
scale Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Maßstab, Skala, Waagschale, erklettern
Zunder m (oxidierte Metalloberfläche)
Tongeschlecht n mus.
erklettern, ersteigern, Skala, Massstab, Schuppe
hinaufklettern, aufsteigen, vergrößern
scale up
to scale
vergroessern (massstaeblich)
scale up
Lohntarif m
pay scale
Entlohnungsschema n econ.
pay scale
hinunterklettern, absteigen, verkleinern
scale down
Lohnskala, Lohneinteilung
wage scale
Kesselstein m
scale, fur
Maßeinheit f
scale unit
Teilstrich m
scale line
lange Leiter f (für die Größenordnung von Maßeinheiten) math.
long scale
Kesselstein m
scale; fur
Grundmaßstab m
base scale
maßstäblich adj
Bierstein m
beer scale
scale unit
scale line
verkleinern (massstaeblich)
scale down
fish scale
in großem Umfang
large scale
in großem Umfang
Kräftemaßstab m
force scale
kleinräumig adj
groß angelegt adj; in großem Rahmen
Millimeterpapier n
scale paper
Modellmaßstab m
model scale
kurze Leiter f (für die Größenordnung von Maßeinheiten) math.
short scale
groß angelegt, in großem Rahmen
lokale Ebene f
local scale
scale paper
Architekturmodellbau m
scale model
rating scale
colour scale
salary scale
salary scale
Maßstab für die Einschätzung
rating scale
Ähnlichkeitsfaktor m (bei Modellversuchen)
scale factor
mittelgroß adj
Waage f (Sternbild; Sternzeichen) astron. astrol.
Libra; Scale
Planck-Skala f phys.
Planck scale
mittelgroß adj
medium scale
scale factor
medium scale
sliding scale
Tastskala f
tactile scale
sliding scale
in diesem Ausmaß
on this scale
Staffelung f
sliding scale
gleitende Skala f
sliding scale
maßstabgerecht angefertigt adj
made to scale
Noniusskale f, Nonius m
vernier scale
Oechsle-Waage f agr.
Oechsle scale
Härteskala f
hardness scale
Bildmaßstab m
scale of photo
attitude scale
Körperfettwaage f
body-fat scale
Skalierung f
scale; scaling
Schuppe f med.
Schuppen pl
Skala f, Maßeinteilung f, Gradeinteilung f
Skalen pl
Skalierung f
scale, scaling
Strichskala f
division scale
Skala f; Maßeinteilung f; Gradeinteilung f
Skalen pl
Schuppe f med. zool.
Schuppen pl
Schuppe f zool.
Schuppen pl
division scale
frequency scale
scale of length
Maßstab für die Einschätzung
scale of rating
scale of prices
Nonius m
vernier (scale)
Beliebtheitsskala f
popularity scale
scale of charges
Skalenerträge, Niveaugrenzprodukt
returns to scale
großangelegt adj
full-scale {adj}
umfassend adj
full-scale {adj}
kleinräumig adv
on a small-scale
Skalenerträge pl; Niveaugrenzerträge pl econ.
returns to scale
Tarif m
scale of charges
Gradleiter m; Gradteilung f; Skala f
scale of degrees
in grossem Massstab
on a large scale
scale of discount
Rabattstaffel f
scale of discount
Skalenmitteneinstellung f
mid-scale setting
Ertragssteigerung bei Großunternehmen
economies of scale
Kostenersparnis durch Massenproduktion
economies of scale
Wirtschaftlichkeit der Massenproduktion
economies of scale
Skaleneffekt m; Skalenertrag m; Größenkostenersparnis f econ.
economies of scale
Massenangebot n econ.
large-scale supply
tariflich adj (Löhne)
according to scale
etw. heraufsetzen; etw. vergrößern; etw. erhöhen v
to scale up () sth.
Handel im großen, in großem Umfang
large-scale trading
Konzentrationsmaß n chem.
concentration scale
Längenmaßstab m (Modellversuch)
linear scale factor
etw. heraufsetzen; etw. vergrößern; etw. erhöhen
to scale up () sth.
lokal; hiesig adj
lokale Ebene f
local scale
job evaluation scale
job evaluation scale
small-scale industry
large-scale consumer
Großindustrie f
large scale industry
Kleinindustrie f
small-scale industry
Schuppenwaldwächter m ornith.
Scale-backed Antbird
large scale industry
scale of point values
etw. reduzieren; etw. einschränken; etw. kürzen v
to scale back () sth.
Großeinsatz m
large scale operation
etw. reduzieren; etw. einschränken; etw. kürzen
to scale back () sth.
Zeitskala f
timescale, time scale
großzügig (Planung, Anlage), weiträumig adj
large-scale, spacious
Bewertungsschlüssel m
scale of point values
Schuppenkehleremit m ornith.
Scale-throated Hermit
large scale operation
etw. erklimmen geh.; etw. besteigen v
to scale sth. formal
Steuerstaffelung f fin.
sliding scale taxation
Feinmesslehre f; Nonius m (zum Ablesen kleinerer Einheiten als am Hauptmaßstab) techn.
vernier scale; vernier
large scale industries
large scale enterprise
sliding scale discount
Massenfertigung, Massenproduktion
large-scale production
Schuppenhalskuckuck m ornith.
Scale-feathered Cuckoo
Großunternehmen n
large scale enterprise
Fertigung in großen Serien
large-scale production
large-scale enterprise
small-scale enterprise
Hoher Integrationsgrad bei komplexen Schaltungen
large scale integration
large-scale advertising
geringe Integration
smale-scale integration
large-scale consumption
Skalenmitte f
mid-scale; centre scale
barometrische Höhenstufe f geogr. phys.
barometric scale factor
Fischschuppe f
Fischschuppen pl
fish scale
fish scales
Betriebsgrößenersparnisse pl econ.
economies of scale (EOS)
large-scale unemployment
Großunternehmer m
large scale manufacturer
Miniaturisierungsgrad m, Stufe der Miniaturisierung
scale of miniaturization
Betriebsgrößenersparnisse pl econ.
economies of scale EOS
Äquivalenthöhe f; Maßstabhöhe f (Luft- und Raumfahrt)
scale height (aerospace)
large scale manufacturer
Tonleiter f mus.
C-Dur-Tonleiter f
scale of C major

Deutsche Maßstab Skala Waagschale erklettern Synonyme

Maßstab  ÂSkala  
besteigen  Âerklettern  Âerklimmen  Âklettern  Âkraxeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsteigen  
Gradeinteilung  ÂMaßeinteilung  ÂSkala  
Istmaß  ÂMaßstab  1:1  ÂOriginalgröße  
Maß  ÂMaßstab  ÂMessung  ÂVermessung  
Bandbreite  ÂSkala  ÂSpanne  ÂSpektrum  
Eintrag  ÂElement  (einer  Skala)  ÂItem  (fachsprachlich)  
Direktive  ÂLeistungssoll  ÂMaßstab  ÂNorm  ÂRegel  ÂRichtlinie  ÂRichtwert  ÂStandard  
Maßstab  Skala  

Englische scale Synonyme

scale  Danish balance  Indian file  Lambert conformal projection  Mercator projection  Miller projection  Roman balance  Weightometer  accommodation ladder  adjust  aeronautical chart  alloy balance  amount  amplitude  analytical balance  area  arrange in layers  array  articulation  ascend  assay balance  astronomical chart  atlas  azimuthal equidistant projection  azimuthal projection  balance  balance of precision  bank  barometer  barrel scale  beam  bigness  board  body  breach  breadth  break  breakage  bulk  bullion balance  burst  bust  buzz  cake  caking  caliber  calibration  canon  carry  cartographer  cartography  catena  catenation  celestial chart  celestial globe  chain  chain reaction  chaining  chart  check  chip  chip off  chorographer  chorography  chromatic scale  clamber  clamber up  cleft  climatic chart  climb  climb over  climb up  coat  coating  compass  concatenation  conic projection  connection  consecution  continuum  contour line  contour map  counter scale  course  coverage  crack  criterion  crust  cut  cycle  cylinder scale  cylindrical projection  dandruff  decorticate  decrease  degree  delaminate  depth  descent  desquamate  diameter  diapason  dimension  dimensions  diminish  dodecuple scale  doorstep  drone  drum scale  enamel  encrustation  endless belt  endless round  enharmonic scale  enlarge  escalade  escalate  eschar  exfoliate  expanse  expansion  extension  extension ladder  extent  facing  fan scale  file  filiation  film  fissure  flake  flake off  flexure plate scale  floccule  flocculus  flock  folding ladder  footrest  footstep  foray  fracture  fur  gamut  gangway ladder  gap  gauge  general reference map  girth  globe  gnomonic projection  go up  gradation  grade  graduated scale  graduation  graphic scale  great scale  greatness  grid line  hachure  height  heliographic chart  hierarchy  hum  hydrographic chart  imbrication  increase  incrustation  index  inroad  interval  inundate  invade  isoline  lacquer  ladd  
scale down  abridge  compress  contract  curtail  cut  cut back  cut down  damp  dampen  decrease  deduct  deflate  depreciate  depress  diminish  downgrade  lessen  lower  minify  pare  reduce  retrench  roll back  shorten  simplify  step down  take from  tune down  

scale Definition

Gunter's scale
() A scale invented by the Rev. Edmund Gunter (1581-1626), a professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London, who invented also Gunter's chain, and Gunter's quadrant.
(n.) The dish of a balance
(n.) The sign or constellation Libra.
(v. t.) To weigh or measure according to a scale
(n.) One of the small, thin, membranous, bony or horny pieces which form the covering of many fishes and reptiles, and some mammals, belonging to the dermal part of the skeleton, or dermoskeleton. See Cycloid, Ctenoid, and Ganoid.
(n.) Hence, any layer or leaf of metal or other material, resembling in size and thinness the scale of a fish
(n.) One of the small scalelike structures covering parts of some invertebrates, as those on the wings of Lepidoptera and on the body of Thysanura
(n.) A scale insect. (See below.)
(n.) A small appendage like a rudimentary leaf, resembling the scales of a fish in form, and often in arrangement
(n.) The thin metallic side plate of the handle of a pocketknife. See Illust. of Pocketknife.
(n.) An incrustation deposit on the inside of a vessel in which water is heated, as a steam boiler.
(n.) The thin oxide which forms on the surface of iron forgings. It consists essentially of the magnetic oxide, Fe3O4. Also, a similar coating upon other metals.
(v. t.) To strip or clear of scale or scales
(v. t.) To take off in thin layers or scales, as tartar from the teeth
(v. t.) To scatter
(v. t.) To clean, as the inside of a cannon, by the explosion of a small quantity of powder.
(v. i.) To separate and come off in thin layers or laminae
(v. i.) To separate
(n.) A ladder
(n.) Hence, anything graduated, especially when employed as a measure or rule, or marked by lines at regular intervals.
(n.) A mathematical instrument, consisting of a slip of wood, ivory, or metal, with one or more sets of spaces graduated and numbered on its surface, for measuring or laying off distances, etc., as in drawing, plotting, and the like. See Gunter's scale.
(n.) A series of spaces marked by lines, and representing proportionately larger distances
(n.) A basis for a numeral system
(n.) The graduated series of all the tones, ascending or descending, from the keynote to its octave
(n.) Gradation
(n.) Relative dimensions, without difference in proportion of parts
(v. t.) To climb by a ladder, or as if by a ladder
(v. i.) To lead up by steps
(a.) Having the wings covered with small scalelike structures, as the Lepidoptera

scale Bedeutung

economy of scale the saving in cost of production that is due to mass production
Binet-Simon Scale the first intelligence test
scale a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
fish scale scale of the kind that covers the bodies of fish
scale insect small homopterous insect that usually lives and feeds on plants and secretes a protective waxy covering
soft scale an insect active in all stages
brown soft scale
Coccus hesperidum
pest on citrus trees
armored scale insect having a firm covering of wax especially in the female
San Jose scale
Aspidiotus perniciosus
small east Asian insect naturalized in the United States that damages fruit trees
plate scale shell a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
scale an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks
scale weighing machine a measuring instrument for weighing, shows amount of mass
spring balance
spring scale
a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring
lever scale
beam scale
a portable balance consisting of a pivoted bar with arms of unequal length
vernier scale
a small movable scale that slides along a main scale, the small scale is calibrated to indicate fractional divisions of the main scale
pH scale
(from potential of Hydrogen) the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen-ion concentration in gram atoms per liter, provides a measure on a scale from
to of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution (where is neutral and greater than is more basic and less than is more acidic),
scale value a value on some scale of measurement
musical scale
(music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave)
diatonic scale a scale with eight notes in an octave, all but two are separated by whole tones
major scale
major diatonic scale
a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the rd and th and th and th
minor scale
minor diatonic scale
a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the nd and rd and th and th
chromatic scale a -note scale including all the semitones of the octave
gapped scale a musical scale with fewer than seven notes
pentatonic scale
a gapped scale with five notes, usually the fourth and seventh notes of the diatonic scale are omitted
C major
C major scale
scale of C major
(music) the major scale having no sharps or flats
scurf exfoliation
a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin
leafy liverwort
scale moss
moss-like liverwort with tiny scalelike leaves, usually epiphytic
scale leaf
a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
scale fern
scaly fern
Asplenium ceterach
Ceterach officinarum
small European fern with chaffy leathery fronds
Brix scale a system for measuring the concentration of sugar solutions
Beaufort scale a scale from
to for the force of the wind
scale factor a number used as a multiplier in scaling
time-scale factor the ratio of the simulation time to the time of the real process
scale relative magnitude, they entertained on a grand scale
scale the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it, the scale of the map, the scale of the model
scale scale of measurement
graduated table
ordered series
an ordered reference standard, judging on a scale of to
Beaufort scale
wind scale
an international scale of wind force from
(calm air) to (hurricane)
logarithmic scale scale on which actual distances from the origin are proportional to the logarithms of the corresponding scale numbers
Mercalli scale a scale formerly used to describe the magnitude of an earthquake, an earthquake detected only by seismographs is a I and an earthquake that destroys all buildings is a XII
Mohs scale a scale of hardness of solids, talc is
and diamond is , ordering is determined by which substance can scratch another substance
Richter scale a logarithmic scale of toformerly used to express the magnitude of an earthquake on the basis of the size of seismograph oscillations
moment magnitude scale a logarithmic scale of to(a successor to the Richter scale) that enables seismologists to compare the energy released by different earthquakes on the basis of the area of the geological fault that ruptured in the quake
temperature scale a system of measuring temperature
Celsius scale
international scale
centigrade scale
a temperature scale that defines the freezing point of water as
degrees and the boiling point of water as degrees
Fahrenheit scale a temperature scale that defines the freezing point of water as degrees and the boiling point of water a degrees
Kelvin scale
absolute scale
a temperature scale that defines absolute zero as
degrees, water freezes at . degrees and boils at . degrees
Rankine scale a scale of absolute temperature in Fahrenheit degrees, the freezing point of water is . degrees and the boiling point of water is . degrees
Reaumur scale a temperature scale on which water freezes at
degrees and boils atdegrees
wage scale
wage schedule
a schedule of wages paid for different jobs
sliding scale a wage scale that fluctuates in response to the cost-of-living index
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Scale or scales may refer to: