
rule Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Regel, Richtlinie, regeln, regieren
Herrschaft f Regierungszeit f
Maßstab m
Herrschaft, Regel, herschen, Massstab
to rule
Herrschaft f des Pöbels
mob rule
rule out
unabänderliche Regel, feste Regel
hard rule
Selbstverwaltung f, Selbstbestimmung f
im Regelfall
as a rule
in der Regel
as a rule
Selbstverwaltung f; Selbstbestimmung f
(städtische) Selbstverwaltung f
home rule
slide rule
Kettenregel f math.
chain rule
Schmiegewinkel m
mitre rule
basic rule
rule of law
strenge Regel
strict rule
Meterstab m
pocket rule
Rechtsstaatlichkeit f
rule of law
to rule out
allgemeine Regel
general rule
Dienst nach Vorschrift
work to rule
eine Regel anwenden
apply a rule
eine Regel aufstellen
frame a rule
Produktregel f math.
product rule
Sonderregelung f
special rule
Vorzeichenregel f
rule of sign
eine Regel verletzen
break a rule
driving rule
folding rule
foreign rule
rule of sign
sliding rule
sind die Regel
are the rule
Allen'sche Regel f zool.
Allen's rule
Erfahrungsregel, Faustregel
rule of thumb
Erfahrungstatsache, Erfahrungswert
rule of thumb
dividing rule
Cramersche Regel f math.
Cramer's rule
Dreisatz m math.
rule of three
Entscheidungsregel f
decision rule
praktische Erfahrung f, Erfahrungswert m
rule of thumb
Mehrheitsprinzip n
majority rule
Mittelpunktregel f math.
midpoint rule
Quotientenregel f math.
quotient rule
Satzung f
standing rule
Trennlinie f
dividing rule
rule of thumb
praktische Erfahrung
rule of thumb
standing rule
Cramer'sche Regel f math.
Cramer's rule
Dreisatz m; Dreisatzrechnung f; Schlussrechnung f Ös. math.
rule of three
Vorzeichenregel f comp.
rule of signs
grob; ungefähr approximativ adj
Willkürherrschaft f
despotic rule
Gloger'sche Regel f zool.
Gloger's rule
Jordan'sche Regel f biol.
Jordan's rule
Rensch'sche Regel f biol.
Rensch's rule
grob; ungefähr, approximativ adj
Grundregel f
cardinal rule
allgemeine Regel
universal rule
eine Regel durchsetzen
enforce a rule
rule (sth) out
Linkehandregel f
left hand rule
Bildungsvorschrift f; Bildungsgesetz n; Bildungsregel f math.
formation rule
Vernunftherrschaft f phil.
rule of reason
feste Regel
inflexible rule
gegen eine Regel verstoßen
infringe a rule
gemäß den Vorschriften arbeiten
working to rule
Hamilton's Regel biol.
Hamilton's rule
rule of grammar
eine Regel verletzen
to break a rule
Bergmann-Regel f zool.
Bergmann's rule
Bergmann'sche Regel f zool.
Bergmann's rule
Erlaubnisnorm f jur.
permissive rule
die Regeln beachten, einhalten
observe the rule
eine Regel aufstellen
establish a rule
Tiefenmaßstab m
rule depth gauge
Trapezregel f math.
trapezoidal rule
Er arbeitet nach Vorschrift
he works to rule
Berechnungsvorschrift f math. techn.
calculation rule
Verfahrensregeln pl
rule of procedure
Er arbeitet nach Vorschrift.
He works to rule.
amortization rule
rule of the thumb
Zollstock m
inch; rule; ruler
Abtrennregel f, Abtrennungsregel f
rule of detachment
Rangfolge f, Rangfolgeregel f
rule of precedence
Rangfolge, Rangfolgeregel
rule of precedence
Rangfolge f; Rangfolgeregel f
rule of precedence
unter der Herrschaft der Habsburger
under Habsburg rule
Lebensregel f; Lebensprinzip n; Grundsatz m; Maxime f
rule of life; maxim
Lebensregel f; Lebensprinzip n; Grundsatz m; Maxime f geh.
rule of life; maxim
Notwendigkeitsregel f
rule of necessitation
Regel zur Auslegung
rule of interpretation
linieren, liniieren
to rule, to rule lines
Grundsatz m der besonderen Sorgfaltspflicht von Treuhändern fin.
prudent man rule Am.
rule governing entrance
Maßtabelle f; Maßtafel f constr.
Maßtabellen pl; Maßtafeln pl
rule; run
rules; runs
Grundregel f
Grundregeln pl
basic rule
basic rules
Herr im Hause sein, das Sagen haben
to rule the roost fig.
Herr im Hause sein; das Sagen haben
to rule the roost fig.
Schmiegewinkel m
Schmiegewinkel pl
mitre rule
mitre rules
in Befolgung einer Regel
in compliance with a rule
Völkerrechtsnorm f jur.
rule of international law
Flugregel f aviat.
Flugregeln pl
flight rule
flight rules
Sicherheitsregel f
Sicherheitsregeln pl
safety rule
safety rules
Abseitsregel f sport
Abseitsregeln pl
offside rule
offside rules
Fahrvorschrift f
Fahrvorschriften pl
driving rule
driving rules
Simpson-Regel f math.
Simpson rule, Simpson's rule
Zollstock m
Zollstöcke pl
folding rule
folding rules
Herrschaftsform f pol.
Herrschaftsformen pl
form of rule
forms of rule
Simpson-Regel f math.
Simpson rule; Simpson's rule
die Ausnahme bestätigt die Regel
the exception proves the rule
Ariernachweis m (Nazi-Herrschaft) pol. hist.
Aryan certificate (Nazi rule)
Zugangsbestimmung f
Zugangsbestimmungen pl
entrance rule
entrance rules
Die Ausnahme bestätigt die Regel.
The exception proves the rule.
Ordensregel f
Ordensregeln pl
monastic rule
monastic rules
Rechtschreibregel f ling.
Rechtschreibregeln pl
spelling rule
spelling rules
Teilungsregel f math.
Teilungsregeln pl
dividing rule
dividing rules
Zitierregel f
Zitierregeln pl
citation rule
citation rules
Ordensregel f relig.
Ordensregeln pl
monastic rule
monastic rules
Bewertungsregel f
Bewertungsregeln pl
valuation rule
valuation rules
Dienst nach Vorschrift
Wir machen Dienst nach Vorschrift.
We work to rule.
Faustformel f math.
als Faustformel; über den Daumen gepeilt
rule of thumb
by rule of thumb
Finanzvorschrift f adm.
Finanzvorschriften pl
financial rule
financial rules
Zulassungsrichtlinie f
Zulassungsrichtlinien pl
admission rule
admission rules
regelbasiert adj
rule-based {adj}; based on rules
Ursprungsregel f econ. adm.
Ursprungsregeln pl
rule of origin
rules of origin
Rechtsstaatlichkeit f; Rechtsstaatsprinzip n; Rechtsgesellschaft f jur.
rule of law; due process (of law)
Ableitungsregel f
inference rule, rule of derivation
Hebelgesetz n
lever rule, principle of the lever
Sprachregel f
Sprachregeln pl
rule of grammar
rules of grammar
Cope'sche Regel f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
Cope's rule (evolutionary biology)
Inselregel f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
island rule (evolutionary biology)
Rechtsgemeinschaft f pol.
community based on the rule of law
Abstinenzregel f (Psychoanalyse) psych.
rule of abstinence (psychoanalysis)
ausschließen, verdrängen v
ausschließend, verdrängend
ausgeschlossen, verdrängt
to rule out
ruling out
ruled out
Konowalow'sche Regel f chem.
Gibbs-Konovalov rule; Konovalov rule
Erkenntnisregel f phil.
rule of cognition; rule for cognition
Haldane-Regel f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
Haldane's rule (evolutionary biology)
Abschreibungsregel f
Abschreibungsregeln pl
amortization rule
amortization rules
Ausnahmeregel f
Ausnahmeregeln pl
exclusionary rule
exclusionary rules
Finanzierungsregel f
Finanzierungsregeln pl
rule for financing
rules for financing

Deutsche Regel Richtlinie regeln regieren Synonyme

Gesetz  ÂRegel  ÂReglement  ÂRichtlinie  ÂVerfügung  ÂVerordnung  ÂVorschrift  
Direktive  ÂLeistungssoll  ÂMaßstab  ÂNorm  ÂRegel  ÂRichtlinie  ÂRichtwert  ÂStandard  
überwiegend  Âgrößtenteils  Âin  aller  Regel  Âin  der  Regel  Âmeist  Âvornehmlich  Âvorwiegend  
üblich  Âgang  und  gäbe  Âgebräuchlich  Âgewöhnlich  Âhäufig  Âin  aller  Regel  Âin  der  Regel  Ânormal  Âweit  verbreitet  
herrschen  (über)  Âregieren  
beherrschen  Âherrschen  Âmanagen  Âregeln  
dirigieren  Âführen  Âleiten  Âlotsen  Âregieren  
führen  Âkontrollieren  Âlenken  Âmanövrieren  Âregieren  Âsteuern  
regeln  Âreglementieren  Âregulieren  Âschalten  (technisch)  Âsteuern  
Handlungshilfe  ÂLeitfaden  ÂLeitlinie  ÂRichtlinie  ÂRichtschnur  ÂVorgabe  
anordnen  Âanweisen  Âbestimmen  Âdiktieren  Âentscheiden  Âfestlegen  Âregeln  Âveranlassen  Âverfügen  Âverordnen  Âvorgeben  
i.  d.  R.  Âin  der  Regel  
Gesetzmäßigkeit  ÂRegel  
Grundsatz  ÂNorm  ÂRegel  ÂTyp  
grundsätzlich  Âim  Grunde  Âim  Prinzip  Âin  der  Regel  Âprinzipiell  
Brauch  ÂGepflogenheit  ÂGewohnheit  ÂKonvention  ÂRegel  ÂSitte  ÂUsus  
des  Ã–fteren  Âin  der  Regel  Âmeist  Âmeistens  Ânicht  selten  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzumeist  
alltäglich  Âüblich  Âüblicherweise  Âerwartet  Âgewöhnlich  Âin  der  Regel  Ânormal  Ânormalerweise  Âtypischerweise  
alles  in  allem  Âgenerell  Âgrundsätzlich  Âim  Allgemeinen  Âim  Großen  und  Ganzen  Âin  der  Gesamtheit  Âin  der  Regel  Âinsgesamt  Âsumma  summarum  Âweitgehend  Âzusammenfassend  
aberrant  Âabnorm  Âabnormal  Âanomal  Âanormal  Âaußer  der  Reihe  Âaußertourlich  (österr.)  Âmit  ungewöhnlichem  Verlauf  Âregelwidrig  Âungewöhnlich  Âvon  der  Regel  abweichend  
Menses  (fachsprachlich)  ÂMenstruation  ÂMonatsblutung  ÂPeriode  ÂRegel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRegelblutung  ÂTage  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂZyklus  
80/20-Regel  ÂPareto-Prinzip  ÂPareto-Verteilung  
80/20-Regel  Pareto-Prinzip  Pareto-Verteilung  
regeln  reglementieren  regulieren  steuern  

Englische rule Synonyme

rule  Aristotelian sorites  Goclenian sorites  Procrustean law  SOP  T square  a priori truth  acme  act  act on  administration  antetype  antitype  apothegm  appointment  apriorism  archetype  as a rule  ascendancy  assize  authority  authorization  average  axiom  balance  ban  bar  barometer  be in  be in force  be the rage  be the rule  be the thing  be-all and end-all  bear reign  bid  bill  biotype  blue ribbon  brevet  brocard  bull  bylaw  bypass  call on  call the shots  call the signals  call upon  canon  carry authority  categorical syllogism  center  championship  charge  charisma  charm  check  chiefly  civil government  classic example  claws  clout  clutches  code  command  commandment  commission  common practice  commonly  conclude  condemn  consequence  control  convention  crack the whip  credit  criterion  customarily  customs  decide  declaration  declare  decorum  decree  decree-law  decreement  decretal  decretum  deduce  deem  degree  determine  dictate  dictation  dictum  diktat  dilemma  direct  direction  directive  directorship  discipline  dismiss  dispensation  dispose  disposition  disregard  dominance  dominate  domination  domineer  dominion  doom  drill  edict  edictum  effect  effectiveness  eliminate  eminence  empery  empire  enactment  enchantment  enjoin  enthymeme  epitome  esteem  etiquette  exclude  fact  favor  fiat  figure  find  find against  find for  first place  first prize  forbid  force  form  form of government  formality  formula  formulary  fugleman  fugler  fundamental  gather  gauge  general orders  general principle  generality  generally  genotype  give an order  give the word  gnome  golden mean  golden rule  good feeling  govern  governance  government  graduated scale  grip  guide  guideline  guiding principle  hand  hands  happy medium  have clout  have power  have the power  have the right  have the say  head up  headship  hegemony  height  highest  hold  ignore  imitatee  imperative  imperium  importanc  
rule of thumb  R and D  control  control experiment  controlled experiment  cut and try  empiricism  experiment  experimental design  experimental method  experimental proof  experimentalism  experimentation  hit and miss  noble experiment  pragmatism  research and development  tentative method  tentativeness  testing  trial  trial and error  trying  
rule out  abscind  amputate  annihilate  anticipate  avert  ban  bar  bate  blot  blot out  bob  cancel  clip  close out  count out  crop  cross out  cull  cut  cut away  cut off  cut out  debar  deflect  dele  delete  deny  deter  disallow  discourage  disenable  dishearten  disqualify  dock  efface  eliminate  embargo  enjoin  enucleate  eradicate  erase  estop  except  excise  exclude  exclude from  expunge  extinguish  extirpate  fend  fend off  forbid  foreclose  forestall  help  inhibit  interdict  isolate  keep from  keep off  knock off  lop  make impossible  mutilate  nip  obliterate  obviate  outlaw  pare  peel  pick out  preclude  prevent  prohibit  proscribe  prune  raze  refuse  reject  repel  repress  root out  rub out  save  say no to  scratch  scratch out  set apart  set aside  shave  shear  shut out  sponge  sponge out  stamp out  stave off  strike off  strike out  strip  strip off  suppress  suspend  taboo  take off  take out  truncate  turn aside  ward  ward off  wipe out  
ruler  A per se  T square  ace  anointed king  birch  boss  cane  captain  castellan  champion  chatelain  chatelaine  chief  chieftain  club  commandant  commander  crowned head  dean  director  dynast  emperor  executive  ferule  fugleman  genius  governor  grand duke  head  high chief  higher-up  imperator  intendant  king  king-emperor  kinglet  laureate  leader  lord paramount  majesty  manager  master  monarch  nonpareil  overlord  paddle  pandybat  paragon  paramount  petty king  potentate  prince  prince consort  principal  prodigy  rattan  rod  royal  royal personage  royalty  rule  senior  sovereign  square  star  stick  straightedge  superior  superman  superstar  suzerain  switch  tetrarch  the greatest  the most  top dog  triangle  virtuoso  

rule Definition

(a.) That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for conduct or action
(a.) Uniform or established course of things.
(a.) Systematic method or practice
(a.) Ordibary course of procedure
(a.) Conduct in general
(a.) The act of ruling
(a.) An order regulating the practice of the courts, or an order made between parties to an action or a suit.
(a.) A determinate method prescribed for performing any operation and producing a certain result
(a.) A general principle concerning the formation or use of words, or a concise statement thereof
(a.) A straight strip of wood, metal, or the like, which serves as a guide in drawing a straight line
(a.) A measuring instrument consisting of a graduated bar of wood, ivory, metal, or the like, which is usually marked so as to show inches and fractions of an inch, and jointed so that it may be folded compactly.
(a.) A thin plate of metal (usually brass) of the same height as the type, and used for printing lines, as between columns on the same page, or in tabular work.
(a.) A composing rule. See under Conposing.
(n.) To control the will and actions of
(n.) To control or direct by influence, counsel, or persuasion
(n.) To establish or settle by, or as by, a rule
(n.) To require or command by rule
(n.) To mark with lines made with a pen, pencil, etc., guided by a rule or ruler
(v. i.) To have power or command
(v. i.) To lay down and settle a rule or order of court
(v. i.) To keep within a (certain) range for a time
(n.) A stickler for rules

rule Bedeutung

work to rule a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace
board rule a measure used in computing board feet
carpenter's rule a rule used by a carpenter
foot rule a ruler one foot long
plumb rule a plumb line attached to a narrow board
measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths
slide rule
analog computer consisting of a handheld instrument used for rapid calculations, have been replaced by pocket calculators
pattern rule formula
something regarded as a normative example, the convention of not naming the main character, violence is the rule not the exception, his formula for impressing visitors
a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior, it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast, short haircuts were the regulation
rule formula (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems, he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs, he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials
algorithmic rule
algorithmic program
a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem
heuristic rule
heuristic program
a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
rule of thumb
a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior
cy pres
rule of cy pres
cy pres doctrine
a rule that when literal compliance is impossible the intention of a donor or testator should be carried out as nearly as possible
working principle
working rule
a rule that is adequate to permit work to be done
principle rule a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system, the principle of the conservation of mass, the principle of jet propulsion, the right-hand rule for inductive fields
Naegele's rule rule for calculating an expected delivery date, subtract three months from the first day of the last menstrual period and add seven days to that date
principle rule a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct, their principles of composition characterized all their works
Golden Rule a command based on Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Whatsoever ye would that men do unto you, do you even so unto them (Matthew :)
majority rule
the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group
rule any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order, the rule of St. Dominic
prescribed guide for conduct or action
rule of evidence (law) a rule of law whereby any alleged matter of fact that is submitted for investigation at a judicial trial is established or disproved
best evidence rule a rule of evidence requiring that to prove the content of a writing or recording or photograph the original is required
exclusionary rule a rule that provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct
hearsay rule a rule that declares not admissible as evidence any statement other than that by a witness
parol evidence rule a rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract
Miranda rule the rule that police (when interrogating you after an arrest) are obliged to warn you that anything you say may be used as evidence and to read you your constitutional rights (the right to a lawyer and the right to remain silent until advised by a lawyer)
golden rule any important rule, the golden rule of teaching is to be clear
gag rule
gag law
a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body
rule directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted, he knew the rules of chess
rule linguistic rule (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice
grammatical rule
rule of grammar
a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances
morphological rule
rule of morphology
a linguistic rule for the formation of words
procrustean standard
procrustean rule
procrustean bed
a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality
ground rule (baseball) a special rule (as in baseball) dealing with situations that arise due to the nature of the playing grounds
rule book
a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made, they run things by the book around here
b dictatorship
one-man rule
a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
rule of law a state of order in which events conform to the law
home rule self-government in local matters by a city or county that is part of a national government
dominance or power through legal authority, France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa, the rule of Caesar
rule the duration of a monarch's or government's power, during the rule of Elizabeth
keep in check, rule one's temper
rule out
winnow out
dismiss from consideration or a contest, John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi, This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration
decide with authority, The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed
decide on and make a declaration about, find someone guilty
rule out
rule in
include or exclude by determining judicially or in agreement with rules
rule mark or draw with a ruler, rule the margins
exercise authority over, as of nations, Who is governing the country now?
rule out
close out
make impossible, especially beforehand
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Rule and ruling usually refers to standards for activities. They may refer to: