
radius Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Speiche f; Radius m (Unterarmknochen) anat.
Speiche f, Radius m (Unterarmknochen) anat.
Wenderadius m
turn radius
Reifenhalbmesser m (unbelastet)
free radius
Kurvenradius m; Bogenradius m; Bogenhalbmesser
curve radius
Laufflächenradius m (Reifen)
crown radius
Ionenradius m
ionic radius
Sicherheitsradius m
safety radius
Hornradius m
flange radius
Rollradius m
rolling radius
Bahnradius m techn.
turning radius
Biegeradius m; Biegehalbmesser m techn.
radius of bend
Wendekreishalbmesser m, Wendekreisradius m
turning radius
Biegeradius m
bending radius
Wendekreishalbmesser m; Wendekreisradius m
turning radius
Eckradius m; Bördelhalbmesser m techn.
flanging radius
Elektronenradius m phys.
electron radius
Spektralradius m math.
spectral radius
Schulterradius m
well top radius
Reifenhalbmesser m (ohne Last)
unloaded radius
Kovalenzradius m chem.
covalent radius
Wulstsitzradius m (Reifen)
bead seat radius
Felgenschulterradius m
bead seat radius
Laufflächenkrümmung f (Reifen)
tread arc radius
Radius m eines hydratisierten Ions chem.
hydration radius
Drehradius m
rotational radius
Tiefbettradius m
well bottom radius
Hornkantenradius m
flange edge radius
Trägheitsradius m
radius of gyration
Krümmungsradius m
radius of curvature
Erdradius m
radius of the earth
Hallradius m (Akustik)
reverberation radius
Schwarzschild-Radius m astron. phys.
Schwarzschild radius
Basiskurvenradius m (Optik)
base curve radius BKR
Konvergenzradius m math.
radius of convergence
Rollhalbmesser m
dynamic rolling radius
Schulterradius m (Reifen)
shoulder radius (tyre)
Operationsradius m
operation radius, range
Basiskurvenradius m (Optik)
base curve radius BKR
Operationsradius m
operation radius; range
Weichenradius m (Bahn)
turnout radius (railway)
Führungslenker m auto
Führungslenker pl
radius arm
radius arms
Gegenlenker m techn.
Gegenlenker pl
radius rod
radius rods
Kopf-Ãœbergangsradius m (Schraube)
radius under head (screw)
Schwenkbegrenzung f
turning radius limitation
kovalent adj
kovalenter Radius
covalent radius
Wenderadius m
turn radius; turning radius
Parallelogrammwellenlager n (Dampfmaschine)
radius block (steam engine)
Schulterradius m (Reifen)
shoulder radius (tyre tire)
Radiusauslauf m techn.
radius runout; radial runout
Radienlehre f techn.
Radienlehren pl
radius gauge
radius gauges
Radienschablone f techn.
Radienschablonen pl
radius gauge
radius gauges
Radialziegel m; Radialmauerstein m; Radialvollstein m; Radialstein m constr.
Radialziegel pl; Radialmauersteine pl; Radialvollsteine pl; Radialsteine pl
radius brick
radius bricks
Radiuslehre f; Radienlehre f; Radienschablone f techn.
Radiuslehren pl; Radienlehren pl; Radienschablonen pl
radius gauge
radius gauges
Trägheitsradius m; Trägheitshalbmesser m phys.
radius of gyration; gyradius
Hornfußradius m
bead seat radius; heel radius
Hornfußradius m
bead seat radius, heel radius
Ausladung f (Kranausleger) mach.
jib length, jib working radius
Ausladung f (Kranausleger) mach.
jib length; jib working radius
Spektralradius m math.
Spektralradien pl
spectral radius
spectral radii
Schwenkradius m (Kran)
pivoting radius; swivel radius (crane)
Schaftfräser m techn.
Schaftfräser pl
Radiusschaftfräser m
end mill
end mills
radius form end mill
Hinterachsschubstange f auto
Hinterachsschubstangen pl
rear axle radius rod
rear axle radius rods
Lenkzwischenstange f auto
Lenkzwischenstangen pl
drag link; radius rod
drag links; radius rods
Schwenkradius m auto
swivelling radius Br.; swiveling radius Am.
Übergang m vom Steg zum Fuß der Schiene (Bahn)
fillet radius between the web and foot (railway)
Aktionsradius m
radius, radius of action (ROA), sphere of action
Radius m; Halbmesser m (von Kreis und Kugel) math.
Radien pl; Halbmesser pl
innerhalb eines Radius von ...
radii; radiuses
within a radius of ...
Radius m
Radien pl
innerhalb des Radius von ...
Radius unter Last
within a radius of ...
loaded radius
Linsenkopf m (Schraube)
Wölbungsradius des Linsenkopfes
raised head; oval head (screw)
radius of the raised head
Gabelrückenstellung f; Gabeldeformität f (beim Speichenbruch) med.
dinner-fork deformity; silver-fork deformity (in radius fractures)
Kugelkuppe f eines Bolzens techn.
Rundungsradius der Kugelkuppe
rounded end with round point of a bolt
radius of the rounded end
Sendegebiet n; Versorgungsbereich m (Rundfunk und Fernsehen)
Sendegebiete pl; Versorgungsbereiche pl
Sendereichweite f; Senderreichweite f
service area (broadcasting)
service areas
radius of service area
Schieberschubstange f (Dampfmaschine Bahn)
Schieberschubstangen pl
radius bar; radius rod (steam engine railway)
radius bars; radius rods
Schieberschubstange f (Dampfmaschine, Bahn)
Schieberschubstangen pl
radius bar; radius rod (steam engine, railway)
radius bars; radius rods
Krümmungsradius m; Krümmungshalbmesser m math.
Krümmungsradien pl; Krümmungshalbmesser pl
radius of curvature; curvature radius
radii of curvature; curvature radii
Ortsvektor m; Radiusvektor m; Leitstrahl m math.
Ortsvektoren pl; Radiusvektoren pl; Leitstrahlen pl
position vector; radius vector
position vectors; radius vectors; radii vectors
Radius m; Halbmesser m (von Kreis und Kugel) math.
Radien pl; Halbmesser pl
Kreisradius m
Kugelradius m
innerhalb eines Radius von …
radii; radiuses
circle radius
spherical radius
within a radius of …
Aktionsradius m
der Aktionsradius eines Staubsaugers
radius; radius of action ROA ; sphere of action
the operating radius of a vacuum cleaner
Aktionsradius m
der Aktionsradius eines Staubsaugers
radius; radius of action ROA ; sphere of action
the operating radius of a vacuum cleaner
Umkreis m (der Bereich in alle Richtungen)
im Umkreis von drei Kilometern
radius (the area in all directions)
within a two-mile radius; within a distance of two miles
Kran m
Krane pl; Kräne pl
Einziehkran m; A-Kran m
Schwenkarmkran m
Drehkreis m; Reichweite f eines Krans
luffing crane
swivelling crane Br.; swiveling crane Am.
radius of a crane
Raumkurve f; dreidimensionale Kurve f math. phys.
mehrfach gekrümmte Raumkurve
Torsionsradius m einer Raumkurve
space curve; spherical curve; three-dimensional curve
skew curve
radius of torsion of a space curve
Linsenkopf m (Schraube)
Linsensenkkopf m; Senkrundkopf m
Wölbungsradius des Linsenkopfes
raised head; oval head (of a screw)
raised countersunk head; oval countersunk head
radius of the raised head
Kante f constr. techn.
Kanten pl
gerundete Kante
scharfe Kante
den Ski über die Kante steuern sport
mit der Kante voran
radiused edge; radius edge
sharp edge; keen edge
to control the skis using the edges
Kante f constr. textil. techn.
Kanten pl
Stoffkante f textil.
gerundete Kante
scharfe Kante
den Ski über die Kante steuern sport
fabric edge
radiused edge; radius edge
sharp edge; keen edge
to control the skis using the edges
Halbmesser m
dynamischer Halbmesser
statischer Halbmesser
dynamic loaded radius, dynamic rolling radius
static loaded radius, static imbalance, static out-of- balance, static unbalance
Lenkachse f; Leitachse f; Vorderachse f (Bahn)
Lenkachsen pl; Leitachsen pl; Vorderachsen pl
leading axle; front axle; fore axle; radial axle; radius axle (railways)
leading axles; front axles; fore axles; radial axles; radius axles
Speichenbruch m; Speichenfraktur f med.
distaler Speichenbruch; Colles'sche Speichenfraktur
Speichenbruch mit Gabelrückenstellung
fracture of the radius; radius fracture
distal radius fracture; Colles' radius fracture
dinner-fork fracture; silver-fork fracture of the radius
Radialbohrmaschine f; Schwenkbohrmaschine f; Auslegerbohrmaschine f techn.
Radialbohrmaschinen pl; Schwenkbohrmaschinen pl; Auslegerbohrmaschinen pl
Schwinghalbmesser der Radialbohrmaschine
radial-arm drilling machine; radial drilling machine; radial drill
radial-arm drilling machines; radial drilling machines; radial drills
radius of arm of the radial drill
Reifenradius m; Reifenhalbmesser m auto
Reifenhalbmesser belastet unter Last; Reifenrollradius
Reifenhalbmesser unbelastet ohne Last
statischer Rollhalbmesser; Rollradius unter ruhender Last
wirksamer dynamischer Rollhalbmesser; dynamisch belasteter Rollradius
tyre radius Br.; tire radius Am.
loaded tyre radius
unloaded tyre radius; free tyre radius
static loaded radius; static rolling radius
dynamic loaded radius; dynamic rolling radius
Kran m
Krane pl; Kräne pl
Deckenkran m
Einträger-Deckenkran m
Einziehkran m; A-Kran m
Schwenkarmkran m
Schwimmkran; Pontonkran
Zangenkran m
Drehkreis m; Reichweite f eines Krans
underslung crane
single girder underslung crane
luffing crane
swivelling crane Br.; swiveling crane Am.
floating crane; pontoon crane
dogging crane
radius of a crane

Deutsche Halbmesser Synonyme

Englische radius Synonyme

radius  O  air line  ambit  amplitude  annular muscle  annulus  approach  area  areola  asymptote  aureole  axis  beeline  bigness  body  bore  bottleneck  breadth  bulk  caliber  carry  chaplet  chord  circle  circuit  circumference  circus  closed circle  collision course  compass  concentralization  concentration  concourse  concurrence  confluence  conflux  congress  convergence  converging  corona  coronet  coverage  crossing  crown  cycle  depth  diadem  diagonal  diameter  diapason  diffusion  dimension  dimensions  direct line  directrix  discus  disk  dispersion  edge  emanation  eternal return  expanse  expansion  extension  extent  fairy ring  focalization  focus  funnel  gamut  garland  gauge  girth  glory  great-circle course  greatness  halo  height  hub  largeness  lasso  length  logical circle  loop  looplet  magic circle  magnitude  mass  measure  measurement  meeting  mutual approach  narrowing gap  noose  normal  orbit  perpendicular  proportion  proportions  purview  radiance  radiation  radius vector  range  ray  reach  register  right line  ring  rondelle  round  roundel  saucer  scale  scattering  scope  secant  segment  semidiameter  shortcut  side  size  spectrum  sphincter  spoke  spokes  spread  straight  straight course  straight line  straight stretch  straightaway  streamline  stretch  sweep  tangent  transversal  vector  vicious circle  volume  wheel  width  wreath  

radius Definition

(n.) A right line drawn or extending from the center of a circle to the periphery
(n.) The preaxial bone of the forearm, or brachium, corresponding to the tibia of the hind limb. See Illust. of Artiodactyla.
(n.) A ray, or outer floret, of the capitulum of such plants as the sunflower and the daisy. See Ray, 2.
(n.) The barbs of a perfect feather.
(n.) Radiating organs, or color-markings, of the radiates.
(n.) The movable limb of a sextant or other angular instrument.
Radius vector
() A straight line (or the length of such line) connecting any point, as of a curve, with a fixed point, or pole, round which the straight line turns, and to which it serves to refer the successive points of a curve, in a system of polar coordinates. See Coordinate, n.
Radius vector
(n.) An ideal straight line joining the center of an attracting body with that of a body describing an orbit around it, as a line joining the sun and a planet or comet, or a planet and its satellite.

radius Bedeutung

wheel spoke
support consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rim
the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or sphere
radius of curvature the radius of the circle of curvature, the absolute value of the reciprocal of the curvature of a curve at a given point
radius the outer and slightly shorter of the two bones of the human forearm
radius vector a line connecting a point in space to the origin of a polar coordinate system
radius vector a line connecting a satellite to the center of the body around which it is rotating
radius a circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius, they located it within a radius of miles
radius a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle (or from the center to the surface of a sphere)
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In classical geometry, the radius of a circle or sphere is the length of a line segment from its center to its perimeter. The name comes from Latin radius, meaning "ray" but also the spoke of a chariot wheel. The plural of radius can be either radii or the conventional English plural radiuses. The typical abbreviation and mathematic variable name for "radius" is r. By extension, the diameter d is defined as twice the radius:

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