
roof shell Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Dachschale f
Außenhaut f; HĂŒlle f; Gerippe n
das ausgebrannte Gerippe eines GebĂ€udes mit eingestĂŒrztem Dach
Die Demokratie wurde ausgehöhlt und es ist nur mehr die HĂŒlle ĂŒbrig.
a burned-out shell of a building with the roof having fallen in
Democracy has been hollowed out and only the shell remains.
das Dach ausbessern
repair the roof
das Haus zum Beben bringen
raise the roof
Schale, Muschel
Abnutzung f
dachförmige Abnutzung
exzentrische Abnutzung
gleichmĂ€ĂŸige Abnutzung
regelmĂ€ĂŸige Abnutzung
sÀgezahnförmige Abnutzung
schnelle Abnutzung
stellenweise Abnutzung
ungleichmĂ€ĂŸige Abnutzung
ungleichmĂ€ĂŸige Abnutzung (LaufflĂ€che)
wellenförmige Abnutzung
wear, wear and tear, wearing
roof-shaped wear
eccentric wear
even (tread) wear, smooth wear, uniform wear
regular wear
heel-and-toe wear, tooth-shaped wear
rapid wear
spotty wear
irregular wear
uneven tread wear
wave-like wear
Aluminiumglasdach n
AluminiumglasdÀcher pl
aluminium frame glass roof
aluminium frame glass roofs
AtomhĂŒlle f
atomic shell
Ausgleichschale f techn.
balance piston shell
Außenhaut f, Gerippe n
Autodach n auto
AutodÀcher pl
roof of a car, car top
car roofs, car tops
Babymuschel f
baby shell
Brennkammerdecke f mach.
combustion chamber roof
Bretterdach n
BretterdÀcher pl
board roof
board roofs
D-Sub-Haube f techn.
junction shell
Dach n
DĂ€cher pl
Dachbalken m
Dachbalken pl
roof beam
roof beams
Dachbedeckung f
roof covering
Dachblech n
roof sheet, roof sheet metal
DachdÀmmung f, Dachisolierung f
roof insulation
Dachdecken n
tiling of the roof
Dachdichtung f
roof sealing
Dachdichtungsbahn f
moisture-proof roof sheet
Dacheindeckung f
roofing, roof cladding
DachentwÀsserung f
roof drainage
Dachfenster n
Dachfenster pl
roof window, dormer, dormer window, roof-light, skylight
roof windows, dormers, dormer windows, roof-lights, skylights
Dachfirst m, First m arch.
roof ridge, ridge
DachflÀche f
roof area
Dachgarten m, Dachterrasse f
roofgarden, roof garden
Dachgaube f
dormer of a roof
DachgefÀlle n, Dachneigung f, DachschrÀge f
roof pitch, pitch of the roof, roof inclination
DachgepÀcktrÀger m
roof rack, roof luggage rack
Dachgeschoss n
im Dachgeschoss
im Dachgeschoss wohnen
top floor, loft, attic, attic storey
in the attic
to live under the roof
Dachgully n
roof gully
Dachhaut f, Dachbelag m
roof membrane
DachhĂŒlse f
roof sleeve
Dachkante f
Dachkoffer m
roof-top carrier
Dachkonstruktion f
roof structure, roof construction
Dachlast f
roof load
Dachlatte f
roof batten
DachlĂŒfter m
roof fan
Dachreling f
roof rails
Dachplatte f constr.
Dachplatten pl
roof slab, roofing slab
roof slabs, roofing slabs
Dachschale f
Dachspriegel m, Spriegel m
Dachspriegel pl, Spriegel pl
roof bow
roof bows
Dachstuhl m
roof truss, roof timbers
Dachterrasse f
Dachterrassen pl
roof terrace
roof terraces
DachtrÀger m
DachtrÀger pl
roof girder
roof girders
Dachverband m constr.
roof framework
Dachverglasung f
roof glazing
Dachziegel m
Dachziegel pl
(roof) tile, roofing tile
(roof) tiles
an die Decke gehen, die WĂ€nde hochgehen ĂŒbtr.
to go ballistic, to go through the roof fig.
Deckenbrenner m mach.
Deckenbrenner pl
roof burner
roof burners
Deckenebene f
Deckenebenen pl
roof level
roof levels
Deckenfeuerung f (Feuerraum) mach.
roof-fired furnace
Deckenhalter m
(roof) suspension bracket
Deckenoberlicht n
roof light
Doppelmantel m
double shell
Einfach-GehÀuse n
one-gang shell
EinsatzbĂŒchse f
insert shell
EndgehÀuse n
gerades EndgehÀuse
endbell, end shell
straight endbell
Firstpfette f constr.
roof-tree, ridge purlin
Flachdach n
FlachdÀcher pl
flat roof
flat roofs
Flachdachsockel m arch.
flat roof base
Flugdach n
FlugdÀcher pl
shed roof, pent roof, single-pitch roof
shed roofs, pent roofs, single-pitch roofs
Gaumen m
roof of the mouth
GehÀuse n, ZylindergehÀuse n
GehÀuseform f
GehÀuseformen pl
shell style
shell styles
GehĂ€usegrĂ¶ĂŸe f
shell size
GehÀuseoberflÀche f
shell finish
GehÀuseteile pl
shell parts
Geschoss n mil.
Geschosse pl
verirrtes Geschoss
projectile, bullet, shell
projectiles, bullets, shells
stray projectile
Giebeldach n
GiebeldÀcher pl
gable roof Am., saddleback roof Br.
gable roofs, saddleback roofs
GlasdachtrÀger m auto
glass roof carrier
Granate f mil.
Granaten pl
shell, grenade
shells, grenades
Granatsplitter m
Granatsplitter pl
shell splinter
shell splinters
Granattrichter m
shell crater, shell hole
Großwasserraumkessel m mach.
Großwasserraumkessel pl
shell boiler
shell boilers
GrĂŒnschalenmuschel f zool.
green shell mussel
Heizzug m
einschaliger Heizzug
heating gas pass
single-shell heating gas pass
Hochflanschnabenkörper m
large flange hub shell
HĂŒlle f mit ansteigendem Reinheitsgrad
shell of increasing cleanliness
Kohle f, Steinkohle f
Kohlen pl
wie auf glĂŒhenden Kohlen sitzen ĂŒbtr.
to be like a cat on hot bricks fig., to be like a cat on a hot tin roof fig.
Krach schlagen
to raise the roof
Kriegsneurose f
shell shock, battle fatigue, combat fatigue, combat neurosis
Kuppel f, Kuppeldach n arch.
Kuppeln pl, KuppeldÀcher pl
cupola, cupola roof
cupolas, cupola roofs
Lagerschale f techn.
Lagerschalen pl
bearing shell, bearing half
bearing shells, bearing halves
Mantel m
jacket, liner, shell, wrap
Mantelflansch m fĂŒr Vorkammer techn.
shell flange channel end
MantelkĂŒhler m
shell type cooler
Muschel f, Schale f
Muschelhaufen m
shell midden
Nabenkörper m techn.
Nabenkörper pl
hub shell
hub shells
Niedrigflanschnabenkörper m techn.
small flange hub shell
Patrone f
Patronen pl
shell Am.
Pfettendach n
PfettendÀcher pl
purlin roof
purlin roofs
Pultdach n
PultdÀcher pl
pent roof, shed roof, pen roof
pent roofs, shed roofs, pen roofs
Reetdach n, Schilfdach n
ReetdÀcher pl, SchilfdÀcher pl
thatched roof
thatched roofs
Rennruderboot n sport
Rennruderboote pl
Rohbau m
Das Haus ist im Rohbau fertig.
shell, shell construction
The shell of the house is complete.
Rohbaumaß n
shell dimension
Satteldach n arch.
SatteldÀcher pl
saddle roof, gable roof, double pitch roof
saddle roofs, gable roofs, double pitch roofs
Schalenbrennen n astron.
Schalenelement n
Schalenelemente pl
shell element
shell elements
Schiebedach n, Schiebehubdach n
SchiebedÀcher pl, SchiebehubdÀcher pl
elektrisches Schiebedach n
sunshine roof, sliding roof, sunroof
sunshine roofs, sliding roofs, sunroofs
power sun roof
Schieferdach n constr.
SchieferdÀcher pl
slate roof, slated roof
slate roofs, slated roofs
Schildpatt n
tortoise shell
Schindeldach n
SchindeldÀcher pl
shingle roof
shingle roofs
Schneckenhaus n
SchneckenhÀuser pl
snail shell
snail shells
Sonnendach n auto
SonnendÀcher pl
sunshine roof
sun blinds
Steildach n
SteildÀcher pl
steep roof
steep roofs
Strohdach n
StrohdÀcher pl
thatched roof
thatched roofs
Stutzen m, EndstĂŒck n techn.
Stutzen auf Mantel
Stutzen auf Vorkammer
shell nozzle
channel nozzle
Teer-Bitumendachbahn f
tar-bitumen roof sheeting
TretlagergehÀuse n techn.
TretlagergehÀuse pl
bottom bracket shell
bottom bracket shells
TĂŒrgriffschale f
TĂŒrgriffschalen pl
doorhandle shell
doorhandle shells
Walmdach n arch.
WalmdÀcher pl
hipped roof, hip roof
hipped roofs, hip roofs
Zeltdach n
ZeltdÀcher pl
tent roof
tent roofs
Ziegeldach n
ZiegeldÀcher pl
tiled roof
tiled roofs
Zufallstreffer m
chance shell
Zweischalengreifer m techn.
double shell type grab
Zylinderkessel m
shell type boiler
an die Decke gehen ĂŒbtr.
to hit the roof
to roof
(mit Granaten) beschießen v mil.
to shell
ein Dach decken
Dach deckend
Dach gedeckt
to tile a roof
tiling a roof
tiled a roof
sich einkapseln, sich abkapseln
to withdraw into one's shell
aus sich herausgehen
aus sich herausgehend
aus sich herausgegangen
to unbend {vi} {unbent, unbent}, to come out of one's shell
unbending, coming out of one's shell
unbent, come out of one's shell
(auf das Dach) prasseln, trommeln v
prasselnd, trommelnd
geprasselt, getrommelt
to pelt (against the roof)
schĂ€len, enthĂŒlsen, pellen v (Erbsen)
schĂ€lend, enthĂŒlsend, pellend
geschĂ€lt, enthĂŒlst, gepellt
schĂ€lt, enthĂŒlst, pellt
schĂ€lte, enthĂŒlste, pellte
to shell (peas ...)
schalenförmig adj
ĂŒberdachen v
to roof, to roof over
roofing, roofing over
roofed, roofed over
Nabenteil n
centre member, shell (wire wheel)
Er ging in die Luft.
He went through the roof.
Seemuschel f zool.
Seemuscheln pl
sea shell
sea shells
Aluminiumdachkonstruktionen pl techn.
aluminum roof structures
Autodachkoffer m auto. mach.
car roof suit-case
Aufsteckreibahle f techn.
Aufsteckreibahlen pl
shell reamer
shell reamers
bearing shell
egg shell
flat roof
roof beam
roof of the mouth
roof over
sea shell
Aussenhaut, Gerippe, Granate, Muschel, Schale
shell splinter

Deutsche Dachschale {f} Synonyme

Englische roof-shell Synonyme

roof shell Definition

(n.) One of the sessile cirripeds
Argus shell
() A species of shell (Cypraea argus), beautifully variegated with spots resembling those in a peacock's tail.
Ark shell
() A marine bivalve shell belonging to the genus Arca and its allies.
Boat shell
() A marine gastropod of the genus Crepidula. The species are numerous. It is so named from its form and interior deck.
Boat shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Cymba.
Bubble shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Bulla and allied genera, belonging to the Tectibranchiata.
Curb roof
() A roof having a double slope, or composed, on each side, of two parts which have unequal inclination
(n.) A flattened marine univalve shell of the genus Haliotis
(n.) A marine univalve shell of the genus Pyrula, or Ficula, resembling a fig in form.
Goroon shell
() A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell (Triton femorale).
(a.) Unyielding
Ioqua shell
() The shell of a large Dentalium (D. pretiosum), formerly used as shell money, and for ornaments, by the Indians of the west coast of North America.
Maara shell
() A large, pearly, spiral, marine shell (Turbo margaritaceus), from the Pacific Islands. It is used as an ornament.
(n.) A chiton.
Mansard roof
() A hipped curb roof
Mask shell
() Any spiral marine shell of the genus Persona, having a curiously twisted aperture.
(n.) A small British and American pond snail (Bulinus hypnorum).
(n.) Any one of numerous species of small white polished marine shells of the genus Olivella.
(n.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see Roofing) and all the materials and construction necessary to carry and maintain the same upon the walls or other uprights. In the case of a building with vaulted ceilings protected by an outer roof, some writers call the vault the roof, and the outer protection the roof mask. It is better, however, to consider the vault as the ceiling only, in cases where it has farther covering.
(n.) That which resembles, or corresponds to, the covering or the ceiling of a house
(n.) The surface or bed of rock immediately overlying a bed of coal or a flat vein.
(v. t.) To cover with a roof.
(v. t.) To inclose in a house
(n.) A hard outside covering, as of a fruit or an animal.
(n.) The covering, or outside part, of a nut
(n.) A pod.
(n.) The hard covering of an egg.
(n.) The hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates. In some mollusks, as the cuttlefishes, it is internal, or concealed by the mantle. Also, the hard covering of some vertebrates, as the armadillo, the tortoise, and the like.
(n.) Hence, by extension, any mollusks having such a covering.
(n.) A hollow projectile, of various shapes, adapted for a mortar or a cannon, and containing an explosive substance, ignited with a fuse or by percussion, by means of which the projectile is burst and its fragments scattered. See Bomb.
(n.) The case which holds the powder, or charge of powder and shot, used with breechloading small arms.
(n.) Any slight hollow structure
(n.) A coarse kind of coffin
(n.) An instrument of music, as a lyre, -- the first lyre having been made, it is said, by drawing strings over a tortoise shell.
(n.) An engraved copper roller used in print works.
(n.) The husks of cacao seeds, a decoction of which is often used as a substitute for chocolate, cocoa, etc.
(n.) The outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve.
(n.) A light boat the frame of which is covered with thin wood or with paper
(v. t.) To strip or break off the shell of
(v. t.) To separate the kernels of (an ear of Indian corn, wheat, oats, etc.) from the cob, ear, or husk.
(v. t.) To throw shells or bombs upon or into
(v. i.) To fall off, as a shell, crust, etc.
(v. i.) To cast the shell, or exterior covering
(v. i.) To be disengaged from the ear or husk
(n.) Alt. of Shellac
(a.) Having no shell.
(n.) Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas.
(a.) Alt. of Soft-shelled
(n.) Any one of several species of handsome gastropod shells of the genus Trochus, or Imperator. The shell is conical, with the margin toothed somewhat like the rowel of a spur.
(n.) Any species of Lingula.

roof shell Bedeutung

shell game
a swindling sleight-of-hand game, victim guesses which of three things a pellet is under
shell collecting
the collection and study of mollusc shells
grass parakeet
lovebird shell parakeet
Melopsittacus undulatus
small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
shell cuticle
shield a
hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
shell the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc or a brachiopod
scallop shell a shell of a scallop
oyster shell a shell of an oyster
tooth shell
tusk shell
any of various seashore mollusks having a tapering tubular shell open at each end and a foot pointed like a spade for burrowing
any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior
scorpion shell any of numerous tropical marine snails that as adults have the outer lip of the aperture produced into a series of long curved spines
moon shell
marine gastropods having smooth rounded shells that form short spires
bubble shell marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell
coat-of-mail shell
sea cradle
primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates
soft-shell clam
steamer clam
long-neck clam
Mya arenaria
an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe
hard-shell clam
hard clam
round clam
Venus mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
an edible American clam, the heavy shells were used as money by some American Indians
ark shell marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface
hard-shell crab edible crab that has not recently molted and so has a hard shell
soft-shell crab
soft-shelled crab
edible crab that has recently molted and not yet formed its new shell
lamp shell
marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bearing tentacles for capturing food, found worldwide
black rat
roof rat
Rattus rattus
common household pest originally from Asia that has spread worldwide
artillery shell a shell fired by artillery
dummy blank shell
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
curb roof a roof with two or more slopes on each side of the ridge
French roof a mansard roof with sides that are nearly perpendicular
gable roof
saddle roof
saddleback roof
a double sloping roof with a ridge and gables at each end
gambrel roof
a gable roof with two slopes on each side and the lower slope being steeper
gas shell (military) bomb consisting of an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is released when the bomb explodes
hip roof
hipped roof
a roof having sloping ends as well as sloping sides
hurricane deck
hurricane roof
promenade deck
awning deck
a deck at the top of a passenger ship
luggage rack
roof rack
carrier for holding luggage above the seats of a train or on top of a car
mansard roof
a hip roof having two slopes on each side
mess jacket
monkey jacket
shell jacket
waist-length jacket tapering to a point at the back, worn by officers in the mess for formal dinners
plate scale shell a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
racing skiff
single shell
a shell for a single oarsman
roof a protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building
roof protective covering on top of a motor vehicle
roof garden a garden on a flat roof of a building
roof peak the highest point of a roof
shell ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive charge and a projectile, fired from a large gun
shell case casing the housing or outer covering of something, the clock has a walnut case
shell racing shell a very light narrow racing boat
shell plating the plates covering the frame of a steel ship and corresponding to the planking of a wooden ship
shell stitch a crochet stitch
shotgun shell a shell containing lead shot, used in shotguns
slate roof a roof covered with slate
sugar spoon
sugar shell
a spoon for serving sugar, often made in the shape of a seashell
tank shell a shell fired by the cannon on a tank
thatched roof
a house roof made with a plant material (as straw)
tile roof a roof made of fired clay tiles
whizbang whizzbang whizbang shell a small high-velocity shell, it makes a whizzing sound followed by a bang when it hits
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A roof is part of a building envelope. It is the covering on the uppermost part of a building or shelter which provides protection from animals and weather, notably rain or snow, but also heat, wind and sunlight. The word also denotes the framing or structure which supports that covering.

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