
region Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Region, Gebiet
Gebiet n math.
Bereich, Region
Gebietskarte, Regionkarte
region map
Trockengebiet n geogr.
arid region
base region
Golfregion f geogr.
Gulf region
Schambereich m; Schamgegend f anat.
pubic region
Lendengegend f
lumbar region
Normalbereich m
normal region
Baskenland n geogr.
Basque region
alpine region
keltisches Gebiet
Celtic region
skiing region
Ostseegebiet n geogr.
Baltic region
Herzgegend f
cardiac region
cardiac region
central region
Ferienland, Feriengebiet
tourist region
Herzgegend f anat.
cardiac region
Äschenregion f
grayling region
Adriatic region
in jeder Gegend
in every region
Leistengegend f anat.
inguinal region
Bilddurchlaufbereich m
scrolling region
Gau m
district, region
Gegend f
Gegenden pl
Referenzbereich m
reference region
Region f
Regionen pl
Toleranzbereich m
tolerance region
Zentrierung f
on-center region
absorbierender Bereich
absorbing region
breakdown region
scrolling region
Gau m geogr. adm.
district; region
Abnahmebereich m, Gutbereich m
acceptance region
Abnahmebereich, Gutbereich
acceptance region
Abnahmebereich m; Gutbereich m
acceptance region
Sättigungsbereich m techn.
saturation region
Gebirgsgegend f
mountainous region
mountainous region
Europe sport region
winter sport region
Ein-Phasen-Bereich m phys. techn.
single-phase region
Zentrum der Region, Mittelpunkt des Gebiets
center of the region
Schläfen-Brücken-Gegend f anat.
temporopontine region
Latium n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Lazio (Italian region)
Saargebiet n geogr.
Saar region; Saar area
extensive skiing region
Leistenbruchgebiet n med.
inguinal hernial region
Apulien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Apulia (Italian region)
Marken pl geogr. (Region in Italien)
Marche (Italian region)
Molise n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Molise (Italian region)
Umbrien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Umbria (Italian region)
Messenien n (Region in Griechenland) geogr.
Messenia (Greek region)
Bereich m, Region f
kritischer Bereich
critical region
Fernfeldmessplatz n
region measuring station
Polargebiet n, Polarzone f
polar region, polar zone
Quellgebiet n, Quellflüsse pl
headwater, source region
F-Schicht f; Appleton-Schicht f geogr. phys.
F-region; Appleton layer
Polargebiet n; Polarzone f geogr.
polar region; polar zone
Quellgebiet n; Quellflüsse pl
headwater; source region
Abruzzen pl geogr. (Region in Italien)
Abruzzi (Italian region)
Ligurien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Liguria (Italian region)
Savoyen n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Savoy (region in France)
Toskana f geogr. (Region in Italien)
Tuscany (Italian region)
Fernfeldmessplatz m
region measuring station
Verwaschungsgebiet n (Radar) techn.
confusion region (radar)
hadaler Bereich m; Hadal n (mariner Lebensraum unterhalb von 7000 m Tiefe) envir.
hadal zone; hadal region
im Gebiet der Ostalpen
in the East Alpine region
E-Schicht f; Heaviside-Schicht f geogr. phys.
E-region; Heaviside layer
Kalabrien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Calabria (Italian region)
Kampanien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Campania (Italian region)
Piemont n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Piedmont (Italian region)
Elsass n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Alsace (region in France)
Alpenraum m, Alpenregion f
Alpine region, Alps region
Basiszone f
Basiszonen pl
base region
base regions
Stadtregion f
Stadtregionen pl
city region
city regions
Alpenraum m; Alpenregion f
Alpine region; Alps region
Beckenbereich m anat.
pelvic area; pelvic region
Nahtbereich m textil.
Nahtbereiche pl
seam region
seam regions
Trockengebiet n geogr.
Trockengebiete pl
arid region
arid regions
Alpengebiet n geogr.
alpine area; alpine region
Picardie f (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Picardy (region in France)
Bergsenkungsgebiet n
region of mining subsidence
meist besuchtes Ferienland
most popular tourist region
Basilikata n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Basilicata (Italian region)
Kantabrien n (Region in Spanien) geogr.
Cantabria (region in Spain)
Auvergne f (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Auvergne (region in France)
Bretagne f; Kleinbritannien n (veraltet) (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Brittany (region in France)
Limousin n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Limousin (region in France)
Lothringen n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Lorraine (region in France)
Zentrum des Oberlandes
center of the uplands region
voll ausgebautes Sportgebiet
fully developed sport region
Flandern n (Region in Belgien) geogr.
Flanders (region in Belgium)
Wallonien n; Wallonie f (Region in Belgien) geogr.
Wallonia (region in Belgium)
Doris f (altgriechische Landschaft) geogr. hist.
Doris (ancient Green region)
Mazedonien n; Makedonien n (griechische Region) geogr.
Macedonia (region in Greece)
abyssaler Bereich m; Abyssal n (mariner Lebensraum in 2500-7000 m Tiefe) envir.
abyssal zone; abyssal region
bathyaler Bereich m; Bathyal n (mariner Lebensraum in 200-3000 m Tiefe) envir.
bathyal zone; bathyal region
benthischer Bereich m; Benthal n (Lebensraum auf dem Grund eines Gewässers) envir.
benthic zone; benthic region
Aquitanien n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Aquitaine (region in France)
Aostatal n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Aosta Valley (Italian region)
Schemaitien n; Samogitien n (litauische Region) geogr.
Samogitia (Lithuanian region)
Genitalbereich m; untere Region übtr.; untere Regionen übtr.
nether region; nether regions
D-Schicht f geogr. phys.
D-region; D-double-prime layer
Nackenregion f anat.
nuchal region; cervical region
Darfur n (Region im Südsudan) geogr.
Darfur (region in South Sudan)
litoraler Bereich m; Litoral n (Lebensraum im Uferbereich von Süßgewässern) envir.
littoral zone; littoral region
zulässiger Bereich m (Optimierung) comp. math.
feasible region (optimization)
Rhône-Alpes (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Rhône-Alpes (region in France)
Emilia-Romagna f geogr. (Region in Italien)
Emilia-Romagna (Italian region)
Wirtschaftsregion f
Wirtschaftsregion f
economic region
economic area
Lakonien n (Region in Griechenland) geogr.
Laconia; Lakonia (Greek region)
Naturraum m
Naturräume pl
natural region
natural regions
Urlaubsregion f
Urlaubsregionen pl
holiday region
holiday regions
Venetien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Veneto; Venetia (Italian region)
profundaler Bereich m; Profundal n (Lebensraum im tiefen Bereich von Süßwasserseen) envir.
profundal zone; profundal region
Franche-Comté f (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Franche-Comté (region in France)
ÃŽle-de-France f (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
ÃŽle-de-France (region in France)
Midi-Pyrénées n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Midi-Pyrénées (region in France)
Lendengegend f anat.
über der Lendengegend
lumbar region
supralumbar {adj}
Salzkammergut n (Region in Österreich) geogr.
Salzkammergut (region in Austria)
Basse-Normandie f; Niedernormandie f (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Lower Normandy (region in France)
Haute-Normandie f; Obernormandie f (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Upper Normandy (region in France)
Dreiländereck n geogr.
tri-border region; tri-border area
Empfangszone f meteo.
Empfangszonen pl
trapping region
trapping regions
Korsika n (Insel; Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Corsica (island; region in France)
Kaumuskel-Unterkiefer-Schläfen-Region f anat.
masseter-mandibular-temporal region
Galiläa (Gebiet in Nordisrael) geogr.
Galilee (region in Northern Israel)
Pays de la Loire (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Pays de la Loire (region in France)
Poitou-Charentes (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Poitou-Charentes (region in France)
Untergebiet n (Teile eines Großgebiets)
sub-region (subregion) (sub region)
Durchbruchsbereich m
Durchbruchsbereiche pl
breakdown region
breakdown regions
Referenzbereich m
Referenzbereiche pl
reference region
reference regions
Lombardei f geogr. (Region in Italien)
Lombardia; Lombardy (Italian region)
Champagne-Ardenne f (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Champagne-Ardenne (region in France)
Magengegend f anat. med.
stomach area; stomach region; stomach
Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Nord-Pas-de-Calais (region in France)
Aquitanien (historische Provinz in Frankreich) geogr. hist.
Aquitaine (historic region in France)
Friaul-Julisch Venetien n geogr. (Region in Italien)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian region)
Abnahmebereich m; Gutbereich m
Abnahmebereiche pl; Gutbereiche pl
acceptance region
acceptance regions
Dauerfrostgebiet n; Permafrostregion f meteo.
Dauerfrostgebiete pl; Permafrostregionen pl
permafrost region
permafrost regions
Burgund n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Burgundy; Bourgogne (region in France)
Centre-Val de Loire n; Centre n(Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Centre-Val de Loire (region in France)
Languedoc-Roussillon n (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Languedoc-Roussillon (region in France)
absorbierend, resorbierend adj
absorbierender Bereich
absorbent, absorptive
absorbing region

Deutsche Region Gebiet Synonyme

Bezirk  ÂGegend  ÂRayon  (österr.,  schweiz.)  ÂRegion  
Areal  ÂBereich  ÂBezirk  ÂFläche  ÂGegend  ÂOrt  ÂPlatz  ÂRaum  ÂRegion  
Bereich  ÂGebiet  ÂSektor  ÂZone  
einschlägig  Âzu  einem  Gebiet  gehörend  
Areal  ÂGebiet  ÂGegend  ÂRaum  ÂTerritorium  
erschließen  (Bauland,  Gebiet)  Ânutzbar  machen  
Abteilung  ÂDivision  ÂGebiet  ÂReferat  ÂRessort  ÂSektion  
erschließen (Bauland, Gebiet)  nutzbar machen  
region  Kreis  abode  acres  alluvion  alluvium  ambit  arable land  archbishopric  archdiocese  

Englische region Synonyme

region  Kreis  abode  acres  alluvion  alluvium  ambit  arable land  archbishopric  archdiocese  area  arrondissement  bailiwick  bearings  belt  bench mark  bishopric  borough  canton  city  clay  clod  commune  congressional district  constablewick  county  crust  demesne  departement  department  diocese  dirt  district  division  domain  dominion  dry land  duchy  dust  earth  electoral district  electorate  emplacement  field  freehold  glebe  government  grassland  ground  hamlet  hole  hundred  jurisdiction  land  landholdings  latitude and longitude  lieu  lithosphere  locale  locality  location  locus  magistracy  marginal land  marl  metropolis  metropolitan area  mold  neighborhood  oblast  okrug  pale  parish  part  pinpoint  place  placement  point  position  precinct  principality  province  quarter  real estate  real property  regolith  riding  section  sector  sheriffalty  sheriffwick  shire  shrievalty  site  situation  situs  sod  soil  soke  sphere  spot  stake  state  stead  subaerial deposit  subsoil  terra  terra firma  terrain  territory  the country  topsoil  town  township  tract  vicinity  village  walk  wapentake  ward  whereabout  whereabouts  woodland  zone  
regional  areal  cartographic  chorographic  dialect  dialectal  geodetic  geographic  geographical  idiomatic  local  locational  navigational  positional  provincial  sectional  situal  situational  territorial  topographic  zonal  
regional accent  Acadian  Anglo-Indian  Brooklynese  Cajun  Canadian French  Cockney  French Canadian  Gullah  Midland  Midland dialect  New England dialect  Pennsylvania Dutch  Yankee  Yorkshire  accent  broad accent  brogue  bundle of isoglosses  burr  class dialect  dialect  dialect atlas  dialect dictionary  drawl  idiom  isogloss  linguistic atlas  linguistic community  linguistic island  local dialect  localism  patois  provincialism  regionalism  speech community  subdialect  twang  

region Definition

(n.) One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided
(n.) Tract, part, or space, lying about and including anything
(n.) The upper air
(n.) The inhabitants of a district.
(n.) Place

region Bedeutung

a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve, in the abdominal region
cortical area
cortical region
any of various regions of the cerebral cortex
motor area
motor region
motor cortex
Rolando's area
excitable area
the cortical area that influences motor movements
sensorimotor area
sensorimotor region
an area of the cortex including the precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus and combining sensory and motor functions
pubic region
the lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs
Hell Hades
infernal region netherworld
(religion) the world of the dead, No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth-Theognis
Inferno infernal region
nether region
(Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil, where sinners suffer eternal punishment, Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell- John Milton, a demon from the depths of the pit, Hell is paved with good intentions-Dr. Johnson
red region
a place of eternal fire envisaged as punishment for the damned
a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about, it was a limited realm of discourse, here we enter the region of opinion, the realm of the occult
Frigid Zone
polar zone
polar region
the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole, characterized by frigid climate
geographical area
geographic area
geographical region
geographic region
a demarcated area of the Earth
biogeographical region an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna
D region
the lowest region of the ionosphere ( tomiles up) that reflects low-frequency radio waves
Appleton layer
F layer
F region
the highest region of the ionosphere (fromto miles up) which contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for longange radio transmission
Heaviside layer
Kennelly-Heaviside layer
E layer
E region
a region of the ionosphere (fromtomiles up) that reflects radio waves of medium length
the extended spatial location of something, the farming regions of France, religions in all parts of the world, regions of outer space
region a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth, penguins inhabit the polar regions
unknown region
terra incognita
an unknown and unexplored region, they came like angels out the unknown
Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
an autonomous province in far northwestern China on the border with Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the largest province in the People's Republic of China and the homeland of the Uighur people
Italian region Italy is divided intoregions for administrative purposes
Lothian Region a district in southeast central Scotland (south side of the Firth of Forth) and the location of Edinburgh
French region a geographical subdivision of France
Tidewater region
the coastal plain of the South: eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia
Bluegrass Country
Bluegrass Region
an area in central Kentucky noted for it bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of'), it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job, the price is in the neighborhood of $
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In geography, regions are areas broadly divided by physical characteristics , human impact characteristics , and the interaction of humanity and the environment . Geographic regions and sub-regions are mostly described by their imprecisely defined, and sometimes transitory boundaries, except in human geography, where jurisdiction areas such as national borders are defined in law.