
resistance Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Widerstand, Zurückhaltung
Durchgangswiderstand m
Widerstandskraft f
Wirkwiderstand m (induktiv) electr.
Gegenwind m übtr.
UV-Beständigkeit f
UV resistance
Widerstand gegen
resistance to
Gleichstromwiderstand m electr.
DC resistance
Ballastwiderstand m
fix resistance
Lichtbogenfestigkeit f, Lichtbogenbeständigkeit f techn.
arc resistance
niederohmig adj electr.
Schnittfestigkeit f
cut resistance
fix resistance
Lichtbogenfestigkeit f; Lichtbogenbeständigkeit f techn.
arc resistance
Durchreißwiderstand m
tear resistance
Feuersicherheit f
fire resistance
Massenwiderstand m
mass resistance
Strömungswiderstand m
flow resistance
Wärmebeständigkeit f
heat resistance
Widerstandsdraht m
resistance wire
Zerreißfestigkeit f
tear resistance
hochohmig adj electr.
Rissfestigkeit f
tear resistance
Rutschfestigkeit f
skid resistance
flow resistance
heat resistance
resistance code
tear resistance
Fahrwiderstand m (Straßenreibung)
road resistance
Feuersicherheit f; Feuerbeständigkeit f
fire resistance
Kippsicherheit f aviat.
tilt resistance
Kostenremanenz f fin.
cost resistance
Luftwiderstand m; Fahrwiderstand m
wind resistance
Schleifenwiderstand m electr.
loop resistance
Feuersicherheit f; Feuerbeständigkeit f; Feuerwiderstand m; Feuerwiderstandsfähigkeit f; Feuerresistenz f
fire resistance
Zuleitungswiderstand m electr.
lead resistance
Dauerstandfestigkeit f
creep resistance
Flächenwiderstand m
sheet resistance
Widerstandswert m
resistance value
Wischfestigkeit f
smear resistance
Ozonbeständigkeit f
ozone resistance
Widerstand leisten
offer resistance
sheet resistance
smear resistance
Blockfestigkeit f
block resistance
Bremswiderstand m
brake resistance
Nebenschlusswiderstand m; Nebenwiderstand m (Größe) electr.
shunt resistance
Wasserwiderstand m phys.
water resistance
Widerstandsgruppe f pol.
resistance group
Xylemwiderstand m bot.
xylem resistance
Ohm'scher Widerstand m; ohmscher Widerstand m electr.
ohmic resistance
Antriebssicherheit f
uplift resistance
Kaufhemmung f
buying resistance
Längswiderstand m
series resistance
Reihenwiderstand m electr.
series resistance
Resistenzfaktor m
resistance factor
Serienwiderstand m
series resistance
Stoßfestigkeit f
impact resistance
Vorwiderstand m
series resistance
Widerstand leisten
put up resistance
series resistance
Atemwegwiderstand m; Luftwegwiderstand m med.
airway resistance
Kariesresistenz f med.
caries resistance
Kaufhemmung f psych.
buying resistance
Widerstandsänderung f
resistance change
resistance barrier
Ätzwiderstand m
etching resistance
Anfangswiderstand m
initial resistance
Belastungswiderstand m
ballast resistance
Kältebeständigkeit f
resistance to cold
Kontaktwiderstand m, Durchgangswiderstand m
contact resistance
Lateralwiderstand m
lateral resistance
Magnetwiderstand m
Pillingfestigkeit f textil.
pilling resistance
Verschleißfestigkeit f
resistance to wear
Wärmebeständigkeit f
resistance to heat
Wärmewiderstand m
thermal resistance
Walkwiderstand m (Reifen)
flexing resistance
Widerstandskämpfer m
resistance fighter
Ermüdungswiderstand m
fatigue resistance
Rollwiderstand m
rolling resistance
ballast resistance
leistete keinen Widerstand
made no resistance
resistance fighter
resistance to cold
resistance to heat
thermal resistance
Erdwiderstand m
passive resistance
Gleichstromschleifenwiderstand m electr.
DC loop resistance
Kontaktwiderstand m; Durchgangswiderstand m
contact resistance
Fahrwiderstand m (Summe aus verschiedenen Widerständen wie Luft- und Rollwiderstand die auf ein Fahrzeug einwirken) techn.
running resistance
Widerstandserwärmung f electr.
resistance heating
Widerstandsfall m pol.
case of resistance
Fahrwiderstand m (Summe aus verschiedenen Widerständen wie Luft- und Rollwiderstand, die auf ein Fahrzeug einwirken) techn.
running resistance
Ãœbergangswiderstand m; Kontaktswiderstand m electr. phys.
contact resistance
Fahrwiderstand m auto
driving resistance
Wärmeleitwiderstand m; Wärmeleitungswiderstand m phys.
thermal resistance
Widerstand der Verbraucher
consumer resistance
Abwehrkraft f
power of resistance
Scheinwiderstand m
apparent resistance
Scheuerfestigkeit f
abrasion resistance
Schubwiderstand m
shearing resistance
Widerstand leisten
to offer resistance
Widerstandsbewegung f
resistance movement
Lichtbeständigkeit f
resistance to light
Risswiderstand m
cracking resistance
innerer Widerstand
internal resistance
Widerstand leisten
offer up resistance
power of resistance
resistance movement
Gleitwiderstand m; Widerstand m gegen Gleiten Rutschen techn.
slippage resistance
Grenzwiderstand m electr.
critical resistance
innerer Widerstand m; Innenwiderstand m electr.
internal resistance
Einschubwiderstand m
resistance of yield
Einsinkwiderstand m
resistance of yield
Widerstandsrecht n jur.
right of resistance
Ausbreitungswiderstand m
spreading resistance
Leiterwiderstand m electr.
conductor resistance
Resistenzbestimmung f biol.
resistance screening
Korrosionsbeständigkeit f
corrosion resistance
auf Widerstand stossen
meet with resistance
Bakterienresistenz f med.
bacterial resistance
Pestizidresistenz f
pesticide resistance
Rüttelfestigkeit f
vibration resistance
Cuticularwiderstand m biochem.
cuticular resistance
Cuticularwiderstand m bot.
cuticular resistance
Transportwiderstand m phys.
transport resistance
Biegefestigkeit f
resistance to bending
Isolationswiderstand m
insulation resistance
Regelwiderstand m
regulating resistance
Reibungswiderstand m
frictional resistance
frictional resistance
er leistete keinen Widerstand
he made no resistance
Antibiotikum-Resistenz f; Antibioltika-Resistenz f med. pharm.
antibiotic resistance
Antibiotikaunempfindlichkeit f; Antibiotikaresistenz f med.
antibiotic resistance
Antibiotikum-Resistenz f; Antibiotika-Resistenz f biol. med.
antibiotic resistance
Regelwiderstand m (als Größe) electr.
regulating resistance
Aktivierungswiderstand m electr. techn.
activation resistance
Ersatzwiderstand m (phys. Größe) electr. phys.
equivalent resistance
Feuerwiderstandsdauer f
fire resistance rating
Resistance f, Résistance f hist.
resistance, résistance
Er leistete keinen Widerstand.
He made no resistance.
Widerstandsmessung f electr.
resistance measurement
Steuerwiderstand m fin. psych.
resistance to taxation
Temperaturbeständigkeit f techn.
temperature resistance
Glutbeständigkeit f
resistance to glow heat
Störsicherheit f
interference resistance

Deutsche Widerstand Zurückhaltung Synonyme

Dezenz  ÂUnaufdringlichkeit  ÂZurückhaltung  
Distanziertheit  ÂReserviertheit  ÂZurückhaltung  
Abstinenz  ÂAskese  ÂAszese  ÂEnthaltsamkeit  ÂEnthaltung  ÂEntsagung  ÂMäßigung  ÂZurückhaltung  
Friktion  ÂWiderstand  
Resistor  ÂWiderstand  
temperaturgesteuerter  Widerstand  ÂThermistor  
(Widerstand)  brechen  Âüberwältigen  Âüberwinden  
Antagonismus  ÂGegensatz  ÂWiderstand  ÂWiderstreit  
Behinderung  ÂBlockierung  ÂObstruktion  ÂVerzögerung  ÂWiderstand  
Aufbegehren  ÂAufmüpfigkeit  ÂGegenwehr  ÂInsubordination  ÂUnfolgsamkeit  ÂUngehorsam  ÂWidersetzlichkeit  ÂWiderstand  
polarisieren  ÂWiderspruch  erregen  ÂWiderstand  erregen  
(Widerstand) brechen  Ã¼berwältigen  Ã¼berwinden  
temperaturgesteuerter Widerstand  Thermistor  

Englische resistance Synonyme

resistance  Charley  VC  Vietcong  acquired immunity  active immunity  alienation  antagonism  antibody  antigen  antipathy  arrest  arrestation  arrestment  artificial immunity  autism  autistic thinking  averseness  aversion  avoidance mechanism  avoidance reaction  backlash  backwardness  base resistance  blame-shifting  block  blockage  blocking  bucking  bushfighter  bushwhacker  callosity  callousness  capacitive reactance  casual  censorship  challenge  check  clashing  clogging  closing up  closure  coefficient of friction  cohesiveness  collision  compensation  conflict  confutation  congenital immunity  constriction  contention  contradiction  contraposition  contrariety  contravention  contraversion  contumaciousness  contumacy  counteraction  counterposition  counterworking  cramp  crankiness  crosscurrent  crossing  crotchetiness  cursoriness  decompensation  defence  defense  defense in depth  defense mechanism  defenses  defiance  delay  denial  density  dereism  dereistic thinking  detainment  detention  deterrent capacity  disagreement  disinclination  disobedience  displacement  disrelish  dissent  dissociation  distaste  drag  durability  durity  ego defenses  electric resistance  emitter resistance  emotional insulation  escape  escape into fantasy  escape mechanism  escapism  familial immunity  fantasizing  fantasy  fixation  flight  flintiness  fluid friction  foot-dragging  force of friction  force of viscosity  forward transfer resistance  fractiousness  friction  friction head  friction loss  frictional resistance  grudging consent  grudgingness  guard  guerillas  guerrilla  hampering  hardiness  hardness  hardness of heart  head wind  hindering  hindrance  holdback  holdup  immunity  immunization  impedance  impediment  impenetrability  impugnation  impugnment  incorrigibility  indisposedness  indisposition  indocility  indomitability  inductive reactance  induration  infrangibility  inherent immunity  inherited immunity  inhibition  input  

resistance Definition

(n.) The act of resisting
(n.) The quality of not yielding to force or external pressure
(n.) A means or method of resisting
(n.) A certain hindrance or opposition to the passage of an electrical current or discharge offered by conducting bodies. It bears an inverse relation to the conductivity, -- good conductors having a small resistance, while poor conductors or insulators have a very high resistance. The unit of resistance is the ohm.

resistance Bedeutung

resistance opposition the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with, he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens, despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead
line of least resistance
path of least resistance
the easiest way, In marrying him she simply took the path of least resistance
least effort
least resistance
the least effortful way to do something
resistance the military action of resisting the enemy's advance, the enemy offered little resistance
resistance group action in opposition to those in power
sales resistance resistance by potential customers to aggressive selling practices
passive resistance
nonviolent resistance
peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate
collector's item
piece de resistance
the outstanding item (the prize piece or main exhibit) in a collection
resistance pyrometer pyrometer that measures high temperatures by the resistance in a heated wire
resistance thermometer
platinum thermometer
thermometer that measures temperature by changes in the resistance of a spiral of platinum wire
an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current
resistance (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness
resistance the degree of unresponsiveness of a diseaseausing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillinesistant bacteria)
piece de resistance the most important dish of a meal
First of October Antifascist Resistance Group
an armed wing of the (illegal) Communist Party of Spain, seeks to overthrow the Spanish government and replace it with a Marxist-Leninist regime, GRAPO is vehemently opposed to the United States
Islamic Resistance Movement
a militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon, seeks to create an Islamic state in place of Israel, is opposed to the PLO and has become a leading perpetrator of terrorist activity in Israel, pioneered suicide bombing
Lord's Resistance Army a quasieligious rebel group in Uganda that terrorized and raped women and kidnapped children who were forced to serve in the army
a secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force
resistance any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion
electric resistance
electrical resistance
resistance resistivity
ohmic resistance
a material's opposition to the flow of electric current, measured in ohms
acoustic resistance
acoustic impedance
acoustic reactance
opposition to the flow of sound through a surface, acoustic resistance is the real component of acoustic impedance and acoustic reactance is the imaginary component
resistance unit the reciprocal of conductance
resistance the capacity of an organism to defend itself against harmful environmental agents, these trees are widely planted because of their resistance to salt and smog
immunity resistance (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
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Resistance may refer to: