
rope Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Seil, Strick
Strang m
Seil, Tau
rope up
tow rope
Liektau n
bolt rope
Pressklemme f für Drahtseile
rope clip
Seilspannung f, Seilzug m
rope pull
Totseil n
dead rope
rope down
Seilspannung f; Seilzug m
rope pull
Reep n, Leine f
rope, line
Seilkeil m
rope wedge
Seilklemme f
rope clamp
Seiltrieb m
rope drive
sheet rope
Reep n; Leine f
rope; line
Seilspeer m (Bohrtechnik)
rope spear
Abfangtau n (Befahreinrichtung) mach.
safety rope
Seillänge f
rope length
absperren (mit Seilen)
to rope off
rope ladder
towing rope
Seilwirbel m
rope socket
Illusion f
rope of sand
Seil n, Tau n
Seile pl
sich abseilen v (vom Hubschrauber) mil.
to fast rope
rope of sand
Haspelförderung f min.
rope haulage
Strick m zum Erhängen; Strang m
hanging rope
Anschlagseil n mach. techn.
stopping rope
Fadenziehen n (Brot)
rope of bread
Seilspleiße f
rope splicing
Trossenzug m; Trossenkraft f
tow rope pull
Seilfestpunkt m
rope anchorage
Seilspannfeder f
rope tensioner
Kardeel n; Taustrang m naut.
strand of rope
eine Leine als Schnecke legen v naut.
to coil a rope
Seilablenkung f
rope deflection
Seilzug m (Hebezeug)
wire rope hoist
Anseilschutz m techn.
rope protection
soapy seil rope
Drahtseillitze f
wire rope strand
Hanfseil n, Hanfstrick m
hemp rope, hempen
Schlaffseilschalter m
slack rope switch
Schlepptau n, Schleppseil n
tow rope, towline
Seiltrommelverlagerung f
rope drum support
Hanfseil n; Hanfstrick m; Hanftau n
hemp rope; hempen
Schlepptau n; Schleppseil n
tow rope; towline
Seilendbeschläge pl techn.
rope end fittings
Seilsicherheit f
rope safety factor
Keilendklemme f für Drahtseil techn.
wire rope anchorage
Seilrollenverlagerung f
rope pulley support
Strick m; Strang m veraltet
non-wire rope; rope
Schlepptau n
dragrope, trail rope
Seiltriebgruppe f
rope mechanism group
Schlepptau n
dragrope; trail rope
Krangelbildung f; Krangeln n (eines Seils)
hockling (of a rope)
Vordrall m (beim Seil)
pretwist (of a rope)
Seilschloss n
Seilschlösser pl
rope lock
rope locks
Pressklemme f für Drahtseile
Pressklemmen pl für Drahtseile
rope clip
rope clips
Totseil n
Totseile pl
dead rope
dead ropes
Seilabgangswinkel m, Seilaustrittswinkel m
angle of rope departure
Seilspringen n, Seilhüpfen n sport
skipping, rope skipping
Seilabgangswinkel m; Seilaustrittswinkel m
angle of rope departure
Seilkommando n (Klettern) sport
rope command (climbing)
Elektroseilzug m
electric wire rope hoist
Seilführung f, Seilführungsring m
Seilführungen pl, Seilführungsringe pl
rope guide
rope guides
Seilwippe f
Seilwippen pl
rope sweep
rope sweeps
Seilführung f; Seilführungsring m
Seilführungen pl; Seilführungsringe pl
rope guide
rope guides
Seilkeil m
Seilkeile pl
rope wedge
rope wedges
Bauaufzugseil; Aufzugseil n constr. techn.
Bauaufzugseile; Aufzugseile pl
hoist rope
hoist ropes
Seilwinde f (für textile Seile)
Seilwinden pl
rope winch
rope winches
Zugseil n min.
coal cutter traction rope
jdn. anseilen v
to fasten sb. with a rope
Seilanker m
rope roof bolt; rope bolt
Sicherungsseil n
Sicherungsseile pl
safety rope
safety ropes
Zugseil n
Zugseile pl
towing rope
towing ropes
Ankertau n naut.
Ankertaue pl
anchor rope
anchor ropes
Seilgarten m
Seilgärten pl
rope course
rope courses
Dreikantlitzenseil n
triangular strand wire rope
Verknotung f; Kink m naut. (unerwünschter schlingenförmiger Knoten in einem Seil, Draht usw.)
kink (in a rope, wire etc.)
Seilkausche f naut.
Seilkauschen pl
rope thimble
rope thimbles
Dichtungsstrick m
Dichtungsstricke pl
sealing rope
sealing ropes
Halteseil n (Ballon) aviat.
Halteseile pl
mooring rope
mooring ropes
Seildurchführung f techn.
Seildurchführungen pl
rope opening
rope openings
Schrapperseil n
Schrapperseile pl
scraper rope
scraper ropes
Abschleppseil n auto
Abschleppseile pl
tow rope, towrope
tow ropes
Lose n (eines Taus) naut.
slack (of a rope or a hawser)
Abschleppseil n auto
Abschleppseile pl
tow rope; towrope
tow ropes
Springseil n
Springseile pl
skipping rope
skipping ropes
jemandem freie Hand lassen
to give someone plenty of rope
Zug m des Seils (Klettern) sport
tension of the rope (Klettern)
Mehrseilbetrieb m
multiple falls of rope operation
Seilspannfeder f
Seilspannfedern pl
rope tensioner
rope tensioners
to rope up
roping up
roped up
Seilförderung f
Seilförderung f (in ansteigenden Strecken)
rope haulage
funicular traction
surren; sirren; ein surrendes Geräusch von sich geben v (gespannte Saite, Seil usw.)
to twang (taut string, rope etc.)
Bullenstander m naut.
lazy guy, bull pendant, check rope
Bullenstander m naut.
lazy guy; bull pendant; check rope
Stahldrahtseil n
Stahldrahtseile pl
steel wire rope
steel wire ropes
Sprungseil n sport
skipping rope Br., jump rope Am.
absperren v (mit Seilen)
to rope off
roping off
roped off
Seil aus! (Seilkommando) (Klettern) sport
That's me! (rope command) (climbing)
(an einem Tau) hangeln
to move hand over hand (along a rope)
Ablegereife f (Drahtseil) techn.
replacement state of wear (wire rope)
Seilrollenaufzug m
Seilrollenaufzüge pl
rope-pulley hoist
rope-pulley hoists
Bauseil n mach. techn.
Bauseile pl
construction rope
construction ropes
Abspannleine f, Abspannseil n
Abspannleinen pl, Abspannseile pl
guy-wire, guy rope
guy-wires, guy ropes
Keilendklemme f für Drahtseile techn.
Keilendklemmen pl für Drahtseile
wire rope anchorage
wire rope anchorages
ein Tier mit dem Lasso einfangen v agr.
to lasso an animal; to rope an animal Am.
Seilschlinge f
Seilschlingen pl
grommet; rope sling
grommets; rope slings
Seilschleppförderer m techn.
Seilschleppförderer pl
button rope conveyor
button rope conveyors
Seiltriebgruppe f
Seiltriebgruppen pl
rope mechanism group
rope mechanism groups
sich verknoten; sich zu einem Knoten schlingen; einen Kink bekommen naut. v (Seil, Draht usw.)
sich verknotend; sich zu einem Knoten schlingend; einen Kink bekommend
sich verknotet; sich zu einem Knoten geschlungen; einen Kink bekommen
to kink (rope, wire etc.)
Spleißverbindung f; Spleißstelle f; Spleiß m (Seil, Kabel, Glasfaser)
Spleißverbindungen pl; Spleißstellen pl; Spleiße pl
splice (rope, cable, optical fibre)
durchrutschen; schlüpfen v (Seil an einem Spill)
durchrutschend; schlüpfend
durchgerutscht; geschlüpft
to surge (rope at a capstan)
Abschleppseil n auto
Abschleppseile pl
tow rope; towing rope
tow ropes; towing ropes
Gegenseil n; Unterseil n (Standseilbahn; Seilschwebebahn)
ballast rope (funicular railway; cable tramway)
Weiße Mangrove f (Laguncularia racemosa) bot.
white mangrove; rope mangrove; white buttonwood
Zigzag-Seilführung f (Klettern, Seilbergung)
z-drag; z-pulley system (climbing; rope rescue)
Dissgras n; Diss m (Ampelodesmos mauritanicus) bot.
dis grass; Mauritania grass; rope grass; stramma
Seiltrommel f
gerillte Seiltrommel
hoisting drum, rope drum
rope drum with grooves
Seillänge f (Kletterabschnitt) (Klettern) sport
rope pitch; pitch (section of a climb) (climbing)
aufspleißen v (Seil)
to fan out (of a rope)
fanning out
fanned out
Elektroseilzug m
Elektroseilzüge pl
electric wire rope hoist
electric wire rope hoists
Sicherheitsleine f
Sicherheitsleinen pl
safety rope; safety line
safety ropes; safety lines
Blitzschutzseil n
Blitzschutzseile pl
lightning protection rope
lightning protection ropes
Unterseil n
tail rop; balance rope; ground rope; compensating rope
Halteseil n für Wagenladungen (Bahn)
rope for securing waggon loads; lashing rope (railway)
Sichern n (eines Kletterers mit dem Seil) (Klettern) sport
belaying (protecting a climber with a rope) (climbing)
Seilspringen n; Seilhüpfen n; Springseilspringen n Nordostdt.; Seilhopsen n BW; Seilhopfen n BW; Schnurspringen n Ös. sport
rope skipping Br.; skipping Br.; rope jumping Am.
etw. (mit einem Seil) an etw. anbinden v
Das Pferd wurde an den Zaun (an)gebunden.
to rope sth. to sth.
The horse was roped to the fence.
Strickleiter f
Strickleitern pl
rope ladder, jacobs ladder
rope ladders, jacobs ladders
Strickleiter f
Strickleitern pl
rope ladder; corded ladder
rope ladders; corded ladders
Schot f, Segelleine f naut.
Schoten pl
aktive Schot
lose Schot
sheet, sheet rope
sheet ropes
working sheet
lazy sheet
Seilrolle f
Seilrollen pl
sheave, rope pulley, pulley
sheaves, rope pulleys, pulleys
Rundstiellappentransplantat n med.
Rundstiellappentransplantaten pl
tunnel (tube) graft; rope graft
tunnel grafts; rope grafts
Schot f; Segelleine f naut.
Schoten pl
aktive Schot
lose Schot
sheet; sheet rope
sheet ropes
working sheet
lazy sheet
Seilrolle f
Seilrollen pl
sheave; rope pulley; pulley
sheaves; rope pulleys; pulleys
Schäkel m; Kuhmaul n ugs. (U-förmiger Verbindungsbügel) naut. techn.
Schäkel pl
Schäkel für Ketten
Anbringen eines Schäkels
chain joint; clevis
capping (of a rope)
Kreuzschlagseil n techn.
crosslay rope; ordinary regular lay rope; non-parallel lay rope
Lose n (eines Seils Taus) naut. sport
„Gib Seil“ (Seilkommando) (Klettern)
slack (of a rope or hawser)
"Slack" (rope command) (climbing)
Springseil n; Sprungseil n; Springschnur f Ös.; Sprungschnur f Ös. sport.
Springseile pl; Sprungseile pl; Springschnüre pl; Sprungschnüre pl
skipping rope Br.; jump rope Am.
skipping ropes; jump ropes
Klettersteig m; Steig m sport
Klettersteige pl; Steige pl
seilgesicherter Klettersteig
via ferrata; scramble
vie ferrate; scrambles
fixed-rope route
Springseil n; Sprungseil n; Springschnur f Ös.; Sprungschnur f Ös. sport
Springseile pl; Sprungseile pl; Springschnüre pl; Sprungschnüre pl
skipping rope Br.; jump rope Am.
skipping ropes; jump ropes
Schlagwinkel m; Litzensteigungswinkel m (Seil)
Schlagwinkel pl; Litzensteigungswinkel pl
angle of twist; strand angle (rope)
angles of twist; strand angles
Seil ein! (Seilkommando) (Klettern) sport
Take in! Br.; Take! Br.; Up rope! Am. (rope command) (climbing)
Drahtseil n
Drahtseile pl
wire rope, wire cable, cable rope
wire ropes, wire cables, cable ropes

Deutsche Seil Strick Synonyme

Seil  ÂStrick  ÂTau  
Drossel  ÂLeine  ÂSchnur  ÂSeil  
Seil  Strick  Tau  

Englische rope Synonyme

rope  Havana  allure  ample scope  anchor  anchor chain  anchor rode  attach  attract  ax  backropes  bag  bait  bait the hook  band  bandage  becket  beheading  belt  belvedere  bend  bind  bind up  blandish  blank check  block  boltrope  bow fast  bowline  box of cigars  brace  braid  brail  breast fast  bridle  bundle  buntline  burning  cable  cajole  capital punishment  carte blanche  catch  chain  cheroot  cigar  cigar box  cigar case  cigar cutter  cigarillo  cinch  clearance  coax  colorado  cord  corona  cross  crossjack brace  crucifixion  deadeye  death chair  death chamber  decapitation  decollation  decoy  defenestration  do up  downhaul  draw  draw in  draw on  drop  earing  elbowroom  electric chair  electrocution  enchain  enmesh  ensnare  entangle  entice  entrammel  entrap  execution  fast  fasten  fetter  field  flirt  flirt with  flying jib martingale  flying jib stay  footropes  fore-skysail brace  fore-skysail lift  fore-topgallant shroud  fore-topgallant stay  fore-topmast backstay  fore-topsail lift  foreganger  foreroyal backstay  foreroyal lift  forerunner  forestay  foretack  foul  free course  free hand  free play  free scope  full scope  full swing  fusillade  gallows  gallows-tree  garrote  gas chamber  gasket  gassing  gibbet  gird  girdle  girt  girth  give the come-on  grab rope  guess-rope  guess-warp  guest rope  guillotine  gunter  guy  gyve  halter  halyard  hamper  handcuff  hanging  harbor gasket  harpoon  hawser  head fast  hemlock  hemp  hempen collar  hitch  hobble  hog-tie  hook  hopple  hot seat  humidor  inveigle  judicial murder  lace  land  lanyard  lapidation  lash  lasso  latitude  lead on  leash  lee sheet  lee tack  leeway  lethal chamber  lifeline  lift  ligament  ligation  ligature  line  long rope  lure  maiden  main brace  main-skysail brace  main-trysail vang  mainsheet  mainstay  make fast  manacle  maneuvering space  margin  martingale  mesh  messenger  mizzen stay  mizzen-royal lift  mizzen-royal stay  mizze  
rope off  bound  circle in  circumscribe  cordon  cordon off  define  delimit  delimitate  demarcate  determine  enclose  fix  isolate  lay off  mark boundaries  mark off  mark out  mark the periphery  quarantine  seal off  seclude  segregate  separate  set the limit  specify  stake out  surround  

rope Definition

(n.) A remarkable vitreous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, first brought from Japan. It has a long stem, consisting of a bundle of long and large, glassy, siliceous fibers, twisted together.
Guess rope
() A guess warp.
Guest rope
() The line by which a boat makes fast to the swinging boom.
(n.) A large, stout cord, usually one not less than an inch in circumference, made of strands twisted or braided together. It differs from cord, line, and string, only in its size. See Cordage.
(n.) A row or string consisting of a number of things united, as by braiding, twining, etc.
(n.) The small intestines
(v. i.) To be formed into rope
(v. t.) To bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord
(v. t.) To connect or fasten together, as a party of mountain climbers, with a rope.
(v. t.) To partition, separate, or divide off, by means of a rope, so as to include or exclude something
(v. t.) To lasso (a steer, horse).
(v. t.) To draw, as with a rope
(v. t.) To prevent from winning (as a horse), by pulling or curbing.
(v. t.) To punish with a rope's end.
(n.) the yarn or thread of any stuff of which the strands of a rope are made.
(n.) A rope used for hoisting and lowering a topmast, and for other purposes.

rope Bedeutung

rope-a-dope a boxing tactic: pretending to be trapped against the ropes while your opponent wears himself out throwing punches
jump rope a child's game or a cardiopulmonary exercise in which the player jumps over a swinging rope
anchor chain
anchor rope
the chain or rope that attaches an anchor to a vessel
guide rope a rope used to guide the movement of the load of a crane
guy cable
guy wire
guy rope
a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something (especially a tent)
hangman's rope
hangman's halter
halter hemp
hempen necktie
a rope that is used by a hangman to execute persons who have been condemned to death by hanging
jump rope
skip rope
skipping rope
a length of rope (usually with handles on each end) that is swung around while someone jumps over it
Mexican valium
rope roofy
roach forget me drug
street names for flunitrazepan
ridge rope either of a pair of lifelines running alongside the bowsprit of a ship
rope a strong line
rope bridge a bridge consisting of ropes
rope ladder a ladder with side pieces of rope
rope tow a ski tow offering only a moving rope to hold onto
rope yard
workplace consisting of a long narrow path or shed where rope is made
rope yarn the strands out of which ropes are made
towing line
towing rope
(nautical) a rope used in towing
a craftsman who makes ropes
rope burn abrasion (usually on the hands) caused by friction from a rope
rope in draw in as if with a rope, lure, The agent had roped in several customers
fasten with a rope, rope the bag securely
rope up attach to one another, for safety, The mountaineers roped up when they started the final ascent
rope in
rope off
cordon off
divide by means of a rope, The police roped off the area where the crime occurred
catch with a lasso, rope cows
rope down
lower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside, The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous, You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing
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A rope is a group of yarns, plies, or strands that are twisted or braided together into a larger and stronger form. Ropes have tensile strength and so can be used for dragging and lifting, but are too flexible to provide compressive strength. As a result, they cannot be used for pushing or similar compressive applications. Rope is thicker and stronger than similarly constructed cord, line, string, and twine. Rope made from metal strands is called wire rope.