
red spotted Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

gescheckt, gefleckt, fleckig adj
fleckig, fleckige
gescheckt; gefleckt; fleckig adj
Brahmakauz m ornith.
Spotted Owl
Argusfisch m (Scatophagus argus) zool.
spotted scat
Fleckenralle f ornith.
Spotted Rail
Bartzaunkönig m ornith.
Spotted Wren
Fleckenwürgertimalie f ornith.
Spotted Sibia
Tüpfelsumpfhuhn n (Porzana porzana) ornith.
spotted crake
Fleckentaube f ornith.
Spotted Pigeon
Fleckensteißhuhn n ornith.
Spotted Nothura
Fleckenweihe f ornith.
Spotted Harrier
Fleckenzwergspecht m ornith.
Spotted Piculet
Fleckenbrust-Waldwächter m ornith.
Spotted Antbird
Südseelalage f ornith.
Spotted Triller
Streifenbrusttimalie f ornith.
Spotted Babbler
Fleckenfächerschwanz m ornith.
Spotted Fantail
Drosseltangare f ornith.
Spotted Tanager
Schwarzohr-Laubenvogel m ornith.
Spotted Catbird
Pyjama-Kardinalbarsch m (Sphaeramia nematoptera) zool.
spotted cardinal
Tüpfelkauz m ornith.
Spotted Hawk Owl
Pagodenkauz m ornith.
Spotted Wood Owl
Argusnachtschwalbe f ornith.
Spotted Nightjar
Fleckenfaulvogel m ornith.
Spotted Puffbird
Fleckbrust-Stachelschwanz m ornith.
Spotted Barbtail
Rostflanken-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Spotted Antpitta
Fleckenbülbül m ornith.
Spotted Greenbul
Fleckenscherenschwanz m ornith.
Spotted Forktail
Dunkler Wasserläufer m (Tringa erythropus) ornith.
spotted redshank
Rostflanken-Ameisenpitta m ornith.
spotted antpitta
Tüpfelfalterfisch m (Chaetodon guttatissimus) oder Malaiischer Einfleckfalterfisch m (Chaetodon speculum) zool.
spotted butterfly
Tüpfelscharbe f ornith.
Spotted Cormorant
Fleckenuhu m ornith.
Spotted Eagle Owl
Fuchseule f ornith.
Spotted Scops Owl
Fleckenpanthervogel m ornith.
Spotted Pardalote
Fleckenlaubenvogel m ornith.
Spotted Bowerbird
Drosseluferläufer m (Actitis macularia) ornith.
spotted sandpiper
(Chaetodontoplus cyanopunctatus) zool.
blue spotted angel
Haastkiwi m ornith.
Great Spotted Kiwi
Tropfenwachtel f ornith.
Spotted Wood Quail
Tropfenralle f ornith.
Buff-spotted Crake
Tüpfelgrünschenkel m ornith.
Spotted Greenshank
Tropfenflughuhn n ornith.
Spotted Sandgrouse
Tropfenbrust-Honiganzeiger m ornith.
Spotted Honeyguide
Trugzaunkönig m ornith.
Spotted Bamboowren
Fleckensericornis ornith.
Spotted Scrub Wren
Drosselhonigfresser m ornith.
Spotted Honeyeater
Grauschnäpper m (Muscicapa striata) ornith.
spotted flycatcher
Punktierter Kopfsteher m (Chilodus punctatus) zool.
spotted headstander
Zwergkiwi m ornith.
Little Spotted Kiwi
Perlenralle f ornith.
White-spotted Crake
Perlhalstaube f ornith.
Spotted-necked Dove
Perlkauz m ornith.
Pearl-spotted Owlet
Sternflecken-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Spotted Woodcreeper
Schlankschnabel-Beerenpicker m ornith.
Spotted Berrypecker
Riesenlaufhühnchen n ornith.
Spotted Button-Quail
Rotstirnlori m ornith.
Red-spotted Lorikeet
Tupfenbartvogel m ornith.
Black-spotted Barbet
Fleckenflöter m ornith.
Spotted Quail Thrush
Fleckenbrust-Zaunkönigstimalie f ornith.
Spotted Wren Babbler
Fleckenbuschsänger m ornith.
Spotted Bush Warbler
Stammsteiger m ornith.
Spotted Grey Creeper
Häherkuckuck m (Clamator glandarius) ornith.
great spotted cuckoo
Blauer Fadenfisch m (Trichogaster trichopterus) zool.
three-spotted gourami
(Istiblennius chrysospilos) zool.
orange spotted blenny
Schlankkopf-Symbiosegrundel f (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus) zool.
spotted watchman goby
Sternnachtschwalbe f ornith.
Star-spotted Nightjar
Gelbfleck-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-spotted Barbet
Goldzügelbülbül m ornith.
Orange-spotted Bulbul
Nataldrossel f ornith.
Spotted Ground Thrush
Ceylondrossel f ornith.
Spotted-winged Thrush
Sumpftimalie f ornith.
Marsh Spotted Babbler
Fleckenkernbeißer m ornith.
Spotted-wing Grosbeak
Gelbfleck-Bartvogel m (Buccanodon duchaillui) ornith.
yellow-spotted barbet
Tüpfelpfeifgans f ornith.
Spotted Whistling Duck
Stahlflecktaube f ornith.
Blue-spotted Wood Dove
Tränenbartvogel m ornith.
Spotted-flanked Barbet
Rotaugen-Ameisenvogel m ornith.
Black-spotted Bare-eye
Tropfenrötel m ornith.
Spotted Morning Thrush
Schuppenbrust-Bronzemännchen n ornith.
White-spotted Mannikin
Clown-Leierfisch m, LSD-Mandarinfisch m (Synchiropus picturatus) zool.
spotted mandarin (fish)
Perlenfruchttaube f ornith.
Pink-spotted Fruit Dove
Tropfenliest ornith.
Spotted Wood Kingfisher
Termitenspecht m ornith.
Buff-spotted Woodpecker
Pünktchenspecht m ornith.
Fine-spotted Woodpecker
Tropfenbrust-Spateltyrann m ornith.
Spotted Tody Flycatcher
Tasmanpanthervogel m ornith.
Forty-spotted Pardalote
Tropfentrupial ornith.
Spotted-breasted Oriole
Clown-Leierfisch m; LSD-Mandarinfisch m (Synchiropus picturatus) zool.
spotted mandarin (fish)
Tropfenliest m ornith.
spotted wood kingfisher
Tropfentrupial m ornith.
spotted-breasted oriole
Flußsumpfhuhn n ornith.
Australian Spotted Crake
Tropfenkolibri m ornith.
Many-spotted Hummingbird
Rundschwanzspecht m ornith.
Heart-spotted Woodpecker
Perlbauchspecht m ornith.
White-spotted Woodpecker
Weißbrauen-Lappenschnäpper m ornith.
White-spotted Wattle-eye
Kronenmeise f ornith.
Black-spotted Yellow Tit
Buntspecht m (Dendrocopos major) ornith.
great spotted woodpecker
Bronzeflecktaube f ornith.
Emerald-spotted Wood Dove
Fleckenkolibri m ornith.
Olive-spotted Hummingbird
Kleinspecht m (Dendrocopos minor) ornith.
lesser spotted woodpecker
Mittelspecht m (Dendrocopos medius) ornith.
middle spotted woodpecker
Tropfenbrust-Musendrossel f ornith.
Spotted Nightingale Thrush
Gambagaschnäpper m ornith.
Gambaga Spotted Flycatcher
braunfleckige Beißschrecke f (Platycleis tessellata Platycleis intermedia intermedia) zool.
brown-spotted bush-cricket
Kizukispecht m ornith.
Japanese Spotted Woodpecker
Gelbkehlsperling m ornith.
Yellow-spotted Rock Sparrow
braunfleckige Beißschrecke f (Platycleis tessellata Platycleis intermedia intermedia) zool.
brown-spotted bush- cricket
beflecken, bespritzen v
befleckend, bespritzend
befleckt, bespritzt
to spot
beflecken; bespritzen v
befleckend; bespritzend
befleckt; bespritzt
to spot
entdecken; sehen; erkennen; herausfinden v
entdeckend; sehend; erkennend; herausfindend
entdeckt; gesehen; erkannt; herausgefunden
to spot
sichern v (bereitstehen um bei einer Ãœbung einen Sturz abzufangen) sport
to spot
sichern v (bereitstehen, um bei einer Ãœbung einen Sturz abzufangen) sport
to spot
Waldhäherling m ornith.
White-spotted Laughing Thrush
Weißkehl-Buschtimalie f ornith.
Austen's Spotted Tree Babbler
Tüpfelsumpfhuhn n ornith.
Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana)
Flaggenschwanzpapagei m ornith.
Red-spotted Racket-tailed Parrot
Tüpfelmohn m (Roemeria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
spotted poppies (botanical genus)
Steinbeißer m; Steinpicker m; Dorngrundel m (Cobitis taenia) zool.
spined loach; spotted weather loach
Dunkler Wasserläufer m ornith.
Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus)
Drosseluferläufer m ornith.
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)
Schelladler m ornith.
Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga)
Grauschnäpper m ornith.
Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)
Schreiadler m ornith.
Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina)
Ackerwinden-Trauereule f; Feldflur-Windeneule f (Tyta luctuosa) zool.
field bindweed moth; four-spotted moth
Tannenhäher m (Nucifraga caryocatactes) ornith.
Eurasian nutcracker; spotted nutcracker
Häherkuckuck m ornith.
Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)
Tausenddollarfisch m (Notopterus chitala) zool.
spotted featherback fish, spotted knife fish
Buntspecht m ornith.
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)
Kleinspecht m ornith.
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor)
erkennen, sehen, entdecken, ausmachen v
erkennend, sehend, entdeckend, ausmachend
erkannt, gesehen, entdeckt, ausgemacht
erkennt, sieht, entdeckt, macht aus
erkannte, sah, entdeckte, machte aus
to spot
Mittelspecht m ornith.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius)
Tannenhäher m ornith.
Eurasian Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes), Spotted Nutcracker
Schliefer pl (Hyracoidea) (zoologische Ordnung) zool.
Buschschliefer m (Heterohyrax brucei)
hyraxes (zoological order)
bush hyrax; yellow-spotted rock hyrax
Spinnmilbe f, Rote Spinne f zool.
Spinnmilben pl, Rote Spinnen pl
gemeine Spinnmilbe
spider mite, red spider mite
spider mites, red spider mites
two spotted mite
Spinnmilben pl (Tetranychidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
Obstbaumspinnmilbe f; Rote Spinne f (Panonychus ulmi)
Bohnenspinnmilbe f; Gemeine Spinnmilbe f (Tetranychus urticae)
spider mites (zoological family)
European red spider mite
two-spotted spider mite
Steinkäuze pl (Athene) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Steinkauz m (Athene noctua)
Kaninchenkauz m; Kanincheneule f; Präriekauz m; Prärieeule f; Höhleneule f (Athene cunicularia)
Brahmakauz m (Athene brama)
Bändersteinkauz m; Blewittkauz m (Athene blewitti)
athene owls (zoological genus)
little owl
burrowing owl
spotted owlet
forest owlet
Tausenddollarfisch m (Notopterus chitala) zool.
Tausenddollarfische pl
spotted featherback fish; spotted knife fish
spotted featherback fishes; spotted knife fishes
erkennen; sehen; entdecken; ausmachen v
erkennend; sehend; entdeckend; ausmachend
erkannt; gesehen; entdeckt; ausgemacht
erkennt; sieht; entdeckt; macht aus
erkannte; sah; entdeckte; machte aus
Das Muster ist auf dem Foto schwer zu erkennen.
to spot
The design is hard to make out in the photograph.
Rusa-Hirsche pl (Rusa) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Pferdehirsch m; Sambarhirsch m; Sambar m (Rusa unicolor)
Prinz-Alfred-Hirsch m (Rusa alfredi)
rusa deer (zoological genus)
sambar deer; sambar
Philippine spotted deer; Visayan spotted deer
Axishirsche pl (Axis) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Axishirsch m; Chital m (Axis axis)
Schweinshirsch m (Axis porcinus)
axis deer (zoological genus)
spotted deer; axis deer; chital; cheetal
Indian hog deer; hog deer
Ailuroedus-Laubenvögel pl (Ailuroedus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Weißohr-Laubenvogel m (Ailuroedus buccoides)
Grünlaubenvogel m (Ailuroedus crassirostris)
Schwarzohr-Laubenvogel m (Ailuroedus melanotis)
catbirds (zoological genus)
white-eared catbird
green catbird
black-eared catbird; spotted catbird
Fleckschiefer m min.
mottled schist; mottled shale; mottled slate; spotted schist; spotted shale; spotted slate; fleckschiefer
Taufliegen pl; Gärfliegen pl; Mostfliegen pl; Essigfliegen pl; Fruchtfliegen pl; Obstfliegen pl (Drosophilidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
Kirschessigfliege f (Drosophila suzukii)
common fruit flies; drosophilia fruit flies; drosophila family (zoological family)
spotted-wing drosophila
erblicken; erspähen v
erblickend; erspähend
erblickt; erspäht
erblickt; erspäht
erblickte; erspähte
to catch sight (of); to spot
catching sight; spotting
caught sight; spotted
catches sight; spots
caught sight; spotted
Schierlinge pl (Conium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gefleckter Schierling (Conium maculatum)
hemlocks (botanical genus)
spotted hemlock; poison hemlock Br.; poison parsley; devil's bread Ir.; herb bennet; beaver poision
etw. erblicken; etw. erspähen; etw. gewahren geh. v
erblickend; erspähend; gewahrend
erblickt; erspäht; gewahrt
erblickt; erspäht
erblickte; erspähte
to catch sight of sth.; to spot sth.
catching sight; spotting
caught sight; spotted
catches sight; spots
caught sight; spotted
Pardelkatzen pl (Leopardus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bergozelot m; Baumozelot m; Langschwanzkatze f; Margaykatze f; Peludokatze f
Ozelot m (Leopardus pardalis)
Tigerkatze f; Ozelotkatze f (Leopardus tigrinus)
leopardus cats (zoological genus)
tree ocelot; margay cat; margay
northern tiger cat; little spotted cat; oncilla; tigrillo

red spotted Definition

(a.) Five-spotted.
(a.) Marked with spots like eyes.
(imp. & p. p.) of Spot
(a.) Marked with spots

red spotted Bedeutung

spotted eagle ray
spotted ray
Aetobatus narinari
ray with back covered with white or yellow spots, widely distributed in warm seas
spotted antbird
Hylophylax naevioides
a kind of antbird
spotted flycatcher
Muscicapa striata
Muscicapa grisola
common European woodland flycatcher with greyish-brown plumage
spotted owl
Strix occidentalis
a large owl of North America found in forests from British Columbia to central Mexico, has dark brown plumage and a heavily spotted chest
spotted salamander fire salamander
Salamandra maculosa
European salamander having dark skin with usually yellow spots
spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum glossy black North American salamander with yellow spots
Chihuahuan spotted whiptail
Cnemidophorus exsanguis
having longitudinal stripes overlaid with light spots, upland lizard of United States southwest and Mexico
spotted crake
Porzana porzana
Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes
spotted sandpiper
Actitis macularia
common North American sandpiper
liver-spotted dalmatian a brown-spotted dalmatian
spotted hyena
laughing hyena
Crocuta crocuta
African hyena noted for its distinctive howl
spotted lynx
Lynx pardina
of southern Europe
jackass bat
spotted bat
Euderma maculata
a large bat of the southwestern United States having spots and enormous ears
two-spotted ladybug
Adalia bipunctata
red ladybug with a black spot on each wing
red-spotted purple
Limenitis astyanax
similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces
spotted skunk
little spotted skunk
Spilogale putorius
small skunk with a marbled black and white coat, of United States and Mexico
Australian arowana
Dawson River salmon
spotted barramundi
spotted bonytongue
Scleropages leichardti
a species of large fish found in Australian rivers
spotted sunfish
Lepomis punctatus
inhabits streams from South Carolina to Florida, esteemed panfish
Kentucky black bass
spotted black bass
Micropterus pseudoplites
a variety of black bass
spotted weakfish
spotted sea trout
spotted squeateague
Cynoscion nebulosus
weakfish of southern Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of United States
spotted dick a suet pudding containing currants
Joe-Pye weed spotted Joe-Pye weed
Eupatorium maculatum
North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purple flower heads
spotted coral root
Corallorhiza maculata
common coral root having yellowish- or reddish- or purplish-brown leafless stems bearing loose racemes of similarly colored flowers with white purple-spotted lips, Guatemala to Canada
common spotted orchid
Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii
European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple
spotted gum
Eucalyptus maculata
large gum tree with mottled bark
wild geranium
spotted cranesbill
Geranium maculatum
common wild geranium of eastern North America with deeply parted leaves and rose-purple flowers
spotted cowbane
spotted hemlock
spotted water hemlock
tall biennial water hemlock of northeastern North America having purple-spotted stems and clusters of extremely poisonous tuberous roots resembling small sweet potatoes
spotted fever any of several severe febrile diseases characterized by skin rashes or spots on the skin
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
mountain fever
tick fever
caused by rickettsial bacteria and transmitted by wood ticks
dark-spotted having dark spots
maroon-spotted having maroon spots
having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture), a field patched with ice and snow, the wall had a spotty speckled effect, a black-and-white spotted cow
purple-spotted having purple spots
yellow-spotted having yellow spots
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Red is the color at the longer-wavelengths end of the spectrum of visible light next to orange, at the opposite end from violet. Red color has a predominant light wavelength of roughly 620?740 nanometers. Light with a longer wavelength than red but shorter than terahertz radiation and microwave is called infrared.