
salt laden Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

salzhaltig adj
salzhaltige Luft
salt-laden air
stark gesalzen cook.; stark salzhaltig salzhältig Ös. adj
stark gesalzene Fertignahrung
stark salzhaltige Winde
salt-laden convenience food
salt-laden winds
Beständigkeit f, Resistenz f (gegen)
Beständigkeit gegen Salznebel
resistance (to)
resistance to salt spray
Fixiersalz n
fixing salt
Gesamtgewicht n
zulässiges Gesamtgewicht (eines Fahrzeuges)
total weight, laden weight
gross train weight, gross vehicle weight (GVW), permissible total weight
Goldwaage f
nicht jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen übtr.

to take with a pinch of salt fig.
Halophyt m, Salzpflanze f bot.
Halophyten pl, Salzpflanzen pl
salt-tolerant plant
salt-tolerant plants
Hirschhornsalz n cook.
salt of the hartshorn
Jodsalz n
iodized salt
Kochsalz n
table salt
Ladung an Bord nehmen
to lade {laded, laden, laded}
Meerwasserechtheit f
fastness to salt water
Mineralsalz n
mineral salt
Nährsalz n
Nährsalze pl
nutrient salt, mineral nutriment
nutrient salts, mineral nutriments
Pökelfleisch n, Surfleisch n Ös. cook.
salt meat
Pökelsalz n cook.
pickling salt
Prise f
eine Prise Salz
a pinch of salt
Räuchersalz n
curing salt
Salz n
Salze pl
Salz- und Pfefferstreuer m
salt cellar and pepper pot
Salzbergwerk n
Salzbergwerke pl
salt mine
salt mines
Salzfässchen n
salt cellar
Salzfass n
salt shaker
Salzgehalt m
salt content
Salzglasur f (Keramik)
salt glaze, saltglaze
Salzgrube f
Salzgruben pl
salt pit
salt pits
Salzlecke f
Salzsäule f
Salzsäulen pl
pillar of salt
pillars of salt
Salzsee m
Salzseen pl
salt lake
salt lakes
Salzsteuer f
salt tax
Salzstreuer m
Salzstreuer pl
salt shaker, saltshaker
salt shakers, saltshakers
Salztonebene f geogr.
salt flats
Salzwasser n
salt water, saltwater, seawater, brine
Salzwerk m
salt works
Solquelle f, Salzquelle f, Salzsole f
salt water spring, brine spring
Steinsalz n
rock salt
Tafelsalz n
table salt
Wunde f med.
Wunden pl
eine Wunde nicht versorgen
Salz in die Wunde reiben übtr.
to leave a wound unattended
to rub salt in the wound
beladen, verladen v
beladend, verladend
beladen, verladen
belädt, beladet, verlädt, verladet
belud, verlud
to lade {laded, laden, laded}
laded, laden
pökeln cook.
to salt
regenreich adj meteo.
regenreiche Wolken, regenbringende Wolken
rain-laden clouds
salzarm adj
low-salt, low in salt
salzen, einpökeln
salzend, einpökelnd
gesalzen, eingepökelt
sie salzt
sie salzte
sie hat
hatte gesalzen
es ist
war gesalzen
to salt
she salts
she salted
she has
had salted
it is
was salted
schwer adv
schwerbeladen adj
schwer bewaffnet adj
heavily laden
heavily armed
Es schmeckt nach Salz.
It tastes of salt.
Utah (US-Bundesstaat, Hauptstadt: Salt Lake City)
Utah (UT, capital: Salt Lake City)
Salt Lake City (Stadt in USA)
Salt Lake City (city in USA)
heavily laden
Es schmeckt nach Salz
it tastes of salt
pillar of salt
rock salt
salt-water fish
salt cellar
Salz- und Pfefferstreuer
salt cellar and pepper pot
salt mine
salt shaker
Solquelle, Salzquelle, Salzsole
salt spring
salt water
salt water fish
salt works
to salt
eine Prise Salz
a pinch of salt
Wohlstand durch Salzhandel
prosperity through salt trade
geschätzt wegen des Salzabbaus
valuable for the salt mines
Badzementieren n chem.
salt bath nitriding
nach Belieben (so viel oft man will)
Salz nach Belieben zugeben. (Rezept) cook.
at one's pleasure
Add salt at your pleasure. (recipe)
Festigkeit f; Beständigkeit f; Widerstandsfähigkeit f; Resistenz f (von Werkstoffen gegenüber chemischer mechanischer thermischer Einwirkung)
Abriebfestigkeit f; Abriebbeständigkeit f
Abriebfestigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen raue Behandlung
Abziehfestigkeit f; Haftvermögen n (bei gedruckten Schaltungen) electr.
Alterungsfestigkeit f; Alterungsbeständigkeit f
Berstfestigkeit f
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Salzsprühnebel
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Pilzbefall
Biegefestigkeit f
Biegeschwingfestigkeit f; Biegeschwingungsfestigkeit f
Bruchfestigkeit f
Chemikalienbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Chemikalieneinwirkung; Chemikalienresistenz f; chemische Widerstandfähigkeit f; chemische Beständigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit gegen inneren Ãœberdruck
Durchstoßfestigkeit f
Formaldehydbeständigkeit f
Formfestigkeit f; Formbeständigkeit f; Verformungswiderstand m
Frostfestigkeit f; Frostbeständigkeit f
Glutfestigkeit f; Glutbeständigkeit f
Hitzebeständigkeit f; Wärmebeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Hitze Wärme
Kältefestigkeit f; Kältebeständigkeit f
Knickfestigkeit f
Knitterarmut f; Knitterwiderstand m textil.
Korrosionsbeständigkeit f; Korrosionssicherheit f
Kratzfestigkeit f
Kriechfestigkeit f techn.
Laugenrissbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Leimfestigkeit f (Papier)
Lösungsmittelfestigkeit f; Lösungsmittelbeständigkeit f
Quellfestigkeit f; Quellbeständigkeit f (Gummi Textilien)
Reibefestigkeit f textil.
Reißfestigkeit f
Righeit f (Formbeständigkeit fester Körper)
Saugfestigkeit f; Saugwiderstand
Schlagfestigkeit f
schmutzabweisendes Verhalten
Schwingfestigkeit f; Schwingungfestigkeit f
Stauchfestigkeit f (beim Walken) textil.
Störfestigkeit f telco.
Thermoschockfestigkeit f; Thermoschockbeständigkeit f
resistance (of materials to chemical mechanical thermical action)
resistance to abrasion; abrasion resistance
scuff resistance
resistance to peeling; peeling strength
resistance to ageing Br. aging Am.; ageing Br. aging Am. resistance
resistance to bursting; bursting strength
resistance to salt spray
fungus resistance
resistance to bending; bending strength; flexural strength; cross-rupture strength
resistance to bending under vibration; bending vibration strength
resistance to breaking; resistance to fracture; breaking strength
resistance to chemical attack; chemical resistance
resistance to pressure; pressure resistance
resistance to internal pressure
resistance to perforation; resistance to puncture
resistance to formaldehyde
resistance to deformation; deformation resistance
resistance to freezing; frost resistance
glow resistance; incandescence resistance; stability at read heat
resistance to heat; heat resistance; high-temperature strength; thermal endurance; high-temperature stability; heat stability; thermal stability
resistance to cold; low-temperature stability
resistance to buckling; buckling strength
resistance to creasing
resistance to corrosion; corrosion resistance; anticorrosion property
scratch resistance
resistance to creep; creep resistance
resistance to caustic cracking (metallurgy)
resistance of paper due to sizing; imperviousness of paper due to sizing
resistance to solvents; solvent resistance
resistance to swelling; swelling resistance (rubber textiles)
resistance to rubbing
resistance to tearing; resistance to breaking (on tearing); tear resistance; tearing resistance; treating strength
resistance to elastic deformations
resistance to suction; suction strength
resistance to impact; resistance to shock: impact strength
resistance to soiling
resistance to oscillations; resistance to vibrations
resistance to crushing
resistance to jamming
resistance to therm
Feuchtsalzstreuung f (auf der Straße)
pre-wetted salt spreading (on the roads)
Gesamtgewicht n
zulässiges Gesamtgewicht (eines Fahrzeuges)
total weight; laden weight
gross train weight; gross vehicle weight GVW ; permissible total weight
Halogenid n chem.
Halogenide pl
halide; haloid salt
halides; haloid salts
Halophyt m; Salzpflanze f bot.
Halophyten pl; Salzpflanzen pl
salt-tolerant plant
salt-tolerant plants
Hirschhornsalz n; Treibsalz n cook.
salt of the hartshorn
Kalisalz n; Abraumsalz n (veraltend) min.
natural raw potassic salt; potassium salt; potash salt; (Staßfurt) abraum salt
Klippfisch m cook.
dried and salted cod; salt cod; clipfish
Kochsalzlösung f; Salzlösung f chem.
Kochsalzlösungen pl; Salzlösungen pl
saline solution; salt solution; brine (solution)
saline solutions; salt solutions; brines
Kräutersalz n cook.
herbal salt
Ladung an Bord nehmen
to lade {laded; laden laded}
Lithiumsalz n chem.
lithium salt
Mineralsalz n
Mineralsalze pl
mineral salt
mineral salts
eine Aussage nicht unbedingt für bare Münze nehmen; nicht allzu wörtlich nehmen; kritisch hinterfragen
Diese Studie ist mit Vorsicht zu genießen.
to take a statement with a pinch of salt Br. with a grain of salt Am. cum grano salis
This study should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Nährsalz n biol.
Nährsalze pl
nutrient salt
nutrient salts
Natriumchlorid n NaCl (Kochsalz) chem.
sodium chloride; native salt
Pökelfleisch n; Surfleisch n Bayr. Ös. cook.
salt-cured meat; cured meat
Regeneriersalz n; Geschirrspüler-Spezialsalz n
dishwasher salt
Rohsalz n min.
erdiges Rohsalz
crude salt
Rückhalterate f (Umkehrosmose)
salt rejection rate
Salz n
Salze pl
in ein Salz verwandeln chem. geol.
to salify
Salz- und Pfefferfass m hist.
salt cellar and pepper pot
Salzbergwerk n min.
Salzbergwerke pl
salt mine
salt mines
Salzfass n; Salzfässchen n; Salznapf m (Geschirr) hist.
salt cellar (dish)
Salzgeschmack m
salt taste; salty taste
Salzglasur f (Keramik)
salt glaze; saltglaze
Salzhorst m min.
dome-shaped body of salt
Salzkernkühlkanal m
Salzkernkühlkanäle pl
salt-core cooling gallery
salt-core cooling galleries
Salzkorrosion f
salt corrosion
Salzlecke f agr.
Salzlauge f; Sole f
Salzlaugen pl; Solen pl
brine; salt brine
brines; salt brines
Salzmantel m; Salzkruste f cook.
salt coat
Salzsee m
Salzseen pl
salt lake; saline lake
salt lakes; saline lakes
Salzsprühkammer f
Salzsprühkammern pl
salt spray chamber
salt spray chambers
Salzsprühnebel m
salt spray fog; salt spray
Salzsprühnebelprüfung f
salt spray fog testing; salt spray test
Salzstreuer m cook.
Salzstreuer pl
salt sifter Br.; salt shaker Am.
salt sifters; salt shakers
Salzstreuung f (auf der Straße)
salt spreading (on the roads)
Salzstreuwagen m; Streuwagen m auto
Salzstreuwagen pl; Streuwagen pl
salt spreader; salt distributor
salt spreaders; salt distributors
Salzteig m cook.
salt dough
Salzwasser n
salt water; salty water; saltwater; seawater; brine; saline water
Salzwasserprüfung f
Salzwasserprüfungen pl
salt water test
salt water tests
Salzwerk m
salt works; saline; salina
Seebär m (erfahrener Seemann) ugs. naut.
shellback; sea dog; sea bear; old salt coll. (experienced sailor)
Solquelle f; Salzquelle f; Salzsole f
Solquellen pl; Salzquellen pl; Salzsolen pl
salt water spring; brine spring; saline spring
salt water springs; brine springs; saline springs
Speisesalz n; Kochsalz n; Tafelsalz n cook.
common salt; kitchen salt; table salt
Steinsalz n min.
rock salt; mineral salt; native salt; halite; stone salt
Streusalz n; Auftausalz n (Winterdienst)
gritting salt Br.; thawing salts; thawing salts
Tamarisken pl (Tamarix) (botanische Gattung) bot.
tamarisks; salt cedars (botanical genus)
Teelöffel m
Teelöffel pl
ein gestrichener Teelöffel
guter Teelöffel; voller Teelöffel
Einen Teelöffel Salz dazugeben. (Rezept)
teaspoon tsp.
a level teaspoon
Add a teaspoon of salt. (recipe)
der Tropfen der das Fass zum Überlaufen bringt übtr.
Der letzte Tropfen bringt das Fass zum Ãœberlaufen.
the final straw; the last straw (that breaks the camel's back) fig.
The last straw breaks the (laden) camel's back. prov.
Versalzungsschaden m (Boden) envir.
salt damage; salinity damage (soil)
Wärmeprüflampe f; HTS-Lampe f
Wärmeprüflampen pl; HTS-Lampen pl
heat transfer salt lamp; HTS lamp
heat transfer salt lamps; HTS lamps
Wunde f med.
Wunden pl
eine Wunde nicht versorgen
Salz in die Wunde reiben übtr.
jdm. eine Wunde zufügen v
to leave a wound unattended
to rub salt in the wound
to inflict a wound on sb.; to give sb. a wound
Wunde f; wunde Stelle f
alte Wunden wieder aufreißen übtr.
Salz auf die Wunde streuen
to reopen old sores
to rub salt into the sore
abwasserbelastet adj envir.
adrenogenitales Salzverlustsyndrom; Debré-Fibiger-Syndrom n med.
adrenogenital salt-depletion syndrome
bedrückt; sehr niedergeschlagen; niedergedrückt adj
beladen; verladen v
beladend; verladend
beladen; verladen
belädt; beladet; verlädt; verladet
belud; verlud
to lade {laded; laden laded}
laded; laden
beladen adj
schwer beladen
laden; loaded (ladened)
etw. kritisch betrachten; etw. skeptisch betrachten
to take sth. with a grain of salt fig.
bei jdm. über einiges hinwegsehen v soc.
to take sb. with a pinch of salt Br. a grain of salt Am.
zu viel von etw. nehmen v
zu viel nehmend
zu viel genommen
Nimm nicht zu viel Salz.
to overdo sth.
Don't overdo the salt.
pestizidbelastet adj envir.
(Fleisch) pökeln; einpökeln; suren Bayr. Ös. v cook.
pökelnd; einpökelnd; surend
gepökelt; eingepökelt; gesurt
to cure (meat); to preserve (meat) with salt
curing; preserving with salt
cured; preserved with salt
regenreich adj meteo.
regenreiche Wolken; regenbringende Wolken
rain-laden clouds
salinisch; salzhaltig adj
saline; salinous; salty; salt-containing; salt-bearing
saloprive Hitzeerschöpfung f; Hitzeerschöpfung f; Kochsalzmangel-Erschöpfung f med.
heat exhaustion; heat prostration; salt and fluid deficiency
salzarm adj
low-salt; low in salt
salzen; einsalzen; einpökeln v cook.
salzend; einsalzend; einpökelnd
gesalzt; gesalzen; eingesalzt; eingesalzen; eingepökelt
er sie salzt
ich er sie salzte
er sie hat hatte gesalzen gesalzt
es ist war gesalzen
to salt
he she salts
I he she salted
he she has had salted
it is was salted
salzhaltig adj
salzhaltige Luft
salt-laden air
schwer adv
schwer beladen adj
schwer bewaffnet adj
heavily laden
heavily armed
staubig; staubhaltig adj
staubhaltige Luft
dusty; dust-laden
dusty air; dust-laden air
hoch verschuldet; tief verschuldet; schuldenbelastet; schuldengeplagt adj; von einem Schuldenberg erdrückt
deeply in debt; deep in debt; debt-ridden; debt-laden
viel von etw. verwenden (Person) verbrauchen beinhalten (Sache) v
Nimm nicht so viel Knoblauch.
Der Koch ist recht großzügig mit dem Salz.
In seinen Filmen gibt es wenig Dialog und viel Action.
Ältere Autos brauchen viel Benzin.
to be go heavy on sth.
Don't go so heavy on the garlic.
The cook. is heavy on the salt has a heavy hand with the salt.
His films are low light on talk and heavy on action.
Older cars are heavy on petrol.
Speisen würzen v cook.
Speisen mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken
to season dishes
to season dishes to taste with salt and pepper
Utah (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Salt Lake City)
Utah (UT; capital: Salt Lake City)
Salt Lake City (Stadt in den USA) geogr.
Salt Lake City (city in the USA)
Peelingsalz n min.
peeling salt
Aquaristiksalz n min.
aquarium salt(s) ({pl})
Meerwassersalzkonzentrat n chem.
seawater salt concentrate
Eisensalz n chem.
ferric salt
krisenhaft adj
crisis-laden; critical

salt laden Definition

Bay salt
() Salt which has been obtained from sea water, by evaporation in shallow pits or basins, by the heat of the sun
(n.) A sort of salt, finely granulated, formed out of the bittern or leach brine.
() Sulphate of magnesia having cathartic qualities
Glauber's salt
() Alt. of Glauber's salts
(n.) A variety of native Epsom salt occurring in silky fibers.
(p. & a.) Loaded
Monsel's salt
() A basic sulphate of iron
(n.) The chloride of sodium, a substance used for seasoning food, for the preservation of meat, etc. It is found native in the earth, and is also produced, by evaporation and crystallization, from sea water and other water impregnated with saline particles.
(n.) Hence, flavor
(n.) Hence, also, piquancy
(n.) A dish for salt at table
(n.) A sailor
(n.) The neutral compound formed by the union of an acid and a base
(n.) Fig.: That which preserves from corruption or error
(n.) Any mineral salt used as an aperient or cathartic, especially Epsom salts, Rochelle salt, or Glauber's salt.
(n.) Marshes flooded by the tide.
(n.) Of or relating to salt
(n.) Overflowed with, or growing in, salt water
(n.) Fig.: Bitter
(n.) Fig.: Salacious
(v. t.) To sprinkle, impregnate, or season with salt
(v. t.) To fill with salt between the timbers and planks, as a ship, for the preservation of the timber.
(v. i.) To deposit salt as a saline solution
(n.) The act of leaping or jumping
(a.) Sea-green in color.
Salt rheum
() A popular name, esp. in the United States, for various cutaneous eruptions, particularly for those of eczema. See Eczema.
Sea salt
() Common salt, obtained from sea water by evaporation.

salt laden Bedeutung

salt mine
a job involving drudgery and confinement
pepper-and-salt a fabric woven with flecks of light and dark
salt mine a mine where salt is dug
salt shaker
a shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling salt
the taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth
SALT I the first treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics resulting from the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
SALT II the second treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics resulting from the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
negotiations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics opened in in Helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons
low-sodium diet
low-salt diet
salt-free diet
a diet that limits the intake of salt (sodium chloride), often used in treating hypertension or edema or certain other disorders
salt pork fat from the back and sides and belly of a hog carcass cured with salt
salt cod codfish preserved in salt, must be desalted and flaked by soaking in water and pounding, used in e.g. codfish cakes
table salt
common salt
white crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food
celery salt ground celery seed and salt
garlic salt ground dried garlic and salt
onion salt ground dried onion and salt
seasoned salt combination of salt and vegetable extracts and spices and monosodium glutamate
sour salt crystals of citric acid used as seasoning
Salt Lake City
capital of Utah
the capital and largest city of Utah, located near the Great Salt Lake in north central Utah, world capital of the Mormon Church
Kavir Desert
Great Salt Desert
a salt desert in north central Iran
Great Salt Lake a shallow body of salt water in northwestern Utah
salt flat
salt plain
a flat expanse of salt left by the evaporation of a body of salt water
salt lick
a salt deposit that animals regularly lick
salt marsh low-lying wet land that is frequently flooded with saltwater
old salt
sea dog
a man who serves as a sailor
salt merchant
someone who makes or deals in salt
bin Laden
Osama bin Laden
Usama bin Laden
Arab terrorist who established al-Qaeda (born in )
salt rush
Juncus leseurii
rush of the Pacific coast of North America
annual salt-marsh aster a variety of aster
perennial salt marsh aster a variety of aster
salt reed grass
Spartina cynosuroides
tall reedlike grass common in salt meadows
salt marsh mallow
Kosteletzya virginica
subshrub of southeastern United States to New York
salt tree
Halimodendron halodendron
Halimodendron argenteum
spiny shrub of the Caspian salt plains and Siberia having elegant silvery, downy young foliage and mildly fragrant pink-purple blooms
salt depletion loss of salt from the body without replacement (loss by vomiting or profuse perspiration or urination or diarrhea) thus upsetting the electrolyte balance
dibasic salt a salt derived by replacing two hydrogen atoms per molecule
sodium chloride
common salt
a white crystalline solid consisting mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl)
rock salt
naturally occurring crystalline sodium chloride
Rochelle salt
Rochelle salts
potassium sodium tartrate
a double salt used in Seidlitz powder, acts as a cathartic
salt a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal)
double salt a solution of two simple salts that forms a single substance on crystallization
bile salt a salt of bile acid and a base, functions as an emulsifier of lipids and fatty acids
Glauber's salt
Glauber's salts
(NaSO.HO) a colorless salt used as a cathartic
microcosmic salt a white salt present in urine and used to test for metal oxides
salt preserve with salt, people used to salt meats on ships
salt add zest or liveliness to, She salts her lectures with jokes
salt sprinkle as if with salt, the rebels had salted the fields with mines and traps
load lade laden load up fill or place a load on, load a car, load the truck with hay
lade laden
remove with or as if with a ladle, ladle the water out of the bowl
salt add salt to
hive away
lay in
put in
salt away
stack away
stash away
keep or lay aside for future use, store grain for the winter, The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat
salt (of speech) painful or bitter, salt scorn- Shakespeare, a salt apology
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Einfach einen Begriff in der Tabelle rechts anklicken um weitere Übersetzungen in dieser Sidebar zu erhalten.

Common salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride , a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite. Salt is present in vast quantities in seawater, where it is the main mineral constituent. The open ocean has about 35 grams of solids per litre, a salinity of 3.5%.