
rose head Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Rosenbohrer m med.
Rosenbohrer pl
rose-head bur
rose-head burs
department head
head of department
Abteilungsleiter im Ministerium
head of the directorate
regional head office
head of a letter
head of the letter
letter head
head clerk
Chef des Unternehmens
head of the business
family head
head of the family
Hauptbüro, Zentrale, Stammhaus
head office
head cashier
head office
head office
head of the household
Kopf der Seite
head of page
Kopf einer Liste
head of a list
Kopf eines Briefes
head of a letter
Kopf, Haupt, Abteilungsleiter
Leiter der Abordnung
head of a delegation
Leiter der Delegation
head of delegation
Leiter der Delegation
head of the delegation
Leiter der Schule
head of the school
pro Kopf
per head
Referent, Referatsleiter
head of division
head of state
Zentrale, Hauptbüro
head office
Zentralverwaltung, Hauptverwaltung
head office
Abscheidekopf m
Abscheideköpfe pl
deposition head
deposition heads
Abschlussmutter f techn.
Abschlussmuttern pl
head lock nut
head lock nuts
Abtastkopf m
Abtastköpfe pl
sensing head
sensing heads
Abteilungsleiter m, Abteilungsleiterin f
Abteilungsleiter pl, Abteilungsleiterinnen pl
head of department
heads of department
Ähre f (Gras)
Ähren pl
Alpenrose f, Almrose f Ös. bot.
alpine rose
Amtsleitung f
head of office
Amtsvorsteher m, Amtsvorsteherin f, Amtsleiter m, Amtleiterin f
Amtsvorsteher pl, Amtsvorsteherinnen pl, Amtsleiter pl, Amtleiterinnen pl
head official, head of an office
head officials, heads of an office
Ankerkopf m
Ankerköpfe pl
kugeliger Ankerkopf
anchor head
anchor heads
shaped anchor head
Ankerkopfausbildung f
design of anchor head
Ankerkopfverschiebung f
dislocation of anchor head
Ankerschuhhaube f mach.
Ankerschuhhauben pl
protective hood of anchor head
protective hoods of anchor head
Antriebskopf m
Antriebsköpfe pl
power head
power heads
Belegschaft f
Beule f
Beulen pl
Beule am Kopf
bump on the head
Bezirksdirektion f
Bezirksdirektionen pl
regional head office, general agency
regional head offices, general agencies
Blütenkopf m bot.
Blütenköpfe pl
flower head
flower heads
Bohrkopf m techn.
Bohrköpfe pl
drill head
drill heads
Bondkopf m
Bondköpfe pl
bond head
bond heads
Brennerhaube f mach.
(amonia) burner head
Brille f, Augengläser pl Ös.
rahmenlose Brille
Brille mit goldenem Gestell
Brille mit Drahtgestell
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
glasses, eyeglasses
rimless glasses, rimless mounting
gold-rimmed glasses
wire-rimmed glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
Brückenkopf m
Brückenköpfe pl
bridgehead, bridge head
Buhnenkopf m
Buhnenköpfe pl
groyne head
groyne heads
Bürochef m
Bürochefs pl
head clerk
head clerks
Bürovorsteher m
Chefarzt m
Chefärzte pl
head physician, chief physician
head physicians, chief physicians
Cheftrainer m, Chefcoach m
head coach
Dekan m
Dekane pl
dean, department head
Docke f (einer Drehbank) techn.
poppet head
Drogenzubehör-Fachhandel m
head shop
Duschkopf m
Duschköpfe pl
shower head
shower heads
Eierkopp m ugs. pej.
Eierköppe pl
Einpresskopf m
Einpressköpfe pl
press-in head
press-in heads
Einsatzleiter m, Einsatzleiterin f
Einsatzleiter pl, Einsatzleiterinnen pl
head of operations, director of operations, officer-in-charge
heads of operations, directors of operations, officer-in-charges
Elementarwelle f
Elementarwellen pl
head wave
head waves
Ende n, Zweck m, Ziel n (von)
letztes Ende
am Ende seiner Kraft
am Ende der Geschichte
am oberen Ende
am Ende seiner Künste sein
ein Ende machen
am Ende sein
einer Sache ein Ende machen
das Ende vom Lied
mit dem Ende nach vorne, mit dem Ende zuerst
mit den Enden aneinander
gegen Ende seiner Tage
end (of)
fag end
at the end of one's tether
at the end of the story
at the head
to be at one's wits end
to put an end to
to be running on empty
to put a stop to sth.
the end of the story
endwise, endways
end to end, endwise
in his declining days
Fachobmann m
head of department
Familienvorstand m
family head
Fensterrose f
rose window
Festkopf m
Festköpfe pl
fixed magnetic head
fixed magnetic heads
Festkopfplatte f comp.
Festkopfplatten pl
fixed-head disk Br., fixed-head disc Am.
fixed-head disks, fixed-head discs
vorderer Festmacher naut.
head fast
Finanzamtsleiter m, Finanzamtsleiterin f
Finanzamtsleiter pl, Finanzamtsleiterinnen pl
head of the local tax office
heads of the local tax office
Flachkopfniet m
Flachkopfnieten pl
flat-head rivet
flat-head rivets
Flachkopfschraube f mit Schlitz techn.
Flachkopfschrauben pl mit Schlitz
slotted pan-head screw
slotted pan-head screws
Flachrundniet m
Flachrundnieten pl
truss-head rivet
truss-head rivets
Flachrundschraube f techn.
Flachrundschrauben pl
round-head screw
round-head screws
Floh m zool.
Flöhe pl
jdm. einen Floh ins Ohr setzen übtr.
to put so. a flea in his
her ear, to put an idea into someone's head, to put a bee in the bonnet fig.
Förderdruck m, Druckhöhe f, Gegendruck m
pressure head
Förderhöhe f
discharge head
Frontalzusammenstoß m
Frontalzusammenstöße pl
head-on collision, frontal crash
head-on collisions, frontal crashes
(projizierte) Frontscheibenanzeige f
head-up display
Führung f, Leitung f
Füllkopf m
Füllköpfe pl
fill head
fill heads
Gabelkopf m techn.
Gabelköpfe pl
fork crown, fork head
fork crowns, fork heads
Galvokopf m techn.
Galvoköpfe pl
galvo head
galvo heads
Gefälle n (eines Flusses)
nutzbares Gefälle (eines Flusses)
drop (of a river)
available head, potential head
Gelenkkopf m anat.
Gelenkköpfe pl
articular head
articular heads
Geschäftsgeist m
head for business
Gewindeschneidkopf m techn.
Gewindeschneidköpfe pl
die head
die heads
Glatze f, Glatzkopf m
Glatzen pl, Glatzköpfe pl
ein Glatze haben
eine Glatze bekommen, kahl werden
bald head
bald heads
to be bald
to go bald
Granit m
auf Granit beißen übtr.
to bang your head against a brick wall fig.
Haarpracht f
magnificient head of hair
Hagebutte f (Frucht) bot.
Hagebutten pl
rosehip, rose hip
rose hips
Hagebuttentee m
rosehip tea, rose hip tea
Halbrund-Blechschraube f techn.
round-head tapping screw
Halbrundkerbnagel m
round-head grooved pin
Halbrundkopf m (Schraube)
round head
Halbrundniet m
button-head rivet
Halbrundschraube f techn.
round-head screw, half-round screw
Hals über Kopf
head over heels
Hammerkopfschraube f techn.
Hammerkopfschrauben pl
hammer-head bolt
hammer-head bolts
Hammerschraube f techn.
Hammerschrauben pl
T-head bolt
T-head bolts
Hauptquartier n
headquarters, head quarter
Hauptverwaltung f
head office
Haushaltungsvorstand m
head of the household
Heckenrose f, Hagebutte f bot.
dog rose
Hibiskus m, Roseneibisch m bot.
hibiscus, rose mallow
Hinterkopf m anat.
occiput, back of the head
Inbusschraube f tm, Innensechskantschraube f techn.
Inbusschrauben pl, Innensechskantschrauben pl
socket screw, socket head screw, hexagon socket screw, Allen screw
socket screws, socket head screws, hexagon socket screws, Allen screws
Kahlkopf m
Kahlköpfe pl
Keil m, Nase f, Bolzen m
gib head
Kesselboden m
Keulenkopf n
Kiffer m, Kifferin f ugs.
pothead, weedhead, dope-head, stoner, toker slang
als Kind zu heiß gebadet worden sein übtr.
to have been dropped on one's head by one's mother fig.
Kletterrose f
rambler rose
Kolbenboden m techn.
piston crown, piston head, piston top
Kopf m, Haupt n
Köpfe pl
von Kopf bis Fuß
ein klarer Kopf
auf dem Kopf stehen
einen kühlen Kopf behalten übtr.
über Kopf
sich etw. in den Kopf setzen
pro Kopf
from head to foot, from head tot toe
a clear brain
to stand on one's head, to be upside down
to keep a clear head
to set one's mind on sth.
per head
Kopf oder Zahl
head or tail, heads or tails
Kopfabstand m (Platte)
head gap
Kopfaufprall m
head crash
Kopfauswahl f
head selection
Kopfdurchmesser m (einer Schraube) techn.
diameter of head
Kopfhöhe f (einer Schraube) techn.
height of head
Kopflaus m zool.
Kopfläuse pl
head louse
head lice
Kopfniet m
round-head rivet
mit einem Kopfschütteln
with a shake of the head
Kopfsalat m bot. cook.
lettuce, head lettuce, cabbage lettuce
Kopfschraube f techn.
Kopfschrauben pl
head screw
head screws
Kopfstand m
einen Kopfstand machen
to stand on one's head
Kopfstimme f
head voice
Kopfstoß m
Kopfstöße pl
head butt, headbutt
head butts, headbutts
Kopfstütze f, Nackenstütze f auto
Kopfstützen pl, Nackenstützen pl
aktive Kopfstützen
headrest, head restraint
headrests, head restraints
active head restraints
Kreuzschlitzschraube f techn.
Kreuzschlitzschrauben pl
cross-head screw
cross-head screws
Kreuzschlitzschraube f techn.
Kreuzschlitzschrauben pl
Phillips screw, Phillips-head screw
Phillips screws, Phillips-head screws
Kreuzschlitzsenkschraube f techn.
Kreuzschlitzsenkschrauben pl
Phillips countersunk-head screw
Phillips countersunk-head screws
Kugelkopfschraube f techn.
Kugelkopfschrauben pl
spherical-head screw, ball-head bolt
spherical-head screws, ball-head bolts
Kugellaufring m techn.
Kugellaufringe pl
ball race, head adjusting race
ball races, head adjusting races
Kurs m, Strecke f, Route f
Kurse pl, Strecken pl, Routen pl
harter Kurs, weicher Kurs
Kurs nehmen auf
den Kurs beibehalten
einen falschen Kurs einschlagen
Kurs über Grund naut.
course, line, route
courses, lines, routes
hard line, soft line
to set course for, to head for
to maintain the course, to maintain the present course
take a wrong course (line)
course over the ground (COG)
Landrat m, Landrätin f
county commissioner, head of the administration of a Landkreis (Germany)
Landspitze f, Kap n
Landung f (des Magnetkopfes auf der Festplatte) comp.
head crash
Leiter m (Leiterin f) einer diplomatischen Vertretung, Botschafter m, Botschafterin f, Generalkonsul m
head of mission (HOM, HoM)
Leiter m der Finanzabteilung
financial head
Leitkarte f
Leitkarten pl
guide card, head card
guide cards, head cards
Lenkungslagerkonus m techn.
upper head cone
Lenkungslagerschale f techn.
obere Lenkungslagerschale
head cup
bottom head race, top head race
Lesekopf m
Leseköpfe pl
read head
read heads
Linsenkopfsenkschraube f, Linsensenkschraube f techn.
Linsenkopfsenkschrauben pl, Linsensenkschrauben pl
raised countersunk-head screw
raised countersunk-head screws

Deutsche Rosenbohrer {m} [med.] / Rosenbohrer {pl} Synonyme

Englische rose-head bur Synonyme

rose head Definition

(n.) Alt. of Addle-pate
(n.) Blockhead
(n.) The red, or corn, poppy.
(n.) A bulkhead on the forecastle and half deck of a ship.
(n.) Red poppy. See Cop-rose.
(n.) A naked human skull as the emblem of death
(n.) A common European wild rose, with single pink or white flowers.
Dragon's head
() Alt. of Dragon's tail
(n.) A frivolous or featherbrained person.
(n.) Same as Guelder-rose.
(n.) A person without thought fulness, prudence, or judgment.
(a.) Turned round like a crook, or bent to and fro.
(suffix.) A variant of -hood.
(n.) The anterior or superior part of an animal, containing the brain, or chief ganglia of the nervous system, the mouth, and in the higher animals, the chief sensory organs
(n.) The uppermost, foremost, or most important part of an inanimate object
(n.) The place where the head should go
(n.) The most prominent or important member of any organized body
(n.) The place or honor, or of command
(n.) Each one among many
(n.) The seat of the intellect
(n.) The source, fountain, spring, or beginning, as of a stream or river
(n.) A headland
(n.) A separate part, or topic, of a discourse
(n.) Culminating point or crisis
(n.) Power
(n.) A headdress
(n.) An ear of wheat, barley, or of one of the other small cereals.
(n.) A dense cluster of flowers, as in clover, daisies, thistles
(n.) A dense, compact mass of leaves, as in a cabbage or a lettuce plant.
(n.) The antlers of a deer.
(n.) A rounded mass of foam which rises on a pot of beer or other effervescing liquor.
(n.) Tiles laid at the eaves of a house.
(a.) Principal
(v. t.) To be at the head of
(v. t.) To form a head to
(v. t.) To behead
(v. t.) To cut off the top of
(v. t.) To go in front of
(v. t.) To set on the head
(v. i.) To originate
(v. i.) To go or point in a certain direction
(v. i.) To form a head
(n.) A dish made of portions of the head, or head and feet, of swine, cut up fine, seasoned, and pressed into a cheeselike mass.
Head gear
(n.) Alt. of Headgear
(n.) A member of any tribe or race of savages who have the custom of decapitating human beings and preserving their heads as trophies. The Dyaks of Borneo are the most noted head-hunters.
(a.) Lugged or dragged by the head.
(n.) A violent, passionate person
Provence rose
() The cabbage rose (Rosa centifolia).
Provence rose
() A name of many kinds of roses which are hybrids of Rosa centifolia and R. Gallica.
(imp.) of Rise

rose head Bedeutung

head game
the act of deluding, deception by creating illusory ideas
oral sex
oral stimulation of the genitals, they say he gives good head
head trip
the act of satisfying your own desires and giving yourself pleasure
head a single domestic animal, head of cattle
rose chafer
rose bug
Macrodactylus subspinosus
common North American beetle: larvae feed on roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. rose bushes or apple trees or grape vines
rose chafer rose beetle
Cetonia aurata
a common metallic green European beetle: larvae feed on plant roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. roses
head louse
Pediculus capitis
infests the head and body of humans
death's-head moth
Acherontia atropos
European hawkmoth with markings on the back resembling a human skull
moonfish Atlantic moonfish
dollarfish Selene setapinnis
any of several silvery marine fishes with very flat bodies
ax head
axe head
the cutting head of an ax
cylinder head a detachable plate that covers the closed end of a cylinder chamber in a reciprocating engine or pump
a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum
golflub head
club head
(golf) the head of the club which strikes the ball
head a projection out from one end, the head of the nail, a pinhead is the head of a pin
head (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship
head the striking part of a tool, the head of the hammer
head (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person's head, call heads or tails!
head covering
a garment that covers the head and face
head gasket a gasket to seal a cylinder head
head gate a gate upstream from a lock or canal that is used to control the flow of water at the upper end
headrest head restraint a cushion attached to the top of the back of an automobile's seat to prevent whiplash
head shop a shop specializing in articles of interest to drug users, he bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop
magnetic head an electromagnet (as on a tape recorder) that converts electrical variations into magnetic variations that can be stored on a surface and later retrieved
Pitot-static tube
Pitot head
Pitot tube
measuring instrument consisting of a combined Pitot tube and static tube that measures total and static pressure, used in aircraft to measure airspeed
(computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk
rose bed
bed of roses
a flower bed in which roses are growing
rose garden a garden for growing roses
rose water perfume consisting of water scented with oil of roses
rose window
circular window filled with tracery
rotor head
rotor shaft
the axis around which the major rotor of a helicopter turns
sluice valve
penstock head gate water gate
regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice
Turk's head an ornamental knot that resembles a small turban
valve-in-head engine internalombustion engine having both inlet and exhaust valves located in the cylinder head
wind rose weather map showing the frequency and strength of winds from different directions
swelled head
an exaggerated opinion of your own importance
a dusty pink color
old rose a greyish-pink color
head register
head voice
head tone
the higher ranges of the voice in speaking or singing, the vibrations of sung notes are felt in the head
head start
the advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race), with an hour's start he will be hard to catch
mane head of hair growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being
head that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves
the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals, contains the face and brains, he stuck his head out the window
human head the head of a human being
head the rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint, the head of the humerus
brain psyche
that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason, his mind wandered, I couldn't get his words out of my head
spread head
facing pages
two facing pages of a book or other publication
head head word (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent
headword head word a content word that can be qualified by a modifier
a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about, the heading seemed to have little to do with the text
running head
running headline
a heading printed at the top of every page (or every other page) of a book
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See List of Rosa species