
reserve Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

reservieren, Reserve
Rückhalt m, Rücklage f, Rückstellung f
reservieren, belegen
to reserve
ein solcher Vorbehalt
such reserve
reserve fund
cash reserve
reserve tank
game reserve
bonus reserve
bonus reserve
money reserve
gesetzliche Rücklage
legal reserve
stille Reserve
inner reserve
Bonusrücklage f
bonus reserve
Arbeitskräftereserve, Arbeitskräftepotential
labour reserve
geheime Reserve, stille Reserve
secret reserve
reserve assets
versteckte Reserve
hidden reserve
nature reserve
capital reserve
reserve capital
Abdichtungsreserve f
sealing reserve
without reserve
Arbeitskräftereserve, Arbeitskräftepotential
manpower reserve
eine Frist vorbehalten
reserve a period
money in reserve
reserve currency
Leistungsreserve f
reserve capacity
in der Schublade liegen
to be in reserve
Währungsreserve f
monetary reserve
Reservewährung f fin.
reserve currency
das Recht vorbehalten
reserve the right
Reserve für den Notfall
emergency reserve
Katastrophenreserve, außerordentliche Reserve
catastrophe reserve
unter üblichem Vorbehalt
under usual reserve
US-Notenbank f
Federal Reserve Bank
Verschlossenheit f
taciturnity, reserve
amortization reserve
Verschlossenheit f
taciturnity; reserve
special risks reserve
Rücklagen für Dubiose
reserve for bad debts
Dividendenrücklage f fin.
dividend reserve fund
Gangreserve f (Uhr)
power reserve (watch)
Gefahrenrücklage f
special risks reserve
reserve for redemption
Mindestreservesystem n
minimum reserve system
mit dem üblichen Vorbehalt
with the usual reserve
Erzvorrat m min.
ore stock; ore reserve
Ersatzfahrer m
reserve, reserver driver
accumulation of a reserve
reserve for contingencies
Rücklagen für schwebende Schäden
reserve for pending claims
Barbestand m, Barmittel pl, Kassenbestand m
cash reserve, cash in hand
den erforderlichen Raum reservieren
reserve the necessary space
without reserve, unreserved
Mindestreservepflicht n econ.
minimum reserve requirement
rückhaltlos; vorbehaltlos adj
without reserve; unreserved
Mindestreservepflicht f econ.
minimum reserve requirement
Goldreserve f, Goldbestand m
Goldreserven pl, Goldbestände pl
gold reserve
gold reserves
Goldreserve f; Goldbestand m
Goldreserven pl; Goldbestände pl
gold reserve
gold reserves
Einzelwertberichtigung vornehmen, Pauschalwertberichtigung buchen fin.
to make a reserve for bad debt
Einzelwertberichtigung vornehmen; Pauschalwertberichtigung buchen fin.
to make a reserve for bad debt
Geldreserve f fin.
Geldreserven pl
money reserve
money reserves
Reserveanteil m
Reserveanteile pl
reserve ratio
reserve ratios
Einzelwertberichtigung vornehmen; Pauschalwertberichtigung buchen v fin.
to make a reserve for bad debt
Gewinnrücklage f
retained income, surplus reserve
Reservespieler m sport
Reservespieler pl
reserve player
reserve players
Gewinnrücklage f
retained income; surplus reserve
Reserveschirmgriff m
Reserveschirmgriffe pl
reserve ripcord
reserve ripcords
Währungsreserve f
Währungsreserven pl
monetary reserve
monetary reserves
derjenige dem der Vorbehalt gegeben wurde
the party to whom the reserve was made
Rücklage f, Reservefonds m
Rücklagen auflösen
reserve fund
to appropriate reserves
unter Wahrung meiner Rechte
under (with) full reserve to my rights
Biosphärenreservat n; Biosphärenpark f envir.
Biosphärenreservate pl; Biosphärenparks pl
biosphere reserve
biosphere reserves
Regelleistung f; Reserveleistung f (Stromnetz) electr.
operating reserve (electricity network)
Erdgasvorkommen n
natural gas reserve; natural gas deposit
Kapitalrücklage f fin.
capital reserve, additional paid-in capital
Kapitalrücklage f fin.
capital reserve; additional paid-in capital
Berührungsangst f
Berührungsängste pl
fear of contact; reserve
fears of contact
Reserve f (Truppenkörper) mil.
taktische Reserve
reserve (body of troops)
tactical reserve
Seuchenreserve f
epidemic reserve; epidemic reserve capacity
Berührungsangst f
Berührungsängste pl
fear of contact, reserve
fears of contacts
Tilgungsrücklage f
Tilgungsrücklagen pl
amortization reserve
amortization reserves
Berührungsangst f
Berührungsängste pl
fear of contact; reserve
fears of contacts
Vorratsberechnung f
calculation of resource; reserve calculation
Sicherheitsrücklage f
contingent reserve, reserve for contingencies
Sicherheitsrücklage f
contingent reserve; reserve for contingencies
Reserve-Brustfallschirm m mil.
Reserve-Brustfallschirme pl
chest mounted reserve
chest mounted reserves
Futterreservestoff m agr.
Futterreservestoffe pl
reserve food material
reserve food materials
Gefahrenrücklage f
Gefahrenrücklagen pl
special risks reserve
special risks reserves
Mindestreservesystem n
Mindestreservesysteme pl
minimum reserve system
minimum reserve systems
Leerrohranlage f
Leerrohranlagen pl
reserve conduit system
reserve conduit systems
Notstandsreserven pl pol. econ.
Pflichtnotstandsreserven pl
emergency reserves
emergency reserve commitment
Zurückhaltung f
caution, reserve, coolness, abstinence, demureness
Zurückhaltung f
caution; reserve; coolness; abstinence; demureness
Rücklage f; Rückstellung f econ.
gesetzliche Rücklagen
die Bildung von Rücklagen
legal reserves
the creation of reserves
Rohstoffreserve f
Rohstoffreserven pl
reserve of raw materials
reserves of raw materials
Semesterapparat m (Bibliothek)
course reserve collection (books); course literature
Ersatzfahrer m
Ersatzfahrer pl
reserve; reserver driver
reserves; reserver drivers
reservieren, reservieren lassen
to reserve
reservieren, zurückhalten, belegen v
reservierend, zurückhaltend, belegend
reserviert, zurückgehalten, belegt
reserviert, hält zurück, belegt
reservierte, hielt zurück, belegte
to reserve
reservieren; reservieren lassen v
to reserve
etw. in der Hinterhand haben v
to have sth. up one's sleeve; to have sth. up in reserve
Reservetank m
Reservetanks pl
reserve tank, emergency tank
reserve tanks, emergency tanks
Reservetank m
Reservetanks pl
reserve tank; emergency tank
reserve tanks; emergency tanks
etw. vorbestellen; etw. reservieren lassen v
vorbestellend; reservieren lassend
vorbestellt; reservieren lassen
to engage sth. (reserve in advance) (dated)
Ersatzfahrer m (Motorsport) sport
Ersatzfahrer pl
reserve driver; reserve (motorsport)
reserve drivers; reserves
etw. vorbestellen; etw. reservieren lassen v
vorbestellend; reservieren lassend
vorbestellt; reservieren lassen
to engage sth. (reserve in advance) dated
höffig adj min.
höffiges Gebiet
prospective; presumably occurring
prospective reserve
Wildschutzgebiet n, Wildreservat n
Wildschutzgebiete pl, Wildreservate pl
game reserve, wildlife preserve
game reserves, wildlife preserves
reservieren; zurückhalten; belegen v
reservierend; zurückhaltend; belegend
reserviert; zurückgehalten; belegt
reserviert; hält zurück; belegt
reservierte; hielt zurück; belegte
nicht reserviert
to reserve
Meeresschutzgebiet n
Meeresschutzgebiete pl
das größte Meeresschutzgebiet der Welt
marine reserve
marine reserves
the world 's biggest marine reserve
Naturschutzgebiet n, Naturreservat n
Naturschutzgebiete pl, Naturreservate pl
nature reserve, conservation area
nature reserves, conservation areas
Naturschutzgebiet n; Naturreservat n envir.
Naturschutzgebiete pl; Naturreservate pl
nature reserve; conservation area
nature reserves; conservation areas
Blutkonserve f med.
Blutkonserven pl
unit of stored blood; blood reserve
units of stored blood; blood reserves
scheue Zurückhaltung f; Reserve f selten (einer Person)
jdn. aus der Reserve locken
reticence; reserve (of a person)
to make sb. say what he she thinks feels
Rücklage f; Reservefonds m fin.
Reservefonds zur Tilgung von Vorzugsaktien
Rücklagen auflösen
reserve fund
capital redemption reserve fund Br.
to appropriate reserves
Reserve f
Reserven pl
stille Reserven
jdn. aus der Reserve locken
reserve, standby
undisclosed reserves
to break through sb.'s reserve
Vorbehalt m
ohne Vorbehalt
mit gewissen Vorbehalten
reservation, reserve
without reservation, without reserve
with certain reserves
Barbestand m; Barmittel pl; Kassenbestand m; Kassabestand m Ös. Schw.; Kassenreserven pl; Kassareserven pl Ös. Schw. econ.
die Barmittel der Geldinstitute
cash holding; cash reserve(s); cash in hand; cash on hand
the banks' cash holdings
Schutzgebiet n; Reservat n (für etw.) envir. bot. zool.
Schutzgebiete pl; Reservate pl
Vogelschutzgebiet n; Vogelreservat n
sanctuary; reserve (for sth.)
sanctuaries; reserves
bird sanctuary; bird reserve
etw. buchen; bestellen; vorbestellen; reservieren v
buchend; bestellend; vorbestellend; reservierend
gebucht; bestellt; vorbestellt; reserviert
bucht; bestellt; bestellt vor; reserviert
buchte; bestellte; bestellte vor; reservierte
Ich möchte zwei Plätze reservieren.
to book sth.
I'd like to book reserve two seats.
Handapparat m (Bibliothek)
reserve book collection; (set of) reference books (on open shelves); reference collection
Hilfstrupp m; Hilfstruppe f mil.
Hilfstruppen pl
auxiliary; reserve troop; auxiliary troop
auxiliaries; reserve troops; auxiliary troops
Zentralbankrat m ZBR Dt. fin. adm.
Central Bank Council; Federal Reserve Board FRB Am.; Federal Open Market Committee FOMC Am.
Blutkonserve f med.
Blutkonserven pl
unit of stored blood; blood reserve; blood bag
units of stored blood; blood reserves; blood bags
vorbehalten v
sich etw. vorbehalten
sich das Recht vorbehalten, etw. zu tun
to reserve
to reserve sth. for oneself
to reserve one's right to do sth.
Zentralbankrat m ZBR Dt. fin. adm.
Central Bank Council; Federal Reserve Board FRB Am.; Federal Open Market Committee FOMC Am.
vorbehalten v
sich etw. vorbehalten
sich das Recht vorbehalten etw. zu tun
to reserve
to reserve sth. for oneself
to reserve one's right to do sth.
Tilgungsrücklage f
Tilgungsrücklagen pl
amortization reserve eAm.; amortisation reserve Br.
amortization reserves; amortisation reserves
Schutzgebiet n; Reservat n (für etw.) envir. bot. zool.
Schutzgebiete pl; Reservate pl
biogenetisches Reservat
Vogelschutzgebiet n; Vogelreservat n
sanctuary; reserve (for sth.)
sanctuaries; reserves
biogenetic reserve
bird sanctuary; bird reserve
Agiorücklage f; Kapitalrücklage f; Kapitalüberschuss m (Rücklage, die nicht aus dem Jahresüberschuss stammt) (Wertpapiere) fin.
share premium reserve; premium reserve; capital surplus (capital paid in excess of par value) (securities)
Wildschutzgebiet n; Wildreservat n
Wildschutzgebiete pl; Wildreservate pl
game reserve; wildlife preserve; wildlife sanctuary
game reserves; wildlife preserves; wildlife sanctuaries
Nachschusspflicht f fin.
Nachschusspflicht bei Versicherungen
obligation to make additional contributions; reserve liability Br.
obligation to pay an additional premium
Reserve f
Reserven pl
stille Reserven
jdn. aus der Reserve locken
etw. in Reserve haben halten
reserve; standby
undisclosed reserves
to break through sb.'s reserve
to have keep sth. in reserve
jds. Panzer durchbrechen; jdn. dazu bringen, sich zu öffnen aus sich herauszugehen v psych.
to break down sb.'s reserve; to break through sb.'s reserve; to bring draw sb. out of his her shell; to draw sb. out
Steuergutschein m (kurzfristiger Schatzschein, der für fällige Steuern in Zahlung gegeben werden kann) fin.
tax credit certificate Br.; tax-reserve certificate Am.; tax anticipation bill TAB Am.; tax anticipation note TAN Am.
Streitkräfte pl mil.
aktive Streitkräfte
interalliierte Streitkräfte
reguläre Streitkräfte
Reservestreitkräfte pl; die Reserve
armed forces
active armed forces
combined forces
regular armed forces
reserve forces; reserve components Am.; the reserves
Aufgeld n; Agio n (Wertpapiere) fin.
Anleiheagio n
Agio aus Aktienemission
Devisenaufgeld n
Aufschlag auf den Kassakurs
Agiorücklage f
premium; agio (securities)
premium on bonds
premium on capital stock
premium on exchange
premium on spot rate
premium reserve
etw. als etw. ausweisen; widmen v (seinen Zweck bestimmen)
ein Areal zur gewerblichen Nutzung ausweisen
Das Seengebiet ist als Naturschutzgebiet ausgewiesen gewidmet.
to designate sth. as sth. (earmark)
to designate an area for commercial purposes
The Lake Area has been designated as a nature reserve.
Reißleine f; Reißschnur f (Fallschirm, Heißluftballon) aviat.
Reißleinen pl; Reißschnüre pl
Reißleine für den Hauptfallschirm
Reißleine für den Reserveschirm
rip cord; release cord; release line (parachute, hot-air balloon)
rip cords; release cords; release lines
main rip cord
reserve rip cord
Zentralbank f; Zentralnotenbank f; zentrale Notenbank f; Nationalbank f fin.
Zentralbanken pl; Zentralnotenbanken pl; zentrale Notenbanken pl; Nationalbanken pl
nationale Zentralbank
Europäische Zentralbank f EZB
central bank; reserve bank; monetary authority
central banks; reserve banks; monetary authorities
national central bank
European Central Bank ECB
Wildgehege n, Wildtier-Reservat n
Wildgehege pl, Wildtier-Reservate pl
game enclosure, game preserve, game reserve, wildlife enclosure, wildlife preserve
game enclosures, game preserves, game reserves, wildlife enclosures, wildlife preserves
Wildgehege n; Wildtier-Reservat n
Wildgehege pl; Wildtier-Reservate pl
game enclosure; game preserve; game reserve; wildlife enclosure; wildlife preserve
game enclosures; game preserves; game reserves; wildlife enclosures; wildlife preserves

Deutsche Reserve Synonyme

Fonds  ÂReserve  ÂSondervermögen  
Auswechselspieler  ÂErsatzmann  ÂReserve  ÂReservist  
Lager  ÂRücklage  ÂRepositorium  ÂReserve  ÂReservoir  ÂSpeicher  ÂVorrat  
in reserve  about to be  already in sight  approaching  aside  at hand  back  brewing  by  close  
reserve  Indian reservation  abstain  accessible  adjourn  allocate  allot  aloofness  alternate  alternative  

Englische reserve Synonyme

reserve  Indian reservation  abstain  accessible  adjourn  allocate  allot  aloofness  alternate  alternative  aplomb  appoint  appropriate to  archives  assign  assign to  auxiliary  available  avoidance  backlog  backup  backwardness  bank  bashfulness  bespeak  bird sanctuary  blankness  book  brachylogy  brevity  brief  briefness  brusqueness  cache  charter  chilliness  coldness  compactness  compendiousness  conciseness  concision  conserve  constraint  continue  contract for  coolness  counterfeit  crispness  curtness  defer  delay  destine  detachment  detail  detain  discreetness  discretion  dispense with  distance  do without  dodging  drag out  dummy  earmark  employ  engage  equivalent  ersatz  evasion  expressionlessness  extend  extra  fake  fate  forbear  forest preserve  forgo  formality  fresh  frigidity  frostiness  fudging  fund  game reserve  guardedness  hang fire  hang up  hedging  held back  held in reserve  held out  hesitancy  hesitation  hire  hoard  hold  hold back  hold off  hold over  hold up  husband  iciness  imitation  impassiveness  impassivity  impersonality  in abeyance  in hand  in readiness  in reserve  in store  inaccessibility  introversion  inventory  keep  keep back  keep by one  keep in hand  keep in reserve  keep in store  keep on hand  lay aside  lay by  lay over  let alone  library  limit  limitation  lot  make assignments  makeshift  mark off  mark out for  mint  mock  modesty  museum  national forest  national park  nest egg  new  not touch  not use  on call  on hand  on tap  ordain  original  paradise  park  phony  pigeonhole  pinch  pithiness  pointedness  portion off  postpone  preengage  preserve  pristine  prolong  prorogate  prorogue  protract  provisional  proxy  push aside  put apart  put aside  put by  put off  put on ice  ready  recess  recruit  refrain  register  reinforcements  remoteness  repression  reservation  reserve fund  reserve supply  reservedness  reserves  reservoir  resource  restraint  restrict  
reserved  Olympian  Spartan  abbreviated  abridged  aloof  antisocial  aposiopestic  backward  bashful  blank  brief  brusque  ceremonious  chilled  chilly  clipped  close  close-lipped  close-tongued  closemouthed  cold  compact  compendious  compressed  concise  condensed  conserved  constrained  contracted  controlled  conventional  cool  crisp  curt  cut  demure  detached  diffident  dignified  discreet  distant  docked  elliptic  epigrammatic  expressionless  forbidding  formal  frigid  frosty  gnomic  guarded  held  held back  held in reserve  ice-cold  icy  impassive  impersonal  inaccessible  incommunicable  introverted  kept  laconic  modest  modified  noncommittal  offish  pithy  pointed  poker-faced  preserved  prim  pruned  put by  quiet  remote  removed  repressed  restrained  retained  reticent  retiring  rigid  saved  sedate  sententious  short  short and sweet  shortened  shrinking  shy  silent  spare  standoff  standoffish  strait-laced  subdued  succinct  summary  suppressed  synopsized  taciturn  terse  tight  tight-lipped  tights  to the point  truncated  unaffable  unapproachable  uncommunicative  uncongenial  undemonstrative  unemotional  unexpansive  ungenial  unresponsive  unsocial  withdrawn  withheld  
reserves  Swiss bank account  US Army Reserve  US Naval Reserve  agent  alternate  alternative  analogy  army reserves  assets  auxiliaries  backlog  backup  balance  bank account  bottom dollar  budget  cache  cash reserves  cast  change  changeling  checking account  command of money  company  comparison  complement  copy  counterfeit  crew  deputy  double  dummy  eight  eleven  equal  equivalent  ersatz  exchange  exchequer  fake  fill-in  finances  first string  first team  five  fund  funds  ghost  ghostwriter  home defense army  home reserves  imitation  kitty  landwehr  life savings  locum tenens  makeshift  means  metaphor  metonymy  moneys  nest egg  next best thing  nine  organized reserves  pecuniary resources  personnel  phony  pinch hitter  platoon  pocket  pool  proxy  purse  reinforcements  relief  replacement  representative  reserve  reserve forces  reserve fund  reserve supply  reservoir  resource  resources  ringer  rowing crew  savings  savings account  second string  second team  secondary  sign  sinking fund  something in reserve  spares  squad  stand-in  stockpile  string  sub  substance  substituent  substitute  substitution  succedaneum  superseder  supplanter  supplementary reserves  support  surrogate  symbol  synecdoche  team  territorial reserves  third string  token  treasure  understudy  unexpended balance  unregistered bank account  utility player  varsity  vicar  vice-president  vice-regent  wherewithal  

reserve Definition

(v. t.) To keep back
(v. t.) Hence, to keep in store for future or special use
(v. t.) To make an exception of
(n.) The act of reserving, or keeping back
(n.) That which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use.
(n.) That which is excepted
(n.) Restraint of freedom in words or actions
(n.) A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose
(n.) A body of troops in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require
(n.) Funds kept on hand to meet liabilities.

reserve Bedeutung

the trait of being uncommunicative, not volunteering anything more than necessary
modesty reserve formality and propriety of manner
reserve clause a clause that used to be part of the contract with a professional athlete extending the contract for a year beyond its expiration, the reserve clause was used to bind players to a particular ball club
military reserve
armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency
Reserve Officers Training Corps
a training program to prepare college students to be commissioned officers
Federal Reserve Board the seven-member board governing the Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve
the central bank of the United States, incorporates Federal Reserve branch banks and all national banks and statehartered commercial banks and some trust companies, the Fed seeks to control the United States economy by raising and lowering short-term interest rates and the money supply
Federal Reserve Bank
reserve bank
one of regional banks that monitor and act as depositories for banks in their region
territorial reserve
a territorial military unit
National Guard
home reserve
United States military reserves recruited by the states and equipped by the federal government, subject to call by either
a district that is reserved for particular purpose
substitute reserve
an athlete who plays only when a starter on the team is replaced
reserve assets capital held back from investment in order to meet probable or possible demands
something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
hidden reserve reserves that do not show up on the balance sheet (as by understating values)
cookie jar reserve a hidden reserve that can be used to adjust quarterly earning reports
reserve account
reserve fund
funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments
valuation reserve
valuation account
allowance allowance account
a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets
note government note
bank bill
banker's bill
bank note
Federal Reserve note
a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank), he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes
reserve (medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functions
pulmonary reserve the additional volume of air that the lungs can inhale and exhale when breathing to the limit of capacity in times of stress
allow appropriate
set aside
give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause, I will earmark this money for your research, She sets aside time for meditation every day
reserve obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance, We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's
reserve hold back or set aside, especially for future use or contingency, they held back their applause in anticipation
arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance, reserve me a seat on a flight, The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family, please hold a table at Maxim's
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Reserve or reserves may refer to: