
sample and hold Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Abtast-Halte-Schaltung f
sample-and-hold circuit
Abtasthalteglied n
sample and hold element (S&H)
Abweichung vom Muster
deviation from sample
Aktien besitzen
hold shares
als Pfand halten
hold in pledge
aufrecht halten
hold up
ein Fest abhalten
hold a festival
ein Konto haben bei
hold an account with
eine Ansicht vertreten
hold a view
eine Stichprobe ziehen
draw a sample
einen Arbeitsplatz haben
hold a job
einen Lehrstuhl innehaben
hold a chair
erwarteter Stichprobenumfang
expected sample size
area sample
cargo hold
hold good
free sample
halten, festhalten, innehalten, besitzen
household sample
jemanden zur Verantwortung heranziehen
hold sb. liable
Merkmale der Testgruppe
sample characteristics
mittlerer Stichprobenumfang
average sample size
Muster ohne Handelswert
sample of no commercial value
Muster ohne Wert
sample of no value
Muster zur Ansicht
sample for inspection
Muster, Stichprobe, Auswahl
sample order
sample assortment
sample collection
sample stock
sample fair
sample item
nach Muster verkaufen
sell by sample
Obligationen besitzen
hold bonds
repräsentative Stichprobe
adequate sample
sich behaupten
hold one's ground
range of sample
Stichprobenerhebung zur Erwerbstätigkeit
labour force sample survey
Stichprobenerhebung, Repräsentativerhebung
sample survey
sample size
Ãœberfall, Stockung
verantwortlich machen, haftbar machen
hold responsible
Verkauf nach Muster
sale by sample
random sample
Abfragemodus m
sample mode
Abrufauftrag m
call order, make-and-hold-order, make-and-take-order
Abschaltbestätigung f
hold acknowledge
Abstimmung f, Stimmabgabe f
Abstimmungen pl
neue Abstimmung f
namentliche Abstimmung
Abstimmung durch Zuruf
zur Abstimmung kommen
eine Abstimmung durchführen
roll-call vote
voice vote
to come to the vote
to take a vote, to hold a ballot
Abtast-Halte-Schaltung f
sample-and-hold circuit
Abtasthalteglied n
sample and hold element (S&H)
Achtung f, Hochachtung f, Wertschätzung f
Hochachtung vor jdm. haben, jdn. sehr schätzen
Hochachtung vor etw. haben
regard, high regard
to hold so. in high regard
to hold sth. in high regard
Adressenbelegungszeit f comp.
address hold time
Analysenprobe f
Analysenproben pl
analysis sample
analysis samples
Anblick m, Ansicht f, Sicht f, Blick m, Aussicht f, Ausblick m
Anblicke pl, Ansichten pl, Sichten pl, Blicke pl, Aussichten pl, Ausblicke pl
eine Ansicht haben
isometrische Ansicht
seine Ansicht ändern
to hold a view
isometric view
to change one's view
Atem m, Atemzug m
Atemzüge pl
Atem holen
mit angehaltenem Atem
den Atem anhalten
to catch one's breath
with bated breath
to hold one's breath
Ausfallmuster n
outturn sample
Aussicht f, Chance f, Erwartung f, Sicht f, Perspektive f
Aussichten pl, Chancen pl, Erwartungen pl, Sichten pl, Perspektiven pl
in Aussicht
keine Zukunft haben
etw. in Aussicht stellen
kaum Aussichten haben, geringe Chancen haben
in prospect
to have no prospects
to hold out the prospect of sth.
not to have a prayer coll.
Beteiligung f, Anteil m (an)
an einem Unternehmen beteiligt sein, Anteile an einem Unternehmen haben
share, interest (in)
to hold a share in a business
Blutentnahme f
taking of a blood sample
Blutprobe f, kleine Blutmenge
Blutproben pl, kleine Blutmengen
blood sample
blood samples
Bodenprobe f
Bodenproben pl
soil sample
soil samples
Dampfprobeentnahmekühler m mach.
Dampfprobeentnahmekühler pl
steam sample cooler
steam sample coolers
Druckmuster n
printed sample
Einwaage f chem.
weight of sample taken
Eis n (gefrorenes Wasser)
zu Eis gefrieren, zu Eis werden
sich auf dünnem Eis bewegen übtr.
das Eis brechen
auf Eis legen übtr.
auf Eis liegen übtr.
to freeze {froze, frozen}, to turn to ice
to skate on thin ice
to break the ice
to put on ice
to be on hold
Empfang m
jdm. einen herzlichen Empfang bereiten
einen Empfang geben, einen Empfang veranstalten
to give sb. a warm reception
to give a reception, to hold a reception
Ereignisraum m, Stichprobenraum m math.
sample space
Farbmuster n
colour sample, color sample
Feststoffprobe f
Feststoffproben pl
sediment sample
sediment samples
Flächenstichprobe f
area sample
Frachtraum m, Laderaum m
Frachträume pl, Laderäume pl
cargo compartment, cargo hold, freight capacity
cargo compartments, cargo holds, freight capacities
Gewebemuster n
Gewebemuster pl
fabric sample
fabric samples
Haftungsfreistellung f
contract of indemnity, hold-harmless agreement
Halt! interj
Stop!, Hold on!
Haltepunkt m
Haltepunkte pl
hold point
hold points
Hand f anat.
Hände pl
mit der Hand
sich die Hand geben
in der Hand halten, in seiner Hand halten
unter der Hand
unter der Hand, klammheimlich
unter der Hand
unter der Hand
eine ruhige Hand
aus erster Hand
aus zweiter Hand
aus zweiter Hand kaufen
bei der Hand, zur Hand
mit leeren Händen
jdm. freie Hand lassen
etw. aus den Händen geben
ohne Hand und Fuß übtr.
von der Hand in den Mund leben übtr.
zwei linke Hände haben übtr.
mit sicherer Hand
die Hände falten
by hand, manual, manually
to shake hands
to hold in the hand, to hold in one's hand
on the quiet
underhandly, backhandedly
a steady hand
at first hand, firsthand
to buy secondhand
at hand
to give sb. plenty of rope
to let sth. out of one's hands
without rhyme or reason
to lead a hand-to-mouth existence
to be all thumbs
with sure touch
to clasp one's hands
Händchen halten
to hold hands
Holzweg m
auf dem Holzweg sein übtr.
auf dem Holzweg sein übtr.
auf dem Holzweg sein übtr.
to be off the track, to be on the wrong track
to get hold of the wrong end of the stick fig.
to bark up the wrong tree fig.
etw. in die falsche Kehle bekommen übtr.
to get hold of the wrong end of the stick
Kostprobe f
Kostproben pl
Laderaum m, Frachtraum m
Längsprobe f
Längsproben pl
longitudinal sample
longitudinal samples
sich etw. vom Leibe halten
to hold sth. at bay, to keep sth. at bay
Lizenz f
Lizenzen pl
gegenseitige Lizenz
eine Lizenz erteilen
eine Lizenz haben
licence, license Am.
licences, licenses
cross-licence, cross-license
to grant a licence, to grant a license
to hold a licence, to hold a license Am.
Luftentnahmestrom m
sample flow rate
Mehrzweckstichprobe f
all purpose sample
Messer n
Messer pl
mit Messer und Gabel essen
Messer mit Wellenschliff
Messer aus Malaysia und Indonesien
jdm. das Messer an die Kehle setzen
jdm. das Messer an die Kehle setzen übtr.
auf des Messers Schneide stehen stehen übtr.
to eat with a knife and fork
serrated knife
to hold a knife to sb.'s throat
to hold so. at gunpoint fig.
to hang in the balance, to be balanced on a knife-edge
Mischprobe f
Mischproben pl
composite sample
composite samples
Mund m
Münder pl
den Mund halten
den Mund halten
den Mund spitzen
to hold one's tongue, to wrap up
to keep mum, to stay mum
to purse one's lips
Muster n
als Muster dienen für
Muster ohne Wert
to sample
sample of no value, sample without value
Musterangebot n
sample quotation
Musterauftrag m
sample order
Musterbuch n
Musterbücher pl
pattern book, sample book
pattern books, sample books
Musterkarte f
Musterkarten pl
sample card
sample cards
Musterkollektion f
assortment of samples, sample collection
Musterlager n
sample stock
Mustermesse f
Mustermessen pl
sample fair
sample fairs
Musterstück n
Musterstücke pl
sample item
sample items
Nullprobe f
Nullproben pl
zero sample
zero samples
Pfand m, Unterpfand n, Verpfändung f
Pfande pl
als Pfand halten
to hold in pledge
Pistole f
Pistolen pl
mit vorgehaltener Pistole
jdm. die Pistole auf die Brust setzen übtr.
wie aus der Pistole geschossen übtr.
at point-point
to hold a pistol on
to sb.'s head fig.
quick like a shot fig.
Probe f, Muster n, Warenmuster n
Probekapsel f
Probekapseln pl
sample sagger
sample saggers
Probeneinspritzung f
sample injection
Probenkapazität f
sample capacity
Probenmaterial n
ancillary sample
Probenvorbereitung f
sample preparation
Probesendung f, Mustersendung f
Probesendungen pl, Mustersendungen pl
sample pack, sample package, sample consignment
sample packs, sample packages, sample consignments
Produktmuster n
trial product sample
Querprobe f
Querproben pl
transverse sample
transverse samples
Raubüberfall m, Überfall m
Raubüberfälle pl, Überfälle pl
holdup, hold-up
holdups, hold-ups
Rekord m sport
Rekorde pl
einen Rekord aufstellen
den Rekord halten
to establish a record
to hold the record
jdn. in Schach halten übtr.
to hold sb. at bay, to keep sb. at bay
Schusswaffe f, Gewehr n
Schusswaffen pl, Gewehre pl
jdn. mit einer Waffe bedrohen
to hold so. at gunpoint
etw. in der Schwebe halten, im Ungewissen lassen
to hold (keep) sth. in suspense
Spiegel m
Spiegel pl
in den Spiegel sehen
sich im Spiegel betrachten
jdm. einen Spiegel vorhalten
Spiegel mit schräg geschliffenen Kanten
to look in the mirror
to look at oneself in the mirror
to hold a mirror up to sb.
bevelled mirror
Standardabweichungskarte f
sample standard deviation chart
Stelle f, Stellung f, Anstellung f, Amt n
eine Stelle innehaben
to hold an appointment
die Stellung halten
to hold the fort, to keep the flag flying
Stichprobe f
Stichproben pl
repräsentative Stichprobe
eine Stichprobe aufteilen
(random) sample
adequate sample, average sample
to allocate a sample
Stichprobe f
Stichproben pl
eine Stichprobe machen (bei)
Ein-Stichproben-Test m
mittlere Zahl der Stichproben
spot check, spot test, random test
spot tests
to sample, to spot-check (for)
one sample test
average run length
Stockung f
hold-up, interruption
Torfprobe f
Torfproben pl
peat sample
peat samples
Unterricht m
Unterricht geben, Unterricht erteilen
lessons, classes
to give lessons, to hold classes
Versammlung f, Sitzung f, Besprechung f
Versammlungen pl, Sitzungen pl, Besprechungen pl
auf der Versammlung
eine Versammlung abhalten
at the meeting
to hold a meeting
Verwahrung f, Aufbewahrung f
in sicherer Verwahrung
in sichere Verwahrung geben
etw. in Verwahrung geben
in Verwahrung geben (bei)
in Verwahrung haben
in Verwahrung nehmen
safe-keeping, custody, care, trust
in safe custody
to place in safe custody
to give sth. into custody (in charge)
to deliver in trust, to entrust, to lodge (with)
to hold in trust
to take charge of, to take into custody
Vorhaltezeit f
hold-back time
Waage f
Waagen pl
das Zünglein an der Waage bilden
to hold the balance
Wahl f
Wahlen pl
Wahlen durchführen
to hold elections
Warenprobe f
Warenproben pl
test sample, sample
test samples, samples
Warteschleife f
jdn. in der Warteschleife halten (Telefon)
in der Warteschleife sein (Telefon)
wait loop
to place sb. on hold
to be on hold
Warteschleifenmusik f
music on hold
in Wartestellung setzen
to put on hold
Wasser n
über Wasser
hartes Wasser
weiches Wasser
destilliertes Wasser, Aqua purificata
fließendes Wasser
stehendes Wasser
gebundenes Wasser
dystrophes Wasser
drückendes Wasser
entspanntes Wasser
entbastes Wasser
schweres Wasser, Schwerwasser n, Deuterium n phys.
auf dem Wasser, zu Wasser
jdm. nicht das Wasser reichen können übtr.
hard water
soft water
purified water, distilled water, aqua purificata
running water
stagnant water
combined water
dystrophic water
pressing water
wetted water
decationized water
deuterium, heavy hydrogen, heavy water
can't hold a candle to sb. fig.
Wassermischprobe f
composite water sample
Werbemuster n
advertising sample, free sample
Wertschätzung f, Hochachtung f, Achtung f, Ansehen n
Respekt vor jdm. haben
großen Respekt vor jdm. haben
das Zeichen meiner Wertschätzung annehmen
estimation, esteem
to hold so. in esteem
to hold so. in high esteem
to accept this token of my esteem
Wiedervorlage f
Zügel m
Zügel pl
Zügel lockern
die Zügel in der Hand haben übtr.
die Zügel fest in der Hand halten übtr.
to loosen the reins
to hold the reins
to have things firmly under control
Zufallsauswahl f
random selection, random sample
Zufallsstichprobe f
Zufallsstichproben pl
random sample
random samples
Zweistichprobentest m
two sample test
abfragen, abtasten v
abfragend, abtastend
abgefragt, abgetastet
to sample
abhalten (Treffen, Versammlung), austragen (Wettkampf)
abhaltend, austragend
abgehalten, ausgetragen
to hold {held, held}
abseits, abgesondert, getrennt adv (von)
sich abseits halten
apart (from)
to hold oneself apart
abstimmen (über)
to have (hold, take) a ballot (on)
achten, beachten, ansehen, berücksichtigen, respektieren v
achtend, beachtend, ansehend, berücksichtigend, respektierend
geachtet, beachtet, angesehen, berücksichtigt, respektiert
achtet, beachtet, berücksichtigt, respektiert
achtete, beachtete, berücksichtigte, respektierte
was ... anbelangt
jdn. achten
jdn. sehr achten
to respect
as respects ...
to hold so. in respect, to hold so. in high regard
to hold so. in great respect
amtieren v
to hold office, to be in office
holding office, being in office
held office, been in office
holds office
held office
(Wetter) andauern
to hold up
sich aneinander festhalten
to hold each other, to hold one another
anfassen, ergreifen, zugreifen, greifen
anfassend, ergreifend, zugreifend, greifend
angefasst, ergriffen, zugegriffen, gegriffen
to take hold of, to catch hold of
taking hold, catching hold
taken hold, caught hold
aufhalten v
to hold up, to stop, to detain
holding up, stopping, detaining
holded up, stopped, detained

Deutsche Abtast-Halte-Schaltung {f} Synonyme

Schaltung  ÂVerdrahtung  
IC  Âintegrierte  Schaltung  ÂIntegrierter  Schaltkreis  
Schaltung  Verdrahtung  

Englische sample-and-hold circuit Synonyme

sample and hold Definition

(n.) The hold or grip of an anchor, or that to which it holds.
(n.) Hence: Firm hold: security.
(n.) The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck, in which the cargo is stowed.
(v. t.) To cause to remain in a given situation, position, or relation, within certain limits, or the like
(v. t.) To retain in one's keeping
(v. t.) To have
(v. t.) To impose restraint upon
(v. t.) To maintain in being or action
(v. t.) To prosecute, have, take, or join in, as something which is the result of united action
(v. t.) To receive and retain
(v. t.) To accept, as an opinion
(v. t.) To consider
(v. t.) To bear, carry, or manage
(n. i.) In general, to keep one's self in a given position or condition
(n. i.) Not to more
(n. i.) Not to give way
(n. i.) Not to fail or be found wanting
(n. i.) Not to fall away, desert, or prove recreant
(n. i.) To restrain one's self
(n. i.) To derive right or title
(n.) The act of holding, as in or with the hands or arms
(n.) The authority or ground to take or keep
(n.) Binding power and influence.
(n.) Something that may be grasped
(n.) A place of confinement
(n.) A place of security
(n.) A character [thus /] placed over or under a note or rest, and indicating that it is to be prolonged
(n.) Example
(n.) A part of anything presented for inspection, or shown as evidence of the quality of the whole
(v. t.) To make or show something similar to
(v. t.) To take or to test a sample or samples of

sample and hold Bedeutung

choke hold
a restraining hold, someone loops the arm around the neck of another person in a tight grip, usually from behind, he grabbed the woman in a chokehold, demanded her cash and jewelry, and then fled
hold-down a limitation or constraint, taxpayers want a hold-down on government spending
taking hold
the act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)
the act of grasping, he released his clasp on my arm, he has a strong grip for an old man, she kept a firm hold on the railing
wrestling hold a hold used in the sport of wrestling
scissors hold
scissor hold
scissor grip
scissors grip
a wrestling hold in which you wrap your legs around the opponents body or head and put your feet together and squeeze
cargo area
cargo deck
cargo hold
hold storage area
the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
grip handgrip
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it, he grabbed the hammer by the handle, it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip
hold keep a cell in a jail or prison
hold a stronghold
hold power by which something or someone is affected or dominated, he has a hold over them
understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something, he has a good grasp of accounting practices
sample a small part of something intended as representative of the whole
grab sample a single sample or measurement taken at a specific time or over as short a period as feasible
random sample a sample grabbed at random
sample distribution
sample sampling
items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
random sample a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
stratified sample
representative sample
proportional sample
the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum
sample all or part of a natural object that is collected and preserved as an example of its class
a state of being confined (usually for a short time), his detention was politically motivated, the prisoner is on hold, he is in the custody of police
time lag
time during which some action is awaited, instant replay caused too long a delay, he ordered a hold in the action
hold keep from exhaling or expelling, hold your breath
stretch out put out extend hold out
stretch forth
thrust or extend out, He held out his hand, point a finger, extend a hand, the bee exserted its sting
hold down restrain, please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep
persist hang in
hang on
hold on
be persistent, refuse to stop, he persisted to call me every night, The child persisted and kept asking questions
hold on stop c stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments, Hold on a moment!
hold up
cause to be slowed down or delayed, Traffic was delayed by the bad weather, she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform
hold remain committed to, I hold to these ideas
stand for
hold still for
tolerate or bear, I won't stand for this kind of behavior!
hold assert or affirm, Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good
hold view as
take for
keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view, take for granted, view as important, hold these truths to be self-evident, I hold him personally responsible
hold hold the attention of, The soprano held the audience, This story held our interest, She can hold an audience spellbound
seize clutch get hold of affect, Fear seized the prisoners, The patient was seized with unbearable pains, He was seized with a dreadful disease
get through
get hold of
be in or establish communication with, Our advertisements reach millions, He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia
hang on
hold the line
hold on
hold the phone line open, Please hang on while I get your folder
hold f concur
be in accord, be in agreement, We agreed on the terms of the settlement, I can't agree with you!, I hold with those who say life is sacred, Both philosophers concord on this point
hold forth
talk at length and formally about a topic, The speaker dissertated about the social politics in th century England
stand pat
stand firm
hold firm
stand fast
refuse to abandon one's opinion or belief
declare adjudge
hold b
declare to be, She was declared incompetent, judge held that the defendant was innocent
hold d obligate
bind by an obligation, cause to be indebted, He's held by a contract, I'll hold you by your promise
hold out
stand firm
stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something
hold off resist and fight to a standoff, Dallas had enough of a lead to hold the Broncos off
defend guard hold protect against a challenge or attack, Hold that position behind the trees!, Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks
check turn back
hold back
hold back, as of a danger or an enemy, check the expansion or influence of, Arrest the downward trend, Check the growth of communism in South East Asia, Contain the rebel movement, Turn back the tide of communism
hold aim, point, or direct, Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames
try out
take a sample of, Try these new crackers, Sample the regional dishes
drink alcohol without showing ill effects, He can hold his liquor, he had drunk more than he could carry
get hold of
get into one's hands, take physically, Take a cookie!, Can you take this bag, please
hold on
hold firmly
take hold
have or hold in one's hands or grip, Hold this bowl for a moment, please, A crazy idea took hold of him
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Sample or samples may refer to: