
rubber cover Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Gummihüllung f
abdecken, Abdeckung
Aktien der Gummiindustrie
rubber shares
Aufhebung des Versicherungsschutzes
suspension of cover
bedecken, Bedeckung
Buchumschlag, Bucheinband
book cover
Deckung anbieten
offer cover
Deckung aufrechterhalten
maintain cover
Deckung beschaffen
provide cover
Deckung gewähren
grant cover
Deckung, Schutz
cover note
cover ratio
der Umfang des Versicherungsschutzes
the extent of the insurance cover
die Kosten decken
cover the expenses
durch eine Hypothek abdecken
cover by a mortgage
ein Risiko decken
cover a risk
einen Verlust abdecken
cover a loss
Garantiezeit, Versicherungsdauer
duration of cover
gold cover
rubber bands
rubber stamp
in getrenntem Umschlag
under separate cover
capital cover
kurzfristige Deckung
short period cover
mangels Deckung
for want of cover
Nachweis über den Versicherungsschutz
evidence of insurance cover
offene Deckung, Generalpolice
open cover
global cover
Risiko decken
cover a risk
Schutz aufheben
suspend cover
Schutz gewähren
extend cover
Schutz gewähren
give cover
Schutz gewähren
provide cover
soll den Preis decken
shall cover the price
cover girl
ungedeckter Scheck
cheque without cover
Versicherung decken
cover insurance
insurance cover
volle Deckung, voller Versicherungsschutz
full cover
comprehensive cover
Vollkasko- und Insassenversicherung
fully comprehensive cover
vorläufiger Versicherungsschutz
provisional cover
Abdeckband n
cover band, masking tape
Abdeckfolie f
cover sheeting
Abdeckhaube f
Abdeckhauben pl
covering hood, shrouding cover, exciter housing
covering hoods, shrouding covers, exciter housings
Abdeckkappe f
Abdeckkappen pl
shroud, cover cap
Abdeckmutter f techn.
Abdeckmuttern pl
cover nut
cover nuts
Abdeckprofil n
Abdeckprofile pl
cover profile
cover profiles
Abdeckring m
cover ring
Abdeckschraube f techn.
Abdeckschrauben pl
cover screw
cover screws
Abdeckstift m
concealer, concealer stick, blemish stick, cover-up stick
Abdeckung f
Abdeckungen pl
access cover, blanking cover
access covers, blanking covers
Abdeckung f (einer Öffnung)
Abdeckungen pl
Abdrückdeckel m
pressure test cover
Abschirmdeckel m
shielding cover
Acrylkautschuk m
acrylic rubber
Aktendeckelkarton m
cardboard for folders, dossier cover
Anschlussdeckung f (Versicherung)
ancillary cover
Armatureneinsatz m
valve cover assembly
Batteriedeckel m
Batteriedeckel pl
battery cover
battery covers
Betondeckung f
concrete cover
Betonüberdeckung f
concrete cover
Bettbezug m
quilt cover
Bettzipfel m
nach dem Bettzipfel schielen ugs.
corner of the bed cover
to be longing for one's bed
Blechhaube f
Blechhauben pl
sheet metal cover
sheet metal covers
Blende f
Blenden pl
cover, panel, screen
covers, panels, screens
Bremsdeckel m, Bremshaube f techn.
Bremsdeckel pl, Bremshauben pl
brake cover
brake cover
Bucheinband m
book cover
CD-Hülle f
CD cover
Deckadresse f
Deckadressen pl
cover address
cover addresses
Deckblatt n
Deckblätter pl
cover sheet, flyleaf
cover sheets, flyleaves
Decke f, Deckel m, Ãœberzug m
Deckel m, Haube f
Deckel pl, Hauben pl
cap, cover
caps, covers
Deckeldichtung f techn.
cover gasket
Deckelhalterung f
Deckelhalterungen pl
cover holder
cover holders
Deckenleiste f, Abdeckleiste f
Deckenleisten pl, Abdeckleisten pl
cover strip
cover strips
Deckglas n
cover slip, coverslip, cover glass
Deckplatte f, Abdeckplatte f, Deckblech n, Abdeckblech n, Abschlussblech n
Deckplatten pl, Abdeckplatten pl, Deckbleche pl, Abdeckbleche pl, Abschlussbleche pl
rückseitigte Abdeckplatte
cover plate
cover plates
Deckscheibe f
Deckscheiben pl
cover disc Am., cover disk Br.
cover discs, cover disks
Deckung f (Schutz)
in Deckung gehen
Volle Deckung! mil.
jdm. Deckung geben
jdm. Deckung geben mil.
in Deckung gehen, Schutz suchen
to take cover
Take cover!
to cover sb.
to give sb. cover
to run for cover
Deckungsbestätigung f (Versicherung) fin.
insurance cover note
Distanzgummi m techn.
spacer rubber
Dividende f, Gewinnanteil m fin.
aufgelaufene Dividende f, rückständige Dividende f
aufgelaufene Dividende f
ausgewiesene Dividende f
außerordentliche Dividende f
fiktive Dividende f
Dividende f in Form von Schuldurkunden
eine Dividende ausfallen lassen
Verhältnis von Gewinn zu Dividende
dividend, divvy coll.
dividend in arrears
accrued dividend
declared dividend
extraordinary dividend
sham dividend
liability dividend
to pass a dividend
dividend cover
Doppelgummitülle f
Doppelgummitüllen pl
double rubber grommet
double rubber grommets
Druckentlastungshaube f
Druckentlastungshauben pl
pressure relief cover
pressure relief covers
Einband m
Einbände pl, Einfassungen pl
Einband lose
beschädigter Einband
fester Einband
flexibler Einband
gestickter Einband
Einband fehlt
lose im Einband
binding loose
binding worn
embroidered binding
binding gone
binding loosened
Einpassen mit Gummibandfunktion
rubber banding
Eisdecke f
Eisdecken pl
sheet of ice, ice cover
sheets of ice
Endabdeckung f, Abschlussdeckel m, Abschlusshaube f
Endabdeckungen pl, Abschlussdeckel pl, Abschlusshauben pl
end cover
end covers
Ersttagsbrief m
Ersttagsbriefe pl
first day cover
first day covers
Fugenleiste f
cover strip
Gehäuseabdeckung f
hintere Gehäuseabdeckung
casing cover
rear cover
Gehäusedeckel m
casing cover
Gehäuseklappe f, Verschlussklappe f
cover flap
Glasglocke f
glass cover
Grat m
flash, flash rubber
Gummi m
Gummis pl
Gummi m (Kondom)
Gummiball m
Gummibälle pl
rubber ball
rubber balls
Gummibelag m
rubber coating
Gummidichtung f techn.
Gummidichtungen pl
rubber seal, rubber grommet, rubber-joint
rubber seals, rubber grommets, rubber-joints
Gummieinsatz m
rubber insert
Gummierung f
rubber coating
Gummifalte f
Gummifalten pl
rubber fold
rubber folds
Gummifuß m
Gummifüße pl
rubber base, rubber bumper
rubber bumpers
Gummifußventil n
Gummifußventile pl
rubber base valve
rubber base valves
Gummigurtförderer m techn.
Gummigurtförderer pl
rubber belt conveyor
rubber belt conveyors
Gummihammer m
Gummihämmer pl
rubber mallet
rubber mallets
Gummihandschuh m
Gummihandschuhe pl
rubber glove
rubber gloves
Gummiklemmprofil n
Gummiklemmprofile pl
rubber clamping profile
rubber clamping profiles
Gummiknüppel m
Gummiknüppel pl
rubber truncheon, nightstick
rubber truncheons, nightsticks
Gummikompensatoren pl techn.
rubber expansion joints
Gummilager n techn.
Gummilager pl
rubber bearing
rubber bearings
Gumminiere f
rubber kidney
Gumminoppenbelag m
rubber nipple coating
Gummipuffer m
rubber buffer
Gummischeibe f
rubber washer
Gummischlauch m
rubber hose
Gummisohle f
rubber sole
Gummistiefel m
Gummistiefel pl
rubber boot, wellington Br.
rubber boots, wellingtons, wellies
Gummistopfen m
rubber bung
Gummitülle f
Gummitüllen pl
rubber grommet
rubber grommets
Gummiüberschuh m
Gummiüberschuhe pl
gumshoe, rubber overshoe
gumshoes, rubber overshoes
Gummiventil n
Gummiventile pl
rubber valve, rubber-covered valve
rubber valves, rubber-covered valves
Gummiverstärkung f
rubber reinforcement
Hinterachsgehäuse n
Hinterachsgehäuse pl
rear axle cover
rear axle covers
Insassenunfallversicherung f, Insassenversicherung f
passenger cover, passenger insurance, bodily injury insurance
Isolierband n
rubber tape
Isolierhülle f
insulating cover
Kabel n
Kabel pl
abgeschirmtes Kabel, geschirmtes Kabel
bewegliches Kabel
dreipoliges Kabel
festverlegtes Kabel
kautschuk-isoliertes Kabel
PVC-isoliertes Kabel
vieladrig ummanteltes Kabel
shielded cable, screened cable
mobile cable
three-pole cable
fixed installed cable
rubber insulated cable
PVC insulated cable
multicore jacketed cables
Käseglocke f
cheese cover
Kaffeewärmer m
Kaffeewärmeren pl
coffee pot cosy, coffee pot cover
coffee pot cosies, coffee pot covers
Kanaldeckel m, Gullydeckel m
manhole cover
Kapitaldecke f fin.
capital cover
Kautschuk m
rubber, india rubber, caoutchouc
Kautschukbaum m
rubber tree
Kautschukindustrie f
rubber industry
Kautschukmilch f
rubber latex
Kopfplane f
Kopfplanen pl
cover awning
cover awnings
Korrektur f, Berichtigung f, Verbesserung f
Korrekturen pl, Berichtigungen pl, Verbesserungen pl
Korrektur durch Abdecken (Schreibmaschine)
Korrektur nach Bonferroni math.
cover-up correction
Bonferroni correction
Kostenbeitrag m
fee to cover costs
Kurssicherungskosten pl
costs of exchange cover
Lagerdeckel m techn.
Lagerdeckel pl
bearing cap, bearing cover, crown
bearing caps, bearing covers, crowns
Lasche f techn.
Laschen pl
cover plate, splicing plate
cover plates, splicing plates
Laufflächengummi m (Reifen)
cap (tyre), tread gum, tread rubber
Laufrollenabdeckung f
Laufrollenabdeckungen pl
wheel cover
wheel covers
Lüfterhaube f, Griffschutz m
Lüfterhauben pl
fan guard, fan cover
fan guards, fan covers

Deutsche Gummihüllung {f} Synonyme

Englische rubber-cover Synonyme

rubber cover Definition

(v. t.) To overspread the surface of (one thing) with another
(v. t.) To envelop
(v. t.) To invest (one's self with something)
(v. t.) To hide sight
(v. t.) To brood or sit on
(v. t.) To shelter, as from evil or danger
(v. t.) To remove from remembrance
(v. t.) To extend over
(v. t.) To put the usual covering or headdress on.
(v. t.) To copulate with (a female)
(n.) Anything which is laid, set, or spread, upon, about, or over, another thing
(n.) Anything which veils or conceals
(n.) Shelter
(n.) The woods, underbrush, etc., which shelter and conceal game
(n.) The lap of a slide valve.
(n.) A tablecloth, and the other table furniture
(v. i.) To spread a table for a meal
(n.) The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports "point."
(n.) Something used to conceal infamy.
India rubber
() See Caoutchouc.
(n.) One who, or that which, rubs.
(n.) An instrument or thing used in rubbing, polishing, or cleaning.
(n.) A coarse file, or the rough part of a file.
(n.) A whetstone
(n.) An eraser, usually made of caoutchouc.
(n.) The cushion of an electrical machine.
(n.) One who performs massage, especially in a Turkish bath.
(n.) Something that chafes or annoys
(n.) In some games, as whist, the odd game, as the third or the fifth, when there is a tie between the players
(n.) India rubber
(n.) An overshoe made of India rubber.

rubber cover Bedeutung

air cover the use of military aircraft to provide protection against attack by enemy aircraft during ground or naval operations
going about to look at places of interest
cover covering fire fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations, artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal
covering screening
the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it, the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft
cover a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent), her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment
cover-up concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming public
rubber stamp routine authorization of an action without questions
rubber boa
tow-headed snake
Charina bottae
boa of grasslands and woodlands of western North America, looks and feels like rubber with tail and head of similar shape
a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow
bed cover
bed covering
decorative cover for a bed
book binding
cover back
the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book, the book had a leather binding
bedding that keeps a person warm in bed, he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep
car tire
automobile tire
auto tire
rubber tire
a tire consisting of a rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel
rubber safety safe prophylactic
contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse
cover version
cover song
a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else, they made a cover of a Beatles' song
cover glass
cover slip
a small and very thin piece of glass used to cover the specimen on a microscope slide
cover plate covering consisting of a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle
dust cover a removable plastic protective covering for a piece of equipment
dust cover dust sheet a large piece of cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period
floor cover
floor covering
a covering for a floor
rubber stamp
a stamp (usually made of rubber) for imprinting a mark or design by hand
latex paint
rubber-base paint
a water-base paint that has a latex binder
lens cap
lens cover
cap used to keep lens free of dust when not in use
manhole cover a flush iron cover for a manhole (as in a street)
mattress cover bedclothes that provide a cover for a mattress
protective covering
protective cover
a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury, they had no protection from the fallout, wax provided protection for the floors
record sleeve
record cover
a sleeve for storing a phonograph record
rubber band
elastic band
a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together
rubber boot
gum boot
a high boot made of rubber
rubber bullet a bullet made of hard rubber, designed for use in crowd control
rubber eraser
rubber pencil eraser
an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber), commonly mounted at one end of a pencil
screen cover covert
a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something, a screen of trees afforded privacy, under cover of darkness, the brush provided a covert for game, the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
top cover covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container), he removed the top of the carton, he couldn't get the top off of the bottle, put the cover back on the kettle
covering letter
cover letter
a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information
book jacket
dust cover
dust jacket
dust wrapper
a paper jacket for a book, a jacket on which promotional information is usually printed
natural covering
a natural object that covers or envelops, under a covering of dust, the fox was flushed from its cover
cover girl
a very pretty girl who works as a photographer's model
Indiaubber tree
Indiaubber plant
Indiaubber fig
rubber plant
Assam rubber
Ficus elastica
large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant, source of Assam rubber
mistletoe fig
mistletoe rubber plant
Ficus diversifolia
Ficus deltoidea
shrub or small tree often grown as a houseplant having foliage like mistletoe
rubber tree
genus Hevea
small genus of South American trees yielding latex, rubber trees are usually cultivated in plantations
Para rubber tree
caoutchouc tree
Hevea brasiliensis
deciduous tree of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers having leathery leaves and fragrant yellow-white flowers, it yields a milky juice that is the chief source of commercial rubber
Rufous rubber cup a common name for a variety of Sarcosomataceae
cover crop crop planted to prevent soil erosion and provide green manure
groundcover ground cover small plants other than saplings growing on a forest floor
groundcover ground cover low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow
cover charge
a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink
cloud cover
the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
rubber cement an adhesive made by dissolving unvulcanized rubber in a solvent like benzene or naphtha
foam rubber spongy rubber, made by introducing air bubbles before vulcanization and used for cushioning or upholstery
natural rubber
India rubber
gum elastic
an elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products
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