
root and branch Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Stumpf und Stiel
root and branch
radikal adj; tiefgreifend adj
root-and-branch {adj}
root up
overseas branch
branch banking
branch office
Filialleiter, Geschäftsstellenleiter
branch manager
branch network
network of branch offices
branch office
branch of business
branch of industry
branch of industry
örtliche Zweigstelle
local branch
branch of production
branch of study
von dieser Filiale vorgenommen
made by such branch
branch of economic activity
branch of the economy
Wirtschaftszweig, Gewerbezweig
branch of trade
Wurzel, Ursprung, wurzeln
Zweig, Filiale
branch establishment
Zweigniederlassung, Zweigstelle, Filiale
branch office
Zweigstelle, Filiale
branch office
Abzweigung f, Abzweig...
Abzweigkasten m
Abzweigkästen pl
branch box, junction box
branch boxes, junction boxes
Abzweigleitung f
Abzweigleitungen pl
branch circuit, branch line, submain, branch-off
branch circuits, branch lines, submains
Abzweigmuffe f
Abzweigmuffen pl
branch tee
branch tees
Abzweigrohr n
Abzweigrohre pl
branch pipe
branch pipes
Abzweigstelle f
Abzweigstellen pl
branch-off point
branch-off points
Abzweigstück n
Abzweigstücke pl
branch piece
branch pieces
Abzweigung f
turn-off, branch-off
Adventivwurzel f bot.
Adventivwurzeln pl
adventitious root
adventitious roots
Allokationsabteilung f
allocation branch
Anschlussstutzen m
connection, connecting branch, connection sleeve, connection pipe
Auslandsniederlassung f
Auslandsniederlassungen pl
foreign branch
foreign branches
Baumwurzel f
Baumwurzeln pl
tree root
tree roots
Betriebszweig m
Betriebszweige pl
branch of industry
branches of industry
Branche f, Abteilung f
Branchen pl, Abteilungen pl
Branchenstruktur f
structure of the branch, structure of the specific sectors
Brettwurzel f bot.
Brettwurzeln pl
buttress root
buttress roots
Depositenkasse f
Depositenkassen pl
branch office
branch offices
Effektivwert m, Quadratmittel n
root mean square (RMS)
Expositur f
Fachrichtung f
subject area, field, branch of ...
Filiale f
Filialen pl
branch (office), subsidiary, chain store
branches, subsidiaries
Filialleiter m, Filialleiterin f, Niederlassungsleiter m, Niederlassungsleiterin f
Filialleiter pl, Filialleiterinnen pl, Niederlassungsleiter pl, Niederlassungsleiterinnen pl
branch manager, manager of a branch office
branch managers, managers of a branch office
Flachwurzel f
Flachwurzeln pl
shallow root
shallow roots
Gaseintrittsstutzen m mach.
Gaseintrittsstutzen pl
gas inlet branch, gas inlet connection, gas inlet nozzle
gas inlet branches, gas inlet connections, gas inlet nozzles
Geschäftszweig m, Branche f
Geschäftszweige pl, Branchen pl
area of business, branch of business
branches of business
Grundton m mus.
fundamental (tone), root, keynote
Grundursache f
root cause
Handelszweig m
Handelszweige pl
branch of trade
branches of trade
Hauptinhaltsverzeichnis n
Hauptinhaltsverzeichnisse pl
root directory
root directories
Hauptwurzel f bot.
Hauptwurzeln pl
primary root
primary roots
Herz n anat.
Herzen pl
aus tiefstem Herzen
von ganzem Herzen
aus tiefstem Herzen, aus innerster Seele
aus tiefstem Herzen danken
etw. auf dem Herzen haben
ins Herz schließen
ins Herz geschlossen
jdn. ans Herz drücken
jdm. ans Herz gewachsen sein
sich etw. zu Herzen nehmen
sich ein Herz fassen, mutig sein
Sei tapfer!, Sei mutig!
schweren Herzens
ans Herz drücken, an die Brust drücken, ins Herz schließen
ein Herz aus Stein übtr.
Hand aufs Herz!
from the bottom of the heart
with all my heart, dearly
with all one's heart and with all one's soul
to thank from the bottom of one's heart
to have sth. on the mind
to take into one's heart
locked in one's heart
to press (sb.) close to one's heart
to be dear to sb.'s heart
to take root
to take heart
Take heart!
with a heavy heart
to embosom (poetically, archaic)
a heart of stone, a heart of flint
cross your heart!
Hosenrohr n
Hosenrohre pl
Y-branch pipe
Y-branch pipes
Hosenstutzen m mach.
Hosenstutzen pl
Industriezweig m, Industriebranche f
Industriezweige pl, Industriebranchen pl
aufstrebender, innovativer Industriezweig
branch of industry
branches of industry
sunrise industry
Kubikwurzel f math.
cube root
eine Art Limonade
root beer Am.
c-Maß n (Schweißen) techn.
root gap
Nahtwurzel f techn.
seam root
Nebenbahn f
branch line
Nebenfluss m, Flussarm m
Nebenstellenanlage f (Telefon)
private branch exchange (PBX)
Niederlassung f, Zweigstelle f, Kontor n
Niederlassungen pl, Zweigstellen pl
branch, branch office
branches, branch offices
Nullstelle f math.
root, zero
Palmenwedel n, Palmenzweig m
Palmenwedel pl, Palmenzweige pl
palm branch
palm branchs
Programmzweig m
program branch
Quadratwurzel f math.
Quadratwurzeln pl
square root
square roots
Quelle f, Ursprung m
Quellen pl
aus zuverlässiger Quelle
aus sicherer Quelle
aus guter Quelle
eine Quelle erschließen
die Quelle allen Ãœbels
an der Quelle sitzen
from a reliable source
from a trustworthy source
on good authority
to develop a source, to exploit a source
the root of all evil
to be well-placed
Radizieren n math.
root extraction
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
Seitenarm m
Seitenarme pl
lateral branch
lateral branches
Seitenlinie f, Nebenlinie f, Zweiglinie f
Seitenlinien pl, Nebenlinien pl, Zweiglinien pl
branch line, branchline
branch lines, branchlines
Seitenwurzel f
Seitenwurzeln pl
secondary root
secondary roots
Sparte f
area, field, branch, division
Sprung m comp.
unbedingter Sprung
branch, jump
unconditional branch, unconditional jump
Sprungadresse f comp.
Sprungadressen pl
branch address, jump address
branch addresses, jump addresses
Sprungbedingung f, Verzweigungsbedingung f comp.
branch condition
Sprungbefehl m, Verzweigungsbefehl m comp.
branch instruction
Sprungtabelle f, Verzweigungstabelle f
branch table
Stamm m, Haupt n
Stammsilbe f
Stammsilben pl
root syllable
root syllables
Steg m, Stegflanke f techn.
root face
Stichbahn f
branch terminal line
Studienrichtung f
branch of study, discipline of study, field of study
Stumpf und Stiel
root and branch
Sturmabteilung f (SA) hist.
armed and uniformed branch of the NSDAP
Tannenzweig m
fir branch
Teilgebiet n
Verzweigungsstelle f
branch point
Waffenfarbe f mil.
Waffenfarben pl
branch-of-service colour Br., branch-of-service color Am.
branch-of-service colours Br., branch-of-service colors Am.
Wirtschaftszweig m, Branche f
Wirtschaftszweige pl, Branchen pl
economic sector, branch of trades, branch of industry
economic sectors, branches of trades
Wortstamm m, Wurzelwort n
Wortstämme pl
root word, radical
Wurzel f
Wurzeln pl
Wurzeln schlagen
zurück zu den Wurzeln
to strike root
back to the roots
Wurzel f math.
Wurzel schlagen, anwachsen
to take root
Wurzelaufbau m, Wurzelstruktur f bot.
root structure
Wurzelballen m bot.
Wurzelballen pl
root bale
root bales
Wurzelbehandlung f med.
Wurzelbehandlungen pl
root treatment, root canal treatment
root treatments, root canal treatments
Wurzelbiegeversuch m techn.
Wurzelbiegeversuche pl
root bend test
root bend tests
Wurzelbindefehler m techn.
lack of root fusion
Wurzeldurchschweißfehler m techn.
incomplete root penetration
Wurzelgemüse n bot. cook.
root vegetable, root crop
Wurzelgrad m math.
index (degree) of the root
Wurzelkanal m anat.
root canal
Wurzelkriterium n math.
root test
Wurzellage f techn.
root run
Wurzelresektion f
root resection
Wurzelsaft m bot.
root sap
Wurzelsegment n
Wurzelsegmente pl
root segment
root segments
Wurzelspitze f (eines Zahns)
tip of the root, apex
Wurzelstock m
Wurzelstöcke pl
root stock, rootstock
root stocks, rootstocks
Wurzelsystem n
root system
Wurzelzeichen n math.
root sign, radical sign
Wurzelziehen n math.
extracting a root
Zahnwurzel f anat.
Zahnwurzeln pl
root of a tooth
roots of tooth
Zweig m, Ast m bot.
Zweige pl, Äste pl
kleiner Zweig, Zweigchen n
Verformung der Äste
branch deformation
Zweigstelle f, Zweiggeschäft n
Zweigstellen pl, Zweiggeschäfte pl
Zweigbibliothek f
Zweigbibliotheke pl
branch library
branch libraries
Zweiggeschäft n
branch establishment
zweigt ab
zweigte ab
to branch off
branching off
branched off
branches off
branched off
anfeuern v (durch Zurufe)
to root for Am.
bedingter Sprung comp.
conditional branch, conditional jump, branch on condition
bewurzeln v
to root
fehlerhafte Verzweigung f
wild branch
ficken, vögeln, bumsen, poppen, pimpern, rummachen, eine Nummer schieben ugs. slang
mit jdm. ficken
to fuck, to hump, to screw, to poke, to shag Br., to knock up Am., to root Austr. slang
to fuck sb., to have a bang with sb.
sich gabeln v
sich gabelnd
sich gegabelt
to branch
roden v (Bäume)
to root out
rooting out
rooted out
rückverzweigen, rückwärts springen
to branch backward
springen, verzweigen v comp.
springend, verzweigend
gesprungen, verzweigt
to branch
umwühlen v
to churn, to plough up, to root about
churnding, ploughing up, rooting about
churted, ploughed up, rooted about
wurzeln v
to root
Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang. Sprw.
Idleness is the parent of the root of all evil. prov.
Wühlmaus f zool.
Wühlmäuse pl
root vole, European pine vole, vole
Fingerkoralle f (Caulastrea spp.) zool.
branch coral
BO, b.o. : branch office
Abzweigschrumpfmuffen techn.
branch shrink-on sleeve
allocation branch
Branche, Abteilung, springen, verzweigen
branch address
rueckverzweigen, rueckwaerts springen
branch backward
Abzweig-, Lichtleitung
branch circuit
Sprungbedingung, Verzweigungsbedingung
branch condition

root and branch Definition

Alum root
() A North American herb (Heuchera Americana) of the Saxifrage family, whose root has astringent properties.
(n.) A shoot or secondary stem growing from the main stem, or from a principal limb or bough of a tree or other plant.
(n.) Any division extending like a branch
(n.) Any member or part of a body or system
(n.) One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance
(n.) A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock
(n.) A warrant or commission given to a pilot, authorizing him to pilot vessels in certain waters.
(a.) Diverging from, or tributary to, a main stock, line, way, theme, etc.
(v. i.) To shoot or spread in branches
(v. i.) To divide into separate parts or subdivision.
(v. t.) To divide as into branches
(v. t.) To adorn with needlework representing branches, flowers, or twigs.
Branch pilot
() A pilot who has a branch or commission, as from Trinity House, England, for special navigation.
Chay root
() The root of the Oldenlandia umbellata, native in India, which yieds a durable red dyestuff.
Choy root
() See Chay root.
(v. i.) To turn up the earth with the snout, as swine.
(v. i.) Hence, to seek for favor or advancement by low arts or groveling servility
(v. t.) To turn up or to dig out with the snout
(n.) The underground portion of a plant, whether a true root or a tuber, a bulb or rootstock, as in the potato, the onion, or the sweet flag.
(n.) The descending, and commonly branching, axis of a plant, increasing in length by growth at its extremity only, not divided into joints, leafless and without buds, and having for its offices to fix the plant in the earth, to supply it with moisture and soluble matters, and sometimes to serve as a reservoir of nutriment for future growth. A true root, however, may never reach the ground, but may be attached to a wall, etc., as in the ivy, or may hang loosely in the air, as in some epiphytic orchids.
(n.) An edible or esculent root, especially of such plants as produce a single root, as the beet, carrot, etc.
(n.) That which resembles a root in position or function, esp. as a source of nourishment or support
(n.) An ancestor or progenitor
(n.) A primitive form of speech
(n.) The cause or occasion by which anything is brought about
(n.) That factor of a quantity which when multiplied into itself will produce that quantity
(n.) The fundamental tone of any chord
(n.) The lowest place, position, or part.
(n.) The time which to reckon in making calculations.
(v. i.) To fix the root
(v. i.) To be firmly fixed
(v. t.) To plant and fix deeply in the earth, or as in the earth
(v. t.) To tear up by the root

root and branch Bedeutung

arm branch
any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm, the arm of the record player, an arm of the sea, a branch of the sewer
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
root cellar
an excavation where root vegetables are stored
tooth root
the part of a tooth that is embedded in the jaw and serves as support
root canal the passage in the root of a tooth through which its nerve and blood vessels enter the pulp cavity
dorsal root
dorsal horn
one of the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes dorsally to the spinal cord and that consists of sensory fibers
ventral root
ventral horn
anterior root
anterior horn
one of two the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes ventrally from the spinal cord and that consists of motor fibers
eigenvalue of a matrix
eigenvalue of a square matrix
characteristic root of a square matrix
(mathematics) any number such that a given square matrix minus that number times the identity matrix has a zero determinant
root word
stem theme radical
(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed, thematic vowels are part of the stem
a simple form inferred as the common basis from which related words in several languages can be derived by linguistic processes
peace offering
olive branch
something offered to an adversary in the hope of obtaining peace
root vegetable any of various fleshy edible underground roots or tubers
celery root
thickened edible aromatic root of a variety of celery plant
chicory chicory root root of the chicory plant roasted and ground to substitute for or adulterate coffee
taro root
tropical starchy tuberous root
root beer float an iceream soda made with ice cream floating in root beer
root beer carbonated drink containing extracts of roots and herbs
branch water pure natural water from a stream or brook, often distinguished from soda water
the set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation
Special Branch a government police department dealing with political security
executive branch
Executive Office of the President
the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws
legislative branch the branch of the United States government that has the power of legislating
judicial branch the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice
subdivision arm
a division of some larger or more complex organization, a branch of Congress, botany is a branch of biology, the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages
the place where something begins, where it springs into being, the Italian beginning of the Renaissance, Jupiter was the origin of the radiation, Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River, communism's Russian root
branch a stream or river connected to a larger one
someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)
James Branch Cabell
United States writer of satirical novels (-)
a natural consequence of development
blue cohosh
blueberry root
papoose root
squaw root
Caulophyllum thalictrioides
Caulophyllum thalictroides
tall herb of eastern North America and Asia having blue berrylike fruit and a thick knotty rootstock formerly used medicinally
golden seal
yellow root
turmeric root
Hydrastis Canadensis
perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves
horseradish horseradish root the root of the horseradish plant, it is grated or ground and used for seasoning
crinkle root
pepper root
Cardamine diphylla
Dentaria diphylla
North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots
chicory chicory root the dried root of the chicory plant: used as a coffee substitute
rattlesnake root a plant of the genus Nabalus
rattlesnake root Prenanthes purpurea herb of central and southern Europe having purple florets
coral root a wildflower of the genus Corallorhiza growing from a hard mass of rhizomes associated with a fungus that aids in absorbing nutrients from the forest floor
spotted coral root
Corallorhiza maculata
common coral root having yellowish- or reddish- or purplish-brown leafless stems bearing loose racemes of similarly colored flowers with white purple-spotted lips, Guatemala to Canada
striped coral root
Corallorhiza striata
nearly leafless wildflower with erect reddish-purple stems bearing racemes of pale pinkish and brownish-striped flowers, western Canada to Mexico
early coral root
pale coral root
Corallorhiza trifida
plant having clumps of nearly leafless pale yellowish to greenish stems bearing similarly colored flowers with white lower lips, northern New Mexico north through South Dakota and Washington to Alaska
crested coral root
Hexalectris spicata
orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins, southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States
colic root
crow corn
star grass unicorn root
any of several perennials of the genus Aletris having grasslike leaves and bitter roots reputed to cure colic
ague root
ague grass
Aletris farinosa
colicroot having a scurfy or granuliferous perianth and white flowers, southeastern United States
sarsaparilla root dried root of any of various plants of the genus Smilax used as a flavoring agent
derris root
tuba root
Derris elliptica
woody vine having bright green leaves and racemes of rose-tinted white flowers, the swollen roots contain rotenone
licorice root root of licorice used in flavoring e.g. candy and liqueurs and medicines
water avens
Indian chocolate
purple avens chocolate root
Geum rivale
erect perennial of north temperate zone having pinnate leaves and a few nodding flowers with a brown-purple calyx and orange and pink petals
horse gentian
tinker's root
wild coffee
Triostium perfoliatum
coarse weedy American perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers
Seneca snakeroot
Seneka snakeroot
senga root
senega root
senega snakeroot
Polygala senega
eastern North American plant having a terminal cluster of small white flowers and medicinal roots
horse balm
horseweed stoneroot
richweed stone root
Collinsonia canadensis
erect perennial strong-scented with serrate pointed leaves and a loose panicle of yellowish flowers, the eastern United States
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