptive radiation the development of many different forms from an originally homogeneous group of organisms as they fill different ecological niches
actinic radiation
actinic ray
electromagnetic radiation that can produce photochemical reactions
alpha radiation
alpha ray
the radiation of alpha particles during radioactive decay
beta radiation
beta ray
electron radiation
radiation of beta particles during radioactive decay
black-body radiation
blackbody radiation
the electromagnetic radiation that would be radiated from an ideal black body, the distribution of energy in the radiated spectrum of a black body depends only on temperature and is determined by Planck's radiation law
ionizing radiation high-energy radiation capable of producing ionization in substances through which it passes
cosmic background radiation
cosmic microwave background radiation
cosmic microwave background
(cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about . kelvin
cosmic radiation radiation coming from outside the solar system
electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic wave
nonparticulate radiation
radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge
gamma radiation
gamma ray
electromagnetic radiation emitted during radioactive decay and having an extremely short wavelength
infrared light
infrared radiation
infrared emission
electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves
visible light
visible radiation
(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation, the light was filtered through a soft glass window
radiation field a field that represents the energy lost from the radiator to space
neutron radiation radiation of neutrons (as by a neutron bomb)
radiation pressure
corpuscularadiation pressure
the minute pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a wave
radiation energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles
corpuscular radiation
particulate radiation
a stream of atomic or subatomic particles that may be charged positively (e.g. alpha particles) or negatively (e.g. beta particles) or not at all (e.g. neutrons)
radio wave
radio emission
radio radiation
an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between . cm to , m
solar radiation radiation from the sun
ultraviolet radiation
ultraviolet light
ultraviolet illumination
radiation lying in the ultraviolet range, wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays
the spontaneous emission of a stream of particles or electromagnetic rays in nuclear decay
radiation sickness
radiation syndrome
syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive chemicals or to nuclear explosions), low doses cause diarrhea and nausea and vomiting and sometimes loss of hair, greater exposure can cause sterility and cataracts and some forms of cancer and other diseases, severe exposure can cause death within hours, he was suffering from radiation
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In physics, radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. This includes: