
sand vent Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Natursteinverwitterungskruste f constr.
Abluftkamin m
vent stack, exhaust chimney
Abluftöffnung f
Abluftöffnungen pl
vent hole
vent holes
Abluftstutzen m, Entlüfterstutzen m techn.
Abluftstutzen pl, Entlüfterstutzen pl
air vent
air vents
Anpressdruck m (Luftklappe, Erregerhaube)
closing pressure (air vent flap, exchouse)
Boden m, Grund m
über sandigem und schlammigem Grund
over sand and mud bottoms
Dunstrohr n
Dunstrohre pl
outlet vent
outlet vents
Einsanden n
sand back-filling
Entgasung f, Entgasen n chem.
degassing, vent, devolatilizing
Entgasungszone f
Entgasungszonen pl
vent zone
vent zones
Entlüftung f
vent, venting, ventilation, breather
Entlüftungshaube f
Entlüftungshauben pl
air vent
air vents
Entlüftungsleitung f
Entlüftungsleitungen pl
vent line
vent lines
Entlüftungsrohr n
Entlüftungsrohre pl
vent pipe
vent pipes
Flugsand m
wind-borne sand, drifting sand
Gefahrenentlüftungstaster m
danger vent key
Gefühl n, Empfindung f
Gefühle pl, Empfindungen pl
mit gemischten Gefühlen
jdm. gegenüber gemischte Gefühle haben
seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf lassen
jds. Gefühle verletzen
innerste Gefühle
feeling, feel
with mixed feelings
to have mixed feelings about so.
to give vent to one's feelings
to hurt sb.'s feelings
Illusion f
rope of sand
Kalksandstein m min.
sand-lime brick
Kiessand m
gravel sand
Luftloch n, Abzug m, Abzugsschacht m
Luftlöcher pl, Abzüge pl, Abzugsschächte pl
sich Luft machen übtr.
to vent one's spleen
Öffnung f
Öffnungen pl
gefüllte Pastete f
Quarzsand m
arenaceous quartz, quartz sand, quartzose sand
Quarzsand m
silica sand
Sand m
tonhaltiger Sand
goldhaltiger Sand
gesiebter Sand
clayey sand
auriferous sand
sifted sand
jdm. Sand in die Augen streuen übtr.
to throw sand into sb.'s eyes
Sand-Kies-Gemisch n
Sandbank f
Sandbänke pl
sandbank, sand bank, bank of sand
sand banks
Sandboden m
Sandböden pl
sandy soil, sand soil
sandy soils
Sandfallrohr n
Sandfallrohre pl
sand pipe
sand pipes
Sandfang m
sand trap
Sandfilter m
Sandfilter pl
druckloser Sandfilter
sand filter
sand filters
gravity sand filter
Sandförmchen n
sand mold
Sandgrube f
Sandgruben pl
sand pit
sand pits
Sandhaufen m
pile of sand
Sandkorn m
Sandkörner pl
grain of sand
grains of sand
Sandmischung f
sand mix
Sanduhr f
sand glass
Schamottesand m
fireclay sand
Schleifpapier n, Sandpapier n
Schleifpapiere pl
sand paper, sanding paper
sand papers
Schlitz m (in Mantel, Jacke)
vent (in coat)
Schwemmsand m
alluvial sand
Spundloch n
Spundlöcher pl
vent, bung-hole
vents, bung-holes
Vogel-Strauss-Politik f pol. übtr.
head-in-the-sand politics, ostrich-like policy, politics of avoidance
Treibsand m
quick sand, quicksand
Wanderdüne f
Wanderdünen pl
shifting sand dune
shifting sand dunes
Wüstensand m
desert sand
(Gefühle) abreagieren, auslassen (an)
abreagierend, auslassend
abreagiert, ausgelassen
reagiert ab, lässt aus
reagierte ab, ließ aus
seine Wut an jdm. auslassen
to vent (on)
to vent one's spleen on sb.
abschleifen v
sie schleift ab
sie schliff ab
sie hat
hatte abgeschliffen
to sand off, to grind off
sanding off, grindig off
sanded off, ground off
she sands off
she sanded off
she has
had sanded off
abschleifen, glätten v
abschleifend, glättend
abgeschliffen, geglättet
to sand down, to grind down, to smooth down
sanding down, grinding down, smoothing down
sanded down, ground down, smoothed down
eine Wut austoben
to give vent to one's fury
entlüften v
to vent
schmirgeln v
to rub down, to sand
rubbing down, sanding
rubbed down, sanded
Ich werde meinem Herzen Luft machen.
I'm going to give vent to my feelings.
Ährenfisch m, Streifenfisch m zool.
Ährenfische pl, Streifenfische pl
Silverside, Sand smelt
Silversides, Sand smelts
Uferschwalbe f ornith.
Sand Martin (Riparia riparia)
Wüstenregenpfeifer m ornith.
Great Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii)
Arabisches Wüstenhuhn n ornith.
Sand Partridge
Weißstirn-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
White-fronted Sand Plover
Mongolenregenpfeifer m ornith.
Lesser Sand Plover
Hirtenregenpfeifer m ornith.
Kittlitz's Sand Plover
Malaienregenpfeifer m ornith.
Malaysian Sand Plover
St.-Helena-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
St Helena Sand Plover
Madagaskarregenpfeifer m ornith.
Black-banded Sand Plover
Rotband-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
Chestnut-banded Sand Plover
Steppenregenpfeifer m ornith.
Eastern Sand Plover
Sandnachtschwalbe f ornith.
Sand-coloured Nighthawk
Uferlerche f ornith.
Indian Sand Lark
Kongouferschwalbe f ornith.
Congo Sand Martin
Braunkehl-Uferschwalbe f ornith.
Browm-throated Sand Martin
Aluminiumsandguss m techn.
al sand casting
läßt ihren Gefühlen freien Lauf
gives vent to her feelings
läßt seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf
gives vent to his feelings
grain of sand
grains of sand
gravel sand
quick sand
rope of sand
sand bank
sand banks
sand box
sand boxes
sand glass
sand glasses
sand paper
sand papers
sand pit
sand pits
sand stone
shifting sand dune
shifting sand dunes
wind borne sand
ein Sandkorn
a grain of sand
allgegenwärtige Sonnne, See und Sand
ubiquitous sun, sea and sand
Abblasemast m (Schiff) naut.
Abblasemasten pl
vent mast (ship)
vent masts
Abluftkamin m
Abluftkamine pl
vent stack; exhaust chimney
vent stacks; exhaust chimneys
Abluftstutzen m; Entlüfterstutzen m techn.
Abluftstutzen pl; Entlüfterstutzen pl
air vent
air vents
Absaugbohrung f (in Modellhälften beim Vakuumformen) (Gießerei) techn.
Absaugbohrungen pl
vent hole (foundry)
vent holes
Abzugsöffnung f
Abzugsöffnungen pl
Abzugsrohr n; Dunstrohr n; Dunstabzug m
Abzugsrohre pl; Dunstrohre pl; Dunstabzüge pl
vent pipe VP ; vent; offtake pipe; offtake; flue
vent pipes; vents; offtake pipes; offtakes; flues
Ährenfisch m; Streifenfisch m zool.
Ährenfische pl; Streifenfische pl
Silverside; Sand smelt
Silversides; Sand smelts
Anpressdruck m (Luftklappe; Erregerhaube)
closing pressure (air vent flap; exchouse)
Astrophytum-Kakteen pl (botanische Gattung) bot.
Seeigelkaktus m (Astrophytum asterias)
Bischofsmütze f (Astrophytum myriostigma)
astrophytum cacti (botanical genus)
sea urchin cactus; sand dollar cactus; star cactus; peyote
bishop's cap cactus; bishop's hat; bishop's mitre cactus
Aufspülung f; Sandaufspülung f
sand replenishment
Ausbruchkanal m (eines Vilkans) geol.
vent (of a volcano)
Belüftungsloch n
Belüftungslöcher pl
vent hole; ventilation hole
vent holes; ventilation holes
Besandungsgleis n
sand track
Blausand m geol.
blue sand
Boden m; Grund m
über sandigem und schlammigem Grund
am Boden sein übtr.
over sand and mud bottoms
to be at the bottom fig.
Dünensand m min.
dune sand; aeolian; sand; anemonarenyte
Entgasung f; Entgasen n chem.
degassing; vent; devolatilizing
Entlüftung f
Entlüftungen pl
vent; venting; ventilation; breather
vents; ventings; ventilations; breathers
Entlüftungsöffnung f; Lüftungsloch n; Luftloch n
Entlüftungsöffnungen pl; Lüftungslöcher pl; Luftlöcher pl
ventiduct; vent hole
ventiducts; vent holes
Entlüftungsrohr n; Dunstabzugsrohr n; Dunstabzug m (im WC)
Entlüftungsrohre pl; Dunstabzugsrohre pl; Dunstabzüge pl
continuous vent (in the toilet)
continuous vents
Feinsand m
fine sand
Flugsand m
wind-borne sand; drifting sand; flying sand; drift sand; windblown sand; aeolian sand; quicksand
Formsand m; Gießereisand m techn.
ausgeglühter Formsand
moulding sand; molding sand; foundry sand
parting sand
Frustration f; Frust m ugs.
Frustrationen pl
seinen Frust ablassen
seinen Frust an jdm. etw. auslassen
Frust haben
Frust bekommen
Meine Arbeit ist der absolute Frust.
to let out one's frustration
to vent one's frustration on sb. sth.
to be frustrated
to become frustrated
My work is a real drag. coll.
Gasblase f (Gussfehler bei der Sandformerei) (Gießerei) techn.
sandblow (casting defect in sand moulding) (foundry)
Gefühl n; Empfindung f
Gefühle pl; Empfindungen pl
mit gemischten Gefühlen
jdm. gegenüber gemischte Gefühle haben
seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf lassen
innerste Gefühle
Ich werde das Gefühl nicht los dass ...
feeling; feel
with mixed feelings
to have mixed feelings about sb.
to give vent to one's feelings
I can't escape the feeling that ...
Gehschlitz m; abgedeckter Schlitz m (in einem Rock oder Kleid) textil.
Gehschlitze pl; abgedeckte Schlitze pl
vent (in a skirt or dress)
Geröllrutsch m; Sandrutsch m geol.
sand and stone avalanche; sand avalanche
Getriebe n
Getriebe pl
stufenloses Getriebe
Getriebe mit gekreuzten Wellen
Sand im Getriebe übtr.
gear; gearbox; gearing; gear unit; gearing mechanism; transmission; gearcase
gears; gearboxes; gearings; gear units; gearing mechanisms; transmissions; gearcases
continuously variable gearbox; continuously variable transmission CVT ; infinitely variable transmission IVT
skew gears
sand in the machinery fig.
Gnitzen pl; Gnitten pl; Bartmücken pl (Ceratopogonidae) (zoologische Familie)
biting midges; no-see-ums Am.; sand flies Am.; punkies Am. (zoological family)
Grubensand m
pit sand
Kalksandstein m min.
sand-lime brick; calcarenite; calcareous sandstone; calciferous sandstone; lime sandstone; sandy limestone; arenaceous limestone; lime sandrock
Kalksandsteinziegel m constr.
Kalksandsteinziegel pl
lime sand brick; sand-lime brick
lime sand bricks; sand-lime bricks
Kiesfang m; Sandfang m (Wasserbau)
grit chamber; sand catcher (water engineering)
Klaffmuscheln pl (Mya) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Sandklaffmuschel f (Mya arenaria)
Abgestutzte Klaffmuschel f (Mya truncata)
gapers (zoological genus)
sand gaper; Ipswich Essex clam; steamer; longneck coll.; soft-shell clam Am.; softshell Am. coll.
blunt gaper
Kopf m; Haupt n poet.
Köpfe pl
von Kopf bis Fuß
ein klarer Kopf
der hellste Kopf ugs.
auf dem Kopf stehen
einen kühlen Kopf behalten übtr.
jdn. vor den Kopf stoßen übtr.
jdm. zu Kopfe steigen
über Kopf
den Kopf (zur Seite) neigen
sich etw. in den Kopf setzen
pro Kopf; pro Person
mit dem Kopf durch die Wand wollen übtr.
seinen Kopf Willen durchsetzen
wie vor dem Kopf geschlagen sein
den Kopf in den Sand stecken übtr.
Sein früher Erfolg stieg ihm zu Kopf(e).
from head to foot; from head to toe
a clear brain
brightest bulb in the box fig.
to stand on one's head; to be upside down
to keep a clear head
to kick sb. in the teeth fig.
to go to sb.'s head
to cock your head
to set one's mind on sth.
per head; for by each person
to wish for the impossible
to get your way; to get your own way
to be paralyzed by surprise
to hide bury one's head in the sand fig.
His early success went to his head.
Lauch-Arten pl (Allium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Zwiebellauch m; gemeine Zwiebel f; Küchenzwiebel f; Gartenzwiebel f; Sommerzwiebel f; Hauszwiebel f; Bolle f (Allium cepa)
Knoblauch m (Allium sativum)
Bärlauch m; wilder Knoblauch m; Knofelspinat m Ös. (Allium ursinum)
neapolitanischer Lauch m (Allium neapolitanum)
Schnittlauch m; Schnittling m; Graslauch m; Binsenlauch m; Brislauch m; Jakobszwiebel f (Allium schoenoprasum)
Alpenschnittlauch m; Schlangenlauch m (Allium scorodoprasum)
Weinberglauch m; Weinbergslauch m (Allium vineale)
Sternkugellauch m; Gartenkugellauch m (Allium c(h)ristophii)
onion genus
common onion; garden onion; bulb onion
ramsons; buckrams; bear's garlic; bear leek; wild garlic; wood garlic
Naples Neapolitan daffodil white wood garlic; Naples flowering Onion; Guernsey Star-of-Bethlehem
sand leek; rocambole
wild garlic; crow garlic
Persian onion; Star-of-Persia
Lehmboden m; lehmhaltiger Boden m; Tonboden m; tonhaltiger Boden n geol.
Lehmboden mit 40% Lehm
clay ground soil; clayey ground soil; loamy ground soil; argillaceous sand ground
clayey soil with 40% loam
Luftloch n; Abzug m; Abzugsschacht m
Luftlöcher pl; Abzüge pl; Abzugsschächte pl
Mittelmeersandschnecke f; Dünenschnecke f (Theba pisana) zool.
Mediterranean coastal snail; Mediterranean snail; white Italian snail; white garden snail; sand hill snail
Nacktmull m; Molratte f (Heterocephalus glaber) zool.
Nacktmulle pl; Molratten pl
naked mole rat; sand puppy; desert mole rat
naked mole rats; sand puppies; desert mole rats
Natursteinverwitterungskruste f constr.
Nehrung f
sand spit
Nordseegarnele f; Sandgarnele f; Strandgarnele f; Granat; Porre f (Crangon crangon) zool.
Nordseegarnelen pl; Nordseekrabben pl; Sandgarnelen pl; Strandgarnelen pl; Porren pl
brown shrimp; common shrimp; bay shrimp; sand shrimp
brown shrimps; common shrimps; bay shrimps; sand shrimps
Pastete f cook.
Pasteten pl
gefüllte Pastete f
Pastete aus Aal mit Kartoffelpüree
pie Br.
pie and mash
Quarzsand m
arenaceous quartz; quartz sand; quartzose sand

Deutsche Natursteinverwitterungskruste {f} [constr.] Synonyme

Englische sand-vent Synonyme

sand vent Definition

(n.) Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not reduced to dust
(n.) A single particle of such stone.
(n.) The sand in the hourglass
(n.) Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of Arabia and Africa
(n.) Courage
(v. t.) To sprinkle or cover with sand.
(v. t.) To drive upon the sand.
(v. t.) To bury (oysters) beneath drifting sand or mud.
(v. t.) To mix with sand for purposes of fraud
(a.) Having defective sight
(n.) Sale
(v. t.) To sell
(n.) A baiting place
(v. i.) To snuff
(n.) A small aperture
(n.) The anal opening of certain invertebrates and fishes
(n.) The opening at the breech of a firearm, through which fire is communicated to the powder of the charge
(n.) Sectional area of the passage for gases divided by the length of the same passage in feet.
(n.) Fig.: Opportunity of escape or passage from confinement or privacy
(n.) Emission
(v. t.) To let out at a vent, or small aperture
(v. t.) To suffer to escape from confinement
(v. t.) To utter
(v. t.) To scent, as a hound.
(v. t.) To furnish with a vent
(n.) A light puff paste, with a raised border, filled, after baking, usually with a ragout of fowl, game, or fish.

sand vent Bedeutung

activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion, she had no other outlet for her feelings, he gave vent to his anger
vent external opening of urinary or genital system of a lower vertebrate
sand tiger
sand shark
Carcharias taurus
Odontaspis taurus
shallow-water shark with sharp jagged teeth found on both sides of Atlantic, sometimes dangerous to swimmers
bank martin
bank swallow
sand martin
Riparia riparia
swallow of the northern hemisphere that nests in tunnels dug in clay or sand banks
side-blotched lizard
sand lizard Uta stansburiana
one of the most abundant lizards in the arid western United States
sand lizard Lacerta agilis a common and widely distributed lizard of Europe and central Asia
hognose snake
puff adder sand viper
harmless North American snake with upturned nose, may spread its head and neck or play dead when disturbed
sand snake small North American burrowing snake
banded sand snake
Chilomeniscus cinctus
a sand snake of southwestern United States, lives in fine to coarse sand or loamy soil in which it `swims', banding resembles that of coral snakes
horned viper
sand viper horned asp
Cerastes cornutus
highly venomous viper of northern Africa and southwestern Asia having a horny spine above each eye
sand grouse
pigeon-like bird of arid regions of the Old World having long pointed wings and tail and precocial downy young
beach flea
sand hopper
sand flea
small amphipod crustaceans that hop like fleas, common on ocean beaches
sand cat a desert wildcat
sand fly
Phlebotomus papatasii
any of various small dipterous flies, bloodsucking females can transmit sandfly fever and leishmaniasis
sand cricket
Jerusalem cricket
Stenopelmatus fuscus
large wingless nocturnal grasshopper that burrows in loose soil along the Pacific coast of the United States
sand dollar flattened disklike sea urchins that live on sandy bottoms
sand rat Meriones longifrons southern European gerbil
sand rat small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas
hog badger
hog-nosed badger
sand badger
Arctonyx collaris
southeast Asian badger with a snout like a pig
sand stargazer small pallid fishes of shoal tropical waters of North America and South America having eyes on stalks atop head, they burrow in sand to await prey
sand lance
sand launce
sand eel
very small silvery eellike schooling fishes that burrow into sandy beaches
sand dab small food fishes of the Pacific coast of North America
sand sole
Psettichthys melanostichus
a common flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America
sand trap
a hazard on a golf course
sand painting a painting done by Amerindians (especially Navaho), made of fine colored sands on a neutral background
sand wedge a wedge used to get out of sand traps
a hole for the escape of gas or air
vent a slit in a garment (as in the back seam of a jacket)
fortitude and determination, he didn't have the guts to try it
vol-au-vent puff paste shell filled with a savory meat mixture usually with a sauce
sand dab the lean flesh of a small flounder from the Pacific coast of North America
sand dune
a ridge of sand created by the wind, found in deserts or near lakes and oceans
sand bar
a bar of sand
a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt
George Sand
Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin
Baroness Dudevant
French writer known for works concerning women's rights and independence (-)
sand spurry
sea spurry
Spergularia rubra
prostrate weedy herb with tiny pink flowers, widespread throughout Europe and Asia on sand dunes and heath and coastal cliffs, naturalized in eastern North America
sand verbena any of various plants of the genus Abronia of western North America and Mexico having flowers resembling verbena
sweet sand verbena Abronia elliptica
plant having heads of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers, grows in sandy arid regions
sweet sand verbena Abronia fragrans taller than Abronia elliptica and having night-blooming flowers
yellow sand verbena
Abronia latifolia
plant having hemispherical heads of yellow trumpet-shaped flowers, found in coastal dunes from California to British Columbia
beach sand verbena
pink sand verbena
Abronia umbellata
prostrate herb having heads of deep pink to white flowers, found in coastal dunes from British Columbia to Baja California
desert sand verbena
Abronia villosa
soft-haired sticky plant with heads of bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers, found in sandy desert soil, after ample rains may carpet miles of desert with pink from the southwestern United States to northern Mexico
sand sage
silvery wormwood
Artemisia filifolia
silver-haired shrub of central and southern United States and Mexico, a troublesome weed on rangelands
sand dropseed
Sporobolus cryptandrus
erect smooth grass of sandy places in eastern North America
sand sedge
sand reed
Carex arenaria
European maritime sedge naturalized along Atlantic coast of United States, rootstock has properties of sarsaparilla
b common bearberry
red bearberry
wild cranberry
hog cranberry
sand berry
mountain box
bear's grape
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
evergreen mat-forming shrub of North America and northern Eurasia having small white flowers and red berries, leaves turn red in autumn
sand myrtle
Leiophyllum buxifolium
low-growing evergreen shrub of New Jersey to Florida grown for its many white star-shaped flowers and glossy foliage
sand leek
giant garlic
Spanish garlic
Allium scorodoprasum
European leek cultivated and used like leeks
Western sand cherry
Rocky Mountains cherry
Prunus besseyi
dwarf ornamental shrub of western United States having large black to red and yellow sweet edible fruit
sand cherry
Prunus pumila
Prunus pumilla susquehanae
Prunus susquehanae
Prunus cuneata
small straggling American cherry growing on sandy soil and having minute scarcely edible purplish-black fruit
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